Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1909)
OKEflON CITY- ENTEItrillSB, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1009. a j LARSEN & COMPANY Cor 10th A M.ln Bt. OREGON CITY, OREQON. GROCERIES I PROVISIONS J CROCKERY and GLASSWARE J FLOUR, FEED and HAY I ttmcni, LIME, PLASTER WE PAY CASH FOR WOOL, HIDES GRAIN and COUNTRY PRODUCE Ihiu'l forgot to liK'Imln a hot Hi' i r Van Diu.mi's ICitract of Vanilla In your noxt order-No nxl rue l (o coinpnrii will) It for flavor mill quality. eeeeee- I LOCAL BRIEFS (id ymir Iiuih at a roimoniihlit price. Minn (iiililniiillli. Mrs. I'. M. Itlnearmiu, of Mllwaiikle, nx in Oregon City Friday, A Itoi nty J K. ll"'lKt' was III Now tll'IK III! tlllllllK'HH Tlll'mllty. Mlna AvIk French, of l'nrhilu'(, Is HufTi-i luu wllli u severe at luck of IIM'ltitlt'li II Snlllviiii. a will known dinner of lllKlilulid, w.ih III llin city on IhimIiiiiioi Krhliiy. Si'.i V. llurrU about wnll plaster, linn' or ri'iiii'iit. Mlns IMuu I'utk left Monday fur Molillllt, Wlll'IV Klin Will spi'llll h"r vii I'll I lull Minn')' in Iiiiui nl rurri'iit I tit . ('. II live. 8. W. Coinur Mb nml Main mri'i'ln, Oregon I'll)', Oregon. ' Mm I' Williamson, who him been I'vry III ul hr home itt (iri'i'ii I'olut, In slowly Improving Mm. Charles W, Pope It'll Moiidny fur ICiiK"iiti whiTf hIio w III vlHll friends fur a fortnight nml attend tn iiiim-- IIH'lll. livery IrliiniH'd hut ri'dnrt'd. Minn C. liiildtinllli. Mr. Mild Mrs, llovtm.l M llrownell. wlm hnv been visiting hlit parents In ilils city, p'liirtit'd lo (heir Imiu" at Astoria Monday Minn Covington, of lliifliilu, Wynne In I!. bus iirnvi'd In Oregon City, nml will nH'iul I hn miiiiint'r with her mini. Mm. HiH'iy Hnllilniry. or liliiditlone. (Irfiilfil bargains In inlllliu'ry t'Vtr ifT" ifil Ml ihililsinllh. Mm J, M llniillK. "f KiiKt'in'. ur rlvt'd here Wi'ilnt'iiiliiy for a brief vlnlt wllh ri'lutlvrn, nml Ifft yesier dny fur I'liit"! Hound In nit'iid the summer. Ilnwiird Kcclea lit down from C'nnliy. and will luivi' charge tif a division of Hit' Cliukiiniiis I'oiiiily Hummer Nor null, which opens June UK In Hut liar Hay schisil building. 1 1 On, ti'iiiil and oilier HtiiiiH lo limn ou (unit land. ('. II. Iyo, corner of Kih und Mnln streets, Oregon Clly, Oregon. Minn AiIi'Ik Mi'Murri'ii, of lluker Cliy. Minn Stella K Olni'V, of 1'iiHllt' IliH-k. Wimh, and Miss Allii'rllmi Mey ers, of Soaiimi', Or., were nintnix the i. ul nl town vlNltnm here Miimliiy. H II. Klnidli'. actiimpuiili'd liy hln nlsler. Mm. V. '. Houi'rn, of Portland, It'll Saturday fur Ijolninou, to vlnll Iht'lr mother, Mm, JuhIiiIi Murllu, who hint lit't'ii vt'ry III. Minn Daisy SiiiiildlliK bus K'Hh' lo Monroevilio, t tul.. for htr hiiiiiiiiit vni'iiiliin. which )n' will npt'lid with riilullvi'n. Kim will tour Ciillfnmlii ell Iht wiiy ICiiHt. I luivi' relocated my law offlro nt it I In' 8. V. corner of Kill and Main nlrct'lM, upstair. Will In' pleased to nit'i't my frli'tidn at my now ultlro. C. II. DYK, Attorney. Stewed Hay WOULD TASTE FINE COM PARED TO SOME OF THE TEA OFFERED US BY THE WHOLESALE HOU8ES. WE HAVE MADE A SPE CIALTY OF GOOD TEA Tea With a Taste To It FOR SEVERAL YEARS, AND MANY OF OUR BEST CUS TOMERS COULD TELL YOU THAT THEY WERE FIRST ATTRACTED TO THIS 8TORE BECAUSE THE TEA JU8T 8UITED THEM. WE DON'T MEAN TO INFER THAT OUR TEAS ARE HIGH PRICED, THEY'RE NOT, BUT THEY ARE HIGH GRADE. HAVE YOU TOO, A LONGING FOR A GOOD CUP OF TEAT OOLONG, PER POUND, 75c. CEYLON, 50c PUR POUND JAPAN, 60c. 6PIDERLEG, 50c. G. P. TEA, 50c. ENGLISH BREAKFAST, 50c. ALL GOOD, BUT DIFFERENT. J. E. SEELEY THE PEOPLE'S STORE NINTH AND MAIN ST 8., OREGON CITY, OREGON li,HIMIMHIH'tnHI Hi'ti V. Ifhrrla nliont wall plaster, Hum or Ctiilllulll, Mm. M. .1, Moinliind mid daughter, 1'ln, li'fl Tiit'ndny for I it I it 1 1 it whom '.liny will ri'nlilit. Mr. ami Mm. (', V, Kviiiih and children Iiiivii relumed from liwlnlon, Idaho, whom lhty havo homi v I 1 1 IliK ri'lallvun fur "vi'ial miilillin. Ili'V. anil Mm. rhllli Kt'inp Hani' inond, of KiiK"iiti, am down for a wi'itk'a vIhII wllh llinlr ami, William Hammond, of (lailnlocn. Philip limn mond, Jr., la almi linru and will ro miilii for Hi" aiiinnittr. KrutiR KrnxhiTKtT, nnu of tin) Au rora rural fmn dollvnry carrlnra, loft Wi'dnimdiiy for Tacoina, whiint hn will atloiiil llin II. K. I), run vi'iil Inn. Mr. KTiuhiTKiir will nlnn hit a vlnllnr at lint A. Y. I', itxponliltm In Hi'UUI". Mr. and Mm, Allan I'crry ami daiiKhtnr, and Mr. and Mra, Howard Hirli:ktjr, of Portland, witr vIhHIiik rt'lallvt'K Iiitii Huiiilny, Mr. and Mra, Hlrlcklnr li'avn July li for IIih Philip plnn Irtlmnln, whi'iti hn will i'HHKii In in'iiip cull in i'. Minn Kmlly O'Mallny Ifft Friday I'vioiliiK for Iht linnii) at Hi. Johna liury. Vormoul, whurn aim will ri'inaln for Hut Niuumitr al tmr homo Minn D'Mallny Imn lioi'ii iniu'linr for Ihn panl (wo yi'iim In lliti Kanlham achool of thin city. Dr. U Q. Ion, Dmillnt, llooma 17 and 1H, M mum In HIilK. Wi'ilrti'mluy nlKlit of noxt wni'k, (ild- I'ou'a llmid, a clnnn of yuuiiK mi'ii In lh" (iladnloiiK Hiiuday Hi'liuul, will kIvo an i'!ilii'(iiliimi'iit und h" cri'am nucliil In Ihn I'huri'h, pniri'i'iln In lip- ply to fin I'liiirt'h hiilldliiK fiiml. v. K. Taylor, ami of . ). Taylor, who dan Ih'i'H InkliiK up iiH'i limilrul I'llKllu'i'l'lllK at Ihn lll't'KOII Am Irilllur- al I'ollt'Kt', Iiiim ri'luniml houiu to npi'iut hla Humuii'r vat'iiilnn. Thin In hln llrnt yt'iir'n wnrk at tin' colli-Ki' und In' will ri'lurn In Hut fall al Ihn opi'iiliiK of tint rtillt'Kii Wallor M Taylor, pilvalti nt'iTflnry to Hn' (ii'iii'iul nupi'rlntt'udi'iil of Ihn llarrlmmi IIiikn In Urt'iioii wan In On" Kim City Krldny vlnliliiK hln fulhiT. I. i Taylor. Mr. Taylor lian Junt ii'liniii'il fi'oin a Irlp In HiKikmit', I't'ii- illt'ton and Walla Walla. J u id t-H A. MulllKiin, of Sail I-'iiiii- I'lni'ii, iirrlvi'd Thuimliiy nml In vlnlt IliK hln nlntcr, Mm. J li Klnuriilii', an. I hln fallu'r, T. II. MulllKiili, of I'lili'iiKo, who an' nojoiirtilntt Ihti'. Thn form it In on It I h way lo Si'iinlit in atlt'iid thn A Y- I'. fMinlllon. Mr. and Mm. J. M, IjiVi'imii'. of Tai oiiiii, Wanli . have Ih'imi vlallliiK thn hoinn of Mr. and Mm. II. U Kiiriunr, of Wrni Ori'Kon Clly. Mm. I aVt'rKiin'n niothi'r. Mm Turiify. In rt'tiinilnu homn wih llit'iu ami will vImIi al Urn St'iiltln fHiHlilon and In llililnh I'oliimhla lit'lort' r'liiniliiK ('. II. Pyi Ijiwynr and loun Aumit. AlmllilrUt rnrt'fully madn. Knlnlnn nt'ltli'd. 8. W. nn iht, Nth mid Main nlrnntn, Ori'Kon Clly, Ori'Kon. A. K. Hill Ifft Tunn.liiy for Tilla mook, wlii'm hn will vliilt with rnln- llvnn mnl frli-mU for nnvnrnl wnnkit. From thnit' hn will o In Hunt Hit. Whnrtt lit' will llllnllil thn A. Y. P. I'X pimlllou mid Intnr to hln homn nt Ni'W Ihtk, wlmrn hn will npnud hln ntim nu'r vitt iii Ion at hln homn. Mm 1 1 1 1 1 r M. Tnmpli'ton ami Iht fatlmr, K. A. TiMipli'inan liavw nrrlvml hfif from Malun and urn vlnliliiK ml allvnn mill frlnndn. Thny will hn Joint"! ihu wnnk hy Mr. Tninplnlon and limy will npnml a part of (hn mini nr on Ihn Pat'irir Connl, attnlidliik' llin A. Y. P. Kxponltlon and lourlliK ihrotiKli Cullforuln. Thn Clatkamnn County Summnr Normal will roiivnlut In llurrlny Hlith HchtMtl Imllillnit June '.'Kill. A Ihor- oikIi rnvli'w will hn Klvt-n In all thn hritiiflinj rmjiiiii'il for ruiinly and cliy I'unmliialliilin hannil oil thn Slain Cournn of Study. Thn liinlurrlom will hn prof. I.. A. Itt'iid, prlurlpat'of thn Coiii'h m'IiimiI of Port hind; Pitif. How ard Kri'lnn. of Cnnhy and Supt. W. C. Ml1 Knit, f Ort'Koll Clly. Tlllllon, Inrm of nit wnt'kH, 1 1 0. inn' wnnk, 1. fill. Illlly Whnnlnr, Ihn iHipular (saidnnnr won'l work for hln hoard any morn unft'nn hn can havn Kolunr'a C.oldnn lialn Cofft'o niTViil hi 111. Minn Dulny SpaiildliiK, who han ht't'ii tt'iirhlliK In Ihn KiiHthnm hi'Ihmi! hulld I li K for thn pant two yearn, li'fl Mini day for Imr liomn III Monronvllln, 1ml., wlmrn Mhn will Npniid hnr hiiiiiiiiit vai'utloii. Mlna SpauldlliK'n liarnnta. Mr. and Mra. N. It. SpuiililltiK. hum linen vlnliliiK III thn Wwl for thn pant two wnnkn, Kunnln at Ihn houiu of Mr. and Mra. It. 8. AIcUhikIiIIii. of Mllwuiikln.- Tlmy will rnturu to thi'lr liomn with thnlr dmiKhtnr, and will (! hy way of California. Suit Uikn Clly and will vlnlt oIIut lulnr nNtliiK iMiluta.' It'a lurk to Sinoko I'tu-k Thn lint tor than no ClKUr Thn C'lunr In thn llrnnn llox. McLOUGHLIN INSTITUTE CLOSES. Commoncemont Exerclien to Be Held Next Monday Evening. Thn Commi'iit'i'int'iit nxi'iTlMnn of McUniKhlln liiHtllutn will lulu' plum ut Mcliimhlln Hull on Momlny, Juno 21,'iit 8 P. M. Ah usual a linn pro mam Imn hnnn urraiiKnd for the on ciHliin un iiiIiiiIkhIoii of !!5 mnln will hn chiii'Kt'd und tkn Inconin thnroof will hn turnoil ovnr for thn ht'tinllt of Mi-UiiiKlilln liiHtlluln. Knur Htiidnnta urn to hn graduated from thn Inatitii lion, John A. Wnlmr, John C. Hunch, Adii II. Kallnrt, and Main C. Tnlford. Tim following program will hn Klvnn ntitlrnly by the pupils of Ihn achool MohI hnv. ArchhlHhop Christie will present thn illpromuH nml uddress tun KllldUlltfH. . PHOnUAM. Overturn, "Din Stnnimn von Porllcl" Auher, Misses Mario Slieahiui mid Satin Clancey, Sulutory lohn A. Wnlmr "t! KIK Drill Junior Hoys Duel "Soldli'i's' Day" C. Wertu", Jo- seph Ctiidke und Andrew Nalerlln. Chorus, "Oypsy Hoy," llth nml 7th KI'Ulll'H. Trio, ".liihal Overt urn." Weher. Misses llnnny. M. MrOrull, A. llrady, "Solid Philosophy," Hnc, Thos. Slnnotl Fairy Drill Ml;ili'is "Oi'owIiik Dni'li," Muslcnl Hecllntlou, MIhs Ada Knllnrt, '0I. "Ili'iiutlfiil May," Two-part Chorus. Senior (ilrls. Itiinii way Teddy Hears PIiiIokiio "Joys of Spring." Kour-parl Chorus, Class '(I!). Duet, Polka Hrilliunlp. HohnhoH Misses A. Ftillurt nml Klsle Telford. CrrishiK AddreHS . , John C. BiiBeh 'Ofl Looking One'i Beat. It'a a womnn'B dellRht to look her best hut pimples, sklu eruptions, soreB mul' bulls rob life of Joy. Listen! Ilticklcn's Arnica Salve cures thorn; makes the skin' soft and volvotly. It Klorlllos the face. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Cracked Jps, Chapped Hands. Try It. Infallible for Piles. 25 cents at Jones Drug Company. v . . i : - '. , SOCIETY 0------- ...n Mlckal-Walah. Oil" of III" prnlllnnt wnddltiKa of Ihn at'linou Wlm aolnmtil.nd at HI. Mury'n Calholld Chiinth, Mt, AiiKi'l, Tunmlay iiiomiIiik at 0 o'clock hy Hnv, Kallmr Pliii'ldiiH, Ihn cotilriictliiK par linn ImliiK Mario I'limnn Mlckul, of that oily, and Itlrlutrd I'. Wnlnli, of Mllwauklo, AttniidliiK Ihu hrliln and Kroom wiiro Mln Hophlu Nlhlitr, of tinrvuln, rounlii of Hut hrldn, ' and Mlchanl Wulali, lirnllmr of thn Kroom. Thn hrldn, who la a cliannliiK lirn imtln, lookml hnuiitlful In a Iravi'lltiK now u of old ronn, with lint to mulch, rarrylnic a.nhownr hoiniuot of hrldna ronna wllh aitlln alrnamnm, aa alio walked up to thn allnr. Aflnr thn wi'ddltiK lirt'iikfilnt, which wan niirvi'd at thn homo of lh hrldn'a piimnla. Mr. and Mra. N. Mlrkni, thn youiiK couplii l"fl on thn uflnriioon train amldnl a ahownr of ronna und rli'tt for a lioiinyuiiKiii trip to Hut Count cltlni ami llrltlnh 'Columhlu. Muuy of the llfi'lotiK frlnndn of Mm. WiiImIi KUlh nri'il at tliu dt'iMil to wlHh Iht and Mr, Wulnh aut'i'nia In thnlr new main of lift'. OwIiik to Ihn rncniit death of thn Kroom'a moilinr, only thn fam ily liud linnr rnlatlvttn with pmnnnt at Ihn wndillUK lirt'iikfiinl, Afmr July 15 Ihn youiiK roupln will hn nt homu to llinlr frli'iida ut Wi OIIhuu nlrnnt, Portland, until Hu'lr homn In complct ml on ICunt lltiriinldn und Ulh atmnla. Tim mntlui-n pupllH rt'f'llal lunl Sal iirdiiy ufinrmMiii In Wotxliuau of thn World hall by thn iiiuhIiiiI atiidnuU of Mm. N It'tti Iliirlow Uiwrnncii wun a vmy fiijoyiihln uHulr. Knw of the puplln of Mm I jiw ii'iic have had iiinrn lliaii a ynur'n nludy and thny nhnw marki'd ahlllty. Ki'iiutlful llow nm wnrn nhowiTnil on Ihn part Iclpanln. Tim uiiihIiuI wun complimentary lo Minn Uiura I'opn, who wan 111 nplnu lid volcn. Minn Mni'lha Kraucln Drap er and MIhm Nellln A. Kollu SwulTord wt'm nuiliiliictory accotiipmilHtn. 1'hn proKiiinimn: Muln iiuartnl, "Slt'luh Uldfrn Kent. nailn," (Taylor), Mnnnnra. Holliiwell, Mulkny. llolluwfll and Cmilt; "Cood NlKlit. IJHlii (ilrl, Cood NlKht," (Macyl, Minn Allen .May (ionttlliiK: "To th" Knd of Ihn World Wllh You," I Hall l. Frank Hunch; "Itonn In Ihn llud." (Kominrl, Mhtn Kdllh Cheney; "Tim WnddliiK Day ut TroldliiiKeu", ICli'llil, Minn lilllne Huntlny; "Skive Souk." (Del Uelmi). Harold Kwufford; "Thn Swallow n." (Cow-fiil. Minn lieorKla Cronn; "MadrlKal," (llurrlsl. Minn Marin Krnilnrlckn; duel, "Calm us Ihn Nlishl.", MI'S Crons and Mr. Hunch: "A Cnrden Serenade," (lnvll. Mlns Cln Hurclay Print; "Ihn Seu In thn Homn fur Me." (l'etrlel. Victor (limit; lai "Thy Name." iWisnll, (Ii) "Snrnnala," (Tonll), Minn Ijiiiiii I'opn; la) llahl 'ennanln." I Wi'itlerlioul I, lb) Concert Para phrani'." fnun Din l-'lediirinuii'i, (Sirn iimi. Minn lmlsn Hunilnv, nil a Parlnln d'amor," (Otiunoil). lh) "I do Not Ank." (NnldlliiKnri. (cl "The Yearn at thn Sprlni?." (Heachl, Mlna Ijiura Popn; main quartnt, "The Siarn Tlmlr Watch are Keeping.. " If. J HlnKnr and hln daiichter Mm. J. A. HpruKKi', held a rncnpilon at llinlr biaullful home on Klclilnenth Htrnnt, on thn rlvnr bank. Tmmday nllihl, mid a him I 40 Kimstn nltemleii. Thn purlorn were tuntefully decorated, wllh nmen. lillen mid nweet penn, und thn Kirch wun llliimlnatt'd with Chin one lunlcriin. Dellclnus refreshnii'iits were served und a plnumilil siirlnl pv enliiR wan spnnl. Thnre wnrn prea nnt Itnv. and Mrs. K. Clarence Oakley. Mr. and Mm. Charles II. Caudnld, Mr. and Mm. K. T. Avlson. Mm. W. A. Whltn. Mr. and Mrs. Charlns II. Dye. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mark, Mr. and Mm. O. K. Kreytan. Mr. and Mm. T. lynoniird Clinrinan. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Slevniin. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Slnnotl, Mr. und Mrs. Itobert Wilson. Mm, C. D. IjUourette, Mrs. Kd Kollena hen, Mm. J. W. Cole, Mm. W. It. Money. Mm. M. M. Charmnn, Mrs. Charles K. Iliirns. Sr.. Mrs. J. A. Sprain, Mra. W. It. Kills. Miss Laura Avlson, Mlsn Helen Duullon, Miss Hess Duullon, MIhs Alice Sllinott, Miss Kai liry n Slnnotl, Mlns Jeun While, Mlsn Muriel Stevens, Miss Alice Halley; Meaiiera. II. J. HlKKnr and V. V. White, Mrs SpriiKKle wua assisted In the entertainment of her Kuenls by Mm. K. T. Avlson. The last ineellnu of the Derthlck Club took place Krlday afternoon nt the home of Miss Muriel Stevens und the study for the afternoon wits the WiiKerlan opera. "Parsifal." The story was rend hy Mrs. Hiram StriilKht. mid the music was nlven by Miss Kssle Murium Hlock. who played the leadliiK motifs. Ihn (lower soiik and the Cruil music, which was nil very heiuillfully rendered. Mrs. S. O. Dlllmnn read "Wanner and Cos linn." from the "lovers of the (ireat Composers," hy CiinUiv Kobhe. Those present were Mrs. Anna (J. Hayes, Mrs, H.irley Stevens. Mrs. H. E. StriilKht. Mrs. Hons Chnrmnn, Mrs. Curl .lot'hnke, Mrs. E. T. Avlson, Mrs. William A. Huntley. Mrs Charles II. Cuulleld, Mrs. (illhert U llt'dues, Mrs. Samuel O. Dlllmnn, Miss Kssle M. Hlock, Miss Muriel Stevens. The manliiue of Miss Estella New ell Nlles lo Mr. Ralph M. Mrlietchle was Holeiunlned ut S o'clock Wednes day evening ut the home of tin' bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nlles, at Ctlndsliine. The ceremony was a very quiet one. only the members of the two families belnir present. Uev. E. Clarence Oakley, pastor of the First CotiKremitlonal Church, of this city, was the ollU'iiittiiK clei'Kynmn. The bride was kowih'iI In a handsome pearl Riry silk. Refreshments were served lifter (he ceremony. Mr. nml Mrs. McOlchle received many gifts of sil ver, cut Klaus mid china. They have gone lo Trout Uike, near Mount Adams, In Washington, for n week's honeymoon and alter their return will make their home In ClndHtone. Mrs. Henry Salisbury, Mrs. Oben Tonkin and Miss Margaret Waten pniiKh, teuchers of Hie Willamette school, took the pupils of the first KNide to the seventh, inclusive, to tho Electric Theatre Thursday after noon, when MamiKer Hrooks put on some excellent pictures for their ben cut. After this place of amusement was visited the children, 80 in nil, were taken to tho Jones dnrg store and given an Ice cream feast. The children enjoyed thn treat Immensely. ' The Deulcho Turu Voreln held their monthly meting Sunday afternoon at Schnoor's erove on the Tualatin Tim affair wus well attemlod. German In strumental and vocal music with re freshments, the product of good Ger man home cooking, were the order nf the day. The pupils of McLoughlln Institute GLADSTONE CELEBRATES NATIONAL HOLIDAY WILL BE OB SERVED ON MONDAY, 6TH OP JULY. HAWLEY WILL ORATE Stat Senator Hedgei to Preside and Music and Sports Will Make Day's Pro gramme. Thn enlnrprlnliiK suburb, Gliulnlone, will celiihruio thn national day on Moiiduy, July 6. Ui Ihn good old fush loued wuy. Hon. Joneph E. Hedi;e will hn prcnlileiit ami ConKmnnman lluwley, orator of thn duy. Thn Mll wuiikln baud han been secured. !(.; STATE SENATOR HEDGES, who will the Fourth of July celebration in held their aniiuul picnic at Canemuh Park Tuesday, chaperoned by Father i Hlllf brand and Hie Ilenedlctine Sis ters, i ne uay was picusanuy pusseu In Karnes and athletic sports. The commencement will be held Monday evening. June 21, at Shively opera house. Miss Eunice Deurdorff, daughter of! Mr. und Mrs. Deardorff. pioneers of! Clackamas, and Mr. Oscar Bevan, of: this city, were joined In wedlock by Judge Samson at his office Tuesduy afternoon. Mr. and Mm. Bevun will reside at Clackamas. A quiet wedding occurred In Judge Samson's office In his city Sunday, when Miss May Deleur of Butteville, and Jesse C. Johnston, of Salem, were Joined in wedlock. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will make their home at Molullu. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA Treaa as Sanitary Agents. When City Forester Prost of Chicago delivered his maiden speech the other day ns the city's spokesman on tree and shnililiery planting before the Womnn's club of Esther Falkensteln settlement, he wild: "More ca lie urged for a tree than that It Improves the beauty of a thor oughfare. It Is a distinct sanitary agent. W. A. Murrell In one nf the Cor nell bulletins contends that the trees add to the heiilthfulness of a city or town by cooling and purifying the air. It also cuts off direct and reflected rays of the sun. The tree absorbs In jurious gases and gives off oxygen which humans must hare." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R 1 A BACK GIVES OUT. Plenty of Oregon City Readers Have This Experience. You tax the kidneys overwork them They can't keep up the continual strain. The buck gives out It aches and pains: I'rlnaiy troubles set In. Don't wait longer; take Doan's Kid ney Pills. David Campbell, 171) No. Einhteenth St.. Portland, Or., says: "My faith In Dunn's Kidney Pills today la just ns great as when I recommended them several years ago, the cure they per formed in my case having proven per manent. Prior to using them, I suf fered constantly from pains In my back and wus often so Inmo and sore that It required ' quite an effort for me to stoop or lilt. I tried various remedies and was treated hy a phy slclun. hut the relief I obtained was only temporary and I wa.i nt a loss to know how to dispose of my trouble. I rend so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I was finally Induced to try them. The contents of this box holped me so much that I continued taking the remedy and was soon cured." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City peaple. Call at Huntley Bros.' drug store and ask what their customers repoct. . , . For sale hy all dealers, price 50 cents. FosterMiiourn Co., iiutiaio, New York, solo agents for the United States. ' ' ' 1 ' ' Rememher the" name Doan's and .''--..'.' , j, ;:;''-'' - ,. i ., - - , .4 - y - - i t. . i ' . ;. , .,,:..' ,. ; r '".'.''." "tv"-' - - - 1 -; 1 take no other." " fl'nnhmnnta will bo llerVod ' on the Krouudn, Thn fnllnwIiiK proKramnifi of tixorrlnes and sports will bo car ried out; Opi'iilmc address, prnsldnnt of the duy; Invocation, v. II. Mulkoy; boiik, "America," aiidlencn; rending of De claration of Independence, Mlna Myr tle Toozo; sonic, "Star Hpaii;lel Hun mr," Mlna Oeiirxla Cross; oration of thn day, Hon. W. C. Ilawlny; aong, doubln quartet; munic, Mllwaulkn bund. At 1:15 thn athletic sports will commence and continue aa follows: 20-yard potato race, CD-yard dash for Klrln under 14 years of age, 60 yard diinh for tiya under 14 years of uie, 50-yard dunh for boys under 12 yearn of UK", fat men's 50-yard daah and re turn, 2211-yard free for all hurdle race. 440-yard dunh for Clackamas County achool hoys attending June 1, l'JO'j, CO-yard dunh for Udlea 14 to f,i) yeura of age, three-l"KKed race open for all, one mlln relay race for pupils of Clackamas County schools (four from euch blindfolded, free-for-all; bicycle race, 440 yards, for hoys un der 14 years of age; bicycle race, one mile, free-for-all; cllmhlni? Kreaaed pole, free-for-all; tag of war, Willam ette Pulp c Paper Company and Crown Columbia Company mill teams. A bane ball game will he played In the afternoon, In which the teams will he announced later. There will be duncliiK all day. officiate as President of the Day at Gladstone Park. TO ABOLISH BILLBOARDS. Detail of Practical Method Adopted by Kansas City. Kansas City, Mo., claims to be the first city In the United States to pro vide a practical method of abolishing billboards. By the new city charter the council Is given authority to pro hibit by ordinance the construction or maintenance of billboards within any district of the city which It may pre scribe, but must remunerate property owners for damages thereby caused them, unless their consent be first ob tained. The damages paid and other costs are to be treated as a public Im provement and assessed as such against the property In the prescribed district The amount of damages Is to be determined by a Jury. Advan tage of the above provision has already qj'en taken by the owners of 6ne of the largest residence additions to the city, who have filed their written con sent to the passage of an ordinance prohibiting billboards In that district. The charter provides for regulation also, and an ordinance, which has been upheld by the circuit court, provides that the height of billboards must not exceed ten feet, that there shall be a clear space underneath of at least eighteen Inches, that the ends must be at least three feet distant from any wall or fence or other obstruction which will prevent a clear passage from the street to the ground behind and that no billboard shall be con structed within twelve feet of the property line. It was held that this could not lie applied to billboards al ready erected, Jmt on Jan. 28 a storm blew down 110 billboards, which great ly assisted the reform Generally speaking, billboards can be taxed In the same way as other property, but It has been held uncon stitutional to "tax them out of ex istence." VALUE OF A LITTLE ENERGY. Dumping Ground That Has Been Transformed Into a Sunken Garden. Some folk don't need orders for the spring cleaning that is going to make Kansas City's vacant lots look a little less like dumping grounds. What a little Individual enterprise will do can be seen on an empty spat at the cor ner of Lexington and Wnuasb nvenues. Neat little beds where vegetables will presently flourish have taken the place of an unsightly graveyard for cuts, tin cans nml other refuse. The work began one morning last year when Mrs. T. II. McDearmon. who lives on the next Int. nt 220 Wa bash avenue, looked nut of her win dow and determined to have a better view. A tramp came In opportunely, and the first fruit of the Idle land was a meal for the Idle man. In the win ter several unemployed earned occa sional food by clearing the rough de bris from the place. Beans, peas, to luntoes, lettuce, rhubarb, onions aud radishes will be cultivated there. A few old fashioned flowers will be used to brighten It up. Mrs. McDearmon did not work long alone. W. M. Fenton and E. II. Page, both living nenr the same corner, soon saw the advantages of the scheme to the neighborhood and to themselves. They are not rough workers, these amateur gardeners. The soil looks as If It had been dug deep and lies as Smooth as a fine sifter could make It. Neat little pegs Indicate where each kind of vegetable and flower has beeaj FACTORY FOR SALE One That You Can Buy A Talking Machine Is a regular Sonshlne Factory. There are no doll days when yoo have a Victor or Edison in yoor home. Edison 1250 ...25.00. 30.00. 35.00 40.00 60.00 125.00 FREE TRIAL OFFER Let os send a machine and some records to yoor home for a few days. It costs yoo nothing. If yoo decide to keep it pay as $J per week. Btirmeister & Andresen Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cor. GARDENING ASSOCIATIONS. Civic Improvements by the Aid of School Children. A considerable number of cities Id the eastern half of our country have worked out practical methods of civic betterment and beautifying through the Instrumentality nf the school chil dren. In many cases these efforts have resulted in such a full measure of success that all the people In cer tain places have voiced their opinion In favor of municipal tupport for school gardens and allied movements. Nowhere has the scheme been work ed out more successfully than In Cleve land. O- where the Home Gardening! association has charge of the work. Their Bret work was the sale of seeds! to school children In penny packages 1 to the amount of several hundred thou sand of these tiny packets each year. The second year a public spirited clti xen gave a sum of money to start the Improvement of achool grounds, and the effort met with such marvelous success that ever since the school au thorities have provided for the work. After the gardens at school and home were firmly established annual Sower shows were given, at which were ex hibited only flowers and plants grown by school children, and these exhibi tions have met with wonderful suc cess. The experiment of establishing school gardens was so successful that the entire work was finally assumed by the board of education. Not only In Cleveland, but In other places, these as sociations have resulted In decidedly changing for the better the general ap pearance of the city or town. Things Worth While. In renewing Its activities the Illinois Federation of Women baa adopted this platform of things to be accomplished: A concerted fight against billboard advertising. A movement to establish public com fort stations In the cities of Illinois. An Investigation of the treatment and care of dependent and delinquent girls In the state. A state campaign for a sane Fourth of July. A movement to secure a woman phy sician In every public Institution where there are women tnmates. A campaign for the passage of the eastern forest reserve bill, establish ing a reserve In the Appalachians and White mountains. Get In Line. The town beautiful movement If properly pushed will be a great benefit to an entire community. It Is not only helpful In Its tendency to enhance the value of property, but It contributes to the Improvement of the public health, while adding much to the pleasure of those who appreciate a well kept town. Are you taking part In the town beau tiful movement? People with public spirit and civic pride cannot afford to neglect this. Join, the campaign and help to make your town more attrac tive and more beautiful. Present a Good Front. In addition to making and keeping one's premises ornate and tidy every property owner should see that his street front presents the best possible av-pearance. A neat fence or border plantation, uniform, well planted and cared for street trees of the right sort and a green carpeted parkway make a street frontage look decidedly "classy." If, as baa often been said, the appear ance of a place Is an Index to the char acter of th In ma tea. It pays to present a good external appearance. AT THE OLD STAND Farms, City and Suburban Property, Lots and Business Chances for Sale or Trade. W. FV SCHOOLEY & CO? 606 MAIN ST." ' OREGON CITY, ORE, :VW Treat You - Right Victor 10.00 17.50 25.00 32.50 40.00 50.00 60.00 200.00 ; Goes Back to Asylum. J C. J. Anderson, a young abstracter nnu wus seui 10 me insane tutyiuiu at Salem several months ago, and who was later released, was last Friday re committed to the asylum. Anderson's insanity is caused from overwork. Letter List List of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City post office for the week end ing June 18, 1909. Woman's list: Annas, Mrs. Ida, Earnett. Miss Grace; Gault, Miss M.-Kid. Men's list: Brown, Gary; Carlsen, Gust; Mertesen, S. C; Stevens, J. D; IWaldespel, Geo., (2); Wilhorn, Ben. Thirty Better Than Sixty. Charles White, of Mount Pleasant, 30 years of age, set upon Jake Rettin ger. CO years of age and gave him a hard beating, the reason being bad blood between the two parties, arising from a law suit. He then came to this city and went before Judge Sam son and entered a plea of guilty, and was fined (10 which he paid. WANTED Boys and girls to enter contest for the beautiful $200 lot In South Oregon City to be given away by the Oregon City Enterprise. For particulars apply Enterprise of fice, Experienced girl wishes position with good dressmaker. Address Carrie B.. Canby, Oregon. ESTJIaY NOTICE A sorrel horse with white face, four white feet, weight about 900, branded (lol) one hundred and one and three o's about on left hip. Secrest & Pendleton's feed barn. t2 STRAYED OR STOLEN Jersey cow, spotted, one horn trifle shorter than other, about 10 years old, had little Swiss bell on when she left. Mlsa- , lng Friday, June 4, from Stafford. Fred L. Baker, Sherwood, R. F. D. No. 1. Reward for any Information leading to her recovery.- WHT NOT TRY Popham'a ASTHMA REMEDY Gives Prompt and positive relief In every case. Sold by druggists. Trial package by mail 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Cleveland, O For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. Do Yoti Drink? And what do you drink? Breakfast Coffee or Breakfast Tea? A strong I after-dinner Coffee Is just the thing jsome big, robust men like for their breakfast, but we wouldn't ordinarily I give it to you for breakfast unless I you asked for It. Some people I wouldn't use It at all one woman told us that It is "black as Ink and strong as lye." That Is stretching It a bit, but It is, as a matter of fact, real, genuine, black Coffee. Tastes differ, and we have a fine selection of the best roasted berries to fit them ail. We carry Costa Rtr an. Guatamalas, and Brazilian Coffees from 20 to 25 cents per pound to the best grades of Mocha and Java grades at 35 cents per pound or 3 pounds for $1.00. A. ROBERTSON The 7th St. Grocer C. A. TUCKER The Photographer. Photographs that Please. Good Work. Moderate Price. NEW ART GALLERY. 1003 Main St.. Falrclough Bldg. olanted.