Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTJSttPItlWE, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1909. ALL DISTRESS FROM STOMACH VANISHES INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA MISERY ENDS FIVE MINUTES LATER. Taku ynur aour niiimnrh ir iiinyhn ymi I'll 1 1 II liullKimlliiti, liyiuiiiii, Una trills or ('Hlnrrli of Hlumiu'li;ll diianu't mailer- tulie your Mtoinach troulilii r Ik lit with you to your I'lmrinnrlst anil aU hi in to npi'ii a &0ctuil ciuiK of I'm ii'h I t it ! ptt) 11 mill let you nt nun IC'-kiuIii TrluiiKiilo mid nn If within five iiiliiuii' there In nft miy Iruru of your atiminrh inlHniy. Tint onrrnet name fur your trouble In Hood KcriiiniiiHilon fnoil Nourlim; tli IHiiotlve ornmn lii-i-unm wrak, llivrn U Im k of KONtrlc Julre; your food In only Imlf illK""ti'i, mid you biu-onie af furli'il wllh Ionn of Hiiillln, uri-satire mid riil1iirH ftftnr eat Inn, vomltliiK, iiuiihoa. hr-urt liurti, nilplnn In bowuls V'liiliritfN In (lin ilt of the stiiinat'b had taste In nioiilh, cotiitlliallon pftlll In IIiiiIin, U'itil'iini'mi, belching KM, IiIIIuiiiiiii-nj, Nlrk lii'Hilurlni, iiorvmn, illislliuss mid tnmiy otlmr similar sy mptom. ( If your npiwiltct lufifiii, mul nuth I ii K tniite you, or you hi-h-h kk or If you fil lilouiuit aftor I'kiImk. or your fiNiil Ilea Ilkn t lump of lend on your Nloitmrti, you run nmko up your inlml Hint m. Ilio iHittoin of nil tlili ilium Is (nil mm cause fnriiiKUtallun of tin-1Ik-iHi-c1 food. I'roro to yourself, ifinr your next m'l, that your Ntoumrh Is as Rood mi any; tlmt thxro Is nothing n-ally wroiiK. Htup this firinnntntlon and lii'Mln cuilnx what you wunt wit limit fi-er of diaromfiirt or misery. Al t Instant relief l waiting for you, It In merely a matter of how noon you Ink a little )tapalii. My Unclt from Japan At Woodbum By Ortgon City Talent, The nii'iiiliiTN of "My Undo Krom Japan" company, ruuimeii of local (tnli'iit. were banqueted at thn Killiy ' Itestauranl last lilKlit, Mrs. W, ). (Iwlfrey being the rhaperiinn, Tim . Iinqtni was given hy tlio Oregon City hand, mill W. T. Smith, manager of I he Imnil, waa present. Tbojo attend ing with Miss Kntliryn Slnmitt, Miss Clara Klelds. Ml" Klorenrtt Mr Far land, MfRNnrN. Phillip Slrinotl, (iny. lord tinilfrey, Omrlea llollliiger, Wal do ('aiilU'ld. An elaborate lianiiiit was served liy Mr. Kelley, and consisted of eight courses. A Common Cold. We claim that If ralchluK cold could bo avoided Nnmii of tlio moat daugor oun and fatal diseases would never ha heard of. A cold often forma a cul ture bed for Rerun of Infect loin dis eases. Coimuuiptlon, pneumonia, diph theria anr Ncarlet fever, four f,tha most dangerous and futnl diseases, am of thin cIuiin. Thn culttira hod formed hy thn cold favora the (level opnient of thn Rerun of these diseases that would not otherwise find Iodic mcnt. There In little danger, how over, of any of these diseases being rontrai-ted when a good expectorant Couith Itemedy la uswd. It cleaiu out these ctiltum beds that fnvor tho dev. rliipmenl of tho germs of thenn dis eases. That la why thin remedy haa proved an universally successful In preventing pneumonia. It not only rurea your cold quji-kly, hut minim Ices the rink of root meting these dang' run dlaeaiioN. For aula hy Huntley Ilroa. Co. Traaurr' Notice. I now have fumla to pay nil County WiirrunlH outHtiuulliiK; aim) Hmid Wnrninta enilomed prior to IVcoinher Hi, I tin". Internal cenNea on auch warrant on ilute of tills notice. Murrh 5, lmut. J. C. PADDOCK, County TreuNiirvr. Triurr'i Notice. I now have fuuilH to pny county wnr rnlitH eniloriied prior to Jiuiiiiiry 11. V.)0!i; nlmi rond wurrnntN endomed prior to Oclolier 29, .1907. Interest ccnHi'N on Hut-h wiuiantn on date of thlH notice. 1 J. C. PADDOCK, County Treasurer. NOTICE. To all Pertona to Whom Theie P reg ent! ahall Come, Greeting: Notice la hwehy Riven that tUo Oregon Slnto Hoard of Fish Commls HlonerH, hy the authority veated In wild Itnnril hy law, lias closed all of the C'lacknmiiM Itlvor to tho tukhiK, catching and IInIiIiik for snlninii fish mid Hturgeon, except with hook nnd linn, between twelve o'clock, noon, April Kith, nnd twelve o'clock, noon, Mny 1st, 19(1(1. for tho purpose of crentliiK an intuitional closed season on snld river mid to comply and cor respond with tho Spring closed sea son established on the Columbia river, hy net of inn twenty-nrth Ieglslntlve Assembly of sulci state, and It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, or flsh for salmon flsh or atur Kon In any of tho waters of Hiilil river during the time hereinbefore apnclfled. F. W. DENSON, Governor anil Secretary of State. GEO. A. STEEL, Stnto Treasurer. Constituting the Oregon Stnto Jlourd of Flsh Commissioner. Attest: h. c. McAllister, MnHtor Flsh Warden. NOTICE. To all Pereona to Whom Theee Pre ents ihall Come, Greeting: Notice la hereby given that 'rihe Oregon State Board of Flsh Commls alonera, hy the authority vested in said Board by low, has closed all of the Willamette River to the taking, catching and fishing for lalmon flsh and sturgeon, except with hook and linn, between twelve o'clock, noon, April lnih, and twelve o'clock, noon, Mv IhI I 'lull fur the imruoNU of creating nn inMltlonnl closed season on aiild rlvnr nnd to comply and cor reapoml with the Spring closed aeo sou esliiblliihuil on the Columbia river, by net or tho twentyllfth Jgisiimvn Aasembly or aiild Millie, mid It ahull be unlawful ror nuy person to takn, ciitch, or flsh Mr aulnion flsh or stilt geon In any or the wutera of aiild rtvnr diirliiK the time hereinbefore ,",ll",,' k, Governor and Secretary of Htnte. (1ICO. A, STEEL, Hlaln Treasurer. ColiNtltutlng the Oregon State Hoard of Flsh CommlHHloiiera. AtteNi:- If. C. McALLIH TEll, Muster Flsh Wnrflen, Bummoni In the Circuit Court or u or Dreuon. for ClKckmiina couuty. HtiNlit llnrdnaty, Plaintiff, v. Frank I Hardeaty, nefendant. To Friink L llanlesty, aliovo nnnien defendant'. I., it,.. t.Himi of t in Ht til a or Oregon, Villi Ml-fl liernliv reiiiilriid to appear and answer tho complaint filed agiiluat you In the. aliovu eiilltleil aull on or im forii Monday, thn lBth day of April, iiiim unlit i Into mini mora man i weelia after thn dalu of the firm pub lication of thla NiinunonN. nnd ir you fall to appear and answer aald com i.uiiii fur want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for thn relief deiniiniled In tho complaint herein nieii, to-wit ; Wiir i due roe forever dlsnolvlnu 111.! bond of matrimony now exlatlng be tween plnlutlff and dornunu. anil lor iii-li other, further and different r lelf a to thn Court may aeem equit able. Thla Numuion In published by order of Hon. Thoma A. MeMrldn, Judge nf ilin above named ('ourt. which order waa made and eiitemd on the 2nd day of March, litofl, and tho time prescribed fur publication la alx imiiliiiilnit with the Issue of Fri day. March 6th. W9, and continuing each week thereafter and inciuuing Flrday April ICth, 1909. UlB.L.MUMr.H. Attorney for plaintiff. In tho Circuit Court of the State of orecon for Clackama County. Mlnnln GelNaler, Plaintiff, va Waller K. (ielaalnr. IVfendant. To Waller K. Uelasler, above namuu defendant: In Hie nanin of thn Hiate or Oregon. . ar hi-reliv rnoulrvd to appear and miNwer the complaint filed against you In the above enlltlea ami on or before Monday, the l'Jlh day of April, 1909. ald date being moro than six w.,um thn (Into of the first puu- Mention of thla aummons. and If you full to appear and answer auld com plaint, for wunt thereof, thn plaintiff will apply to the Court ror the reiici demanded In tho complaint herein filed, to-wit; For i decree forever dissolving the lunula of mulrlmonv now and hereto fore existing between thn plaintiff and the defendant, and for auch other and different relief ns to the Court may seem meet and cqultnhln. Thla aunimona la punilsnen ny orner of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the above named Court, which or der w nmdn and entered on tho Slid dav of March. 1909. and the time prescribed for publication la all weeka. beglnlng with the Issue of Fri day. March Mb. 1909. and continuing each week therenrter to and Includ ing Friday, April 1(1, 1909. 11 L 8. - MOSSr.U. Attorney ror Plaintiff. Summon!. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County or Clucaa- mns. I). Eugene Hopkins, Plaintiff, va. Nellie Hopkins. Defendant. To Nelllo Hopkins, uuicnaani: In i li miiiiH of the State of Oregon, you urn hereby required to appear In the aliovo entitled court and answer ii,., riimnlnliu (tied aualnst you In this suit on or before the 15th dny or April. 1909, and ir you lull ao lo appear aim answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the reller prayed for In tho complaint filed here in agulnat you. Thn relief demanded Is fur a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of marriage now existing between the pftilntlff and defendant, and for auch other und further relief as In the Court aeeniH equitable. Thla aunimona l to no puousiieu six consecutive weeks! In pursuance of nu order of Hon. 'homim A. Mc- lirlile nresldliiir Judge of tho above entitled Court, which order wub duly miiln nnd entered In sain conn on the 1st dny r March, 1909. mid the ,ini, r Dm Hi Ht nubllcatlon of aiild summons la Friday, tho lirth day or March 19H9, and Hie Onto oi mo nisi publication will be April 1(1. 1909. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney ror Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the SUito of Oregon, for tho County of Clacku miiH. J. J. Seely, Phllntlff, va. Nellie M. Seely, Defendant. : To Nellie M. Seoly, defendant: In tho name of the Stute of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear und answer to the complaint tiled against you In tho above entitled suit on or before Monday, tho 19th day of April, 1909. mid If you fall to nnswor, nlalntlft will take a decree ngnlnst you, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore nnd now exult ing betweon the plaintiff nnd you, nnd for such other nnd further rollef In the premises -us the Court niny deem just und equitable Service of this Biimmons Is mnde upon you by publication In pursuance of nn order of the Honorable Grant 11. Dlnilck, County Judge of said Clnckuniaa County, Oregon, made Feb ruary 20, 1909, directing Buch publi cation lu tho Oregon City Enterprise, once a woek for Blx auccesslve weeks, the first publication being March 5, 1909, und the hint publication ICth day or April, 1909. HOWARD F. LATOURETTE Attorney for Plaint Iff Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, i Benjamin Parrlsh, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Pnrrlsh, Defendant. To Emma Parrlsh, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the last day of the time pre scribed In thn order of publication, to-wit: on or before the 19th day of April, 1909, nnd If you full to lo ap pear and answer, plaintiff will ap ply to tho court for the relief de manded In thn complaint filed herein against you, to wit; for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between thn plaintiff and yourself on thn grounds of desertion mid for such other and further re lief ns to the court may mom equi table and Just. , This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of alx luccesslve week! In the Ore gon City Enterprise, a weekly news paper of general nlrctilnllon publish ed In Clackamas County, Oregon, In pursuance to nn order of Inn Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, client Judge for Clnckumns County, duly made on tho Mb day or March, 1909. Tho data of tho first publication thereof Is the Oth day of March, 1909. ELLA CKIM LYNCH, Attorney for Plaintiff. In the Circuit Court of the Suite of Oregon for the County or t'lnckama mas. AMY 1IA0EN rialntltr, v ALHEUT II. HAfiEN D-ifnndant, In thn name of the It ate of (irrRon: Vn urn renuested to annnar and nu- Nwer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit within alx weeka from the dale of the llrat put) io.ii,.n ,.l ilila aunimona. service of said aunimona having been ordured for publication by the Hon. Thomas k MMirtde Judge of the above en titled Court on tho Z2nd day of Jan uary. 1909, and you ure hereby nollfl I iimt if vou fall to auuear and answer laid complaint on or before the 9th day of April, 1909, pailtilin will apply to the court for the relief II, i-..ln demanded, to-wit: that the bomla of matrimony existing between thn plulntirr and tho defendant be dis solved and inch further order and decree as lo the court may aeem pro- Pur- W. J. MAKKUn Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication on the 20th day of k'nliruarv. 1909. LbnI publication on the 9th day of April, 1909. Summons In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Annie Harding, Pluintlff, vs. Anthony Harding. Derendant. To Anthony Harding, Iho aetenaant above named: In tho name of the State of Ore- ion, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled sun on or before the loth day of April. 1909, said date being the expiration of six week! from tho first publication of thla summons, ana ir you iau 10 ip peur and anawer said complaint", ror aaut thereof the plaintiff will apply in iho court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: Knr n iterren dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This aummons la published by or der of the Honorablo Grant B. Dim 1'nmiiv .ludun nf the said County or Clackamas, which order was made and entered on the 15th dny or rec ruary, 1909. First publication of thla rummons on Friday, the 19th day of February. 1909. ROBERT GREY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un deralgned administratrix or the es tate of Henry Perrot, deceased, has filed her final account In said estate In the county court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and that the Judge or aald Court has ap pointed Saturday, the 27th, day of March, 1909. at 10 o'clock A. M. for hearing objections to said account and for settling said estate. AMANDA TACHERAN. Formerly Amanda Perret. Administra trix or the estate of Henry Perrot. deceased. Summons In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. , Arthur J. Schuremnn, Plaintiff, vs. Cnthnrlne D. Schuremnn, Defendant. To Catharine D. Schuremnn, de fendant: In tho nnmo of the Stnto of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answor to the complaint filed Bgalnst you In tho above entitl ed suit on or before the 2nd day or April. 1909, nnd If you full to nnswer, plnlutlff will tnko a decree against you, forever dissolving the bonds ol matrimony heretofore and now exit ing between the plaintiff and you, and for such other nnd further relief In the premises us tho Court may deem Just and equitable. Service of this summons Is mnde upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable Grant H. Dlmlck, County Judge of said Clackamas County, Oregon, made Feb ruary Hi, 1909, directing such publi cation In tho Oregon City Enterprise, once a week for six successive weeks, Iho first publication being February 19th, 1909, nnd the last 2nd day of April, 1909. WM. S. NASH. Attorney for Plaintiff. rflotlce of Appointment of Admlnls-. tratrix. Notice Is horoby given that tho un dersigned hns. by order of the Hon orable County Court of Clnckamas County, Stnte of Oregon, boon duly o,.i,!in,i nrimlnlatrltrlY of the estnte of Robert G. Allred, decensed. All persons having claims ngnlnst said estnte nro hereby notified to present them to me duly verified at the of fice of H. E. Cross, my attorney, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. , NETTIE ALLRED, 11. E. CROSS, Administratrix. Attorney for the estnte, 8-t5 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice II hereby given that the un dersigned hns filed her flnnl account as administratrix of the estate of Ben Jnmln Cnrter, deceased, with the County Clerk of Clnckamns County, Oregon, nnd tho Judge of Bald Court hns set Mondny, the 15th day of March A. D., 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at tho County Court room In the Courthouse at Oregon City, Ore gon, as the time and place for the hearing of any and all objections to snld final account, and the discharge of this administratrix, Dated February Bth, 1909. IDA J. YERGEN. t5 Administratrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State ot O re gon for Clackamas County, executor of tho eilate of Christian Muralt, de ceased. All persons having claims against aald eatate are hereby re quired to present the same to me properly verified ni by law required, at tho office of U'Ren k Bchuchcl, Oregon City, Oregon, within six month! from thn date hereof. Fit ED JOHI, Executor of tho Estate of Christian Murult, deceased. Dntnd this, the Gth day of Febru ary, 1909. Date of first publication, February B, 1909, Guardian's Sale. Notice ll hereby given that, pur suant to an order made In the County Court for Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 22d, 1908, tho under Nlgned, in guardian of tho persona and estates of Hose Cully, Leo Cully and May Cully, mlnori, will, on and af ter Monday, tha 15th day of March 1909, proceed to aell at private aale, mid continue to iel, until the same Is sold, at room No. 610 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., corner of Third and Stark street!. Portland, Oregon, all of tho right, title and Interest of the all minors In and to tho following described real property, situate In Clackamni County, State of Oregon: The south half (SVi) of the south half (BVi) of section numbered twen ty-five, (25). In townahlp two (2) South, of Rango five (6) East of the Willamette Meridian; the termi ot said sale are total purchase price to bo paid In cash. All "ales made sub ject to confirmation ox the above court. j Dated and first published Fobruary 12, 1909. CATHERINE M. CULLY, Guardian of Rose Cully, Leo Cully and May Cully, mlnori. K. F. F. B. RILEY, Attorney!. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Dreuon for Clackamas County. Frances Matteson, Pluintlff, VI. Everett Matteson, Defendant, To Everett Matteson, tne aeienaam above named: tn thn name of the State of Oregon. vnii r hereby reaulred to aDDear and answer the complrlnt filed against you In the above entitled suit on or linforn thn Mh dav of March. 1909. said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first Duplication ol this summons, and if you fall to ap pear and answer laid complaint, tor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving tne Donas of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and derendant. Thl aummons ll nubllshed by or der or Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named court, which order was made and entered on the 19th day of January, 1909, and the time prescribed for publication is alx weeks, beginning wun tne issue of Friday, January 22nd, 1909, and enntlnnliiff each week thereafter to and Including Friday, March 5th, 19U. GEO. C. BROWNELL. Attorney ror Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Mary Irish, Plaintiff, vs. Lewis Irish, Defendant - To Lewis Irish, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 5th day of March, 1909, said date being the expiration ot six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and It you fail to appear and answer said com plaint, ror want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named court, which order was made and entered on the 20th day of January, 1909, and the time prescribed for publication Is six weeks, beginning with the issue of Friday, January 22nd, 1909, and con tinuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, March Eth, 1909. GEO. C. BROWNELL. Attorney tor Plaintiff. Summons in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clnckamas County. Jennie L. Grnham, Plaintiff, vs. James L. Grnhnm, Defendant. To James L. Grnham, defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 12th dny of March, 1909, said date being the expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this summons, and if you fall to appear or answer snld complaint, for want thereof, the pluintlff will apply to the court ror the relier demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between pluintlff and defend ant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named court, which or der was made and entered on the 27th day of January, 1909. and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, commencing Friday, Jan uary 29th, 1909, nnd continuing each week thereafter to nnd Including Fri day, March 12th. 1909. GEO. C. BROWNELL. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Alice Moses, Plaintiff, vs. William B. MOses, Defendant. To William B. Moses, the above named defendnnt: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are heroby required to appear and ajiswor the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before Saturday, the 20th day of March. 1909, thnt dny being the last day fixed by said Court for you to appear and answer said complaint, and If you fall so to appear and an swer Bald complnlut for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to Bald Court for the relief prayed for In said com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant, and for such other relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons Is published pursu ant to an order of the Honorable Thomas. A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, made, dated and entered on the 27th day of January, 1908. The data of tho first publica tion thereof ll January 29, 1909, and thn last publication will be made on the 12th day of March, 1909, and will be published for at least six suc cessive weeks. CALDWELL ft REEDER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Administratrix'! Notice, Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Henry Close, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly vortlflcd according to law, at the office of Geo. C. Drownell, Oregon City, Oregon, within six 'months of the date of the publication of this notice. Dated February 12, 1909. SARAH J. CLOSE, Administratrix of the estate of Henry Close, deceased. GEO. C. BROWNELL, attorney for said administratrix. 8ummoni In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Ella Day, Plaintiff, va. C. F. Day, Defendant. To C. F. Day, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before the 20th day of February, 1909, said day being after the expiration of six week! from the first publication oi thla nummons and if vou fail to SO annnar snH tniwur for want thereof. the plaintiff will apply to the Court ror the reller prayed lor in ner com plaint, to-wlt: Vnr thn dissolution of the bonds Of matrimony existing between yourself ana tne piainun ana ior uecree granting plaintiff the custody and care of the minor child named ' In plaintiff's complaint Thla summons Is published by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, made and entered on tne Hth day ol Jan uary, 1909. First publication, January 22, 1909. Last publication, March 6, 1909. MAC MAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County, of Clacka maa. Anna M. Halllday, Plaintiff, vs. John E. Halllday, Defendant To John E. Halllday, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complain filed against you herein on or before the 5th day ot April, 1909, said date being six weeks from the first publication ot summons herein, and If you fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff herein upon the ground of desertion, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is. served upon you by pub lication for six consecutive and suc cessive week! in the Oregon City En terprise, by order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order Is dated February 23, 1909. Date of first publication February 26, 1909. JOHN F.LOGAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. At Even MONEY A Saving Of time, traveling expense! and fatigue can be made by using tha shortest route East. There Is but one short and di rect route between tha West and East Southern Pacific THe P. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and UNION PACIFIC There IS unsurpassed through fast train service to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, with direct connections to all points East and South. There Is an abundance of matchless scenery, and an op portunity to make a daylight stopover at Salt Lake City If It Is desired, Let ui tell you all about what . can be done before you pur chase ticket. . E. T. FIELDS, Agent, Oregon City. WM. MC MURRAY General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Rotate, Loans, Irmuroncr GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Caufield Bldg., Maki and Elg' t Sts Phone-i-Paclfic State! 52. Phone Home Bill FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Weinhard Building, - - Opposite Court House JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Orecon Will practice in all court! of tha itato Office In Caufield Building. O. D. EBY ATTOHNET-AT-LAW. Honey loaned, abatracta furnished, laal tlla examined, mtatM MtUed. gtomrni law bualneea transacted. Over Bank ol Oreaoo City. Particular Mea ARE PLEASED WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK BECAUSE IT 18 DONE RIGHT. BECAU8E WE GET IT OUT THE DAY WE PROMISE IT AND BE CAUSE WE GUARANTEE IT. CIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. CASCADE LAUNDRY Phone Main 93. Third and Main Street. Clackamas County Headquarters i CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 610 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment ot plata, ab stract book! a' roll! Agenta for Clackamas bounty Lands, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellor! at Law. LooR for Art Photos. CALL ON , CHENEY PHOTO CO. We are prepared to do the best work, and to deliver promptly. Bromide Enlargements, Picture Framing, Up-to-date Photos. KODAK WORK Edith Cheney, Bess Krumm Ethel Cheney ARTISTS 920 Main 8treet Oregon City. POLK'S GAZETTEER m Business Directory of each City, own ftnd Village la Oregon and Washington, giving a Descriptive Sketch of each place, Location, Shipping Facilities and a Classi fied Directory of each Business and Profession. R. L. 1'OI.K CO.. Inc. Senttte. nth. TIME CARD. O. W. P. RAILWAY ..ear ArrlTa JjeaTO Arrlre a a w a S S 4 3 I 8 I I ", s s it 5 o rj o e " 1 4.00 6.27 5.40 6.40 6.46 6.46 6.30 7.20 7.80 6.20 6.26 7.20 7.00- 7.50 8.00 6.50 6.53 7.50 7.30 8.20 8.30 7.80 7.38 8.30 8.00 8.50 9.00 8.00 8.08 9.00 8.30 9.20 9.30 8.30 8.38 9.30 9.00 9.60 10.00 9.00 9.08 10.00 9.30 10.20 10.30 9.30 9.38 10.39 10.00 10.50 11.00 10.00 10.08 11.00 10.30 11.20 11.30 10.30 10.38 11.30 11.00 11.60 12.00 11.00 11.08 11.69 11.30 12.20 12.30 11.30 11.38 12.30 12.00 12.50 1.00 12.00 12.08 1.00 12.30 1.20 1.30 12.30 12.38 1.30 1.30 2.20 2.30 1.30 1.38 2.30 2.00 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.08 3.00 1.30 3.20 3.30 2.30 2.38 3.30 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.08 2.00 8.00 3.50 4.00 3.00 3.08 4.00 S.30 4.20 4.30 3.30 3.38 4.30 4.00 4.50 5.00 4.00 4.08 5.00 4.30 5.20 5.30 4J0 4.38 5.30 5.00 5.50 6.00 5 00 5.08 6 00 5.30 6.20 6.30 5.30 5.38 6.30 6.00 6.50 7.00 9.00 6.08 7.00 .3Q 7.20 7.30 6.30 6.38 7.30 7.00 7.50 8.00 7.00 7.08 8.00 7.30 8.20 8.30 7.30 7.38 8.30 8.00 8.50 8.55 8.00 8.08 9.00 8.30 9.20 9.25 8.30 8.38 9.30 9.00 9.50 9.55 9.03 9.08 10.00 9.30 9.33 9.38 10.00 1030 10.55 10.03 10.08 11.00 11.00 11.50 11.55 11.03 11.08 11.59 12.00 12.46 12.60 11.55 11.58 13.60 12.65 9.S0 from Portland, 9.33, 11.65 and 12.50 p. m. from Canemah Park to Mil waukee only. !Vla Lents Junction. Dally, except Sunday; learea on Sundays 4.15 a. m. A. M. figures Id Roman. P. il. flg uree In black. Notice. Beginning February 1, 1909, the Pho tograph Studio will be open dally ex ent Tiipsrinr and Thursday of each week. C. W. DAMM, Canby, Oregon Main Street, OHEOON CITTf WEINHARO BUILDING U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNET3-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V, H. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, and the McKilllp School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion SUblea, Berenth Street near Main. Both Telephone!. Fanners' ija Mail ijii STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rami a Specialty. . Phona 2682. Oregon City, Oregon, THOS. F. RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practical Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Building CD. Sc D.C Latourette ATTY'S AT LA v7 ? Commercial, Real Estate and Probata our Specialties. Office In Flrat Na tional Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. , Expert Locksmith. Rubber Stamps. H. G. 8URLES Proprietor. NOVELTY REPAIR 8HOP . . Phone Main 1581 Scissor! and Knivei Sharpened, Bicy cles Repaired and Saw Filing. Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired. 105 7th St Oregon City, On. HOWARD F. LATOURETTE LAWYER 526-27-28 Corbett Building PORTLAND, - - OREGON. LUMBER at the OLD STAND at W. T. Harris' Mill Fir and Cedar Lumber of all Kinds at reasonable Prices. Quotations Solicited. Both Phones. 1 ' r Willi i -jut-' i A DELIGHTFUL I 1 BEVERAGE I i A SAFE 8TIMULANT, 1 I A GOOD MEDICINE. 1 fl For Sale by B & E. MATTHIES. H 1 M