Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 12, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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W. W, li win, of Allium, wiim mi Or
gotl Clly visitor Mumliiy, t
Oregon Dental I'arliii'ii, nvor hmd
lug Drug Worn. Kiilinlnntlnu frrn.
ninnus iiiiiiimii, of J'ortluiiil, wus
ml Oregon Clly - visitor Huturdiiy
Minn lOllil qilluil, who Into boor, III
Willi iiiiiiiiiiiiiIii, M tn plil I y recover
Agency fur Urn colnhrutod Ml, Hood
lloei. Pioneer Trunnfur Co. llolli
Miss I 'cur I Horn, of Portland, In
visiting In this clly u the guest of
MUn K'hnIo lllook,
, Mis IMnu Hutchinson, nf Cuiihy
In vlnli Init lnr utiut, Mrs, I. Ii. ltitctt
Iiihiiu, of ill lit cliy,
For Httl l'rh milch cows mid
croniu W'liiinitiir. Adilros A, llolnrleh
Cluokiiiiinu. Oregon, It
Edgar Williams, who hits been dun
, goroiisly III lit hi home inmr Seventh
ulreot, In itlowly Improving,
J. II. McFurlnnd, U lying viiry ill
Willi tyiliil( fever ul III liumu mi
twelfth mill Washington troot.
Joseph IU, Wlut tiAit been visiting
wllh III coiimIii, Mrs. K. C. Gudku, tiua
left for III homo In Milwaukee, Wis.
llnii'iiro Walls, of I'ortlund, liiu
boon lli itni'xi nf hl gruudpuronu,
Mr. iil Mrs. K. (). porter, (if Cuno-
limb. '
Mr. mill Mnt. ('buries llnbcock, of
I'ortlund, spent Hiiudny with the fur
flier's purenl, Mr. und Mm. C. C. Unix
The- Purkplacu tiniil gave duiiclng
pnrtyln tliu Grange hull m l'nrklu'
mi Hiiturility evening. A good lime
was enjoyed.
IC. Cournnd tin mild luilf Interest In
lil feed niHiiiu nn Hlxih and Wiilor
utrcri In J. F, Hodge, who arrived In
this city In November.
Hal Itmiiln, who linn Immiii with
utirveylng rriw near I'urt litml. linn re-
lurni'd lu liU liiinm In till city, whore
tie In ('(infilled liy miliaria.
.Mmii'y leu n od. Abstracts made
Titles certified. UiwkkI rat m. C. II
!), 001 Main 8U
A. W Coffln, (if Contrnl Point, has
purchased a tract of land of I ho
lllnnk'iiHlii rlnlm. mid will erect a
homo In tli lii'ar future.
Charles (Sadka loft Hatiirday morn
ItiK fur llcppnur, where ho went on
a IuihIiicm trli, and while there visit
() wllh friends fur a few ilayt.
rurtn wanton so acres or morn
unliable for general running or dairy
Ing. I'art or whula Improved, Ad
dress ,. Y. Z, cure of thll paper. t2
Miss lllldu Mclietchle. who In hold
Iiik a position nit rlork'ln th John
Adam dry Rood alure, ef( till week
for ln;r vacation to lie spent with
friend In l'ortlnnd.
Minn Clementine Bradford .teacher
In the Cortland oIiimiI. ni a vlaltor
nt the home of Mm.' Klltnlicth Va
tier, of .Mount rifnmint, on Hatiirday
mid Hiindiiy.
Mr, ami Mm. Chnrlei lluiiiihry of
Aniorln, M tit Budny In Oreiton City
wllh relatives Mr. Iliimphryn, for
tnerly of llil city, lit now mnmiKor of
the I'oHial Teli Rraph Company In a-
nownrii nrowiicii, (,r Aiilorla. proa-
, cciiIIiik nitorney for ClulMnp County,
wwm In (iri'Kon City lust week on legal
biiHliifdR, and while here wan th
Kuext of lik piiretilii, Mr. and Mm,
(ieotge C, llniwnell.
Mr. mid Mm. C. It. McCulley have
returned from their trip In tho aouth
ern purl of tho alule. Mr. McCulley,
hait heen rillliiK eiiKnKemeiila at the
piny hiniNfi at Alluiny, CorvallU nml
Mm. AKiieit Silver, of lliln city, left
Tiieitday for Vmicouvcr, WnnhliiKtun,
where Hhe will vlnlt her alwor. Mm.
Hoy WllkliiKott. MrH. WIIIiIiihoii him
iiIho ri'liirni'd to Vancouver, lifter
pi tidliiR n few day with her parouta,
Mr. hud Mm, John Chiuiihera.
U J. UiKenon mid fiiinlly, who huve
1 r.i'HldliiK III thlit city for tho pnxt
two yeniH, huve none to Walla Walla,
WiiHliliiKtun, where they will tnuko
their limne. JiihiIii Ijikohoii, who Ih
lit preHi'iil ci clcd with tho Orison
Clly Shoo Store, expcctH to leave In
nboui two weeka for Walla Wullu.
Hobh Tnrr, who left hero about two
jciiih ntto. for Hherldiin, whoro ho
piirchiiKi'il an InlcrcHt In a dniK atoro,
Ihih hoIiI out li Ih ItilorcHt mid returned
. to Oregon Clly. Mr. Karr Ih one of
the miecoHBful young dnigglatH, and
was formerly connected with Hovon.1
drug llrniH lu thla clly before going
to Hlierldaii. V. K. Everlmrt, formerly
of Molulln, hint purchiiHed Mr. Karr's
lulereHt In the Sheridan IhihIiiohh.
All nrrniigemenlH for tho Dancing
pill'ly to ho given by tho Maccabees
on Tuehday night, February Hi, have
been completed, ami all Maccaboea and
their faiullloH aro given a cordial In
,'vllatlon. Kxuolhmt iiiiihIo will ho pro
vided for tlie dancing, nml the com
mittee on lUTungimicntH wlil mnko It
mm of the moHt miOceHHfiil noclal nf
faliH given by tlm order,
A, calilcgrnm linn boon rocolvod from
Nome, AlHNkn, by Mr. and Mrs. E.
Iluniiiguii, of Gladstone, and reudn
an follows: '"I am-a hltf honlthy boy.
My folks nil well, oBpeclnlly my inn
niii." Signed John Harrington Colby.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington are rocolv
lug tho congratulations for their new
grandson. John Harrington Coply is
tho son of Mr. and Mrs.. Coply, (ho
hitter a daughter of Mr. and Mra, Har
rington, who has resided In the Alas
ka territory with hor husband for the
past eight yours. MIhb fonrl Har
rington, who left Oregon City III Sep
tember, for Alaska, la visiting with
tho Coply family, and Expects to re
turn to Oregon City, accompanlod by
her sister mid family, during the com
ing summer.
,1. A. Tllll'ITl, Of ('llll)lllllllllH, wns In
Oregon Clly on business Tuesday
WANTKD.Two or llireo rooms for
people, references given, t
I,. (', llulbriNik
Oregon City, ore
Miss Kill Hi Todd, atfer a visit wllh
friends In HiIm clly, has roliirnitil to
her liuine nl lliibhard,
Mm, Unworn! Junes left Wodtlomlny
lor Hitleui, where she will remain
few days visit Ing tliu legislature.
Miss Cnrrlu I'eiiso, of Klsley, spent
Wednesday III Oregon Clly tIhHIii
her aunt, Mrs. Mary Mc.Curvor.
Mrs, Kll.abitlh Warner, of 1iciint
Kaini, Mount IMeasiiiit, Is slowly Im
proving from Imr recent Illness.
Mrs. J, I), lilies, of l'orlliiiiil, aft
visiting wllh rein! Ives for sevurnl
days In this clly has returned to he
Tho following tiiurrluKu llci-nsit win
grained by County Clerk K. W,
tlreetininn: lloliorlliu 0. Colurd mid
Thonins Cooper.
Miss Kv Moullon left Thursday
morning for Corvnllls, where ulie will
visit for sevurnl days wllh Mrs. Ixm
aid MoKeiule.
J, W. Draper, who has been spend
lug I lie past week III irnnls russ on
n business trip, returned to Oregun
CHy Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Hurley, of IllHloy, hut
gone hi Corotiado lleitch, Cal., where
she will remain until June, visiting
with her sister, Mr U I'lloy.
Mr. William KIiik and duugliter,
Avanel, of rortlmid, were vlslllng In
this clly with the former's mother,
Mrs. II. 0. Kausl, during the wik
Attorney 0. I). Khy went to Molulln
Hiinduy oil legul business and return
id Monday morning. Mr. Khy was no
coinpmiled by U'vl Btehmnn, of 'this
Juck Wood, who was seriously III'
Jurcd by fulling from a car near the
O. W. IV freight depot, Is rapidly Im
proving and Is able to be at his duties
Uoyd llunlliig and Ituynioml Cm
fluid, students of the University of
Oregon, returned to Oregon City
Weduesduy afternoon, and aro spend
lug their week's vacation with thulr
Charles Front and wife have arrived
In Oregon City from l'cndletoii, and
will uinko lln'lr liotue 111 (hi city.
They were accompanied to this city
by Itoscoe Frost, who will probably
remain hro.
Mis Minnie Klemsen, has accept
d a position In tho 8. Koaensteln dry
k.mmI store. Miss Kleiusvn ha been
cterkliiK In tho Upman, Wolfo &
Company's store III Portland for thv
past two year.
Miss Sedonln Hhaw liui accepted a
position In the court house In the of
fice of Assessor J. K. Jack. Miss tihnw
Is working on the books of (he field
deputies, and will be employed for
several mouths.
MUs Iluiol Francis, who has been
Isltlng with relailves In Chehulls,
Wushlngton, mid Senttle, for several
weeks, returned to her home In this
city Tuesduy morning.
Miss Nh'tu Hnrdlng, who hits beet)
ui tending the University of Oregon
Kiigeuo, returned to Oregon City
Wednesday, tuivlrg tlnlshed her
ourse In (ermnn. Mis Harding will
nil end the commencement exercises
In June at the University, whi4i she
will be awarded her diploma.
II. L. 1'i'iternoii, of Idaho, was in
Oregon city yesterday on his way to
Southern CulKiiriila. While In the
liy he visited with relatives ut (ilnd-
lone. So well pleased with the unr
ounding country Mr. I'ctlcrson took
ptlon on several pieces of land near
iladslono with the Intention of ro
oming nt nn enrly date and making
bin homo here.
Miss Kll.alieth Ilrouougli, of Jell
ing Uiilge, who Is uttending tho
young Itnlli'H' nuUhlng school, Uis.iello
miliary, at Auburndulo, Muss., bus
been very ill with yellow Jaundice,
und nt Inst report she was Improving.
MIks llronough Is the daughter of
udgo and Mrst llronough mid l well
known In till city, whore she has vis
ited on many occasions.
lieorgo W. Dixon, publisher of Hie
I'urtlaml Hotel Nov.s. was in Oro-
;on Clly on business Tuesday. Mr.
Dixon cHtuhllshod the paper about two
months ago, says that It In rapidly be
coming one of the best paying papers
In Oregon. The paper Is distributed
ally on the Incoming passenger trains
ami steamers ami contains matter of
Interest to tho hotel trade.
C. E. 11 rook a, nuuiager of the Kleo
Ic Theatre In this city and of Saloni,
came down from the latter clly on
unday und brought with him excel-
tit scene of tho Earthquake In Sic
ily, 1000 feet long, and presented
these nt tho show house on Sunday
ud Monday to lurgo crowds, Mr.
rooks was fortunate In socurlng
Iiobo from tho. Vltngrnph Company,
nnd wan accompanied horo by Charles
Walls, formerly an Oregon City boy.
ho In representing tho Vltngrnph
Company. Mr. I) rooks relumed to
Snletn Tuesday evening.
IC. C. Oroenntnn, superintendent of
the Salmon Ulvor Hatchery, accom
panied by his wife, returned to their
home Sunday night, after viailliig
1th the former's parents, Mr. and
rs. C. N. Greenninn, of this city. Mr.
reeuman has a crow of five men
working for him at tho hatchery, and
snyg that 800,000 young Chinook sal
mon ore feeding, and will continue
doing an until July, after which thoy
III he distributed to different sec
tions. Superintendent Oreonmnn nays
that tho weather whore he is station
ed lias not been as cold as It hag
ere, but the,y have considerable
snow, hut wlien he left It was fast
Miss Nell lluruliait, of Walla Walla,
Is visiting Miss Undo Dlngliam for
several days.
I,. It Wang, n prominent Caiiby
merchant, wits In Oregon Clly on busi
ness Wednesday.
Miss Ada Miller, who has been III
wlili typhoid fever for (he pant two
weeks, Is rapidly recovering,
Henry Larson, of I'orliaiid, hus nc
Itepteil a posit lou In I lie grocery store
of lirsou & Company, of this clly.
Horn, Thursday, February 4, 'a !
pound son, to Mr, and Mrs. Hurry
lloyles of Kirieuntli and Washington
Mrs. T. M. Cotilin, manager of the
C. C, Hlorn of this city, went to Van
couver, Waiih, Wednesday, on u busi
Miss trip.
Mrs. J. I). Walling and (laughter,
Miss Ethel, of Hiili-m, me visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mm. W, W.
Miss Kulnlln Brhuebel nfter a few
days' visit with her parents, Mr. und
Mrs. C, Hcbuiilicl, returned last Wed
nesday night to Albany, whoro she
will resume tier studies ut tho Albany
Miss Augelliio William. Instructor
of English Uterature at the Univer
sity of Oregon, win) was called hero
by tho serious ijlnns of her brother,
ICdgur Wllllmiis, relumed to Ku?gmfj
Mommy evening. Edgar William I
Improving slowly from hi Illness,
Itoy Young, who has been connect
ed with Hie Crown-Columbia Pulp &
Paper Company ut ijiCamas, Wush.,
ha arrived In Oregon City, having
been transferred from the mills at
IjiCnmas to tho Crown-Columula Pulp
ft Paper Mill at this city.
Prof. II. M. James, wife and two
children of Esiucniln, arrived In Ore
iton City Tuesday night mid are visit
ing ut the home of the former's par
ent, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Jumc.
Prof. Juntos cume U) Oregon City to
liiVo the i-xaiiilnutloiis which com
menced ul the court house thll week.
Prof. Jmne arrived In Oregon from
the East last full, mid Is superinten
dent of the Estucadu schools, whore
he I giving excellent satisfaction.
Dr. George Holtuu, of Uuidon, Eng
land, beginning Sunday morning, will
discuss topic for which people are
ei-klng a solution. They are a fol
low: Suuduy morning: "What I
Snnctlflcutlon?" Sunday evening:
"The (Jreul 'White Throne." The af
ternoon subject will be: Tuesday and
Wednesday: "How to have answer
to prayer." Thursduy: "Occupy till
I cume. Friday: "The Four Judg
ment." The evening topic will be:
Monday "Seventh Day Advcntlsm,
Why I it com rary to Scripture." Tues
day "The Secret of a Victorious
l.lfo." Wednesday "We are hi wit
nesses." I humdny and Friday "The
Second Coming of Christ." A cordlul
Invitation extended to all.
Road Viewer Start on Trip Through
N. lllslr, of Klllmn precinct; Hub
bard, was In Oregon City Wednesday.
Mr. lllalr Is one of the county's road
viewers, und In company with Hud
Thompson, another mad viewer, nnd
county surveyor. S. A. D. Hungate,
eft for a road viewing trip. The men
will first visit Vlolu and from that
place go to Kslacuda, Wichita, on the
Kslacnda electric line, Soda Springs,
Tualatin mid other sections of the
county. New roads are being laid
out und (he men expect to bo on
heir trip three weeks. Thl Is the
first trip the viewers have taken since
December, when they went on a trip
nenr Mount Hood, and were compelled
o irnvei mrougti eight Inche of snAw
fur six days.
K t'. -.'t Cr.dl
A t r ulNV sari the salesman. "Oh,
tm: u den t want a cradle.
Ho s:lcd.
Tlt-I I Id. alii t If:"
"Yen." iiilinlltoil the .route' father,
frown I n-:.
I la i' you v.-i r,-ii't eiis'i loiieed, or
Jell Wnll.lllll ii -is rer n iT'ille. mm
the s'lhsm.tn. "Y' u see, they've g me
nltii'Tother i r.t. V.'e don't sell twti n
yen r."
Why did fiey -o ut-:"
r.i'C'Ulse llie.v'r tl' ll nphy, l:id for
the kid. Thoy I--m r Tie temperature,
hurt the he:irt i tul I ring on iniisea.
colic, recuhir en-l' !;ei-. It stands to
ro.-i-.on i tan i Hie v 1 - ; . 1 1 rucking of a
crmllo ean'l be n i il for frail llttl
baby any mere ilen the rl lent rook
ing of n ship Im n s-er u Is i: d for the
pasxengerN Moreover. tVy keep suine
liody busy rookl";- t'10 l-iby to shrp.
Now the bub r. ex to s'oop of Its own
accord."-rhlliidelidi In Hulletln.
Won Wi:h Vhipt.
According to Herodotus, while ;he
Soytbliins were n way en a long cam
pnlgu tlielr slaves tm k the opportunity
to robot anil sol.e nil their masters'
property. The hitter on tlielr return
promptly attacked them, but were con
tinually defeated until nt bisl one of
hem hit on (lie brilliant Idea of at
tacking the slaves with whips only.
That, he said, would remind them of
their origin und so cow them thnt
thoy would never dare to stand. The
Scythian followed his counsel, and It
foil out ns he hnd predicted. When
tho slaves beheld their muster riding
down upon tliem flourishing the terri
ble knotted thongs thoy knew so well
thoy threw dowti tlielr nrms and fled.
Roused His Suspicions.
A nnvnl olllcer wns speaking of the
extortions of Innkeepers In out of the
way parts of tho globe.
"In Montenegro onee," he snld, "1
asked for my bill after having slept
overnight nt a certain Inn. nnd ns
soon as the document was hntidcd to
me I took out my purse to settle It. I
did not bother to verify the various
Items. What would have been the
"Rut my readiness to pay nnmzcd
tho landlord. He thought a moment,
and then he said uneasily:
"'Will you let me have another look
nt that bill, sir? I think I have omit
ted something.' "
H.r Mouth Was Closed.
Jack Miss Penchy started to sny
something about the Impropriety of
kissing the other evening, but she
didn't finish. Tom Why not? Jnck-
Heonuse I took the words right out of
hor mouth. Chicago News.
The Forecast.
Ilusbnnd Well, whnt did the phre
nologist say about Willie's head?
Wife Nothing. He simply sighed nnd
handed me my money back.' Husband
Just ns I expected. He's going to be
poet. Exchange.
Fraternal Hrotherhood Lodge met ;
nt (lie Armory Weduesduy night, ;
when there wore over ZOO members
present, Fifteen new members were
taken Into the order ,aud many appli
cations filed. At I he next meeting,
which will he held In the Armory next
Tuesduy evening, over 250 candidates
will be lull luted, and Supreme Presi
dent James A. Foshuy, of 1is Angeles,
California, will be present to assist lu
the Initiation. This will be one of
tho largest classes of women nnd
men that bus been taken Into this
order at one time in the United Mules.
Many delegate who huve been ut'i.-nil-
Ing the State Convention in Portland,
were present and gave addresses.
Among the prominent delegates were
F. E. Taylor, tute manager of Ore
gon; Mr. McCuster, of Portland, who
hus been elected 'delegate to represent
Oregon at the National .Convention
to be held In Los Angeles, Cal., In
March; Dr. Idleman, of Pendleton.
Medford, Dallas, Eugene, St. John,
Springfield, and ninny other cities in
Oregon were well represented. Fol
lowing the meeting the delegates and
member were Invited to Willnmette
Hull where a chicken supper was
served, The committee In charge of
the banquet wns composed of Mrs.
Henry gtreblg, Mr. Puullne Schwartz,
Mis' CTnrn Sllltenhart, Miss Ethel
Green. Tho ball wus prettily decor
oted with crepe paper und evergreens, j
nnd the long tabli were decorated
to correspond with those of the room.
Folowlng the banquet at Willamette
hull dancing was enjoyed at the arm
ory, the orchestra being formed by
member of the Fraternal Brotherhood
Ilga. ' The committee in charge of
the decoration at the Armory and
Willamette hall deserve great credit
in their artistic tnste. The armory
was festooned with the bright color
ed crepe paper, ferns, palms, flags
and bunting. Oregon grape was auto
used among the decorations. Miss
Let ha Jackson, Miss Edith Jackson,
It. L. Cummins mid Jack Owenby act
ed as a committee to escort the dele
gates to the hall where the meeting
was held.
Sola Circle, Women of Woodctaft
held Its Installation In the Woodmen
hull on Friday night. The Installing
officer mns Mrs. P. J. Winkle, and the
ceremonies were very Impressive. The
following o tncors were installed: Past
Guardian Neighbor, Mra. Rachel Scrip
ture; guardian neighbor, Mra 'Viola
Tnte; advisor, Mrs. Mary Tobln;
clerk, Mrs. Carrie N. Parker; banker,
Mrs. May Waldron; magician, Mrs.
I jiclnda, Frieze; attendant, Mrs. Cora
Hetinlngson; inner sentinel, C. E.
Tate; outer sentinel, R. W. Brown;
captain of the guards, Mrs. 8. S. Walk
er; munager, Mrs. Roslna Pouts;
musicinn, Frank Uelzel. An excellent
entertainment was given after the In
stallatlon, and th following numbers
were given: "America," audience;
solo, Charles A. Miller; piano solo,
Miss Carrie Werner; vocal duet, Hiss
Florence Price and Milton Price; fclub
swinging, Robert Warner. A banquet
was served in the adjoining room and
many members add guests sat down
to ouo of the most appetizing spreads
thnt has been given In the Woodmen
hall. The tables were prettily decor
ated, to correcpond with those of the
rooms, which were In flags and bunt
ing. The affair given being close to
the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the
pictures of Lincoln.-George Washing
ton and Theodore Roosevelt were
hiingon the walls, and were artistic
ally draped In the National colors.
Large American flags were used in
profusion among the decorations, and
the electroliers were shaded with red
and blue, which helped to form the
handsome decorations. The commit
tee, who Is receiving congratula
tions on the success of the entertain
ment Is composed, pf Mrs. P. J.
Winkle,-chairman;" Mrs. Cora Hen
nlngson, Mrs. lzofta Waldron, Mrs.
Charles Frost, and Mrs. W. F. School
ey. Mrs. ,S. O. Olllmnn entertained the
Derthlck Clnb Friday afternoon. The
one-hundredth anniversary of' the
composer, Mendelssohn, was observed,
and the programme of the 'afternoon
was taken up with sketches from tlie
composer's life, and of compositions
of Mendelssohn. The biography was
read by Mrs. Kber M. Chapman;
notes on the composer were given by
Mrs. Charles Cnufleld; Mrs. Dillman
rend 'nn interesting article on Men
delssohn; "The Venetian Boat Song,"
No. li, a piano solo, was well rendered
by Mrs. S. O. Dillman. Mrs. Lesllo L.
Porter, In a very artistic manner, ren
dered a piano solo, "Song Without
Words. '"For the Wings' of a Dove,"
and "Spring Song.'! were the musical
selections given by Mrs. R. C. Ga
ming, and were highly appreciated,
ns was also the duet, "Would That
My LovV," by Mrs. Charles G. Miller
and Mrs. Theodore Osmund.
During the afternoon the hostess
served refreshments. The next meet
ing of the Club will be on Friday af
ternoon, February 17, at the home of
Mrs. Charles H. Cauflvld. Present
were:, Mrs. Leslie L. Porter, Mrs. R.
C. Ganong, Mrs. E. T. Avlsont Mrs.
J. W. Moffltt, Mrs .lohn H. Loder, Mrs.
Theodore Osmond, Mrs. I Adams,
Mrs. C. 0. Miller, .Mrs. Gilbert E.
Hedges, Mrs. J. W." Chase, Mrs. John
F. Clark, Mrs. O W JEastham. Mrs. H.
Caufleld, Mrs. Eber A. Chapman, Mra.
Ross Chnrmun, Mravc Annie Slckler
Hayes, Mrs. S. 0. Dillman, Miss Mur
iel Stevens. Y
A few of Mr. nnd Mrs. Htnry Sal-
U It i $
Waltham, Elgin, Howard. Hamilton and New England
watches will keep up this gait longer than any of the other
makes of watches. They cost less money and are guar
anteed to keep perfect time.
A Good Gent's Watch from $2.00 to $100,
Beautiful Ladies Watches from $5.00 to $75.
, This is always Goo J Advice: Take your repair work to a shop that knows how.
Our Watchmakers Are All Experts
13irmeister (L Andresen
Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cor.
Isbury'a friends succeeded In surpris
ing them at their home In Gladstone
Saturday night, the occasion .being
Mrs. Salisbury' birthday. The eve
ning was pleasantly spent in playing
whist. Those receiving the first priz
es were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Capen,
and the consolation prizes were given
to Miss Irene Carter and Gaylord
Oscar E. Freytag, In behalf of Mrs.
Salisbury's friend's, presented her
with a gold bracelet with sincere wish
es for many happy returns of the day.
Refreshment were served during
the evening. i
Present-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Capen,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Godfrey, Mr. and
Mrs. Leander Capen, Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Freytag Mr. and Mrs. Will A.
Williams, Mrs. Salisbury, of Portland,
Mrs. C. T. Tooze, Mrs. William La
Salle, Miss Ivan Harrington, Miss
Irene Carter, Miss Hilda Tooze, Miss
Jessie Paddock, Messrs. Harry Pad
dock, Gaylord Godfrey, Mr. LaSalle.
Mrs. Emma Thomas, Master Arti
san, was given a most complete sur
prise at her home on Adams street,
Friday night, when some of the mem
bers of the order called to remind
her of her birthday, and bringing with
them a handsome gift, a sliver cake
basket as a manifestation of tbejr
appreciation of the interest she has
taken in the work of the order. The
evening was spent in cards and
games, after which luncheon was
served. Present were: Mr .and Mrs.
E. C. Bruner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. William Har
vey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doty, Mr.
and Mrs.-J. V. Wlllett, Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Cooper, Mrs. B. F. Linn, Mrs.
Augusta Lutz, Mrs C. E. Forshner,
Mrs Anna Johnston, Mrs. Mary Free
man, Mrs. Minnie Donovan, Mrs. Al
fred Joy, Mrs. S. A. Gillett, Miss
Myrtle Donovan, Miss Llllle' Freeman,
George H. Marley, Harlan Donovan,
George Schwartz, Willie and Freddie
The entertainment given on Tues
day evening by the Sunday school
pupils of the Christian church at Glad
stone, was a complete success. The
proceeds of the entertainment amount
ed to JU, which will be applied to the
window fund, for which the Sunday
school children are working. An
excellent musical and literary enter
tainment was given and the supper
served in the basement was enjoyed
by a'll. The Berean Class of the Chris
tian church, composed of 20 young
people, are planning for an entertain
ment to lie given in the church on
Washington's birthday. This class
has one of the colored glass windows
to pay for, and an effort will be made
by the young people to pay for this
as soon as possible.
The Daughters of the King met at
the home of Mrs. Harry Moody on
Sixth and Center streets Saturday af
ternoon and planned for a valentine
party to be given at the Willamette
Hall on Saturday evening, February
V.). Committees were chosen and the
affair promises to be a most enjoyable
one. Miss Murjorlo Caufleld and Mrs.
Louis Morris were chosen as a com
mittee on advertising; Mrs. W. A.
Showman will have charge of tho
candy booth, (Mid Mrs. Theodore Clark
will have charge of the valentine
booth and postofflce. The hall is to
be elaborately decorated with, valen
tines for the occasion. The Ladles
of St. Paul's Guild will serve supper
In the evening at the Willamette Hall
from 5 to 7.
The Salmagundi Club' was entertain-
en on Saturday avenue by Miss Hit-
Ilia Koerner and Miss Clara Koomer
at their home on fl-.n street The
evening wus merrily 3pea; I p. music
conversation. A lunch was served
during the evening . Th ) naxt meet
ing of thi club will be at the home
of Miss Nellie CauQold. The guests
of the Misses Koerner were Miss Sed-
onla Shaw, Miss Ireno Moore, Miss
Winnie Hanny, . Miss Mable Jower,
Miss Olga McClure, Miss Genevlevo
A Watcli!
a very exacting one. Its hours
are from 7 A. M. to 7 A. M. seven
days a week. It must do this year in
and year out for years and years.
Miss Bertha .and Clara Ko-jr!
One of the most successful dancing
parties given this season was on Fri
day night, when the St John's Young
People's Club entertained at tke Mc
Loughiln Hall. There were about 80
present, and all had a isost delightful
time. The Oregon City orchestra of
four pieces furnished the music for
the occasion and 18 dances were on the
programme. This Is the first dancing
party that the club has given, and
those attending last night are looking
forward to' the time when a similar
one will be given. t
The Artisans met In regular ses
sion last' Thursday night and one can
didate was Initiated. After the busi
ness session was over vioci3! time
followed. Thursday evening, Febru
ary 11, was the social night of the or
der .at which time a musical and lit
erary programme was given, folbw
ed by dancing. .Each member was
given the privilege of Inviting two
friends. The social nights that are
given by the Artisans have helped to
bring In new members, and a ood
time Is always enjoyed.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Robertson on Madison street,
between 8th and 9th, on Friday eve
ning, February, will be given a ban
quet by the Presbyterian Brotherhood.
Rev. Sharp, o fPortland, will be pres
ent and deliver an address on "Lincoln
the Great Man". Rev. Montgomery of
Portland, has also been Invited and
will probably add his presence to the
pleasure of the occasion.
The Pythian Sisters held their
meeting in the Woodmen hall on Mon
day evening, and a social time was
enjoyed after the regular business
session. The Knights of Pythias and
their wives were invited also to at
tend. The Order has changed Its
meeting night from the second and
fourth Tuesday to the second and
fourth Monday. '
The decorations were very artistic
In festoons of red and white crepe
paper intermingled with ferns. The
shades of the electroliers were also of
red. The patronesses of the evening
were Mrs. L. L. Pickens, Mrs. William
Sheahan, Mrs. B. T. McBain, Miss
Martha Frances Draper and Miss CIs
Barclay Pratt.
Women's Industrial Club of Jennings
Lodge will hold a Lincoln Memorial
and Oregon celebration February 12
at 8 P. M., in the Jenniugs Lodge
school house. Refreshments will be
The marriage of Miss Honorina G.
Colard and Mr. Thomas J. Cooper,
was solemuized on Wednesday even
ing at the Presbyterian manse, Rev.
J. R. Landsborough officiating.
Sunday School Convention at Glad-
stone a Success. j
The Sunday School Convention held
i ,ka u-i .1 u . ,
in the Christian church at Gladstone
last Thursday night, was one of the
most successful meetings ever held.
The afternoon and evening was taken
up by addresses by delegates and
several musical selections were well
rendered. Mr. Merrit. of Tacoma,
Wash., who is the international field
woraer, in hts address, gave an ex
cellent analysis of his subject. Rev.
Phlpps, of Portlaud, spoke in his
usual nappy manner. j C"
The people of Gladstone spared no !
pains in entertaining the delegates f
and visitors, and their hospitality was '
highly appreciated by all who at-;
tended. !
FOR SALE Good Incubator. Inquire
D. T. Davis, 5th and Main St, 2t
' Lame Shoulder.
This is a common form of muscular
rheumatism. No Internal treatment
is needed. Apply Chamberlain's Linl-.
ment freely three times a day and a
quick cure Is certain. This liniment
has proven . espIally valuable for
muscular and chronic rheumatism.
Huntley Bros. Co.
Club Will
Give First
Annual At-
The Saturday Club of the Congrega
tional church met at the home of Mr.
A. B. Wllmot, of Third and High
streets Monday night. Business of
importance was brought up for dis
cussion during the evening.
Plans were made for the an
nual market to be held In the
church parlors, which will be held on
the third Saturday of the month. The
following committee on refreshments
for the market were appointed by the
President, Mrs. Charles D. Latourette,
and consist of Mrs. A. B. Wlimot, Mra. .
Follensbee and Miss Jean White. It
was also planned to give an enter
tainment and social on Washintgon'a
birthday In the church parlors which
will be free for ail, and will be called
the "Saturday Club's First Annual
At Home." The committee on ar
rangements for the affair Is composed
of Miss Minnie Schatz, chairman;
Miss Myrtle Buchanan, Miss Helen
Daultoa, Miss E-stelle Nlles, Mrs.
Mortimer Latourette.
It was voted by the members of
the club to donate $10 to the Congre
gational church at Parkplace, the
building of which Is undergoing ex
tensive repairs. Other matters were
brought up for discussion, which will
be further planned at the next meet
ing, which wilt be held at the home
of Mrs. L. Adams, on the second Mon
day In March. Mrs. Wllmot served,
refreshments to the members at her
home. Present were Mrs. E. C. Oak
ley; Mrs. O. E. Freytag Mrs. Charles
Blulim, Mrs. L. Adams, Mrs. Mortimer
Latourette, Mrs Charles D. Latourette,
Miss Estella Niles, Miss Hilda' Mc
Getchle. Miss Ivy Roake, Miss Jean
White, Miss Ivah Gordon, Miss Maud
Warner, Miss Laura Avison, Mrs. A.
B. Wllmoti Miss Myrtle Buchanan,
Miss Helen Daulton, Miss Minnie
Schatz, Mrs. James Roake, Mrs. J. M.
Mark, Mrs. E. F. Grisez, Mrs. Folles
bee. Board of Fire Commissioners
The board of firecommIssIoners
met In the city hall Wednesday after
noon and ordered the election of a
fire chief, engineer, and three Are
commissioners, the election to be
held at the Founain Hose Company's
headquarters March 1.- The judges
appointed were M. H.Long, M. J.
Gleason, and E. R. Rhbades was ap
pointed clerk. ,
Low priced things are not always
cheap. -Low prices are sometimes
dearly bought. There's such a thing
'as "extravagant economy" which
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products just as low as It Is possible
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these you must depend upon us to
li ,fnJ y We can guarantee the
following to be unexcelled in quality
ad extra low in price:
Currants 10c package
Resins 10c package
pic-nic Hams 11c lb
Malta Vita 5c package
Prunes 5C pouna
Particular Men
Phone Main 93.
Third and Main Streets,
. ( ,