Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1909)
OUK(.OX CITY KNTKKIMilSM. I-'KIPAY, .1UNK IS, 4 The Kind You Have Ahvnys Bought, and which has bet'tt In use for over 30 years, has borne the rtffttuturo of and hits boon made under his per- Jf-f tf- sonal superrLslon sine its infancy. Hove no onfl to deoei ve vnu in thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-aa-jro!'' are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caotoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Jfareotlo rabstanee. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeTerUhness. It cures Dlarrluea and Wind Colic It relieves Teethinff Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach, and Bowels trivinff healthy aud natural sleep. The Children's ranacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMK eCNTAHII OMNNT, TT UIUT T1trr. NCW MM OH NEWS OF THE COUNTY MEADOW BROOK. I TEASEL CREEK. The rain man Is wanted Just at the I Grandma Bagby. though quite feeble present time, very much. ; attended services at Teasel Creek last Mr. Smith.'of the firm of Eastham ! Sunday. & Smith, of Oregon Citv. was looking ! Several of our Teasel Creekers took around Saturday and talking business ln the Rse Carnival last week. All to a few of our folks. ! rePrt hKh tlnie- Mr. Jones, of Mulino. Is hauling j Mrs- QlllIln autl n- Willie, made a lumber from the Meadowbrook lumber l,riP t0 ,he Russellville country last yard for Mr. Crook and others. : 'eek. Frank Manlng was In town Satur-I A birthday party was given to Miss dav and purchased 12.000 feet of lum-1 Ruthle Herman last Thursday night, ber. Mr. Manlng has purchased land Jllne 10,h- hlcn was enjoyed by all. at Mulino, where he will build a res- i -Mr- Yoder. our music teacher, being ldence. I present, had each of his pupils render James Barlow and R. P. Cooper are a P,efe of mu81c- wnlcn Bave credit to involrintr the lumber on the Meadow-!-'"- " music readier. brook lumber vard. Mr. Schafer ex-1 Preaching at Teasel Creek hist Sab nerts tn nnrrhnse the entire Int nhniir l hath with three additions to tho 600,000 feet. j church. According to present plans the Mo lalla bridce at this nlace will he onen-' CLARKES. ed to the public travel at 4 o'clock HIGHLAND. The social mid dance given i,y the Highland baseball team lust Saturday night, was a grand success. Baskets sold readily and everyone enjoyed the Ice cream and dance. Then' will ho a grand celebration given near the Highland Grange Hall during i he 3d, 4th and 6th. There will he Interesting speaking each day by able speakers; also hall games, races and events follow : The home bull team taking the Held Hint, the winning team holds the Held, there being Jl'O forwarded each day for the game. ;;- fur winners and 40' ; for losers. WILSONVILLE. Wednesday, the 16th. B. T. Fishburn. of Columbia Falls. Washington is visiting friends ln town this week. Monday Is school meeting day. Two directors to elect and maybe three. Well well, that means another lamp hunt for the Molalla correspond ent. Miss Mary Kay is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Hunt, this week. MULINO. There was quite a serious accident occurred on the road between this place and Oregon City Friday even ing. When the team of Mr. Perry, of Molalla became frightened at some thing by the road side and ran away, throwing Mr. Perry and Miss Maud Manning, who was riding with him. out of the buggy and bruising them both up pretty badly, also crippling one of the horses so badly that it may have to be shot. Mr. Wallace Is building an addition to his barn and haking ready for har vest. It looks like he expects to have a large crop as he is going to have plenty of room to store It. Mrs. Lyons, a sister of Mrs. Rob ert Snodgrass, was visiting the latter Mr. Christ Haag was ln town last Saturday. Mr. Scribner, our supervisor Is working on the road near the Clarkes store. St. John, the missionary from China preached last Sunday In the English M. E. Church. Rev. John, of Milwaukle, preached a temperance lecture In the German church last Sunday. Mrs. Scherruble was in Portland to take in the rose parade. Mr. W. H. Wettlaufer has cleared some more land. Mr.. Buche moved in the Olsen house last week in Timber Grove. George Schiewe Is on the sick list. Ed Grace was working for Mr. Wettlaufer last week. Mr. Buche went to town on Mon day. He is trying to buy a pieceof land in Timber Grove. Alex Scherruble was In town last week. Tuesday. GREENWOOD. Mrs. William Thompson, of Rain ier. Is visiting with Mr. Thompson's parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. W. B. Thompson. Buck Smith was severely bruised about the head by being thrown from here last week, and Mrs. Snodgresa!3 loaa 01 singles, and several bunch- accompanied her to Portland Tuesday I es ul somgies railing on mm. to visit another sister, whom Mrs. Snodgrass had not seen for 20 years. Mr. Carlson is building a house on his place here and expects to move In to it in the near futurue. The Shingle mill had a breakdown Saturday afternoon and had to close down until repairs can be made. Children's Day at the Grange hall Saturday was well attended and an interesting programme was rendered. Mr. Shubel, of Oregon City, deliver ed an interesting address to the children. A number of the Mullnoites attend ed the baseball games at .Molalla Sun day. There was one between Mar quam and Molalla, resulting In a score of 11 to 3 in favor of Molalla, and one between Molalla second nine and Mulino with a score of 11 to S in favor of Mulino. Mr. Baldwin and Fred Waallace are cutting cord wood for Mr. Smith. Joe Daniels was here the latter part of the week going back home Sunday. Mr. Baldwin and Fredemfwypetaoin August Erickson's family was visit ing at ljiile Calahan's Sunday. Mr. Haas has sold his farm con sisting of 37 acres for J500U. Mr. Rettinger was badly beaten by Charlie White a few days ago. Mr. Brake has been on the sick list and therefore has been at home the last two weeks. Walter Mead Is working at the saw mill below New Era. MOLALLA. The cheese factory Is assuming pro portions. Uncle Jacob Harless goes to Stone this Wednesday after Evangel ist Woods and the "Hig Tent", which will be pitched at the public square, where some preaching will be going on for a few weeks. Frank Perry and one of his girls was in a runaway recently; both par ties and a horse were severely hurt. JOHN W. THOMA8, DENTIST. Molalla Mondays. D. C. LATOURETTE President. P. J. MEYER, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Transacts a General Banking Bualnett. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M Office Both Phonea 22 Residence Phone Main 2C24 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 18G5 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Dayg Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Oram Uchtonthalor wont to Port land Thursday. Mrs. Kidder and Mrs. (.'has. Kpler were Portland Visitors Saturday. Mao Baker has gone to Hood Klvor for a month's vacation. Mrs. John Butsou was among tho sight -seers at tho Hose Fair on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Sumner and daughter, F.ltna. wont to Oregon City Thursday, Mary Hrohst went to Forest Grove Monday to take part In a musical recital given by Prof. Chapman, who has boon her Instructor In music for some time. Mrs. Stlnohsugh was the unfortu nate victim of a runaway nccldont on Tuesday lust. Tho horse heenme frightened, overturned the vehicle, and Mrs. Sllnobaugh was thrown out and severely injured, but Is slowly re covering. A Children's Uay Programme will be given In the M. II. A. Hall next Sunday evening at S o'clock, under the able and ottitiout management of Wilsonvllle's popular school teach er. Miss Cora Seely. A splendid programme Is being pro pared for the celebration of the Fourth at Wilsonvllle. July 3d. The tire-works and grand ball In tho ev ening alone, are being looked forward to, by lovers of beauty In tire wonders, and those who trip the light fantastic. The ball game also bids fair to bo an extremely Interesting one, being played between two pretty evenly matched teams, and both of them be ing in splendid condition, It remains to bo seen what the result will be, rnd to whom the victory will belong. Ex-Senator George C. Hrownoll, fam ous for his masterful addresses, will deliver the oration, and the Woodbuni band with Its twenty talented perform ers, will be an Interesting feature of the day's splendid programme. A marriage notice of much Interest to Wilsonvllle people came to the vil lage correspondent loo late for pub lication la.-t week. The contracting parties In this important event were Mr. Enill Tauchman and Miss Reanna Silvey. who were married on Sunday. June 6. at the home of the groom. The ceremony was performed bv Rev. Lelsman. of the Lutheran church and was witnessed by a large number of friends. After the ceremony a boun tiful wedding repast was served to the assembled guests. The groom Is a young man of energy and ability and been associated with his father in the milling business at Wilsonvllle for a number of years. The bride Is a lovable young woman and has en deared herself to her many friends by her sweet disposition and kindly man ner. Mr. and Mrs. Tauchman will reside In Wilsonvllle and the good wishes of a host of friends will ac company them to their home upon the banks of the river. The Hood View school held Its graduating exercises followed by a pic nic dinner In the school house Friday, June 11. This picnic savored of more than ordinary interest on account of all the ten members of the eighth grade having graduated at the last May examination as well as for the fact that Superintendent Gary was in attendance and gave a helpful and very scholarly ad'dress to the graduat ing class, which was much appreci ated by all present. A splendid pro gramme waas given by the graduating class and some of their friends, which was ln part as follows: Violin solo. George Stallncher; reci tation, Marie Calkins; piano solo. Chas. Tooze; essay, "Evangeline," C. Llchtenthaler; piano solo. Mary Brobst; duet. Elsie Reed and Ruby Seely; piano solo. Martin Llchtenthal er; parting song. Graduating class. After the programme, the diplomas were presented to the pullps of the eighth grade by Mr. Calkins, chairman of the board of trustees, after which Marie Calkins In a graceful little speech, presented Miss Murray with a gold wach and pin, as a slight token of the appreciation of this much estemed teacher'B untiring efforts to ward the graduates of the 8th grade. Miss Murray was almost too much overcome with surprise to reply, but thanked the scholars for their beauti ful gift In a few well chosen words. A bountiful repast was served, after which Ice cream was sold at 10c a, the proceeds to go towards buy ing pictures of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington for the school. Everyone present enjoyed the event to the utmost, but Hood View must now look well to her laurels as Miss Murray's fame as an start to llulsh. Tho feature of the game was a home rim made by Smith and one by Gunsko. The local boys outplayed the Whiles, but they used poor head work In the Hold; otherwise the other boys would only had about throe scores. i)iilto a largo crowd of inns turned out to witness both games. George llardlsty. who has boon working for J. IC. Wells, cut his loft band three weeks ago while llllng an ax. Is laid up at present with blood ivlsonlng. lr. Weaver, of Hubbard, Is III attendance. 'Juito a number of people from hero attended tho picnic at Hubbard Sat urday. Everyone reported a good time, (Julio a number of tho young folks stayed aud enjoyed themselves at the dance. LOGAN. Ixgan was doubled up last time, but we hope liuio Sam will Hot do us up so again Horn, to Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Moa till, on Juno Nth. a sou. John Mostul. Finest and Earl tier her, loft last Monday to visit tho A. Y. P. Exposition. Miss Kflle Ktrchotu Is homo from school in Oregon tity. There was a ball game here lasi Sunday between Ugun and Damascus and the former won by a score of II to 6. Paul Klrchom. the cream hauler, has a new Davenport, stool roller bear ing wagon. Mrs. S. I. Wilson conducted tho eighth grade examination at the lw or logau school house, last week. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Another couple In our burg has boon made one. George Evorhart and Miss Pearl Curran wore married In Port land at the residence of Rev. E. S. Bollinger last Wednesday afternoon Monday evening was lire mooting night Tho boys all congregated around the store for a treat from the groom. Tho ladles treat will come later. P. H. Curran Is still seriously 111. Mrs. West and children wore visit ing friends on the hill on Wednesday of last week. Fred Pendleton, of Molalla, was shaking hands with old friends hero last week. Mrs. Fred Kverhurt. of Molalla, was visiting In this burg a few days last week. She. with Mrs. Hall, went to Portland to witness the marriage of her son. George. Miss Palsy Hughes Is visiting her mother In Portland a few days this week. Mrs. A. I Wlckerman visited a few days last week with Mrs. Mitchell on the Molalla road. Mrs. Swallow and children, of Ma ple Line, were guests of J. Purling and wife Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Aldredge went to Elk City, I.lnrlon County. Monday to visit her brother. Mint Itandall and family and attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Univa Randall. Miss Klla Dar ling furnished a bouquet of carna tions for Miss Luna's wedding. Mr. Sagar. of Shubel, was In town Monday. Ho had a telegram from Alaska telling of the ileal h of his son. Tom, who was accldently shot. Miss Ella Darling spent Wednesday of last week at Mt. Talsir, visiting Mrs. Retta Sebolt. Mrs. Cromer and daughter, of Springwater. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. l,ewelen. Frank Albright, who has been In Vancouver, B. C. returned home Inst Sunday. Mrs. Seeley and Mrs. Crawford are at Independence visiting with their daughters, Mrs Jennie Irvine and Mrs. Hessle Aldredge. Mr. Crawford Is on the sick list this week. Mr. Osmon has his niece from Portland visiting them. Ed Gottberg has sold his black smith shop and residence to Mrs. Ma West. Grandma Gottberg is going to Oswego with her daughter. Mrs. Grace Ely and children ent to the mountains above Molalla t'.ds week. Mrs. Ely Is chaperone for a party of girls who are camping and spending their vacation catching trout. Charlie Ely will go to the mountains the latter part of the week. Commencement exorcises look place In the M. E. Chinch of (his olt.v, They wore well aal tended and a good pro gramme rendered. Those to receive diplomas wore; Fred linker, l.l.'lo Buddy mid Gladys linker, from the Icmh guide, Adah Mass, Mnhcl Larson, Mabel llniiholoniow, Emory Ueani, Thomas Johnson, Eddie Her dine, Pony Jones from I ho Eighth grade. Ilosa Lynd and Mlko O'Luy wore In Portland Thursday for the Ito-io Carnival. ' There was tpilto a crowd of yoiini folks wont from hero to Mt, Uo.i l Sunday lo see tho ball game. From all reports tho game was a good on . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mass, Mr. and Mrs. Inudor Capon, Mr and Mrs. Arch Itoss, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Capon Mr. and Mrs. Ohon Tonkin, Miss Nora Roam. Uinta linker. John Itonm, Jr., C. D. Dollar and Harry Shipley attend ed tho Koso Carnival on Saturday evening, MACKSBURG. Mrs Stolr, of Macksburg, returned from Portland, whore she has boon visiting her daughter. Miss Liuio Mrs .1. Wells, tif Macksburg. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('. llardlsty, of Hubbard last week. George llardlsty, of Hubbard, who has been staying with bis brother-in-law. is laid up with blood poison In his loft hand. ITS3E235E ill fc ,0 ' STAFFORD. With the exception of Thursday. June liHh, the past work was very pleasant, but dry; but Thursday the mercury registered 110 at Gage's, who keeps the record for tin1 weather bu reau at Portland, aat this place Those who attended the Koso postl al express themselves as delighted with the wonderful display. Miss Julia Weddoll Is entertaining a young friend from Ashland, whore she attended school. Mrs. Aernl and Mr. and Mrs Keller are to go Thursday to Wnodhtirn to intend the camp meeting which Is bo Ing hold there by the religious so cletv called the Church of God. The rats have boon taking Mrs. Aernl's chickens, and at Gages tho young chicks Just big enough for frys disappeared by tho doon till the broods wore reduced III a few nights fnm (ill to li!. When a lx trap was set and found sprung In tho morning It was weighted down under water and in n few hours taken out and opened disclosing a sleek, fat skunk of unusual sue. lie seems lo have boon a bachelor as no more have boon caught. Mrs. Powell's baby has been having measles. Mr. Weiseiiborn had another sick spell a wool ago, but Is bettor again. Rev. Waehlto has tendered his res ignation to take effect In September, On account of ill health ho fools oblig ed to seek a dryer climate. He will be missed by old and young as ho Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had experlenco with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a euro may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child Is done nursing. Wipe it oft with a soft cloth before allowing the baby to nurse. Many trained nurses uso this salve with best results. Fore sale by Hunt ley Bros. Company. in it r . "i W s 1. m i ... -i' :i ,p v ,v ! .'k.s.,,. 1 4 drop th coupon in the mail box to-day Wo are thenldnt and hot known ilriclly tvliolcnalt- houo in iho Northnctl, l or 44 vcur coiiumiouily in buiincu ri(lu here in Portland. Wo mt now iiiakiuil radical departure. In atii.ii l.nslilio where you are unable til pii rcli ac t It I IS NOIIl.L mo aro foiii lo tell direct aud tilve you money. No more dungcr of rcllllcd botilii. No more danger nl not gelling iho real tiling. qiMrt ImIiIm, rkd in pUui U charge praid lo lha bmihI raUiuad strM otfit $ 90 Pure old lioneil whiskey bellied by tho diilillcr. livery bottle nimruntrcd, Impiiro ol any bunk or truit company in Oregon ai In our landing. W. J. VAN SCI lUYVFJl x CO. U.MUI1HV AUMIJ rulOd ISM I0VI07 .Vnul .V, IVmUJ. OitM Wf 4t TM ,lM f.f i W, J, Van Skurr A Co., riu4 Ovi m iV bUtUIMt ctaut NO SIX Sk. bus been u faithful worker. Jake Sch ii I overhauled Mr. liago"s telephone, which had refused to talk and found Iho wire man. who put In new Imltcrtca had hitched two nega tives together. The deep wells of the polghborhiHid rupilro gasoline engines Three of Mrs, KchnU's daughters came out from Portland Saturday and returned Sunday. Z.ack Kllogscu has boon having 4th Instant Relief From Dread Catarrh. Why don't you gel rid of Hint nasty, humiliating dlro'iino 1111111111? You can do It If you really want to Hut you can t cure caiiirrli In a few days, that's it 11 tiller liiiHinniblllty, be caimo there Is no remedy Known Unit will kill (lie catarrh genus In 1I111I short time Hill Vim t-jiii ,.irt ,-nlnrrli t v.iti will of Jul) every day but Sunday, breaking 1 ,, v , ,,,. Mlll ,r.,t( t r "'" ""'""" 'i """ llyoniel 1 pronounced High omo( three " .... ..1 '"r f",lr """ ''"' rou) roiarp iitiu h minimi .u'moiiy last TWILIGHT. llyoniel euros catarrh by killing the germs and It kills the germs hecntino It K"a where tho germs are. llyoniel Is a powerful antiseptic and tosirgo Umello Is attending Iho o, germ killing nlr; It Is made from the A. C. commencement exorolsca this Huld extiaeted from llie eucalyptus week. Ills sou. Marshall. Is n mom- 'roes of Australia wliero calurih l WANTED Men and women to enter contest for the beautiful $200 lot In South Oregon City, to be given away by Tho Oregon City Enter prise. For particulars apply Enter prise ofllce. ber of this year's graduating clans Mrs llovks, of Mulino, Is vlnltliig her sister. Mrs. C. K. SUk. Gladys K) peynkl Is suffering from a severe uilack of measles and Is at Iho home of her grandmother, Mrs D. II. Martin. Itiuiiii McCord, of Portland, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. ami Mrs. William McCord. Mrs, Hoy of Kelso, Wash.. Is visiting her sou, I) L. I ley Inn Mrs. Tom Martin mid Mrs. IV I. Hoylau, are attending tho conference of tho I'ulted llrelbreii Church at Philomath this week. Mrs. Meyers and son. of Mexico, are visiting Mrs. Meyers' daughter, Mrs. Henry Sehoer. Mrs. Arthur Kits sell, of Myrtle Point, a sister of Mrs Scheer. Is also visiting ber. A bible rlass and n temperance lo glon have been started by Mrs. Ilort McArthur. providing lino religious en tertaliimeiit uud profit for obi iind young. link now tl. It gives relief Instantly, stops hawking In a few days mid Is giiitrau teed by Huntley llros. Drug Co. In cure catarrh, asthma, croup and broil chills or money buck A complete out. 111. Including Inhaler rants ft 00 and extra but den of llyoniel cost fill reins "Hyomel rortnluly saved my life aud I accord It the credit which It deserves and merit. There Is nutli lug too strong for me lo nay regard lug llyonii I Mrs Ada Hopklna, X Cutter Ave, Coldwater, Mich, Aug i;os. MI-ONA Cures Indigestion It relieves stomach misery, ur stom ach, l b liing.iin.l cup s all stotiiiteh tin riwi or iiKUiry Iwk. Ijirgfl lx of tab lets 60 cents. Druista in all towns. WILLAMETTE. Knowledge nas gone auroau over land. Quite a number of young folks of this place have gone strawberry pics: Ing. John Ream Is up again and Is w.irk Ing In the office of the W. P. P. There Is one or two cases of whoop ing cough In town. Mrs. Robert Baker has returned from Sherwood, where she spent two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs A. P. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Mlent Peters spent Wednesday with their daughter, Mrs Frank Shipley. hniest Mass and E. A. Young were at the auto races Saturday at Port land. Alia Young, of Pennsylvalna, Is visiting her brother, Capl. P. J. Young Gua Schnoor Is very busy getting Imparter of i ready for his picnic on (he 20th of this the MACKSBURG. A few farmers have started in to make hay, but most of them will wait until after the fourth aB that is gen erally the safest time to cure hay. The hay crop will be light through this section of the country and we think throughout the valley. Some people say that hay will be $.;0 per ton next winter. From the latest report we hear thai. J. R. Fisher and family, who bave been stricken with diphtheria, are Im proving. Mrs. F. Wehner and son. Willie, have got the whooping cough. While the boys of this place were batting flys, Herman Wehner had the misfortune to get his nose broke. Dr. B. F. Giesy, of Aurora said it may be a couple of weeks before he will be able to work. Mrs. J. E. Wells arid children and Mrs. J. F. Oglesby went lo Hubbard Wednesday to viidt with relatives for a few days. Ralph Cribble, who haH been work ing at Chehalls, Wash., has returned home. Say, did you see the ball games at Macksburg Sunday? Well, If you didn't you missed It. There was a double header here. The Canby Blues came over In the morning happy and gay, but went home disheartened with four runs to their credit while Macks burg got nine. In the afternoon the White school nine, which has been defeating most every nine It played, came down to cross bats with the Macksburg boys. As It was they got eight scores while WE got nine. H was a fast and snappy game from I month. There Is quite a crowd out from Oregon City every Sunday to help him Mrs. E. A. Sommer and Mrs. Clarke were the guests of Mrs. M. Gary, Aug llrelmer and family have moved Into their new house. Babe Ilcvens spent last week In Portland attending the .Rose Carnival. Lizzie Schoenhelnz spent the last of the week In Portland with her friend, Luewella Hoselton. Everett Downey Is recovering from his Illness. Mrs. James Downey spent Monday In Portland. MIhs Pauline Koellenneler spent Thursday with her friend, Miss Gladys Baker. Mrs. A. Fromong and Mrs. Dollar were visiting with Mrs. J, Fromong In West Oregon City. Mr. H. H. Dlankenshlp, formerly of this place, has purchased a farm In Southern Callflrnla. A. Buckles has sold his house and two lots to Mr. George Elllngsen.. Mr. Klllngsen Is a well-to-do farmer of Stafford If You are Worth $50,000 Don't Read This, This will not Interest you If you are worth fifty thousand dollars, but If you are a man of moderate means you cannot afford to employ a physician when you have an attack if diarrhoea, you will be pleased to know that one or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure It. This remedy has been used for many years and Is thoroughly re liable. Price 25 cents. For sale by Huntley Bros. Company. IP NOT WHY NOT? DO YOU USE ELECTRICITY? ELECTRIC LIGHT IS CHEAP WITH TUNGSTEN LAMPS INVESTIGATE AT Portland Railway Light & Power Company C G. MILLER. AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON