Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
OREGON CITY WEIlfjE, nillY, MAY 7, 1909. LAR5EN & COMPANY j J A I Cor 10th A Main Bt. OREO.ON CITY, OREQON. . WE PAY CASH FOR ' i . Wool, hides, illn, hny, jirnln potatoes, chlukiMlM, ruK una all T J kind of omititry proiluoo, WE SELL v Orocerlin, crockery, provision, commit, limn, shliiitlii. An. On Hntunlny iinn larifo hot- j tin Vim Diunn'i Vanilla ICxtraet ! KRICK wild each pound of our j favorite brand of mm t. J LOCAL BRIEFS II. N. Kvnrlmrl, of Molalln, wa la ortgon Clly Hatiirday. Mm, Don Mclilrtun ha recovered from ir rneont lllimu. Judge Charlo Thotiion, of Htaf- Mnl, wa In Oregon cily Krlitny. OrrRon Dfiilal Parlor, ovsr bard UiR nniR Btoro. (examination frn. Mr. Jfa HhortU'dun In confined to tier homii with a acvcro attack o Krlp. .Mr. nml Mm. O. It. Muck nttrl aim of Canby, with In Ori'Ron Clly Hatur nay. Fraud HmiU. of Heaver Creek, wan among llin Oregon Clly visitor Bat urimy. Mr. J. ). McCoy, of Hotith lleiid Wash., In vlnltlug Imr llor, Mm. Jon Hoyiun. Aukuni KrlckMon, a prominent farm r of Miillno, wan In Oregon Clly on liimliiinx Huliirilny. Mr. nml Mm. V. A. Hhavcr. of Mo- lalla. wore among tho Oregon. City vimmr on Friday, County Ork (ireeniuan liicd IIi'kiiko to marry Monday, to I'ulra Hniic aint John II Urcve W. (). I'IIIi'IIit. after !' ixl I ii K a few liny at lloul Itlvor, nl iirm-d to Ma Iminp In thla r It y Wcdiiexliiy. Fred l.aiiicriiiix. of I'nrtliunl. hiiviiI Hiimloy In thl clly a tint guil of Mr. ami Mm. William All'tredge. 1 tali liuul plaster now on liniiil at tlin rarkplnru Cash More. Kpcclnl price 75 wilt per sack or 114.50 per ton. Mr. Ctmrli'N Nulillll ami Bun. of Needy, ami Mr. Reuben (iouchcr. of Million, wen- In Oregon City vlnltlug with friends, Thursday. Franklin T. Crimth ha removed hi law oilli' from Oregon City to Kixiina tilUKC Couch iluilillng, 1'ortliiliil, On' Ron. tf, Mr. J. M. Unclcu ami two children left Tuesday for MIcIiIkiui Clly. ludl ana. where Ihi'y will .-nl the mini mer with Mm. Linden' parent. Mr. and Mm. Norman It. Uing. who have been hi'IiiIIiik several week with rclitihe In Oakland, California, have returned to their home In till city. Mr. Martin CrlaaliiRiT, of Wlillo Hiiltiuni. U visiting wllh tier parent, Mr. and Mr. John Planer. Mr. Crl alimer will re in ii I n hern until Mon day. W. W. Jeaae, onn of the prominent farmer of Harlow, waa In Oregon Clly ?'hurdny altendliiR I lie meeting of he Clnckiiiiia County orllciilturiil Ho clety. Mr. C. II. Hhiimwiiy, of ItoaehtirK, accouipanleil hy Imr two houh, Ivan ami Itoy, are vlaltliiK wllh the former' pareni. Mr. and Mm. II. F. Mnn, of thla clly. Daniel William left Monday morn Iiik fr Hualtle, W'nah , whore ho will hereafter iniike hi home. Mr. Wil liam ha a iliuiKtiter In the hotel Iiih (ilea In Henltlo, Had hoy will not Jump over your fence If liarhed wire la i retched over " Dainty Things To Eat ARE NOT NECESSARILY EX PENSIVE. COME AND 8EE WHAT A SURPRISING VARI ETY OF DAINTY DESSERTS YOU CAN MAKE AT A C08T OF A FEW CENTS. This Grocery Store Is Noted FOR THE HIGH CHARACTER OF THE ARTICLES 80LD. IN NO DEPARTMENT IS THAT REPUTATION BETTER SUS TAINED THAN IN THAT DE VOTED TO DAINTIES. IF YOU WANT 80METHINQ OUT OF THE COMMON FOR DES SERT, THIS STORE 13 WHERE YOU WANT TO COME. YOU WILL GET IT OUT OF THE QUALITY, DE CIDEDLY BELOW THE ORDI NARY PRICE. Urn, Ion. . Frank. Uuacli la aelllng a w iiiiki or wiiii of bi;uo foot cover IliR I'lMiAClty to (Hie lumiiiU Dr. I a u. leu, Duntliil, itooni n ami m, MiiHonlit llil. onn K-rooiu liiiiiKiilow for rent at llliKlitonn, . Knqulro of William I Mime. I'lionu 1 070. It, H. Con, the alrawhorry Rruwor, of Cnnhy, waa onn of llin Canhy reu reaeiilnllvo at tlm Claitkiiina County lloillciillurat Hoclely nieeiiiiK, which wii hum at th court houao Tliura flay. Hid iiiarrliigii of J. W, Kvan, of thla clly, to Ml Ak'ic Half, of New Krit, wa aoliiiiinltvd Hntuidiiy after- liiioim In (ho omen of tlm Juatlcv of the I'caco. JikIru W. W. Jl, UaiiiNon offlclated. tiuorRii Ward' two children, who navn heen very III with I ho nmiiNlea, are recoverlliR. Thu two Utile daiiKh ter of Mr. I In I in AlldrcdKA have lieeii very low with thu dlHcaae, hut are improvniR, Coukey a itoup Curo In thn drink liiK water cure those aneezliiK, awol leiilieadeil fowl. A GIlQ packlRO make 25 k"Uou inndlclno. Money linen ir it run to cum. Huntley llroa Compuuy, Henry llronner, of Hellwood, waa In till city tho Inilur part of the week Mr. llronner recently audi hi 40- acrn tract of laud to Mr. Carol her, who recently arrived hero from John Day. Thu property I vltuated on thu Holcomh road, -thla county. U O. Smith, formerly of thl city, who left hern about five month uro for llroadarrea, whoro m ha heen realilliiR with hi datiKlilor, Mm. W. II. Wood, arrived In Oreaon Clly Tun day and la vlaltliiir with hi daiiRhter, Mr. J, W. (Iriiy, of thn eat Hide Kri'ii: to packnRi) Coiikey'a I, Ice rowilnr, alao 2ttti I'uullry (took. llrliiR ad to Huntley liro. Company, Mr. and Mm. Itoy lilleman. who have realiliul In thl city for tlm lmat flvn muiith. have uoiui to t Atm- l, where Mr. Illleiliau haa accepted a allloii wllh the Homo Telephone. company, Mr, lineman ha heen miuiHKi-r of thn company In thl city or tin' paat flvn month, Havn thn little chick from IndlKea- Hon, Diarrhea, etc. Conkuy'a Cholera Corn In the drinking water I guar anteed hy Huntley llro. Company, il'e and DUc. 4 Jon Hnrle of Molalla. wa in iri'Kn City Hatiirday on hi way homo from I'orllaiid, whern ho haa heen for thn paat week. Mr. Iliirlea, who ha heen III for Koine time, wa taken worne on Monday while on hi way to Portland, and wa compelled to re main In thut city until Saturday. Mr. and Mr, t heater Millr and children, who havn heen vIhIiIiir with Mr. and Mr. V. It. Andrew, of Mount I'leaaunt, parent of Mr. Mulr, have none to Cortland, whero they have inrchaei a home. They recently ar rived hern from Iowa, where they iiavu realded for aevernl year, and have decided to return to Oregon. Mr. Mulr haa accepted n poaltlon In ortland Mm. M mil lliiydeil, aUter of Mr. h-lle Hlelght, paaaed IhroiiKti Oregon 'Ity Monday on her way home to 'ordaiul, from Kl I'aao, Tenia. Mr. layilen, who wa acconipunleil to Te !' her alater, Mra. J. D, I'erry much Improved u health. Khe haa ninn In Texna for tho pnat lx month Mr. Ilnydeii waa formerly nil Ore gon Clly girl. Mra. Sleight and diiugh er. Ana loii, pvnl Huiulay wllh her pareiiia, Mr. mid Mra. T. O. Scougul f I'ortlunil. SOCIETY n. ...... i i i .0 A aurprlao part waa tendored IM ward Hhoeiihiiliiit on Kalurday nvcnlng hy hla friunil. Tho afTiilr waa glvun In Knnpp' hall on Hatiirday evening dancing being thu iimlli foHturn of tliu evening, thn iiiiihIc for thu occaalon lii'llig fui'iilahnd by thu Wooilfln-Kanu-or orcheatra, Thn hall wa oluliorately decorated with Ivy and dogwood IiIom aoili. Thn palroueaNe of thu ovon lug worn Mm, D, M. Klemaen, Mr. Charlea Hchoeiiholnz, Mm, Henry Htruhlg, and thoao having tho affair In charge weru Mia Nomina Klein eii. Ml Mz.l(i Bchoenhulni!, Kmll Hchweck and tieorgn Kronioiig. Dur ing thn evening a aupper waa aorvvd, and thn table worn prettily decorated wllh (lowum, Mr. Hclioenhclnx left Monday evi-nliig for tho Kuat where ho will remain for two year, mid thu party tendered him on Haturduy night wa In thu form of a (itrewell. Thou preaent weru Mr. and Mm, Harry (ireavea, Mr, and Mm. Waller Hyma, Mr. Miller, (iuy Itogem, of Cortland; Mia Kit a Rlgaheo, of port land; MIh Cut bid Hbellxick, Ml I-aura linker, Align Matheaon, Cllin Dollar; Ml Klorunco Keller, Mr. and Mr. Auguat Itnkel, Augual ChrlateiiHon, Milton Price, Ml Nomina Klemaen, Mia Nettle Wlthroii, of Tillamook; Mia Maud Kromong, rmu Vernlg, Arthur Itehfeld, Id Miller, Klnll Hchwock Honry Bchwock, Alfred Klemaen, Al hurt and (hHirgo Kromong, Ml Her thu Frederick. Mia Mlelkn, Oacar WiMidlln. Oacar Melvln, Mia Joalu Curreii, Mr, and Mr. H. Karmer, Mia Klemaen, Mr. and Mra. I). M KleuiKeii, Henry Hlall, U (jengler, Irving Itau, Mia Kvelyn Ijtachar, Mia lywell lloaelton, Cortland; Mia Uraycu Marahail, MIh Kltlo Kcr chum, (iunlhu Hchoeuhclnz, of port- land; Charlea Kvhoeuheliu, Mlaa Liz zie Hchoenhi'lni, Mr. Henry Htrehlg, Henry Ilraml. Dick Ilrand, l'eto Cloa tor. Roaa Ella worth, of Portland; Henry llogualaakl. A. Knapu, Mr. Kerry, PARDON FOR t. , H. MELDRUM FRIENDS OF FORMER SURVEYOR GENERAL APPEAL TO THE PRESIDENT. TIME UP IN MAY. 1910 8ntnc lmpxwd On Oregon City Mn Wa ExccmIv a Com prd to Othm In Land Fraud Caaea. STIPP 13 CITY PROSECUTOR. Succeed Judga Campbell aa Munlclpa Advocat. Attorney IJvy Stlpp waa Wedne' ay night apiMilnled city proaecutor, o llll tho vacancy canaed by tho rc- Igiiatlon of Circuit Judge Janiea I Kaiiiphull. Tho appointment hy Mayor aril wa Immediately continued by he council. O. I. Kellugg waa awnrded the con rnct for tho conatriictlon of a new lire houao for tho Creeii Poln Hoae 'ouipany. Tho contract prlco I fill?. Thn Uuuor llcenan of A. J. Surlier aa tnuiHferred to Hall & Smith. Thn hhIooii la loculed on the norlhweat cor- er of Main and Kl ft h at recta. Mayor Carll' veto of an ordinance regulating tho ruining of blind In an Iimiiik on Siinihiy and after cloalng inira, wa read, and tho council or- lered Chief of IHillce Hum to ei that the blind In liquor eatahllali- meiitH lire kept up during tho earning hoiira, ao that tho public may aci hat I going on within. The owning of Hughea alreet In Elyvlllu addition wa ordered.. The council Inatructod tho city on Inccr to draw u mup of tho clly, hrlnglng It up to date. Tho propoaal to repaint tho city all waa referred to tho committee on llro and water. PermlHHlon waa denied tho Western Union Telegraph Company to place overhead wire ucixibh Main atreet. aa other companies hnvo been compelled to place tholr wire under ground on thla alreet. DAMAGED HI8 REPUTATION. J. E. SEELEY 'THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1 ' NINTH AND MAIN STS.," , OREGON ciTY, v OREg6n l- ... j :. William Hardin Sue Slgel F. White For $55000. Declaring that Slgel V. Whlto nindo iitumonla (hat wero Intunded to (him age hla reputation among TIIh frlnnda ami neighbor, William M. Hardin, of Hull Hun, riled a suit agnlnat White for 5000 dnmngo. Hla attorney Is eorgo C. llrownell. llnrdlu atatea that Whlto, In tho prosenco of W II. Snmmui, I.ynmn Dnvls, Mux Davis and Frank Davenport, accused him of Improper rolntlona with his step (laughter, Joaslo M. Woods, aged 17 years. Hardin wns nrrested on a statutory chnrgu mid wna roleasnd af ter a preliminary hearing in the Jus tlco Court some time ago. A Conscientious Sentry, An olllcer, at a stato camp, decided to soo for hlmsolf how his sentries wero doing their duty. Ho waa somewhat surprised ut overhearing thn following: "Halt! Who goes there?" . "Friend with a bottle." "Pass, friend. Halt, bottlo." Every boy'a MuKiu.Ino, . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA FOR SALE-iThorougibrcd Whljto Minorca egga for hatching. 15 for $1.00. Inquire Mr. H. J. Rice at the Jonnlngi Lodge store. U WANTED Mon and women to enter ' contest for the beautiful $200 lot In South Oregon City,-to be given away by The Orogon City EnlB prlae. ' For particulars apply Enter- 'prlae offlcai- ,v;-: .j ... ,i,v ; ,., ti A pretty wedding ceremony waa performed at thn United lirethren 'hurch I ii at Sunday night at 8:.!0 u'clock, the contracting purtlea being Mlaa Ida Kuiimiil and Mr. ixmla Mud- dax, A. J. Ware, preldlng elder, of ficiating. Six Hitlo (lower girla, Myr- tin Heiidemon, Kthel Alldredgi, (iene- vlvn (irnen, Klolao Alldrodgo. Vera lowi-ll, lluelah Maddux, dresaed in whllo and wearing wreath, preceded he bet man, Oacar Woodlln, and the hrlilearnuld, Mia Doltlo Maddax. and, followed by tho bride and groom, en- ered tho church and marched up tho alale to the altar. Tho church waa lllled with many frlrnda of the young couple. Mia Munilo William played he wedding march. After the marri age ceremuny about 50 gueat wero Invited lo tho home of thu grooina mother. Mm. 11. II. Maddux, of Klf- enth and Washington atreeis. when; wedding supper wa aorvud, tho Iiiiuho being decorated with roses and green. Mm. Maddux wa assisted by Mr. Ralph Howard, Mm. Knoop, Mlaa Foil mnl and Mia Ix-im Howard. Tho bride wa becomingly gowned In cream colored silk, and carried an arm bouquet of white carnations. Tho bridesmaid wore a lavundcr serge gown and carried white carnations. Mia Helta Plerco, whoso marriage to Mr. Lelghlon Hcboll, of Portland, will take place In the near future, waa given a miscellaneous rush by aomo of her friend Monday night al tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Swafford on Madison atreet. The af fair was a complete aurprlBe to Mia Pierce, who received many handsome and useful gifts. Tho rooms were decorated for tho occasion with dog wood blossom and red hearts. Tho evening waa pleasantly spent In for tune telling, conversation and music. Hcfroshmcnts were served. Those present were Mrs. A. Jlobertson, Mrs. E. U Shaw. Mrs. George Ely. Mrs. A. Holdon. Mr. George C. llrownell, Mrs. 11. U Horron, Mrs. Leon Des Uries, Mrs. E. II. Cooper, Mrs. F. McCaualiind, Mm. F.-J. Meyer, Mrs. V. C. Own. Mrs. J. U Swnf ford, Mra. M. M. Mctieehan. Mrs. W. A. While, Mrs. J. W. Orout. Mis Jean White, .Mis Nellie Swafford. Miss Lillian Hobertson, Mlaa Cla Hurclny Pralt, Miss Mollle Mitchell, Misa Ella Darling, Mlaa Hettn Pierce. The mnrrliigo of Miss Lotiva Ran dall and Mr. Fred Uunuroux, of Wllk esbarre, Pa., will ho solemnized at the home of the bride-elect's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Randall, at Elk Clly. Or., Wednesday, Juno 10. Mr. Lameroiix and hla brldo will make their homo In WllUesbarre. Miss Han dull Is well known In this city, whoro alio has spent most of her life, hav ing recently resigned nor position in tho money order department of the pofltotllco here. Miss Randiill is at present visiting wun nor parents. United Htate Attorney McCourt ha received a letter from the Depart ment of Justice, transmitting thn peti tion for the pardon of Henry Meldrum, and directing him lo Investigate tho ground for pardon set forth therein. Meldrum was convicted November 17, 1U04, on 21 count of an Indictment returned by the Federal Grand Jury, charging him, whllo United State Burveyor-Oeneral for Oregon, with forging 18 application for the sur vey of public land In Ilarney County presumed to have been signed by ac tual settlors residing In the township. On July 6, 1906, Judge W'olverton sentenced Meldrum to 1080 days' Im prisonment un McNeil Island and to pay a line of f 5200. In February. 1307 the Circuit Court of Appeal denied Meldrum's application for a new trial and on May 18 of that year he wa sent lo tho Government prison, where he ha been conllnvd ever since. The ground for pardon are that tho (iovernment wa not defrauded In money or land by Meldrum's act or that ho personally profiled thereby, and that the sentence Imposed waa ex ceaslve a compared to those Indict ed on other defendants In the Oregon land fraud cage. Attention wa dl reeled to the fact that out of all those heretofore convicted for offenses of tho character Indicated, Meldrum was tho only one to Buffer Incarceration In the (Iovernment prison at McNeils Island, and this la pointed out a one of thn Injustice of his punishment Practically all the county officials o thl county, where Meldrum formerly realded, signed the petition, and testl lied to having had business relations with him for many years preceding his conviction, and found him lo be honorable In hi transactions. GRAND JURY SAYS LITTLE (Continued from page 1.) WASHINGTON ST. KNOCKED OUT BUT INDICATIONS POINT TO IM PROVEMENT OF ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH STREETS. The proposed Improvement of Wash Ington Blreet was knocked out Wed nesduy night. The petition for the stubllshment of the grade from Third Btroot to Abernethy bridge was wllh drawn, as the remonstrance was suf ficient to block It, representing a ma jority of the properly owners. Tho petition for the establishment of ihe grade on Washington street from ruth to Fourteenth street was laid on the table. . . Hemoiistrances against the estab lishment of grades on Eleventh and Twelfth streets were read, but were not effective, and there Is some Ukli hood that both of these streets will be Improved. Couucllmen Sheahan Mlchels and Meyer were appointed a committee to confer with the city engineer and the properly owners rei atlvo to tho proposed Improvement of Eleventh street, and Couucllmen And- resell, BeUel and Strickland were named as a like committee for Twelfth street The time and manner ordinance for he Improvement of Water street from Ifth to Sixth street, was read and passed Its first reading. Plans and puciHcailutis for the improvement wore also presented. Invitations have been received In this city to the wedding of Miss Veda Constance Holland and Mr. carl Itan dolph Thompson, tho maniago to take place at the home of Mis Holland's mother, Mrs. Viola Holland, In Port land, on Wednesday evening. May 12, at 8:30 o'clock. Tho bride-elect Is well known In thlH city, having at ono tlmo been a resident of Oregon City. Travelers Coming Home. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. U'Hen, who have been making a tour of Eastern cities, are expected to return homo next Sun day. They wore In Chicago last Sat urday, and Intended to leave on tho following day. slopping one nny tn St. Paul. Sick In Montana Hospital. Neely Curothers, a brother of Mrs. M. A. Plummer of this city, In very 111 with pleurisy In a hospital nt Butte, Montana. Ills oldest son. Andrew, Is with him. Mr. Curothers wns taken 111 whllo working In the mines. Get Your Hair Cut Now. Hereafter the prlco of hair cutting in Oregon City will bo 25 cents. Tho muster hnrbers held a meeting Mon day night and made this decision. Tho former prlco was 85 cents. Baseball Game Today. A baseball game has been arranged between the Oregon City high school and tho Vancouver, Wash., high school. The gamo will take place on Wlllnmotte field, Friday, May 7. For a burn or scald apply Chamber lain's Salve. It wl! allay tho pain al most Instantly and quickly heal tho Injured ports. For Bale by Huutley Bros. Co. WANTED Boys and girls to enter contost for the beautiful $200 lot In South Oregon City to be given away by the Oregon City Enterprise. For particulars' apply Enterprise of- DO YOU OWN A HYOMEI INHALER? If you have a little Hyoniel Inhaler (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) In your home you have a treasure. Into this hard rubber Inhaler you can pour a few drops of Hyomel and, presto, you have the best utile pnysi clan for catarrh, coughs, colds, bron chltis, croup and asthma, the world has ever known. When you breathe Hyomel you bring the healing virtues of the mountain ous forests to your home. You get the very same healing, antiseptic air that you would breathe If you resided In tho forests of pine and eucalyptus of Inland Australia, where catarrh or consumption was never known to ex ist,, . i If you havo a Hyomel Inhaler In your home, get a bottle of Hyomel for 50 cents. If you have not nn Inhaler, ask for a complete outfit, which costs but $1 and Includes an Inhaler, a bottle of Hyomel, and simple instruction for use. Hyomel Is sold and guaranteed by Huntley Uros. Co. to cure catarrh, asthma or bronchitis, or money back. It will relieve a cold In Ave minutes, and will break It up In five hours. It gives most gratifying relief to con sumption sufferers, and is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Do You Drink? And whnt do you drink? Breakfast Coffee or Breakfast Tea? A strong after-dinner Coffee Is Just the thing some big, robust men like for their breakfast, but Vve wouldn't ordinarily give It to yon for breakfast unless you asked for It. Some people wouldn't use It at all one woman told us Unit It Is "black as Ink and strong as lye." ' That Is stretching It a bit, but it 1b, as a matter of fact, real, genuine, black Coffee. Tastes differ, and we have a fine selection of the best roasted berries to fit them all. We carry Costa RIc- an, Guatamatas,, and Brazilian Coffees from 20 to 25 cents per pound to the best grades of Mocha and Java grades at 35 cents per pound or 3 pounds for I . .i .... A. ROBERTSON The 7th St. Grocer lncroan the liability of making mis take. 1 And however thot the figure of the Sheriff and those of the treas urer agree. I have found the book and account of tho clerk woll kept and to bo In accord, with the Treaaurer'a with but two error on the part of the Treas urer in checking up and these two wero promptly corrected. I found but two error on the part of the Recorder. One of theae amount ed to 50 cent that he turned over to the Treasurer more than ho collected; the other wa 10c short of the amount collected. Ho the County would be owing the Recorder 40 cent. I find that the County Recorder ha drawn 11845.45 over and above hla usual salary for Indexing mortgage. Treaiurer. I have found the book and account of Treasurer neatly and woll kept and the error In the receipts from Clerk have already been noted. Those were promptly corrected as noted. This is really the moat Important office In the county as all of It fund are centralized here. There Is lea paid for help for the work done In this office, however, than In any of the other offices of the county. County School Superintendent. In chocking up the book and ac counts of the county school superin tendent I find that J. C. Zinser, the retiring superintendent, did not charge himself with some of the money he received, nor did be take credit for aomo of the amounts he had paid out. From a hurried examination I find the "Institute Fund" to be $4.50 short In the superintendent's office and this discrepancy seems to have existed for tome years back. With the limited . , .. lm HI mv nomm.nrt f mld not ... I DeCn- DOr Were the WW Vouchers amino Into the matter carefully to find to,o cause of the trouble. Assessor. ty Vict0f of Eiisoa Otftfit TO YOUR HOME I FOR A FEW DAYS . p It Costs You Nothing V If You Decide to Keep It -S Pay U AS 1 V $ 1 .00 a Week lp ' Btirmeiste & Andresen Oregon City Jeweleri Suspension Bridge Cor. I find that warrants were Issued to Fred J. Nelson In January, February, March, April, May, June and July, 1907. January warrant called for ICO and Is numbered No. 212'JC. February warrant called for $00 and Is numbered No. 22431. March warrant called for $C0 and is numbered No. 21577. April warrant called for C0 and Is numbered No. 21740. May warrant called for C0 and Is numbered No. 21911. June warrant called for C0 and 1b numbered No. 22083. July warrant called for C0 and is numbered No. 22242. The said Fred J. Nelson resigned at the July term, 1907, James F. Nelson receipted for all of these warrants ex cept the one at the May term and Ella Shaver receipted for this, or the one numbered 21911. It would ap pear from the accompanying letter from the county clerk of Clatsop County. Oregon, that the said Fred J. Nelson was working in Astoria while he was drawing salary here In Clack amas County. The letter of J. C. Clinton, clerk of Clatsop County, Is hereto appended, and made a part of this report. Poll tax Is no longer collected by the assessor and so he bad no funds to turn over to the treasurer. Fines Imposed by the several Jus tices of 'the pesce seem to have been promptly paid though I did not give this matter much time, as I was hard pressed to find time to do what I have done. Roads and Road Fund. I append a list of the several road districts In the county and the amount spent In each during 1908 It amounts to about 145,000 for the entire county. Overtime. Quite an amount of overtime has been allowed the different clerks, but owing to my limited time I have not made a list of It. Increase of Salaries. Chief deputy sheriff gets $75 per month and chief deputy in the other offices get 70 per month, save that of the county treasurer, and she gets 140. Lack of Room. The sheriff, clerk and recorder each needs more room. The Increase in the busluess of the county has grown to such dimensions that more room must be given these offices very soon. Bills Not Itemized. I note that many of the bills are not properly Itemized. Even the bills of Commissioners Klllen and Lewellen were not itemized as ihey should have State tax School tax accompanying the bills to show that the money bad been spent. Respectfully submitted, E. C. HACKJSTT. Money Spent on Roads. The following Is a list of road dis tricts In the county and the amounts H n.-n ( In fnr tha im, 10(1(1 No. Supervisor Regular Special ; Special school . Fund. Fund, ig" road .tax 1. W. H. Counsell. 12048.03 Special road tax 2. Max Webster... 1784.00 $1398.50 ' n.t3 tax r Fred fielfer 1742 fig 11171 1 i special city taxes G. B. Linn 1241.36 C. M. Lake 1545.48 Chas. Krebs 3645.81 F. E. McGugln. 1616.50 David Douglas.. 817.71 Henry Johnson. 248.75 Some Interesting Figures. The 1908 tax Is made up as fol lows: State tax, 2 mills; school tax. 3 mills; county tax, 4 mills; road tax, 5 mills. This apportions the tax as follows: 1015.80 689.35 $ 45,037.44 67,556.16 72.747.88 112.593.59 27,932.82 90,074.87 18,501.44 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 5. 6. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3S. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. D. M. Marshall Ed Harrington Fred Gerber... Aug. Hubert... William Fine.. August Stahley George Koehler Ed Hornshuh.. J. J. Mallatt.. Nat Scrtbner.. Frank Winslow Albert Engle... 1010.10 R. W. Zimmer man 2396.12 L. Spagle 1327.48 James Smith... 1315.84 H. N. Everhart John Labour.. L. D. Shank.. Lewis Kelt 788.67 J. P. Cooke 1398.61 William Schatz. 981.08 W. C. Healer.. 1119.36 1793.23 2513.54 1219.68 288.59 4764.77 1098.00 2126.81 7830.64 1336.50 2319.22 1625.46 2740.63 1805.69 3552.16 $434,444.20 From the above flTfire H mav ha vos.ooi " j niR en that the people have available 411 00 LL- JJ0-ii:' oi regular roaa lax; anaea 35870 10 thls the "Pec'81 t f $27,932.82, 1754 10 '"olviuB it'i.oio.! io pena on me ruaus ior isws. 1 nis IS aooui S4UUU short of the amount spent in 1908. 3197.18 Letter of Clatsop County Clerk. Astoria, Or.. April 26, 1909. Mr. E. C. Hackett, Oregon City, Or. Dear Sir: In answer to your let ter of the 24th inst. will say, I can- 722.90 not give you the exact dates that Mr. 1141.25 Nelson worked in this county for the 1576.72 county. The following are the dates 1940.12 tnat his bills were filed In this of- Ifice. Our county court meets every month and pays all claims authorized up to the time of the meeting. I sup 764.21 Pse that the bills were filed as soon 1637.36 as his work was finished. Feb. 4, 1907 Platting for coun- 3104.15 ty clerk $ 12.00 April 27, 1907 Set ownership maps for assessor 2050.00 April 27. 1907 Platting roads 41.50 April 29, 1907 Platting for Henry Cromer.. 2084.37 2079.19) clerk '24.00 John Turner. . . . 5859.80 A. D. Edwards. 1354.58 P. J. Schneider. 1311.41 C. W. Kruse... 1129.83 C. W. Risley.... 2311.08 Frank Jaggar. . .10008.33 Carl Hanson... 694.40 A. J. Kltzmlller 550.08 C. C. Yeater 939.04 J. H. McConnell 962.58 Sam Warnock.. 612.43 A. S. Henderson 479.25 309.05 711.34 344.35 459.11 Total $88339.68 $26832.33 General road war rants for 1908.... 23125.07 Special road tax. $111464.75 . 26832.38 $138297.13 Road tax for Estacada 313.00 Road tax for Mllwaukle ...... 473.00 Road tax for Oregon City 5559.00 Total spent on reads $144642.13 June 11. 1907 Platting for as sessor 36.00 June 11, 1907 Planting for clerk 6.00 May 2, 1908 Platting 24.00 Yours very truly, J. C. CLINTON, County Clerk. Attorney Dye Moves Office. Colonel Charles H. Dye has moved his law offices into the Caufield Build ing on the corner of Main and Eighth streets. He will occupy the rooms va cated by Attorney Bruce C. Curry, who has moved to Portland. The of fice of the collector of the water com mission will be located in the rooms for a few months, at least. Young Giris 'Are Victims of headaches, as well as older women, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world s best remedy for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood, and strong nerves and build up your health. Try them. 25c at Jones Drug Co. 4L "r r i 1 ;vJ t ? VT Av 1 Wm. Cantwcll and Company REAL ESTATE Canby, Oregon SO ACRES 50 or 60 acres deep, black, heavy but not hard, (oil 3 to 6 feet deep lying on a loose sandy clay subsoil entirely free from stones or gravel. An Ideal soil for horseradish or onions; can be Irrigated from springs that rise on the1 upper end of the eighty. About 18 acres in cultivation, about 40 acres of the balance covered with vine maple, alder, ash and some oak, balance has fir timber. A large 2-story house, large barn; good orchard of about an acre. The entire 80 is nice and level with a gentle alope northwest, except about 10 acres of rocky knoll. Only three miles from Canby. If you want the best soil In, the world, look at this before you buy. Price $50 an acre. A Fine 8-room residence in Canby commanding a fine view down Main Street, and the depot block away. A fine, large 2-story barn, good wood house and chicken house, good well. The grounds embrace one third of a block and are Just grand. To see this home is to admire and desire It. It is a snap, at $3,000. , j 33.37 acres 12 acres under cultivation, some young fruit trees, small 4-room house, barn, good well and run ning water ,all good lovel land. A fine lot of piling timber. 6 miles from Canby and 2Va miles frvjm Macksburg. This place is very cheap at $2500. i 40 acres i acres in cultivation, one-half acre in orchard, 20 acres splendid plow land, 20 acres has Bcjme stone; good well and spring, fronts on county road, 4 miles from Canby, one-half mile from sawnilll. This is a good chance for a man with a little money and some ambition to get a good home. One- fourth mile from a good school. Price $1200. Here Is a Bargain that will pay you to Investigate. 71 acres, about half of it in the city limits. 35 acres! In cultivation; two dwelling houses; several of the finest springs that run from the ground; about) 30 acres as fine bottom land as anyone ever saw. A hydraulic ram raises the water from one of (the springs to both houses. $6000. a fairly good 5-room 5 acres all In high state of cultivation and set to English walnuts and some fruit; house, good well, 5 blocks from depot. A fine homesite. $1500. A Fine Peach Farm on bank of Willamette river 3 miles from Canby; 66H acres altogether; 30 acrei In cultivation, a fairly good 6-room house, barn, fruit house and out-bulldlngs; 200 bearing peach trees, 425 peach trees set out a year ago; all kinds of fruit and berries. A fine little brook runs across '.the place; a fine spring can be piped into the house, a good well in dooryard. This is THE BEST liver . . bottom land. Considerable farm and dairy machinery goes with the place. . A great bargain at $100 per acre. . " t - - - ' . r' 8 Lots 50x115, two-thirds of a block, a fairly good 7-room house', large barn, chicken houses; a good variety of fruit and berries; good well in dooryard. These entire grounds are in a high state of cultivation. A fine residence site, one block from depot. , Very cheap at $2500,. one-half cash. , ( r.!. ,