Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 01, 1909, NEW YEAR'S EDITION FOR CANBY, Image 3

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l'hili liy C. V, I'mnm, Cnnliy, Ungon.
'iiiihy Iih pitlitli' ki'Iuhi) y-
I II Wl'.l'll III!' Ill H HllllHll I'l'IINtl
. m I ii I ,rn li' I mi miiiiul cli'ik, Wll
la. ii V. Knight. II iii (mind (linl
eH Wi'le L'll I'lllhll'i'll Of Hl lllHll II Ii"
In I In' district, u,'i iii) H mill tU lM.
Tlii'i" l mi Iim ii'ikii nf 22 tivcr Inst
)i-iir. I'nif, J. rriinli .Mills la nowThi (nchi'm Hint nrn imw In charge
ii -aching din third li'tin In llm Cuiiliy
Hi liiiiil, ninl lil uliln imilmnut ur
Wlllllllll Ivllllilll, I'li'lllllli'il III Mill
I'll ' U Ul ' 1 1 ' H ll I 111' dl'tl'lllllllrllt
of t'lllii.HIIIIH CIHIIll), Kim Ixiril III
A li'lilirli) r.MUiiy, I'M., A pi II 17.
ninl la n mm of Jusi-ph, ninl i iiii'Imhi
uf Allillll Klillilil, I In' liill'T Ulllllll WUK
Inn ii In I'i-iuih) luinlti, ninl during Hi-'
linn' nf William I'i'liii u niiiiliii'lliiK
In i k general fur in 1 it k enterprises
Jimepll Klillilil liirilllni lil' lllllli'.l U
ii yiiuiiK iiiiiii vtllli ln Springs KulliT
Mill ( mi iu ii v In IVtiimylvuiila. uml
Mil jii I it -1 pit 1 1 y I'liiiiiKi'il In ill lln
iiitiim over Hi" turnpike. In IM.'i he
n-ini.vi'il In Mlitnuiirl mul nettled with
Hi" ll. Hi. ! ('ninny nl lli'itii'l, Shelby
riiitiily. mul liermne iiill iruiiiliiiil
In llm alTiilr of llii colony. In I s.' 5
III' WDM I'll" Uf III" iMegalc (Oil t out
! v Hi" - 1 1 1 1 y In Select a iii'W alio fur
in riii'iiiluii, mul with ux learn crossed
Itm plains, llm company Im liking up
ul HIiiiiiI Water, Wash., n place favor
iil hy imml nf Hi" representative,
who nt it i there mul tiHik up claim.
However Mr. Klillilil pumIhmI along I"
Oregon, selected a ili'Hlrolil" liirntlnn.
mul In Is.'." returned In Mlimmrl fur
Ilia (iiliillv. M',.1 found IiIiii niiulll on
llm pliilna, nmt after again arriving
In ilri'Ki'ii In' rented n place In Mar
lon ni'itily for three y"iim. II" then
piiri-l nni'il hIx hundred acre nf Innil
nl Cuiiliy, upon a Mirllon nf which
IIik town of t tint mini" now stand,
ninl In 1S70 Ii" illHpnai'il of I Ii" town
putt lo llm railway company, which
lulil out Hi" town lot. Tin rt'il ho
Improved mul llvi'il iipnii inilll IiIn
death nt tli nii" of seventy four year.
It" mnrrli'it Hanili tinli'ii, whci will
Imimi In 1'i'iitiHy U nnln. Of thin inarrl
!! there were Hi" following child
ri'tt: Chiirli'ii. iliTi'iiai'il In CInrknniRM
rnililly; lli'iiry Alfri'il, ili-ci'iiai'il In
Mlxaniirl; Ailuili, lilao ili-rriiHcil; Jon
"till. iliri'Hii'd ; Wllllnin, tii'nrit", of
Cuiiliy; mill hi-vitiiI iIiiiihIiIit who
nm iliTi iiHi'il. TlinniKh n hitoiiiI ninr
ilK" (I vi' rlillilri'ii with Imrn In Mr.
KihkIiI mul of llii'H", two nro IIvIiik:
John, who In -x uln-rlff of Miii-lon
roiinly, mul Mary, n ri'Hlili'tit of Cot
inii" (In i vi'.
('Mil IiIm fuilii'i'H ili'iiiti William
KnlKlit ri'iiinlni'il nl limno mul nHHlnt-
i'il w llli Hi" ti i it i u K nl of Die ilonn-
Hon cln I in . ttii'ri'itflt'r puitIiiihIhk one
liiimlri'il mul forty llv ucrra of Innil,
wMi'li It" noli) nfii-r liiiirnvliiK In hiikiII
liarlH. mill now lint lull twi'iily niTfH
MIhi Anna KiiIkIiI, wlin cihiiIiii'Ih
III" Knlnlil lloti'l nil Main Hlrri't, Ih
well known In thin city, mid liy lior
fair Iti'iilnu'iil lo lur pntruiiH, hIiii Ih
nii'i'lliiK wl'h Miirci'HH. iMIkh KiiIkIiI
Ih Hi" iliitmltler of (irnnilmn KiiIkIiI,
nii" of Hi" pi'omlni'iit ploiii'i'iH of 111"
ninl", mul who In nl proni'til nmkliiK
hi-r luimo with lu'r dmiKliliT. Th"
KiiIkIiI Ii"1''' lullHK l no "f "
ohl land niiirkn of Cnnhy, wlinrn
ninny Irnvi'lirH Imvo ntoppcil to en
joy n luuiH'lIko hotel.
0. R. MACK.
One uf the enlcrprlnlnK luminous
men uf Cnnhy who hnfl hulll up a
lat'Ke '""I" I'y ,1,H Renlnl miuiiier, In
O. II. Muck, Iho dealer In hmmehold
fiirnlHhltiKH, Hint enn ho nafely k'"c
nnleed. Mr. MacU'B ptorn nnihrnces
hamlHonie nnd artlHtlc parlor furnish
Iiikh. u cumpielo lino of chnmlior nnd
tllnlUK fnnii Hiillea, crockery, nutlons,
etc. Mr. Mack enlered Into lnifllnesH
In this city on Iho 28th dny of Do
cemher, 11105, nnd has boon so sue
ceHHful In IiIh biislni'ss Hint ho was
forced to aeclc lnrRor qtmrtom, timl
he In nt preieiit. occupyliiK two nloro
rooiuH lo iKM'ommotlntn his IniRO ntoclc,
Ho In well known thrmiKliout tlio
Hoiilhern purt of tho county bs an
honeat and nprlKht man, Mr. Mack
him a neat coHoko, on Weed Btreot.
On hl property Is n sprliiR of Rrent
volume, nml ninny of tho ronhloutB of
Hint nnlKhborhoort nre supplied with
tho water hy iiipiiiib of a pump, tho
water lieliiR convoyed through series
of pipes.
MIhm Mm lull Hwiililiy mill Ml mm Klnr
imicii Htiiildaid. TIhtc nro fmir
rimiiiN In Mik IiiiIMIiik. hut nt I ln pre.
I'll time only III in- in" In line. Owing
In lint Incri'aM'il iiiiiiilur of niilln
I liU yciir. Il In prnhaliln lliui I In-
full it ti roiiin will tin fiirulnheil ninl nn
extra li'itrhiT hlri'il for tint full term
of tl Mml are kIvIiik excellent
' mil Infitct Inn
Irll. Il.iwi'vi'r, Ii" owtia forty ucri'H
H'liiliilti Hi" iirliilnnl Intel. upon
Alilrli h" "iiKiiK'il In Ki'iiiTiil furuiliiK
mul fin It i nlnliiii, mul w Iut" Ii m ii k
'ila hoiii", lillhiiuiih litiilni'aii culls li 1 111
in Hi" city iiiiihI of tlii llm".
With lila luiiilii-r Mr. KnlKlit "Iikiik
"il In iciiiTiil iiu'ri-liniiilla" IiihIiii-mh III
Cnuliy In IK7I. mul ill mo niuliilnlniil
Hi" flrai iMiatiirtlr" nml riillrontl ami
frt'lKlil offlrii. After the fnther't
ili'iilh llie lirollii'rn illvliliil the i-Mlnli',
nml In I KK3 Hut lure wua nlni illvlilnl.
Wllllnin InkliiK hla alum' of kmiU mul
ii'iiiovliiK In another IuiIIiIIiik where
he liml nlau Hie niBiiiIlce mul riiltroiul
nltli'". Thin Inti'ri'Ht wnn niiulncliil
fur n roupl" of yi-nri, or mil II lilt
"li'i'lliui h Hlierlff of ('liii'kiimiiH tinui
ty In I kk , hi ri'i'lecllou InkliiK p'ui'i'
In issii. Iti'tiirnliiK In Cmitiy nfter
rouipli'tliiK III" term il 1 nherlff lie
ri'i'li'tl a InrK" more IuiIIiIIiik nl Hie
timer of M ii I n mill I) atreetH, whlrh
in renin nt I ho preaent time ami
lilt-h iietn lilm quite an mMltlouul
ticoiiie. An promoter of the lti
uililli'iiii party lie lilt a lu'i'ti very priiin-m-lit
In Ihla roiinly, lina nerved na
My p-euriler fur neveral lerntn; wai a
ii'luK'l rlerk uf Ihln dUlrlct for 2ii
yeni'M. and nrliuol illrectur fur nix
rura; hit a Im-iMI a JilHIIre uf the (lenre
for a Ih in ( all Ilio time of hla renlili'iit'e
here, ami la nu.v kitvIiik na notnry
.uilille. Kruteriuilly he la roiineeteil
Alth fie Ancient Order uf I'lilti'tl
Work nn n, mul linn been Itnntu-ier uf
lntl oikiiiiIuIIuii for Hie pnat 18 yenra.
'liuliiK 1 S r. 2 .1 Mr. KiiIkIiI whm a iiieni
ii r i f llie Mlaauurl Hume Ciiunla,
Seventy third n ul mumiI . In which lie
iltnlued the rank of Hcriii'iml, ami liml
ervei (Iiiim fer five yenra when ho
ititrttd ucrima the pliilna
In riiifkmmin roiinly Mr. KiiIkIiI
tniirrleil Mnrllin K. Ilerehet, a native
if M a ill ill -i Kin I y, Ori'Koll, Hlul iIiiiikIi
er of (leoiKe llerfhet, who wbh liurn
Il Mln-itiurl mul cronai'd the p'ulua
lth ox teiiina In 1S52. Mr. Ilerehet
lelili'd on renli'il luml In Clnck'tiiiiii
oiinly, lint Inler ImiiikIiI n reHldeuc"
lenr Mnrtiumn, where lie piiKUKetl In
fiiruilUK. and where the rent of hla
life wan npent, Tu Mr. nml Mm.
KiiIkIiI have been horn five children:
ilerlhn H.. now the wife uf Mr. Mil
'md l.ee, of I'tirllaiid; Vlmi .loHephlnu
if Cnnliy; Arthur II., n realdent nf
riinliy, ami Vevu Hrndtl uf Canhy,
mil Vettn Clark, of Cnnliy, twins.
K. K. Ilaiimi, who r it nn' to Cnnliy
from ArlliiKlun, OreKon, nml receiitly
piiii'!:llHed the Btock nnd flxlurrs of
(leuiK" KiiIkIiI's confecllonery, opiai
site the Hunt hern Pncltlc Depot, l
one uf those hlK-henrted men who
(rents hlH putrona, hoth old uml young,
with the hlKhest respect anil rotirlosy,
nml hy tloliiK so he In nii'i'lliiK with
IliilterliiK ctistnin. Mr. llaiiiui hua
mnile many Impruvemenls In tho In
terior of Hie hulldliiK since he took
pnttitcsslon, ami expects lo open an
Ico cream parlor next summer. Ho
foro coiuIiik lu Cundy Mr. Ilannu had
cliaiKu of the 2000 ucro farm bolonu
In K to the riulenu Kurm Co. of I'o'l
luml. Tho Kfocery triidii occupies a most
Important, pusltlnn in tho comniorco
of every hiislnt'SH center, and In Hits
brunch of Industry Cnnhy Is fully up
to Hie standard. A reliable nnd pros
perous housn cnRiiKcd in this linn nf
business In our city, enjoying a well
earned reputation for handling first
class goods, Is tho storo owner! by
Charles T. Hales. Tho slock carried
embraces everything in tho lino of
atnplo and fancy groceries, as well ns
a full line of wall paper, pulnls, build
ing nmterlnl, feed, crockery, etc. Mr.
Hates enmo tn Cnnhy from Aduma,
Ciiko county. NebrnHkn, six years ago,
being a contractor by trado, before
coming hero. After hlB nrrlvnl here
he was married to Miss Annette Wnlt,
daughter of Judgo Walt and a
prominent young woman of this city.
During his residence In thlfl city, Mr.
Hud's has mndo many friends.
Canby's Solid Banking Institution
Tim Cnnliy Hunk mul 'J'rtiHl Co., of
Cmihy, Oil-nun, wna iiiKiinlzi'il In the
iiii'ly purl or llMHi hy lmy I). Walk
er, iibhIhIi'iI ,y tn hiialniH men of
Cuiiliy, Aiiioiik Hi" Hloekho!dera na
aliilliiK In the oiKiiiiliiiloii were fir.
II. A. Ui'dmiin, F, A. Kiiaciikriiiia, K.
II. Carllun, I,. II. Wiihk, W. II. Iliilr,
O. II. Mni'k, Mm. (I, W. Hcniiiillii nml
olhera, Dr. II. A. iJi'ilman wan elect
ed prcaldenl ; K, A. H'Menkraiia, vice-
(in Mlili'iil ; mid IxTny II. Wnlker, nee
retiiry and ciihIiIit, find Hie 111 Hi laiard
nf illreclora coIihIhIimI of thu fiiri-K')-
Iiik clllri'in and II. Wiiiik, W, If.
Hair. H, II. Cnrltun mid fl. W. Hermii
lln. The cnpll:il la tlO.Onn fully piild
In and L',r,(i(i ri-Herve mid iitullvldi'd
profit n. The hank opem-d for IiiihI
nena May I, IWIfl, mul It H uniwlli liu-i
Iiitii aleiiily and cniialaut; It hua hei n
the 111 in uf Hut III u Ti it k ' 1 1 -1 I to Kve
the pi'iipli. of Canhy mid vicinity llie
iidvniiliiK" of a mo lorn hunk i-oiiduct-ed
on ciiiiaervnllv" 1 1 ik-m and upliulil-
I'liiitii by C W. liAiiun, Canity, OrrK'tn.
ItiK the heat traditions of the banking
liiialiieaa. That Ihey have been sue-
"tsfiil Ii conclusively shewn by their
atiitemeiila as made to the State Hunk
IC x ii in I in-r In iicor.lnnce with the Ore
Ken Stale Dunking Ijiw, their laat
atatement allowing tolnl r-Siiurcei
f over $l27.uuu. This bnuk hna ul
ay Hindu a practice of carrying
Htrong ciiah reserves ngnlnat dea)slls;
William Cant well, before filtering
the real eatute biialut-as In Cnnhy, was
a contractor of Portland, having ar
rived In Hint city from Knslern Ore
gon in the yeur 1SS9. He remained In
William Cantwell.
I'ortluml until tho winter uf lS'.K!
when he cn.ue lo Cnnhy, where lie hud
more or less Interest, as he was also
engaged la newspaper work and real
estate IiiihIiichk in Ort'Kon City ut the
same time. Mr. Cant well has been
engaged In (his city for the last two
nml oiie-hulf years, md has succeed-
V Jl
- i
English walnut tree 14 year old,
18 feet high, and 8 Inches In diameter
18 Inches above the ground. This
tree has been bearing for the last
seven years, The picture was taken
In August.
ed In closing Bcvernl Important land
deals. He owns property In the city,
uml Is one of the stockholders of tho
Clucknmns County Fulr Association.
II r. Cant well's real estate olllco Is
located In the Kvans building on Main
street, opposite the depot.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0. Keys, who
recently arrived from Kansas, have
piirchnsed the City Hotel, nnd It Is an
assured fact Hint they will meet with
success, and ns an Inducement to
their patrons, nra serving excellent
menlB of good home cooking. Itoa-
stumble rales by the week or month
will bo given by tho proprietor. Tho
city hotel is situated near the Canby
bank, ami la convenient to the depot.
ty 7'' V"
r irni mmmmmmin l . -1. i r - -
it I the iliile iiu-iil luned their ciihIi uml
due from hntikn muuiiiiled to te-arly
9 15,000. heliiK Vi per cent, of their
iexialta of f 1 1 5,0011 ; Hie Hlute law
unly reipilrcH Hint IS per cent re
nei ven he currteil, no the reiervea cur-
rleil hy the Cuuhy Ilntik were nearly
I In en tluica the niiiiMinl that, the law
reijulred; thin rill" of Hie Candy Hunk
name into very K'hmI iiho ilurliiii tin
timet nf Hie Ii-kiiI holliliiya and clear
IliKhuliae cerllflcntia, (liirlnK wl.lcli
tlmi-N thlH Hunk wua open every day
for llie ti m 1 1 it I tniiiHnclliin of Ila IiiihI
ik hn nml It paid lln (Icnutnila and car
ried on nil II a triiuaiictiona In K"ld
not iikIiik the clenrliiK liotian certl
flciilea; thla wiim one of the few hnukn
n the Wlllumetln Valley (IoIiik t HI h.
mil It tin a reaiilled In n lurxe lucr.-nac
In llie hiiHlncHH of Hie Hank.
There are tin outalile Intereala con
nected wltli the Canhy Hank, the own-
era heliiK a'l home people, uml ic
lame (ifllcera who ainrted the liank
nro Btlll directing the affairs of the
Hank. Ilelng home people, living in
Cnnhy, the Hunk hna been a material
factor In the growth uf the town and
country surrounding.
Tho Hank owns of the ht-st corners
In Canhy and butt erected thereon a
neat and serviceable concrete block
buildliiK for Its own uko a cut of
which Is shown.
W. 11. Hair, who win born and rais
ed In Netdy, and who is one of the
prominent commission merchants of
tho County uf Clackamas, has resided
In the city of Canhy for the lust eight
years. About twelve years ago, Mr.
Hair went Into the meat business, and
opened a shop In Wootlburn, where
he wub In business for three years,
tnd conducted a meal market In Can
dy for one year at the same time. Mr.
Hair ships several thousand dressed
hrgs nnd vial per year. Mr. Dalr
has for years looked up the best
market, und by thut reason ho Is
able to handle the bulk of the trade
In meats. He ships most of the dress
ed ments, which amounts to several
enrs each yenr.
When Mr. Hair came to Canby eight
years ago, very few potatoes were
. -rsi-ai ii -'.T,
W. H. Balr.
raised in the vicinity, and since go
ing Into the commission business he
has encouraged the farmer in the cul
ture of potntoes, anil It is through
him that there are so many potatoes
rained in the southern part of the
county. Mr. Hair Is well known here,
and since beirg in the commission
business, he has arranged with the
best experienced salesmen of San
Francisco to handle the fancy grade
of potatoes, and this accounts for the
large shipments made by him yearly.
He also baa a good market In Arizona
and Texas.
During tho summer the large build
ing Mr. Ilnlr Is occupying was con
structed. The building Is 50x100, and
Is convenient to the Southern Pacific.
The contractor of tho building was
Frank Dodge.
Mr. Rnlr, who Is a man of Influence,
Is connected with tho lodges and bo
cinl organizations of Canby, and is
one of Canby's highly respected citi
J. F. Deyoo was burn May 11. 1841,
In Snrntoga County, Kentucky, within
three miles of tho fitmcus Saratoga
Springs. Ho lived In Kentucky until
eight years of age, when he mo-.'f.d
with hla family to Michigan In 1S49,
where they located on a farm, In
Sprlngport township, Jackson City. He
lived at that place until 1861, when
he (iillsli il in Hut Hlxth Michigan In
fantry, ami served four years In the
army. Ho returned to Michigan and
followed farming 1 ( years. In 1877
lie married Miss China M. Graham, of
I'aluiR, Michigan, and In 1881 emigrat
ed to North Dakota, where bo readied
until I8IH, and they thought they had
1llzzurdM, snow and Ice to Inst tiiem
and "pulled their freight" for Oregon,
Mr. Deyoe wna appointed postmas
ter at Candy on November 1ft, 1897,
mil Is still holding the Job. He Is
well Med by the peoplee of hi homo
town, and It Is probable, that he will
retain the position for many more
R. 8. COE. .
K. 8. Cue, "much president" Canhy
nan President i f the Canhy Develop
ment U-agtie, also of the Strawberry
Growers of Candy, and of the Clack-
imas County Horticultural Roclety;
vice president of tho Clackamas Coun-jaml
ty fair Association and an all around
in, camo to Oregon from Colorado
all broken in health and spirits, look
ed over Portland and vicinity, also
Vancouver. Not finding things to his
liking, started up the valley 18 years
ago and saw Canby's future. In the
twinkling f an eye, he bought a 10-
acre place of the Philander Le Do
nation Land Claim and commenced
the lniprovem nla for a home, and
now hns a model p'ace, for which he
has been offered $M00 several times.
Mr. Cue has 1000 bearing apple
trees, also cherries, plums, pmnes,
ncachc, walnuts, etc., In the tree
line. Now In small fruit the goose
berry, currant, Logan; Phenomenal
and Himalaya berries, four acres of
strawberries, several different varie
ties, the kind that produce the "big
red" berries.
In the poultry line he has simmer
ed down, after trying most every
thing else, to the Plymouth Rock, and
received second premium last year at
the Clackamas County Fair, and this
year at Canby first premium on trio,
and Is not satisfied. He wants more
'presidency-ships"; Is looking for
something to advance himself and the
community, always on the "boost" for
Canby In particular, and doesn't for
get to say a good word for the County
Canby Canal Company
William Vorpahl, one of tho high
ly respected citizens of Cnnhy, was
Imrn In Holsteln, Germany, In 1811,
and was married In that country be
fore coming to tho United Slates, Mi.
and Mrs. Vorphal first settled In Wis
consin, and from that state went to
Nebraska, where they resided until
coming to Oregon, about. 31 years
igo. They purchased a farm, one an
one-half miles from Canby, and resid
ed there until about 18 years ago,
when they came to tho town of Can
by, whero they purchased property
and erected a fine house of eleven
rooms, and modern Improvements.
The land Is under cultivation, and Is
considered to be g valuable piece of
properly. Mr. and Mrs. Vorpha"s
two sons, Otto and Robert, purchased
the farm, and are residing thereon, j
Herman, another son. Is realdlna In
Sellwood. where he Is In business riin.
Fmi VorphaI( whf) fimnt!rty ff.
sided In this city, are In business In
Portland. Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. Mary
Phelps and Mrs. Annie White, daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Vorphal, and
MrB. Calvin Kocher, reside Id this
The Commission Merchant
Onions, Potatoes, Fruits, Hay
Grain, Dressed Meats and
Other Commodities
San Francisco
5, 10 and 20 Acre Tracts
of Irrigated Land will be on the
market February 1st, 1909.
The Finest Fruit, Watermelon,
Strawberry, Cantaloupe and other
Garden Soil in the Willamette
With Abundance of Water for
Irrigation during the dry season
Soil is a rich Sandy Loam from
four to sixty feet deep.
These tracts adjoin the new Clack
amas County Fair and are in easy
walking distance from the City of
No Mud in the Winter Time
Lawrence flair, who Is ronnected
with S. T. Fisher In tho ment busi
ness on Main Street near the poslof
flee, Is well known In Cnnhy, where
he was born nnd mined. Mr. flulr,
who hits been In the ment business In
this city for the pnst four years, Is
meeting with success, ami Is one of
tho progressive men of Canby. Mr.
Hair Is connected In business with
9. T. Fisher, who came to Oregon
about 18 years ago from Pratt Cen
ter, Kansas, and during his resilience
here has shown a desire to help for
ward any enterprise that would help
the community In which he lives. He
Is well and favorably known. Mr.
Hair and Mr. Fisher both have prop
erty Interests In Cnnby, the latter also
owning a farm near the city. Tho
mnrk't Mr. Hair conducts Is charac
terized by thorough cleanliness. A
large stock is carried st all times,
comprising everything In fresh and
cured meats, poultry and lard.
Dr. A. P. de Lespinesse
Office on C street next Tribune Office