OHECION CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1909. 1 TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Nnllcn In hsroby KWin Hint the Coiiiily Hiiiirliil(iinl(iiit (,f Clnrliiimiis Cnuiiiy wjll hnlil tliu rgiilnr examina tion or iiiiiii'iiuiN for Niiitu mill county lntM: m lit Oii'guii City, nit fiillnw: for But Papers. t'lilllllli'lll'lllg WiMlliimilay. Vnliriinr Hull, lit II o'eliH'k A. M nmt miiillini nut mini Hutiirilny, February ;illi in i r. ni. wi'iiiiummy ritiniicimlilii, History HHIIng. , Physical (Iwigrapliy, (iti' lug. 1'x.vi'liiiliiiiy, 'I'lmi winy-Wrltl I'll A rll)iniTlo, Tim ry uf Tfiu liliiK, (liuuuunr. Moult Ihj iiik, rnyMim, t iv tlovci'iiiiiiMil. Frldny- I'liysltilngy, (Iimgranhy. gilir, ICiiglUh Llti-ralum, Compim (lull, Hi'IumiI Ijiw, Hiifiiriliiy- lliilnny, iMniui (lonimdry, iit'iii'riu 1 1 im Dry. For County Pap.ri. Ciiiiiiiihiii'Iiik WiHliiiimliiy. Knhriui liltli. t l oVIock A. M,. mill ronflmi Iiik mull Friday, February U'Hi at r, m. WviliiKNilny I'KiiiimiiNlilii HIMnrr Orllmgratiliy, leading, ItiynlMl (long, raphy. Thursday WrjUon Arliliiimllr-, Tim- ory or inching, (iruiuttiur, I'hyaltd KC. rrlilny-- ( Ji.rnjhy, Hrhmil lw, Civil (nivi.riiiiii'iil. KiikIIhIi I.lti'rattiru, lour truly, T. J, OAKY. Jwii i Glorious Victory, Thorn's rejoicing In Kodnrln, Ttmn A until s llfi' him Iii'.mi sn.il, mill n.ir lr. hlng Nnw HUc.iv -ry In Umi liilk or tin' ii'wil ror rurliit V. V. IVMif r ilimlly lill'ii h.'iii iitIiiiOh. " not wsik or Ki'l nb'iir, n wrliiH.an I he iliM-ti it M tllit ui no giMid, Inil. nfi,. using Ur King's Ni'w ilnrovi'ry i ltrt "', I r'i'l iikn n ni'w nitiii, Hint run ilo Kihul work sgnln." Kor wmk. sure or dlm-iimul lungs. CoiikIih, Colds, llomorrlmiii'it, liny rVv..r, U(irli Ai limitn or my limn -'iinl nfii-finui li miuul uiirlmli' I, I'rlc.i fiiii- mi i."". i run ixilim inc. H'jlil uiul Kiiaranleiul hy Junes Jt Ci, RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE iiiTfH", in vii'W or tli limn wo linvp mmlitlui',1 hy t li ti.n of our fil'iul ami nib.K'liiU', Mr". Itdiwrn c Clink, and of thn null hmivlnr loan mistaluml hy llinm. who wure iii'nrat mid ih'iiri'Ht lo Iwr; thwinro ho It ll.aiilvi.., That It la hut Juat trl hulti lo thn iiiiuiiiiry of thw departed to aay tlmt In rKrt t Iiik her removal from our mliUl wo moiirn for duo who was. In every way worthy of our respect uiul regard. ' Itemilved, Thai sincerely con loin with the fiimlly of tho deceased on llio illHiii'imailou with which it Ima pleased lilvltw I'rovlili'iiru to afflict (ln'in, nnl commend them for conso lation to B 1 1 in. who order nil thliiKa for Ihn best, H.,,lvfil, Tlmt the lii'iirlfi'lt sym pathy of t (ill rlub bo exlended 10 her fiimlly In thrlr affliction. ItraolviHl, That these resolutions bo nircnl upon Ihn records of thla club, mid a ropy thereof bu transmitted to tho fiimlly of our deceased friend, and to tin' newspaper of thla county. MISS M. I HOIMKS. Mftrt. J, M, WAHNOCK, MHS. AHTIiril C. WAUNKH CommlttiM'. Admlnlatrntor'a Sal of Rl Property, In tho niatlxr of th patato of .Mary Cnllalinn Mcl.lti, ih'ci'uaiul: Nnllcti h hori'liy kIvimi that tho un i1'ralKiK'1 Ailinliilntrulor of tho abovo numi'il intnii) will, purauniit, to nn orih'r of thi' County Court of tho Counly of C'lni'UmiiM, Stuio of (iro Kim. iniiilo on thn iluih ilny of Jummry, i'Mi'J, nixl t'tilnrwil of ri'coril lu tho Jiiiiriml thwoof of tho rrolmto rc urila of aa hi Count y and Court, which unlit onliT ho madt! anil I'ltciidcd ill ri'cd'il tho undiTHlKiii'd tidmtiilMlrntor li ni'II lliu aiild real proixirly of anlil hi ni i' hi'iolmidcr di'acrilK'd ut prlvnto hiiIo fur cnah. Thn AdinliilHtnitor will on hiiiI aV tor thn 'Jin li day of KVhruary, 1W9 of. fT fur aiilo mid aill for cnali, nil tho rlKlit. Mt:r and lntcroat of tho anld Mnry ChIIuIihii MclJn, iIochihwI, or Iht PHtnic, In and to tho followliiK ilpucrlhi'd ri'iil iiropprty. Hllimli'U In tlif County of Cluckiuiinx, SUto of OrcRon, to-wlt: Forty HO) ncroa In the Northonat corii'T of tho Donation Iind Clnlm of John nnd Hurnh AllirlKht; nlao an undivided ' uno-vli'vonth Intcroat In 2 HI iicri'H or tho Clifton It. Cnllnhun and wlfi'' pnnntlnn Iand Clnlm; Hiild 21 ncroa hclnit tho wlfc'a hulf of anld D. I. C. Appllciitlona to inirchnae anld Heftl Properly will ho received by tho Ad tnliilalrHtor. Tluia. F. Kynn, nt bin of flcn In the Masonic Temple, OroRon City, Ori'Kon, on nnd after the 20th dny of February , 1909. THOS. F. nYAN. AdnilnlHtrntnr of tho Kalnto of Mary . Ciilliihun MclJn, Decenaed. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of tho 8tuto or Ori'Kon, for Clackniuan County. Friiucea Mnlteaim, 1'lnlntiff, VI. Everett MtittcBiin, Defendunt, To Everett Mntteaon, tho defendant above nnmnd: In the name of tho State of OroKun, you nro hureby required to appenr and niiHwer tho cnmplalnt filed attalnst you In tho nhovo entitled milt on or before tho 5th dny of Mnrch, 1909, ttalil (Into being tho xplrntlon of six woeka from tho llrnt publication of thlH Biimniona, nnd If you fnll to ap pear nnd niiHwer anld complaint, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply ,to tho court for tho relief demanded In tho complaint, lo-wlt: For a decree dlBHolvInK the bonds of matrimony now oxlBtlng betwoen plaintiff and defendant. Thla aiimmona Is publlHhed by or der of lion. Thomna A. Mcllrldo, JiulK'i of the nhove nnmed court, which order waa mado and entered on tho JOth dny of January, 1909, and the llmfe preHcrlhed for publication Is nix wi'ekH, IkikIiiiiIiik with the Uaue of Friday, January 22nd, 1909, and contlmiliiK ach week thereafter to nnd Including Friday, March 6th, 1909. GEO. C. BUOWNELU Attorney for Plaintiff. Summoni. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Mary Irian, Plaintiff, va. Lewla Irlali, Dofendant. To Iiowls Irish, the above named defendant: In tho nnme of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appoar and ntiawer tho complaint filed against you In thn iihnvo entitled mi II on or before tliu Dili (lay; of March, 11)01) anld (Into being llin'uxili'nlloii of a I weelm from the ilulu of tho flral mil) lli'iitlon of ihla aiiiiituoiia, nnd If you run to npiiear nnd iinawer anld com pliilnl, fur want thereof the plnliillrf will npply to dm court for llm relief ileiiiniiiled In I he complaint, lo-wlt For n decree dlaaolvlng tho bond of in ii l rl in it y now exlalliig hntwenn the 1ii i ii 1 1 rr cud (Inriindiitii., Thla Niiininona la publlahed by or der of lion, Tliimina A. Mcllrldu, JiulK'i of die nhovo niimi'd court which order Vjhm miido and onlered on Mm 201 h day of Januury, llioll, imi the lime piuNerllieil for publication In six weeka, beginning with thn Ihhiio of Krlihty, Jniiunry 22nd. 1U0H, and con Miming eiii'h week thiirnnrier to and Including Friday, March Mh, llioll. IKO. C. lIKOWNI'IKh, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summoni In thn Circuit Court of the Hlatn of Oregon, for Clnckiiiiuia County, .leunlo U (Iriiham, Plulntlff, va. Jiuiiea I,, (iriihiim, Defendunt. In Jiuiiea I (iruhiiui, defemlnnt above limned; In the ihhiio of thn stulo of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and miawer thn complaint lllnd Ignlimt yu In thn abovu untitled null on or beforn thn Hill day of Mnrch, 1909, milil ilntv being thn expiration of nix weeka from tliu llrnt piihllcntlon of Mila aiiminona, nnd If you fnll to appear or nnawer anld roiiipliilnt, for want Ihereuf, the plaintiff will apply lo thn court for the relief deiiiuudi'd lu the cniiinliilnt, to wit; For a decree, elite- "olvlng the boiida of iiiatrimony now ellHlIng between plullltlff mill defolld Hilt. I'll la miMimona In publlahud by ordur of Hon. 1 bomaa A. Mcllrlde, Jmlgo of the nhove named court, which or der waa innde nnd entered on thn 27th day of Juniiary, lim9, nnd tho 1 1 mo preacrlbeil for piihllcntlon thereof la Ix weekn, iiimiiunclng Friday, Jim miry :".ni, 1909, mid coiillniillig inch week Iherenfler to nnd Including Fri day, March U'lh, 199. C.KO. C. IHtOWNKU Attorney for Pliiliitlff. Summoni In the Circuit Court of I ho Htnte of Oregon for tho County of Clncka maa. Alice Moaea, Plaintiff, va. Wllllain 11 Moaea, Defendant. To William II. Moaea, tho above named defoudnnt: In the nnme of thn Stain of Oregon, you nro hereby required to appenr and nnawer the complaint filed agnliiHt you In the abovo entitled milt, on or before Snturday, tho 2oii day of Mnrch. 1!)U9. tlmt dny being thn lant day tlxeil by anld Court for you to appear mid nnawer anld complaint, nnd If ymi fall an to appenr nnd an-Hwc-r anli) complaint fur want therof, he plaintiff will npply to anld Court fur the relief prayed for In anld com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dlNtolvliig lie lunula of miitrliliony between thn plulntlff and the defendant, nnd for audi other relief na to tho Court may m-i-iii Juat and equllnble. Thla aiiiiimoiia la iiuhllahed Immu nol to an order of the Honorable Thomna A. Mcllrlde, Judgn of the above entitled court, niwile, duted and entered on the. 27th day of Jnntiary, 1909. Thn date of tho flrat public- ion thereof la January 29, 1909. and he lit h t publication will ho tnndo on he 12Mt day of March. 1909, nnd will be published for at least nix suc- reaalvn weeka. CALDWEI-L & RKKPIKH. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement, Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, administrator of tho Ks lain of U li. Carlson, deceased, has filed 111 tho County Court of Clacka mas County, Stnte of Oregon, hla fi nal nccoiint na such administrator of anld entitle, and Mint Monday, the first lay of Mnrch, 1909. at the hour of 0:.1O A. M. hits been fixed by thn udge of snld Court as tho time for earing of objections to snld report and the settlement thereof. T. tl. JONSUUD Administrator of the Kstnto of U G. CarlHon, ileccimed. THOS. F. HY AN, Attorney for Admin Istrutor. Dated Jim. 28, 1909. Summons In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon, for Cluckainus County. F.llu Dny, Plulntlff, C. F. Day, Defendant. To 0. F. Day, tho above named de fendant: In tho nnnin of the Stnto of Oregon you nre boreby required to appear ami answer tho complaint filed against you herein oil or before the :oth dny of February, 1909, said day I'lng aftor tho expiration of six eeks from tho first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so ppear and answor, for want thereof, ho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: For tho dissolution of tho bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff and for n decree granting plaintiff tho custody and enro of tho minor child nnmed in plnlultff'B complaint. This summons is published by or- er of Hon. Thnmns A. Mcllrldo, ninde and entered on tho 14th dny of Jnn- unry, iuya. First publication, January 22. 1909. Last publication, March 5, 19Q9. MAC MAHON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clncknmaa County. Christen Fox, Plaintiff, vs. Henry W. Fox, Dofondnnt. To Henry W. Fox, Defendant: In tho name of the Stnte of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or be fore tho 19th day of February, 1909, that being the last day proscribed In the irder of publication of this Sum mons, nnd if you fail to so appear and answer aald complaint, tho plaintiff ill apply to tho court for the relief therein prayed, to-wlt: A decree dis solving the marriage contract now existing between you and tho plain tiff. This summons Is published for six conaecutlve weeks In the Oregon City Hutorprise, newspaper, by order of Hon. Urant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, made on the 28th day of Docemher, 1908, the first publication being on the 1st day of January, 1909. S. R.. HARRINGTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Executrix's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un- deralgiiPd has been appointed xacu trlx of thn eat ale of William Scnn Ion, deceaaud: all pnraons bavin clnlma against said tnte, are here by notified to preannt the snmo wit pniper vouchers, duly verified accord ing lo law, at thn olllco of Ooorgo C, llrowiiell, Oregon Clly, Oregon, with in six mouths from tho date of the piihllcntlon of this not loo, Jlill I'd Jiiuuiiry IK, 1909. NANCY J. BCANI-ON, Kxcculrlx of tho estate of William HciiiiIoii. Deceased, Men, C. lli'iwiii-fl. Attorney for mid iixeciitrix. Notice of Final Sattliment. Nollcn Is hereby given that the un- deralgned etecuUir of the last will nnd testament of II. F. Kayleh, lu cinaed, has filed hla final account therein with tho' County Clerk of Clitckninas County, Oregon, and the. Counly Judgi lias ad Monday, the 22nd day of February, 1909, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M. at tho Coun ty courtroom of said County and Stale na thn time nnd place fur hearing ob jections to anld final account and Ih final settlement of anld eat ale. 1IKNUY A, KAYLKH, O. I). KI1Y, Kxecutor, Attorney for Executor. Ouirdlsn'i Sate of Rail Property Nollcn Is hereby given that pur Hint ii t to an order of the County Court of tho Siato of Oregon, for Clacka mas County, tliu tiuderalgncd gimr.Jlan of the persons and estates of Winnie It. Palmati-er and Oral K. Palmnteer, minora, will sell an undivided ono- II fill Intercat of tho following describ ed real estate, to-wlt: Ilcglnnlng at a point In tho North boundary line of tho Win. N. wade, 11. I-. C, In T. 3 B It. 4 K. of tho Willamette Murldlun, In Clackamas Counly, Oregon, 8. C9 deg. 30 mln. W, 28.15 chains from tho Intersection of the line between sections 10 and 17, aald Tp. and Knngo with the said North boundary line of tho said D. L. ('., nnd running thence Houlh C9 deg. 30 mln. W. along snld Clnlm line 37.18 chiilnn to tho Northwest cornor of mild Claim; thence South 20 deg, g chains: tin-lice South 34 deg. 4S mln K. 12 fiO-rhalns; thence N 09 deg. 30 mln. K. -18. K0 chains; thence North 5 Deg. w. 20 chnlns to tho place of beginning, containing 102 acres more or leas, subject to the dower lnter- eat of Nancy shankliind. Snld snln to be on and after Fehrii- nry 12, 1909, at the office of Llvy Stlpp, room 4, Masonic Dulldlng, Ore gon City, said County and Slate, and to he at private sale for raah In hand J. H. PALMATEKIl. Uunrdlnn Aforesaid 8ummoni In thn Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. ; A. F. Ilremer and Kllen flremor, Plaintiffs, vs. Samuel n. Pomeroy and Margery I'omeroy, Defendants. To SumiK'I D. Pomeroy ind Margery Pomeroy, 'Defendants: You and each of you aro hereby re quired to appear In the above entitled court on or before six (fi) weeks from the dale of tho flrat publication of this summons and answer the com pliant filed against ynu and each of you In the above entitled suit, and if you fail to so appear tho plaintiffs herein will take Judgment and decree against you and each of you, forever barring you and each of you of any claim or interest In or to the follow- ng deacrlbed real property situated In Clackamas County, Oregon, and being a part of Claim Number Thirty nine (39) being part of Sections One (1) and Twelve (12) In Township throe (3) south of Range one (1) East, bounded as follows: llcglnnlng at tho esaterly corner of anld Claim Number Thirty-nine (39) Ihetire South 44 degrees West 10.19 chnlns: thence North 51 degrees 30 minutes West 40.00 chains; thence North 61 degrees 15 minutes East 15.C0 chains; thence South 45 degrees Fiat 38.33 chains to tho placo of be- Klnnlnc. containing Fifty (50) acres, more or less, and the whole of said land, the ditto of the first publication of thla notlro being January 1. 1909. Publication of thla summons it ninile by order of Grant H. Dlmlck, Jmlgo of tho County Court of the State of Oreeon for Clackamas County, In the atmenco of Thomas A. Mcflrldo, Judge of tho above entitled court. JOHN W. I-ODEIt. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Summoni, In tho County Court of the State of Oregon within and for tho County of Cliickanias. In the matter of tho application of Frnnk A. Duncan and Caroline Dun can; husband and wife, to adopt Esther Marie Clark, the minor child of J. A. and Lizzie Smith Clnrk. To J. A. Clark, father of the nhove minor child and ouo of the defend ants herein: In tho Namo of the Stnto of Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear nnd answer the petition and complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Friday, the 20th day of Februnry, 1909, said date being tho expiration of six weeka from the first publication of this summons, and ,lf you fail to so appear and answer, for want thoreof the plaintiffs win appeal to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint and pe tition, to-wlt: For a decree and order authorizing the adoption by Bald plaintiffs, Frank A. Duncan and Carollno Duncan, of the said Rather Marie Clark, the minor child of snld J. A. Clnrk and IJizle Smith Clnrk, and to change her name to Francis Pearl Duncan, t This sumniotiB Is published by or der of the Honorable Grant B. Dlm lck, County Judge of the said County of Clackamas, which order was made and ontered on the 12th day of Jan uary, 1909. First publication of this summons on Friday, the 15th day of January, 1909. U REN & SCHTJEBEL, Attorneys for Petitioners. Executrix's Notice. Notice is heroby given that the" un dersigned has been appointed execu trix of the last will and testament of William Doen, deceased; all persons having claims against said estate are horeby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified according to law, at the office of Geo. C. Drownoll, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publication of this notice. Dated, January 15, 1909. LUCINDA DEEN, Executrix. , Georgo C. Brownell, Attorney for Ex ecutrix. Summoni, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Silas R. Sonneland, Plaintiff, vs. Eda 7.. flonnoland, Dofendant, To Kila Z. Sonneland, Defendant: . In thn name of the Hlato of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you In tho abov entitled court and cniiso on or beforo Saturday, tho 13th dny of February, 1909, which Is the last day prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons for you to appear, and If you fall to so appear and answor for want thereof, thn plaintiff will apply to' the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, In the above en titled suit, to-wlt: - That the bond sof matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and thn defendant be forever dlssolvod upon thn grounds of desertion and for such other relief as to tho court may seem meet and equitable. This summons Is published pursu snt to an order mado and dated on the 29th day of December, 1908, by thn Honorable Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge presiding In the above entitled court and causn, by which order It Is ordered that this summons be pub lished In tho Oregon Clly Kntnrprlse, once week for six (C) successive weeks. Thn date of tho first publi cation Is Jannnry 1, 190S. JOHN C. BHILLOCK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. First Piihllcntlon. January 1, 1909. Ust publication February 12. 1909, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Ina Smith, Plaintiff, vs. J. W. Smith, Defendant. To said J. W. 8mlth, Defendant: In the namo of tho State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the abovo entitled suit on or before February 12, 1909, and If you full to answer for wnnt thoreof, the plaintiff will take a decree annulling bonds of matrimony and her costs. This summoni la published by order of the Hon, Grant I). Dlmlck, County Judge of said county by order dated the 2Gth day of December, 1908, first publication being dated January 1, 1909. II. F. LATOURETTE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summoni In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. F. O. Moll, Plaintiff, vs. Katherlno Moll, Defendant. To (Catherine Moll, the above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby notified to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against ynu in the above entitled court on or before tho 19th day of February, 1909, and If you fall to so appear and answer salj complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the plain tiff's complaint, to-wlt: a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and de fendant and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may leem equitable. This order li published by order of Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the Coun ty Court of Clackamas County, Ore gon. The date of the first publication of this summons to be January 1, 1909, and the date of the last publi cation to be February 12, 1909. T. a THORNTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. John Haley Estate. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu trix of the last will and testament of John Haley, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to me at 527 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon, with prop er vouchers and duly verlffPd, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published January 8th. 1909. kate Mcdonald, Executrix. Howard F. Latourette, Attorney. Sheriff'i Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. C. G. Miller, Plaintiff, vs. August Erlckson. Defendant STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas. as. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 3lat day of December, 190S, upon a Judgment rendered and entered ia said court on the Cth day of Novcin- hor, 1908. In favor of C. G. Mllbr, Plaintiff, and against August Erlck son, Defendant, for the sum of $358.52 with Interest from date at the rate of per cent per annum, and the further sum of 112.00 costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real prop erty, situate in the county of Clacka mas, Stato of Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 1, 2, 3, 5 6. 7 and 8 In Fruit- dale In T. 2. S. K. 2 E. of W. M. Clackamas County, Oregon, accord ing to the duly recorded maps and plats thereof containing 50 acres more or less. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and de cree, and In compliance with the com mands of said writ. I will, on- Satur day, the 6th day of February, 1909; at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named de fendants or either of them, had on the date of the Execution herein or Ince had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment or der, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing cost. K. II. BKATIK, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By R. W. Baker, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, January 2, 1909.- Notice to Cndlton. Notice is hereby given that the un- ersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Annie Weyman. deceased. AH per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified and required to present the Bame to me duly veri fied with proper vouchers at the office of Gordon E. Hayes, rooms S, 4 and 5, Stevens Building. Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. ISAAC A. MILET, Administrator of the Estate of Annie Weyman, deceased. Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Estate. Dated January 7, 1909. Notice of Sale. In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Clnckamas County. In thn Matter of the Estate of William Iwry, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the above entitled estate from and aftor Febru ary 15, 1909, at the office of John W. Uxlnr, Oregon City, Oregon, will sell at private sale to thn highest bidder for at lenat one-half cash In hand, bal ance on first Hen mortgage at six (6) per cent Interest per annum payable on or before three years, tho follow ing deacrlbed real estate bolonglng to said estate, situated In Clackamas County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Claim No. "42 in Section 21. T. 4 H. R. 2 E. of the Wlllafutto Meri dian, and running thence South 36.20 chains; thence West 30.30 chains to thn division line between the East and West halve of said Section 31; thence North tracing said division line 31.20 chains to point due West from the Southwest corner of Claim No. "41" In said Township; tbenre East 30.50 chains to the place of beginning, containing 110 acres, more or less. Done hy order of the above entitled Court duly entered. JOHN W. LOWRY, Administrator of estate of Wm. Low- ry, deciased. Notice to Creditor!. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of William O. Mack, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against tho said estate must present them to the executor, at bis residence, three miles west of Canby, Oregon, duly verified, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 5th day of January, 1909. VICTOR L. MACK, Executor of said Estate. Lcroy D. Walker, Attorney for Execu tor. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. H. W. Harrison, Plaintiff vs. JoBHman Harrison, Defendant To Jessman Harrison, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or beforo the 27th day of February, 1909, said day being more than six weeks from the loth day of January, 1909, the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you fall so to answer, for want there of the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the decree prayed for, to-wit: For a Decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. - The order for publication of sum mons in this cause was made by Hon. Thos. McBrlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Sth Judicial District of the State of Oregon on the 14th day of January, 1909. The date of the first publication of summons is January 15. 1909. R. A. SULLIVAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Marguerite Graziella St. Alailu, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Andre St. Marie, Defendant lo Joseph Andre St. Marie, above earned defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon At Even. MONEY A Saving Of time, traveling expensei and fatigue can be made by using the shortest route East. There Is but one short and di rect route between the Weit and Eait Southern Pacific Tne O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and UNION PACIFIC There li uniurpaued through fast train service to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, with direct connectloni to all polnti Eait and South. There li an abundance of matchlesi acenery, and an op portunity to make a daylight topover at Salt Lake City If It li desired. Let ui tell you all about what can be done before you pur chase, ticket. E. T. FIELDS, Agent, Oregon City. WM. MC MURRAY General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Kntate, Loans, Innurarioe GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and E!g t Sts Phone Pacific Statei 62. Phone Home BUI FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Weinhard Building, - - Opposite Court House JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon Will practice In all courts of the state Office In Caufield Building. O. D. EBY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Monny loaned, abatracts furolihed, lane tiles examined, eautee swtlled, feneraJ Uw bualnM tranaacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 510 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of plate, ab stract booki a. ox rolls Agents for Clackamas bounty Lands, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. & F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Look for Xmas Photos CALL ON CHENEY PHOTO CO. We are prepared to do the best work, and to deliver promptly. Bromide Enlargements, Picture Framing, Up-to-date Photos. KODAK WORK Edith Cheney, Bess Krumm Ethel Cheney ARTISTS 920 Main 8treet Oregon City. POLK'S GAZETTEER, A HuBtneu Dlrwmry of emch City. Town and Village tn OrfKn and Washington, irivlnr tvcripllv PKirn oi eacn piac, lax-ation, Hhipulnr Faculties and a Claul- Directory of each Bualnca ana tToiesyinn. K. L. rI K CO., Inc. TIME CARD. O. W. P. RAILWAY -esve Arrive .Leave- Arrive 3 3 ED H! i. ! h fc a S S -quo e " ! 4.00 6.27 6A0 tto M6 OF 6.30 7.20 7.S0 6.20 6.26 7.20 7.00 7.50 S.00 6.50 6.58 7.50 7.30 8.20 8.30 7.30 7.38 8.30 8.00 8.50 9.00 8.00 8.68 9.00 8.30 9.20 9.30 8.30 8.38 9.30 9.00 9.50 10.00 9.00 9.08 10.00 9.30 10.20 10.30 9.30 9.38 10.30 10.00 10.50 11.00 10.00 10.08 11.00 10.30 11.20 11.30 10.30 10.38 11.30 11.00 11.50 12.00 1.1.00 11.08 11.59 11.30 12.20 12.30 11.30 11.38 12.30 12.00 12.50 1.00 12.00 12.08 1.00 12.30 1.20 1.30 12.80 12.3a 1.30 1.30 2.20 230 1.30 1.38 2.30 2.00 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.08 3.00 2.30 3.20 3.30 2.30 248 3.30 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.08 2.00 3.00 3.50 440 3.00 3.08 4.00 3.30 4.20 4.30 3.30 3.38 4.30 4.00 4.50 5.00 4.00 4.08 5.00 4.30 6.20 5.30 4J0 4.38 5.38 5.00 1.50 6.00 5.00 5.08 6.00 5.30 6.20 6.30 540 548 6.30 6.00 6.50 7.00 600 6.08 7.00 6.30 7.20 7.30 6.30 6.38 7.30 7.00 7.50 8.00 7.00 7.08 8.00 7.30 1.20 8.30 740 748 840 8.00 8.50 8.55 8.00 8.08 9.00 8.30 9.20 9.25 8.30 8 4 8 9 40 9.00 9.50 9.55 9.03 9.08 10.00 940 943 9.38 10.00 1040 10.55 10.03 10.08 11.00 11.00 11.50 11.55 11.03 11.08 1149 12.00 11.46 12.50 1145 11.58 12.60 13.55 9.36 from Portland, 9.33, 11.66 and 12.50 p. m. from Canemah Park to MH waukle only. IVIa Lents Junction. Dally, except Sunday; leaves on Sundays 4.15 a. m. A. M. figures in Roman. P. It. fig ures In black. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 19th day of February, 1909, that being the last day prescribed In order of publication of this summons and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and that she be awarded the care and custody of the minor children ,and for Buch other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just. This summons Is published In the Oregon City Enterprise for six con secutive weeks by order of Hon. G. B. Dlmlck, Judge of the Connty Court, of Clackamas County, duly made and en tered this 6th day of January, 1909, the first publication of this summons being the 8th day of January, 1909, and the last publication February 19, 1909. J. B. RYAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Main Htreet, ' OHEOON CITTf WEINHARD BUILDING LTREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY S-AT-LAW DETJTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice In all courts, make col lection! and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduste of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, end the McKUlip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers ijj Mail 1311 STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps aad Hydrau lic Rams s Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practloe Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Building CD. & D.C Latoarette ATTY'S ATLAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office In First Na tional Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Expert Locksmith. Rubber Stamps. H. G. SURLES Proprietor. ' - Novelty repair shop Phone Main 1581 Scissors and Knives Sharpened, Bicy cles Repaired and Saw Filing. Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired. 105 7th St. Oregon City, Ore. HOWARD F. LATOURETTE LAWYER ' 526-27-28 Corbett Building PORTLAND. - - OREGON. at the OLD STAND at W. T. Harris' Mill Fir and Cedar Lumber of all Kinds at reasonable Prices. Quotations Solicited. Both Phones. LUMBER o 0 (1 uifitj nmBBA.a.iU . Hi ys 1 Scientifically Distilled. I h Naturally Aged. B h Abaolutely Pure. I H For Sale by H 1 E. MATTHIEt. 1