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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
S OREGON CITY KNTKlilMUSK. FKI1UY, VKIUJUAKV L'U. 1!H!. E Tlio Kind You ILtvo Always Bought, and which has boon In uso for over SO years, lias borno the pisnntvtro of and has bn inmlo under his por- !. sonal supervision, since Us infancy. CiUcA-ti Allowno nnn tmloooiv.i vou in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations nud"Just-ns-pod"nre but Experiments that triHo with and ciulniifrcr tlio hoalth of Infants and Children Experience against Kxperhuimt. What is CASTORIA Cootoria is ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops and Soothing1 Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xa rootle euhstanee. Its njro is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FercrUshness. It cures Dlarrluivi and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and liowcls, pivinj healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. mother .Attended clmrvh Sunday ev i'iiiiKi iiiul returned to Portland Mon day. Mi'. Waehlte rnviielied it very In structive sermon upon tlio pnrnblo of the woninn who lnul ton pierce of silver, to an attentive liouse. Wo notioo as wo onmo down tlio rend that Mr. Uiitfe, assisted liy ,U son ,1o!m, who Ms homo tor few tins l:st week, was put dm; u liune hoard wtlli bis lot tors tiiimliiir tlio place, "The Pioneer Farm." mid own er's name above. It Is a very Rood plan and wo hope others will do die same. Washington's birthday was duly cel ebrated on Monday by the school', and no mull. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Solium K,,ont ,m evening at Mr. Case's last week. Yon s llallliraith, an enlerprlslns yontis buteher from Tnalailn, niuU.s resnlar rounds through Stafford and vicinity every Wednesday, and briuss very civul meat. Mr. Nnssbauin Is ciittlns nmd for himself and lneldenlallv elearlns more land. Mr. Nusshiuini and family neeom- panted by Mi-s. Ilrlnk. spent Sunday with the family of a friend on Clack amas Height. GREENWOOD, TMC CKNT.UH MIH.T, TT HUltltAY BTWKCT. MCW YOH CIV. m. ii iw mu huhijii iw jiii ii i mm wu w iwi m tumm ' 1 iwi J n. ......... -................ J NEWS OF THE COUNTY O ,.. ....... 4. .......... ..0 MOLALLA. Molalla Is being worked up over the railroad question as she never was before, all sorts of ideas, as w rail road building, are indulged in. It's right down to the spot now that it takes nerve to take a stand. Many- can not find and more objections to the means of building, but they pre fer for the other fellow to make all the venture, and by and by when the enterprise becomes an assured thing they will calmly, in the coolness of the evening quiet their nerves, and sell out some of their possessions at a big profit, quietly scratching their heads with the thought, how conserva tive and wise they have been not to foolishly throw away any thing when there are people in the community that set their nerve and purse to these important things: Mrs. Minnie Gray, of Wasco coun ty, niece of Arthur Kayler, is visiting relatives about Molalla and will prob ably keep house for Mr. Kayler for a while. C. H. B. Thfmas. who has been out to Oak Point Farm for a few weeks returned to Portland Mondav, where he is engaged in the real estate busi ness. His health is much improved and he thinks with the coming good weather of spring he will be able to handle the homeseekers from the east all right. Mrs. E. K. Dart has returned from Stone where she was attending her father's last illness. She has been in poor health since. We hope to say soon that she is well again. Molalla Commercial Club held a very interesting meeting last Friday night. Taylor. Des Shume and Thomas, of ortland, were the visit ing guests. Several papers on the resources of the Molalla Valley were read by members. Several new mem bers were added to the membership roll. Every man In the community should attach himself to this organization. Molalla Grange No. 310, will hold a very important meeting next Satur day. Twenty members are to be ad ded to the roll. BEAVER LAKE. Miss Dora Wyland and Anna Wade were visiting friends at Scott's Mills Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. S. Davis is spending this week utth her son near Wilholt. Kay Wyland is tniprouiing quite a bit on his new ranch. Mrs. Dan Groshotig has been quite sick tins week. Frank Haun, one of our neighbors. is about to sell out and go to Cali fornia. Some of Mrs. Shawl's relatives have come from Canada to live with her as she is a very old lady. .Miss Myrtle Wyland of Wilholt, Is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed- wad Wyland. of Marquam. We are very sorry that Mrs Pit man is worse again. BEAVER CREEK. Rain, rain, is the order of , the day. The young people's meeting at the P) o'clock church is quite a success and would like to see all who can, come and join our meeting. Miss Inas Snodgrass is the guest of Misses Kate Snodgrass and Blodwen Thomas. Phillip Stelner was over to How ard's flour mill one day last week. The Beaver Creek school will give an entertainment and basket social at the Beaver Creek Hall, Februay 27th. Girls, bring baskets and the bovs are always willing to do their parts. Laura Pary has gone to Portland to work. Minnie Smith is home from Port land on a visit. FIRWOOD. TEAZEL CREEK. Rev. Quinn and wife visited at Mo lalla last Sunday. The sick of our neighborhood are all improving. Let us hope the nice weather will last, that al may be able to be seen out soon. Wm. Melton made a flying trip to Oregon City last week visiting hi son Fran':. Mrs,. Joe Simons is very poorly again, not being able to be up, but a few minutes at a time. - Several of the Teazel Creek school children have been afflicted with sore eyes. Cascasweet Is for banks and child ren, and is especially good fo.- the ills so common u o!d wi-r.thcr. Jjm.k for the ingredients on the bottle Con tains ro naimfil -Vug. s. H by Jones Drug Co. The Farmers' Institute bv far sur passed a!l our expectations, both in the amount of valuable information derived therefrom, and in the great merest which our farmers and dalrj'- men showed In the meetings by their questions and absorved attention to everything that was said. The speak ers were introduced by A. C. Millinor, of Firwood Progressive Association. James Withycombe spoke first on general agriculture. He spoke very highly of this country as a fruit, gar den truck and dairying district. Pro fessor C. E. Bradley then spoke on the chemistry of the soil, which was followed by an enthusiastic discussion on the plants adapted to our soil and the fertiiizers required to keep it in good condition. He also looked at some samples of soil brought him and pronounced it very excellent. He had some samples sent to Corvallis and will analyze them and In the near fu ture will send a report to us, and place the samples In the slate collection of soils. Mr. William Schulmerich, of Wash ington County, and George Wolf, of Dover, talked of their respective dairy ranches, and gave us a great many valuable poins. An interesting discussion followed In which it was brought out that vetch and kale were the best and cheapest dairy feeds for this country. Professor C. I. Lwis told us a great many things about or chards which will be of great value to those who follow out his sugges tions. In the evening we received a lew short talks on the Grange by Mr. Mrs. Herbert Wilson, of Portland, who has been visiting wlih her brother-in-law, W. IV .lacks, for the past month, has (tone to visit her aunt at Lafayette, after which she will go to I'tah to spend the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Allen made a business trlp'to Canity Wednesday. Mr. I. Morgan has just returned from a visit of several days, with his folks in Portland. On Monday evening, at the Central Point Church, a gitod magic lantern entertainment was given by the min ister, for the bi-nelit of the Methodist Mission in India. The pictures and lecture wore very Interesting and In structive. There was n dance at the home of Mrs. Penman on Saturday evening. ELLIOTT PRAIRIE. The weather has boon hindering every body from beginlng their spring work. William Todd Is home on a ten dav furlough. He will return to the Bremerton Naval Yard. Ills advent In the neighborhood was a pleasant surprise as he has been In foreign waters for four years. -Dan Luis has recovered from his Illness and Is now home. Nixon Hlnlr Is quite sick this week. Russell Chase is home for a few days, he has been cutting wood. Mrs. Sehnlde has recently been In Portland having her eyes attended to by a specialist In that city. Mrs. Choate was united In mar riage to a citizen of Washington bv Judge Samson. George Leffler called on Miss Plair Sunday evening. Newton Stanton and famllv called on Mrs. Todd Saturday. i Frances Yoder a high school In structor in Woodburn was home on Washington's birthday. Lydia Lais Is home from Newport for a few days. menial music, llaiel 8.; recitation, "How to be n Gentleman." Martin 1..; recitation. "Tnigody of ten little boys," selected; dialogue, "Hold Clerk." selected: recitation, "Going for the Doctor," Henrietta Trouo; recitation. "Curious Coutinsl." Rob ert ti.; dialogue, " rim Clover Seed In City." selected; recitation, 'Dutch man's Day," Frank Kherhart ; recita tion, "Valedictory," Nellie Xlustavl son. The baskets brought something over $ 10. Mr. Adamson has broimht his wife homo from the hospital. She stood the rhle well, Miss Cit'bortson Is trying lo organ Uo a singing class at Suuiiysldo. Mr Stanton has set bis three Incii halois. Mr. Sodorbors has nlso set his. Many of the old settlors will he pained to hear of the death of John Johnson at the hospital tn Portland Monday night, Some of the doctors culled It pneumonia, others wore of conflicting opinion, y Mr Ostorbnok has sold 2tl acres of his place, and was having papers inndo inn .-,s( week. All ho ready with their bells next week. SNUB EL, MULINO. The Mnllno shingle mill marled up iiitaln last Wednesday, School opened again last Monday with Miss Mlolioncf, or Portland, lis lonelier. The telephone lino has been giving a good deal of trouble lately, but Is working heller nt present. Mr. Lee took it trip over Into Clark County hist week to look for a locu tion for a homo. The MiiIIiio boys have secured BmuiiiiIm or Mr. Smith for u tuiHohall diamond and I suppose will soon bo plat lug ball again. It Is to bo hoped thai they will not crlpplo anyone (his summer. The village blacksmith lots got tired of batching and Is hoarding at Mr. Crook's, A genuine Hiirprlae parly was ten dered Mia. John AIMns at her pleas ant home on February ;i There wore about thirty present and an en joyable evening was spent. W ill Wallace lelt last Monday ior Kasteru Oregon, where ho will work the coining summer, X.i'r .. --i'.J v i :, CLACKAMAS. 11 Rev. Schauror. presiding elder of the Evangelical church of this dis trict, preached in the Shllhel church Sundav afternoon. William Hettninn purchased seven head of cattle fiom Mr. thiol, of Chirks nt bargain sale price. Mr. and Mrs. Oss of Portland, are spending a few days with his father-in-law. K W. Hornscliuh. The mill boys at William Moebuke's saw- mill have their commodious res hleiice completed and they now In vl'e their many friends to call and spend an occasional evening John Heft continues to blow the sunups to with dynamite. Henry llettman has moved his en gine and saw to Highland anil Is clearing land with It for his brother. Fred. . The Shllhel School Debating Sof' etv debated the niiestion ltesnlve.1 That bees are more profitable than ln-;l nunluy II. Holcoiuli is pulling up a line wire fence iilound his premises, J. Il, Johnson recently sold his live acres of land west or town to a Mr. Leach, who with his family lately ar rived from the Fast, For the pres ent. Mr Leach and his family will occupy one of the Chapman cotlngen. 1 ho ciileitalnineiit given bv (lie Clackamas Grange last Friday even lug Was very enjoyable. The attend anco was gooil rousiderlng the bad weather. Net receipts Were JI'J.Sil. Mr Uiihain's ikatlng rink Is well patronl.'od. A masquerade w as git on last Monday evening. The Unites' AM of (he M F. chinch was oiiliTtalned last Wednesday lit the homo of Mis. UiiiKcnhcrg. A New England dinner was served, Mrs. Man K Mills, of Montavllla. was the guest or Mrs. Leo Harrington last week. The grip Is quite prevalent III this locality especially among the school cllll.llell. hespii'lul school meeting was held afternoon us llilter- i' ( ! i ' u ::. ' V?.1t i I m I ! M mI j vx. X . .e 1 f n ';:' Ji fl iv ! It N- .', j.'v to-day si We nrc l! c I'Mit ami Int knotvn miictly v!l"V.'!ii hull i: i.t the Neilhttcil. 1 or -II M'.n i mill, Iimiiislv III huiiu- ri,;ht htw in l'liiidind. i- hid now inul.init rndnnl i!i pitrtiue. Ill llltl I'UM'ilIc Vtl'n'c 1 1 1 1 Ml! U'lllhlc III uri'hnr.i C Kl.'S u m oiii to i II ihrrtt mitt 'l ive )i u i i.i-icv, INn i. lore d.inj:er el i illid liotilea. Ni more il iiii.i.r nl not i;jiiiiiii tho rcul liiii)(. y uctiol rnliovAii finnu dlliik iitf ft Pure- o'd--!ien. -,t vvliiM.iv hnilli-d by I ho !i-n !l r .. r.n-iy u'"V (linn untied, lu-piiic el mi)1 h.tnV ui liutt I'liuipnny in Ori'ivit u t-i our t.nuliMf. W. J VAN' .SCI lUVVlVIl .V CO. I OIIUI HV Ml f.IU'r. II' 4 lev Hi v,.. Si , 'iU,. fw 1 1 " ' Mli t.l II W. J. Vn Ik-i uttir & tu., rui OifiM l-.lMhl rkM 11 1 1 U41U pUMa m.J w IM v,L,1C,ht i.1 KUk Nolll fc. NM ,, .. , I'M Klm .... .. along nicely under the rare of Dr. Walleiis. There Is Home talk of a drama mid social to bo given soon, Co ahead, we're nil ready for II big basket, l H peolsilly if there Is plenty of fried I'hli'kell 111 It. Ceotgi- Held Is hunting that pretty We chickens last Friday afternoon. The ,ls,''. It was decided to re consider girl w ho sent him a valeiiiliiii question had to be rontlnued until ' y"' action of the prcvloin meeting, wish him siieees. next Tuesday after debating fori""' motion carried to build a four- Fsnvrada telephone people seeui to REDLAND. Mrs. McMlnt s Is on the sick list. Miss Anna Mumpower. who has been working for Mrs. J. Hughes, has accepteil a position In the Pacific States Telephone office at Oregon Citv. Messrs. O. O. Rank and F. M. Mam- en. formerly of Marsheltown. Iowa, have bought the Acker rami and moved there last January. Charles Hooper has bought a quar ter section of land in Alberta, where he went a week or so ago, for $r12. He will move his family there this spring. All had an exciting time nt rir Grtve school at the spelling contest, last Friday eve. Miss Hazel Kerr and Donald Allen, pupils of the srhool, did not miss a word out of 73.1. Need less to say the school children thing it great that they could down the married folks In spelling. CLARKES. F. liaurer. from Colton, visited Mr. Kern last Sunday. Mr. Pottemlller's family has me grip at present. Mr. Schernible cieanea o;u uiu other day, to sow. J. Putz visited Mr. Uottemilier a last Sunday afternoon. W. H. Wettlaufer has purcnaseii a new stump-puller. Mr. Shepard Is done plowing on the Klnzy place. There are a few farms for sale In Clarkes. There are a few cases of sickness in the country at present. We had a hard winter this time and they all wish for a change soon. nearly two hours. The pupils me in coming skillful In debate and p mil ch' nt In language Robert Clnther hns resigned bis po sh Ion as teacher here and accepted a like position In the Clarkes school at an Increase of $ir, a month In sal ary Mr. C.lnther will have more work to do of course, but he has become ac customed to hard labor. The Shuhol Debating Society met In the school house Inst night and de hated the question. Resolved. That the proposed Sunday rest hill should become a law." After ntt Interesting discussion It was decided In favor of the negative. The quarterly conference of the Rvangellcnl Church was held nt the home of C. Hortisehuh this morning ti. A. Shiibel Is busy hauling hav to town. When the clerk Is Hiking the school census. It Is only common sense when he iisi-s the telephone to call up a patron and ascertain the number of rniiuren or school age he has. If a man will lie over the telephone he will do the same if the clerk Is in his house. The assertion that the school setisus of this district has not I n taken during the past five venrs Is as untrue as It Is silly. Your cor respondent challenges any one to name one child In the district not enu merated while he was school clerk. Most of us are gifted with common sense at least, let us hoM room, ttvosiorv school house with I be oil tln lr 'high horse " ncalii. concrete tw.M-mont. The matter of laisltig bonds for funding purposes. I MOUNTAIN VIEW, advertising for bids, etc., was put In j i . . . . i...i. 1 1.1....1 ....i .. if.. ri'oiiv -Xi'ii'iif,' nun mill- to the hands of the school hoard act lug with the County Superintendent. The Uullis' Aid or the Congieg.i tlonal church will give un entertain ment In the grange hall Saturday ev ening, March ft. Admittance to the programme, adults, is cents; child ren, III cents; under S years, free. Lunch of cake, codec and sandwiches will be served after the programme. I'rlre 0 cents. SPRINGW ATER. Spring plowing nearly done. Howard Smith cut his hand quite badly with na axe. He Is getting EAGLE CREEK. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. Telephone meeting at Damascus Wednesday commencing at lb A. M. fieorge Johnson's folks are much better of their colds and are able to get out to the entertainment and basket social which was a gn at sun cess, and the school house was crowd ed. One drawback, however, wns the lack of seats, quite a number having to stand the entire evening; but we hope to have more seats next lime. The following programme was well rendered: Recitation, "Something Hotter," Eva Gust; recitation, "A Small Hoy," Otto Moritz; recitation, "Little Hoy's Dream," Albert Troge; dialogue, se lected, "John Haste and Peter Quiet Coffee Always uniform our best product sold in 1 lb., 2 lb., 2 lb. and S lb. cans. Your CTOcer will crlnd It better if ground at home not too fin ft. 1 Chadwlck, of Damascus, and others, recitation, "An Anxious Mother,' men a snort programme and two ster eoptieon lectures by James Withy combe and Professor C. I. Lewis, with which everybody was very well pleas ed. On Saturday night, March fith, there will be a debate at Firwood Hall "Resolved that Firwood has greater advantages as a fruit country than Hood River." He sure and be there. If you can't tell us something, whv come and hear what the others say.' STAFFORD. Just at present we are enjoying beautiful weather Snr.iiu -,n,i vi.. 3 day of fids wwk without rain H ! r, Mr' A"rnl """' thrf;,; daughters at eB.j me misses Josephine, Dollie and Lydia, all employed in Portland and are out home for the holiday All of them, accompanied by their JOHN W. THOMAS, DENTIST. Molalla Mondays. Clara Btoll; song, "School Days," by the school; recitation, "Little Law cob Straus," Walter Moritz; recita tion, "Outside and In," Nellie fi., se lected; recitation, "Heeause," Rae Hubbard; recitation "Hickory NuU," ydand Johnson; recitation, "We Are Seven," Clara Moritz; dialogue. "How to Keep a Oood Resolve," selected; recitation, "Mrs. Foggertie's Cake," Hazel Stradley; recitation, "The Run away," Frank Kherhart; recitation, "Sisters Ilest. Feller," Richard llir ricl; dialogue, "A Matrimonial Ad," selected; recitation, "How lin-r Rab bit Lost His Tall," Martin Lehman; n citation, "The Dredful Hoy," Karle Johnson; recitation, "Love Lightens iibor," Elva DeardorfT; recitation, "The Coming Rulers," Ivan Ilnnan; recitation, "Sue and Her Kimono," Hilda Htoll ; dialogue, "Wonderful Eggs," selected; recitation, "Who Is She?" Lester Newell; recitation , "The Bad Hoy's Bravery," Stockton Paul son; song, "Then I'll Marry You," Clara Stoll; tableaux, "Three Angels," selected; recitation, "The (Jrecdy Fox," Adolph ; dialogue, "Sailing," selected; recitation, "When I'm a Woman," seven girls; lustru- We have enjoyed some quite fine weather the past two or three days. Will Douglass nnd his father went Ashing one day last week nnd caught a fine salmon. A. 1). Chapman, of Pendleton, hns been visiting with his sister. Mrs. R. R. filhson, and relatives for the past few days. ' Miss llina Douglass, accompanied by her father, attended the enter tainment and basket social given nt Firwood Saturday evening. They re ported a fine time. Miss Elsie Hutz went to Portland, Friday evening and spent Saturday. Sunday and Monday with her parents. She returned to Eagle Creek Monday evening to resume her duties as school teacher. Mr. Charles Murphy was pleasantly surprised last Thursday by some of his neighbors in honor of his 501 h birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Howlett, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Woodle, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark, Claud Woodle, Murray Clark and Joey Woodle. Ray Woodle made a business trip to Kstacada last Saturday. Isaac Gordon, of Ilarton, passed through this neighborhood the other ly on his way to the Sell wood Lum ber Co.'s mill. Walter Douglass and his brother-in-law, J. If. Whipple, of The Dalles, ar rived m the home of Walter's pnrenls, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Douglass, Sun day evening. Walter Intends to build a barn anil In the near future move his family back to Webfoot. Mrs, Victor Ilerg called on Mrs. Lydia Woodle Sunday. H, F. Gibson, of Ilarton, was on the hill Sunday, calling on relatives, Henry Udell made a business visit to Ilarton on Monday. Dick Gibson hauled some rock down to H. F. Gibson's small farm, hereto fore known as the Murphy place. II. F. Is going to erect a house on the place soon. Mr. Ijizarns moved his phone from the office to the cook house on Mon day, so now It will not he so difficult to make them hear when one phones to them. J. P. Woodle Is papering Mr. Row- cliffs house. W. J. Douglass, A. I). Countryman, Walter Douglass and J. II. Whipple paid a -visit to the Sellwood, Lumber Co. s mill on Monday. Roy Douglass made a business trip to Canon the first of the week. Miss Myrtle Voodle returned to Portland Tuesday morning after spending a few nays at home. Report of School District No. 50. Those neither absent no tardy for the last month: I;wls Rivers, Roy Douglass, Malcolm Woodle, Carl Douglass, Russell Jones, Joe Cahlll, Ernest Iloffmeister, Armeda Murphy, Mary Woodle, Ernest Palfrey, Willie HofTinelster, Perry Murphy, Myrtle Hoffmeister, Mary Palfrey, Iva Udell. MISS ELSIE HATZ, Teacher. J CT-v Ami mj 6010103 JO6 UU1J06 AisJAJ 3JD11MJ3A oTjf t IsoBuoi eji'OM II osnojoq puo oqi u Kodootp 0011131110? am iv aiqpuoiiuoa ls-oui ha vi rented Mr. Marrow' house on Dunne street and Mr. Walker Is papering the bed rooms fur them. A family rrom Heaver Creek have moved Into the linker house oil Roose velt street. Wo have not learned their liumo. Mis. W. C. Williams, of Soilwood. was visit lti her son, Horace and family, Sunday. Mr. Moehnke has put a new wovn-n wire fence iilound bis property on the corner of Roosevelt slreef and Molalla litemie The Dlx Urns, hnve iiuide many m provi'ineiiu nmuud their lumber vard. Untie mid Hoy Hamilton of Port laud were ijiiestii ,,f Mr. Torreneit nnd family last Saturday and Sunday, Mrs, Nellie Hall, of tlswego, spent Sunday and .Monday here wlih her mother, Mrs (iottberg. Mr. Hall eaiii'! Monday and spent the holiday with Hi Mrs, Hall and Mrs. Maggie Currnn drove out to the Superior saw mill last week, Thursday, to visit with Mrs Noiah Carrlco and family, and returned home Saturday. Messrs. Ed (Iottberg mid J. W, tier ber nie building r new house for Mr. Moran at Meldriim station. Misses Hargraves and llessle Hub bard, of 1'ortliind. were gnosis of Mrs. (iottberg Sunday for dinner, Mrs, Mary Cook, who slays with Mtf Ilurd, was staying with Mrs Liilldshoroiigh last week. Jack Hurt, tho ex blacksmith of this burg, was III this vicinity last Tues day. Mrs. tlnmoiid's biibv Is better, bill .Mynm Skluuer Is ill. Mrs Skinner Is ttiih her daughter dining the child ren's Illness Miss Alimi Murk Is staving with Liua Skinner while Mrs. Shlnncr Is lu town. Thorn will be preaching at lb" Mountain Vle- church again Satur day and Sunday. DlrttuUy Party. A party was feiidereil Mrs. l, F. Linn on Hut urday evening, February "a. It being In tumor of her birthday, Mr. Linn entertained with n few se lect loin on the gniphophonn, Mrs, K. C-siper gnvtt a lew vocnl nnd Instru mental KolcetloiiN. and all present hnd a Jolly lime, Mrs Linn wns irseut ed with a beautiful cut glass vase. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. K. J. lioodfolliiw, Mr. and Mrs. J. Willed, Mr. and Mrs F, . Cooper, Mr. anil Mrs II y. Linn, and Dewlo. their grandson; Mrs, H A (illicit. Mis Rider, Mrs, Mary Freeman, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey and two children. ME AO0WBROOK. Well. It has been iulti wet for Hut last Week. C. k SmudliiKer hns moved back lo Fred Schnfer's snw mill, and will start to work sisui O. T. Kny called on Mr. Hall Sun day evening Mr. Hnll Is building a new fence on Ills place, Mr Fnrr was out In the country last week looking nt soine mutton. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Hare Always Sought Bear tha Signature of Wherever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power A Reduction in Expense An Increase in Output An Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Launderes Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers CLACKAMAS AB8TRACT & TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Office over Rank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK, Mgr. ANYONE USING POWER CAN PR6FIT BY CONSULTING Portland Railway Light & Power Company CG. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON