OREGON CITY flJTERPKlE, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1900. 7 Bummom. In the Circuit Court of (tin Btnto of Ori'Kiui, (or tho County of Clucks nma, Win. IC. DliK'loll, I'lnliitlir, v. Mary France Diwdell, Defendant, To Mnry Frances I)tiKlll, lliu abovo IiiiiiiimI defemlnnt: In Urn tiHinn of I lis Hindi of OroKoii! You urn hereby coiiimaiiilml mul re quired to appear on r before tho 211(1 day of April, lliuii, mul anawor lliti complaint IIIimI tiKitliiHl you In 1 1"' mIkivu entitled Cmirt mul onumi, lil (tain Ih'Iiik inuru (linn hIx weeks from (tin tint ii of (ha firm publication of thU summon, nntl If you full to p pour mul mmwor, tlm plnlnllff will ap ily lo thin Court for tlin relief prayed for In Id complaint, to-wlt: For decree forovor (llnnolvlng the bond of iiiiilrliiiony heretofore oiiiorod lulo nil existing between you mid plaintiff, mul for uoh oilier and furlhor relief mi lo ill Court may iem mnt, Thli summon I served uitou you liy publication by nulhorlly of an order duly Issued by Ih Honorable tlrnnt II. liliiilck, JiuIko of t" County Court, rnilil order being dnted tho Ulh ilny of March, 1909, mul duly in mlii mul entered In mlil Court and cause tin tftld ilutn, JAS. K. CIIAII). Attorney for Plaintiff. Iul of flrnt publication, Mnrrh 12, llliil). Ut publication April 23, 190V. Citation, In tho County Court of tho Bute of Orrsjnn, for tho County of Clacks mm). In tho Matter of tho Ratals of Idlrlu II, Rockwell, l)oeead. To Winer Itorkwnll, Anna Rockwell, Mury Rockwell, elm. It. Mantle vltle, Kuttene MandnvllU. Carrie Corey, Alinil Itorkwnll MrlCvoy, Neb Ilo Itorkwnll, U W. Rockwell, Cor nell Rockwell, Frank Itorkwnll, llrhrt Rockwell, mid lluliy (lor trudo rlmiilnnor, mid to all othnr unknown lilr of tho estate of Uirliii 1). Horkwall, deceased. In I ho Name of tho Btate of Ore- ton: You and ealh 'of you are hereby rlted mul required to be mid appear In the County Court of. tho Stats of Oregon.'' for tho County of Clackamas, on Moiidny, thn l!lh (Uy of April, 1909, at thn hour of ten o'clock lu tho (orniiiMin of ild day. to show cause. If any eUt, why n order of vain should not bo made dlrec'llua; lha sale of thn real property belonging to tho ld naUto of Ijirliu D. Kockwolt, deceased, dnwrlbnd follow: I'liillvldnd hklf Intercut In Mock II. 13. 17 and IS and undivided half Interest In the South half of Work 13 and undivided half Internal In tho Houth half of ltloek 10 all In Prune lund, lu Ctarkaiiiaa Coiiniy, Ktnto of Oregon. In accordance with the ptl tlm of Thomas Hoy Sleight, admin lalralor of tho palate of Uiclus I). Itockwnll, deceased, filed In tho aald court on thn 6th day of Mnrrh, 11)09. WltiiKH the Hon. Oranl II. Dlmlck, JtldKe of tho ahovo entltlnd court and . thn anal of thla court till 8th day of March, l9. F. V. t; It EES. MAN, County Clerk of Clnrknma County, (SKALl Btato of Oregon. Ity V. I Millvey. Deputy. Klrat publication March 13, 1909. Guardian' 81 .Notice la hembv given that, pursu nut to an order made In tho County Court for Multnomah County, Oregon, on March 3. 19"!), tho underalgned a gunrdlnn of the person and estate of Itnymond If. Forter, minor, will, on and after Monday, thn (th day of April, IUii9, pncccd to aell at prlvato aaln, and contluuo to anil, until tho aiitno la aold. at Room No, M0, Chain bnr of Commerce Hldg., corner of Third and Stark Street, Portland. Oregon, all of tho right, title, and In terest of aald minor in and to tho fol lowing dcarrllied real property atttinle In Clnckniua county, Htnto of Oregon: An undivided olio-fifth Intoreat In and to tho aouth half of tho north enitt quarter of tho north raat qunrtcr of Section 'numbered thirty three,. In Township ono South, of Ultimo tlireo Kaat of (ho WlllHtnntto Meridian; tho term of aultl vnlo are total purchnao price to ho paid In ennh. All.aale made auhjnrt to confirmation by tho above court. MINNIE FOSTER. Ciiiardlnn of Itnymond II. Foster, a minor. E. F. & F. It. RILEY. Attorney. lint od and flntt piibllHhnil March S, 1909: la.it publication April 2, 1909. Node of Final Settlement. Notice I hernby given that tho on deralgned, Bilininlatratrlx of tho o tnte of Wulf C, Kuehl, decnaaed, ha filed In tho county court of tho County of ClnrkiiiiiuH, Oregon, hor final ac count a Hitch adiulnlHtratrlx, and that Monday, tho Btlt day of April, 1909. nt 10 o'clock A. M., at tho County Court room In Oregon City, Clacka inuM County, Oregon, hit been fixed hh tho time and pluco by 4nld Court for hearing and determining any and nil objection to mil (I dual account. OERTRUDE KUE1IU Administratrix of tho 1-Xnto of Wulf C. Kuehl, dec, Summoni. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Cliicknmn County. Duncan Mncleod, Plaintiff, VM. Catherine I, U. Mnclood, Dofondnnt. To Cathnrlno I, n. Macleod, above named dofondnnt: In tho nnmo of the Stnto of Oregon, you nro horcliy required to appour nnd nnawor tho comp'laliit filed ngHlnat you In tho above Inlltled suit on or before Monday, tho 19th day of April. 1901), aald bito being more than six week from J no date of flint publi cation of thin numinous, and If you fall to appear and niiRwor snld complaint, for want theroof, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho rnllof pray ed for In aald complaint filed, to-wlt: For a docroe forever dlasolvlug tho hondH of matrimony now mid hercto foro exlHtlng botweon tho plaintiff nnd defendant, nnd for Hitch other, further and different relief as to tho Court may boo in meet and oqultahlo. . Thla AiimmoiiB I publlHhml by order of Hon, Thomn A. Mclirldo, Judgo of the nlmvo tinmed court, which order wiu mado and entered cn tho Hth dny of March 1909, and the tlmo preacrl li ed for publication Ih lx woekfl, be ginning with the iHHue of Friday, March Gth, 1909, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Fri day, April 10, 1909, GUS. C, M0SJ3R, Attorney for I'lalutlff. CLACKAMAS AB8TRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Title Examined. ' Abatracta of Title Mad. O 111 co over Bank of Orecoa City. JOHN F. CLAJUC, Up. Summon. In tho Circuit Court of tlin Htato of Oregon, for Claokumii County. W. L. llurrla, l'liilntlff, va, Florenco IC, llurrla, Dofntidiint. To Florence 3, Ilnrrl, above nnmoil iti'fendunt; fn thn nnmo of tho Blalo of Ore roii, you nro hereby, roqoinyl to ap pear and anawor the coinpMnt filed iignliiHt you In tho abovo entlllml milt on or hnforo Haturday, April 24, 1909, audi dutn bnlug mora than alx week from thn itato. of tho flrat publication of till aiimmona, and If you full to appear and anawor aald coinplulni, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court fur tbd relief prayed for In tho complaint heroin filed, to-wlt: For a dnrron forever dlaxolvlng tho bond of matrimony now and here tofore relating between plaintiff and defendant, and for inch other, fur lhor ami different relief a to tho Court may aenm meet and equitable. Thla Biimmoiia I publlalmd by order of lion. Tlioa. A. Mclirldo, Judgo of tho above numml court, whlrh order wua niado and entered on ihu 8th day of March, 1909. and tho time prescrib ed for publication I all week, begin ning with thn laaun of Friday, March 12, 10U9, and continuing each week thereafter vto and Including Friday, April 23, 1909. 0U8. C. MOHKR, Attorney for Hliitlh NOTICE. To all Prona to Whom Th Pra ent (hill Com, Ortetlng: Notlro I hereby given that the Ortgon Htato Hoard of Flah Co ni nil a loner, by tho -authority veateil In uld Hoard by law, ha cloaed all of the f'lackama Itlver to the taking, catching and flahlng for lulmon flah and aturgnon, except with hiaik and linn, between twelve o'clock, noon, April 1 Gt h. and twelve o'clock, noon, May lat, 1909, for tho purpoao of creating an additional cloaed inaaon. on laid river and to comply and cor rnapond with the Spring cloaed ina aon ealabllnhed on tho Columbia river, hy act of the twenty fifth Leglilatlvo Aaaembly of aald atate, and it ahall bo unlawful for any pnraon to take, catch, or flah for aalmon'fUh or atur gon In any of the water of aald river during the tlmo lioroluliefore perilled, F. W. IIENSON, Oirvernor and Rnfrotary of State, GEO. A. 8TEKL, Slate Treaaurer. Contltutlng tho Oregon Stale Hoard of Flah CommlHalounr. Atteat: II. C. McAIJ.IHTER. Mttaler Flah Warden. NOTICE. To all Pron to Whom Th Prt nt (hall Com, Greeting: Notice I hereby given that Ifho Oregon Slato Hoard of Flab Couimla alonera, by tho authority vented In aald Itonrd hy law, haa cloned all of thn Wlllomettn Itlver to tho taking, catching and flahlng for aalmon flah and aturgnon, except with hook and line, between twelve o'clock, noon, April Kith, and twelve o'clock, noon. May lat. 1909. for the purpoao of creating an additional cloaed aennou on aald river and to comply and cor rnapoud with the Spring cloaed, ca ton entabllahnd oil the Columbia river, hy art of tho twenty fifth Leglalntlvo Aaaembly of laid atatn, and It ahall be unlawful for any peraon to take, catch, or flah for aalmon flah or itur goon In any of the watera of aald river during tho lime hereinbefore apnclfled. F. V. IIENSON. tlovernor and Secretary of State, . CEO. A. STEEL, State Treasurer. Conatltutltig the Oregon State Hoard of Flah Commlaaloner. Atteat: li. c McAllister. Maxtor Flah Warden. Summon! In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa. bounty. Sualo llnrdeaty. I'lalutlff, ' va. Frank U llnrdeaty. Defcndunt. To Frank I. Ilarduaty, above named defendiiut: ' In the name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and miHwer tho complaint filed agnlnut you In tho above entitled milt on or be fore Monday, tho 19th dny of April, l!io9. aald date being more than ilx week after tho dnte of the first pub lication of this Hiinimona, and If you full to appear and anawor anld com plaint, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief demanded In tho complaint herein tiled, to-wlt; For a decree forever dlHHolvtng tho bonda of matrimony now exlHtlng be tween plaintiff and defendant, and for aiich othor, further and different re lelf a to tho Court may aoem equit able. ThU Rummnna In published by order of Hon. Thomas A. Mclirldo, Judgo of tint nbovi named Court, which order wa made and entered on the 2nd dity of March, 1909, nnd tho time prescribed for " publication Is six weeka, beginning with the Ihsiio of Fri day, March 6th, 1909. and continuing each week thereafter and Including Flrdny April 10th, 1909. GUS.C.MOSErt, , Attorney for plnllltlff. In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon for Clitcknma County. Minnie tlelasler, Plaintiff,, , va Walter E. Golaslor, Defendant. To Walter E. GelHslor, abovo named dofondnnt: In the nnmo of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and unawer tho complaint filed- agnlnat you In tho above entitled suit on or before Monday, tho 19th day of April, 1909, aald date being nioro than six woods from the date of the firBt pub lication of thlB summons, nnd If you fall to appear and answer mild com plaint, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded In tho complaint herein lllod, to-wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and hereto fore exlHtlng between the plaintiff and the defendant, nnd for such other and different relief as to tho Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons la published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McUrlde, Judgo of the above named Court, which or der wan mndo and entered on ' the 2nd day of March, 1909, and the time proscribed for publication 1b six weeks, boglnlng with the Issue of Fri day, March 5th, 1909, and continuing oach weok thereafter to and Includ ing Friday, April 10, 1909. GUS. C. MOSER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. In tho Circuit Court of the Htato of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas, I) . Kimono llopklim, Plaintiff, v. Nellie llopliliiH, Defendant. To Nellie llopklim, Defendant: lu tho naiiiH of the State of Oregon, you aro hereby required to appear In the above entitled court and anawor tho complaint niml agalnat you In thla ault on or before the J 5th day of April, II) 09, and If you full o to appear and anawor auld complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief pruyed for In tho complaint filed here in agulust you. The relief demanded la for a decree of divorce dlaaolvlng thn bonds or marriage now exlatlng between the plaintiff and defendant, and for audi othnr and further relief aa lo tho Court anem equitable. ThI luminous li to bo published lx coiiaocullvo week In punuanco of an oritur of Hon. Tboinaa A. Mc lirldo, prodding Judge of tho above entitled Court, which order was duly mado and entered In aald Court on the lat day of March, 1909, and the (Into of the flrat publication of laid iimmoiii la Krlduy, the firth day of March, 1909, and the date or the laat publication will bo April 10, 1909. JOHN K. LOO AN, Attorney for 1'lalntlfT. Summon, In tho Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for tho County of Clacka inai, 1 J. J. Soely, Plaintiff, VI. Nelllo M. Beely, Defendant. To Nelllo M. Uouly, defendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon: You aro hereby required to appear and anawer to the com plaint filed against you In tho abovo entitled ault on or before Monday, the 19th day of April, 1909. and If you fall to anawer, plaintiff will take a decree agaluat you, forever dlaaolvlng the bohdi of matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between tho plaintiff and you, and fur such other and furthor relief In tho premise ai the Court may doom Juat and equitable. Service of thla ummons li made upon you by publication In punuance of an order of the Honorable Urunt 11. Dluitck, County Judge or laid Clackamaa County, Oregon, made Feb ruary 20, 1909, directing such publi cation In the Oregon City Enterprise, once a week for ilx iucceaalve wecki, the first publication being March 5, 1909, and the last publication ICtb day of April, 1909. HOWARD F, LATOURETTE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. In tbo Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Mabel M. Sblpmun, I'lalutlff. va. William Shloinan. Defendants To William Sblpmun, defendant: In the name or the StBte or Oregon: You are hereby required to appear nnd answer to the complaint filed agnlnat you In the above entitled' JUll on or before Monday, the 3rd day of May, 1909, and If you fall to answer plaintiff will take a decree against you forever dissolving the bond of mat rimony heretofore mid now exUtlng between tho plaintiff and you, and for such other and further relief In the premlan as ho Court may deem Just and equitable. '. Service or this aumtuona Is made upon you by publication In pursuance or an order' of tho Honorable Grant 11. Dlmlck. County Judge or said Clackamas County. Oregon, made March 10. 1909. directing Mich publi cation In the Oregon City Enterprise, once a week for ilx stlcccHBlve weeka, the first publication being March 19, 1909, and the last publication 30th day of April, 1909. HOWARD F. LATOURETTE. Attorney for Plaintiff. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County or Clackama maa. . AMY HAGEN Plaintiff, va ALHERT II. HAGEN Defendant, In the name of the state of Oregon: Yoo are rennosted to nooe.ir and an swer the complaint died tigainst you in tho above entitled suit within six weeks from the date or the first pub lication or thla summons, service or suld summons having been ordered for publication by the Hon. Thomas A. Mcltrlde, Judgo of toe above en titled Court on tho 22nd day ol Jan uary, 1909, and you are hereby notifi ed that if you rail to appear and answer aald complaint on or before the 9th day or April, 1909, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded, to-wlt: that the bonds of matrimony existing between tho plaintiff and the defendant be dis solved and such further order and decree as to the court may seem pro per. W. J. MAKELIN Attorney tor Plaintiff. FirHt publication on the 20th day or February. 1909. Lum publication on the 9th day of April, 1909. Summon! In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Annie Harding, Plaintiff, vs. Anthony Harding, Dofondnnt. To Anthony Harding, the defendant above named: ( In the name of tho State of Ore gon, you aro hereby required to appear ana answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 10th day of April, 1909, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication or this Biiminons, and If you roll to ap pear and answer said complaint, ror want theroof the plaintiff will apply to the court ror the relief demanded In tho complaint, to-wlt:' For a decree dissolving .the bonds of matrimony now existing between plnlntllt and defendant. Thla summons is- published by or der of the Honorable Grant H. Dlm lck, County Judge of the said County of Clackamas, whlct order wal made nnd entered on the 15th day of Feb runry, 1909. First publication of this summons on Friday, tho 19th day of February, J909. ROBERT GREY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Appointment of Admlnlatr tor. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has boon by order of the County Court of the State or Ore gon, ror Clackamas County, appointed administrator of the estate of Andrew Harrison, docensed. All persons hav ing claims ngnliiBt said estate are no tified to present them to me duly veri fied at my otflce In Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from the date or this notice. '. Dated March 12, 1909. H. E. CROSS, 4t Administrator, EMeutrlx' fotle. Notice I hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu trix or tho Inat will and testament or James 8. McC'ord, deceased; all por aom having claim agnlnat anld es tate are hereby notified to present tho snmo with proper vouchers, duly veri fied according to law, at the office of Geo. C. Hrownell, at Oregon City. Ore gon, within six moot ha of tho date of tlm publication of thla notice. Dated March 1 1th, 1909. OLIVE E. McCORD, Kxocutrix. GEO. C. HROWNELL, Attorney for Executrix. Notlco of Final Settlimant. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the e tiito of Honry I'erret, deceased, baa tiled bor Dual account In said catate In the county court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County, and that tho Judge of aald Court ha ap pointed Saturday, the 27th, day or March, 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M. ror bearing obJAtlon to aald account and for aetillng laid estate. AMANDA TACHERAN. Formerly Amanda Perret, Administra trix of the eatate of Henry Perret, deceaaed. 8ummone In the Circuit Court of tho Bute or Oregon ror the County or Clacka mas. Arthur J. Bchureman, Plaintiff, v. Catharine D. Bchureman, Defendant. To Catharine D. Bchureman, de fendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and anawer to the complaint Died aifalnst you In the above entitl ed ault on or before the 2nd day of April, 1909, and If you fall to answer, plaintiff will take a decree agalnct you, forever dissolving the bonds ol matrimony heretofore and now exist ing bet weep the plaintiff and you, and for such other and further relief in the premises as the Court may deem Juat and equitable. Service of thl summon I made upon you by publication in punuance ot an order or the Honorable Grant H. Dlmlck, County Judge or aald Clackamaa County, Oregon, made Feb ruary 1, 1909, directing wen publi cation In the Oregon City Enterprise, once a week, for lx succeislve weeks, the flrat publication being February 19th, 1909, and the laat 2nd day of April, 1909. WM. g. NASH. Attorney for Plaintiff. .Notice of Appointment of Aimlni-. tritrix.- Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned ha, by order of the Hon orable County Court of Clackamas County, Slate of Oregon, beeu duly appointed admlnlslritrtx of the estate of Robert G. Allred. deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me duly verified at the of fice of H. E. Cross, my attorney, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six month from tho date or this notice. NETTIE ALLRED, II. E CROSS, Administratrix. Attorney for the estate. 8-t5 CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter ot the Estate or Aaron E. Walt. Deceased. Citation to Heirs, Deviseel and Par tiei Interested in Sale of Real Prop erty of said Estate. To Charles N. Wait, Charles Emmons Walt, Wilbelmlna Wait. Frank Han ford, Frank Ropea Walt Hanford, Annett Maria Wait Bates and Myr tle Walt Batty and persons Interest ed In said Estate. In the Name or the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, ror che County or Clackamas at the Court Room thereor, at the Court House in the said County ot Clackamaa on Mon day, the 19th day or April, 1909, at 11 o'clock A. M. or thai day thep and there to show cause, if any, you, or cither or you, have why the petition or Charles N. Walt, Executor Of said Estate ot Aaron K. Wait, deceased, praying tor an order authorizing the salo of the following described tract or piece or lund belonging to Bald Es tate, should not be granted and an order or salo made for thb sale of Bald property as prayed for. Commencing at a point in the South line or what Is known as , the W ait tarm near Canby, Oregon, In Section 33 In T. 3 S.. R. 1 E. ot the W M.. which point Is easterly 1700 reel rrom the southwest corner ot the said rarm In said 'section 33; running thence northerly at right angles to said South lino 900 root; thence easterly parallel with said South line 1936 feet,; thence southerly at right angles 900 feet to the suld South line; thence westerly on suld South line 1930 feet to tho place or beginning, containing -10 acres. Suld property situated In Clacka mas County, Oregon. Witness, the HON. GRANT B. DIMICK. Judge or the County Court ot the State or Oregon for the County of Clack amas, this 17th day or March, 1909. Attest: F. W. CREEN.MAN. County Clerk. 16 Summon. In tho Circuit Court or the State or Oregon, ror the County of Clacka mas. Elizabeth Elklns, Plaintiff, vs. B. L, Elklns. Defendant. ' To B. L. Elklns, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby commanded and re quired to appear on or before the 23d day of April. 1909, and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled Court and cause, said date being more than six weeka from the dato of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to this Court ror the relief prayed for In said complulnt, to-wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore entered into and existing between you and plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may Beem meet. This summons Is served upon you by publication by authority of an order duly issued by the Honorable Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of tho County Court, said order being dated the 11th day of March, 1909and duly made and entered In said Court and cause on said dato. JAS. E. CRAIB, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, March 12, 1909. Last publication April 23. 1909. Summons. ' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Desale Whlttlo, Plaintiff, vs. Earl I. Whittle. Defendant, To Karl I. Whittle, defendant above named: : 1 In the name of the 81 ate of Oregon, you are horeby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 21th day of April. 1909, aald date being after the expiration of six week rrom the date or the first publication or this summons, and If you fall to -appear and aniwer laid complaint, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for the ro ller demanded the complaint, to wlt; For a decree dissolving the bonds or matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. Thla aummona Is published by or der of Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court tor Clackamas County, Oregon, which ordor was made and entered on the 11th day of March, 1909, and the tlmo prescribed for publication thereof Is ilx weeki, commencing Friday, March 12th, 1909, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, April 23d, 1909. GEO. C. BROW'NELL; ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon!. In the Circuit Coort of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. , Anna M. Halllday, Plaintiff, vs. John E. Hallldar, Defendant To John E. Halllday, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complain filed against you herein on or before the 6th day of April, 1909, said date being six week from the first publication ot summon herein, and If you fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff herein upon the ground of desertion, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seen) equitable. This lummoni ii served upon you by pub lication for six consecutive and suc cessive weeks In the Oregon City En terprise, by order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBlide, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order is dated February 23. 1909. Date of first publication February 26, 1909. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court or the State or Oregon, tor the County or Clacka mas. Benjamin Parrlsh, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Parrlsh, Defendant To Emma Parrlsh, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time pre scribed In the order of publication, to-wlt: on or before the 19th day of April, 1909, and if you fall to so ap pear and answer, plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded In the complaint filed herein against you, to-wlt: tor a decree dis solving the bonds or matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and yourself on the grounds or desertion and ror such other and further re lief as to the court may seem equi table and Just. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof ror a period or six successive weeks in the Ore gon City Enterprise, .a weekly news paper or general circulation publish ed in Clackamas County, Oregon, in pursuance to an order of the Hon. Thomrts A: McBride, circut Judge tor Clackamas County, duly made on the 5th day or March, 1909. The date or the first publication thereor Is the 5th day of March, 1909. ELLA CRIM LYNCH, Attorney for Plaintiff. LOW TO DAILY Daring, March and April From all Parts or the East VIA UNION PACIPlC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON RAIL ROAD NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago. $33.50 from St. Loois $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low from 'all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters Jo everybody you know In the East ana tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them liter ature about Oregon, or send their ad dresses to us and we will do It. In this way you can be a great help In the growth and progress of your State. Yoo Can Prepay Fares fni- nnvrtna frnm o ,1 if nlnpo If vnn WAtlt to. Deposit tne necessary amount with our local agent ana he win tele graph ticket promptly. Inquire or agents or write to WM. McMXjRRAY General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Heal Knlate, Loans, Inauranoe GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Cautletd Eldij., Main and Eif t Sts Phone Pacific State 52. Phono Homo B1M FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Weinhard Building, - - Opposite Court House JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN . Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, S10 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract book and tax rolls. Agent for Clackamaa County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney 4 CounulldV at Law eef e0a Look for Art Photos ' CALL OK CHENEY PHOTO CO. We are prepared to do the best work, and to deliver promptly. Bromide Enlargements, Picture Framing, Up-to-date Photos. KODAK WORK Edith Cheney, Bis Krumm Ethel Cheney ARTISTS 920 Main 8tret Oregon City, W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, and the McKUlip School of Surgery of Chicago, bat located at Oregoo City and established an office at The Fashion Stable, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones Fanner' 13a Mall ijii Expert Locksmith. Rubber Stamps. H. G. 8URLES . Proprietor. NOVELTY REPAIR 8H0P Phone Main 1531 Scissors and Knive Sharpened, Blcy cle Repaired and Saw Filing. Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired. 105 7th St Oregon City, Ore- POLK'S GAZETTEER i A Businenf Tirtory of each City. Ton 11 and VI 1 1 a In Or-non and Yishlnfttnn, ftivinr a vsorlptiv Sketch ot each place. Location. hlptinir FccUUte ami a Class!- 1Mh1 Directory ot each Business and Proiession. R. 1. lOLK CO., Inc. TIME CARD. O. W. P. RAILWAY eave I Arriro I La I Arrive a !l -EL 15 I kit I 4.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9 00 9.30 10.00 10.39 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30 2.00 1.30 1.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.60 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 6.00 9.30 10.00 11.00 12.00 5.27 7.20 7.50 8.20 8.50 9.20 9.50 10.20 10.50 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.50 1.20 2.20 2.50 3.20 1.50 8.50 4.20 4.50 5.20 5.50 6.20 6.50 7.20 7.50 8.20 8.50 9.20 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.46 5.40 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.30 3.00 3.30 2.00 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 8.55 9.25 9.55 10.55 11.55 12.50 5.40 6.20 6.50 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30 2.00 2.30 1.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 600 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.03 9.33 10.03 11.03 11.55 12.50 5.46 6.26 6.58 7.38 80S 8.38 9.08 9.33 10.08 10.38 11.08 11.38 12.08 12.38 1.38 2.08 2.38 1.08 3.08 3.38 4.08 4.38 5.08 5.38 6.08 6.38 7.08 7.38 8.08 8.38 9.08 9.38 10.08 11.08 11.58 12.55 6.45 7.20 7.50 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.39 11.00 11.30 11.59 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.30 3.00 3.30 2.00 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 11.00 11.59 9.30 from Portland, 9.31, 11.55 and 12.50 p. m. from Canemah Park to Mil waukle only. !Vla Lenta Junction. Dally, except Sunday; learea on Sunday 4.15 a. m. A. M. figures In Roman. P. U. Af ore In black. Notice. Beginning February 1, 1909, the Pho tograph Studio will he open dally ex cept Tuesday and Thursday ot each week. C. W. DAMM, Canby, Oregon. DIRECTORY Main Btret. OREGON CITTf WEINHARD BUILDINO J. U. CAMPBELL Attorney t-Lw Will practice In all (.ourts ot the State. Office In Caufleld Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon 0. D. E B Y Attomey-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Orer Bank of Oregon City. U'REN A 8CHUEBEL ' Attorney-at-Law DeuUcher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. TH08. F. RYAN Attorney-at-Law Probate and Realty Law Prac tice Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple .eee C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorney-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. HOWARD F. L AMOURETTE Lawyer 526-27-28 Corbett Building PORTLAND, - - ORE. Particular Mea ARE PLEASED WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK BECAUSE IT IS DONE RIGHT, BECAUSE WE GET IT OUT THE DAY WE PROMISE IT AND BE CAUSE WE GUARANTEE IT. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. CASCADE LAUNDRY Phone Main 93. Third and Main Street. LUMBER at the OLD STAND at W. T. Harris' Mill Fir and Cedar Lumber of all Kinds at reasonable Prices. Quotations Solicited. Both Phone. Grandpa haa traveled and he know that the on whiskey which you find everywhere Is HARPER., t Supply your elf with thl World Famou Whikey from E. MATTHIES.