Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 19, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Milwaukee - Northwestern Clackamas
Those who have now for th
Mllwaukeu department of the
Kntorpilati should either mull 4
It In lint Mllwitiilit Kdllor of
llm ICiiIuipiIho lit Oregon CI' y
nr leave It ut llm r mi I nntiUu
nml limumnce umVn of A. II.
Dowllng In Milwaukee, or will)
Jiiittlei) (if Ihu 1'euro KuIhu.
J. .1. Miller Ihim iMirc-hiiMfl till)
lirnwnliiK Unci of !l 7 lo acres. The
coiialdcriiilon belim Mono,
Tim lllfillll Noll of A. J, Wellcr lllril
lllitt Wednesday IiIkIiI. Tl Mlicrai
wui held mi Friday.
Horn, on February 18, to Mr. nml
Mm. Cli'imml Wilson, n iliumlitor.
MniluT nml child doing well.
The olllclnla of llm Wlllahurg Hv
iMlim lliillwny ini'l Willi th Council
and Mayor on Tii''l' "d ''iit ov,'r
Ihu right of way for ihe new mail
ihimwli Dm (own. Ulcviitlons ami
ttruilt'N were shown at lliu various
street crossing.
Mm. J. ('. Fllilns, wlm Im It i In
I'orllaiHl for llm lam two works un
iIitkoIiik treatment fur her eyca. Is
reported iiiiii'Ii l"itr.
Tim dime", given liy llm Milwaukee
Suburban ('lull, wo a decided surj
( noi'ially. All present report Hint
llm dance wan Ihu bent that Hn been
given liy llm club no far. However,
llm rlul) epccls turner attendance
at the Him given March 17. Thl will
Im a iiia"(iii'iiui ami prl.ea will lio
Klvmi. There will Im flvn prlxes III
all, oim to llm iM'Bt sustained rharac
lir; two to tin' li'"t romlo and two
lo llm heal costumes. Tim next diuiro
of Hut chili will lio Monday evening,
February 22. Owing lo llm popular
mimic given liy Utiles' orchestra. Ihcy
)iuvt been engaged for llm rJl of
llm Hi-rim of dances.
Mra. Ktillor la on tlm alek Hat, tint
la rrporMI alowly recovering.
A. J. Wollcr's llltlii daughter had
her arm fractured. Dr. Townlfy Is
attending. Tlu arm wa f run tired
about a wm'k before II won noticed
anil Hi" IHU" Klrl liail aiiff"ri'il great
ili'iil before tlm doctor waa called.
I'hll llakrr, who baa been III for
mini" Hum at a Hellwood hoapllal, liaa 1
recovered aiiltli'li'iilly lo enable hint
lo ri'lurn lo Milwaukee.
Join) Hnyili-r la fixing up the In
terior of hla bakery. Ho la par
llllnnliiK It off Into living room ami
rxMr(a to more hla family In b toon
aa Hi" work la completed.
Mra. Ilfliry Hluekcy, who auffered
from nervous prostration ami waa
taken lo (Im Mi. Talmr Kniiltarluin,
la ri'i'rl"il speedily recovering.
Tin First St ul f Hunk of Milwaukee
haa secured llm l,cwcllcti corner op
h)IIii lliu Milwaukee Mercantile iftoro
ami Intends lo build a two atory brick
building on the alio.
Tlm amnll Mx quarantine, waa rais
ed from ih" t'omac homo Tuesday
anil It la hopi-d t tint Ihla la I lio Inat
ca In the city.
The Milwaukee. Telephone t'ompany
has aturlcd digging hole for Ua tcle
phoim poles. A car load of poles
haa ln'"n unloaded In l ho roa.t nrnaa
from lh" MllwaukiMt Mirranilln aloro
and llicao are bvliitf mail" ready for
Ih" rroaa arm, tt la hopi-d that the
linn will bn In operation by t lio Inat
of March.
K. V. Iladxu'a lllll" aon hna Imnn
on Ihu alrk llal for I ho pua( (wo wci'ka
wlih (yphold fcvtT. It la reported
(lint ho la rorovcrlnu alowly..
The Kokp CKy HIiIiirIo am Ijiiii
lur Company la bnlldlnif a dry kiln
mxt lo (hu mill, which It la ratlmaicd
will hold a limit 2,l)OU,(K)0 ahliiKlca.
Tlm almcluro la JOxloo f""( ami will
bn iiai'd In ilryliiK tlii ahliiKh'a before
tiny arc ahlpHd.
School Nolei,
Edna Aiwyiul la attain In achool
afior an abacncK of over a month.
Two ti"w ptiplla have witiirril tho
Hint h Krndi Kdna Hplddidl and Uir
oiia Bmllh, innkliiR I'lulitccn In all.
Tho puplla of Ihu Mllwnukcn School
extend Ihi'lr alnccro aympathy to Mr.
Mr-UiiiKhllii. ono of (heir former prln
clpnla In hla and bereavement criihihI
by llm (tenth of hla beloved wlfo and
Infmil child.
Tho entertainment iflven Friday
evening proved lo bo quite a auccona
niinnclally aa well ua enlertaluliiKly.
Mr. Taylor apent Mondny after
noon with (he elgliih and ninth Kradva.
The puplla of tho achool wero very
plenHed by (he niinoiim-ement of our
llfleen minute roccnacs nml hour
tuioiia from now on.
At noon Tiiemlnv Dora nrnettn wn
(he heroine of (ho day by rearulnir
little boy from the mud. Having
wandered ao deep tiilo (ho mud ho
con Id not move, Dora waded out as
nenr nn ponxlhlo and taking hla hand,
hauled him forth mid ahouta of
lniiKhler from (he apectnlora.
Sevmileen puplla of Mlaa Kiln- Caa
lo'a room have boon per feet In at
The puplla of Mlaa Klla Caato'i
room have not hud any (ardlnean dur
ing the term Jimt cloned. They are
Tery pnmd of th fnct, aa they are
the only room that holda audi a rec
ord. Clnudo Hndden la out of achool on
account of alckneaa,
Wtl I In in (inllnger haa left achool.
The following puplla have not been
alment nor tardy for the month end
ing February 12, 1809:
Grade 1. Frod Kurlen, Henry Stov
otia, Amelia Iluker, Alice Clark, La
vena Kerr, Tholnia Scott, Laura
u"i"n. a
(Irado 2. Hazel Flnlx, Mlldreifl
Oledhlll, Florence Orunle, Solnm Mil
mer, Adella Selfrldgo, Maude Toata,
Cornl Hnnaon, Ernimt Kelor, Towney
Selnnder, Wlllhurn inker, William
Ilelt, Krneat Flxhur, Victor Fllxput
rick, CheHler Hay, Reuben ' Bprlng,
Harvey Hndden, Amy Ilohrer,; Prlcllla
Fhth. i
Oriulo 3. Albright llonnglT, Chea
ter , Hiinnn, Kdward Keller, Opal
Chirk, (iertrude Llvlngnton, lleuliih
Spring, Marjorlo Toutcs, Herman
Flucher, lloyrii I'ntterann, Hnrnh link,
er, Loonu Miilliin, KHtelln 1 tt 1 1 1 1 pn
(loldlo Ituy, iCvnlyn Wnlknr,
(iriulo 4. ICilwIn Kilmer, John Kur
leu, (leoi'Ko Mnllmwa, Itinihen I'etni
mm, wmla Hlillnller, .lurnli Htn-ll), A
ihur I n y lor.
(Irnilo f. - I'mllln Finlier, Mllno K 1 1
bee, I vn Clark, Doinilil Duffy, Knymoii
Mowbly, Annie K"lly.
(Iriulo Myrtle Hulfrldgi KmIIii
RnrliiK, (ilndya (IiiihIk, Hlellu Turk
I'uiirl Itiilter, ICinniu lleclHClien, Kill
HweiiHui), I'imiiid Miillun, Cleo ('lurk
Fred HIiiK'T, Klcliurd Flul., Dnllie
Turk, Wealey llllmer, Itiilph (;oopi'
Carl CurlHoii, llu.el HiIkkx, ICdltli
llurvey, Cluin Phllllpx, Kinello HIiik
Curl Holoilien, F.nrl Mill hi' wh, Niiom:
Hurt, IIi'MhIii Keck, Murgurltlo itnb
eilN, Mnllldii Hlnger.
(Iiniln 7.-liertlin Horn, Mary Ke
l"r, K.Mllier Hlliner, (Mrwln Hum
Fnil Keller, William rlprlng, I'tm
liiefu. Ilu.i'l At ii I Inn, Ilowiud Coopi
llutiii'tt Ilowiud, Muririia ,lu pie, Hoy
tirndo 8. Vndu Ilrlniow, Dora Ilroei
J, Mary Di'vlim, (ilmi Drufa, Ollvn
JnhiiHoii, lliillle Kerk, Kmiiiu Kolu-rt
Muiiib' lluddeii, Frank Flnlier, oil
(iriulo 0.-Itemile Hull, Unity Mc
Coiiilell, Jennlo M II I III II. Clayton Cole
mini, Ailuiii heck, Clifford FlulK,
Harry lllppey, IdUnrd Wlnzeiirledi
(ilffiird .Met oiiijell,
Utt iHiwIIng aell your property.
Mlaa Iteaiile, daughter of Mr. Vlge-
lea, la roiivulenclng alowly from a ae
tern aitack of piieiimonln, which chiiio
from 111" relapao of the menalea. Olll
erwlau the balance of the ineaHln
rama urn getllng along very nicely
Jerry Hinlih ami fmnlly have left
our community (o lake up their almde
ul their former home In Kuntern Ore
Mra. William Cederaon, of Hood
Itlver hna been apendlng llm paat two
werka with Mra. O. N. Cederaon of
Oak drove.
Kd llennett haa accepted a uoaltton
aa aaw tiler ut the Bllvertou Limine
Co. He leavwa for Hllverloii Monday
moriilug to lake up hla work.
Our ( ouuly Courl muM lie a Utile
mom liberal with (heir donation of
money HiU year lo the (Ink (;ivi;
DlHlrlct, owing lo llm travel of the
lumber toaitiu, which are dally deilv
erlng lurgo loada of lumber, for the
niuiiy biuiiiinga which are being erect
I'd In thla vicinity. Homo of the moat
hcautirul liullilliiKi on tlm 0, V. I
lliiea ran be fouiid In Ouk (iruve.
Il"iu eaintn Iranafera are quite
nuiueroua In thla vicinity, nipcclully
on llm lllaley tract. Two milca were
ninde luat week and (he real calule
aai'iita of Onk (irovo are bimy ahow-
lux tlm new comera around.
Mr. UiHuc. of Wetnler, renorla that
Ihe 0. V. V. Ity Co, la anticipating
the building of a walling room at that
minimi almllar lo othera along Ua
Fred Hnrrla, who hua received tlx
agency for the Troy Laundry com
puny, waa more than pleitHcd with hla
nrat week a trip on hla line. Wo fool
mat our community grow a and I ml if.
In from the amount of work recelvod
tiiai in the near futuro, wo can read'
liy atipMirt a laundry In our own
The valentine dunce given by the
una i.rove social Club aai gaturilav
evening waa a decided aucceaa. The
valeiillnua given lo the ladlei wt-re
III Ihe uhnpe of a heart, which could
b given away eaally and wlihout nuv
heart rending affi-cla on their pa renin.
The club thanka the young people of
ureKoii my n,r ineir patronage.
The Fruternal Trlhunea will give
aocial dunce Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 20. In (iroen a hull. Tlm pro
ceeds will bo naed aa a fund for tho
Dcneni of lliu local lodge.
The Ijidlea' Aid Society will give
a aerlea of five eiitcrlnlnmenta. The
umi or tiieao entertalnmi'iila will lie
given Friday evening, March 20. The
procei'iia win bo uned towarda Ihe
beaiitlfylng of ihe new church, which
win do erecteu in tlio near future.
The plana and Rpccltlcntloiia of Ihe
Ihe new Methodlut church, aro In the
tmiula of Ihe contractora. The'bulld
Ing will commence aa.aoou aa tho
weather pormlta.
Don't overliKik tho fuct that wo are
ami lu nccil of aldewalka. What we
wont la for aomo of our euternrlKlnir
rmxeiia io mnke the aturt and then
othera will follow.
The Itod and dun Club havo ulrcudy
received their paraphernalia, and they
will be placed on the grounds prepara
tory to tho ahoot, February 22.
Mra. O. O. Jonea, wife of ono of
our local citrpentera, was taken very
III Wednenday morning. Dr. Grim
waa summoned, but wo hope there la
nothing Mcrloua.
The oliHcrvunco of the ono hun
dredth birthday anniversary of Abra
ham Lincoln, and tho aeml centennlnl
of Oregon, which waa held at tho
school bonne of thla place by the Wo
men' IndiiHtrlnl Club, on the even
ing of February 12th, waa very large
ly attended and a very fine literary
programme waa carried out. A num
ler from Portland, Milwaukee, RM
ley and Oludatono were preaent and
anHlstcd In the clitertnlnment. The
programme opened by the singing of
"America" by all preaent, A few
worda of welcome by the president,
Mra. Morae, and Mrs. I'alntou tep
ped forward and In a few well choa
en words; and In behalf of Mrs. H.
H. Emmons, presented tho Jennings
Unlgo school with a beautiful pic
ture of Abraham Lincoln. Mrs. Pain
ton said In part, that the lesson which
the pupils would carry with thorn
from that picture, for the lovo Lin
coln hud for his mother; of his fulth
fulness to hla books and Btudles, the
love of his country and tils fellow
men and his lionemy can not but help
to Inllucnce" the lives of these child
ren. Whllo they ennnot all become
Abraham LlnroliiM, tlu-y all have tlii'lr
pluccs io Hill and through the In
lliieucn of his grand face, may limy
grow up to lovo their country, to
ever ready to defend their ling unit
become honest Mid honored citizens
Mr. L, Wilcox, president of tlm board,
tespoinli'd and Uianlii'd Mrs, Kmmoim
for the gin, which could tint have
been given at a belter time than at
tlm one hundredth annlverhiiry of
Lincoln I birth. Ho also thnnkeil the
Women's Club for what tlu-y had
dime. And an Mr. Wilcox Is an old
soldier bo paid n very fining trlbulo
to Abraham Lincoln. ,
Mlaa Lllile Hampton acomplitiled
by Sin, Hampton, sung a aula and
responded with nn encore. An es
say on tlm Life of Lincoln. ,y Mrs.
J, II. Kvuiih. was rend by MInh llronto
.l"iiuliigs, which told of his humble
birth ami curly childhood mid up to
his tiiiKlc death. A solo by Victor
Cniilt, of (iliufntoiie, iicrtimpiinli'd by
Mm. (iuult on tho piano, plenaeil the
audience .very much and ho reluct
uiilly rcKponih il with un encore.
Mrs. Ilicliner, our vlcc-prfnldciit,
kiivo nn orliduul poem on "Oregon,"
It whs well recidved and appreciated
very much, and might to gruco the
pngea of every innguxlue uiibllKhed in
OreKOIl. A duet followed by Helen
M. I'ulnton and Kdna Hons on "My
Oregon Home," tbey responded lo a'
hearty applause with nn encore. A
paper on Oregon by Mrs, Clurk, of
lilndHlone, was very Interesting- and
Instructive. Mrs. Clurk. coming froiu
an old pioneer family, (he Indies were
very fortunate In getting her for the
evening. Hlie vividly told of the eurly
days of Oregon, and ao many Interest
ing things spuco will not permit a
write-up of t in these columns thut
would do Justice to Mrs. Clark's pa
per. It wan so well delivered and o
full of meunliig wo all felt llko once
morn pledging allegiance lo our flint.
that unfurled lis stripes and floated
over this la(e Just fifty ycara ago.
A reclt at Ion waa given by Mlaa Cavl
Him, of Portland, part or which she
sang wlih her sweet voice In a most
manning manner, and responded
wkii a comic selection
have It In readiness for the aniiuul
gut tiering In July,
Musduiiicx I'ulnton and ICinnions
were business callers lu Portland on
A number from hero attended tlm
meeting ut (he While Temple on Tues
day of lust week to hear Ullly Hun
Mra. Hllas Hcrlpture, of Oregon Oily
wua calling on reiutlvea at this pluce
on Thursday of lust week.
Mra. Ilrlggs, of Portland, and biihy,
were visitors at the McMoulgul home
on Monday ,uud also culled on old
friends. Klin bus decided to Hume the
huhy Harold Hliimuu llrlggs.
Miss Arllim Hhsver had Ihe misfor
tune lo sprain her ankle on the way
homo from the school house on the
evening of February 12ih, and bus
been colitlneu to tier homo since,
MIhs Knruli Kuminsky, who has
been In the office of Kmmons & Km
mons In Portland, for some time, will
leave soon for Hpokune, Wash, to
maim that her future home. Miss
KiiinliiHky spends the summers at
this pluce and will be greatly missed
by her friend here.
Kov. Hhiipp and wife, of Milwau
kee, wero culling on friends on Mon
day and getting belter acquuluted with
me people of this place.
Htinduy Kchool will bo held at '2 -30
I'. SI. on Hunilay, February 21st fol.
lowed by preaching by Key. Kiiunn
The old and handsome men who at-
temi tim rlunduy achool have prom
ised to sing for us, and we hope this
win iiiuuce a reprcsenlat ve from
every home to be preseut.
I lie hum of the woodsaw waa heard
on Monday and a number in ii.ta w.
caltiy are having their wood sawed Martin Robblna Will Bring Rac
V;,-; ;J
DISEASES . . . . .
and LUPdQ
Two years ago a severe cold fettled on my lungi and io completely prostrated me that I waa
unable to work and scarcely able to itand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's Hew Discovery, and
aiter usli2 one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was."
W. J, ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn.
AND $1.00
Horses to Canby.
Herbert Robblns, formerly of Mar-
quam, wbo leu some lime ago tor
Arizona, where the family went for
the benefit of Miss Koslyn s health
for the summur.
Mrs. Hiiooner was called to Port.
land on February 7th to help care for
.vira. uiaon and children. Mrs. Olson
nas been critically 111 and the child
ren have had an attack of the mn.t,..
Jack, the Peeper, haa been mlln la .m Oregon city visiung inenas.
visits on some of our people of late, After staying for some time In Arl
whose soul object seems in n..u in zona the family went to Chlco, Call-
the windows after night and frighten f('rDl11 where they remained until Just
women and children. Surely thla can recently when they came back, to
Mlaa faffall ,not be tho work of anv sunn nr,.n Oregon. Mr. Robblns father, Martin
of Milwaukee delighted the audience 1 " 'a hoped be will soon dlscon- K"bblns, and family are In McMinn-
wltn a pinna solo. Miss C'affull Is an ll"uo lhese vIsKs. vine, but intenu returning io ciacKa-
urilsl of some note and It Is needless Hugh Roberts has relumed to his M15" cuun'y. ad will probably make
work In the paper mills after an at- tnelr Dome ,n tanby where tney win
tack of the grip. be near the race track of the fair
grounds. Alter viewing ine race
track at Canby, Mr. Robins pronoun
ced It as one of the best race courses
to say she wus most heartily appluud
ed and responded to an encore. A
solo by Mr. Hampton, of Portland,
acotnpauleil by Mrs. Mamplon, also
respond)! to an encore.
Miss llronto Jennings gave a tem
perance recitation In her own churni
ng way and waa ao well pleaaed ahe
responded to an encore. Mrs. Morso
(hanked the audience and thoso who
took pnrt In the programme and spoke
few words lo the children and an-
Willie Miller has return.,! from a ln ,he Northwest. There are at prea-
inree months' slay n Sua Francuco "m u"'" ' "
.hi, ha .u i ,,T.. . . " fair Krounds that have been brought
V. i n Wm ' ",u tlie winter's training, and 40 other
' Mr. Reeves has 'bis preuy home for re ,nJCanby "l"' "I
,aie. Ing there, and when the weather is
Harne A r.eimen nr im. i, favorable are taken to tne lair grounua
iiounced Unit refreshments would then I 35 bunches of loveiy ,i!eis m port- fur training.
v iMTveu. 4 lie proKramme was cer- an.l Kninrdnv
Mrs. James nutler nnd children, of Willamette Falls Camp to Enter
(iregon city were visiting her parents, MemUersnip v,on.u
Mr. Hint Mrs ( 11 Mlin.r c,.,,,iu
Mr. (Julll was haulinz w.khI rf,r hil villamat(e Falls Camn No. 148, W,
brick yard which will start aa soon O. W. held a regular meeting lat
us the warm weather iHinu. ntirht Thla Is the first meeting that
Mr. and Mra. Uetz went to Portland has been held since the new officers
Snturday. were Installed. District 'Organizer,
Mr. (Jeorge Vale has returned from John Macbeth was present and much
a short trln ln Tillninm.it mnniv Interest waa manifested. Arrange-
nlnly a success from a literary stand-
IHiltit and also netted a neat sum to
he treasury.
The agent of the Troy laundry, of
'(inland, was culling ou our people
making arrangements to call on Mon
day and get the laundry and deliver
on the following Saturday. They are
making special rules ou family wash
ings and doing the same for 6c a
pound. This will be greatly appreci
ated by tho busy housewife aa here-
ofore It bad to be taken on the car
lo Ort'gun City.
The rampmeetlng association held
a meeting In Portland on Friday and
It waa decided the lubernucle should
bo built near the center of the grounds
al (his place. The building commit
tee was Instructed (o proceed at once
to tho erection of tho building, and
Civil Service Commission Makea Him
Surveyor in Montana.
Ernest P. Rands, a well known civil
engineer of this city, was this week
notified that he had been named by
the United States Civil Service Com
mission aa surveyor for the Blackfoot
Indian Reservation, Montana.
Mr. Rands is a native of Iowa, and
came to Oregon wltb his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rands, when a
mere boy, attending the schools of
the state, principally the Pacific Uni
versity, Forest Grove. He has spent
most of his life In Oregon City,
where he possesses the confidence and
respect of his fellow citizens. Mr.
Rands Is a past master In the Ma
sonic Order of this city, and has filled
various offices of trust, having been
elected county surveyor two succes
sive terms, city engineer. United
States deputy surveyor and council
man. He was also awarded and ex
ecuted government contracts.
Mr. Rands bas a host of friends In
this city, who extend their congratu
lations, and trust this may be a step
ping atone to future advancement.
where he went on business.
City Lots, Acreage and Farms
a Specialty.
ments are being made to hold a mem
bership contest and a large increase
In membership will be maoe in ine
next few weeks.
Mrs. Julia A. Casto Is Named Admin
istrator of Estate.
P. O. Box 213
Milwaukee, Ore.
The estate of Joseph S. Casto, de
ceased, was filed for probate In the
county court on Saturday, by John
V. Loder, attorney. Julia A. Casto,
wife of the deceased, was appointed
ANI1 PBFH RDPAH adminlstratix of the estate which is
HU I DKCrtU valued at $1000. M. Irish. E. A. How
ard and James Emmett were appoint
ed appraisers.
The estate of Frank Casto, a son of
the late Joseph Casto, and of Mrs.
Julia Casto, of Milaukee, waa filed
for probate on Saturday, the value of
thla property Is J1000: Isabella Casto,
wife of the deceased, Is the sole heir.
and is appointed administratrix of
of Ihe football team. Milton Noble: ' " . . . T' .Z " the estate. The appraisers are E.
n....ni,. hi. f-i .n.i iu.. euu,, .r ujspepam. or iuai your . , ,rl.h ,nH l.m,. 1
Merchant of Venice Up-to-Date to be
Given at the Shlvely.
The pupils of the Jlarclay High
School are making arrangements to
present "Merchant of Venice Up-to-
Date" at (he Shlvely opera house af
ter Easier. The cast of diameters is
17 ,"7' " ' V-A.-T'V craves without fear of a case of Indl-
James Nelson Is Placed In Charge of
Store at Lebanon.
Levi St eh man 'has been appointed
administrator of the estate of James
Hannagan, deceased. Hannagan died
at Liberal, Clackamas County, Sep
tember, 1905, and left a store and
stock of goods valued at about $2500,
which since that time has been In
possession of Fred H. Burns, who had
been appointed administrator. Burns
refused to give up possession and a re
plevin suit was brought in the circuit
court of Clackamas County and Sher
iff Beatle took possession of the goods
Thursday and placed James Nelson
In charge as keeper. O. D. Eby, C.
D. ft D. C. Latourette are represent
ing stebman.
Mrs. Lydia King Seeks Divorce from
Her Husband, W. D. King.
A divorce suit was filed In the cir
cuit court yesterday afternoon, the
plaintiff being Lydia Adelaide King.
Mrs. King was married to Frank W.
King, February 10, 1890. The plain
tiff claims that she has resided In
Clackamas county for the past year,
and bas been forced to support her
self and seven children during that
time. Mrs. King says that while ahe
lived with ber husband she always
treated bim with kindness and bas
been a faithful and dutiful wife. De
fendant has treated bis wifo cruelly
and haa made life burdensome, and
came home In an Intoxicated condi
tion and used abusive language.
in the complaint Mrs. King says
King is strong and healthy and able
to work, but be spends a large por
tion of his time traveling from place
to place without any apparent cause,
and begs from strangers telling tales
of woe and misfortune which are un
true, and endeavoring thereby to pro
cure money for his own use and bene
fit Plaintiff asks for the custody of
the seven children.
Voss Sues Lumber Co. for Wages.
A suit was filed Saturday in the
circuit court of Clackamas County by
Fred Voss against S. T. Deering Lum
ber Company to recover wages
amounting to $205. O. 0. Eby repre
sents the plaintiff. -
IliiHsanlo." his friend. Alexander I r...t .m ........ ... ' A
llowen; "Shylock." a wealthy .B;hV Frank Casto was killed several
i..r u-i.it..- ii,.ri. T,.i hi. fri i . " .cn " )u win occasionally take . A,i,nna
a little Dir.pcpsln after eating.
ler, Walter Hart: "Tuul." his friend
captain of Belmont football team
Howard. M. Irish and James Em
years ago In Arizona.
V..-.- n,..,,lu ..ill l .
W.iitrr Moore; "Portia," a rich helr- Lni.,'i,, ' ,,7, Large Amount of Tax Money Is Turn-
ss. Mlaa Ijtura Ekern: "Nerlssa,
her maid. Miss Ethyl Park: "Jessica,"
ward of Shylock. Miss Floella Hew
itt; "Grallano," a friend of Ilassanlo,
Hurry Hargreaves; "Lancelot Gobbo,"
servant of Shylock, Millard Glllett;
Prof. Swlegenhaugerblumcnheimer."
an X-ray photographer, Ray Scott;
policeman, Frank Clark; "Miss Thre-
dlce," the school teacher. Miss Edna
Kinney; "Mr. Gobbo." Launceloti's
mother, Miss Leta Andrews: "Anton
io's Mother" and "Polly," the maid,
Miss Evelyn Harding; "football team,"
The Senior Hoys,
r' anything you eat will be digested:
nothing can ferment or turn Into acid
or poison or stomach gas, which
ed Over by 8herlff.
Sheriff Beatle's office was a scene
of much activity this week, when
Tt fl?fir5..Mee".n" hundreds of people called to pay their
uigestion, (like a lump of lead ln
tuxes. The largest amount of taxes
Btnninrhl lllllniianouo Uon-tKu-n lu " ",m 1 '. V
'."' .""' I nrt 0 u, aa 1. , tho WAVPrhflllRPF I .AIMl
ICQ HIIU IU- 0 ..kl.l. ... .V.
lestllie. nr nlhni- i-mnmo wuiumijr " uiiu " ,i
.,.?' Ch..8..,fr0m tht 8t0.m?ch-are The amount paid was $4,000.10, and
uiiimiudu wueie wus enec- ., hwiht Wo h th mrent Rher-
h. i tl , . 7. V " """" Iff Beatle turned over tq County
V. WZ.r. ...... 'r0'"" Blum' Treasurer J. C
Located in the new masonic bldg. With a new clean
list of good property for sale. Large farms, small farms,
acre tracts, city property, Gladstone lots, Parkplace lots,
& etc. Come and see us if you want to buy or sell and
we will treat you fairly.
D. K, BILL & CO.
Rooms 6 and 7 Masonic BIdg.
Objects to Building Dam.
The Portlnnd Water Power Electric
Transmission Company Is plaintiff In
suit filed at the court bouse, lust
oek, the defendants In the case be
ing Nancy Sutherland, et al.
Plaintiff Is a corporation, authorized
by Its articles of Incorporation, by
the laws of the State of Oregon, to
pproprinte and divert the waters of
the lakes nml running streams of the
lacknmns river, and Its tributaries,
for generating and furnishing electri
cal power for all purposes and to op
erate mills of all kinds and to appro
priate and condemn lands for such
purposes. Defendants are the owners
of certain property along the Clacka
mas river upon which notices have
been postod, stating that a dam would
be constructed across the channel as
reservoir for storing water. The de
fendants object to the construction of
such a dnm or reservoir on their prop
erty, and thus tho suit Is instituted
10 condemn the land for the uses and
purposes above mentioned.
ach. It digests your meals when your
stomach can t. Each trlangule will
digest all the food you can eat and
leave nothing to ferment or sour.
Get a large 60-cent case of Pape's
Dlapepsln from your druggist and
Btart taking today and by tomorrow
you will actually brag about your c.i..h..i r.,r
ir hnllh .tnn..nh """" 1
Paddock $17,782.2(5,
the amount taken ln for taxes since
February 4. Many of the people of
the county are taking advantage of
the rebate.
strong, healthy stomach, for you then
can eat anything and everything vou
want without the slightest discomfort
or misery, and every particle of Im
purity and gas that is In your stom
ach and Intestines Is going to be car
rled away with out the use of laxa
tives or any other assistance,
Invited to Hold Meeting.
Reason Enthroned,
Because meats are so tasty they
arc consumed In great excess. This
lends to stomach troubles, biliousness
and constipation. Revise your diet,
let reason and not a pampered appe
tite control, then take a few doses of
Chamberlain's Stomnch and Liver
Tablets and you will soon be well
again Try It. For sale at Huntley
nros. Co.
Treasurer's Notice,
I now havo funds to pay County
Warrants endorsed prior to November
23, 1!W8, also for Road Warrants en
dorsed prior to October 4, 1907. In
terest censes on date of this notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, February 19,
County Treasurer.
County School Superintendent, T.
J. Gary, who held a very successful
teachers' and parents' meeting at the
Molalla Grange hall last Saturday,
was Invited by the citizens of Molalla
this week to hold another meeting this
year. The people of Molalla are anx
ious to have such a meeting that was
recently held by the county school
on superintendent at that place once
prise office. Reward.
Lost A gold crescent brooch
Thursday evening. Returp to Enter ever three months, as they say it has
been beneficial to the patrons and
pupils of the schools. It Is probable
that one will be held there by
Mr. Gary within the next few months.
and several of the Instructors of the
Oregon City schools have signified
their intention of attending.
V 1 J
A Common Cold.
We claim that tt catching cold could
be avoided some of the most danger
ous and fatal diseases would never be
heard of. A cold often forms a cul
ture bed for germs of infectious dis
eases. Consumption, pneumonia, diph
theria anr scarlet fever, four of the
most dangerous and fatal diseases,
are of thlB class. The culture bed
formed by the cold favors the devel
opment of the Kurnis of these diseases
Keep your expenses down. We have that would not otherwise find lodg-
devoted all our energy of how to ment There Is little danger, bow-
sell the best Groceries for tho least ever' of 8n of those diseases being
, contracted when a good expectorant
money and we are doing It. You are Cou. RemeJy ,s U8.,d ,
certain to get what you want hero at these culture beds that favor the dev-
And Hawking, Spitting, Snuffles Must
Go Too.
Hyomel (pronounced High-o-me)
will give the sufferer from catarrh
Joyful relief In five minutes.
It is such a remarkable cure, and
so positive In its action, that Huntley
Dros. Co. go so far as to guarantee
!t to cure catarrh or money back.
A complete outfit, which consists of
a hard rubber pocket inhaler, a bot
tle of Hyomel, and a unique dropper
for filling the Inhaler, only costs one
dollar .and if an extra bottle la af
terwards needed, the price is only
50 cents.
Hyomel Is a healing antiseptic bal
sam, taken from the mighty eucalyp-
Waahlngton's Plague Spot!
He in the io. uisr-div ? :..,. of the
Patomac, the breeJing ground of ma
laria germs. These germs cause
chills, fever and ague, biliousness,
jaundice, lassitude, weekness and gen
eral debility and bring suffering or
death to thousands yearly. But Elec
tric Bitters never fail to destroy them
and cure materia troubles. "They
are the best all-round tonic and cure
for malaria I ever used," writes R. M.
James, of Louellen, 8. C. They cure
Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood
Troubles and will prevent Typhoid.
Try them, SOc. Guaranteed by Jones
Drug Co.
Price of Hops Contracted For This
Year Is Higher Than Last
Antone Schaffer, one of the promi
nent hop growers of Marquam, bas
contracted for three years to Joseph
Harris, of Salem. 15,000 pounds of
hops, for the years of 1909, 1910, and
1911, at 10c per pound. The contract
was filed Friday in the office of Coun
ty Recorder C. E. Ramsey. Mr. Rams-
by says that during the past week
12 contracts have been filed, the price
tus trees in the health-giving forests ' ln eacn case being 10c per pound. The
of Australia, where diseases of the
respiratory tract are unknown.
All the sufferer has to do Is to in
hale the antiseptic air of Hyomel over
the Inflamed parts, where the germs
are entrenched three or four times
a day.
It cures coughs, colds, asthma, hay
fever and croup without stomach dos
Twenty-eight Applicants,
County School Superintendent T. J.
Gary and the board of examiners,
Brenton Vedder and Howard Eccles.
are busily engaged in marking the ex
amination papers of the teachers
who recently took the examination at
the court house. There were 28 aff
p Ileum s for county and eight for
state papers, thirteen of the applicants
being men.
School Report.
Report of Maple Lane School, Dis
trict No. 27: The pupils neither ab
sent nor tardy for the month ending
February 12th, are: Lucille Perry,
Emma Derrick, Ernest Jos!, Frances
Schmidt, Birdie Dlckerson, George
Derrick, Erick Waldow, Irma Schmidt,
John Parker. Shlrlle Swallow and May
splinter. Cora Darr, Teacher.
The Crime Of Idleness.
Idleness means trouble for nnv one.
pits the same with a lazy liver. It
causes constipation, headache, jaun
dice, sallow complexion, pimples and
Slotches, loss of appetite, aaasoa, but
Dr. King's New Life Pills soon ban
ish liver troubles and build uo vour
health. 25c. at Jones Drue Co.' '
business transacted ln this county
during the past week exceeds that
of the entire year 1908, at which time
the prevailing prices were 8 and 9
This Is the case with many Oregon
City people.
Too many Oregon City citizens ara
handicapped with a bad back. The
unceasing pain causes constant mis
ery making work burden and stoop
ing or lifting an Impossibility. Tho
back aches at night, preventing re
freshing rest and in the morning Is
stiff and lame. Plasters and lini
ments may give relief hu'. cannot
reach the cause. To eliminate the
pains you must cure the kidneys. .
Doans. kidney pills cure sick kid
neys and cure them permanently Can
you doubt Oregon City evidence
W. M. Stone, a well-knjwn resident
of Oregon City, Oregon, says: I have
oeen greatly beniilted by the use of
two boxes of Doans Kidney pills. My
troubles were occasional dizzy spells
arr. tco frenujnt passage of rho kid
ney secretion. I had to act ud often
at night on account of the latter an
noyance, also suffered at times from
attacks of back ache. Having found
such great relief through the use of
Doan's Kidney pills I do not' hesitate
to recommend them."
For sale by all dealan. Pilce SO
cents. Foster-MUbern Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents fjr the United
Remember the name Doaa's snd
take no other.
the right prices.
Harris' Grocery
8th and Main Streets
elopment of the germs of these dis
eases. That Is why this remedy has
proved so universally successful ln
preventing pneumonia. It not only
cures. your cold quickly, but minim
izes the risk of contracting these
dangerous diseases. For sale by
Huntley Bros. Co.
Farms, City and Suburban Property, Lots and Business
Chances for Sale or Trade.
Will Treat You Right