Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1909)
8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1909. Canby and Southern Clackamas CANBY. The W. C. T. U. will meet Friday, March 12, with Mrs. W. R. Porter. Mra. Clark and Mrs. Weber will read a dialogue. Next week, at the regular hour, the W. C. T. U .will hold a ser vice of tribute to the late Cynthia Hoa ford, who was for years a strong ad vocate of the temperance cause. All friends of Mrs. Hosford are urged to attend this meeting, which will be held at the M. E. parsonage. We have received several new members this year, and will be pleased to receive other now members at any regular meeting. Ladles who have been members of the V, C. T. I", in other places are confidently expected to come and take their places in our ranks. Tho Loral Temi nance Legion meets in the M. R. church every Sun day afternoon. We have had a grow ing Legion and the membership now numbers forty-seven. Next Sunday Miss Carrie DIehl will talk to the legion. Rev. R. R. Knowdell, of the Anti-Saloon League of Oregon, will hold a temperance meeting in Canby Sunday evening, April 4th, An Illustrated lecture on "The Hill Cities of the Himalayas" will be given at Macksburg on Monday, March 15. Irving Hart, of Manila, will give a lecture on the Philippines, followed by an exhibition of Fhllipino curios, on Monday evening, March 22, at the M. E. church. Mrs. R. S. Co returned from Port land Monday morning, where she has been Tlsltlng with her son, R. S. Coe, Jr. Mrs. M. J. Lee and daughter, Lor alne, returned from Roseburg Tues day evening accompanied by her sla ter, Mrs. Del Clark. Miss Nan Cochran, of Oregon City, was In Canby Saturday on business. L. V. Carothers made a business trip to Washougal, Wash., Wednesday, stopping at Oregon City on his way. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. De Lesplnasse, went to Portland on Wednesday. Dr. De Lespinasse returned the same day, but hla wife proceeded to Seattle, where sne will visit with her parents, and upon her return will bring her son. Bert, who has been staying with his grandparents. - Mrs. Beck, of Aurora, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Eck erson, returned to her home the first of the week. Grandpa Hosford, who was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital for treatment. Is Improving, and is now able to sit up. M. J. Lee made a business trip to Portland this week. H. Bissell haa returned to his home in this place. Mr. Bissell has been working on the upper Columbia for several months. R. S- Coe was in Oregon City on Tuesday, where- he was a delegate from Warner Grange to the County Grange Convention. Postmaster J. F. Deyoe Is confined to bis home by Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knight were among the Oregon City visitors 'on Tuesday. Miss Grace Patch acted as postmistress during Mrs. Knight's ab sence. Mrs. Cassie Evans has opened her boarding house, and serving good home cooking. Transients to Canby can easily be accommodated now with two hotels and a boarding house. Mrs. Mary Hougham went to Oregon City on a business trip Tuesday. H. T. Melvin passed through Canby on Tuesday morning on his way to Oregon City, where he was a delegate to the Clackamas County Grange Con vention to elect delegates to the State Convention to convene at McMlnn ville. Mr. and Mrs. George Zeek, of Mil waukee, were visiting with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zeek, Saturday and Sunday, returning to their home Monday morning. Mrs. George Martin and children, Alphadine and Dale, who have been visiting with Mrs. M. J. Martin, C. W. DAMM Photographer CANBY, OREGON. STAFFORD. Numerous ladies were out on Fri day of last week, enjoying the bright spring sunshine. The elements were angry, apparently, for it blew great Was Your Last Baking Day A Complete Success? AXac vftnr Pro i A P-xb-oe in I the best you ever made? I fine grain? Was yoar Flour not, why don't you use Seeley's Best? It costs less than others of near good and is far superior to the ordinary kinds. It makes lighter whiter bread and with less labor. The New Process Floor; we are selling agents for Oregon City. SEELEY'S 9fcnnd Mrs. O. R. Mack and Mrs. J. A. Gra ham, returned to their home at Mo- Mlnnville, Sunday. Tho Washington Creamery, which has bad headquarters In the Knight building, has removed to the bulldlug formerly occupied by Dr. Dj.Lospln asso. The building vacated by tho Creamery Company is now occupied by tho Canby Canal Company as an office. Tho l.elehtwots brothers of Clarkes, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kocher on Saturday. The fine farm belonging to Charles Lucke has been sold to Mr. Kraeft, who will take possession In the early spring. Mr. Uicke received over $12,000 for his property. This is one j 0( the finest pieces of farm property in Canby, aud consists of 120 acres. Mr. Lucke has purchased two lots In Portland, where he will erect hand some home. Mr. and Mrs. Mundorff. Sr., were calling on friends in Canby Tuesday M. J. Lee was a Portland visitor Wednesday. Mrs. William Rider and two child ren started for Lyle, Wash.. Tuesday, for a week's visit with relatives. " Mra. M. J. Lee returned from Rose burg Tuesday. She was accompan- i-' ; -' V... , - Horns on the Luck Plies of 120 acres which sold for over $12,000. led home by her sister, Mrs. Dell Clark. H. A. Lee is visiting friends In Portland a few days this week. Mrs. A. Scramlln and son, of Macksburg, visited In Canby Tues day. A team belonging to Lubbins, of Macksburg. made a flying start for home Monday. They were frightened while standing in front of Kocber's hardware store, but were stopped In their mad career when about a half mile out of town. No damage was reported, except a half case of eggs which were pretty wjell scrambled by the time the team was quieted down. The Mutual Telephone Company U preparing to Issue a new telephone di rectory In a short lime, as so many new phones have been added that the directory Issued about two years ago Is practically useless. Mrs. H. S. Tice, of Adkin's mill, was j visiting in Canby Wednesday and Thursday. J. A. Graham sold one-half acre of land to Warren Kendall. Mr. Kendall will build soon. Lawrence Bair Is Improving his property by planting shade trees in front of it . Clyde Dick has returned home from Pasco, where he has been working on the North Bank road. Miss Hargreaves commenced her dude's as teacher of the Intermedi ate hoom Monday, In place of Miss Marion Swanby, who resigned. Mr. Wilkinson, of the Southern Pa cific, spent Sunday with his family. Charles Nebo was a Canby caller Tuesday. Miss Buena Snell, of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday with her par- rents. A. J. Burdett was In Oregon City Monday. Will Bissell came up from Oregon City Sunday, returning Monday. J. A. Graham made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Mrs. Winnie Bissell and daughter, visited in Vancouver, Wash., Satur day and Sunday. Little Laverne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Eckerson, has been quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bates will en tertain the whist club Wednesday ev ening. Mrs. Ida Knight was called to Port land Wednesday on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Ferguson. E. E. Mott went to Oregon City to pay his taxes Tuesday, and will visit in Portland for some time. guns that night, and the rain came down in sheets, but Monday after noon and Tuesday the sun did its bent to make amends, and we feel hopeful now that storms are over for the present. A r nor fhindc oKcMiiflir Was the cake light and perfectly satisfactory? If Jake Schati la cutting four-foot wood this week for Mr. Nusbaum. Amos Mays, with the help of a neighbor and team, is turning all the ground over that Is possible when It don't rain. Rev. Leosman made a hurried trip to the county seat one day last week In tho Interest of an estate, of which he is administrator. , As Harry Peters was splitting wood with a steel wedge, a portion flew off and a silver wont. Into ihi fleshy part of his leg. It made a small hole and did not bleed much but felt like a knife cutting every time he moved. Dr. Somiuer, who was called could not locate It, but dlrecte.l compressor to keep down any swell ing, and If It troubled him after a few days he would apply the X-rays and find It. Rosa Kllegsen was quite' ill a num ber of days with what proved to be the measles. She Is convalescent at present. Mrs. Hotswsrth has also been sick again. John Sctiali, wife and baby, were out to visit the old home Sunday. Mrs. Powell's sister, whoso baby has been under the doctor's care at Mrs. Powell's for some weeks, came again Friday from Pee, near Hood River, to help care for it. Mesdamca Welsenborn and Rublk drove over to Mr. Aden's last Frl day. Joe Nimic was pushed off a porch in Wilsonvllle a few days ago ami sustained a broken wrist. Dr. Somer reduced the fracture and Joe Is car rying It In splints and a sling. A workman has been repairing the Pacific States telephone line. There was quite a successful sur prise party at Ed Sharp's one evening last week. The Tualatin butcher's team took a hike for their oat bin last Wed nesday as the driver was closing the gate. They seemed to have collided with a telephone pole, as two wheels were smashed. Mr. Nnssbaum caught them as they came abreast of his house. Henry Oldensladt, whose home Is In Washington, broke his ankle and word came that the leg had to be amputated and It was feared he would not survive the shock. Fred and Dick Oldenstadt, brothers, of this place, and Mrs. John Aden, a sister, went immediately to his bedside. It Is hoped he Is not so bad as reported. Many relatives and frlenda in this vicinity would miss kind I'ncle Henry. Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Plies. it absorbs the tumors, allays Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives In stant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Is prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Sold by druggists, mall 60c and $1.00, .Williams Mig. co., frops., ciavaland, O. For sale by Jones Drug Co. BARLOW. J. J. Sandsness has traded his farm for a farm In the east. Mr. Sandsness will not go east among tho blizzards and cyclones, but will re main In Oregon. Ed Williams has sold his property and will go east in a short time. Rev. Davenport has bought his old place back again. Mr. Sage has bought a small tract of land of Mr. Coller and will build a house soon. Mrs. J. A. Andrews, Mrs. J. J. W'ur- fel and H. T. Melvin went to Oregon City Tuesday to attend the grange county convention. Misses Tessle Berguson, Ida Howe and Olga Howe were home on a visit Sunday, Henry Glibertson went to Portland Sunday. - M. Bessar, an old pioneer of Bar low, was found dead In his bed Fri day morning at the home of D. O. Freeman, with whom he had been liv ing for some years. The funeral was held at house Saturday. Interment In the Barlow cemetery. Mr. Bessar was a kind and good old gentleman and one who was respected and had many friends. Do not forget the dance In Colum bia! hall Saturday evening. Charles Ogle has returned home from Sllverton where he has been working for some time. Ed Ogle made a business trip to Orr gon City on the train Wednesday. Seared With hot Iron, or scalded by overturn): 1 kettle cut with a knife, bruised by slammed door injured by gun or In any other way tho thing needed at once Is Buck len'aArnlca Salve to subdue Inflamma tion and kill the pain. Its earth's .oipreme healer, Infallible for Bolls, I'lcers, Fever Sores, Eczema and Hies. 2.",c. at Jones Drug Co. SHUBEL. Mr. and Mrs. Hetlman visited with Mr. and Mra. lndeck Iat Sun. lay. George Klrbyson will leave for the logging camp on the Columbia some time during the week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Moser, March lid, a baby boy. Sydney Johnson bean school here this morning and Robert Clnther be gan at Clarkes. Mrs. Maggie Hornsehuh is recover ing gradually from her recent opera tion. The debates on Saturday nights continue to Interest the people. Mrs. S. Clark visited with Mrs. Robert Glnther one day last week, Val. Uohlander purchased a load of wheat from C. Hornschuh the other day. DON'T HITCH YOUR HOR8E IN THE RAIN Get acquainted with E. VV. Melien & Co.. Com plate House furnishers. Use their free stable room. Milwaukee -Northwestern Clackamas Those who have nowi tor the Milwaukee department of the Enterprise should either mall It to the Milwaukee Editor of the Enterprise at Oregon City or leave It at the real estate and Insurance olllce of A. II. lVwlIng In Milwaukee, or with Justice of tho Peace Kolao, MILWAUKEE. The city council of Milwaukee held its regular meeting In the City Hall Tuesday evening, Match 9. Tho min utes of tho previous meeting were approved of and communication from the Milwaukee Telephone Company and Milwaukee Suburban Club wore ivad. Tho Milwaukee Telephone Com pany agreed to place a phono In tho city hull as soon as the lines are In running order free of charge, which Is In accordance with a provision of the franchise. Tho recorder was Instruct ed to notify tho 0. W. P. Company to repair the street near their depot and to put In a few loads of gravel. Tho chairmun of the street commission was Instructed to present a petition to Mrs. Sell wood fyr her signature permitting the opening of a street on Patten avenue. In case she refines to sign the pet It lion the street commis sion will condemn tho laud and begin at once putting In the street. Bids for the completion of a read ing room In the city hall were opened and read, as follows: Thomas Toatcs for the completion of tho room accord ing to specifications, $180.80; James Snyder, $205.90; George VanVleat, for the carpenter work alone, $144: J. 11. Hicks, for plastering and other finish ing work, $50. Thomas Toate hav Ing made the lowest bid was awarded the work upon the motion of Coun cilman Sellwooit The work Is to be completed within 60 days. Motion was made by Councilman Sellwood to Instruct the Street Com mission to establish monuments on Main street. The regular routine of bills were allowed. By motion the meeting was ordered continued until Monday ev ening. March 15, at 8 o'clock, when It Is expected that representatives of the Southern Pacific Company will meet with the council to discuss the letting of the franchise for the lleav-erton-Wlllsburg cut-off. As soon as the corners are located the First State Bank of Milwaukee will commence excavation of the base- THE JOHNSON REALTY CO. City Lots, Acreage and Farms a Specialty. P. O. Box 213 Milwaukee, Or. MARKETS WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc OREGON CABBAGE ic lb. OREGON ONIONS $1.50 sack. BEETS 40c doten bunches. CARROTS 4 Oe doi. CELERY 90c per doz. POTATOES $1.00fl $1.10. CAl'LIFIXJWER 60c doz. PARSNIPS 2c lb. RUT A BEG AS $1.00 sack. TURNIPS $1.00 sack. BEETS $1.00 sack. CARROTS $1.00 sack. Butter and Eggs. BUTTER Ranch, COCSc; cream ery, 70c per roll. EGGS 22c dozen. HONEY 13c frame. HONEY Strained, 7c to Jc lb. Fresh Fruits. APPLES 800 $1.25 box. Dried Fruits. DRIED APPLES Quartered, bud dried, 6 cents; evaporated 6 and 7c; prunes, 3'.4to4c, silver prunes 6c to 6c; pears 10c. Grain and Hay. WHEAT $1.05. GRAY OATS $36.00. HAY Valley timothy $15 per ton; Clover, $12.00; Cheat, $11.00; Grain, $12.00. WHOLE CORN $39.00. MIDDLINGS $34. CRACKED CORN $40. SHORTS $31. Clackamas County Live Stock. HEIFERS $3.25f $3.50. STEERS $3.30 $3.45. LAMHS $3.50ft$4.00. COWS $2. SOfi $2.75. hogs r,.mt $o.oo. MUTTON $3.25 $3.75. HAMS lGcfi Hfc. DRESSED VEAL $8ffi $8.50. DRESSED l'ORK $7.50f $8.00. HIDES Iln!f hides, 5c; calf hides, 6c TALI5W 3c per lb. Poultry. OLD HENS 11c per pound, young roosters, lie; old roosters, 9c; mixed chickens, 12c. AT THE MILLS AND 8TORE8. Flour and Feed. FLOUR Hard Wheat, $4.95; Val ley, $.G0. A Hurry Up Call. Quick! Mr. Druggist Quick! A box of Ilucklln's Arnica Salve Here's a quarter For the love of MuS'M, hurry! Baby's burned hlniHelf, ter riblyJohnnie cut his foot with tho axe Mamie's scalded Pa can l walk from piles Hlllle has bolls and my corns ache. She got It and soon cured the whole family;' It's the greatest healer on earth. Sold by Jones Drug Company. Southern Pacific Pays $22,000. The amount of (ax money turned into County Treusurer Paddock's of fice Monday afternoon by Sheriff Beatle was $56,087.76. This amount was for the. week ending on Saturday nlghtv The Southern Pacific Com pany's taxeH were $22,000 of this amount i ' ment (or lis now two story brick building, which will be located In the south-east corner of tho Lowollon block. This will bo the first brick building In Milwaukee and will cer tainly be a credit to tho city, K. P. Rand was In town Tuesday. 11. Tsoharnor, Sr., was a visitor In Oregon City Tuesday. Tho delegates from Milwaukee Grange. No. St'iN, were nt convention In Oregon City Tuesday, Those present from Milwaukee were Mrs, UobertH, T. R. A. Sellwood, J, R. Kelso, and Mrs. Freytng. Delegates were elect ed for tho state grange to bo held In MoMtnnvlllo In May. Chris lemons has commenced the construction of a dwelling on hi J lots In Quliu-y addition, Tho dance given by tho Milwaukee Suburban Club Saturday evening was well attended and Ihu club was given credit for the manner In which Jt conducts Its dunces. Tho next dance will be a masquerade and will bo given on Wednesday, March 17. Five prlics will bo given for the best cos tumes and the club guarantees a good tlmo, J. M. Snyder Is building an addi tion to the bakery and tho building occupied by tho drug store, lie U also adding a stock of caudles and cigars, which he will handle In con nection with hla bakery business. F. IF. 1-echlor Is building a wator tower on his property located on the hill. A. J. Ray Is building a residence on Qulncy addition. The ladles of the different commit tees are working earnestly to nyiko a great success of the St. Patrick's entertainment given by the Mothers' and Teachers' Club In the assembly hall of tho school building on Friday evening, March 19. A good program Is being prepared and many novel fea tures will be Introduced throughout the evening. The admission of one penny at the door pays for souve nir. Lunch will be served. School Notes. Claytou Coleman has been elected captain of the athletic team of Mil waukee school. This team expects to take part In Clackamas School League meet. Do you know anything about red hair? We do, It Is Just "the thing." Kelvin Hlmners has returned to school after a long absence. The Cnbots were Italians and sailed for England! Weren't they? Myrtle Mullan visited with the Klghth and Ninth grades Friday. Ittlo Rambo, who has been absent several weeks, returned to school Monday. Harry At wood Is absent from school on account of Illness. Either Hilmer, who has been quite REAL ESTATE B. and Katie Glldner to Flora Pet ers, lots 17 to 24 Inclusive, of block 11. Hyde Park; $275. Oregon Iron & Steel Company to 8. E. Pressor lot 1 of block 7, Oswego; $165. C. C. & M. Miller to J. W. Linn 10 acres In section 3, township 4 8, R. 3 E, $100. E. A. & M. Uoeckman to O. T. Uoeckman, 39 acres in Section 11, T. 3 S., R. 1 W; $1000. E. A. & M. Ibierkman to II. F. Uoeckman 39 acres In Section 11, T. 3 S., R. 1 W.; $1000. I. West to B. F. & A. M. Kellogg N. W. 1-4 of S. W. 1-4 of section 30, T. 2 S.. R. 2 E; $1. J. F. & J. F. Nelson to J. D, & H. French 229 acres In T. 4 8., R. 2 E; $00. R. Scott to A. J. Scott lots 4 and 8 of hlock I, Lewelllng Park; $0u0. R. J. & C. R. Glnn to W .If. & II. A. Moore GO acres of the James Mc Nary D. L. C, section 8, T. 2 8 R. 2 E.; $0500. R. E. Yolt to O. Yolt 10 acres sec Hen 25, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.; $!. J. U. & A. Campbell to I, A. Hoy Ian 15 acres in 8. S. White D. L. C. Noh 41 and 12, section 7, T. 3 8., U. 2 E.; $525. A. C. & M. Wlhlon to J. C. Elli ott, 35 acres In section 17, T. 2 8, R. 3 E; $750. If. Saner to P. & H. Bauer 40 acres In section 4, T. 4 S It 5 E; $1. P. & H. Saner to H. Sutler 40 acres In section 4, T. 4 S., It. 5 E; $!. W. H. & S. I Saunders to C. F. Ilrumm lot 7, of block 149, Oregon City; $525. A. B. & R. M. Elliott to . E. Mof- lltt 20 acres in section 17, T. 2 8 R. 3 E.; $1000. Willamette, Falls Company in Wil liam Gross, Tract No. 56, of Willam ette & Tualulln tracts; $300. Addle E, Cosgrlff to John A. Kuks 8.20 ncres of George Crow's Land Claim No. 49, T. 2 8., H. 1 E.; $3500. John A. Graham and Mury Graham to Warren Kendall .43 of an acre In Can by; $200, William H. Mat toon, and Caroline Mattoon to Coyd A. Lnoncy NW 1-4 of S. W. 1-4 of section 26, T. 3 8., R. 4 K.; $1. Joseph Clark and Mary M. Clark to Sanford Coover and Amanda J. Coov- er all of Mill liOt No, 2 In friends Oregon Colony in Clackamas County, containing 5 1-2 acres; $1200. Ernest Matthle and Margaret Mat titles lots 1 and 28, and west half 111 with typhoid fovor, la now able to he In school again, "After this Cupid will tie the knots." Adam, Grace Knickerbocker vlatlcd with tho eighth and ninth guides Monday. Why did Clayton blush so? I know ho has "lied hair." Itllla KnndeiN Is a new pupil In Miss Nile' room. I'nlll lately she attended school In North Dakota. "It Isn't JumI tho thing." Shakes peare. Mra. Collin was culler In Mra. Kliieit's room Tuesday, "What Isn't Juat tho thing?" O, ask Adam." Unknown, Miss K. ('unto Is tho proud posses sor of some very beautiful carna tions. Tho other tenchers are envi ous o( her, to her great delight, Mrs. 8hw"lHira, decline tho verb red." Dora "Positive Clayton, compara tive Ktlna, superlative ICmiun." Mrs. Roberta visited In Mi's. Shaw's room Friday. Ernest Kellar returned to school after several weeks' absence during which time he had tho measles, j The ninth grade took Its final examination In book-keeping last I week. All passed on grades above 'ninety, and some were at the "top I notch." Just think of tho proficient and honest book-keepers that Milwau kee can ooast ot. Mrs. Ueorgo Morrlolt was a visitor In Miss N lies' room Tuesday. Kiltia At wood la quite HI, and there fore the ninth grade has an absence today. , tot Dowllng sell your property. OAK GROVE. George King. Oak Grove's proml neut butcher, hss been complaining of a severe attack of neuralgia the last couple of days, but It Is hoped by all that ho will be all right again. The Modern Woodmen uf America organlted a lodgo In Oak Grove last Saturday evening, March 0, at Green's Hall. Thero were about 200 members of Portland lodges to assist In tho or ganltatlon. Thero were three' drill battalions present and (ho tone Fir battalion took charge of tho work. The St. Johns Modern Woodmen band furnished music during tho evening. The lodgo started with 22 charter members. The Fraternal Tribunes wllll give a dime socinl next Tuesday evening. March hi, In Green's Hull. A fine en tertainment has already been pre pared mid everybody Is Invited to come and enjoy themselves. Tho marriage of Miss A nun Peld man, of Oak Grove aud (I. Lulk, of Portland, took place at Portland last Tuesday. After tho ceremonies were of N. E. 14 of section 27. T. 2 8., R. 2 E. Harriet L. Warrnn and Charles . Warren to Ruby 8. Pardee, 2 acre section 27. T 3 8.. R. 2 B.; $.".H.r.O. llarrlct.L Warren and Charles War ten to Kuby'S. Pardee two acres of Gladstone; 1$0. Bad boys wul not Jump over your fence If barbed wire Is stretched over tho top. Frank Busch Is soiling now kind of wlro of 2C00 foot cover Ing capacity to one hundred pounds. Lams Shoulder. This Is a common form of muscular rheumatism. No Internal treatment Is needed. Apply Chamberlain's IJnl ment freely threo times a day and a quick cure Is certain. This llnlmout has proven espurlally valuable for muscular and chronic rheumatism. Huntley Bros. Co. REDLANO. Mrs. D. li. Mosher and little son Harold, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone. Mr. E. Ilreck's son came home from the Philippines last week. The Oregon City Shoe Store is now tinder new management. In order to make room for our large shipments of shoes, will clean up all our broken lots. LADIE'S Reglar$3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Shoes $2.35 Ladies $2.25, $2.50 and $3 Shoes Special at $1m85 We Do As We Advertise OREGON ffl SHOE STORE performed tliu happy couple rtino bncli to Oak drove to ytslt wUk tkr bride's parents. Owing to the ill Imiseiuoul ot Iho night hawks, the newly nun Hod couple wore not given a charivari. Tho Oak drove AllUotlo club hu disbanded for Ihu summer seiiuoti. It la iho lutenlloli of (ho dull to fo ol giinlne In tho Fall. More member are what tho club needs and It Is ex pected that Iho llllonduiieo will bo larger when duty reorganise, Mr. Turk and son have been busy Iho past ton days putting In water mains and pipes through the Rlsloy tract . Mr, Kliitch, one of Oak Grove's prominent ettletis, has donated a lot to Iho church orMy It I ex pected that tho society will conn Co In tho near future building a uleo edi fice on iho lot as It Is generally be lieved that this location will lie morn beneficial to tho community than tho place formerly chosen. Tho Oak tlrove Telephone Company has Just received building material' for tho extension of Its telephone line, and It I expected Ihat work will commence In tho near future. Uwal real estate agents report that laud la on tho move aud that a num ber of transfers have been inadu (ho last week. George lleadley has tho contract for clearing William Well' aero and quarter of land Juat south of the George Hansen tract and tho clear ing la progressing It Is hoped that a nice residence will be built In a abort time. There are no more pneumonia pa tients In Oak Grove. All having re covered after tho sun began to shine, GeoritA Wotilor was In Oak Grove a few days ago, aud reported that h had Ut a contract for tho building of a new homo on second avenuo and Maple street. ' The Oak Grove Social Club will glvo a masquerade dance Saturday even ing. March 13. In Green's Hall. Thl will bo the laat dance of (lie aeaaon and from this dale on the hall will he for at reasonable rate to so clala and entertainments. The Slater and oilier owners of the property between Recoud avenue and the river on Center street, ar taking advantage of the road super v I nor a by cutting tho timber on iho proposed new road. All who are In teralod In this Improvement ahoulil aubscrllie a few dollars. Harry Webber, who has been em ployed during the laat month repair ing tho plumbing work at the I-tuix hotel In Portland, has returned to Oak Grove George Meyer aud wife have Juat returned from an extended visit In the rant. Mr. A. D. Allen Jollied his wife Saturdiiy, who ba been visiting rel atives hero and they both returned to Portland Sunday. Mra. Ray Miller and daughter Her nice, visited at A. O. Iloltlngaworth" and other relatives last week. K. N. llDH-k bought a film Iwo-aeat-ed buggy at Iluach'a last week. Muster Clifford Hooper la quite sick with spinal trouble, but at tills writ ing Is getting along nicely under Dr. Hummer's care. Mr. and Mra. Armstrong celebrated their 41at anniversary Tuesday, March 9. at Mr. and Mr. Wm. Ilontiey's, who also celebrated their llth anniversary. We wish them iminy happy returns of the duy. Mlsa Mortlmore visited at her homo last Saturday In Portland, returning here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Htotie was obliged to kill one of bis beat breeding hog as she pre ferred chickens and eggs, Instead of the regular pig diet. William llonney expects to put a miiw mil! on the Thompson property , formerly owned by Mr. Chun. Hooper, In the near futuro. MEN'S Regular $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 Shoes $265 V:i