Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1909)
s OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, liXW. KCWW The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and tvhloh has been In use for over 30 yonrs, has horns tho eUgnaturo of - and has been made tinder his per fir "onal supervision since its luftmcj-. WiAfTZJ-CUcAUL Allow no on to deceive you luthl. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-trotx!" ar but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing SjTups. - It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishnees. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's ranacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the AW Ito Kind You late Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. NEWS OP THE COUNTY MULINO. The Multno school has been closed for a few days on account of the teach er being sick. Charlie Daniels has been grubbing out some of the trees In front of his house and making quite an Improve ment in the looks of his place. Mr. Lee bought a fine Jersey cow at Mr. Wright's sale, Tuesday. Arthur Mallatt has bought a new saddle horse from Bert Lamb. Multno was visited with quite a snow storm Wednesday. March is giving us a variety In the weather line. We haTe been able to see the sun shine a couple of days this month. Mrs. Myers, who has been visiting her mother, near New Era, returned home a few days ago. Bert Wallace came home Saturday from Shafer's mill where he has been working the past week. Mr. Snodgrass and a crew of men are bringing down a lot more shingle bolts and the mill is idle this week. Cascasweet is for babies and child ren, and is especially good for the ills so common u rold weather. Look for the Ingredieuts on the bottle Coa laitis r, nartrf il -'rust. S-M by Jones Drug Co. OSWEGO. Ed. Pollard, of this town, is very ill with small pox. Clif. Johnson and Frank Anderson were initiated into the United Arti sans last Saturday. The Red Men lodge will give a dance here March 17. On account of a heavy rain Sun day, the people were obliged to con tent themselves Indoors. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Monroe have been very ill for some time at thoir homes In Oswego. The Oswego baseball team has go, new suits for the coitffng season, ajd they expect to have a very fast bunch. Will challenge anything that wears a uniform. Mrs. Helnninger gave a tea party at her home March 2d. Those present were as follows: Mrs. M. Bell, of Portland; Mis. S. E. Prosser, Mr. CI. W. Prosser, Mitses Prosser, Mr. E. P. Hawke, Jesse Coon and C. E. Aus tin. The evening was spent In play ing games and singing fongs. after which a d.-liclous supper was served. Mr. Johnson's brother-in-law from the east, Is visiting hira for a time. The Oswego school boys are organ izing a second team. Thomas Elston and Albert Rosentrater are Foliciting money to buy now suits. The little lads expect to have a good time play ing their games. The first game will be next Saturday i'.gainst West Ore gon City, on Oswego grounds. They will play five games here this sea son. Mr. Prosser hasj put a new lock on his front gate, and also a wire fence to keep the chickens out. The dam which was washed out during the high water, at Sucker lake Is nearly completed. Ftank Davidson, road supervisor, Is Office Both Phones 22 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 18C5 FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Hates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge Agency lot the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Signature of greatly Improving the roads in the district. Mr. E. Messlnger is visiting friends here. FIRWOOD. The debate of Saturday, March 6, was well attended and did credit to the county. The subject was, "Re solved: That Firwood has greater ad vantages as a Fruit Country than has Hood River." The fourteen speakers did their best to uphold their re spective sides; but the evidence waa too strong, that though Hood River has the start of us a few years in rep utation, present output, and railroad facilities, Firwood has better soil for trees and fruits, a natural supply of moisture, greater protection from all winds, ideal climate, and In all mak ing the very best and Ideal locality for nearly every fruit from strawber ries. Raspberries and cherries up to pears and apples. The Judges were Mr. Walton, of Portland, whose son has a ranch in Hood River; B. F. Hart, of Montavilla, and Frederick Koenecker, of Firwood, who gave a unanimous decision in favor of the af firmative. The Progressive Association will hold a business meeting on Satur day, March 20. Everybody is request ed to be present It is surprising the amount of clear ing going on lately. Everybody has a few fires going whenever the weath er will permit. The Firwood school last Friday closed the most progressive year in its history, but it is hoped that here after it will be accounted only as a be ginning of its Improvement The library seems to be in great demand lately, both for the books and agricultural pamphlets. Stiff Neck. Stiff neck Is caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the neck. It Is usually confined to one side, or the back of the neck and one side. While It Is often quite painful, qtlick relief ma be had by applying Chamber lain's Liniment. Not one case of rheumatism In ten requires Internal treatment. When there Is no fever and no swelling as In muscular and chronic rheumatism, Chamberlain's Liniment will accomplish more than any internal treatment. For sale by Huntley Bros. Company. EAGLE CREEK. ! T?nin ta fifrnln thp rtrrfpr rif thp flflv. Mrs. Cora Udell called on Mrs. Viola Douglass Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James DeShazer and (children spent Sunday with Mrs. De- Shazer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Douglass. H. S. Gibson, accompanied by his brother Dick, made a business trip to Barton, Monday. A pleasant surprise was tendered Mr. W. J. Howlett. at his home Mon day evening, when about twenty-seven of his relatives Bnd friends stepped I In to spend the evening, It being Mr. Residence Phone Main 2C24 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman Hewlett's 79th birthday. All spent pleasant evening together. . CLARKES. Mr. O,, Marqii.mlt wont to town on Monday. Mr. Swanson, from Coll on, was in Clarkes last Saturday to got a load of oats, Tho Grangers had a mooting liwtt Saturday. '- Mr. Stout andSiis family woro in tending to leave last week, intending to move to Ashland. Kd Hornschnh Is slok in tho hos pital in Portland. She was operated on recently, The Clarkes uehool was started on Monday. Tom Grace sowed oats last Satur day. Miss Eflle Grace had neuralgia in hor tooth last weok. Fred Sohorrublo, from Portland, was out last week to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. SchorruMe. W. II. Wettlauter is going to Bearer Creek on Monday on business regard; Ing the telephone meeting. Division 14 had a telephone moot ing last Friday night B. Sullivan sold sheep to tho butcher, and took thorn to Oregon City last weok. Mrs, D. Haag Is visiting Mrs. Pote Schewle at present Mrs. C. Haag hits boon very sick and she is now but little better. Frank Mueller sowed oats last Sat urday. Mr. Wettlauter purchased a new 3-horse drill last week. MEADOW BROOK. George Williams, of East Meadow brook, was driving logs on Milk Creek last weok. Mr. Hazeltlnn, of California, was in town Friday. Ho will likely Invest in real estate near town. Mr. McCord, head sawyer nt tho Schafer saw mill, was called to Port land Saturday to attend the funeral of his father. Uncle Davie Roblson, of East Mead owbrook, has returned from Southern Oregon, where he has been spend ing the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Garrett. We now expect to see him lake off his coat, roll up his sleeves, and go to work in the interest of the Socialist party. The stork found Its way to the Holman ranch Sunday morning at 8 o'clock and left a 10-pound boy with Mr. and Mrs. Holman. The mother and son are doing well, but Ralph Is In "a critical condition. Wonder how many revolvers a boy must carry before he can go to the reform school. Mr. Bonney, Edgar May and F. R. Cooper, were helping drive logs last week. R. H. Snodgrass, of the Mullno shin gle mills, Is driving bolts down the creek this week. The Misses Merrll Crayne and Mary Kay were visiting friends In town last Sunday afternoon. The farmers are all wanting to see more sunshine and less rain. J. W. Staudlnger made a trip to Portland for repairs for his shearing machine which he expects to run with his gasoline engine. The single tax club will meet next Friday night with the Council. GREENWOOD. Walter Mead and wife have moved back to this vicinity from Shannon's mill where they have been living dur ing the winter. Harry Eastman is laid up with a felon on his thumb. Mrs. G. F. Knowles is again on tho sick list There is considerable Interest be ing manifested, In this vicinity, In the new and easy world language, 'EsDeranto." and there Is talk of a second class being organized. Esper anto Is the greatest Invention of modern times and every one who wishes to be up to date must lernl parol! esperanto. Cu vl parolaa esperanto? (Tre bona, sinjoro veni re kelka fojo. Printer.) SMYRNA. Mrs. J. F. McCormlck, of Park- place, came up last week and visited relatives pnd friends for a few days, returning again on Tuesday. Miss Nellie Yoder and Miss Ella Elefson went to Oregon City and Portland on Tuesday last, the former expects to spend a few days with relatives at Logan before returning, whll the latter had some dental work done In the city by the falls. Our latest real estate deals are: John Hlnderlle, who sold 30 acres ad joining the Ben Roop D. L. C. for $2600; David Heffner, who sold 100 acres of the Patterson D. L. C. for $3000. We have failed to learn the name of either of the purchasers. John Fosmark is ahead of the fruit Inspector with his old bug Infested orchard. He dug It up by the roots and burned the branches. Our latest newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yoder, have gone to housekeep ing la the home prepared by the groom last autumn. Mr. O. H. GIger, who bought the Joe Schwartz farm sometime in January last, has been cleaning up the prem ises, with the Intention of building a new house as soon as the weather will permit The place had been va cant for several years, and bad begun to look rather dilapidated. Last Friday a number of the pat rons of No. 2 route from Hubbard met at cross reads and erected a com modious waiting shed, with a settee along one aide and writing desk at one end, making it very convenient for ihn.o who are some distance from tho rotito. There aro twelve boxes at this point. Utst Friday evening tho toaohor and children of district No. 92 gave a cap social ; instead of baskets each girl mnilo two caps, one to wear, the other to sell. After a short but ex cellent programme, the cap woro ooM to tho highest bidder, the girla keep Ing their caps hidden until all wore disposed of, then donning their caps they brought out their lunches to eat with their partners. tiarrot&Js orchestra,, assisted by tho trombone and tenor of tho old tnd, gave tho audience some excellent music dur ing tho rendering of the programme. The caps sold for fifty dollars, which was donated to tho district library fund. There has lately boon a not ablo Increase In attendance and In terest In our Sunday school. Some say It la the now superintendent, while others blame lt(?) ou tho now secretary. Whatever may bo tho cause, we are all glad that It U so. J. S. Yodor shipped several hun dred pounds of cured hams and bacon to Arliona last week, the moat cost ing tho parties that ordered It a frac tion loss than 2G cents per pound. Mr. Yoder shipped a smaller quantity to tho same parties Inst year, and al though' they can get packing house products for loss money, they are willing to pay tho price for Oregon home curoS pork. MOLALLA. a Meetings at the Methodist Church will continue, through the week, over faext Sunday. Mr. J. S. Hamilton, of Portland, a beautiful singer and a pleasing talker, is most efllcloutly assisting the pas tor, Rer. J. W. Craig. He sings ono or more aolos every evening aud leads the choir In special music and the congregation In singing the old songs. Rev. Hamlin, of Marquam, will preach tomorrow evening and remain for the week. All cordially Invited. CLACKAMAS. There's something brewing, vootnc thlng doing, but whether car shops, soldiers' barracks, electric line or horseradish plant, "nae body kens." The entertainment given Saturday evening watt quite successful. The programme held the attention of a large audience, and the varied num bers were well received. After the programme, the lunch was well pat- ronlied. Receipts of the evming were $21.83, cxnonaos $'1-23. leaving tho Aid $15.C0 for the treasury. Mill Capps and family returned to Tlllnmook last w"eek. Mr. Harris, who has occupied the Brezee place for a year or two, It moving to Portland this week. Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds Is now at hand and too much care cannot be used to protect the children. A child Is much more likely to con tract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. Tho quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is the sole re liance of many mothers, and few of thorc who have tried It are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher, of Ripley, West Virginia, says: "I have never used anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for my children, and it has always given good satisfaction." This remedy . contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to tho child as to the adult. For sale by Huntley Bros. Company. TWILIGHT. Miss Anna Wllchnrt was calling on old friends last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. William McCord Is on tho sick list. Mrs. George Schrelmer spent Sun day with Mrs. Burgoyne at New Era. Mr. and Mrs. James Hylton tnndo a business trip to Portland lat Tues day. George Graves had tho misfortune to fall while he was playing in the barn and sprained his foot. Ho was unable to attend school last week. Tho little daughter of Mr. O. S. Martin Is Buffering from a severe at tack of whooping cough. The Crime Of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for any one. Its the same with a lazy liver. It Cannes constipation, headaoho, Jaun dice, sallow complexion, plrnpiei and blotches, loss of apvetlle, na.mfla, but Dr. King's New Life Pills soon ban ish liver troubles and build up your health, 25c. at Jones Drug Co. DODGE. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kel ler, of Aurora, was burled In the Sprlngwater cemetery. We sympa thize with the bereaved parents. A cow belonging to J. M. Park has been very nearly dead for some time but there seems to be a chanco to save hor yet. Mr, and Mrs. John Park, of Spring- water were visitors in Elwood and Dodge Sunday. Some one not concerned In either of the Dodge or Redland telephone lines tied a wire from one line to the other where they cross each other. The Redland company got pretty mad at the Dodge Company and also at Estacada central and cut Its line loose from Estacada central. They blame the Dodge company, but It had nothing to do with the affair whatever. MISERY IN STOMACH IS ENDED FOREVER TELL READERS HOW TO RELIEVE INDIGESTION IN FIVE MINUTES Why nut start now today, and for ever rid yourself of StoiuHch trouhlo and Indigestion? A dieted alomuch gets the blues and grumble, lilvo It a good eat, thou take Tape's Dlitpcp sln lo start tho digestive Juices work ing. There will bo no dyspepsia or belching of Gas or orttcllons of undi gested food; no fooling like a lump of lead )n tho stomach or heartburn, slok headache uml dluxlnosa, and your food will not ferment ami poison your breath with nauseous orders. I'apo'a Dlapepsln costs only 50 cents for a large case at miy drug store here, ami will relievo the most obit In ato case of Iiullgostlou and Upset Stomach In live minutes. There is no boiter thing to take (las from Stomach and cleanse tho stomach uml Intestines, aud besides, one trlnngulo will digest and prepare for assimilation Into tho blood all your food as same as a sound, healthy stomach would do. When Dlapepsln works, your stom ach rests gets Itself In order, cleans up and then you feel like oat lag when you come to the table, and what you out will do you good. Absolute relief from all Stomach Misery la waiting for you as soon as you decide to begin Inking Dlnpopaln. Tell your druggist that you want Tape's Dlapepsln, because you want to be thoroughly cured of Indigestion. DONT HITCH VOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN Get acquainted with E. W. Melllon ft Co.. Complete House furnishers, Cse their free stable room. Washington's Plague dpoti lie In tho l'iv, uiar'hv ti" of Ibo rntomar. the breellng ground of ma laria germs. These gcriua cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, Jaundice, lassitude, weekness and gen eral debility and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. Hut Elec tric Hitters never fall to destroy them and cure nialerltt troubles. "They are the best nil-round tniilR an 1 cure for malaria I ever used." writes It. M. James, of Lonellsn, S. C. They cure Stomach. Liver. Kidney aud Wood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 50c. Guarenteed by Jones Drng Co. TOWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF V OILED CLOTHING look belter -wears longer ana give more bodJy comfort fVf oecause cur on -v . Kjrge pauernvyei coils no more Ihon the 'just os good Kinds btonna ih . . W?- of tfw fill 1 ftp woitrproof 'VBRAI CiUlM 'IU YXJ TV s 7cy Wherever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power--A Reduction in Expense-- An Increase, in Output An Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Portland Railway Light & Power Company CG. MILLER, AGENT You're sure you're Renins' l0 genuine when yon buy Irom us. No Hunger o( refilled bottles No danger ol buying cheap worth less trash placed in CYKUS NODLli bottles and palmed off at tho genuine. Wo are now icllini for (ho first lime In 44 year direct to tho con lumcr in districts where you are unable to obtain this famous brand. 45 quart bottles of GENUINE rtct to you, all charges id to the nearest railroad Pure old honest whiskey at an honest li'dilimato price. Guaranteed to the United States Government and to YOU to contain all tho secondary constituents that make it real WHISKEY Tho government officials stato that any distillation that doesn't it alcohol. W. J.' VAN SCHUYVER & CO; EiLbUrd 1864 I OS-1 07 SorJ Streti PooUaJ. (Vf CUT ? TNI W. J. Vts Schujrw A C, NnL-t 0 FjkUmI ilr kol $-1.90 1 fehxli Imm CENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. Km r.QAiU NEW YORK NEWSPAPER PRINTS PRESCRIPTION DIRECTIONS TO PREPARE SIMPLE YET REMARKABLE HOME MIXTURE. A well known authority oil Rheu matism Klvc the following; valuable tbuiiKh simple and harmless, prescrip tion, which anyone ran e&riily pre pnr al home. fluid Kit met Dandelion, ono-half iiiiiko; compound Kamon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Harsaparllla, three ounces. Mix by stmkltiK well In a Uittle, and take a teaHpoontuI after each meal aud at bedtime. He Htatej that the ItiKredlcnia ran bo obtained from any KHid prccrlp tion pharmacy at small coal, and, be liiK of vcKetublo extraction, are harm less to tako. This pleasant mixture, if taken re ulnry for a few days, Is snld to over como almost any caso of Rheumatism. Tho pain and swelllmc. If any, dimin ishes with each dose, until permanent results lire obtained, and without In JurliiK thu ntomnch. While (hero are many io-called ItlieiimatUm remedies, patent medicines, etc., some of winch do fcivo relief, few really k'vo perma nent results, aud the nhovo will, no doubt bo Kfeally appreciated by many suffers hero at '.his time. Inquiry at tho dniK stores of thin Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Launderes xmtt r.'i , , I ANYONE USING POWER CAN ..PROFIT BY CONSULTING si I CYRUS NOBLE $4.22 ei press office. tms KO IHII -- tmi m al sm by 1 T 1 four sjuortt liclftiiborhood elli-ltn tbe Information thai these drtiK ate harmlens and ran be bouKht separately, or tbe druKl'ls hero will mix lliu prescription for our traders If asked to. JOHN W. THOMAS, DENTIST. Molslla Mondays. CASTORIA For InfjuiU and Children. Tbe Kind You Havs Always Bought Signature of A Good Investment $17,000. 340 acras, B0 sorts culti vated, 130 seres pasture, ilashed about S ytsrs., balanco timber and bottom land; creek passing through and water on ail parta of place; Urge seven-room house, barn and other out buildings, and nearly all under fence. About 25 miles from Portland, on Plank rood, rural route and two creamery routes. 140 acres can be had at U0 per acre or a part of the unimproved land at $10.00. Owner has realized fine returns on this place. Address "L" care Enterprise. Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers OREGON CITY, OREGON