Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, Fill DAY, MARCH 5, 3009. C The Kind Toa Hare Always Bought, and which has been, In use for over 30 years, has borna the signature of and has bon made under his per , ff-f-t'- sonal supervision since Its Infancy. acZ7-&cUiL Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is Vleasant. I contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Sarcotla substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlshness. It cures Dlarrhiwa and Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of J Tbs Kind You Have Always Bonglit In Use For Over 30 Years. NEWS OF THE COUNTY CLARKES. Who knows when It 14 going to stop raining at Clarkes? Mr. Sherpperd's father Is visiting him. Mr. Fully lost a Poland China hog. Edith and Hanna Stagerman are coming home to star for the Summer. Mr. E. Cumins moved his engine monday over to the new mill site. Thelma Cumins Intends to go to Eastern Oregon to school. Mr. Larklns went to town on busi ness last week. Tom' and George Sagar intend to start for Alaska Friday. Frances Fully left for Kansas City, Missouri last Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Grossmlller, Josephine Fully, Mrs. Albert Larklns; Mr. Will Dolbow, Elbert Larklns, Bill Robbins, Fred Fully, Albert Stagerman, and Henry Grossmlller spent Sunday after noon and evening at the home of Maybell Clark. Mr. Bert Sherpperd and family went to Molina Saturday. ' Clarkes' base ball team has a new cyplone pitcher from Portland. .We expect some good playing this season. Miss Maybell Clark, Thelma Cum ins, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Bill Robins Clar ence Lee, Henry Grossmlller, Will Clark, and Will Dolbow were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fully's Saturday even ing. Albert Durst Is still burning stumps. Emma Grossmlller was in town last Friday. Cascasweet is for babies and child ren, and is especially good fo.' the ills so common M wesiher. ji'a for the ingredients on the bottle Om laltis po narn'f il 'rugi. S- H by Jones Drug Co. STONE. Our people are Improving in health. There has been more sickness and deaths here this winter than usual. It has been the doctors' harvest. Mr. Tucker, who' lives at Hood River, formerly of Peoria, 111., was here on the 20th of February looking for a farm to purchase. He owns 10 acres of Hood Rher land, but he thinks that it takes too long to raise apples before getting returns in ready cash, and land at Hood River is very high in price. After living in old Clackamas County for 26 years, your scribe says that Clackamas County can raise as nice fruit as Hood River and as large size. Pears that weigh from one pound up to two and one- half pounds. It Is hard to do better than this any where else than in Clackamas County. And when you come to raising small fruit such as gooseberries, that grow three and one quarter inches one way and three and one-half Inches the other way, I have the above preserved in alcohol which we can exhibit to any Hood River or Clackamas County clod hopper or any other person. I have a sample of Clackamas County big pears that I can furnish to down easterners, who may come to Oregon this spring to spy out a home in the Oregon country, D. T. Griffith has bought out Mr. Lillle's half Interest in the Mumpower & Lillie saw mill and the new firm is making the saw buzz. Sheridan Lillie is having Mumpow er & Griffith saw lumber to build a barn. Bachelors can have a barn as well as other folks. Since Fred Gerber, the road master, tightened np the Baker bridge, it don't dangle around like It was go ing to Jump off of the foundation. 25 years is a long time to let a bridge go without having the iron rods and bolus tightened up. Forty cents per pound for butter fat at the Clear Creek creamery to the patrons last two months. What other creamery In Oregon, or any other country is doing better than tills. There are several cow buyers around. Mr. Barnett, of Portland, is the old standby in purchasing cows. Charles Hattan sold Mr. Burseth one cow Saturday for $50 and L D. Mum power sold one Monday to Mr. Bar 6eth for $50. The Clackamas egg man comes around every two weeks and pays spot cash, less two cents per dozen, than Portland price. As long as we can have this kind of transportation we don't care to have a railroad here till we can get one built. The company that was organized here to build an electric power plant, has not commenced operations as yet. Different parties have been looking around. Hope there will be something doing pretty soon. Evangelist Sewall will preach at the church on the 17th of March at 11 o'clock. Bible reading at 10 A. M. All are cordially invited in attend ance. State Secretary, Mrs. Mary S. How ard. Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Vrtiht, R. A, Wrlnht. and Pierce Wrlitht. Ull of Molalla Grange No. 40. were visitors of No. S10 Saturday. P. L. Schamel I the regular freight- er now tor Kobbina liros. u iwks rather natural to ee Peter driving three-a-breast again. Mr. Schamel is going to build a now house aud barn on his own farm this season. Miss Mary illpson came out from Portland Saturday to visit with her sister and father for a few days. John Stubba, our No. 8 R. F. IX car rier, nov into the Kngle residence about the first of March which will place him one-halt mile nearer his work, which means several miles le.s travel during the year. Nathan Moody, of Portland, was vis iting relatives about the Prairie end Incidentally taking stock In the Elec tric railway. George Myers has been quite sick for a couple of weeks with inflamma tory .rheumatism. So sore Is he that It la with the greatest difficulty that he can be turned In his bed. W. J. E. Vlek has charge of the Liberal Cash Store and now he Is In the mercantile business. O. W. Robbins' Poland Durham that he received from the East, will be a flue looking animal by next Molalla Fair. Reece Daugherty, who died of pneu nionla last Thursday, was buried at the Adams cemetery last Saturday Rev. Longbotham. of Russellvllle. preaching the funeral sermon. Miss Edna Adams and Mr. Lloyd Shaver were married last Wednesday They will make their future home at La Grande. Both were raised here and of course we are sorry to have them leave us. Mrs. Minnie Gray has concluded to return to Eastern Oregon. Our glori ous rain makes things appear too lone some on this side of the mountains for her. Mrs. J. M. Austen, who was operat ed on for appendicitis in Portland at the Good Samaritan Hospital, came out from the operation In good shape and Is getting along splendid. The little son of Elmer Lautz un derwent an operation for appendicitis and Is getting along nicely. Only last fall an elder son of Mr. Lautz. was operated on for the same trouble. George Fox. of The Dalles, came to visit with his brother, Dave, for a few days. David P. Fox has Just re turned from San Francisco, where he was opedated on for cancer one so large as a common biscuit was killed and removed from his neck behind the ear to the great delight of the sufferer. George Fox was a merchant at Molalla some twelve years ago, and of course looked familiar to old Mo lalla. FIRWOOD. Remember the debate at Klrwood ball. Saturday, Maiyh 6th. Resolved. That Flvwood has greater natural ltd- untnges as a fruit country than Hood River. K. Hart was transacting business In Portland and Oregon City the last f last week. A. C. M llltron ha been visiting the county seal this week. Several strangers have been visit ing Klrwood lately. We lto;o lliolr praises ate as honestly felt as they are spoken. ' MOLALLA. Mia Coffee The iromi-tieht can orotects It against impurities and deteri orationnever sold in bulk. Your iTocer will erlnd It better if ground at horns not too fine. Our railroad prospect looks bright er every day now, if for no other reason, because of the "gut there" way of doing things of some of our near neighboring localities, only a lew mnes west oi Here 110,000 was raised full and strong, while old, con servative Molalla was slowly Just passing the $20,000 block of stock. Undaunted "Swift" keeps forging on, to the great surprise of many. Some have to do too much and many too little. I guess a single land tax would be the fairest way of dispos ing of this electric railroad building after all, then all land benefited would have done Its share. Molalla Grange, No. 310, voted In 22 members last Saturday, mostly younio people. A special meeting will be held on the afternoon of the first Saturday of March for drill In degree work. The Grange authorized the barn building committee to advertise for bids for material and building of a barn 22x152 feet, all bids to be in the bands of committee by 10 o'clock A. M Saturday, March 27. Apply to the committee for specifications, either W. W. Everhart, G. V. Adams, J. N. Sawtell or J. W. Thomas. CLARKES. Mr. and Mrs. C. Siromg-eon wore in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. Will M-irshall visited last Sundav with hH mother, Mrs. Marshall. Mr. Kern butchered hogs the other day. Mr. Bauer went to town on Mon day on business. Mr. Wettlaufer wa3 in town last Saturday on buslnes.-i. Mr. Haag went to town on Monday. Dave Haag Is going to 'eav for Canada this week. Mr. Olson has purchased nine acres of land In Canby for $1100, and he Is Intending to build a new house there this summer on the place. L Maxon traded In a mule for 1 day then traded the irule for a hors again. Mrs. Nicholas made n visit, last Sun day to her grandparents. Mr. Carr came out from town to make a visit to his family In the hills. Alex Scherruble wa3 In town la' week. The Clarkes school will start next Monday. March 8. R. Ginthcr will have charge of the school. OSWEGO. Mr. E. Hawk and Clarence Hanes are practicing to join the band. Mrs. Bell, of Portland, Is visiting her two sisters, Mrs. Prosser and Mrs, Henlnger. C. Austin has a very bad cold, but will not prove serious. The band gave a dance here last Saturday and had a large crowd. Some from Sherwood attended. V. Nelson has returned home from Bay City, Oregon. Mrs. P. H. Jarlsch is visiting rela tlves In Oregon City. Mr. Prosser has, planted some wal nut trees with the assistance of hi intended son-in-law. ELDORADO. JOHN W. THOMAS, DENTIST. Molalla Mondays. An entertainment consisting of basket social Interspersed with songs, recitations and dialogues by the cblbl ren, was given In the Eldorado school room last Friday evening. An Inter esting feature of the entertainment was club swinging by Miss Har greaves, tbe teacher, who has Just closed a short, but successful tcra t school. Over $41.00 were added the school funds by the event. MOLALLA. Special meetings will commence In the Methodist Church at Molalla on the evening of March 5. and contlnu over two Bundavs should ln'rest ju t"fy. Mr. J E. Han.tlton. of Pjrtland wilt lead the ringing and assist the pastor In al'sr service i. W. Cfalg, Pastor M. V. Church. MEADOW BROOK. Mrs. O. T. Kay Is quite sick at present with la grip and heart failure. Mr. Senator has a man moving to the ranch to run the farm department. Mr. Swift, the railroad man, was In town Monday talking railroad to some of our capitalists. Mr. Kirk and wife made a business trip to Canby Saturday. J. W. Staudlnger and family called on Mr. IVunlson Sunday, to listen to the graphophone. The Misses Nettle Larklns and Mer- rel Crayne, attended Sunday scnooi iu town Sunday. Mr. Fisher and wife were transact ing business iu town Friday. The surveys on the I'nlon Irrlga- Ion canal are completed for the pres ent, and If present plans are carried out the dirt will soon be moving. The Canby Irrigation and Power Compaay are expected to soon begin work to divert the water from the Molalla river at this point snd turn It Into Milk Creek for Irrigation, light and power purposes. We see from last week's Enter prise, the jololla correspondent is alternating between nits, ecstacy, melancholia, la grip and other ail ments too numerous to mention Whose besetting sin Is brooding over the slowness of a few Molatlaltes to enthuse over the Swiftness of the railroad. Take It easy, Lncle Nathan, when Meadowbrook gets two rail roads and those irrigating plants in working order, we will give you a free ride down the flume on s rail road tie. Owing to the stormy weather there were only a few out to (he single tax club meeting. As this appears to be a move In the right direction we hope the next one will be better attended R. P. Cooper Is talking of going to town soon to board with the sheriff Dr. Powell, of Molalla, was In town Saturday looking around and talking of building a house In town. A. L Larklns and family were vis iting In tbe south part of town Sun day. Mr. Crayne and Mrs. Holman were calling on friends and visiting the sick on Sunday. Jacob Gerber, of Viola, was In our berg oil business Monday. Willis Cox and Mr. Moyer attended the district convention of Good Temp lars at Portland Saturday, A district lodge was organised. The liexl men- lug will be held at lluttevllle. MIhs Jameson and Miss Howard held their lasl meeting here Sunday W. J. U'wellett litis a new express wagon of which he Is mighty proud. A. l, Schmidt will wove on Ills farm soon. Mr. Schmidt bought all the machinery, funning Implement., horses, cattle etc, also the two years lease of Close llros. Mr. limes, Willis Cox and I'M C'lna ner will attend the Orange conven tion at Oregon City as delegates from Sprlngwater Grunge. TEA2EL CREEK. The sun shone two or three times last Sunday aud some have sore eyes. Can It be that too much darkness weakens the eyes so that s ray of sunshine hurts 10 such an extent as to make tho eye sore? Rain, rain, rain, let us hope for tho appearance of "Old Sol" before long. Frauds Qulnn says when ho lliub tho bottom of the roads he will tell us whether they are muddy or not. EAGLE CREEK. .March Is here and It arrived like a roaring lion. E. L. Palfrey made a brief business visit to Portland last Thursday. He was accompanied by Wesley Doug lass' boarder. J. H. Whipple went to Portland Thursday on his return to his home in Eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle went to Damascus and visited with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, Saturday and Sunday. J. F. Brower, of Orient, was on the hill Sunday and conducted services at the school house Sunday evening. Several of the pupils who have been on me sick list, reiurnea 10 scnooi Monday morning. W. J. Howlett, Ray and Claud? Woodle made a business trip to Es- tacada last Thursday. Some of the people on the hill at tended the Farmers' Instltuto held at the Grange hall last Wednesday, and were all well pleased with the lectures. COLTCN March surely came In like a lion but our hopes are that it will go out like a lamb. The mountains are covered with snow, and r&in Is the 'talk of the day. Mr. A Kin Is out from Portland and Is busy planting his fruit trees. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stormgreen were In Oregon City on business Saturday, returning Sunday. Mr. John Countryman purchased a horse from M. Heck of Clarkes last week. Mr. W. E. Ronney made a business trip to Molalla last Thursday. This weather Is keeping the farm ers from doing their work. Mr. J. A. Stormgreen, who has been sick with grip Is Improving. Dolph Freeman, of Elwood, has been very busy the last week plowing for Mr. Johnson at Colton. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Honney, of Meadow Brook, were visitors at Col ton one day lasl week. Mrs. Bergreen was In Oregon City last Monday. Mr. Dnnlelson, our merchant, hauled a load of store good to Mr. Flrkler In tho mountains last Satur day. Mr. .Engstorm Is busy preparing to build a new house. Lf TT) lit 1 AH charges prepaid to Otc nenrest express ofnec. An 4 ou.rt bctU of GENUINE CYRUS .. . . II 1 NUULt dirCl 10 you, n cnri l tl.. u.t ullHiAfl sanrsil t A 90 oil let. f I I Containing utl those secondary conslilucnH tho government chemists sny MUST illi TMliKli that it may bo called whiskey. Any so called whiskey that doesn't contain them, whether bottled in bond or not, U alcohol-not whiskey. CYRUS NOBLE Is pure. It it old. It is whiskeyand nothing but whiskey. Now old direct to you by the bigjjest and beat known legitimate wholesalers in tho Northwest. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. EiuLUrtd 1864 I0S-I07 VJ So. PiUA Onpa . UT T TMt UM MM TM.I . W.J. VuStlMrwAU.hOxp EUI rU fmi M 0 o ! mi m U m kf c fwr mrt CtNUlNE CYRUS NOBLE. N 1 r ou .It- OUT OF DOOR WORKERS Men who connol Jtop . lor 0 rainy day.- wiM J comlorl and freedom o bodily movement f f WATERPROOF 5i OILED CLOTHING , SlICKERS'J?? SUITS '1?; Evsry garment beortn? .t il It i)n ol lh bh' guaranteed waltrprooi u-u laraiog rre '1 r. t MOUNTAIN VIEW. The Mountain View Sunday School will have thai long talked of plo soc ial on Friday evening of this week. lllrls and women all bring a pie and men and boys money to buy the pies which will bo sold at auction. Kvery one come. Doors n'n at 7:30 and programme at 8 o'clock. Horn, to the wife of J. W. Currln aim pound son. Kliler J. V. Ware was at home n few days Ut week , having spent a week around lllllsboro Washington county. Miss llatel Francis lias gone to work In the store of D. C. Ely again after a vacation of two months. , The Thursday afternoon bible study meets tills week with Mrs. Mable Osmon. Miss Marvel Kly spent last Sunday at Gladstono with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Moran. Mr. Snydow. of Willamette, who Is learning school near Marrpiam, was the guest of bis aunt. Mrs. lierber and family last Saturday evening and Sunday. Joe Oerber la at homo again, having quit his Joii In Portland and taken a position with the Knterprlno. Mrs. Minnie Kaum went to Caneniah to visit her sister, Mrs. Mamhall, who was sick. Mrs. Preston Cooper of Mt. Pleas ant and Miss Hertha May went to Portland last Friday and spent tho day with their lter Mrs. Aneta Ijilnncr. lt"V. J. Molloy Is seriously III with pneumonia. lawyer Lodor was called Monday evening to transact legal business for him. C. B. Burfus. of Klwood. was calling In this berg Tuesday morning, lie has been In Forest drove visiting his mother and slater. Mrs. Charles Irvine, of Indepen dence Is visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs, Seeley. Mr. Osmon Is home for a few days, their children are belter this week. The mountain View blacksmith shop on Molalla Ave. and Mountain Street has a new name added this week, liottierg llarnard. Jott llarnard has bought a half Interest In tho shop. Mrs. Delia (!otllorg spetti Monday and Tuesday among friends In Port land. Mrs. Norah Carrleo. of Ihe Super ior Mill Company Is visiting wlih rela tives In Ihs berg. Miu-k and l.ymnn are ruling and hauling wood. Mllo Mack, of Portland, spent last Sunday here among relatives and friends, There was a charivari In this berg Monday evening on Dunne Street at tho home of Mrs. Kdgecomn, Miss .Maggie and Mr. Uiwry were married hy l(ev. lJiuln Sunday at S o'clock. DONT HITCH VOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN (lot acquainted with E. W. Molllen ft Co., Complete House furnishers. Use their fres stablo room. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Till Kind You Have Always Sought Bsaxa tho Signature o REDLANO. Miss Ida Barrett Is visiting with her brother, Ed Barrett, this week. Mr. Fullam and little son, Johnny, are on the sick list. Willie Anderson is sick with throat trouble. Mr. Fullam lias bought another horse to replace tlje one he lost last summer. GREENWOOD. We are glad to note that Grandpa Jacks is around again, after an at tack of la grippe. He Is our oldest citizen, being past 80 years. We fear ed that grip would be a dangerous foe for him to tackle. Mrs. Pngh, of Portland, Is visiting with her sons, Lou and Will Morgan. Hobart Earn man has purchased a fine, young horae of Robert Clark, of Mount Pleasant. We hear on every hand the query, have you paid your rent yet to the sheriff? Now It Is up to the gentle men of the county board to explain why taxes are doubled. Dimick says bridges, but bridges are Just what we are not getting. It Is time that we take some action toward cutting down expenses, and one of the first things to do Is to abolish half of the officers and split the pay of the rest In the middle. 8PRINGWATER. Wasco Shannon bad a sheep killed by dogs. The telephone line connecting with Estacada was cut Saturday. Hereto fore we have had free exchange be tween our line and the Estacada line, They wanted to charge us five cents a message and we just "balked". Wherever We els Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power A Reduction in Expense An Increase in Output An Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO m Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Launderes Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers ANYONE USING POWER CAN PROFIT BY CONSULTING Portfand Railway Light & Power Company CO. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON