7 OREO ON CITY ENTERPRISE, .KIM DAY, APRIL 30, 1009. Cstticaclu tiiul Coster n Clackumos E8TACADA. .1. W. II I. ul HiIn Hly, him marled Tin' Norton, Kiim,, In respniiHii In a t I -I'urniu iiniKMiiirlim tliu nxi Iiiiim 111- lll'HM lit IllH lllllll'llll'l', Ml'H. HiuIIk llniipi'it. Mr. Heed ixiii'Ih Id I'd in n 111 III llll.VH lr IWII week. Tliu I'iiiiIhikI itiiilwiiy, I .Ik lit & I'nwnr Company Iihm lliiiilly ilnclili'il tO ITl'I'l II H lll'W llnpill lit Hi" fllllt of Hi imil tvuy mri't, on lot 6, block -I, lCiilunula. 'I'll Im lot wim purchased from J. W. UimmI hy llin liiixliinnH i i mi llimntwiiy Mll'i'i't, mill In H) l" iIkimIihI In IIik railway company iin hum iin Iho Kiiniiiil Im lined for depot pin PIihh. Tint IiiiIIiIIiikn nil llm prop erly mi' Im'Iiik removed. The com puny I h hi 1 1 1 piiHliliiK work beautifying II M pnlll liinl UK) hotel KIOUUiU Iii'I'k, nml uiiiiiiiiii'm Unit I'ViTlylilnif will Im ilnmi In n i nil ii IChUuiiIii mi Minn--llvii im possible, Willi M view of In Ohi Iiik people to cninii hero for rec I'l'iilliui. Tim W. II. Holder fiirni. located near llrtlaiinlii, wan recently sold In I'nter 4'tnikllu, nf Llnnton, Or., fur fTiiHH. Mr. Holder liti not ilt'lil'il Just wlntt tin will iin. FIHWOOD. Tim liM'liirn ithi'ti ly Mr. Wi-arU lit Kirwn.nl hull Thursday evening wan well nltemled, Kvry nun lilies In ln-nr Mr. WfiirU speak. Mr. nml Mr. J, Robert cr plei. lintlv mirprlm-cl hy tt croud of yniilnt people Hat in day evetilni! Mutli! nml KIlMir were enjoyed very tlllll'tl, Itfll r which a IlKhl luiifli wu nerved A. Mnxli.y him completed lift tot lane on hln now ranch, Kii'il KnfiiiKH'ltl hurt his ktimi quite Heverely whlln lin-nlilng u "'H. Mlnm-s Lulu Morrison nml Oram lllni'k linvii returned to Portland nft'-r u vi'ry enjoyable visit with friends nml relative In I'lrwiKiil. Mr. mid Mm. K II. Hurt "l"'nt few da In Portland mnl Oregon City I'. SV. Cmmi'ily has pureh.iitnl a tin lillKKy 'lil llrlvlllK linrne. SANDY. Mitt I u v I h Hold the Davis hillhllliK. -or Main mnl HHA Avenue, In Mm. ( 'ah In, of Orb-lit ,lio will open up u feed, furl mnl Hill" cement store. Mr, lniiKlmK. of I'lcaniint Home, lum reined tin- (lilil Fellows' lower HiMir fnr hr IiIk l-im 1 1 nu'lit ittorr. K. Coalman lit nt pri'Hi'iit putllUK In tin' nlnrii llxluri'n Anton YiTKi-r luul n nnrlouii rli miiniiT with it rhltT ami motor ryrln with hln hnrHii ami InmKy, whi'n'hy Ihn lulu nf thn IniKi'v wn lirnln-n mnl I !m nioinr ryrltt imilly ilniniiKiil. mnl ! it It put Urn mIIkIH ly hrulxi'il. Nn Ni'Ihoii, whlln oK'lilllK tint Kt". Itoritrliiii'k. wn thrown from hU mil mnl mnl hnil hln arm lUnlm-titt-il. Hit In titiihT n I'ortlninl ilorlor'a ran'. I ! U Ki'ltlllK nlntiK fnlrly w nil l.lnyil llnkrr ImhikIiI n rhllntC hnrni' nml mi Itn Mi nt trial It frll .!, I In tho rnn.l liitkt'r wim Rt'tlltiK n-U'ly to rlilw to Kiintern orfiion. A hnlf wlttt'il. Inr.y man, who almif Intfly rrfnni'a to work for nioin'y or inrnln, In w aiulnrlnit nhoiit from fnrin to farm. IwnKlim hln way. alo ntral liiK If nwi-aMury. Itla dirty, vlclmia look Ni'itrltiK ninny wonn'ti mnl rhllilirn. II" In a ilnun mnl tho nuthorllli-a arc nfti'r him. Tin' aw mill nf I'mrtnr A Straiia m huriicil down Tiifndny tnornluK hy flrit from unknown cntiait. Thn mill anil iMiiiNlilnrnhlo liimhur nrn u lotnl Innn Sonnt innrhlnrry linvlnn limn ninvril to th iti'W nltn, wim navi'd Chailrn Hhiirky In himy pnlntlUK Ihi' now hnmma nhop. Cri'K 'nx lum rt'ilti'd thn MrKlroy litilldlUK. whnrn Iin will romhlrl a Imki'iy mid linn-It coiinliT. Hiimly lum n flrnt rluxn Jrwrlry nlii'P In IHiriiHti'irn hulldluK. A iliilKflfl wim lit Smiily lookltU over the town nnd country with Ihn ohji'd nf opi'iilnt! it drnit Ktnrn In Siunly. Crlnt Mrni'ltiKrr, of I'ortlmnl, witn In town mnkliiK cxti'tinlvc- nrrnnni' mniln mi hln liltt farm nonr Mnrinnt, whrri' In' lum tiinliT cnnlrnrt Ihn clear Iuk "f k" io'r,'' irf Imnl. Ho t:mU'"i hnnlni'HM nf riilnltiK draft hnrnnn. I to him alnn hullt nnnlhcr IiIk harn Mix I 10 frrt. Thn I. O. O. V. IoiIko hint purrhani-d u tirw piano for Itn hall. KELSO. llrrt .loiiMrud ami Minn Anint Ih'H. nf thin plai-f, worn mnrrlrd hmt week. Word han hi't'tt received hen' that Minn Minnie llally wnn miirrled re celitly. She wnn well known In Kel ho and Sandy. Mr. Unmet h Hold hln -til arren of land here to it Mr. Johnson, from (Irenhitm. Tho price paid wan ft, (inn Mr. and Mm. It. Jotmrud mid Utile ilittiKlilera. vlnltcd relatlven J Port land hmt week. Joel Jurl mid Mr. Thlelko went to Dover Tiii'Milay. Mr. Kllgel lout a vnlnahlo mivre nnd ....n ii.Im ui.k tin hniiL'lit a now home from Mr. Wheeler for i--' llnlHh hln dprlng worli. Mont of uh nrn wIhIiIiir for rain. I'l-oi-lor & BlrattMH' mill lit KelHO, wan hunted recently. Much of the .,,.. h inrrv had I II removed, hut ul til reinalned (he cniilnn. two holleiH, n pinner nnd odner mid nhoiit ir.innn r.,.,i i.r Imnlirr The lire Hi dri ed Monday tilKlit from unknown cans- oh and thent wnn tin insuranco. m.u Miiniin r.iiiitciihlno. of l'a I r ..I i - view, nnd little Hon. vlHltod her moth er. Mm. JetKer hero hmt week. w P. HohertH. of Dover, was In KelHo Monilny. Kd. Iliirnetl, of KllKlo Creek, WIIB In KcIho laHt week liuyltiK polaloes. Henry Kit Ih helplnj; R. K. Jurl In the Hlore. SnniH new coltM havo arrived In the nnlKhhorhood nml no wonder I ho own '.era aru happy, when homes nro ho hlKh mid our nelKhlMir, Mr. 1'eteiHon, Hold an ordlmiry black colt for $HiO to Mr. Decker lately. Such a Into nprliiK here that moat f the, farmerB nro Hhort of hay, nnd we are rIiiiI (o hoc tho rain. Several uutomolilleH mid motor cyclen Pima throimh KcIho every day. A Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm li quickly absorbed. Oivti Rillel at Once. It cloanni'M, a:Hithoa, hniila and iiruti'cta the dini'iinpi ini'tn brane remitting from Catarrh anil drlvoa awny aOold in the ltoa.1 quickly, llontoroe the Snnaeaof TiiHto and Buiitll. Full eize 60 ota. at DrURginta or by mall. LhiuiJ Oream Halm for une in atoinlziiin 75 eta. Ely Brothera, CO Warreu Btroct, New York. HupinK4 our horses will have In Kl mini in iIiiimii machine before llm hi i i in i r In none, Wllllo lliiiilinlm purehiised I wo film Jersey cows recently. Victor Hrlcli Knil linn uliin been ihI'IIiik union Jet hi') ft to li Im fin hi. EAOLE CREEK. Iliiln Ih iikiiIii the nrdnr of Hid day. Tim farmora will ho d"llKhled over It H m Hiiinii nf them were whihlllK for rain. It. II. (llliHiiii wan hltteii on the hark of hln rlulil liiiud hy U il"K til" Hint of I nut week. Ho mud" t In on trlpa lo I'Xncinla iIiiiIiik tint week to have hln hand dii'iineil. It In Improv liiK. mid we hope will anon h" well. t!, II. I.uliu, of (iii'Hhiiin, iiK"Ul for Ihn J. II, WntkltiH Medicine Co., panHiel tlnoilKll UilH nelKllliolhnoil hint week. I'ri-d Kly, our mall carrlitr, aold it line JniHey cow lo It. H. (ilhnon bat week. Mr. and Mm. It. II. (ilhnon mud" it himlnena vlall to Kulncadit limt Hut iitduy. Ijml r'rlday afleriUHin the rieanatit Hill Kilucatlnlial Clilh remlnietl gilltu an litleri'HiltiK proKiumiiii). Several vIhIIoih were pri'Hcrtl. Kd and Minn Uliin DoiikIioix attetiilnl llm party iclven hy Mr. ami Mm Har vey tillmon, of llm ton, Kulurdu ev elllllK. Mr. and Mrn. Will DoiiKhnm loive Kline tpilto extelinlvely Into III'' clilrk eii talnliiK himluenn. At Hill writ IliK they have ahniit ICII III lie clilrkn mnl hum 17 iin'i" Ii'Mim urillm;. Mm. H II. (ilhnnu i-lillnl nil Mm. Churlen Mm I'll)' and Minn M.'ila, H'lii duv nftertiiHiit. Mr. mnl Mm Mctiraw, nf Currlnn vllln. vlnlted with Mr. mid Mm. llnw h it Siiudny allertiiHin. K. I. I'lilfrey hutchi-rnl ImKn nn Mnnilay. 't he KiikI" (.'reek team played with the Hop (iold team Kinnlny. Heoi". 5 to (I, In favor of Tim "lloppera." There wan a hiiiiiII crowd out to wit- it-MM till' Kllllle. II 8. and tt. 11. C Union inudn a trip to I Suit on on Monday. The KiikI" Creek (irniiKe will Rive a picnic In their beautiful Rrove hy (he Knuik-e hall, on Katiirilay, May IT., I'jnll. Tltere will be all InterenlliiK proKraiiime, ctuntlntliiir of ai-uklnK. noiiKn, nnd recltiitlotiM, rendiTt'd In the afternoon. Every one cordially Invited to att 1. OAHTOniA liUlll f Draper Landa Blfl Flih. Harry K Draper, vice prenldeiit ol the firm of Huntley llron. Co., Krldny mornltiK hroke all of thin Meannu'n rei-nrdn for the liirncl catch with hook and Hue. lie went nut early with Theodore Onmniid and landed a Inn!" aalmon that lipped the hemn at VAi pniltldn. Tho mounter exclleil much itttcntlun mid wan eihlblled In llutitley'a Hhow window. Buys Homi In Willamette. t)r II I I'liliiinun wnn 111 t tic cltv Thiimdiiy from rortland. Dr. Chip man han Junt puri-lininl a Sumtuer hntue lit Willamette It'a A Top Notch Doer. Ureal ileeiln compel reRard. The world crnwnn Ita cloera. That's why thn American people havn crowned Mr. KIiik'h New Dlneovcry tho KiiiK of Throat and Umir rcmedlen. Every atom Im a health force. It k I 11m Kitrtin, nml colitn nnd In Krlppe vanlnh. It heitla couKh racked niemhrnnea and roiiKlilna; ntopn. Sortt, Inllmned tiron- eh lit I tulien mnl Iuiikm are cured and lii'iiiorhaen ceitKe. Dr. (leo. More, lllark Jack, N. C, writes "It cured mo of liitiR trouble, pronounced hopelena hy all iloctorn." r.oc and 1.00. Trial biiltln free. Ciiiaranti-vd hy June tiruit Co. Notice of Sale. Notice In hereby Riven ttint In pur niiuuce of nn order of (he County Court of the State of OrcRon. tor Clai'linnnm Cnunly, inadi' the IV.Uh day nf April, l'.m. Hie iinderNlRned, im ad mliilHtratrlx of Hie cntate of II. K. Ilnmtow, ileceaHi'd. will on mid after the Hint day of May. lHOil. Hell at prl vulti Hale nt roonin S, 4. and S. Slev- enn bulldliiR. at lireRon City, OrcRon, to the hlRheHt bidder for ennh In Rold coin of the I'nlted Staten and mth Jecl to conllrniatlon by mild County Cinirt. all dm rlRht, title and Inter cut the Kiild II K. Harntow had lit the time of IiIk drill h In anil to the fol IowIiir ileHcrlheil real property, to wit: All of the Kant half nf the SutiihwoNt nuarter of aectlon twenty nine (2.l) In TowtiHhlp hIx (C) South of HaiiRo two (2) KiiHt of tho Wlllam- elte Meridian, In C'liickaiiiaa County, On'Ron. Dated thla 2!th day of April, 1909 CltltlSTINA SHARP, AilnilnlHtratrlx of tho emnte of 11. K. ItarHtow, decouHi'd. (K)ltDON E. HAYKS, Allorney for KHtnte. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka tniiH, Ariicb T. Allen, rinlntlff, v. W. J. Allen, Defetidant. In the namii of the Htatn of Oregon, you uro hereby required to appear anil aiiHwer to the complaint tiled iiRiilimt you In the above entitled court and caiiHO on or before tho llth day of June, lllllfl, and If you full to Ho ap pear or uiiHwer within unlit time, the plaintiff will npply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In Raid complaint, lowlt, that the hondfl of matrimony exlHtlng between the plaintiff nnd Hie defendant ho iIIhhoIvimI, and that the plaintiff he nwarded (ho euro and ciih- tody of her minor child, Mary A. Al len, nml for all further relief nn equity nnd thn nnturo of thla milt tuny require. Tills BiininioiiB Is pub- llnlied piirHunnt to nil order mnde hy t ho Hon. ThniniiH A. Mcllrtdo, Judge of tho nbovo entitled court and en tered oil tho 2lHt (lay of April, 1909, tho flrnt publication being on the 30th day of April. 1909, nnd tho hint publication on .lime 11, 1909. W. J .MAKKMM. Attorney for rinlntlff. FOR SAMS Two hoiiaea on hill, one on Ccntor ntroot, nnd one on Sixth Blreot, Oregon City. Also for lease or Biilo 29 room hotel In St. John Inquire Daniel Williams, 41GU Sov- onth St.. Oregon City. tf FOUND on the hill, a gold bracelet Owner may recover Biime by prov ing properly utid paying for tills notice. Apply to Christ Nnegell, K. F. . No. 1, Uox 108. FOR SALU two thoroughbred Short horn Durham bulls, one 3-year old nnd ono yearling. 0. H. Webster, one nillo north of Gladstone Park Bummoni. In the Cliciilt Court of thn Hlnlo of OreRon, for (!lnckaman County. Allen Small Stutter, I'liilntlff ' VM. Mlllon M. Hiallor, Defetidant. To Mlllon M. Hlaller, lint uiiovo named ilefeiidaiit: In llm nmim of tho Htalo of Oregon, you nru hereby reipilred lo appear and in.u.,.r tin, roiimliiiiii tiled nidiltiHt yini In (ho above enlllleil court mid ciiiimm at or before the expiration or am uini.tm fi-niii ih ilnln of (Imt nil 1) 1 1 r-ii- l lou of thla nolle.., and If you full to do ho llm pliuniirf win appiy io mo court fnr the relief prayed for In th" nald complaint, to-wll: a docroo ilia Holvlng th bomU of miiirlmony ox iHiltig helween you nml the plaintiff ami renlurltiK to the plaintiff her t,.Mliti,M liimie Alice Klirllh llownrd. Thin auuimoiia In publlHhed purMiinnt to mi oruer or lion. i. n. mcnim", JiiiIkd of wild court, niiulii April 2d, lliu'.t, dlrectliiK Hint thla not Ire ho pub iii.,.,i in. i le mm limn mien n week for Mix coiiniicullvo week In til" Oregon City KnliTprlno. The ditto of the llrnt publication of thin nollen la April ID, I DAVID N. MOHHHHOHN, Attorney for I'lalntiff. Notice to Credltora. K'.itlei. In hereby ulven that the nn- ilerMlgiii'd Into been appointed admin- iMlralor of tho lintatii or I liomaa it., iii.iiln ilen-nHi'd. The Count y Court of ClarkaiiuiM County, (JreRun, and all pemona having clulinn iiRaliiHt Miild r hi ale are hereby notllled to preHont the aatim, properly vermeil, to ino nald ndmlnlHlrator at (ho office of John W. Iider, Htevetia llulldlng, Ore gon City, Oregon, within hIx (0) month from the 'Into of flrnt publl- ration of thla nutlet'. Dated April 1, 1909. (iltlll-.N A. IIATTIN. AduilnlHtnitor of thn ICntato of Thorn- iin E. Ilattln, DeccnHt'd. CITATION. In the futility Court of ll.o State of Oregon, for llm County ol uncna- IIIIIM In the mnlter of tho Enlntii of Honor Mmka Whlllock, (leceaneii. The t tile of the State of Oregon to KiUard It Whit lock, Jane Mark Smith. ThoniiiM Whlllock, the Ameri can Home Missionary Society, a cor poration, Rutherford Whlllock and Jrace Whlllock. are liereliy cueii io appear before the Honorable (irant II. Dlmlck, Judge of the aimvo eniiiieii ourt on Monday. Mny lOlli. lu. ut in o'clock A. M. to Hhow cnune why an Order should not bo granted to aell the following deiicrlbed real prop- rty, belunglng to said entato, tu-wit: Ciitnuiencliig Bt a point 13 chalna S. Mi deg. E. from a point, which Is 29.r.f. chalna S. 1 deg. W. from the N. W. corner of Ezra Klnher'a D. U C. No. tt In T. 2 S.. It. 2 E. of the Wlllatn- tto Meridian. Oregon, running thence N. 1 deg. E. 9 20 chnlnn; thenco N. 14 degn. W. ulotig the N. lino of it tract of land aold by Eura Klihor ami wife to Uoorgo Abernethy 6.43 chnllia; thence 8. 1 deg. W. 6.73 chnlnn; thence 8. 65 (legs. E. 2.3b chalna; thonco S. 78" dega. K. 2.05 chains; thence H. 2.24 chnlnn; thence S. 8(1 degn E. 1.87 chains to tho place of beginning, containing 4 f3 acres, nlno tho following dene r! bed tract of land, to-wlt: Commencing at a point 8. SO dogs. E. 10 68 chnllia from a point which Is Id chains 8. 1 deg. W. from the N. W. corner of Ezra Kinder I). I.. C. No. 44. In T. 2 8.. II. 2 E. of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon, miming thonco N. Mi degn. E. along tho lino of a tract of land suld to (ieorge Abernethy by mild K.ra Fisher and wife 1.55 chains; thence N. 1 deg. W. 2.35 chalna; thence 8. 7K'-j (legs. E. 1.C0 chains: tbence S. 2 24 chains to tho place of beginning, containing about 410 acres. Commencing nt a point G G3100 chains S. 84 14 degn. E. from a point which Is 20 chains S. 1 dog. W. from the N. W. corner of E.ra Fisher's D. U C. Nn. 41, In T. 2 .S. R. 2 E., of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon; thence 8. 1 deg. W. 5 40-100 chains to a stake; (hence E. 80.100 chains; thence S. 68 (legs. E. 1 22-lon chains; thence N. 1 deg. E. 5 115 100 chains In the N. line of n tract of land aold by K.rn Fisher nnd wife to Roorge Miernrthy; thence N. 84 1-4 (legs. W. 1 Sii-lOll chains to Hie place of he- RlnuliiR, containing one acre, more or less. In testimony whereof, I, F. W. Creeiiinan, Clerk of the County Court aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand nnd tllxcd the seal of said Court Ibis lith day of April, 1909. F. W. tiREKNM AN Clerk. Hy W. U Mulvey. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Anna E. McKeown, l'lniutlff, vs. Thomas J. McKeown, Defendant. To Thomas J. McKeown, the above named defendant: In the inline of tho State of Oregon, you aro hereby required to appear and unswer iho complaint Hied agninst you In the above entitled Court and ciiiise on or before the 2Slh day of May, 1909, which will bo six weeks nftor the first publication of tins summons, and If you fall, to so ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will ap ply lo the Court for tho relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wll; for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff mid for tho custody of the three minor children named In her complaint nnd for such further relief its to the Court may seem Just. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcflrlde, Judge of tho above named Court, nindo nnd entered on the 20th day of April, 1909. First publication April 23, 1909. Lust publication May 28. 1909. MAC M.UION, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Cliickntiins Conn ty, Oregon, executrix of the lust will and testament of Herlhft E. Tscliar- nig, deceased. Into of snld County and Stale. Any and nil persons having claims ngniiiHt the said estate are hereby notllled to present tho sumo duly verified according lo law to my nttorney, C. H. Dye. Esq., corner 8lh nnd Main streets, Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from tho date of this notice. JULIA TSCHARNIt; HARTKE. Executrix of aforesaid estate Dated, April 30th, 1909. LOST $10.00 Reward. Light liny niaro, weight about 900 pounds. Dig left knee. Whlto spot on forehead, white foot, bnck; now shoes; bnind C. N. Also liluck colt a year old, 1 white foot behind, while spot on flre head. lloth had halters when they left. R. M. Wagner, R. F. i). No, 2, Box 15, Canby, Ore. Summone. In tho Circuit Court of thn stato of Oregon for thu County of Clacka mas. August Motiliui'loii, 11 ft J nt I IT. va. Adolf Ilontl, mill Kate llostl, bin wlfo mid C. K. Hitinsby, Itecnrder of Con veyance for Clackamas County, Oregon, Defendants. To Adolf llostl and Kate rtostl, his wife: In the nnmo of the Btmo of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear nnd answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before tho expira tion of six weeks from the date of the flrnt publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and an swer said complaint, for want there of, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In said com plaint, to-wlt; For the cancellation of that certain deed of conveyance made by August Montnndon and wife to Adolph Rosil on or about the 15th day nf October, A. D. 1908, conveying the following dem-rlbed property, to-wlt;; lleglnnlng at a point 0 C7 chain East of the Northwest coiner of the South West Quarter of Section 34. T. 4 8., It. 1 E. of W. M., and running I hence West 20.07 chnlnn; thence 8011H1 20 chains, thence Kant 17.60 chains, thence South Z'l chains, thenco 9.17 chiiina, thenco North 40 chnlnn, to the placo of beginning, containing 71. fix acres more or lens, being a part of th William Donaldson D. h. C, and fnr a further decree compelling the said defendants to deliver up sal'l deed for cancellation, and that said deed be canceled mid held for naught, and forever restraining the Recorder of Conveyances for Clackamas county, Oregon from recording said deed In the records of said Clackmnaa Coun ty, Oregon. This Summon Is publlHhed by or ,li,r of Don. Thomas A. McUrlde. Judge ,.i n, circuit Court of the State of Oregon, made and entered this 23d day of March, A. I). 1909, directing that said summons be published In fin. rirevon Cltr Enternrlso for six successive weeks, commencing with the publication of Kriuay, .Marcn ii, 1909. and ending f riuay, May an, 1909. DIMICK & IjIMICK. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that tho tin- liTHlRiied has been appointed admin istrator of the Estate of U. T. Elon, deceased by the County Court of Clack amas County, Oregnu, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, nrnnerly verified, to the said adminis trator at the office of Uvy Sllpp, Ma sonic llulldlng, Oregon City, Oregon, within six (Ol months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated April 23, 1909. OTTO E. MEINDL, Administrator of the Estate of B. T. Elon, Deceased. t Notice of Final Settlement. Notlco Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administratrix of the es tate of Samuel Bernhard, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clarknmas County, State of Oregon, her final account as such administra trix of said estate, and that Monday, the 17th day of May. 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., has been fixed as the time for hearing of objections to- said report and the settlement thereof. LENA HOLZAPFEL. (nee Lena Bernhard) Administratrix of the estate of Samuel Bernhard, deceased. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Mabel M. Shlpmun, Plaintiff, vs. William Shluman, Defendant. To William Shlpman, defendant: In tho name of the Stato of Oregon: You aro hereby required to appear and nnswer to the complaint tiled agninst you in tho above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 3rd day of May, 1909, nnd if you fail to answer plaintiff will take a decree Bgainst you forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony heretofore and now existing between tho plaintiff and you. and for such other and further relief In the premises as tho Court mny deem Just and equitable. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publication In pursuance of nn order of the Honorable Grant B. Dlmick, County Judge of said Clackamas Comity, Oregon, nindo March 1C, 1909, directing such publl' cation in the Oregon City Enterprise, once a week for six successive weeks the first publication being March 19, 1909, and the Inst publication 30th day of April. 1909. HOWARD F. LATOURETTE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notlcs of Sale. Notlco Is hereby given that In pur- snnco of an order of the county court of the State of Oregon, for Clacka mas County, made the 1st day of April, 1909, tho undersigned as guard ian of the person and estate of Hildur It. I. Swnnson, a minor, will, on and after the 3rd day of May, 1909, sell at private sale at rooms 3, 4. and 5 Stovens Building, at Oregon City, Or egon, to tho highest bidder for cash in gold coin of the United States and subject to confirmation by said county court, all tho right, title and interest of said minor in and to the following described real property to-wit: The Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of section seven (7), Town ship Two (2) South, Range Three (3) East of the Willamette Meridian. Also a strip of land Sixteen (1G) feet wide along the South side of the North west quarter of Iho Northeast quarter of said Section Seven (7) said tract containing Forty (40) acres more or less. Dated this 1st day of April, 1909, MARIE J. SWANSON-CHITWOOD, C.uardlan of the person nnd estate of Hildur R. I. Swauson, a minor. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Guardian. Notice to Creditor. Notice Is hereby given, that tho un dersigned has beeu appointed execu tor of the last Will and Testament of Reoce Daughorty, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to nresent tho same, properly verllled to tho said executor at his home at Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication, April 9, 1909. RALPH SAWTELL, Executor of Last Will and Testament of Recce Daugherty. J. U. CAMPBELL, Attorney for Executor. Personal Mention KVKRYBODY'S MAG AINK has come back to town on a visit, after nearly two weeks' absence. lie says he hopes to stay quite a while with a number of the best families; he brings with him a lot of new Rtorics good ones ; his health is much improved. For Snlo by HUNTLEY BROS. Co. POWDER MAGAZINE at Otegon City J i miles from Courthouse on Chas. Livesay's place. K. McFar land, agent Rock, Mining:, Bank and Stump Powder TROJAN POWDER CO. Powder Delivered Every Day POLK'S GAZETTEER vem llunm-M ltrl'ry of each CHy. Ton nl VI1Uk In Ore.,n nnd W.-ii i.liiKton. Ktvinc a Ln,rrlltlv Fkelrh of Hrh llac. l,4-!lfn, HhiWMnir FacllltlpR anil a C!al-fl-il lilrc-tory of eHt-h lJualneM and !'rrf-Ml'.n K. I.. 1111. K CO , Inc. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. W. J. Peck, Plaintiff, vs. Mary W. Peck, Defendant. To Mary W. Peck, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the second day of May, 1309, said date belne the expiration of six weeks from the first publication or this summons, and If you fall to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existiiiE between plaintiff and defend ant and for such other and further relief In the premises as the Court may deem just and equitable. Service of this summons is mane upon you by publication in pursuance of an order of the Honorauie urani H Dlmlck. County Judge of sam Clnckamas County, Oregon, made March 20th, 1909, directing such pub lication In the Oregon City Enter prise, once a week for six successive weeks, the first publication being March 20, 1909, and the last publica tion 30th day of April, 1909. HOWARD F. LATOCRETTE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Appointment of Administratrix. NntlrB is herehv eiven that the un dersigned, by order of the Honorable County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, has been duly ap pointed administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Lucy Roseman, deceased. All persons having claims against sam re renuested to Dresent them duly verified at the office of my at torney, H. E. Cross, Oregon city, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated March 2Cth, 1909. MRS. MALINDA CAROTHERS. Administratrix. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for Estate. Summons. Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Barbara Hinkle, Plaintiff, vs. Jacob Hinkle. Defendant. To Jacob Hinkle, defendant above named: In the name nf the State of Orecou. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint wen against you In tho above entitled suit on or ifnr the Kill rinv of .tune. 1909. said date being after the expiration of six weeks from tlie nrst puoiicaiion 01 this summons, and If you fall U) ap pear and answer said complnint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complnint, to-wit: For a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This order is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the above named court, which order was made and entered on the 19th day of April, 1909. and the time pre scribed for publication thereof is six weeks, commencing with the issue of April 23d, 1909, and continuing each week thereafter to and lucluding June 4, 1909. GEO. C. BROWNELU Attorney for Plaintiff Administrator's Notice. Notice Is herehv eiven that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County court or viacKamas uoun ty, Oregon .administrator of the es tate of jnmes Hatinagen, deceased; all persons having claims against said estato are hereby notified to present the same to me or to my attorneys, duly verified as by law required with in six months from date hereof. Dated April 2, 1909. LEVI STEHMAN. Administrator aforesaid. O. D. EBY, C D. and D. C LATOURETTE, Attorneys for Administrator. PROFESSIONAL HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Weal Keitote, Loans, Innurnnce GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Caufkld Btdg. Phone Pacific States 62. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN Clackames County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO., 510 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. I F. B. RILEY, Attorneys A Counsellors at Law TIME CARD. O. W. P. DIVISION Between Portland and Oregon City- Leave Arrive Leave Arrive i I r. a 'J 5.27 7.22 7.52 8.22 8.52 9.22 9.52 10.22 10.52 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 1.22 I. 52 2.22 2.52 3.22 3.52 4.22 452 5.22 5.52 6.22 6.52 7.22 7.52 8.22 8.52 9.22 9.52 ia52 II. 52 5.40 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 5.40 6.20 6.50 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 I. 30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.03 9.33 10.03 II. 03 11.55 5.45 6.26 6.57 7.37 8.07 8.37 9.07 9.37 10.07 10.37 11.07 11.37 12.07 12.37 1.07 I. 03 2.07 2.37 3.07 3.37 4.07 4.37 5.07 5.37 6.07 6.37 7.07 7.37 8.07 8.37 9.07 9.37 10.07 II. 07 6.45 7.20 7.50 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 11.59 12.30 1.00 I. 30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 ii.oo II. 59 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 830 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 11.00 12.00 9.30 ! 10.00 1 10.30 ! 11.00 ) 11.30 I 12.00 12.30 i I. 00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 8.55 9.25 9.55 10.55 II. 55 12.50 12.46 '11.57 12.50 12.55 To Mllwaukie only. Trains for Falrview, Troutdale, Gresham, Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta cada and Cazadero and intermediate points. 7:15. xS:02. 9:05. xl0:05. 1:05. 3:05. x4:05. 5:05. x6:05. 7:05. 8:05. 11:35. For Gresham. x Gresham. Fairview and Troutdale. NOTE: Cars leave East Water aijd Morrison streets 5 minutes later than scheduled from First and Alder Sts. LOW RATES TO DAILY During, March and April From all Parts of the East VIA UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON RAIL ROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $33.50 from St. Locis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low from all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody you know in the East and tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them liter ature about Oregon, or send their ad dresses to us and we will do It. In this way you can be a great help In the growth and progress of your State, Yot Can Prepay Fares for anyone from any place if you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with our local agent at.d he will tele graph ticket promptly. Inquire of agents or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines In Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON. DIRECTORY Main Htreel, OHBOON CITY Main and Elg t Sts Phone Horns BUI WEINHARD BUILDING STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. O. D. EBY t Attorney-at-Law , Money loaned, abstracts furnish- ? ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. i U'REN A SCHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law I Deutscher Advokat , Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. TH08. F. RYAN ? Attorney-at-Law i t Probate and Realty Law Prac t ? tlce Specialties, Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple J C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of- t fice In First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ? HOWARD F. LATOURETTE t Lawyer . ,; 526-27-28 Corbett Building ' PORTLAND, ORE. Particular Mea ARE PLEASED WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK BECAUSE IT IS DONE RIGHT, BECAUSE WE GET IT OUT THE DAY WE PROMISE IT AND BE CAUSE WE GUARANTEE IT. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. CASCADE LAUNDRY Phone Main 93. Third and Main Streets. W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, bas located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stable, Seventh Street near Main, Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Mail 1 31 1 J. U. CAMPBELL Attorney-at-Law Will practice In all courts of the State. Office in Caufleld Bldg. j Oregon City, Oregon V''- i' Whiskey Is a good 'friend but a poor master. Used In moderation It cheers, In spires and strengthens men. For sociability use HARPER Sold by E. MATTHIES.