Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 19, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Milvyaukee-Northweftern Clackamas
II I 111! a I .sxv XXSi-, C vJI
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Thou who hire newi for tha
Milwaukee denartment nf the
I Enterprise should either mall
It li tha Mllwaiikaa. KVIIIrvi- nf
the Enterprise at Oregon City
or leave It at tha rail oilila
I and Insurance office of A. H.
Dowllna; In Milwaukee, or with.
JuallcD of the Peace Kelao.
Mm. Jam Kinney ha an attack
of typhoid fever.
Kay Maple left for Seattle lam
week. He haa a nosltion there with
the Whlto Bros. Meat Company.
Guy Hiavey Improving the looki
of hla place by putting up a wind mill
and water tower.
I). McLaren haa bad hla place laid
off In acre tracti.
A large delegation of citizen of
Milwaukee were In Oregon City Mon
day navlna- tavejt.
C. J. K'xiwell haa purchased house
boat ana will now keep bachelor
William Barrett, who hat been em
ployed by the O. W. P. Company, haa
renlgned and will leave for Belling-
Sun UL'aairi mris.n
a L :Za:: ,. ..... .J. ... .....
W day. Iion't forget that annual clean-
O The special meeting of the council,
60 which waa called for the purpoae of
w i meeiinr rpnnin nr vn r,r inn uynti h.
ern Pacific to discus the letting of
a franchise through Milwaukee, baa
hlen rviHtnnnAH tinllt Marh 9Q nin
U) to the fact that Mr. Morrow, who la
V) negotiating for the company. wUhe
to dlacuaa the matter with Cfneral
Manager O'Brien, bead of the Ilarrl
man Intereata In the Northwest Mr'
O'Brien waa called to Colorado by
the company and It la expected that on
hla return the dispute between the
company and the city council will be
8am Riley baa moved Into bli new
tinnin In Ida BhlnrllA a.nrf Va. rl.H
(X tion.
i ud iiiairiosu vi bcwii nam snu
Viola Weaver, both of this city, waa
solemnized at St, Helena, Oregon,
Saturday evening. March 13. at 7
o'clock. Miss Weaver la a sister of
Mra. CbrlBt Demons of this city, and
Mr. Ham Is the son of Isaac Ham,
one of Milwaukee s prominent citi
zens. The newly married couple re
turned Sunday, and are making their
Dome wun Mr. Hams parents.
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Toatet
on Sunday, a boy. Mother and son
doing well.
Herman Wphafar hmm mnviwt hla
family to the mill at Estacada and It
la expected they will remain there
as long as &ir. weusier la looking ar
tor the mill.
F. C. Harlow, Jr., who Is building
nia launch at Island Station, says
It will be ready for operation soon.
He expects to make the launch show
some good speed.
IVin't fnrifpt tha ontortafnmant
given by the Mothers' and Teachers'
ciud maay evening, March 19. The
admission fee will be one penny.
Lunch will he served hv tha rhih anrf
everyone will be presented with ft
' School Notea.
There are flvn little tr.la In tho nou.-
grade In Miss K. Casto's room which
was organized Monday.
Tedford Tripp la a new pupil in
the first zratte.
The school editor better get her life
Annie Kerr la still absent on ac
count of measles.
Misa K. Caato's room got the half
Holiday last month for the best at
Albert, Ethel and Annie Kelly were
aDaeni juonaay on account of the
aeam ot tneir grandfather.
Two new pupils, Margaret Knox
and Mary one Lewellen, have been en
rolled In Miss E. Pasto'a
All the pupils of Mrs. Buck's room
are present.
Miss Voorhees and Mrs. Lily were
visitors in Mrs. Eisert's room.
My, how many patriots of "Emer
ald Isle" we have in school today
The Eighth grade pupils have their
arm Danas, old rose and cream, their
ciasa colors, wnich are very pretty.
The ninth grade haa taken up the
atudy of botany as it baa finished
E!gs miiy bo preserved for several
months by (llftVront methods. If nut
up right In the spring they may be
kept till tho following fall or winter.
They will not bu as good, however, un
frcKh laid eggs. A method Unit, will
proHorvu tho orlginnl quality of the
eggs for an Indefinite period has not
yet been discovered, Ily cold storage,
eggs are put up In largo quantities
during tho spring season when prices
nro low, but whore it Is desired to
presorvo B small quantity for home
lisn tho cold storage method Is not
Besides cold storage, there are two
piethods of keeping eggo that glvo
good results. They nro tho lime
met hod and tho wat er glass method.
If tho work be proporly done, cither
water glusH or lime will keep the eggs
In fairly good condition.
Eggs intended for storage should
be frcHh and clean. Washing tho eggs
rather Injures their keeping quality
mid It should not bo done unless the
eggs are dirty. March or April eggs
will keep better than May or June
eggs. The sooner they are put Into
storage after being laid the better
thoy will keep. If nocessary to keep
them for a few dnys before bolng pre
served they should be kept 111 a cool,
dry place.
The Lime Method.
Dissolve a pound of llmu In five gal
lons of water. Tho water should be
previously boiled to sterilize It, and
then cooled. Stir thoroughly, und let
settle. Then pour off tho cleur liquid
Into n wooden or earthen Jur or tub.
Kill with eggs to within an Inch of
top of liquid. This will allow for
evaporation. Tho liquid should not
bo allowed to got lower than top of
eggs. When the vessel is filled with
eggs cover It with coarse muslin or
factory, over which spread a pnate of
llnio to exclude tho air.
The Water Glass Method.
Water glass (sodium slllcnto) nuiy
bo purchased at the drug stores.' Use
the liquid form and tho commercial
griido, In the following proportions:
Water glass, ono part, water eight
parts. Use earthen Jars or wooden
tuba or barrels that are podfectly
clean, and Btore In clean place.
Wntor glass should not cost more
that 75 centB n gallon. The mnterlal
usod will cost about a cent per dozen
of eggs stored.
Either of theBO methods closes uo
the pores of the eggs, and when boiled
the shell will crock. Puncturing the
shell with the point of a needlo will
prevent this.
Let Dowllng Bell your property.
During the past week we have no
ticed a number of improvements at
our little village. Among them are
me nve room nouse wnich is going
nn rnnlrilv
1 . . . . .. u v: I I J
un me easi sine oi me car line. Mr.
A. r. Kussell la assisting with tie
carpenter work. Mr. J. B. Evans has
begun his three-room addition and
new nnrehea at hie hnusn anil nhan
completed will be one of 'the sozlest
CnttAI'pa at thla nlflfa tr n X
Morse Is hAvtne the hnyplhni&h mil
on nis nve acres adjoining the camp
grounds, which adds to Its appearance
very niucn, ana is certainly one of
tne finest locations for a suburban
home, as It is a short distance from
the cur lino and Also near the Wlllnm.
X. L. Club Making Arrangements For e"e whlch ,s 80 beautiful at this
p..,ti 1 plac?' SIr- Hampton is making prep-
. aratlons for a new barn on bis lot on
The X. L. Club, of Gladstone, held !he !lveI front- Mr' Charles Slocum
. ... ....... . has been busllv enenced in trimming
a HieeiiiiK in ine mansrnna sn inn . - . . . -----"
to work. In muny cases they do sue- u " . , uld ousava ana spraying his fruit
e,..,,l m h,,t,iw ..n.i.ion. f,, . m. , ! ho,,8e on Saturday afternoon, and the trees. Mr. Boys had his grounds
Men and Responsibilities.
There aro plenty of college bred
and business college reared men In
tho commercial world today who are
compelled to admit that they are abso
lute failures. They ore ready enough
ceed in holdinur nosltlons for a eertnln j oaiuruaj aiiernoon. and the trees. Mr. Boys had his ground-
. .... . , . , j election of officers took place, the fol- Plowed during the past week. H. C.
length o tlmo at least. They perform . Iowl bpnK choppn. TreMnl Mrs. Pnln,on has J'lst completed a drilled
certain duties for which they ire paiti c Sn,RblIry ,reH,,0Ctedl ' vice, we" .for Juds.e Brona'1Ph his sum-
iiicr iiume. .r. u 1 1, u Hrnnmn has
certain sums of money weekly, but
they have never been nblo to risa
above a general level. It Isn't becaii3i
they aro dishonest. It isn't because
they aro lazy. Tho one great trouble
Is that they have never learned to
take an Interest in their employer's
business, and. as nobody knows thla
better than tholr employer himself.
be has never regarded them as trust
worthy. Though ho may have assign
ed (ho eosy tasks to them they have
never hud to bear any of the big re
Hionslbllltles. Gralium Hood In the
New York Globe. '
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Williams' Indian Pile nintm.nt ,m
cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles.
It absorbs the tumors, allavi ithinv
at once, acta as a poultice, gives in-
sinni rener. Williams' Indian Pile
Ointment Is prepared for Piles and
Itching of the Drlvate narta HnM fc.
druggists, mall BOo and 11.00, Williams
Mig. i;o jrops., ciavaiand, 0. For
sale by Jones Drug Co.
president. Mrs. W. C. Johnson; secre- a new archway put in between the
tnry, Miss Irene Carter; treasurer, "vlng and Teceptlon rooms at ihis
Mrs. H. E. Cross (re-elected). The en- home- He hns also decided to build
tertalnment committee consists of avenne'lmi T'f 0"
, , avenue and has had six men busily
Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mrs. C. B. John- at work for the past week. Mr. L.
son, Mrs. Holwell, Mrs. . Davis and Wilcox is having a fine fence built in
Mrs. A. Blount. Other Vommlttees tront ot hls Property.
have been appointed by thd club, and ,,A "i,mber are ha,vln.? the'r Fardens
ti, in . m . s " ' plowed and are planting their pota-
these will meet Tuesday evening at toes at this writing.
thn hnmA . Ki II . I. .. . . At-- . 1 , . ... ...
v..w w.mV vi hub. oauauuijr 10 uiuko w mo piettseu io note mat a new
arrangements for the entertainment to "ne of business has been added since
be given at the school house r,et si. our 'ast. went to print. Mr. H.
urdsy evening. To proceeds w, be hitaTrilrclSK
paid towards the piano, which was ro- es. and other Jewelrv As Mr Rice
cently purchased hy the club for the nas DePn ,ne Jewelry business for
school. 8ome tlmo- hs wrk will prove very
Since there am nn mnnv hnmn.aonb.
uame onouiaer. era coming from the East to Oregon,
This is a common form of muscular this month w fnl m ir a, .,nn .1.1.
rheumatism. No Internal treatment part of Clackamas County to have
la needed. Apply Chamberlain's Llnl- its share of them locate here, as our
t.w.lA fuoAlw lk.na tlmAa a .1 n .. n .. .1 1 1 1. t n a ., . ...
m iiv nctij niiiw mB a. uJ auu a v-iiinmo io .YViy HKreeUUlO, OUT SOU
quick cure Is certain. This liniment 'is well adapted to fruits, garden truck
haa proven espurlally valuable for and small grains, and our people are
muscular and chronic rheumatism, whole-souled. A great many who
Huntley Bros. Co. have acreage for sale, have got busy
and have newly, neatly painted Blgna
up on most every corner.
The pa.it week we bave received a
petition for which we are In hopes
all will sign, to bave a postofflce at
mw piace in tne H. J, nice store, aa
Itls very centrally located. Nothing
iow aoout us at Jcnnlng Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evana bave named
their home "The Matiles." aiwi hv.
a specie of the different kind nf
mapie sei out Thla with the num
ber of native maolca whirh ir i
ready on their Dlace. will add tn it.
beauty very much.
Mr. aru Mrs. It. li Rmmnna Ki
given the name of Stone Gables to
their artistic cobble-stone hnma nn
the Willamette Hirer, and we are In
hope we may report that others have
decided to name their homes. In the
near future.
. We notice the familiar toco of Mra
Boy once again and are glad to see
her back In our midst. Mr. and Mrs.
Boys have spent the past four months
In Portland, but have returned to their
home at thla nlare for the retnainrlor
of the year. Miss Gladys Boys Is a
pupil or me Mt. Angel boarding
Mr .and Mrs. H. R. Smith and three
sons and two daughters, of Straw
berry Point, Iowa, arrived at the home
of their dauKhter. Mrs. Prank PratL
on March 4. They expect to reside
in me nouse recently vacated by Mr.
Bert Boardman. We all welcome them
to Oregon and are In hopes they will
decide to locate here nermanentlv.
Mr. John Jennings baa installed a
lighting plant at hla residence near
Mr. Win. Hart, our well ' known
painter was down to Concord on Sat
urday, oiling the floor at the Concord
school bouse.
Misa Flossie Jennings, of Portland,
Was an Over nlirht inioat nn Mnn,ll
with her sister, at the Spooner borne.
air. wens, of Hood River, was the
guest at the Boardman borne the naat
MISS Grace Mnrrla nt Portland
visited with Miss Arilnne Shaver dur
lng the cast week.
Mr. and Mr. C P unru r K
napplest folk! at the lldee at nrea.
ent, for a very bright baby boy, who
weighed nine pounds came to gladden
ineir nome on Alarch am. Mother and
child are dolns- nlcelv
Mr. and Mrs. Redmond bave bad a
number of their friends aa guest at
tneir nome during the past week
Anions' them are Mr anil Mra I
Norri and two daughters, Mrs. H. C
Span- and Miss Verdi Knxria nf iah.
land, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs.' Charles
and three children, who have recently
reiurnea rrom Alaska. Mr. and Mm.
Charles were former schoolmates of
Mrs. Redmond, which made their stay
uouoiy enjoyable.
Miss Nellie Rice, who had a most
delightful time Tlsitlna- In Vuimnwr
during the past week, returned on
neuuesaay evening, accompanied by
her brother. Dr. J. E. Rice, neurologist
of Vancouver, Wash.
Miss Dunkard, of Portland, haa been
uicaauinKiug at me Terry and Em
mona home.
Mrs. Harvey, of Republic, will be
the guest of Mra. H. H. Emmons dur-
iug tne weea.
Master Allen Brown h aa niirrhnsoH
some very fine pigeons, but did not
iern wnetner ne was going Into the
squab business very extensively or
Mr. H. R. Smith haa nnrchoH
very fine span of hnr.w and a now
wagon and harness and la
do plowing and draylng, and will
oe Kept very busy as there is so
much Of Such work tn ha rinna -
good team has been needed at this
piace ior some time.
Rev. Shauer. the nrealHinv oi,w
D., 1 1 , . .. . '
Sunday, March 14th, from II Cor. 6-14
and 15. Rev. Shauer la
and earnest sneaker And A lartra num.
ber attended the service. Rev. Shauer
assisted oy Rev. Shupp held commun
ion Immediately after Tho i.i
ladles of the Sunday school furnished
music ai tne Sunday school
hour Master Reginald Ross gave a
very appropriate recitation.
On Thursday evening. March 11th,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beckner enter
tained the member nf ika niu i
- n. uuu auu
their husbands and few friends In
a most charming way at their home.
A very fine literary program consist
ing of instrumental m.icio h
Mable Morse, reading of a model love
letter by Miss Arilnne Shaver a duet
by Misses Edna Ross and Halpn Pain.
ton. A paper "Lifter and Leanera" by
Mrs. Roberts; a vocal solo by Mr
Clarence Beckner, recitation by Doris
Palnton, vocal solo by Miss Morse and
a vocal solo by Mr. G. Haloway closed
ii.usiam. wr .ana Mra. Beckner
were assisted hv cinnn u i
in sen-ing very dalnly and delicious
.wicoumeuts. ioo soon the hour ar
rived for the guests to bid their
uui. buq nosiess good night. Those
present were Mpxam an nto.i
G - - dicouoiUCfl
. E. Morse. H. H. Emmons, Kred
Terry. J. Holnu-oii u n di. ' .,
-- - , . iaiuiuu mil
Jacobs. Frank Pratt and Hugh Rob
erta and Walter Beckner; Messrs.
George Shaver nlihort c.i, .
Rose, Clarence Beckner, Garland Hal
owell Shelby Shaver; Mesdames Ross
and Shaver and the Misses Mable
Morse, Susie Smith, Helen Palnton
tdna Ross and Arilnne Shaver and
Carrie Scripture.
there will he a meetW nn t,..,i.,..
evening- at the shaver home, when
mi . ueorge Shaver will give the club
members a narllamRntoi-ir .m j -
nnm, B . r "l J wun auu a
"itiuum iti I mum tufa n.ii, ... .
ded. All the old members are urged
.O he nrfuinl
Mr. DIU. Of PortlnnH om ...
seo his daughter aud new little grand
son which arrived at Calvin Morse's
home during the week.
Mr. and Mrs u i di. .
,.i. uave enter
tained a number of their relative
ana friends during the past week
Among their ciiovi. . . :
Mra r r r.. . c ',lr- Hml
S J: R- Rle and Mr. and .Mrs.
and nr o, U cn""ren of St. Johns,
"'id Dr. R ce and in u .
of Vancouyer, Wash. ' B""
.wrs J' Rice, accompanied bv
in PoS RIC60 Vls"ed wi'h "end,
in Portland on Sntnr.w
Mr. and Mrs n n n..i
c,n,in., i ;. "iihuhii were
v.auors at the home of their
son Bert In Portland. They report
that their daughter Mrs. Bert Bofrl
8?llV,fry n,uc1 ''"Proved in health
s.nce her removal to Portland, which
her manv fr enri ,in k "
lj(,.lr uo pieasea to
Mr. Clark has hotin n
but at this writing Is very much lm-
Mr. and Mm. Spooner are contem
pla lng a trip to Tacoma. and expect
to leave on Friday for that place to
visit with Mr. Spooner's sisters and
other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Palnton drove
to Mt. Pleasant on Saturday and were
very favorably Impressed with the
fruit farms In that locality.
The Fraternal Tribunes gave an
entortalnmont In Green's Hall Tue.
day evening, March It!. The following
literary and musical program waa
rendered: Instrumental music, Mar
garet Warren; solo, Mrs. S. M. Ram
say; recitation. Ruth Vlgles; song,
Lester Kuks; dialogue, Edna and Ed
win Shubert; recitation. Mrs. Mo
Arthur; Instrumental music, Edith
Bonfltt; recitation, Jlmmle Spldoll;
remarks. Professor 8. M. Ramsay. Re
freshments were served by the club
after the entertainment and the bal
ance of the evening was spent In
playing gumes. Everyone reports
having a very fine time.
Ry Shnpp Is better after his se
vere attack of pneumonia.
The dance given by the Oak Grove
Social Club proved a great success, aa
L. O. Armstrong, has moved Into
the Howell house. Mr. Armstrong;
will make this bl temporay abode aa
he Intends to huiiii
.. . . ........... 0 vj . utm
own in the near future.
ut. AlcArthur and family expect to
be In their new home by the first of
April. Dr. McAnhn- . .
midst highly recommended and any
one wishing his services may call at
the writing room nr nk.. hi.-i.
303. "
Mr fllla nf ll a w-j
.. , nuuern candy
Company, made a business call la
Oak Grove Wednesday.
Wednesday hnln oi'p.m.i... -.-
a few of our brave citizens wore the
accustomed color, the "Irish green "
Mr. William Young- died at bis
home In Milwaukle Heights Sunday
morning. March 14 at th. ... ... n.
years and four month. Mr. Younar
waa hnm In t z ft
,u aiuiKan connty, Tenne
see and came to this country with the
early pioneers. He haa . i .
- , .'' u uulb
i.i ?,and WM B respected
vu,ru. no it-aves a wire. Mra aa..
Young, aged 85 years, and thrn- -hiin.
ren. The cause nf hi. .n. .
stroke of paralysis, which he suffe'ed
The M. E. church nf Dob nw -m
give an entertainment Friday even-
I n it 1.ML ft i . .. '
....u x, in ureen Hall for the
benefit of the new church, v
The Modern Woodmen of America,
which organized March 6, will meet
every Wedneadav oi. i
month. Visiting member- welcome.
A few of the memhera nf tha n.b
- w. Mia vna
Grove Rod and Gun Club are practic
ing on the Oulet. in aa tn ha I-
for the next shoot of the dab.
miss Beatrice Shirk la assisting her
father in the postofflce and store.
Mrs. Seeley, who haa been verv 111.
Is Improving.
Messrs. Barae and GenUon are Im
proving their place by cutting down
the trees and enlarging their green
Many people from here went to
Portland this week to see the Automo
bile show.
Mra. C. Morris Is very nroud of
their new born son. who arrived here
Mr. Moran'a new bouse la beginning
to look fine.
Mrs. W. M. Gardner and daughter.
Annie, went to Portland Saturday.
Mable Sladen, who hag been absent
from school on account of a very bad
attack of poison oak, is much better.
Mra. Hart and two daughters. Ethel
and Irene, went to Portland Saturday.
ine people around here are bus
planting seed and fixing their ground.
Air. and Mrs. St. Britten arrived
from San Francisco Sunday evening.
mere has been quite a few aeenta
around here this week.
Why do you always look for Chean
Cheap Good? Better first loot fn-
quality, then price. Both quality and
prices are right at the Partnt.aa
Cash Store.
a A. HOLMES, Prop.
. ,
Alata-Yukon.Parl c r.i ......
. u hAuauiun nucea
Japan Is spending 200.000 vn .,'nnn
its building and in brineina- ita
hibita to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific ex
position, which ODens In snia
June 1.
The greateet automobile n,.
world has ever seen will be run from
New York City to the eronnrt. nf .ha
exposition la Seattle. The race will
scart on June 1, the day the exposi
tion opens., A 12.000 tronhv an .?
300 In cash prizes have been offered
"X w. Robert Guggenheim tha
mobile enthusiast, who la . ,a-i.i...
of Seattle. . '
One hundred thousand .iu
Ha plants are used In one single fea-
ot tne landsflipe gardening of
the exposition.
Eleven airships of various types
have already entered for the airship
snow at the exposition.
Old Faithful." the fan,. v.n...
stone Park geyser, will be reproduced
"DtT DMln. one of the central
features of the exposition. It will
spout water, illumined at night by
electric lamps of different colors, a
height of 150 feet In the air.
Gold dust valued at J5.000.000 has
arrived In Seattle where It will make
one of the exhibits at the exposition
It was brought out over tha
trail from Dawson City, Nome and
Nlflht On Bald Mountain.
On a lonely night Alex. Benton of
Fort Edward, N. Y. climbed Bald Moun
tain to the home of a neighbor, tortur
ed by Asthma, bent on curing him
with Dr. King's New Discovery, that
had cured himself of asthma. This
wonderful medicine soon relieved and
quickly cured his neighbor. . Later it
cured bis son's wife of a severe Iuna-
trouble. Millions believe Its the great
est Throat and Lung cure on earth.
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages
and sore Lungs are surely cured by
it. Best for Hay Fever, Grip and
Whooping Cough. 60 cents and $1.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed
Jones Drug Co.