Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 26, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Milwaukee-Northwestern Clackamas
'rhino whu hnvii ikiwn (or tlm t
Milwaukee ili purl itnirit (if (lit)
Kiilni'iHlnu hIiiiiiIiI iilllinr liuill
It In llui Milwaukee I'Mllnr of
tlm Kiilorprlnii in Oii'Knti City
or letivu II ut tlm real outiilu
i' nml liiHiirumn (iilir.. i.f a. II.
. Howling In Milwaukee, ir Willi 4'
t' JiiHllcii nf Mm I'imii'u Kiilim, i
.I. .,.
Mrn Wyiiiuii mill iliimtlilir. Mm,
lli'iihii MiCiiiiili, ti On null City, v lu
ll, il lili'iuli In Milwaukee, Wi'iliii'hiliiv,
the lilh.
Ho' ii, I', hiiiury iiih, tu Mr niul
Mm, liny Si hvi y, a ihimthlcr. Molhrr
mill cliilil doing well.
Ilv iiiImIiiMih: Iht v. ii y Kiiitinliiy
llllilll. Minn llllil.'lllllllil lllltTHWly im
i'iiimmI hi'ilimii Inlni'y. Alter ! -i v t IM"
tU' nil ill I -ilmiil Million, Hint tu 1m nt-ii
1 1 r fi'l'tlllr. llllil till liuill I hi' ll.nlli-,
Ii-l'rlv llli: il tli-rlnilrt l-l ovt't' lit'l' .).'
till ln'iil'i'H. V'm liimilily no In n
tti'iK I, ml,, ii, ( 'iimlm-tiir ( tn I it mi u
lulu i-ar (nun (n.i'iiii rny lii'.ml 1 1 . i
liy fur help mill too-llii-i' wliii Motor
mini Mi-Mlllim 4-ni i I .-.( Ii.-r in I In- r-.ir,
Sill' Willi llll.l II I.I Krllwollll, Where
III'. V',ut,t 'l .l., , - HIMIII'lil
t'l "III lil'.t report I bill' . g'tlllii!
ill. inn iilrch,
'I hi. IM-lll'i. rn nf I'm f 1 1 y rnlllli'll
liU'l lit Mumr H'tiiii'.-t ii'.il.l.-ii'-i- M. ii
ilnl. iv i iriiliitf. "flu- railway fnnii'lil.ii.
iH-llll (111 mll'li'i'l lllnl.-t' . 1 1 I ' 1 1 i H I i.
'I li liny d'li. tihniii. rmiii:ii ' bun
lift II lillny H -1 1 H t k "le. fur II i'W
lint' lli- iiimi w i t-K, ',,, I. I . it
fcit'Mitni; lint'
T, It A. !ii'lliH.i nui, I
Irlp In (i nil i III.., ':i'i!i
a itiii.ini'-1
I 'll:-t w .'.',
ha i I. "i it In
Mri .1 f. I'-ll.lii'i
I'nt'tliiti.l InUm; in nil..
r)'B, -.'iirti 'il I. iniii. Vn
.hi. fur Iiit
Shlinil'. r ft i 1 1' :u I- hi .hi,
i n lh' !i ut- lmilil!:u; :v:d i'.tri i,.
IlllVt' Il IMIIlliltlfil III (t. i . i : i f fut ill !.
K I' lliinil, i f (Iri'i'.nii C i.- unit In
.Mil nnikc.. Tue'-jWy, I'liii'! In III'
Mm In,
It 11 niiil 0 K Mv-ri. oil,, hnvi'
boll III llli' iMiinl iy i f l. ') l" v
Co. Ii fl Wi ilniMilay fur Niirfnlli, W,
v.. .
.Miirrlttl, ni I'luUuml, IVbniiuy ;:,
M-il'Un Zi'U-h.r. rf I'ottlun I, niul fur,,,
lilt,' S I'lmt'ii, of Mllwiitik. TIih
cniilili' ri'liiiiiiil in Milwaukee In Kin
I'VitiliiK, nml will miiliti t In-ir liniiii'
Tli .liiliim.'ii Itfiilly Co., tm 'i
liiiift (tiuii li" Snyder lliihtiv In
Kn oiinl Hhln of llitHlrri't win in Ihry
lime iTii'iiil mi (iilli.i mi Mm. l-.li-tiuiDH
property Tln-jr nr limy pro
pnii'il In Inn. II.. nil kinds of t'liy mnl
louinry propel ly.
Ah nitnii nn McmirH Hhliulli'r mnl
Kerr have lli.-lr in w IhiII.IIiik i rtrlt il.
Ilii Mllwiiil.fi' I'liiiniiiu-y will innvi'
frnin Im pri-ii'iit loruiinn In llirt Hny
iltT Imllilliiit nil. I .ii i'iiiy tin' limrr nir
tlnit of tin' IiiiIIiIIiik Tin' irnirli'itir
i'l Kit' pli irimiry IIimU Unit llm lm,.
liK In- iniw nri'iiil i Ih Inn ninnll niul
lliul n IniKiT mif In iii'ri'Httiiry (or III
riiplilly Inrrt'iiBliit; triiiln.
School Notci.
Ili-rilui Cnriii'lt, HiHh niul I "ill III i
Klilrkirlmi'krr luivi' rtliirnnl to!
ki IhhiI uli.-r it li in k iilmt in-.'.
Mm M 4 ItnliiTiB vUlft il 'with
Die i'IkIiKi mnl nliiih crmli'ii Tn
titty. Kiliiuh Kphlcll In nlini'iit on iic
rniiiil i.f n r unit Iht'k IIIiii'hh.
Kvery family here ounhl to keen
Home Illiipipsln In the Iiommo, as any
inn. of you tiuiv luivo tin attack of In
illM"stloii or Kluimicli trouble nt liny
time, day or iiIkIiI.
Thin Inn miens pr.'purnllon will ill
Ki'Ht nnyihltiK yon rut inn! overci'ine a
Hour Bionimli live in I it ut iiflerwiirilM.
If your iiiciiIk don't tempt you, or
whin little you do eat seeuiM to llli
you, or lays like n lump of lend In
your Htoimii'li, or If you have heart
burn. Hint U the hIkii of udlK"stlon.
Ask your I'liiirmiuiHt for a fiti-t'ent
rase of 1'npe's plapepHln and take one
trlauKln after supper (oiiliiht. There
will Im no sour rlsltiK. no helrhliiR of
uiiillKi'Hted fiMiil mixed with arid, no
Htntmii'li tins nr heartliurn, fullness or
heavy fts'lliiK In tho stomach, Naiicea,
Ili'lillltatlliK lleadnclieH, Illr.lness or
Intestinal trlilnK. This will all k.
and, liesliles, there will h no Hour
food left over In the stomach to poison
your breath wllh nauseous odors.
I'ape'H Dlniii'paln Ih a certain cure
for all Htoniiicli misery, hecmiBii It
will take hold of your food nml digest
It Just l ho name us If your stomach
wasn't there.
Actual, prompt relief for all your
stiiuiacli misery Is nt your 1'luirinnelst
wall Iiik for you.
These lurK 50-cent cases contain
tiiiirn ihan sufllclent to euro a ciine of
Dyspepsia or InillKeHtlnn.
Letter List.
Mst of unclnlmed letters nl tho
Ori'Kon City iioslollleo or week end
ItiK Kehrimry SB:
Mrs. May Cutaway; Mrs. Ana Io
Hay; Peat Eniet; Jntnoa Marclilmnks;
C. II. Spencer; A. Kuninuclu.
Reaaon Enthroned.
IlecauHO meats aro bo Insly they
nrn cotiBtinifld In itront excess. This
'lends lo stomach troubles, biliousness
mid constipation. Revise your dlot,
let reason and not a pampered appe
tite conl nil, then take a few doses of
Chainbertaln's Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets nnd you will soon ho well
iiKiiln. Try It. For Bnlo at Huntley
Bros. Co.
Located in the new masonic bldf. With a new clean
list of good property for sale. Large farms, small farms,
acre tracts, city property, Gladstone lots, Parkplace lots,
& etc. Come and see us if you want to buy or sell and
we will treat you fairly.
D. K. BILL & CO.
Rooms 6 and 7 , Masonic Bldg.
lillii'l Kolly win III ,yi'Mi'i'iliiy, Imt
Iiiin ri'iiiriii'il In hcIiiiiiI luilny.
Iljizi'l mnl lli'iilnli W ii 1 1 1 1 K tiMili thi'lr
lninliH (ruin Hilioiil oh limy hid iiiiivIiik
tn Kiiit'iit (Irnvn,
Mi". ,1, It, NiihIi wiin n vlitltor In
Mhui f'uiilo'H ronill Tlnil'Killiy,
Mrn. Knnrt wuh mIcU TiU'Mtlii.
WiihIiIiikIoii'k hlrlliilny wmt it hull
ilny In llm ih'lli'ht u( nil I In- rlilliln n.
A li A 'In what hi Iiiiiiwm llliullt
nitlily, ,
lli'iinlii Inill ii Kulil rlntt Wi illli'Hiliiy,
wimiliir If iyH lini" imikhki'iiii'IiI I'lni!
iti'i'iim In in" Ituhy, yon have ilnnn
n Kif.it ili'iil of lull Iiik 1 1t 1 m iiioniliii'.
Now will yon In- ijooilf
Mitiy Ki llnr, who liim Ini-n iilmi nt
HIIU'l'lll lllllll, llll'l I'l l lll'lll'll III HI'llHlll,
Mhm ICyii Hcolt, Mih, Wlinnlrli mnl
Mm, (li'oi'Kii Wi'Im-iIiiki'I' with mlli'i'i'
III iirhoi'l 1 il ut Viit'Hiiiy,
T"ru .In r Ii ni tii Inm In ni iilnii nl
(linn W'liiml til" inl wt'i'U.
Ill" I K I ' ' 1 Ki.'i'li' lii'M II I'lIniH iiit't't
liitf tu I'li'i l llii-lr i'Iiiiii ollli't'm. Tlmy
t'lt i'li'il, Mnry I'fvlti", hvmIii'I ; I
Kiir A 1 1 . vim pri ultli'iil ; Ollvlit Jolni
I'hi'i i ii(.phi..' Inr; Hiiiii lroi'li.,
lii'H'iiiii'i-: liui'ii Wnl'.li, ii.'iTiliiry;
M ini!" !ntini:M, lil'ilni Ian.
Ki'il Ki'IIit In uli'li wlili iiiiiiiili'ii.
.iit IhiwIIiik Ki ll ymir priipi rty.
OAK cnovE.
.1. A IJiii-i'l ri't'orl.'t (hut t!i" pri v.
piTlH fur m i iiivhi'i i Ii-h ililu y tn r !h
n I'lfiit il'-nl lii'llt'r limn for imiiiv
.-it i it nit. ,
Hi'. Mi'Aiiluir, nf Vi'i'miiiit, who r
t't'lil'v piM't'liaiifil 1.. I. A rti-1 iniii-'ii
liiu n ilv on tht' I'm hit nf liiillmail
lini! mnl Miit nvi'iiiif, Int. -iiihi it
"l u uti lilii I'tllt t' In our tnlil.il l,y
lh" liiu of Miiri'li. A Hui'lni' In ii
ii'fi-titliy, whlili wit lnivo I ii wiin'.
I'ltf In nur i"'iiiii'iiiili y lr n lum- tlmn.
Mi' i t; ('. Wiint'H him I'tiiiipli'ti'
til" hllltt of hlT .'! iliTt' llllilll' nt Court-ii")-
In V. J. Mr Art liur, luuilit-r of
lir. MrArthiir.
TIik muit'i-i'iiNt quarl'-r of th I It'll,
'r tiari. nlitiult-1 on tin. corn, r of
Thlnl iivt'iiuit ami tvnii'r ntrt'i'1, lum
n t lii-tii nut, l,i Ml n lifiiHi,. Ilnwt ti,
ii'i-t iiily from ( iiTiiuuiy, nml wo Imp"
On' tit'.v Iniii r will Improvi' thU priip
it v mnl nlmi liullil nlili'Wiill.M,
Horn, to tin' wiin of Mr. ('union,
wlio ori'iipli'H tin' Mt'Vfr'H prupt i'l v.-
""'ii. Mntln r mnl i lillil Imtli doltiK 'H
Tin- Oak (irnvn Itml mnl linn ("lull
llllil It MIHM-i-MMf ill iihool oil WnNllllIK'
ton' lilrlhiliiy. Tln In -it roro Im Iiik
III Ollt Of ft ItlrilH. Whll'h WIIH llllilll'
hy liiu, Miilli ii. Tin' "IiimiIiv" irl.o
wn won hy our iiiipiilnr luttrliiT, Kl- j
wiml Klutr. Our Imivh nvi-nn:"!
iiii'oiii' K'liiin of n lirnt lnit. iih wo j
littil mimn of I'.ipl littnl'K rrin k Hlii'tn;
on thul ilny Any of 1 1 1 outnlilii KiiurlH
piinlliK H cr.irk hhotH ran Hint n !
Bp.'ttly t'liliTliillinii'til with our I'iivh
hy ilioppltiK n lino lo our mptiiln,
U K AriiiHiroiiK.
Tin' colli tit 1 1 i'iiri In hi III on tlir
lop lioti'h. im our proiipt rtnr, VoinliT
iiIii'. In Mnilliii; tit ( h of this pn-fluiiK
nn'tiil i'Vitv ilny,
Tln youiiKt'Ht ilmtKhtiT "f Mr. Strt'
HOT h lnwly riroviTltu; from u -vith
iiitiirk of piii'iiiumiiii
MIhh IIi nhIi' VIkIIk. IIii llttl" iliniKli
(it of Mr nml Mm, J. (', Vlplli. In up
from it luinl utliirk of piii'iiiiionlii.
which wmi ciiiiMi tl hy a ri'liipBi of tint
itit'n"iH '
Tlin ii im hi n t of rral cit.ili' hiiIck for
llif wi't'k (iiiIIhb Ki'hriiury I'll. In Onlt
Crovc wiin $uini, Thin In llm Inn!-
The Stretch of "Blj Game" Country
Hat Widely Varlng Characteristics..
A brown vlllnito of thatched hum.
spuaitliiK In a trampled clearing of
Ihe forest, ami backed by thickest
trees so closely lnced with a livlnK
tapestry of woven croon Hint the
achliiK. tropic suiiIIkIiI can scarcely
penetrate. 811m, naked blacks slip
ping like shadows unions the broad
leaved hnumiiiH and rubber trees,
starhiK furtively us your bearers Hie
slowly past them. A lonely station,
far up or down the river, where a Iiiik
Kard whlto man sits lo receive tribute
lu the name of his tradltiK company,
marks an outpost of civilization In
this JmiKlo land. And throunh nnd
under It all Is tho fevered tlnro of
sunlight, tin. ceaseless drowsy. whisper
of the woods, tho hot dry scents of
tho parched onrth; or. If tho rains
have come, nil thn land about will lie
cloaked In steiimliiK vapor, the sultry
air as thick and humid as the air of
a Ki'ccnliDUHo at home. There you
havo thn Con-to as the whlto man
knows It tho Coiiko JiiiikIo, or the
JiiUKle. of I'Kiindn; but all this Is only
a part of what wo have chosen to
call, and to picture as the Dark; Con
tinent. For there too, Is the desert, widely
different In all Its aspects from Conso
land. On tho alopo of tho rising
ground that lifts from sea-level at
Mombasa and climbs to nenrly 8,000
feet beforo It drops HKitln to tho lesser
level of Victoria Nyanv.ii, Is another
vast wnslo as typical of Africa as
this JiiiikIo country the desert, as
It Is culled, tho plains of bush
and grass, six months of the year
from October lo April It lies half
April to September only occasional
drowned under tho tropic rains; from
showers fall, and tho wldo plateau
grills under the Blaring sunlight, all
yellowing In tho glare. Here upon
these uplands Is found tho great var
iety of big ganfo, the vast herds of
wild things that have mndo and still
ninke Africa tho greatest shooting
country In tho world. This Is British
Kast Africa as the hunter knows It.
C. B, Taylor, In tho March Evory
DeWltt's Carnalized Witch Hazel
Salvo, the original, Is good for any
thing whon a salve Is neodod and Is
especially good for plies. Sold by
Jones Drug Co.
iiit iiiiiiiImt of tiiilinfi'rH iiimlii In
lliltt iMiiniiniiiUy for hoiiid tlni".
Mm. TIioiiiiih llownll, of I'orl luinl,
wiih (nil ylflllntt l"T (IhukIikt, Mm.
(iuv Wlill", Tm H'luy.
II. In ripoii'"! llii" Mr. S'linitn I"
10 i'I'tI n nil" ri'Mlili'tnai on Courtney
iivi'iiuo, JiiHt wi'tit of Onirini'y Htntlon.
Tint Knii'innil 'I'rlhuni'it kuv tt
yt'i-y hiii 'I'l'iinful Hodiil Hntiiriliiy "V'tl
Iiik. Ki'liriiary 20, In (;i'""H'h Hull.
Mmiy tliiinliii lo llumii iri'i'iil forlli' lr
H'miiI pnti'imai!" to llm l"ilo.
.1. II. Hlnhiini IniH hlH niHlili iH'C 'ill
lilt. lini lo llm 111 nt Mlory, on iho Ul'i-
11 y trurl. Til" clllvliM urn IryltlK I'l
piiri'liini" Hi" hii'il'lliu: lr it Jail,
w-hiT'' Ih'-y will l" itlf to Iml'l Hiuni'
of i ho unruly huyw of Hi" (toiumunlty,
u,i tho l.ulhlllii; la tl iMoli" ntPI'f UP',
Th. (lull lit'ov.' Athh'lli' Clilh'K
h;i "l,''t hall li'aui wiin ili i-ii'i"l It)' til"
di'Toti City li-mii, r"liiuiii-y If-, hy
a iii iiri' of I to ii- Tin y will play n
n-liiiil nam" ut Oak tii-ov". Momluy
i i'filni.'. Mittcli I. W' hup" t'i ''i: tt
iilrrti'toi injt-iii wlnii tint vlijItniH
'nil." tu our city.
Sui'l. ty h'i,i M'l'iiii'il lo Ik' nt It"
h"l.-lit iPniiiH lh" punt w.ili. Mm
A 1 1 -1 llrowti r. iv" ii Innclnoii on Mon
ihiy f..r ,Mi:v Itohi-rt-t. mnl
I hiii-i'l.iy of la -t w t-i'k Mih. I ion. K.
V.orHi' i'lni Mi'i. llohiTts v.i-r.' t-'in utii
if In. inn' lo a ih -llnlitful luiii'li'-oii Ki v
"ii hy Mi l. .1. V. lluii-hlii.-ion nl hnr
Iiiiiiik In I ' 1 1 ' I a it ' I .
Mti. II. Kmiii'iini wan Im-li'im to u
i. ili'hl fi.l linn In on. In hulior of Ml
I . ll.i l.i-t.wti. of Iti'irolt, Slid'., on
Wt-'lin H'l.iy. of last wi't'k, Covi-ik
wi't'i' liiltl fur nl. ThoH" luvlti-il v. on-MI-.H
l'liu lit-ottti, l".i'iarii' a T r' y.
Huwli mnl lluhi-rls, mnl Maalnr Allen
(Mi M-iti'lav, i hnmry j. Mm. J.
II. Kmhk I'tit'TialniMl ih" Slinl. i-hjh Hif
''iiili. of J'nriliiii'l, in h'T honi", Th"
Miipl"H. lit llila plac". (Hi" nf th"
Hi'iiiH iif.th" ii ft rm x n wan u koIo hy
Mi'iK Cnirl" HpaulilltiK. who Iiiih r
cilvi'il Inr iiiUHliiil filin'iiilotl In Hit-
llli, ( ilTlllHliy. Mttl. ICiallM H'TVl-J
ila'uly nml ilfllcliiUH 11-fri'nhnn'iita. j
A Hit.-pil"" wiik tt'inliTi 'l Mr. nml I
Mm. ( li:iilM Hlodim on TliuiHilny
i-ynlni:. K'-hinury is. Ahu'il twenty-1
Ilv worn pi'-.flit ntiil a K"nil tlnio kv.'lrt ;
ii'p'ittt'tl. i j
Artlnir iiiiil' Ili'H'iln HuhiTts ontiT',
taitnil thlrtfiMi cf llii-lr lllil" ftl-'ioUi
to ii taffy pull on Hatunlay evenltiK, j
Ki'lii unry i'lMli, Tin1 follow Im? tti'ti'
pn'si'iit: I.loi Itlc'. K'ltm nml Mi'-!-1
liinlil ItoxH, (irnro unit Ainlry Itonn.
"hi'lhy KhnviT nml Wt-mti-ll Smith
Iuii I ltoiii'iliniiii, Kthi'l mnl KiTti lliirl,
lli.h'ii uinl Inn i'i I'lilnt'iii ami Syhll
On" of th" most ctijnyahl" i-votits
of Ih" io'iihoIi wan tlic HiirprlHt' t -n 1
t rt-il Mr. nml Mrn. II. II. Kiniiii us nt
their In antlful limiit', stntii' CiiliIi H,
in t!i" Wlliii'intU' Itivi-r, wlmn iiliniil
forty of thi'lr fil'tulH ;ath(T"il tluTe
on Snturilny I'vi'tiliii:, Ki hrunry 2(itli.
an r lokt'ii of Kialllii.li, the ioopli In
Ki'tuTitl liuvo. (or the iniiity nets of
kliiiliit'HH lion. I : tun it m h anil lita I
innhli' wlff. Iiavn ilonn for IIiIh turn
muiilty. (iinin h of vniloiia I.IiiiIh wefo
ItiilulKi'il In. Th" inn' thai m nnn'il to
bo Hi" iinift itmiiKliiK wna wlmn they
iuii:i. -il nli..i, toitiiipkkH mnl hiiiii a nil
cai'li wiih la try nml inoiiH the iirtlrlo
on th" Hllp out of fun. Mr. Ilulo
wtl! utnl MIhs nice linvlni tin- I.
Vt'i'i' n-.v.ii th'il prl.i'ii for thi'lr "ffortH.
Music mi thi i:raihuihoni' mnl reci
tations liy Mriiliiiiit'H Urown nml I'tln
ton uinl liy Kpnclnl r"ni"t Mrs. Ilixk-
A Ocadly Stream,
! According to Scraps, near the Kiver
Dluimuiie, In rem, is a most remark
ialilti death trap In the form of a yel
lowish whlto tlulil, like petroleum, lis
i sticky as birdlime. It Issues from the
bare wall of a rock on a mount.-iln
slid', ami Itssource Is tike a tiny vol
canic crater, black, bituminous and
very hot. All exploring party which
i Investigated It some years ago found
j lliiumlering In It a large skunk, which
Iliad evidently been attracted to Its
; fat" by trying to reach one of the nu
merous miserable little birds that hud
I been already caught in the warm nd
1 lieslvo bath. A gn-at number of skele
tons of birds were found on the edge
of the stream and several four leg
ged animals. Including marmots and
And Hawking, Spitting, Snuffles Must
Go Too.
Hyomel (pronounced lllgh-o-ine)
will give the sufferer from catarrh
Joyful relief In five minutes.
It IS such a remarkable cure, and
so positive In lis action, that Huntley;
Bros. Co. go so far as to guarantee
It to cure catarrh or money back.
A complete outfit, which consists of
a hard rubber pocket Inhaler, a bot
tle of Hyomel, and a uulquo dropper
for lllllng the Inhaler, only costs ono
dollar .and If an extra bottle is af
terwards needed, the prlcjo 1b only
50 cents.
Hyomel Is n heating antiseptic bal
sam, taken from the mighty eucalyp
tus trees In the health-giving forests
of Australia, where illseiiaeo f the
respiratory tract aro unknown.
ah tne sunoror has to do Is to In
halo tho antiseptic air of Hyomel over
the intlamod parts, where the germs
aro entrenched three or four times
a ilny.
It cures coughs, colds, asthma, hay
fever and croup without stomach dos
ing. Teachers' Training Class Meets At
rrcaoyienan cnurcn.
The teachers' training class met
Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the
Presbyterian church. Lohsoii No a
"From Abraham to Jacob," Mrs. D. C.
i.atourette, teacher; review lesson 1,
"The Pupil," 10 minutes, with Mrs.
Andrews as teacher.' Next Sunday's
lesson will bo conducted hv Miss
Case. All aro welcome.
Washington'! Plagus 6poti
llo In the tO'V, mnr-div i- i't.i.i, of (he
i'atomnc. the bree llmr crouiul nf
larla germs. These germs cause
chills, fever nnd nirne lilllnnoMeua
Jaundice, lassitude, weekness and gon-
urai annuity aim nring suffering or
death to thousands vearlv. tint lein.
tile Bllters never fall to dostroy them
ami cure mnieria troubles. "They
are the best all-round iimtn and cum
for malaria I ever used " verlteo n nr
James, of Lotiollon, s. C. They cure
stomach, uver, Kidney and Blood
Troubles and will prevent Typhoid.
Try them, 60c. Guarenteed by Jones
Drug Co.
THE RAIN Qet acquainted with B.
W. Molllcn & Co., Complete House
furnishers. Use their free Btable room.
inT rt'i'llcil In r pu'in on (ih koii, mnl
wiih nil I'lijoyoil viry much. A mini
hiT hciiI tliolr ri'Kri'lii, Tlioiii! iiriHi iit
will': M'-HiirH, mnl M"liiiii":, (i. I).
Iloiiriliiitin, (!. K. MurH", John ,l"iin
Iiich, Win. Mart, J. HnlowHI, K. ('.
I'liliiion, Kri'il Tnrry, V'm. Klnh-y, II. J.
llli'", II, (I'llx-rlH nml II. II. lOtmnoiiH.
Mi Kilmiii'M Wnllor llnckin'r, Win, Him",
Krnnk I'mlt, Allen Urown, ,i. .;y.
mm mnl Mi'HMrH. C. V. Morn", (.'. il' i-K-iiit,
M. Kono, Kit Malhi'WH mnl llm
MIhhi'H MiuIo mnl Miiu llnluA.jll.
Muhlii Morn", OHlii It""'), Noill" Itlc,
Haruli KmnliiKky mnl UlU" Mary jiinn
I'alliloli. Klitlmriiti! r"fn niiiimiiu wcro
!'"l V"l,
flu Moinliiy ntfiriiii'iii Hi" Mi iiIhiii"..
I'alliloli mnl ItohcrlH "in t'l'ialiii'il tin;
l.ai"H' IniltiMl rial Chili lit thn honn;
of llm foiin'-r to ft II. !!. luiichi-iiii, in
liolior of WnillllliKloN'a hill Inlay. Tlm
lioim" wiih vvy pn.'ltlly il'-i'oiali'il wllii
lliil.oi nml liiinlliu;. In Ih" ci'iiUT of
Hi" lahln wum ii cherry iron mnl the
piai" ciirilH v"i" liiii'IieiH. 'III.;
IIU'IIII wan (in follow.ii
lint loll I'.II.ll tl 111-!.-. II III ", I'l.
Illlttl'tlllU lilHCIlllH.
llmianiiH ll'-lwctii II;
I!'t lllltt'r
'.I Ihltl'T.
lilai'k Itovcrueo v.nii l;ui".y a !i-:t.
'I!l"ll' WI-II' It'll III' 111 III-1 H prii!"ll
mnl y i -ii. Morn" rn-'i.til thn prlzi.
lor Hi" hi nt. iin'Ji't.
Th" Many rl"iuln of Mt. Hiul Mm.
Win. .lacnloi will he iiilii' d I,, ,t.,,r
hi'ir 111 tin liiiiii.Mi-r liiiiut (if In III.
Wlllliiiu Mil lor, our j . j ' ;i r Kio"-:y
man. npt nt Kuinl.iy with liiu naii.'iiu
in Vaiu-'iiiviT, Wank.
"t'lH. l.'oHh, who his apoiit tt
til;iht with 1,' f il.tii;,-;,! r In Vaani
I!. ('., I:a-rri'tiiri,i'(l In hit lioine.
"IV .T, i
Me.iilmimii Itoii', Sioiumr ami -lli'.-iiilniiiu
won- h'i;,lnt',,f( visitors In I
I'nrllnilil on Moinliiy.
Ma-it'T AIIiti lirowii hiiH puri.'ln'iHi'il
a MTy film Vl'-ior Ktiiliiiofiliont..
Mm. A. I.. Kii'iiiietm uii'l clililr"n,
nf I'ortlmnl, nimin Tliurrt'lay of hint
u.-ij, vlhlllnn ut llli' Rum; lioin", mnl
'ull'i yon ol In r frh iiil i.
l-.'liH'-r lioiii-'lrnmi hjM-nt tlire" days
liiitt wei'li m Wooilh'iiii'miil Aillura.
Mi. AMi'it Urown, of tlm liuxion
l.uiiihi-r Co., Kpont Kun.lt'iy at IiIh iio:i:i'
at t It Ih place .
Mr. ami Mrn. JarylB, of Hooil Kivr,
WT" mnulK nt tlm ;. u. i:,,ar,i;im,j
I'.'ium luiil wi i k.
Mr. HlrrH'lorfi-r, of ncaviTton, Ih
ylhitlni: frionilH ut thin niaco.
Word ha 4 hooii ri ci'ivi il of tlm death
of .Mm. L'lrainl, who lln-d tnre last
"PilltK. hut tit llm tlini' of her U"J1i1ho
" Hi. I"d at Slmiiilnn, OreRirti,
Mr. Ci'orRii St wall, f Leliation.' Or.,
canm down to rot-Ham on a buslniHH
trip mnl Mopped off ni this plarc to
visit frli'tnlH.
(""ire" A. Slinver will rIvp tlt.
l.iiil"H' Cluh a parlhiineiilnry drill at
tho homo of Hurry I'aluton on VM
lifsilay I'VfiiliiK. Ki'hriiury i-tli.
Mr. C. p. Motho hat iiurctiasod tlm
five iicTna ti,IJiilnlnK ihe camp Rrounds
ami hiiH Hlnrti'il to havo It cleared.
Mr. mid Mrn. Merrltt and family, of
I'nttlatiil. spent Sunday wiih Mr. and
Mm. Hi'dimmd.
A iiiiiiiImt of x-opl" Iutu are look
ing fur frlendii from the east and we
hopi- they may Itx-ate hero, (tut hush,
ilon't nay a word uhoiit the taxes.
City Lots, Acreage and Farms
a Specialty,
P. 0. Box 213
Milwaukee, Ore.
Festival of Nations Will Be Pres
ented at Gladstone.
"Festival of Nations" will be pre
sented nt (Hailstone on Saturday eve
ning by the people of the Christian
Church. The committees are active
In preparing for the entertainment,
which nromises to be one of the most
successful entertainments given at
that plnce. Hoot ha of different na
tions, where articles will bo sold, hy
ladles dressed accortllnclv will he
one of the most attractive features of
the evening. A genuine Indian has
been procured by the ladles In charge,
who will dross as a warrior, and will
he In charge of tho Indian booth, A
musical and literary programme will
be given.
A Common Cold.
We claim that if catching cold could
ho avoided some of the most danger
ous and fatal diseases would never be
heard of. A cold often forms a cul
ture bed for germs of Infectious dis
eases. Consumption, pueuiuonla, diph
theria anr scarlet fever, four of the
most dangerous and fnt.il Hloenoea
aro of this class. The culture bed
rormed by the cold favors the devel
opment of tho germs of these diseases
that would not otherwise find lodg
ment. There is little danger, how
ever, of any of these diseases being
contracted when a eood Mneetornnt
Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out
ttiese culture beds tnat favor the dev
elopment of the germs of these dis
eases. That Is why this remedy has
proved so universally successful in
preventing pneumonia. It not only
cures vour cold nuleklv. lint minim.
Ires the risk of contracting these
dangerous diseases. For sale by
Huutley Bros. Co.
Money to Loan.
$1,000, $000, $300, and other sums to
loan on real estate. Lowest rates.
C. H. Dye, CO! Main St.
Keep your expenses down. We have
devoted all our energy of how to
sell tho best Groceries for the least
money ayd we are doing It. You are
certain to get what you want here at
the right prices.
Harris' Grocery
8th and Main Streets
coughs KING OF CURES colds
! i ii mi iii nun mraoBrnm
I had the mont debnitatln? cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and myfriendi expected that
when I loft 1717 bod it would surely be for my crave. Our doctor pronounced my cass incurable,
but thanks be to Cod, four bottles of Dr. nine's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and well MRS. EVA UHCAPHERJ Grovertown, Ind.
Estcicadd cind Eastern Clackamas
' In tin; ease of J. Woodward VK .lolin i
j V.'. ItoiiKliner, wlileli wan trl"(l In tlie '
Mint lee eotirt TueMlay, tin? defendant i
'wni found not Riillty. Mr. ISmiKhner j
iwaK eliarneil by J. Woodward with!
in -unit, ii cd battery. The unite culled;
1 .1 i..:...! d-V... t..-Jtlll...l t,. tl.n lu,-t i
I"" . " 7 , V
ealln! I,y tho plaintiff, who testified
i that In- did not. nee the assault. The:'," , . V C , n ', 1 coluninB of your paper that he had
defendant leKtifled that the ald j " ""ancted b..sines In Ponlan.1 , hl;re sil,ct. ...Mt. Hoori wa8 ,
Windward had taken the shoe Btrlngs " ..lhr nf ,!nnrvMK ... i Y',j in tne K"'""'!-" When seen Tat-
! out of a pair of his sIkk-h and nut! ?. T of M"nr''!a 'T'" remarked that the "hole wan
then, in Ii h own. When' he accused "n ' p BI"' ;r-n""e " "-1 Pretty well filled up now." To II
him of -akin them, the plaintiff de- ( '"L": ""n- h' urdy character I have
nM the chaw and qimm ""!' to wjr that in the early 60s a
r.sult. It 1 also Mated that Wood- ? Sn. ' j'hl ' ' T n,v i- Pother came to the carral of
i.i, ... ,i..r..,i.,... n,w. Un,i i,n! J""11-'' -Mrs- Spu:l!u of Hood fther. Horace Daker and killed a cnlf lind
ui.. to. i.i.T u. ....... . -...-
L u ....in,... ... ... ..!
, . . , i .t, Viw ,.;-. ik7
..- ...... ,U.UU .......
..V..... ...-I...... ..... iV.,. !..,,.,. .,,.,1 ...l..,
V L r ,"T "
.... .... ...... ..... ... --"
mih noil (mi me biiiiii.i uuen i.tio uic
shoes after being requested to do so
by the defendant. Mr. Forbes also
stated that on several occasions the
plaintiff had made threats against the
lil" of the defendant and that he had
seen til tu with a revolver In his pock
el. Mr. Forbes had told him to put
up the revolver or there would be
trouble. Mr. Swansoti was called and
he testified that Wooitward had mad"
throat sjo him, saying that he would
shoot ' and poison him. The court
found Mr. Broughner not guilty and
lectured the prosecuting witnesses
very severely.
William Wilcox Is very ill with
pneumonia at Garfield.
The Garfield grange will hold their
next meeting Saturday, February 2".
The election of an executive com
mltttee will take place at this meet
ing, also a number of Initiations will
be made.
Mrs. F. M. GUI Is spending the
week with her father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. William Dale.
O. II. Shock, who has been 111 for
some time, has recovered sufficiently
to enable him to be about the street
Mrs. Joseph Pinkley is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hoare of
Last Saturday evening a quartette
of Civil War veterians, gave a music
al entertainment at the church. They
also sang In the choir Sunday morn
Baker's Bridge, Ore., Feb. 20 1909
Kditor Enterprise:
The year Just closed has been quite
an eventful one for this vicinity and
we can bid good bye to the old year
with a reeling that It certainly has
been good to us. We are so near the
great metropolis and your thriving
little town that we naturally share the
prosperity of both. Many substantial
Improvements have been made and
among them we notice that Walker
Mundhenke has built a new substan
tial barn, slashed some land and other
Important improvements made. Frank
Haberlach has been putting things in
order too on his place, clearing land
and has fixed up a neat little cottage
home that Is a credit to the community-.
He has a choice piece of bottom
land and Is one of the leading market
gardeners of the county. He has late
ly Becured an "assistant cook" for
his wife, In the person of a big girl
baby that arrived not long since.
Long may she live and prosper and
comfort her newly found home. A
new and substantial school house has
been built In district No. 9 and shows
very plainly that the people are inter
ested In education. Antone Heinrick
has been keeping pace with the times
too and has added some substantial
Improvements to his place In the way
of clearing land and fixing fences etc.
J. W. Bennett too. our old time neigh
bor and friend, has added some neces
sary improvements to the old home.
There are many new comers In this
section whose names we cannot
give you but they are worthy of men
tion for they are dally adding to the
value of this vicinity and land is get
ting pretty high priced $5,500 being
paid for 15 acres not long since. P.
DeShlelds has added a new and cosy
kitchen to his house and fixed ud the
out buildings In a neat and substan
tial manner. Walter Wilson built a
new home on his place last summer,
hut some newcomer has bought the
place and whose name we have not
Traveling easterly on the road wo
pnss a number of strangers to the
writer, but each and all are doing
tliolr part for the upbuilding of Clack
amas county and this community and
we giauiy welcome any and all stran
gers who are looking for homes. Jas.
uacliman is known to many of yom
readers, but let me say that he Is
one of the best market gardeners in
the county and he has made as many
substantial Improvements to his place
as any one I know. He holds a gold
medal from Lewis and Clark Fair for
the best exhibit of onion seed and we
are proud to have such men in our
Michael Helmrlch too is blocking
out a nice home in the woods and
what use to be the thickest kind of
woods is fast growing into prairie un
1 i AHD
lone of those sturdy pioneer who
, , ,ihepfid blazi) the way to On-non In
wrK Fti'HU vlMted In Portland wa() l)()rn , Rock.brIlll5
with frlcniU Saturday and onmlay. ,..,. vin.ii.ia ik.u. kit, in-.i
i!e returned Monday.
., ,
Ill" t,l.lliKe nonce m. r.nm-; ',ii.-
ft.'.turilay eyenlng was attended !,' a
munher of youm? peop.e from hma-
raila. Amoni; those present wert-:
a:nt..y ir..;me.. uni r.-..y, iwj - .o. -
""' noy Gilbert,
. v Tt fj r t,...,,.'l om.i tl-lll
I , ' u-v-",," '',''r once Bald of him thronsli the
,,,. ,,,,.. ,rr ,,. ,,., .,.!, ci,,.
: L"
u... " ' r-
IttrrtuI li itif H-.mn Mnnav
i turned to her home Monday.
.... ' ..W..W
Mrs Nellie Neas of Grants Pass
I -H-.
Wsited with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Howe
iast wppit.
Mrs. W. F. Cary and Miss Mnry j dog of Mr Hatun soon treed the pan
Da! are taking In the millinery open-;, hor a short distance away. The
in p in the Portland wholesale houses rishman slezed a couple of Btones
this week. and rushed off toward the panther.
.'iia. r. riue uiin nine son,
"Toddy," visited in Portland last Wed
nesday and also In Montavilla with
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Shultz.
F. T. Gartner, of Portland, has ac
cepted a position In the State Bank
of Estacada, and expects to move
his family out here soon.
The saw mill owners in this vicin
ity are getting very busy: some are
moving to new sites and others are
running at full speed.
The Johauson Lumber Co., pur
chased three large horses last week
and the Firwood Lumber Co., passed
through Kelso lately with two fine
new teams.
Antone Tabs Is hauling ties with
his fine team he got last week.
Victor Johnson and Joel Jarl each
sold a Jersey cow this week.
We are having lively times at the
Debate every Saturday evening. The
subject for February 27 is "Resolved,
There is more pleasure In pursuit
than possession." Joel Jarl and Mr.
Spooner are leaders.
A large number here attended lha
day and night sessions of the Farm
ers' Institute at Sandy Monday. Prof.
Withycombe. Bradley and Lewis each
gave a fine lecture.
der his hands. He too Is a success
ful gardener and he has a few choice
walnut trees that are bearing choice
Theo. Schmale died some time ago
but his wife and children carry on
the place as of yore and everything
about the place bears evidence of
Our pioneer friend, A. W. Cooke,
has one of the neatest and cosiest
little homes In the county, and I
have only to say that he wouldn't
take less than $12,000 for his 40 acre
tract to show you that he has a home
worth mentioning.
Back toward home our neighbor and
friend J. A. Byers has another home
that reflects credit on himself and
family and one of which he may just
ly reel proud. He Is gardening some,
but frult-ralsltig principally and I need
not say that he is very successful.
Den Griffin has a little home east
of the Byers place that will soon be
as neat and cosy as any under his
hands. He has lately added a
windmill to hU equipment and is
bountifully supplied with the finest
Grant Mumpower Is one of the lead
ing market gardeners of the county
and has a piece of cholse bottom
land that Is peculiarly fitted for his
vocation. He has just bought a gas
oline engine to irrigate his land dur
ing dry times in summer. Just at
present the engine is idle as ir
rigation Js not needed. At some
future time I'll try to tell your read
ers more about other successful farm
ers .here but to do so in this would
make it too lengthy .Principal com
plaint, just now, seems to be the high
taxes we are having to pay. When
Clackamas county pays a sum ap
proaching a half million dollars It
seems pertinent to Inquire what i3
being done with it. Nothing has been
done on the Clackamas river road
and there is nothing spent out here
to speak of and the county is fast
running behind. What we are to do
I'm sure I don't know. I
Farms, City and Suburban Property, Lots and Business
Chances for Sale or Trade.
Will Treat You Right
end $1.00
Our ol'l friend a nil pioneer, Mark
Hattan. di"l K'nhnmry 1 Ith. He wan
and was upwards of Si years old.
,,,, j , nrwnn In Kr. I.., I
w)(.n he reacRf.,, th(J .Mlssour, riv.t.r
t was t(JI) ,ate an(, as a, ll((J lm.
, mls:ranU WPro gm he and ,hc oth,r8
, rt;f:iain,,( , Mssmiri till the follow-
1 1
im. sinriii'. when tl.--v r:imn t.n Tht.
I - ' " - 1
7 : . . - :
carried It away a short distance and
: Durieu it. il. llattan was sent for
an(l n and lr IJakf.r an(l 3 IriBh.
man working for Mr. Baker were
i soon on the scene of Action The
When called and asked what he was
suing to do he replied, "Be Jabera
I'm going to kill the baste." A little
later he came rushing back In great
haste exclaiming, "For God's sake
don't go out there! He's as big as a
horse! He'll ate yez up!"
It is needless to say, however, that
they went over and killed the panther.
The stuffed skin of this panther was
on 'exhibition In a saloon In Oregon
City for many years.
Will write more later but a.u veiy
busy at present.
This Is the case with many Oregon
City people.
Too many Oregon City citizens ars
l.andicapptd with a bad back. Tbq
unceasing pain causes constant mis
ery making work a burden and ttoop
Ing or lifting an lmposi'bilify. Tho
back aches at night, preventing re
freshing rest and in the morning is
stiff and lame. Plasters and lini
ments may give relief hit', cannot
reach the cause. To eliminate, the
pains you must cure the kidueys!
Doans kidney pills cure sick kid
neys and cure them perraurentl Can
you doubt Oregon City evidence"
W. M. Stone, a weli-knjwn resident
of Oregon City, Oregon, says: I have
been greatly benillted by the use of
two boxes of Doans Kidney pills. My
troubles were occasional dizzy spells
arc too freq-unt jissdros of The kid
ney secretion. I had to get up often
at night on account of the latter an
noyance, also suffered at times from
attacks of back ache. Having found
I such great relief throusn the use of
uoan s Kidney Pills I do not hesitate
to recommend them."
For sale by all dealat-3. Pi Ice SO
cents. Foster-Milbern Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents tor the United
Remember the name Doaa's end
take no other.
ML Pleasant Civic Improvement
Club Gives Supper.
The supper served by the Mount
Pleasant Civic Improvement Club
at the Mount Pleasant School house
Monday night was a very sucessful
arfair. The net porceeds of the sup
per amounted to $18.40, which will
be applied to the building fund. The
supper -was in charge of Mrs. A. E
King, S. O. Dillman and T. C. Thomas!
The ladies of the organization, who
have established a reputation for
themselves as experts in the culinary
line, served a bountiful spread.
The assembly hall where the af
fair took place, was appropriately
decorated with flags and bunting
The picture of George Washington was
decorated in the National colors.
In the center of the rnom ...
a beautiful centerpiece of flags. The
mom was eiaoorately festooned with
bunting. After the supper was served
the remainder of the evening was
spent in music and social intercourse.
The Crime Of Idls
Idleness means trouble for any one.
its the same with a lazy liver. It
causes constipation, headache, jaun- '
dice, sallow complexion, pimp.ei' and
blotches, loss of appetite, nausoa but
Dr. King's New Life Pills soon ban
ish liver troubles and build up your
ucouu. zoc. at jones Drug Co.