Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 26, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Mm. 10. J. Minn' a'l In III itl
liiiiiin In CniiKiiiiili.
Mm. (Iimukii II. I II. ul i, u( llnmliH,
In vIhIIIiiu Mih. a. ) I W.iIim,
Mr. M'mill'y, ,f ( III! I: iiiiiih, wns III
IIiIh ell y yi.slurdiiy, on a buslines trli
,IiiiIk ( N, Willie. f Cmiliy, wus
III (Mi'Koll I lly oil IiikiIiii'hh 'I'M 'ntiiy
Mrs. Miuy Mummy, of CliirluiimiH
w km In Ori'Koii Clly on liimlni'ii Fsliliiy
III'. I,. U I'lclinns Iiiih Iikkii conlllii'il
lo lioini) wllli 1 1 1 iidmh fur siivi'iul
Miss lilu Kuliiilin, of Aurora, was
In (iri-ttoii Clly on it IhihIikhn trip
(in-Kiin Di'iiiiil purlins, over haul
hit! Ixiix Htnri. I'liiiiiiliuilloii free
Chrlmliiii Kncliur, u ii'oiiiliniit n il
iti'iii of t'liiihy, wiih In ()i'koii Clly
Nicely ru rn tnlx-il roiinm Hint honnl.
Kiili'H ii iihoiiiiIiIk, Inijulru l I Hi'V
I'liin hi l oiiiii ii 1 1 1 1 1 lr.'r,:i . im
Olio Mlkkelsuii llli'il In I he. CI, Am
Court I'rliliiy it milt nullum John A
i ion lo inii. mill.
Hon. W, H. I'llen li ft KuHir.liiy for
I'.iikiii, win-re tin vIhIiim! wiih rela
tives u ii l it Moniliiy,
Mm, K. ,, Ni-wltm spent n few iluys
iliirlim ilm wn k witii ,i,r sUier, Mm
John Wi'li li or I'ortliiml.
.1. II. 1 In in m. I'liiior of I hn Jackson
villi' 1'iint, Iiiin t l vlnlllhK IiIh oil!
H friend. Hurry M. Hliaw,
Mrs. Hilllih MiCown, of Hi'llwooil
tins rvliiriu il l.i Imr hutuo nfler lii lcl
v lr.lt wiih nliitlv.K In t Ii Ik ilt y.
lion, W. H. C Hi'ii. who wrlit Ul Kh
Ki'iui Hiilur.liiy moriiliiK, on a ileimiir
trip, nun ni'ii Moniliiy iifinrnooii.
James Hohhlim.wlio In In Ilm wihiI
ritiiiiiili Iiiimi ihm in Mllauhl, wiih
III On-Koii City on buitiriess Moniliiy
.Mih, lir Mo HIi-IkIU, deputy county
clerk, Ih coiirlin.il to lii.f Iiiiiih' on
Iwi'irilt itml M ul it xirni'lH by IIIiicim.
Mih W. A. Hltt w Hutu inn nun, Alon,
rolur I from Allmuy Hitliinlny,
wherit they limit been Hpi'tiillliK a few
KohiTtit Heliuelicl, iIiiiikIiIit of Mr.
nin Mm. C. Hclim-licl, win) Iiiih been
III wlili lypholil fever for hoiihi t Iiiih,
iHrnpnuy r.-coverlliK.
II. A ii Hi' Ih pri'pnrliiK to Ko to As
toria, where li will ri-imiln for some
HiiiK i'iikiiki'iI In flnliinic. family
win ri'inuin in Hri'Kon city.
Mr niiin Krli mlli'li ciwi nml
cream separator. Address A. Ilolnrlch,
Clackamas, Ori'Koii. n
Mrn. Wallace .Mdnllrn nml diuiKh
r, lacl. of I'orllmnl, and Mrn. A
Hrln, of Kali'in, wi.ro KUeat of Ir,
nil Mr. Iloyu Wednesday.
Andrew Koch it, I In. bis Implement
mill Imrilwmii. man of Cmiliy, wan In
Oroisi.ii City Thursday whlln in route
lo rortlnml on a lnialiii.au trip.
.Mian Margaret Mulvey will have
loinorrow intimltm fr KiiKi'ii... where
mm win remain for a fi-w iluya with
imr brother, M. K. Mulvi-y nn.l wlfi'
Harold KIkkIii, a mining i.pt.rt. of
I'ortlanil, who hna l.i.n vlaltlnit at tho
lioniK of Mr. mul Mra. V II. Hinfr.ir.l
ri'liirni'il to l'orllan, Momlay aftnr
." i.iin nwanor, n tonohor In
Ilio Mali'iu imhtlr hoIiih.Ih, ufivr vlall-
Hik wllh Mm. KlUnhi.tli WnrtiiT nt
l-m-iial Knrm fir aiviral ilnya, li.ft for
iit iioiiik .Mnmiay niKht.
Mr. mul Mra. John Wnlnh, of Port
mini. Mr. nml Mm. I), y, Voiinis. of
Hi'llwoml, witi In nri'noii City the
Ural of thr wk. ImrliiK tii-i-n thi
KU.'i'H or Mr. K. J. Mumhiill.
Mra. J. I'. KuntliiK mill two rhl!il-
ri'ii. Kniini.y , Vlrulnlii, of 1'ort
liniil. nfti'r Mpi'inlliiK a f.'W ilnya wllh
.......... in mm cny. rrliinii.,!
ini-ir iimiii. Thiimilny nrtorniMin.
Mm. K. .1. Mi'lmll aii.l mm ,.fi
Hntiiriluy moriiliiK for Morrow ul,..,
alii' will pin k up hrr lioiiHi'holil ii.hhIh
1 ""'P 'in lo rortliinil. Thulr
fiilnro Ilium, will hp in i-orihinii,
Iam Moniliiy niornlim, Ki'liniury
J2. hiiihII, koIiI. hiililliiK nil' wntrh
WoHlmin niovi'iiii.nl. tu-t wi-i-n Kvor"
linn mid ,,I'h Htori. Main alri-ft
K'",l"r ' 'v Kvi-rhurt & Hall. Hull-
nlili. rt'wnrd.
John It. HnltriiH. u rnpltiillHt of Snn
KrnnrlHro, nflrr hh'iiIIiik a row iluya
with IiIh old Hrliooluinli', Jii.Ikh 0. K.
llnyi'H, i-rt on Sunday for NVw York.
whi.ro ln will vIhU with n-latlvi-a for
a fi-w wi'i'kH.
I'oHtiiiiiHliT T. I". Itandiill Iiiih Iti-h
ihIvIni'iI hy tho jkihIhI dc)nrtmont at
a. I
tj-- -f-j
Tomatoea, 3 cni 25o
Corn, 3 cant 25o
Peat, 3 eana 25c
Picnic Hama per pound 11o
Dried Figs (freih atock) 5o lb
Ralalna, (loose Muicatot)
4lbi for 25 cente
Hard Wheat Family Flour
per tack $1.30
Ninth 4 Main.
I ii
WnnliliiKlon Hint iiori'iiflur tliiHcl pirn
till t'HI'flH IIIIIHl ho Ollvlomxl III llll All'
vi'lopo, ai'iili'il anil u Iwoci'iit alninp
plui'i'd llii'ri'oii.
Aui'iiry for lli noli'hmlnd Mt. Hood
llci'r. I'liiiii'or Trnnarnr Co. Jiotli
Coiinly Hi.rotdor C. K. ItmiiHhy loft
Hul n ril ity for Kiiki'Iki wlmru Im
vlitlli'd wllli frlmiilM for a fi'W dnya,
mid took inlviintiiKo nf tint liollduy
mi Moiiday, Ho riitiirinjil to Oickoii
CUy Moniliiy xvi'iiltiK.
Horn, Tiiiiaihiy, Ki'liruiiry 'M, tu Mr
ami Mra. Frank Androwa, of I'ortlanil,
n Hon. Mm, Aiidri'WH wiih fnrmcrly
MIhh Hi'hhIh I fit in 1 1 ton. of t Ii In city,
mid holh Hiii fiiilior and mothur nro
wi'll known' linro,
A IhiiiiIhiiiiiii hlK 'l"K Ih'IoiikIiik to
( limllii NiihIi wiih run ovnr liy mi nlnn
ilk car thin niornliiK In front of tho
court Iioiihii. Tint iIuk'h hark wnn
hroki'ii, nml lo nml It h HiifTiTliiKH flilnf
of I'olll'll lllll'IIH Hliot It.
Mr. mid Mm, K D. Moiillon nml
lllllo iIiuikM'T, Kiln Claim, who hiivo
I n Hiii kui'hIh of Mr. and Mra. It.
Moillton, of I IiIh Hiv, ri'lnrnoil to Ihnlr
homo In MiMInn villi' ynalnrdiiy nflcr
in m .ii. Mr. nml Mih, Moullnn formnrly
ri'Mldi'il In llila clly.
MImh A nun Hinllli, Ilm prlinnry
InuchiT of tho 1'iuliplari) ai:hon, Jnft
Friday nlf.lil for tho hnll. K, wlinrn hIik
tipntil n fnw iIiivh with MIhh llalHy Me-
Aiiully. MIhh Mi-Atiully Ih an Ori'Koii
clly kIiI, nml Ih onwiKi'd In tnirhliiK
Tin' Hnlli'H puhllc Hrhool,
H. II. ijindniHirntiKli, n hroilmr of
Id'V, IjiliilHlmroiiKli of tin. ('rnHliyli-r-Ian
rhurrh, Ih In-ri- from Turk UIvit.
N. I) for n fnw dnya' vlalt. II" will
vlalt Hi'iulln, Viiiii'ouvi.r nml llrllllhli
Coliiiiihlii licforn ri'turnliiK lioum.
Chiuli'H Hpniiio, of CariiH, wiih In
Orritoii Clly Tm-Hiliiy on n Iiihiuchh
trip. Mr. Kpniiro lolunii'd from Ha
li'iu on Haiiirilay, IiuvIiik ripri'Hniiii.il
Ilm Hlnlo fiiniiK" In !h Third Hoiihm
iIiiiIiik tin- hi'nhIhii of Hit. InKlHlaluri'.
Monny loiuind. AliKtrni-ta niad".
TIII..H mrlini'd. low('nt rulna. C. II.
Hyn, CHI Main St.
MIhh llurmi Itnditlrk. of thin city,
who him lii'i-ii HpnliitlliK tin. puNt Hlx
innlitliH with hi'f 11 n II I , Mm. J. I).
CiH.k. nl finuila I'iibh, hna rt'turiii'd,
ami will in a fnw ilava Inavn for
WiMidliurn, wlinrn alin will vIhU with
Mlna Malml Ki'iinody.
JaiimH Mi't'tiril, a liloiii'i-r of 150. la
I.vIiik 111 at hi lio nil- In I'orllmnl.
Hi) la ovnr M) ynam of mk. tn Drnt
roinliiK t Omn-on he nut t l.-i) nt
Viola. HiIh county, nfmrwitrdH ho ro
iiiiivimI to Mt. I'li'UHant. wlinru he mndo
lila houiu until I ant ainniiii.r, wlmn ho
mid bin wlfn wi.nl to portlund.
rlhi'rlrr lli-ulln uud hlR aHHlHtanta
n'iiii.Ht tho piii. not lo iiho'no for
atiili'innnta of thidr tan-a. hut lo rail
at Hi" court' houai for aainn. Tin.
Slinrlffa omen la rimlind to tho Hunt
at thin tlmn and It Ih IiiipohhIIiIi. to
Klvi atnti'innntH ovi-r th nliono with-
out dniiKnr of hitIoiih nrror.
rrvd J. NnlHon. of 1'ortland. former
ly of thla city, waa an Omicon City
vlaltor Monday. Mr. Ni-laon la man
aKr of On-iiiin TIiiiIht ft CrulaliiK
Compuny wiih hnadnuarti'm In tlm
lloanl of Tradii lliilldlnit. Howard
Ulouri'tio, aunt Imr On iton Clly yoiiim
num. la Hi-cn-tnry of tin company
.mihh Kiina Ailama Hnd Uoyd Kliav
t have h i nmnti'il a mnrrliiKii II
ci'iinn by County (Murk (irci'iiuinn. Tho
partli'H urn wvll known In thla coun
ty. MU Adiiiua la tho ilium-liter of
Mr. and Mm. (iwrKe Admna. of Mo-
Inlln, nml Mr. Hlinvor la tho mm of
the lute Sheriff, J. It. Hluiver. Mr
Sliiiver'H hoiiie Ih In rortlnml.
At n nnH'tliiif of the Mi-liuiihlln
liutltuti. himket hall t.-nin Weiliieadny
niiilit, Joe Hlieiihnn wiih elected man'
niter nml Tom Hlnnott. captain. V. J
NHii rrmin Iiiih heen Hi-cured lo coned
the Innin. AriiinKmnenl have heen
made for u Kiime with the I'Antham
arnmmar achool In the near fuiure
Mr. and Mrn. J. II lluinnlirva nml
anil, lidwaril, left Krlday mornitiK for
New llrmiHWli-k, Cmimln. whero they
will vUlt with Mm. Iliiuiphry'a imr.
eiilH. near WiniilHtock. Mr. Humhnya
upeclH to Ik ttiuie nhoiii (hreii wceka
hul Mm. Humphry nml child will he
Rone for Hevernl molitliH.
Plenty of mnticy to loan nt lowest
rntea. C. II. Dye. 601 Mnln St.
Mr. and Mrn. Krod J. Melmll nml
family, who hnve heen rcldlni( at
Morrow. KiiHlern On-Kon, will inakp
their future home In rortlnnd, where
Mr. Melmll will enter Into partner
ahlp with (1. Mohit. nttornev. Mr.
Mnliidl hna heen nt tho lcKlnlnture
hern he had a clerkHhlp, iind IiIh wlfo
mid children were vIhIHiik with her
piircniB. Mr. nml Mih. (Jeorite Ijtell.
MIhh llonm Slnllord. who lnw
rlinice of the tr.llnlilK tlepnrttucnt at
the Normal School,- Monmouth, ntul
MIhh tirace WhllehouHo. who hnve
heen vlHltlni? with MIhh Stafford's
parnntH, Mr. mid Mm. V. n. Stnfford.
of Mt. IMensnnt, returned to reHump
their duties Mondny nfternoon. Miss
Stafford nnd MIhh WliltelmiiHi' witness
ed the Merchant of Venice In I'orl
lmnl Sal nr. lav. ,
MIhh Mary Cotiyers. of (MnlHknnle.
Oregon, wnH In OreRon Clly vIhIHiik
wllh frlemlH on Sitturdny. Mlsg Con-
yern Ih meetliiK with huccchr us n
vocal ItiHtrucror In CliUHknnle nnd
Hauler, whero rIio him InrKO clnsseH.
MIhh Conyom Ih the lender of the
choir of tho Presbyterian elnirch In
her homo town. Sho la vIhIHiik for
it few dnya with her HlHter, . Mrn.
Wlllam J. Mynra.
Tho petition of Mr. nnd Mm. C.
V. llnKhy for the adoption of I,nlil
May Himliy, thu 18-niontliHold (IiiukIi
ter of Mr. ami Mm. Clmrlea lliiKhy.
tho former helni? a son of Mr, nnd
Mm. C. V. TliiKhy, cnnio tip before tho
county court on Tuosdny for a ilecl
slon, JuiIko nimlck niuiln nn order
KMiitliiR tho petition and ileclnrlnK
the child tho ndoptefl dniiKhter of tho
petit loners. Tho pnrents of the child
filed tholr written cnnHont.
Tim Ilnnk of Oregon City la con-
tiMnphitliiK oxtenslvo lmprovemonts
In tho bnnk building. If the present
plans nro cnrrlod out tho intorlor will
Im entirely renrrnnKed. new vnnlts
ndded, cnnsldnrnblo now furnltnrn
ItiHtnlled. and nn nddltlon built on the
Kroitnd now occupied by C. H. Dvo.
This will neccRHllnlo tho'tenrlng down
of Mr. Dyo's ofllce, which Is on leased
ground, nnd which he. hna occupied
for Bnvornl yours.
FOR SAI-E Good Incubator. Inquire
D, T. Davis, 5th and Main St., 2t
Plleal Pile! Pllaal
Williams' Indlnn Pile Ointment will
cure Blind, Dleedlng and Itching Pile.
It absorb the tumors, allays Itching
at once, acta as a poultice, gives In
stant rellof., Williams' Indian Pile
Ointment Is prepared for Piles and
Itching of the private parts. Sold by
druggists, mall EOo and f 1.00, Williams
Mfg. Co., Props., Clavaland, 0. For
sale by Jones Drug Co,
, Money to Loan.
. In sums of $500 and up for term of
years mortgage, security.
t4 . H. BJ. CROSS.
Mualcal Prouramma la Olven by Der
thick CluD.
Mra, (Miiirlna II. Cnuflnlil entDrlaln
nil the Uerlhlrk, Dlcliena nml Avon
(Miiha nt her lioino on Friday lifter
noon, Kehruiiry HI. TblH wna thu reg
ii 1 it r mnetliiK t'f Hi" Dnrililck Club
mid a Hpeelnl iiiiihIciiI pronrannne wna
rendered uh fnllowH:
"Minuet, Op. IH, Ni. 2," AI"X Hkbiii
ball; "HereiiiiHo," Alex lljlnnky
"ViiIhh Chroiiintlipie," I-Hchetlzky
viiUn (by reoui'Hli, MoWHkownkl, Kh-
hIo llloik; rending, "Llfn of Wngner,'
Mrs, II. K. Htrulght; 'Kniumiiie
(DreuniHl Wiigner, Mm. Nluta llnrlow
Ijiwrnnce; duet, "Pilgrim' ChoriiH
Wugimr, Martini J)rnper nnd KhhIo
HIiH'k; "Hi-hnlf holdHo kind." Wagner
("Hlni'ii, My linnr Child"), Mrs, Mela
I jiwri'in c; duet, ' I HiiiilinuHer March
Martlia Francis llrnper mid IChhU
MIhh llloik, wIioho artistic rnlidl
Hon of her piano numbers delighted
her hearem, wuh forced to respond to
i.inori'H. Mrs. Ijiwrnneo Iiiih a rich
I'liniiullo voice, mid her iiuiiiIh ih ru
ileri'd on (IiIh oituhIoii were pleiiHlng
to Imr hearers. Mrs, Ijiwrein-e' sol
eel Ion w ere heartily encored. Her
mroiiipiiulHl was MIkh Martha Francos
llrnper, who loo wiih one of thu mil Hi
cIiiiih on the pnigrmiiino wIiohu hi-1
eclloilH were hugely ntipreclnted. The
duet played by MIhh Draper and MIhh
lljock WIIH eiiHiiiHlnillially received
lllld hy reilliijnt they repented tlilH
Mrn. II. K. Hlittlght rend a very In
Hiriictlvn paper on "The Mfn mid
Works of Hlchnrd Wugimr.
I'lie reiKpilon ball mid pnrlors of
Hie Ciiulleld home wern nppoprlulely
ili'coiaieil with musical emblems and
cut flowers. During Hie afternoon
lunch wiih served hy tint host, who
wiih iiHHlHteil by MIhh Mnrjorlu ('nu
Held, MIhh Vara Cnulleld, MIshi'h Kilnn
and Claru Cnulleld ami MIhh Louise
Hie next meeting of the club will
be held nt thu home of Mm. It. C
Ciinong, Krlday nfternoon. March 6
i-elehrallng tho looth unniversary of
Tim mnrrlngo of Mm. Amanda June
(Mionte and Cur! Itohlnson wa sol
I'lnnlieil Thursday afternoon at
o'clock by Judgo W. W. H. Bamson
The bride has been residing near
Klllln Precinct, and formerly attended
the srhiHil taught by Judge Samson
18 year ago, nenr Hubbard. The
groom Is a resident of tho atato of
Washington, and after tho cerumony
tho happy couple left for Hoqulm,
aHhlngton, tholr future home.
MIhh Klorenco McFarlnnd assis
ted by her mother, Mra. McKarland,
ontcnuinci! nt dinner the young
people who took part In "My Uncle
From Japan," Sunday night. Tho
house was decorated for the occasion
with flowers and evergreen. The
table wa mndo attractive by It can
dolnhra and flowers. A delicious re
past was served by Iho hoHtea. which
waa follow oil by Instrumental and voc
al selections. Mlsa Clu.a field ta"
several delightful recitation. Miss Mc
Farlnnd, who Is an elocutionist of
much ability enlertluned her guests
with several recitation.
The Saturday Club of the Congrega
tional church gave It first "at home'
In the rhureh parlors Mondny night.
Tho church wna filled with friends
of the church and ,of tho club, and
it most enjoyable evening wns spent
A short musical progrnmnip wnH giv
en and followed by a lunch In the
nHsenibly riMini.
Among the numbers of the pro
gramme were a pantomime given by
Mlsa White nnd Miss Florence Grace,
who wo.-e the costumes of colonial
days, and a vocnl duet by Mr. and Mrs.
K. T. Avlson, and received a hearty
The members of tho club were be
comingly nttlrod In Colonial costumes
Tho costumes worn by Miss Edith
Cheney, Miss Helen Daulton, Miss
Hess Duulton, Miss I villi Cordon, Miss
Ijiura Avlson, Miss Clarice Zuniwnlt.
MIhh Ivy Honke, MIh Minnie Schatz.
MIhh Mnrlon Money, Mrs. C. D. Lnt
otiretto and Mrs. D. C. Ijttouretle. at
tracted particular attention. Mnny
others wore the fancy costumes that
were very attractive.
, The Indies of Abernethy Orange,
friends nnd neighbors of Mrs. Harry
l'eckover, of Pnrkplace, gave her a
pleasant surprise Wednesday by cnll
intr nt her home about id o'clock,
bringing with thorn lunch baskets
nileil with toothsome things. The
party assembled at the homo of Mrs.
Chris Rivers and proceeded In a body
to the l'eckover home. Tho"lfralr
wns given in honor of Mrs. Peck-
over's birthday, and a handsome salad
set was presented to her. At noon a
dinner was served, nnd the afternoon
spent In a social manner.
Tho dancing party given on Friday
evening In the rooms of the Comninr-
lal Club of tho Masonic IlnlKlIng un
der the auspices of Clackamas Chap
ter No. 2 Hoynl Arch Masons was one
of tho most successful soclnl events
of the season. The music was fur
nished by the Deljtres orchestra.
This Is the first time that any soclnl
nffnlr has been given In tho club
rooms, and one not to be forgotten by
those attending. Mnny beautiful
gowns were In evidence.
The Artlanns will hold a Lincoln
anniversary nnd celebration In the
Woodman hnll on Thursday evening,
February 25. A musical and literary
program Is being nrranged for the oc
casion by the committee. After a
short session of lodgo a bnnquot will
be given. The bnnquot Is open for
nil Artisans, who are to furnish the
refreshments for the evening.
Mrs. B. F. Linn was enko't ly sur
prise- at hor home on Seventh Streot
Saturday evening, tho occasion be
ing hor birthday. Mombers of the
Artisan Lodgo, of which Mrs. Linn Is
a member, presented her with a hand
some cntglnss vase. The evening
was spent In music nnd games, follow
ed by a luncheon.
A very pleasant surprise was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Rrooks, 600 Wnter St., Friday evening,
tho occasion being tho birthday of
tholr niece, Miss Maude Gibbon. The
evening was enjoyably spent In games
after which a lunch was served.
Miss Mory E. Jotslngton and .1. n.
Pfnlfer. of Liberal, were married bv
Judge V. W. H. Samson Monday af
ternoon at the office of the 1udge.
The young people left lmmedlatly for
their home at Liberal.
Th Ploturtd Cowboy.
1 recall one pk turn by a celebrated
arllst of Ilm cast who due western
tilings. It depli la a "Cowboy nt Ileal
He I lying en bis ntomiK lt In the sun
LI chin In Ills hands. Ills burnt) alitiid
nearby, with the reins thrown over tho
born of the Huddle." Now, a cowlniy In
the day t linn, well dllcd wllh hcnim nml
cniined loinnloea, would not He thu,
mid, above nil, be would nut leave hi
liurau standing I bus. lie would pull
the reins down over the burse's bead
and let tbein tiling, cIhi-wIiui his cow
horan would depart. I recall yet nnotli
er picture of a faithful cowpuncher
who with bl trusty rllle defends blin
self from behind bl dead home, which
ho uhc a a fortress. The dead borne
I n Ikii t four feet and a half through
sldewlso exiflleiit for n fortress, but
a trlllu wldn'fnr a thin flanked cow
horse. It would be uhcIi-h to point
out liny dclnll like this to miy earnest
artist of today. Worse than ukcIchh
would It bo to stiggcHt that a cow
puncher Is the laziest created thing, for
In nrt lio must do iit rpetiiiil stunts of
"action." Collier's Wi-ekly.
An Eiiy Grid.
l'ntronnge, political, religion nnd so.
clal, bus Hii'ii Its luil days In Kng
Intnl. nml It I becoming more nnd
more dllhVult, St. Jutuca' liudget
opines, to Hnd iiiiiterlul for su h
story ns follows:
At the end of n illti('iil campaign
mnny yours ago a young man who bad
worked valiantly for Hie successful
ciindlilnte claimed a reward. The
prize promised was n sergenntcy in the
nrtlllcry. Hut the candidate found that
be wns uuuhlo lo carry out Ills prom
Isc, tnnHiii ui Ii uh It required six years
service lo qualify a man for the rank
He became thoughtful, but finally saw
"Doe It require six years to qualify
a Hum for u lieutenancy? he asked
one who knew.
"Certainly tint." was the reply.
"Well, make young Illnnk a lleuten
ant, then," said the candidate, wltb
sigh of relief.
Plank wa thus innde a lieutenant
for no other reason than that he was
not fit to be a sergeant.
Thy Kntw ths Pol.
Some year ago when Dr. Nansen
visited I.eedH on bl return from the
IKjInr regions ho wns welcomed by a
Inrge crowd of spectators, who cheer
ed .vociferously. Two of the most ar
dent admirers of Niinsen were n cou
ple of old men, who kept shouting and
waving their sticks. When the cele
brated explorer hnd passed, burnetii
ately following In the wake of the
carriage came n wagon dragged by
three homes, hearing n long iron pole,
which belonged In the electric tram
ways rompnny.
Directly the uld men snw It the fol
lowing couversn'.K :i took place:
"Well. I'll lie blov. eii: Sit ha. HIII.
he's brout the pole hack wl him!" suld
"Aye," said the oiber admirer of
Nsnsen. "and we t' only two 'nt's no
ticed it. The're nil running nfter t' enr
rluge. Sithn, the're Hint ignorant they
cau t tell t pole when they see It!"
A Darnard Shaw Jokt.
After addressing nn Kdlnbiirgu meet
lug for ninety uiluulcs once Mr. Her
nnrd Shnw remarked Hint the time wns
a qunrter to 10, mid he hud Intended to
finish at U o'clock. He did not seem lu
the least fatigued; the audience wore
also quite fresh, and when the speaker
was about to sit down loud cries of
Uo on!" were raised on all sides.
"Do you really wish me to go on?"
Mr. Shnw naked. He wns answered
by renewed cheering nnd more shouts
of "Go ou!"
Great wus the disappointment, there
fore, when he replied, "That Is the ex
act point at which nu experienced
speaker sits down," which he accord
ingly did.
An Artitt's Mustach.
The mustache wns not viewed with
favor lu Knglund in the middle of the
Inst century. An anecdote Is told of
the lnte Thouins Cooper, the English
artist, to Illustrate. lie wns broucht
before a magistrate In 1S-U1 on some
minor charge nnd wns described lu
tho police roort as being "fashion
ably dressed, with Inrge mustnehes."
The Art Journal of the dnte, comment
ing on It, said that "no member of the
Itoynl nendemy iierpetrates the atroc
ity of mustaches, n most un-English
affectation. Mr. Cooper became a
member of the aendemy a few years
Sunshine and Long Lif.
Some towns on the Italian side of
the Swiss Alps are noted for the great
number of sunny days. Cnnibiettn
and Pcntlllno. near Lugano, bend the
list with a7 and S31 sunny days re
spectively In one your. Possibly be
cause of this liberal amount of sun
shine the percentage of old people Is
exceptionally high lu tho enntoii of
Tessln, forty-four ier thousand being
over seventy years old and ton per
thousand over eighty. New York Tost.
Whnt do you think?" exclaimed
the theatrical star proudly. "They are
going to name n new cigar after me!"
Well." rejoined the mttnnger. "here's
hoping it will draw better than you
do." Exchange.
Fores of Habit.
Kllky I did a very nbsentmlnded
thing this morning. Street What was
It? Kllky-Offerod a tip to the man
who shaved my note. Hoston Tran
script. When a true genius nppenrs In the
world you mnv know him bv this sk-n.
that tho dunces are nil In confederacy
Rgnlqst him Swift.
'T hava onlit Ctinmhorlnln'a PruiirH
Remedy for the past eight years and
find it to be one of the best soiling
medicines on tho market. .For babies
and young children there la nothing
hotter In the vuav fit coiieh Hvruns "
says Paul Allen, Plain Dealing, La.
This remedy not only cures the
coughs, colds and croun so e nion
among young children, but is pleasant
and safe for them to take. For sale
by HJuntloy Bros. Co.
THE RAIN Get acquainted with E.
W. Mellon & Co.. Complete House
furnishers. Use their free stable room.
H Was Rady For th Emsrgtnoy and
Conqurd th African.
A show of force Is often the best
kind of dlplomncy. A writer In the
Paris Temp teils a story of the French
admiral Dupetlt-'J'hounrs, who bad
hiiTi Intrusted v(lth the mission of
enacting reparation from nn African
bey who bad Insulted a French consul.
As Dupellt-Tlioiiars' demands wore
iiportcd by the forcible argument of
ioudeil cannon, the bey acknowledged
that be bad Ijccii (im hsHty and prof
fered profuse npologles. He even In
vited the admiral to hi tnblu and bad
a sumptuous repast prepared for his
guest. -'
The consul warned the nil inlrisl to I
on his guard. k
"The bey to Incllucd to be malicious."
said be, "and when he strokes bla
beard and smiles you may I sum that
he bi concocting some mischief."
"We shall see," wa Dupetll-Thounr'
He reached the bey's palace In good
time. Profuse compliments and salu
tations were ex-changed. All nt once
thu admiral's foot met some soft,
bulry substance lying on the carpet un
der the table. He bent down nnd saw
a huge lion showing hi formidable
teeth. The bey smiled and stroked hi
Diipetlt-Thounrs did not wince, but
csllpl his dragoman.
"My pistols." was all be said.
- The servant saluted, retired and
brought back a pi.ir of pistols on a
liver tray. The admiral took them
and placed them ou the table before
him. But the bey, still smiling, contin
ued to stroke his patriarchal bearJ.
"Tell the commander." be said to
the dragoman, "that If those pistols are
for the purpose of blowing out my
lion's brains they are quite Insufficient
and perfectly useless."
Then, like a skilled fencer counter
ing bis opponent's thrust, after the
bey's Ironical advice had -been trans
lated Dupetlt-Tbounrs replied:
"Tell bis blghnr-ss that my pistols are
not there to kill his Hon, but to blow
bis own bruins out at the first move
ment of this objectionable carpet."
Gravely, but a little pale, the man
The smile died away on the bey's
Hps, and be no longer stroked his
"My lion," said he, "Is too well train
ed even to scratch one of my guests,
but since be Is not wanted be shall be
sent away."
At a word from the bey the Hon
slowly and heavily left the room, like
an obedient dog.
Oalton ExptrimmL
The English themlst Dalton was a
Khoolteacner. He worked without a
laboratory and wltb crude apparatus,
uostly made by himself from simple
material. Here Is nn example describ
ed in his own words:
"Took an ale glass of a conical fig
ure, two and a half luche in diameter
and three inches deep; filled It .with
water that bad been standing lu the
room and consequently of the tempera
ture of the air nearly; put the bulb of
the thermometer to the bottom of the
glass, the scale being out of the water.
Then, having marked the temperature,
I put the rod hot tip of the poker half
an inch deep In the water, holding It
there steadily for half a minute, and
as soon as It was withdrawn I dipped
the bulb of a sensible thermometer
Into the water, when It rose in a few
seconds to ISO decrees."
He then determined the temperature
of the water at the bottom after five
minutes, after twenty minutes and aft
er an hour and found that it rose grad
ually from 47 to 02 decrees. This
Blmple experiment proved that water
has the power to conduct heat, which
had been denied by no less an author
ity than Rumford. Youth's Compan
ion. The Mistake Ha Mads.
He sauntered luto tbe central police
station and approached the desk ser
geant. There was a careworn look on
his face. He stood there a moment
as if lu reverie. Finally as tears
coursed down his cheeks he timidly,
"I want to give myself up."
"What have you done that you should
seek a felon's cell?" the sergeant
'I have loug been a fugitive from
Justice. The welfare of society de
mands that I should be punished." -
Hut what Is It? What heinous of
fense have you committed?"
'I am a bigamist yea, a polygamlst
and I don't dare think what worse.
No longer must 1 keep It from the
world. Lock me up. 1 am ready to
do penance."
But will you not explain?"
'Yes, If you Insist. 1 thought 1 mar
rled only the daughter, but I have
found, to my sorrow, that the whole
family was lucluded." Kausas City
Tax on Hats.
Not only have hats nt various times
been subject to taxation, but have even
been made tbe subject of special laws.
Thus in Henrv YII.'s reign none was
allowed to sell hats at a larger price
thag 20 pence or caps for more than
2s. 8d. Some compensation, however,
for this interference with free trade
could be found In the fact that in 1571
on Sundays and holidays every one
above seven years of age was required
to wear a cap of wool of English make
under penalty of 3 farthings fine for
every day's neglect London Chronicle.
Naedad Mourning.
The Lady I haven't much In the
house to give you, my poor man, but
would you like a piece of my pie? The
Hobo No, lady. But have yer got a
old black coat? The Lady Why do
you want a black one? The Hobo
De feller yer gave a piece o' pie to
de odder day was a pal o' mine.
Cleveland Leader.
Gives Prompt and positive relief In
very ease. Sold by dnrrgista.
Trial package by mall
10 cents.
Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Cleveland, O
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers, gentle.
easy, pleasant, little liver pills. Sold
by Jones Drug Co.
Mon'c Watrhoc Nickel and Silver tases $2.00 to $25.00
lTlCIl 3 UdlUIta Gold and GolJ Filled $10.00 to $100.00
I (o Watrhoc 20 ycar guaranteed gold filled case
LCIUIC ITUIUIO with Elin or Waltham movement ?I5.
is prepared to fix all grades of Watches, Clocks,
Pins, Rings, Chains, etc.
Tyrant Rule of th Autocrat of ths
Parisian Flat House.
The "concierge" Is considered to be
the bane of tbe Parisian lint dweller's
existence. His functions are supposed
to be tbe following:
Tbe first nnd most Important Is to
collect tbe rent on qunrter day; after
that he must see that tbe tenants do
not surreptitiously remove. The latter
precaution seems to be somewhat un
necessary, as rents In Paris sre always
paid In advance.
He should also bring np your letters
at least twice a day, but as tbe con
cierge is generally a stout, middle aged
woman who has a decided objection to
climbing stairs tbe bitter regulation re
mains somewhat of a dead letter.
In Paris the front door of most
bouses Is generally closed at 10 o'clock.
After that time admittance can only be
obtained by ringing a belL The con
cierge Is obliged to open tbe door, and
she does this, as soon as she la awake,
by palling a rope which bangs by ber
If she bi a sound sleeper and you are
accustomed to come borne late at night
the best thing to do is to look for an
other fiat, as the concierge will put you
down as a "bad tenant" and make
things as unpleasant for yon as possi
ble. If you never stop out late at nlghL
receive very few friends and fee ber
heavily, at Christmas, the concierge
will consider you ns a "good tenant"
until you give notice to leave, when
her Interest in yon suddenly vanishes.
As there Is nothing more to be ex
pected fmin you and the Incoming ten
ant Is obliged to give a substantial tip.
called a "denier a Dleu." she Is anx
ious to "sHed tbe parting guest" as
much ns possible.
The conclerire does sometimes make
a final effort to extract something more
from you by attempting to make you
pay a franc for every nail knocked in
the walls of your fiat, but this has been
decided to be Illegal and may be safely
But the Parisian concierge Is really
unpopular because she represents a
landlord. London Mall.
All Chronic Diseases Cured Without Medicine or Operation
Home Phone Main 24
Greatest of All
tpaVrtowdtes8 aYoi8 an lnVl'Rtlon ,or eve"
down'month:''.-: To bLJZ?? f0 m"
to us 'a'r.p.roPoa'tion ' y and s?
unn-.J, ,Z "Dr:'Y"
- - ------ uuod vur dcsi adver
tisement. Hundreds hnv tnfcon ,H.n.i .
IllPt-fll Vroa TVInl r.rf .
" ...... HUIHULtLltK ,1. 1 1 r
"' """,uu"' iiy not
ant th r.nunnn nil 1., n-lu
u mm unuiu ai
to us at once full particulars will
ent to you by return mail.
tiLcna ri rt II u riuuob
Portland, renon.
Largest dealers in nil makes
r: :.
t aiKing aiacnines, eic.
We have for your In
spection an immense stock
of watches for men, women,
boys and girls-in solid gold,
gold filled, silver and nickel
cases. Our movements are
all the very best American
Portland Railway, Light oV Power Co.
To Furnish Water.
The Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company has filed a lease In
the office of County Recorder Ramsby
conveying to the Hawley Pulp & Paper
Company the use of water to the ex
tent of 8,000 horsepower. The lease
provides for the delivery of 400,000
gallons per hour. The filing fee on
tbls Instrument of writing was 35.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are the best pills made for backache,
weak back, urinary disorders, etc.
Sold by Jones Drug Co.
Seared With hot Iron.
or scalded by overturnol kettlo cut
with a knife, bruised by slammed door
Injured by gun or In any other way
the thing needed at once la Buck
len'sArnica Salve to subdue inflamma
tion and kill the pain. Its earth's
supreme healer, Infallible for Bolls,
Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema and
Files. 25c. at Jones Drug Co.
Shtvely's Opera House
Big Double Spectacular f
Scenic Investiture a RercUttoo
Colored People From the Cot
ton Belt, Buck and Wing
Dancers, Pack of Blood
Band and Orchestra, Popular Prices
Free Band Concert Twice Daily
Seats now on Sale at
Reserved Seats 50c
Phone 2321.
New Masonic Building
Pacific Phone Main 112
". customer-a .o
- " ' V C
your Cut y -.eW'
! . .. A). V.
. ry '
1 W"