Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 09, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Milwaukee-Northwe&ern Clackamas
Wo wish to announce to you that wo have secured
the agency for the celebrated NAP-A-TAN Shoes in
all their styles. Come in and let us show them to you.
Remember, the genuine NAP-A-TAN hastho NAP-A-TAN
Label; take no other. Prices right, S3. 50,
. $4.00, and $4.50. High tops from $5.50 to $7.00.
JL LIEVnTT, 2 Boors Smth of P. O.
Why not Mtnrt nowtoday, nnd for
ever rid yottrHelf of Htoinnch trouble
mill Indigestion? A dieted stomach
gets tlm hluea anil grumblea. Give it
n good eat then tnkn Pnpo's Ilia
pepnln to Blurt III" dlgeallvo juice
worklllK. Theru will lie mi dynpepiill
or beli-hltig of (ilia or erui'tiillona of
iiildlKi'iited food; no feeling like
lump of lend In lh alninni-h or heart
tiurn, U-k lienilui lie uiid IMmlneaa,
and your fd will not ferment and
polnnn your breath with nuiiaeoua
Pape'e Dlupcpxln rout only BO
rents for a huge rnae at any drug
alorn here, and will relieve, the moHt
oliatlnntit enne of Indigestion and I'p
aet Htntimch In flm lillliutoa.
Them U nothltiK heller to take (ins
from Hloiuarli and cleiiuao the atom
ach and InteHtinea, and besides, one
trlangulo will (Uncut and prepare (or
aasluillntlon Into thn lilood nil your
f miiI the rniiiie an n aound, healthy
atommh would do It,
When tHnpepmii work, your atom
nob reels gets llaelf In order, cleana
iip-and then you feel like eating
when you come Id i he tnlile, and
what you em will do you good.
AbieiluiH relief from all Htoumrh
Mlaery la wnllliiK for you u aiHin a
you decide to lie it I n tnklnir niniieimln I
I eii your druggtat lliat you
1 n i'iin-,iiii, i-i-iiiine jtimi wnm
lo he thoroughly cured of IndlKea-'
t'""- j
5 , I
It la well known how piiorinoua taj
the damage dime hy Urea to the for-1
eata of the Northwual, hut there are
oilier eneuilea of the treea of thla re
Klou. Innecta are ulmi acllvo destroy
era of II tlmlier.
The Keren! Service haa lately found
I tint In one locnllly In Washington a
apeclea of lull k heelle lleiidroctou
11a piiniti-ruaiie. Hie entomologists cull
It haa heen klllliiK spot of thrifty
youiiK loii;laa llr anil doliiK thoiiaamla
of dollara of iIuiiihkc. Thoao lieetlca
ordlnnrlly breed only In email ttiiin-1
bera between the park mid the wood
of diuiiuHcd, dyliiK, dead or recently
felled ireea, but when aultublo breed-
Hill plucea become piirtlculiirly limner-1
oua and fnvoroble. they increnao ani
c normoiiHiy 111 numbers that they are
forced to lake, up their realdeiiro In
living Ir , which they promptly kill.
The fact that these liarkbeellcs
find auch favorubl.i breeding places In
old logging worka la a strong addition
al reuli, tho Korest Service con
cludes, for burning over aliishlnga af
ter logging. If the beetles become ex
cessively abundant only when they
have tho uiicoiiHuuied debris from log
ging lo breed In, and If they will kill
valuable timber when they do become
excessively abundant, foresters usk
why leave (hla debris to facilitate pro
pagation? DODGE.
(Too Into for Inat weuk.)
David Homer la laid up with a
lame hack. Wo mlaa him Id Sunday
school, aa ho Is n good Sunday school
Hoy Holey Is laid up with rheiimn
It's Good Foim !
Not to indulge in self praise, so we will let others
do the praising; that belongs to our Seeley's Best
Floor. What they say (not our competitors) about
our brand of flour, can be proved or disproved
easily Just take a sack home and do a little judg
ing on your own account. Money back if you are'
not fully satisfied it is the very best flour you have
used and that the praise you have heard is not well
deserved. .
D. C. LATOUIUSTTB President.
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Transacts a General Banklnfl Business. Opsn from A. M. to S P. M
The Holey it llorner l.uinher Co.
hun Ha aiiw mill building up ready for
Mie covering. Tim mill rut Ha own
I'lilldliiK iiiiiierlal and la now prepared
to auw for I lie public
Tim HprliiKWiil'ir roud supervisor of
Dlxtrlct No. 3:1, Mr. II. Cromer, ia
tulkliiK of putting In a new bridge on
what la known aa tho Cornet creek,
n hranch of Clear rreek. The bridge,
la Hi a had condition.
Ki ult treva aru commencing to
Arthur Howard and hla fulher have
roiiii to cuttlnij cord wood near Katn
cada, GEORGE.
Thla la the 4th day of April, with
n cold wind at about 2 mllea an hour
whirling Hid anew and cold. Every
hody haa to allck cloao to thti alow
and wait till hotter weuthwr coiuua.
Iiat Friday evening waa apeiit very
pleaaantly at thu home of Mr. and
Mra. Ahnert. DancliiK waa tho order
of the evenlnu until a lalo hour and
after refreshment worn aerved every
hody went home hoplUK to upend an
141 her auch enjoyable evening.
Kali tiruln la In flno condition In
thla neighborhood.
Potato planting la tho next thing on
the program.
Chrla and Henry Kllnkea are on the
alck Hat.
Mra. Jovnea and aon, Harold, were
In Eatucadn 011 a ahopplug expedition
Inat Friday.
Olio Pnolaen ralla at tho' home of
Mr. peter Hath quite often lately. We
cau l quite iinderatatid what la draw
ing hla attention.
Mr. Kiihl, one of the prominent
fnriui'te of Georito waa In (ir..i.,.n en.
011 iiiiHineaa,
Chrla Johuaon waa visiting the
Kllnkea liya Sunday.
Fred Una hua aet out a fine lot of
rahliam inta already.
1 11. in j k iiii ia employed Ra n
teamster for a Portland firm, waa out
10 iiia ruther Htiuduy.
Mra. Schmidt la staying with her
daughter. Mra. Judd, of Eugln Creek
"I prraent,
Object to Stronfl Medicines.
Many people otiject to takliiK tho
atroliK inedlclnea iiHimlly preacrlbed
hy phyalcliina for rheimiiitlHiu. There
la 110 need of Internal treatment In
any cuan of nuiai-nlar or chronic rheu-
! inntlam, and more than nine out of
i every ten canea of the dlaeaao are of
'' or tho other of thoao varieties,
'When thero la no fever and llltlo (If
any) awelllng, you may know that It
I "lily necessary to apply Chamber-
laln'a Liniment freely to gel quick
relief. Try It. Kor aalo by Huntley
Hsoa. Co.
A Good Investment
$17,000. 340 acres, SO acrei culti
vated, 130 acres pasture, slashed
about S years., balance timber and
bottom land; creek passing through
and water on all parts of place; largs
seven-room house, barn and other out
buildings, and nearly all under fence.
About 25 mllea from Portland, on
Plank road, rural route and two
creamery routes.
140 acres can be had at $80 per acre
or a part of the unimproved land at
Owner has realized fine returns on
this place.
Address "L" care Enterprise.
9th and
P. J. MEYER, Cashier
A well-known authority on liken
ninilam Klvea thn followliiK valiiahlo
thoiiKh almplo and harmleaa preacrlp
t Iiii. which any one cau emtlly prepare
at home:
Kluld Kxtract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; (.'oiuiHiiind Karituu, one ounce;
Compound Hyrup Hnraapurllln, three
Mix by ahuklnit well In a bottle, and
lake a tcaapooiiful after each meal
and at bed! line.
Ho atalea that thn liiKrodlenta can
be obtained from any good preacrlp
tlon phiirniiicy at amall coat, and, be
lli!! of vcjtcliihlu extraction, are harm
leaa to take.
Thla plenannt mixture, If taken reg
ularly for a few duya, la aald to over
come aliuoat any caae of Kheuiuatlam.
The pnln and awelllim. If any, illiuln-
lahea with each done, until permanent
rt-aulta are obtained, and without In
juring the atomaeh. Whllo there are
many aonllcd HheuniallHiii remedies
patent niedlclnea. etc., aoum of which
do glvo relief, few really give perma
nent reaulla, and the above will, no
doubt bo greatly appreciated by many
aufTorcra hero at ihl Hum.
Inquiry al the drug atorea of thla
neighborhood ellclta the Information 1
thai Iheae druga are haniilona and
can be bought aeparalely, or the drtig
grata here will mix the preacrlptlon
for our readers If aaked to.
Our people have been atung with the 1
grip thla laai two moiithM, nnd Its
work Is not to alight age or sect
The power plant people have been
out with their surveyora this wet and 1
bluslry spell. Not a greut deal of
Information can be gleaned from thoao
parties. It was reported that tho
company aa going to get a drill and
try the bed of tho river as to the
atone fiiiindiillon In the bottom of the
Our egg man who lives at Clacka
mas, lust week could not haul off all
the egg product of this rotito. We
name the route No. 1. the Logan and
Sione egg route, present their egg
canes nt ;!ii doien to tho caso, price
paid per dozen 19 cents cash at our
door. One egg raiser 116.15
llnrold Hayes Is having tho tract of
land Joining the Clear Creek brlclgo
which ho bought of Georgo Harding,
fitted up for a tflnce for tho summer
and fall for a public rest and outing
for tho Oregon City people and espe
cially the Portland people or any
other people that desire a flno place
lo take a real and llnd plenty of good
food raised off of Clackamas Winter
farms. Thla place of resort Is known
considerably throughout Western Or
egon. Hero is where tho U. S. Klsh
Hutchery was established over 25
years ago.. It Is called Stone, not be
cnuse their la stono hero, but Stona
was tho Klsh hatchery manager here.
The American Scandinavian Really
Co., of Portland, hus Induced a few
to settle on their colony. Several
prospective buyers nre out ,.vory few
days from Port hind looking at their
hinds. Their nlni 1h to sell tho land
In 10-ncre. tracts, more or less, it
was talked of aa being a Scandinavian
colony, hut the projectors sell to all
nationalities. Wo hope Hint they may
make n success of their enterprise.
Tho 4th of April Hrolher R. W. Se
wall and Sister Sewnll canio and
preached at It o'clock in the foro
noon nnd at S In tho evening. The
usual nttuuduuco ami attention.
Another of our old pioneers
gone to rest. J, D. Slover died March
.11. The funeral services were con
ducted by Rev. Mrs. Illancburd, of
Tho Uidles' Foreign Missionary So
ciety of the M. E. church was enter
tained ut the home of Mra. E. A.
Seeley on Molalla avenue Tuesday af
ternoon nnd 12 members woro present.
Refreshments were served and all
had a good time.
Mra. Honry May, of Shubel, who Is
sick, 1b at the homo of her mother,
Grandma Ware.
J. W. Grout, of Southern Oregon,
who came home on account of the Ill
ness of his son Glenn, wad calling
ou old friends 111 this burg Tuesday
nnd Wednesday.
Johny Phillips, of noaver Creek, has
a sore knee and Is at the homo of
his slBter, Mrs. Chester Gorbett, to
be near tho doctor.
Mr. Osmon )s homo this week mak
ing garden.
Mrs. Delia (iottborg spent a few
days of Inst week transacting business
In El wood.
Mrs. Nellie Ball and daughter, of
Oswego, were hore with Grandma
Got! berg Thursday of lust week.
Mr. McGeelmn Bold his horse, har
ness and buggy last week.
Herman llranilt Is working In a
butcher Bhop down town.
Rev. Molloy and wife are both quite
well agnln. y'
Hen Knust has gone to Eastern Ore
gon to his ranch. . 1
Mr. (lerber haa gone to Mlagourl to
vlalt hla father, who la getting quite
W. C. William, of Sullwood, waa
culling on frlenda In thla buig laat
Kuater exerclaea will be held at the
Mountain View church on Molalla
avenue next Sunday afternoon.
Mra. Krank liullurd Ik able to call
on her neighbors again.
Kuater exerclaea at the V. I), church
will bo held Sunday evening- at C
Wallace Hroa. or Highland, took a
herd of cattle to their ranch at the
mountains laat Saturday.
Meaara. J. and W. Dlx. of Shubel
were visiting at home lust Sunday.
Ueorgi) Gardner, of Oregon City, Is
visiting at Colton.
Mr. Wallerstedt and family loft for
Portland Tuesday.
Joo Carlson hai quit logging for
V. 8. Dlx waa plowing for J. Putx
Mlaa Kmmol. Clark left for High
land Monday.
Curl Stromgreen was at Oregon
City luat week.
Mr. Hergreen and family Intend to
move to tho Hubbard place thla week.
The Colton poatottlco and atore will
be moved lo the Swedlah church.
Mrs. U Livingston left for Mullno
lust Monday.
P. P. Putr. la out with a machine
cutting wood In tho neighborhood.
Colton school closed lust Tuesday,
after a successful term.
John Countryman left for Logan,
where he Intends to work, lust Sun
day. Mra. J. Lamm, who had heen visit
ing her parents, Mr .and Mrs. IJonney,
" '.
; ,!,.'
al Colton, left for the Cascade Locks
had the fortune of catch-
I lug a mink, a coon and a chicken in
1 hla traps last week.
Mr. Stromgreen and Mr. Anderson
j were moving furniture and other
things for Mr. Hergreen Tuesday.
John Phillips, whllo working in the
woods nt Unit's, had the misfortune
of ciitllug his knee badly with an ax.
He is now at Oregon City under the
cure of tho doctor.
Mr. Engstrom hns laid tho founda
tion of his house nlready.
Kred Usurer hud the misfortune of
losing a horse. While Jumping a
fence It fell nnd hurt Itself budly.
Mrs. Scheer, of Porllnnd, hns been
visiting her son, Henry Scheer, for
several weeks.
The lecture given by Prof. Cromley
on "New Thought." was very much ap
preciated. Those not attending missed
a rare treat.
Mr. and Mrs. Schrlner visited over
Sunday with relutlves In Sellwood.
Miss Alice lioylun spent several
duys In Oregon Cltj last week with
her nuiit. Mrs. Henderson.
Mr Krank came home Saturday.
returning Monday to Portland, wllere
he is working.
Tom Uudsey was calling on old
friends Sunday.
Mrs. Graves gave a party In honor
or her son George s tenth birthday
nt her home, lust Wednesday even
ing, to a few Intimate friends, and
his schoolmates. Tho evening was
most pleasantly sicnt with games and
music. 1 no guests were served a
delicious lunch. All went home de
claring that they wished George wouM
hnve a birthday often.
Frightful Fate Averted.
"I would huvo been a cripple for
life, from a terrible cut on my knee
cap," writes Krnnk Disberry, Kelll
her, Minn, "without Ducklen'a Ar
nica SnlvO, which soon cured me." In
fallible for wounds, cuts, bruises, It
soon euros Rums, Scalds, Old Sores,
Bolls, Skin Eruptions. World's best
for Piles. 25c at Junes Drug Co.
Elvs Cream Balm
Sure to Clve Satisfaction.
It cleansed, aoot hp. and protects the
diKewicd membrane rinulting from Catarrh
and driven away a Cold in the Ilund quickly.
Keatorea the Sonsee of Tasta and Smell.
Easy to me. Contains 110 injurious drags
Applied Into the ntrils and absorbed.
Iiirgs Sir.e, 60 cent at Druggists or by
mail. Liquid Croiua Balm for xae in
atomizers, 75 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, 16 Warren St.. New York.
Those who hare news for the
Milwaukee department of the
Enterprise hnuld either mall
It ii the Milwaukee Editor of
tho Enterprise at Oregon City
or leavo It at tho real estate
mid Insurance, office of A. H.
iKiwIIng In Milwaukee, or with
Justice of tho Peace Kelso,
i Horn to Mr. and Mm. Robert Chin-!-ns,
April 1, a daughter. Mother and
i child doing well,
i Junit-M Philips, an employee of the
lllawley Pulp it Paper Company
ineir puip mm in inn cu, 1
!nn accident the other day. He
' working ut tho barker when in some
'way liis imiiii caino in coniai.i mm
I the knives with the result thai On
I Hp of one of bis fingers was cut off.
The Milwaukee Volunteer Kire De
partment will glvo a ball on Hatnr
jday evening. April 17, at tho city hull.
I Hi Ilea orchestra haa been engaged 10
! furnish nnialo for the occasion. L
!h. Ilurlow, R. M. Lakln and W. E.
Kelso, who have been giving tie; Mil
waukee Suburban dances, are on tho
' commit tea and their patrons am cor
dially Invited to attend. A good lime
and good order Is guaranteed. 1 he
proceeds of this dance will he u,ed
for the fitting up and decorating of
the new reading room In thu city ua'l.
A lute car lo Hellwood and Portland
haa been arranged for.
Tho Myer Hroibers, who went to
Seattle some tlmo ago, hao returned
and have accepted a position as con
ductors with the Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company. Tbey re
port that Seattle Is very dull.
At tho next regular meeting of tho
city council, April 13, Mr. Morrow,
right-of-way agent for t'ae Heaverton
Wlllsburg Railway expects to bt, pres
ent and will submit further plans to
th(. council for tho near depot, and
other business connected with the
new road. It Is hoped the council and
Mr. Morrow will come to terms.
The excavation for the basement of
the new bank building has be,.n Ie
layed on account of the weather the
last few days.
Dr. Townley haa moved bis office
Into the Shlndler Kerr building.
Mrs. M. D. Reed has sold twenty
two acres of ber homo place to B.
U-e Paget, which brought her approx
imately J1000 an acre.
Chief engineer Holman and Mr.
Morrow, of the Reaverton-Wllisburg
railway, were In Milwaukee on busi
ness Tuesday.
J. W. Ray has closed up his show
repair shop and acepted a posi'loj In
Lehman Brothers meat market.
F. E. Maple has moved Into tho Mil
ler residence.
Don't forget the Bazaar and Egg
social to b(. given by Hie Woman's
Work Club at the Grange hall next
Saturday evening. Easter egg will
be one of the features of tno affair.
A Bhort program will be rendered, af
ter which refreshments will be
served. Admission free.
The lecture given Krir'cy ver.lns.
April 2, by Mr. Klnley, president of
thu Audobon society under th( aus
pices of tho Mothers' and Teachers'
Club was well attended. Mr. Flnley
gave a very interesttn.; ns well as In
structive talk on uie wild birds cf
Milwaukee Grange No. y,S held its
regular session on Friday i vening.
April 2. A large numlier were In at
tendance and one candidate was ini
tiated. A Bhort programme was ren
dered by members and arrangements
were made to observe Arbor day on
April 17 at their day niee'.lng. The
grange will plant a row of maples in
front of Hi,, grange property on that
Mr. Ferree' has bought about 60
lots from Thomas Toa-s, Mrs. M. D.
Reed and E. F. Riley In Mlnlhom ad-
dlton to Portland. He expects to be
gin draining the land ut 1:1100 and has
purchased a car load of tiling which
Is already on the groiim'..
Thomas Furlong has bought 8 lots
from Mrs. Irwin aud will build a rest
dennip on the pro;jny In the near
The dance given by the Milwau
kee Suburban Club Saturday evening,
April 3, was a grand success. This
was the last dunce of the senson to
be'glven by th(i club, but everyone
who attended tie dances have re
quested the boys to continue them.
However, they have decided not to
give any more dances this season.
A. H. Dowllng has sold to Mr. Block
er eleven lots In Milwaukee, for V-,-500.
Mr. Bleck(.r Intends 10 build a
tine residence ou the property In the
uear future.
Geo. J. Hall of the Pacific States
Telephone Company, wa9 In Milwau
kee Wednesday looking after the lines
which are being constructed in this
Let Dowling sell your property.
Mrs. Howarilson and three child
ren of Sellwood, spent Friday with
her mother, Mra. McMonlgal.
Mrs. Ricketts and four chlld-en,
from Portland, cnnie out on Friday,
and were over Sunday visitors at the
llcox home.
Mrs. Major Clnrkson and Miss Flos
sie Jennings nnd Mr. Clare Jennings,
of Portland, have spent part of the
week with Miss Brouto Jennings,
who hns been confined to her home
with an attack of the measles, but at
this writing Is much improved.
A number of children have been
very sick udring tho past week with
the measles. Among them were:
Grade Rose, Reginald Ross, Mary
June Pnlnton, Fnnuy Smith, Wlllard
Slocum, Arthur and Bessie Roberts,
Esther and Theodore Reeves, but nil
are now repidly recovering. Little
Sybil Brown is very sick with them
at this writing.
The quilt pieced by Miss Ollle Rose,
which chances were sold on, was
won by No. 27 and was held by Mr.
Mr. H. R. Smith, nccomunnlod by
his son, Henry, drove out near Canhy
Inst week to look for some suitable
farm land. They purchased 6t acres
flvo miles from Canby and eight miles
from Oregon City. They have de
cided not to move their till about Sep
tember 1st.
Rev. Shupp haa been holding a se
ries of meetings In the chapel during
the past week and will continue
them Into the coming week. Rev.
Shupp has given some very fine ser
monB and on Tuesday evening Mrs.
Shupp gave a very earnest, heart-to-heart
talk. The attendance, owing
to the sickness In the neighborhood,
has not been as good as it otherwise
owuld have been.
Mr. and Mrs. E. King came down
to our little village orl Sunday from
Oak Grove, looking over their routo
at this pluco. They tnko orders for
meat and deliver on Tuesdays and
Mr. and Mra, ollarilmnn visited with
their aon, Mr; Bert ollanlman, at i;,:i
East 2ut li street in Portland.
Edd Milthewa wan a Kiin.lnv visitor
! Irt Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hare, of Portland,
spent Sunday at the Hampton cotage.
Mrs. Ross returned from Vancouver,
Wash., during the week, having been
called home owing to Master Regi
nald having n a"ack of the nieiMlcH.
Mr, If. H. Emmons Is having the
excavating done, for hla new barn on
''tt) rvi
front. Mr. Smith la to do
the hauling, and as It Is to have a
cobblestone basement, Mr. Cuddy will
! (,f) (hp
mason work and Mr. Wilcox
the frame work,
Tho Easter program which was to
have been held on the evening of
April 11th, hns been postponed until
the evening of April lMh. Mrs. Rote
erta and Mrs. Pa In ton are on llij
programme committee and aro pre
paring to have a fine programme.
The ladles' Industrial Club of this
place has been invited to send two
ilelegaies to the annual meeting of
the Women's Club in Oregon City, on
April 141 h, and on Thursday a called
meeting was held at the home of Mrs.
Walter Ueckner and Mrs. Morse, the
president and Mrs. Shaver were
chosen, and Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs.
Roberts as alternates. The club was
also Invited to give a report of Its
workings and meetings during the
Mr. and Mrs. Flnley and children
spent two days In Portland In inter
est of the Audobon society of which
Mr. Flnley is president. Mr. Flnley
also gave one of his popular bird lec
tures in Milwaukee one evening last
On Tuesday evening, March 30th,
Mrs. Pratt entertained at a six o'clock
dinner in honor of her son, Harold's
ulnth birthday anniversary and also
the birthday anniversary of ber s li
ter. Miss Susie Smith'. Covers were
laid for Miss Smith, Mr. Henry Smith,
Mr. Hoyer, Dannie Smith and Jennie
and Harold Pratt; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miss Helen Palnton Is acting as
agent for the Oregon Journal while
Arthur Roberts Is on the "measley"
sick list.
Will Jacobs shipped three thorough
red fox-terrier pups to The Dalles last
Harry Sargeant has been a guest at
the Rice home this week.
Mrs. H. J. Rice accompanied by her
daughter, Miss Nellie, spent Satur
day and Sunday with Dr. Rice, in
An unusual pretty party was given
at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. George
E. Morse on Monday evening of this
week, when Miss Morse entertained
about thirty-five of the young folks
of the neighborhood. The parlors,
reception ball and dining room were
prettily decorated In spring blos
soms, the currant blossoms being
very prominent In the artistic decora
tions. Much enjoyment was had In
the grocery store which was impro
vised for the evening on the balcony
and the art gallery in the north par
lor. The prizes for the games were
Easter novelties In the shape of boxes
of Easter candies and were received
by Mr. Gilbert Smith, Miss Ollle Rose
and Mr. Dannie Smith. Miss Morse
waa assisted In the entertainment of
her guests by Misses Shaver, Palnton,
Kruse and delicious refreshments
were served. Present were Messrs.
Taylor, Smith, Hallowell, RInearson,
Risley, Gault, Boardman, Richardson,
H. Hallowell, D. Smith. Rose and
Beckner and the Misses Hallowell
Kruse, French, Clark, M. IJallowell
Risley. Rinearson, Palnton. Shaver,
Scripture, Smith, Rice, Harrington, O.
Risley, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Emmons,
and Mr. and Mrs. George Morse.
Road workers have again resumed
work on the Center street grade after
the bad weather.
C. N. White, who has been very 111
for the past week with the grip, is
speedily recovering.
The entertainment given by the
Modern Woodmen of America last
Saturday evening. AprtI 3, was a de
cided success both financially and
socially. Many thanks to the Port
land people, who so graciously fur
nished their talent.
Howard Skoog is building a very
pretty four room bungalow on his lots
on Center Street.
William Wells' new $3,000 home Is
An Edison standard Phonograph
And That Is Not All-r-here are the special Inducements we offer you
No Money Down we pny the freight allow you eight months' time to
pav and give you Ten Days' Free Trial in your own home of this Standard
Edison Outfit.
The illustration above Is of our No. 7 Edison Outfit coating $29.55
and includes One Edison Standard Phonograph, one Beautiful Black V
norn, one aozr.n Edison Gold-Moulded
you), one Bottle of Oil, one Oil Can and an Automatic Brush At
tachment. Could you lmngine a more liberal offer? You take ab-
solutely No Risk in ordering this outfit. So mauy people have A,
prouounced it the best offer ever made them, that we know &
you will do the same.
Fill out the coupon with tho name and address, ,
mnil 11 tn 1I4 todaV nnd run U'ltlronn.l full nnrllniilnm s'
return mail.
.V" "
Eilers Piano House
Portland, Or.
Largest Pacific Coast Dealers in
Talking Machines, Records,
Pianos, Organs, etc.
rapidly nenrlng completion under the
auiiervlslon of Contractor Zander.
Wo aro sorry to report that Wuyno
Bunnell la very low with pneumonia.
Dr. J. II. McArthur I attending and
we hope to son Mr. Bunnell In our
midst In a short time.
Dr. Parker and family have moved
Into their newly erected residence on
Third nvenue nnd Onk street.
Mra. Powell, who has been visiting
Mrs, Glenn and daughter, hua return
ed to her home In Eastern Oregon.
The fen acres Just south of Cen
ter street on Second avenue, belong
ing to'J. H. Elchenherger, of Port
hind, has been aold by locnl agents
to Mr. McCorrnlek. The consideration
was :i.')iMi.
The local real estate dealers aro
busy these dnys showing proectlvo
buyers acreage of all description In
this section. Several good tracts aro
about to b transferred.
The Onk Orove. Improvement Asso
ciation held Its regular meting Thurs
day evening, April 1. C. C. Chambers
of the Chamber of Commerce, Port
land, gave a very interesting as well
as Instructive talk.
Charles Colosky, who has been vis
iting hla father, has Just returned to
hla home In North Dukota.
The Oak Grovo Rod and dun Club
expects to give a shoot to all comers
Sunday, April IS, on their grounds
Just east of the station. All are Invited.
George Gardner was visiting Col
ton this week. He went for the pur
pose of hunting and fishing. He got
quite a large quantity of Ash.
Messrs. Barne and Genalon have
received some lumber from Portland
to start a new green house. Things
around their place looks fine. The
sweet peas are blooming In the green
bouses and the pansles are blooming
Mr. Cheney received some lumber
from Portland to finish his house.
r. Mran is lathing and plastering
his house thl week.
Mr. Britten Is still In Sap Francis
co. Mrs. Jane Bretler, from Oregon City,
was visiting her mother, Mrs. L. B
Miller, Sunday. '
Mr. Gull! la plowing his own place
this week.
Mildred Sladen has poison oak.
FOR SALE Two houses on hill, one
on Center street, and one on Sixth
street, Oregon City. Also for lease
or sale 29 room hotel in 8t. John.
Inquire Daniel Williams, 416ft Ser
enth St., Oregon City. if
Notice of Sale.. j
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
sance of an order of the county court
of the State of Oregon, for Clacka
mas County, made the 1st day of
April, 1909, the undersigned as guard
ian of the person and estate of Hildur
R. I. Swanson, a minor, will, on and
after the 3rd day of May, 1909, sell
at private sale at rooms 3, 4, and 6,
Stevens Building, at Oregon City, Or
egon, to the highest bidder for cash
in gold coin of the United States and
subject to confirmation by said county
court, all the right, title and interest
of said minor in and to the following
described real property to-wtt: The
Northeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of section seven (7), Town
ship Two (2) South, Range Three (3)
East of the Willamette Meridian. Also
a strip of land Sixteen (16) feet wide
along (he South side of the North
west quarter of tk Northeast quarter
of said 8ectIon Seven (7) said tract
containing Forty (40) acres more or
Dated this 1st day of April. 1909.
Guardian of the person and estate of
Hildur R. I. Swanson. a minor.
GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the Estate of Thomas E.
Battln, deceased. The County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon, and all
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
tne same, properly verified, to the
said administrator at the office of
John W. Loder, Stevens Building, Ore
gon City, Oregon, within six (6)
months from the date of first publi
cation of this notice.
Dated April 1, 1909.
Administrator of the Estate of Thom
as E. Battin, Deceased.
Records (to be selected by V.
"- Xki,
353 Washington
Portland, Or.
Gentlemen: Please send
catalogues and full par
ticulars of your Edison
Free Trial Offer.