OUEOON CITY'ENTErtPltfsii Villi) AY, MAhCIl'ld, 1609.'"'' 1 LARSEN & COMPANY Cornar Tanth and Miln 61 rent 1, Oregon City, Pay Cash for Country Product and iall Qrocarlaa and Pood. I SATURDAY SOUVLNIR DAY I Wo want every liciUHwlf to i roiiiu tit our atom to purchase: I tliulr iipillia for Sunday. Willi every bottloof iCxtraot purchaa- ml in our atoro Saturday, wa will kIvo away absolutely freo I emu largo alzo trlul bottln of '1 Vun Ouxer'a Vanilla Extract. I These ar I ho Kxtrncta uwtd by t i i Hie Govortimant and aro abao- j luli'ly pure. Once tried--always ? used, ('titmt ami see our dla- piny of fresh frull ami veto- 1 allien. , 1 LOCAL 15RIEPS Mra, T. F. llowon la confined to her lioiuo with a anvrro attack of lit grip. Km 11k jKKKr, of Corn, waa among Oregon t'lty vlallnra Tuesday. , W. II. Ltirke. 0110 of thu prominent commission merchanta of Canby.' Waa ' In Oregon City Tuesday, George U. Illmea, aecrulary of lUo Un'Koii Historical Society, waa In tho city Tuesday ou bualnos. Mra. Clara Mtrtlu, of Bellwood, spent Thuraday of laat week with ro. atlvea In Cauomah. Rev. J. W. Craig, of Molnlla, waa In thla city Monday vlsjllng; with friend. Oregon Denial Parlor, over hard liiK Drug Htorn. Kianilnatlon free. Koll SALE Good Incubator. Inquire U. T. I'avla, &th and Main St., 2t Mis Llbknr. who la niaklnn her homo In (loldt'iidttln, Wash., la In Oregon City for a fw wii-ka. Mlaa Carrlo I.ut vlalttd with Ml U nnra llubitrt, of Portland. on day lat w'k. Mra. I'nulluo Hrliwart, who la con fined to hiT homo with putnimonla, la aluwly rwovrrlnn. MIm 8ulpa. of Corvullla, U vliilt Inn with Mra. K. V. Itun.U. of thla city. f I). U Mnliicm, of Cortland, waa In lrKiin City 011 l.imliu lunt wn.-k Thuraday. la your farm for aali'T If ao, wrllo to or rait on Tho Conant Itiialfy Co. 5. Alder St.. inland, i ltiMim Or. t John W. Dunrfard. of Claokamaa , llelishta la lyln very III at hla homo I with pleurtny. Mlxa Toouiath, who baa .been III for the pnat week, resumed her mikI tlon at the Courier unlet) Monday. Henry Mlley. of thla city, hna open ed a real estate and lonn ulllce In the (lerllniter billldliiK, Portland. Minn I'M na park, atenoxrnpher for Huntley llroa. Company, baa reaumed her poitlllou after a few daya' lllneja. MImb Klhel (Iravea. of l'orlland. ro turned to her homo Tueaday morn ItiK lifter a brief vUlt with MIm Dolllo Print. J. N. Klllolt, one of the prominent fiirmera of tho lleaver Crouk aeotlon, waa In Orcoirn City on btiHlnesa Snt urdny. Mr. nod Mra. Kurl Ciirdon, of SprliiKfleld, Oregon, bnvo returned to their home after a brief vlult with thn former'a piirenta In thla city. Kin 1 1 (iurdon, who hna been with anrveyliiK party for tho United lull waya, with headquiirtera nt (ilenwooil, haa returned to hla homo here. Mr. nmt Mra. Charles llnhcor-k and MUa IelU McCurver. of I'ortlnnd, via Ited lit tho home of Mr. and Mr. C. C. liiilieork Sunday. .Mra. A. II. Uimon mid daughter, Clurlliel, of Portlntul, bnvo returned home after vlHltlng with the for mer'a mother, Mra. Iloalnn Koutn. Mra. J. Ijiiuir and duiiehter, Murine of Portlaud, apeut Sundiiy with tlto A GREAT RAZOR SALE 0 $2.50 & $3.00 IMPORTED RAZORS HcTTl for ft n Full Hollow Ground and Sal Ready For Vtm 1,000 Pln Lmpurtd.! Knr.iim will ba placed on tale at UTc. ach. Theae raaoraare from ne of the lending importer uf rmuri ln tlte llnlied HtHisa, -Tho M. I,. Ilmaill Ciltlsrr Co., at NVw Yerk. Thry r all hKh grada aam plaa. WaNe.11 red a bis allele at a ridii-uloiii flffnre. Tlie aoanrttiirm compriat-a all the wrll. known nmk", InctiKting lh " Vi ad A Butcher " " llrantlt,' "l-X I.," " Rogara," Woatanholm " Pipe Kaior, " Hrn-Hur," "Lawla," "llluo 5taal,'t ponalar hrnnda ol all the litmnnn itnikerH. In taut, wo have tiern letlinu Ihe aame Idenllral raxira a hlith a 'i.'iO ami Kill) each. Kvery rateir la guar aittend perfect. anil aet ready for tiae. Any ramir aold that does not uWr pe r fect umiafacilon i-iin le'euhnni!ed. Wa call apcclnl ntlenllon to the IlkANOr KAZOU, Tnla rnnr la tamparnl by a aecret prm-raa aanurlng a uniformity of temper, and ! 'ally euaranlaed. Heirular price W Wj our price ia UTo. euth. WE WILL ALSO PLACE ON SALE 1000 of tho Centime Brandt Self-Honing Razor Strops Theta Stropi aro aold and advartiacd every where at $2. OUR PRICE 97C EACH . The nrandt 5elf-Honln( Ramr Strop la the heat raaor atrnpnn Ilia market tu-day. The only raaor atrop in the world that honea and alropa your ramr at the aamo time and enalilea you to obtain an edge which only an experi enced barber can alve. The llrandt Self-Honing Kaior Htrop will put a keener edge on a raaor with fewer strokes than any other raior strop. Your raior will show, and your face will feel the difference at oooe, Guaranteed navar to become hard or glosay, tipacial attention given to mall orders. HUNTLEY BROTHIRS CO. eVevaff Onwpfafs ORISON CITY, ORIQON former' purimlH, Mr, and Mrs, H, 0 Porter, W, W. Irwin, of Auriga, 0110 of the prominent alioopialmira of tliu coun ty, was In Oregon City on a buslueas trip Monduy. Mra. Joseph Giiliiuiif, of J'ort liui.I, wa la Oregon i.V.y .Monday, Ihiviiik count horu to atlotid tlto funeral of tho Into Mra. J, M, Uruliain. Mra, j, 1. Koallng and daughter. Virginia, returned to jljulr homo In I'urtliiinl Friday after a tow day' via It In thla city. Mr. unil Mra. W, B, U'Ron will leave Saturday fur a trip to Now York. Mr. U'lli'li K'H'n on a biislno trip. Thoy will bo kuiio for auvurnl waoka. County Treasurer J. U. I'adilock, who la III at hla liumu at Gladstone, la able to alt up, and a sporty rooov- ury la lookod forward to. (Jrand Millinery display Monday, March 22, and following daya. Mlaa C. (loldsmlth. ' J. luibach, of Stafford, 0110 of thn prouilni'iit farmiira of that auction waa In Oregon City fit. bualnuaa laat Thiiraday, K tnnrrliige lipoma waa granted 11 Saturday to Mlaa Edllli blanche Todd ,'snd Joseph llotiry Jonoa. llotb aro well known la thla city, GOOD tllllL, WANTKI) At Wlllam (Ui Hotel; ffi per week. Attorney 0. l. Eby, wlfo and chllil run left on Uatunlay for ilurrUliurar Orgoti, for an over Bunday vl.lt with relative. Thiy returned Iiomo Bun BV,"I" County Trwaaurur J, C. Paddock la lyliiK wry III at hla homo at Clad atonn. Mlaa Jeaala I'addiKk ban charun of tho offlco during bur fathor'a lllnaa. (rand Mllllm'ry dlaplay Monday March 22, and following daya. Mlaa C. (ioldnmllh. Mlaa FloriMico 1'rlrO luft Krlday ev viiIiik, for Albany, wlicro alio attend' I'd tho funeral of Mra. I'alnu, whoao burial took placo at that city ou Bat urday. I'nder protent, iliu On-Koq Hallway A NavlKittloti Company haa paid half of lla taxea for Clacknniaa county, The amount paid by the company waa 115,278 19. The following were granted mairl Kti llreiinea by County Clerk (irwn man 011 Tlnimdny of hint week: Mulu Adeln I' luey and Juitln S. liKf'Hon Ida May Carmlro and Henry Shannon Vola ThoniHon and HuKh Horh. Ml Anitidlnii Wlillnma baa return I'd to Kuiiene to rvatinio her dutloa aa liiatriictor In tho I'nlveralty of Or (Kim. mi AH Wlillnma aa called here tMhu !,J d,,,h ,f hor 'n; it. Jantea KdKar Wllllama. Mr4- ,J May Carly!e, who waa recently aliot by her huaband In Port !,un(' ' ln "l P'ty ,IU 'k, vlnlt jiiib sira. 11. u Meeker, of Seventh atrect. Mra. Cnrlyale la recoverlnu from her wound. The Knlnhta and Udlea of Security are mnklng arrant enti for their eliihth nntiual ball to be given at the Woodmen hall on Monday evening March 29. The affair will be Invlta ( l n 11 1 The atoro biillillng of W. C. Cin-en on Seventh atreet, near Center, la being renovated throughout, and new glutta front will bo Inalalled. The building when completed will be oc cupied a a confectionery. Mr. and Mra. C. II. Evanl, who have been apendlng tho winter with the former'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. C. W. Kvana. of Fifth nnd Center street ,i huvo rented tlto Klnnalrd houao at Cimemtih. where they will "remain during the autnmer. Mra. H. T. Slnden will have her grand millinery opening on Tueaday nun tveiiueauay, March. 23 aud 2t IjhIich Invited. Oregon haa a champion In It I, hinllli. of Shawnee, Oklahoma, who hua JUHt ndviaed that a , half dozen families marled for thla atate laa: week, with fifteen families to follow from the aamo vicinity on the 15th Mr. Smith will locate hero himself In the. near future. -..Mr. ami Mrs. Hmce C. Curry nnd son York, of Portlntul, wero the jtuestii of Mr. nnd Mra. O. W. Enstliam and other frlenilH Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs, Curry aro comfortably situated In their pretty home at lrvlngtou. W. K. ItiiKd.ill haa filed a suit In thn circuit court of Cliickamaa Coun ty for" A divorce from Mary France OuKdnll. The purtleg worq married at Ht. liOiila, Mo., March 20, 1904. Mri. Dugdell deserted her hiisbund on I)e cninbur 24, 11)00. II. W, Myurs, of Athena, Oregon, la In tho city visiting with Mra. B. J. Marshall. Mr. Myers la Mra. Mar shall'a aou-in lnw, and thla la tho first visit ho haa made to Oregon City for eight years, noting many Improve ments during that time. W. J. Gordon, who has been con nected with Iho Coos Hay Monthly, has returned to hla home In thla city. Mra. 8. U Long, of University park, waa In the city Saturday visiting wltb relatives. Mr. and Mra. Ell Wllllama, who have been spen ling uiiout ten days with their daughter, Mra. C. D. Til aoo, of Balent, returned to their home In thla city last Wednesday evening. MrWllllams' health la somewhat Im proved since taking thla trip. FOIt SALIC Bevon choice Plymouth Kock Cockerels of tho Ladd Stock, tinorge Morse, Meldrum Btutlon, or Mllwauklo, Iioute 1. K. K. Chapman, who la confined to hla homo with a aevere attack of la- grippe at hla homo on Sixth and Wash Ington Streets, waa able to alt up for a while yesterdny. Mr. Chapman has been Ml for tho past week. Mr. and Mra. Carlos Uhormley and daughter, whu havo been muklng their homo In Canemah during the winter, have gone to Roaeburg, where Mr, Chorniloy baa taken up a homestead. Mr. and Mra. Uhormley have been re siding In the Klnnard house. Mrs. Mao C. I'ost, uf Indianapolis. Intl., and Mrs. Thomas, of Portland, arrived In Oregon City Monday morn ing and will demonstrate for the Rosalind Company, of Now York. Mrs. Post will give lecture thla week, her aubjeet being "The Gift of God Is Kternal Health. She will be assisted In tho lecture by Mra. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Mount, of 311- verton. arrived In thla city on bntur- dii) evening,' and arc the guests of their sons, Ur. Hugh S. Mount nnd Dr. Clyde Mount From this city they will go to Portland, where they lll vlult with their (t.ut:titoM fid sous fur aeverul days. J. It. Humphry!, who left here about three weeka ago for Woodstock, Canada, where he nccotiipiintc, his wlfo and aon, Kdward, reiurncd to thla city Monduy. Mri. lltiinihrs and son will remain with relatlvei In Canada for aeverul mouhs before re turning. Mra. It. D. Morrll. Mrs. J. N. Gra ham, and Mra. Richard Glaaapool. of Portlaud. havo returned to Portland, after a brief vlult In thla city. Dur ing their atay In this city they vlalted the bedside of Mra. John Graham, who la lying very low at her home on Main street, near eighth. Kmery Thomas, of Spokaue, Wash., I Visiting In this city an the guest r. and Mrs. W. C. Green. Mr. Thomna formerly resided In this city where he la well known. He Ih on hla way to Salem, where he will spend several daya visiting his brother, Owen Thomas. FOR SALE Two choice Angora goats and five Rotints pigeons. Inquire of Arthur Roberta. Jennings Lodge, or addrea Mllwauklo. Ore., Route iv. I. tieorge Penman, of I'ortlnnd, waa In Oregon City on a business trip Satur day. Mr. Penman, while engaged la mining In Idaho a few months ago met with an accident, In which hla arm and several rlba were broken Ho Is Improving, but la still carrying hla arm ln bandages. Charles Pope, who has been ut Shepherd's Springs, for the past week returned home Monduy morning. Mr. Pope says that there are about 70 people Btnylng at the hotel during the time ho waa there, one of the hotel guests being Kit Muddock, formerly of this city, hut now of Heppnor. Mr. Muddock has been III for several month,, but Is Improving since going o this resort. Miss Wuvn Harrington, of Glad alone, left on Wednesday evening of last week for California, where she xpects to remain for about three weeks. Miss Harrington' will vtoit her cousin. Melville Dollar, of tho Dollar Steamship Company, of San Francisco, and before returning to er home here will visit In other Cal ifornia townn. The Knlghta and Ladles of Security eld a very Interesting meeting In oWotlmen Hull Monday night, and Initiated several candidates Into the order. Atfer the refculnr routine of business a banquet was served. The decorations wero of violets and daf fodils. Tho Mllwauklo Lodgo attend ed In a hotly, nnd enjoyed the social time. E. E. Drodlo, editor of the Oregon City Enterprise, who has been lying dangerously ill with typhoid fever for tho past six weeks, Is Improving rap Idly. Mr. Drodlo has been removed from the Good Snmnrltan Hospital to his homo, 311 Eleventh Street. As soon as he Is able to travel he will be brought to Oregon City, the family having rented the Humphry cottage on Twelfth Street, during Mrs. Hum phrey's absence In Canada. Tho Woodmen of the World met Friday night in tho Woodman hall. Business of Importance was trans acted. About 25 members of the or der took tho degree of "Tho Faithful." Preparations are being made by this order for a big time on April 22, when the Head Consul, Mr. Boali, of Denver, Will bit present, c A' program mo will bo given, and will ba followed by a banquet. There was a largo atten dance fit thn meeting. Many new members being taken In during the membership contest, which la now on. WANTED Idy apprentice. Cheney's Photo Studio. It It. I). Co, of Twelfth street, re ceived a telegram Monday from his purents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Cox, an pouncing that they would arrive here thla week for a visit. They reside near Omaha, Neb. R. B. Cox camo to Oregon Clly a few months ago from Eugene, and la connected with tho Ice plant hern. George D. Maxfleld, General Pas senger Agent of the Wabash Railroad, with headquarters at Buffalo, N. Y., la anxious for literature from all point n In Oregon. Ho aaya the In quiry for thla Information la Insists ent, and It la emphasized at thla tlmo by the rate or $42X0 ln effect to Ore gon points from hla region until April 30th the regular faro la $57.50. FOR SALE Two house on hill, ono - on Center street, and one on Sixth atroet, Oregon City. Also for lease or aalo 29 room hotel In St. John. . Inquire Dnnlol Wllllama, 41C4 Sev enth St., Oregon City. tf At tho reqtieat of tho owners, H. E. Cross, of thla city, baa platted and la now selling the finest tract of laud In Clackamas County. The soil la un- surpassably fine, the land haa only enough alopo to Insure good drainage. This la an Ideal home site for a man with limited mean and the right place for an Investment with sure reUirns. If you are Interested In getting a good home within one mile and a quarter of tho Court House, In Oregon City, get a description of this land, known aa the Shannon Acre Tracts, tho Cream of the West Side Acreage from Mr. Croea. Prices range from $100 to $300 per acre. Torma 10 per cent of purchase price down and 5 per cent per month. In terest 6 per cent Oregon City merchant make dally deliveries In this district The West Side School is within 850 ft of the tract Rural Free Delivery passea the door. It la easier to reach thla land from the mills than It 1 to reach any place on the east side above Main street. The view of the Cascades and Portland Is unique. Here Is a proposition where your rent money that now goeo Into tho land-lord's pocket will pay for your home and start your bank account. Bad boys wlil not jump over your fence If barbed wire Is stretched over tho top. Frank Busch Is selling a new kind of wire of 2C00 feet cover ing capacity to one hundred pounds. Mlaa Rooa to Give Recital. A song recital will be given on Monday evening. March ?8, 1909, by Miss bllzabeth Rooa, contralto, assist ed by MUa Martha Frances Draper, planlste. The following programme will be rendered: " 1. Wldmung (Dedication), Schu mann; (b) Ich Hebe Dlch (I love thee) Crieg. 2. (a) Prelude; (b) Serenade of Arlcquin; (c) Sadness of Colum bine; (d) Caprice-Sgauarelle. from Carnival Mlgnon, Edward Schutt 3. (al Ntir wer die Sehnsucht Kennt (None but the lonolv heart), Tchaikovsky; (b) Wohln (Whither), Schubert 4. Noveletten E Major, Schumann. 5. (a) Oh for a burst of Song", Alllt- sen; (b) The Quest, Smith; (c) One Spring . Morning, Nevin. This Is Miss Roose's first appear ance In concert work In this city since her return from New York, where she studied for two years under Arens. and it is an assured fact that she will be greeted with a large audience. The Morning Cy Club of this city guve a chafing di.-h party at Knapp's hall Wednesday night, and was a very enjoyable affair. The early part of the evening was spent in danc ing, and followed by a chafing dish supper served by the young ladles of the club. The table decorations were In pink and green. . Mrs. Cioorge C. Brownell entertain ed her Sunday school class of the Presbyterian church at her residence Wednesday, night. The affair w given In honor of St. Patrick and the programme and decorations of the evening were appropriately carried out Tho early part of tho evening waB devoted to moulding pigs from a largo dish of mashed potatoes, the prize for the best made pig being awarded to Miss Mattloy. ' Miss Se- donla Shaw was awarded the consola tion prize. An Irish story was told by each guest, Miss Eva Moulton win ning the first prize, Mlsa Bertha Koer- ner the consolation. A guessing con test followed. Tho hostess served re freshments during the evening, , Tho procuring of sonplles posses sing real merit. This Is assured every time you buy Fruits and Nuts here. We have taken the greatest pnlns In the securing of our stock the result biug that noth ing inferior has found Its way Into our stock. Harris' Grocery 8th and Main Streets Talking T.h.eigJs n0 one wh has pot wished that thermighhave a fine Victor or lif? .JjP.t Machine in their home. Yoa can ha?c any machine and a dozen Records for a few days and it will not cost you a cent. If you are not satisfied with it, return it to us and ve pay all charges. If you decide to keep it, pay us a little down and a little every month and the outfit is yours. r This is the best offer that has ever been made to Talking Machine Buyers andre want to hear from every person that does not own Phonograph" Ve carry every Machine and Record made by both of these companies: Ed ison Standard and Amberol Records; Victor 8, 10 and 12 inch single face Re cords and Victor double faced Records! We Repair All I3irmeister (St Atvdreseiv Oregon City Jewelers NOTABLE MISSIONARY AT OREGON CITY OR. ATKINSON, HUSBAND OF FOR MER OREGON CITY GIRL, GIVES LECTURE HERE. Dr. H. H. Atkinson, a medical mis sionary to Harpoot, Turkey, In con nection with Euphrates College, sus tained by the American Hoard gave a most memorable add res -i at the Congregational Church Sunday morn ing. Dr. Atkinson has just come, out of the recent revolution, In wMth the Sultan has granted the Youn; Turks a constitution. It Is interesting to know the the "Young Tti'ks," a se cret organization of forty ear stand ing, are officered and led for the most part by graduates, and pupils of the American missionary colleges ln op eration In that land for the past eighty years. They claim now to have gono "one better" than America or France, by adding "Justice" to their battle cry, "Ulberty, Equality, Fraternity, Justice." The changes Dr. Atkinson says are amazing, In cluding a free press, free speech, and free schools. An American mission ary has been asked to direct tho or ganization of a public school system, and as recent graduates of the mis sions are the only available teachers, thousands of them will be placed In charge of these schools. In addition to their own languages, these students are also taught English. Friends here are glad to know that j the wife of Dr. Atkinson is Tacy Wil-1 klnson, formerly a teacher In the pub- lie schools of Oregon Cy- Miss Wil kinson graduated from Pacific Uni versity after leaving Oregon City, and while on a visit to San Francisco fell 111 and hod to go to a hospital. There it was she met the physician whose wlfo she became, and who soon after sailed to take his position at Har- root. They have two interesting j children, a little boy of four aud a daughter, of four months. All who have met Dr. Atkinson aver that he resembles ln many ways the noble Dr. Whitman of early Oregon. DEATH OF JAMES MUNRO. Prominent Member of I. O. O. F. Buried at Oswego. James Monro, a prominent resident of Oswego, died at the family resi dence on Monday evening. The fun eral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the house, the I. O. O. F., of which tho deceased has been a member for many years, conducted the services at the grave, In the Os wego cemetery. Mr. Mnuro was born In Scotland. March 15, 1847. and came to Oregon In 1891. where he has lived uver since. He was a member of Fayetto Lodse, I. O. O. F., of Garden, Michigan. The deceased leaves a wife, two daughters, Margaret and Catherine and one son. D. Munro, all residing at Oswego. Sellwood va. O. C. H. S. The Sellwood Presbyterian boys will play against the Oregon City High School basket ball team In the Rlverbrlnk ring on Friday evening, Machines and FREE TRIAL OFFER Makes of Talking Machines EDISON VICTOR $(2.50 $10.00 25.00 17.50 30.00 25.00 35.00 f 30.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 50.00 J 25.00 60.00 200.00 March 19. This Is the first game that the Barclay boys have played, but they are busily engaged in rehearsing for the game, and will try to win out The lineup of the two teams will be as follows: Presbyterian Center, Baldwin; forwards, Babb and Charters; guards. Mallett and Caldwell O. C. High School Center, GUIett; forwards, Avison and Howard; guards, Johnson, Card, Vonderahe, and Cau- fleld. Land Transferred to Clackamas Coun ty Fair Association. Papers In the estate of A. E. Waite, deceased, in relation to the transfer ring of land to the Clackamas County Fair Association, were turned over Wednesday to the county court. The land Includes 40 acres, considered to be some of the bejt land in Canby. C. G. Huntley Re-elected Secretary. C. G. Huntley returned Friday from The Dalles, where the State Board of Pharmacy has been holding a meet ing. The election of the board took place, and the following were chosen to serve for the ensuing year: Presi dent George C. Blakeley, of The Dalles; secretary, C. G. Huntley, of this city; treasurer, Katie H. Har- bord, Salem; F. H. Caldwell, of Mc- Minnville, F. C. Pozzl, of Portland. Mr. Huntley has served as secretary of the board for the past eight years, and Is one of the most widely known pharmacists of the state. There were Garmfre-Shannon Miss Ida May Garmlre aud Mr. Henrv shannon were united in mar- j riage at the court house Thursday, March 11, at high noon by County Judge Dlmlck. Miss Garmite is tho youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garmire, of Beaver Creek, anl is a talented artist, while the groom Is well known throughout the county. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. shannon will make their home for the present in this city. Divorce Suits Filed. Lucy Roach has filed a suit for di vorce In the circuit court of Clacka mas county against her husband, Ed ward Roach, to whom she was mar ried at Eagle Bend, Minn., September 29. 1901. At Spokane, Wash., on April 20, 1905, without cause or provocation Roach deserted his wife. Mrs. Roach asks for the custody of their son, Far rls Richard Roach, six years of age, stating that she has ample means of supporting the child. Elizabeth Elklns has brought suit for divorce from B. U Elklns, to whom she was married In Portland ! in May, 1902. The cause is desertion. Mae Celeste Post to Lecture. Every woman Is cordially Invited to attend the free lecture for women only at tho Willamette hall on March 19 at 2 P. M., given by Mrs." Mae Celeste Post, graduate nurse and i New Thought Evangelist, late of Indi-, anapolla. The subject for this lec ture will be "The Gift of God Is Eter nal Health." Mrs. Post will be as sisted by Mrs. Helen Talbot and Jlrs. Margaret Thomas, of Portland.' a Records Suspension Bridge Cor. CAN EAT SAUSAGES AND FRESH BREAD AND OTHER FAVORITE FOOO WITHOUT, FEAR OF AN UP SET STOMACH. You can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of a case of Indi gestion or dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach tf you will occasionally take a little Diapepsin after eating. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eal will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn Into acid or poison or stomach gas, which caus es Belching, Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after eating. Nausea, Indi gestion (like a lump of lead In stom ach), Biliousness. Heartburn, Water brash. Pain In stomach and Intestines or other "symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effec tive remedy Is used. Diapepsin really does all the work of a healthy stom ach. It digests your meals when your stomach can't. Each triangle will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. Get a large 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from your druggist and start taking today and by tomorrow' you will actually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for you can then eat anything and everything you want without the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle of im purity and gas that is In your stom ach and Intestines Is going to be car ried away without the use of laxa tives or any other assistance. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Sandy Land Company will meet at the office of the Sandy Land Co., at Sandy, Oregon, on Monday, April 5. 1909. at 2 P. M.. to elect officers and one director and transact such other business that may come before it. E. T. BRUNS, Secretary the Sandy Land Company. Appealed to Circuit Court, The case of John T. Russell vs. G. A. Ward which was heard before Justice Samson last week, has been appealed to the circuit court. In Febntary, 1909, Russell was en gaged ln hauling wood and working upon a farm, and he bought a horse from Ward, paying $75 for same. The horse was claimed by Ward as sound and not over 12 years old. Plaintiff claims It was lame after he had taken It home, was 20 years old, and unable to pull a load. The case will be heard at the April term of court. Executor File Petition In Probate Court A petition was Hied ln the probate court Tuesday by Frank E. Sax, ex ecutor of the estate of Catherine Sax, who died on November 20, 1908, to admit for probate the estate of the deceasel, which amounts to $1200. The heirs are Ernest Arnold Bohren, Mar tha Bohren, Maria, C. Bohren, John Adolph Bohren, Frank E. Sax, Alfred u- ax, ana Joseph M. Sax, of Mult- nnan tounty. OASTOniA. Btan tlit Itn Kind Yd Han lww BgS I s