i OREGON CITY RPR NEW YEAIVB EDITION FOR CAN BY. 4 NEW YEAR'S EDITION FOR CAN BY. t. FORTY THIRD YEAH NO. 1. OKKdON CITY, ORI'XJON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1009. ESTABLISHED 1S66. 4-i.p 1 1 til i i t' t i i.r f ENT S CANBY-A PROSPEROUS TOWN Prosperous Community is Surrounded by Rich, IVrlilc Fanninj; (Country, Unexcelled for the futility of its Products. Clitiliy Ih unit oT I lir tin ml thtlvlug llllli' lilHIIH III III!' NolHlWI-lll III till' p l li I day II In 11 town r h. 'Willi hundred population. II In kIIiiiiI'mI In Hi.' noiilhciii pmlt of llif cuuuly Willi I III' Hl'lHll'TII I'llC'llll' 1 1 11 11 limning through II 'I'lii' lnuii Urn ill. mil two inlli'H from Hiii Wllliinii'lln river, iiml (iiliny nf I In Im-hi lut'tun In Ihe county urn In In' fniinil ulong I In- lnuii lend Ingl! I" Hi" lninllM'nn hirllnli 'I hi' eoiiniiy nin riiiniilliiK In i npci-'ully adapted in mill hugely ili'viiii il in fniii ruining, iiinl inmiy of the linn it vy;i Illllli'H Hun inn h ' I J . I In i In- '. i lii'nl iiml Oii-!'ti City tutiik.ln a).' iiiliii'il Iii-ii'. 'I'lii' null Ih Hiuiily 'iiiii Wlll'tC l I IIW III I I ll'N tll llllll'l" M 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' l f J tl i I K thllle lltlll lllllllll II pill I It'll ' :i I l i i i linn llum Tin- null l-i iiImi i x I'l'l'l'lll fill' lilt' rllllllir li IIIH K IIHI if III' ll tt!t."l pllllli- I. Il'.l Ih III I In- nlillo lire In I'u'iliv Tin' luige piiini- ililir if I In- Allen Iiiv. H- ipi i ii I' piiipirl v nf I In- WlllmiM II.- I i in I I'iiiiiiiiii In I'l IIIH'lllll.l Willi l-nlllill llri-, III 1VIS In Ui-iiICi-IIiiIkh Tin' building wiln -.1, ill' I III Aukum mill a iik In npi-itiiliiii lii Srp li-mlii-r. mitl inch vur nlm-ii Iiml nine Hit utiinli'i Mil In ilin Hliilillliy i.inl TIhti' mi- rmir cliiirclii'H lii Dm cliy Itriiiliirlhi'iii'HH nf llic null nf Cnnby ' of Ciinliy, llii' M. E. Church, (ionium llnil iiiliiiil fuels ami figures In it-T Evangelical, Clirlnlliin iiml I hi' Scan I'li'iit t' In .i i tilui-i h inn looked iiptui ; tlliiiivliin Kvhiiki'IIciiI, l In- lalii-r, wlllt niinplrlnii iiinl oflfii dlnt-redUcd. under eoliMtrilollon, tht IIIiikI i al lolin A niniill fruit Iiiiiii III ('nutty, iruii'r- 1 of which appear In thin Ihhik-. ly nili-ii li-il In, Mill iniiliiiiilii ii rum - ly 'fy 4- i- I. '0 . 'f, ' NEW YEAR'S EDITION. Copli'M nf llic New Year's H - llluii nf Ciinliy ciin he fniinil either m llic more of O. It. Muck or hi tlm r'l oHtuto of flee nf William Cimlwi'll. The price will he five renin, liny ii copy iiml wtiil to your fllcllllK In Die KllMt, llllli KllOW I hem what Cmihy people are doing. The paper will ,e . Illnl ruled Willi Hlreet Hrenea, llllHlneHH llOIINC'H, funiiH, illlll ri'HllleilCCH. SIGHTLY RESIDENCES AT CANBY Homes are Made Doubly Attractive Because Their Owners and Occupants Love and Take Pride in Them. Ily in Iiimiiv nil thi'lr liven ''lue w III hi iiinl h iiiiiiii-i' range for much of ill l.llliln In llll ailvillllllgo Hie flllllielH III Ihlti willou i iipny WlllfiiK genial i-llimili- mul nn p.'iri-t-l Iii-ii If Ii condl lll'HH tin t 111' Will. I hull III lift' r. We In vlte Mm lii i-iiiih' In Cnnby mnl em ' liini-i- I In- gulden uppni Iniillli-H Iiml, in- ii,ii-ii In every Intelligent hihI In lit! .1 -li.im liiiiiii-ii-i-,i'r. Oregon hlltl lev h put liilii de e, ri ii I H l mp pro I'liil t ullll. In lie- riiltin. the linlini r . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,.- in lit.- Wl'lmiielie Viilli-v. mnl III tnnu) "i-i-iinnti niitTiiiimlliig Cnnby 'niMii-iii.i' lit 'p ii t ili nun l.e k-'i-ii. v'-el evi'iy velir ll Illlll till II nf people 'ire Klv-ll -1 1 1 J . I . -i 11 1 1 'I! I , ltl Hit lllile fi'i mi iiiiiiiii.: The chiireheH lire pienliletl over i Aiiioiik the new reililenceH creeled ; In Canhy ilurlni? the year Ih thai of i IToy I), Walker. A larxe, roomy IKhliiKle hiiimalow, with whin project lii caveH of the California pattern, ami an cxira lar?e porch built In fionl, H Ih one of the moHt attraollvi: inmiy liilii uf pillio n Klvl'IK eliipliiMin-nl me iiiiih I IIIIIIIV ml, Hie Tlnil' me Ilin-e Iiiii,'!' eiiin inn .Ion 'iinineH lii Ciiiiliv, which me iiiir.eii lent In Hie nillniiiil Kiii-Ii yeiir SV. II Hull. W II l.ui-ke iiinl W. H Ilium. iiiiiiiiilHHliin inerihiiiiln, Hlilp hy null of forceful character linn. In-iln nf hiii-kn or pod H unit iiml HlroiiK linllvliliialliy. The atlenil- other poultice lo Hie Ciillfoinlii ninr-; mice upon nei vicen Ih evlileiire of the ,. , - '. . ' t I. , - - . ; - - ' - . " t . . - .. --' . ' " - " , navian KvaiiKellcal church. Mr. Mix' He U:u heen In huiltioss .since coming hoiiHe wan hiillt. about a year aKo ami ; here, m-alln In K'-m-.'al mcrcliatnll.ie, everytliini; Ih convenient. There are ami has hull! up a 'arire eoiinlry tratle five rooniH Including a hath. Mr. Mix ! hh well a city t rrl who Ih a lover of tohch, has Just set ! out J TO choice rose bushes, which are to be uhciI BH a biiUj,'". Other choice flowem are to b touml In hl Rarrten. ami when they are In bloom are al ays ailmiri-d by the people of Can- Anollier pretty home of this place. I.s that of Mr. ami Mrs. John Kalb-llelsr-h, who lia-,.. reslileil hero for many yearn. .Mr. ami Mrs. Kallifleisch came lo Oregon from Kannns, inakini? i heir home on the three acres of land I mar the huslne-i center of the city. One of the new homes of this place The seven room house is modern throughout. 'hat Is pleasini? to the eye of the vi.s 'tor Is that of Goorne Meeks, which van recently completed anil now oc cupied by his fami'y. The resilience Is located on Weed street, ami is nodern throughout. The cost of the structure was about $1100. and was built by Mr. Mocks' father. r;-or(!? i Meeks, who i.s a young business man ' if Canhy. is well known here, where. he has resid"d for several vears. t'hiilii l.y l V. I'niiini, Ciinliy View of Portion of Main Street at Canby, J. FRANK MITTS Mayor of Canby Frank Mitts was born at Cams. Joseph Fletcher and family are oc cipying their new home, which was built during the summer on their 14- acre tract in the northwestern part of the city. The cost was about $2,- homes In Clackamas County. Com- SuO. Ed Uradtl, who owns a block fort was the prevailing Idea and the cations in the city of Canby, is one Interior arrangement Is carried outjof the most up-to-date residences in One of the neatest cottages to he erected in Canby is that of Mr. Itreu er. which i.s under construction, and within a few weeks the building will be ready for occupancy. The long veranda on the nor' ti and west sides of the hois" adds to the altrartlve i'st. The house was commenced in the fall, and U being built, by Mr. Hroiier. SIX BEAUTIFUL HOMES THAT ARE TRULY HOMELIKE IN THE CITY OF CANBY - . . Si, ! " ' " - - r l'Ulu.r C. W L. H. Wana I tiiiuii, l 'n y ) pistple of Hie HUliillUillll coiilili) The cnpm lly of the ih l. r n Sun bush- In III '.'I lnuii t. Th- luillilln Is cut ISlI feel, llll. U mi the Tl t II 1 11 llvr ii oil! Thi-te mi' liundi i-ils nt prune Ili ' S l, the III tli I" I.HU'.I'!'. In III'' l.utiil Ctiiiipuin. iitiil are iilas l.i-pl In K-mil i-iiihIII Ion lit npinvliiK an I ll UlllllK AlthlitlKll the pl lllli' rti.p un nil. ill thin i-ni I llliiiotliiilil the i-i in lit . Hie onlpiil of Ibis dtii-r wun very Iiiik-- Mf CiiiiiiiilmtH hits Ih-i-ii UllltlllKiT of Hie ilrli'l hlnce Its run strut-Hun, mul he In n iiiiiii who Is Well punti'il III t ll i is Hue Minn or Hie i-uunty mi to Ily of Cniil'V Cmibv i-unmil the CI euiliel li s of their rii-iim trotu lliiiiil l.illus In the ' found in Hie vli-iii As a dam rotiutiv Mn. F. Roth Kits nn well us to l'tiiiliind and Kant em Males Tlii nn men oro dealer In w-ll n.-lirti-, produce, and lit Hu ll.! I er niiisiiii have buyers who go rn. eu'hi. nl Hie i-iiiiiily mul buy that ulili-h will bring only the highest mar- Let prices T'ii-ii- me hi-vi-tal sawuii'lh n.-ur i'.imI.v. h linn nut ihousiiiiils id (ii i i ( Iniiilii-r a day mnl are shipped h Hie Southern I'arlllc Cutiipuny. The AilUim siiwiiilll, which Is aboul two iiillcs lnuii Cmihy Is one of the !n I'.e-l iiiiiii ii f ii it ii i Iiik concerns of lis I.iihI In the coiinly. the beadiiumters l eing In Ihls cll v In charge of Unwind I'ji-U-s E. I. 8iai Fred Hampton Jos. Fletcher G. W. Kesselring lllli'lllgenct' and llic coinliiuiiKv. tuoriil churiicler of ' ClackHinas County, Oregon, July " - j 1ST9 While )-er eults "OtlR be xci-lli-d Many I ' il 1 1 11 ml l i-i e Hie dull') tilt-II llf Mall) nf the I'i pl'e-elileil III ullb I in i' ami liaieinul our lllile the si nin I CITY COUNCIL. The cliy council meets In the city hull on the Hi si .Monday of each mouth, wlili Mayor Mills presiding. Wllllmu Knlghl, one of the oldest set Hern In Ciinliy, bus been recorder since the Incorporntion of the town. I'ebruiiry I".. imli The last meeling if the old coiincllmen look place on Mi liilay evening, December 2S. The I'liiincllmeii are Charles l.ucke. S. T. FWier, F. II Hilton. W. II. Hair. Chmles T limes, H. C. Clltnore. .1. A. (Iiahnin. Chuiles N. Wall, E. 1. Sins, orders are j The clly lieasurer Is I,. I). Walker, city, and j orders mill moved with his parents to the present home of his father Hear Needy. Or. lie attended the district school, ami on uecounl nf sickness was not grad- 19, along these lines. An outside sleep Iib I Ing room, flro p!a.-s Lsith floom : mod of unti'li lo lis mi'tropiilliaii prestige and WILLIAM H. LUCKE. j W illiam II. l.ucke. one of Hie h ad- ' lug cninmlsslnn iiii-rchutits of Canby. 'although be bus been In business1 here only for the last year and a half j through his dealings with hs patrons,! 'has nn ( wlih .success as a ciun.nls-! slnn men-hunt Mr. l.ucke has ship "-""V- . 1 " c-- ) '1 1 J ern Improvements, and the panelled dining room are some of the features of the building. The interior wood work is of selected Oregon fir. the living nnuns finished antique, the dining room finished weathered, and the bath ami kitchen are finished In white enamel. Including the walls. The Mission electric fixtures finished in old brass are particularly attrac live. The grounds are ample, shaded by maple trees and it Is a most at tractive home. Mayor J. Frank Mitts i Opposite the home of Mr. Walker : Is the attractive colonial residence of J. l.co Kckersnn. which was built dur ing Hie summer, at a cost of J3t0. the contractors being J. F. Kckerson and 1,. E. Clazier. This residence is i ne of the finest homes In Canby, and i an illustration is shown In this is ! sue. There are nine rooms, with bath, closets, electric lights, hot and i colli water ami fire place. The wide in the heart of the city, and which is a latuntito plnoo of lar.tt. rrrfotcd'n m at cottage on this property this iiimmtT. Mr. Fletcher and Mrs. Bradtl are connected with the Carl ton ami Rosonkrans Company. Other homes that were erected last sum mer were those of J. H Sutherland. Mrs. Elvira Salt marsh. Evans, and T.any improvements have been made !) residences and business houses. Mr. Evans is having a neat cottage under course of construction, which will be one of the modern homes of, the city when completed. Among some of the attractive homes of Can-1 by are those of Dr. Dodman. Andrew : Kocher. Mrs. Anna Knight, C. L. : Hates. I,. H. Wang. John Vorphal, J. i H. Sutherland. -' " cottage of Wilson Evans on his property to-ar the M. E. church Is now occupied hy Mr. Evans and family. This is a six room cottage, with par lor, dining room, hath, kitrhen, pant ry, the sleeping apartments being on the second floor. The cost of the building was about 11100. Miss Samson, who recently pur chased property in this city. Is occu pying her cottage. Miss Samson has resided on the Samson homestead for many years and is a new- arrival In Canby. Mr. Zeek, one of Canby's black smiths, is erecting a building on his place in the southeastern part of the city, and will Install a blacksmith shop when completed. The beautiful home of L. H. Wang. situated in one of the most sightly lo- carpenter trade Calvin Kocher, of Canby, Is one of the prosperous young men of this city, and is contemplating building a modern cottage In the northeastern part of Canby in the early spring. G. W. Kesselring is one of the puh- 1 lie spirited citizens of Canby, work irg at all times for the advancement of the welfare of the community. Mr. Kesselring was born at Hetistontown. Pa.. August 19, 1S.1i;. He came to Oregon June 2ii. 1891. locating on Cribble Prairie, where his wife owns a 130-acre farm. In 1S92, he was married to Mrs. Nancy A. Cribble. In the fall of 1904, they moved to Can by, whfre they purchased the home, an illustration of which is shown in this issue. There are 14 lots included in the property, and lies near the Southern Pacific line and the main road. Mr. Kesselring owns a 100-acre tract near Molalla, but this farm has been leased, and he is following the He was one of the Loading ties on cars at Canby. Many of the sawmills near Canby cut thou sands of railroad ties every month. I'llntii liy C. W. Ullllllll, Canby. To accomuioiliito the laruior Iiinl lo enable him lo dispose of bis cream without I he trouble of shipping ll a crenui lesler was reconllv In stalled, where he can dispose of his cream. There Is excellent pastuiiige In and around Canby, and wlllilu Hie lust few years miltiy of Hi" newciini oi n have gone ful c Ih'- dairy business. Willi the oxcellotil growth of clover, timothy anil all mid crops ami the Hi t' 'ii tn is llowlng Ihi'oiigh I In' cnim! ry, the excellent cllmallc ciimlll Iiiiih. all combine to make Canby the nalii'iil iiiini of he dairy cow. The cow Is the corner slone of ngriciilliiral pros perlty, and a good cow, properly foil ami bundled, never fat's to yield a hmitlHome prnlll. The opporlunily for butler making lis a business Is one I hat tiff era a greul Hold for I'uriii its Inleresloil In Hie creuniery busi ness. There m e Hi III many good dairy faruiH near Catihy lliul can he pur chased al roasonablo prices, allhough within the last your properly in Ibis Hocllon has advanced somewhal In value. , I'tiiiliy, Oregon. itainllng, and arc compnsod of many of Ihe leading people of the clly. A t'oniiuiTt'liil Club, an organization I'omposoil of many of the business Ik! i-T ' In'? f r n- . , fc.' ff,--r.tto,,i-. --i. 1 . ' ' luttIMHdMISHHIiMlHHftMMMll Charles Lucke I in I nt i Ii -s iona 1 men of Canby, has about in nicmlieiH, and II was through the iinlliil elTorts of Ihls Club that the County Fair was brought to Can by. Meetings ni-e held In the clly hall. The olllcors are; It. S. Coo; president; V. 1 1, l.ucke, vice-presi-iletil ; Howard Keeles. secret ary; R. 10. Ilradll. treasurer. J. W. Lieser pod many carloads of produce this soiison, and each day of the week can bo seen cars loaded for San Francis co or some oilier points for shipment. He represents Wolf & Sons, of San Francisco, where ho makes largo ship ments, anil other prominent linns are dealing wilh him. He Is handling hay. grain, onions and potatoes. Last week he pincliaseil throe carloads of onions, having an order for ten carloads. Mr. l.ucke came lo Oregon from Iowa, and first made bis home In Cor vallls, where he resided before coin ing to Canhy, Paring his residence In Ihls city ho has taken an active In terest In the city's affairs and always road) lo assist In promoting the good of Ihe cause. L. 0. Walker J. Lee Eckerson CHRIS KRAEFT. One of the prominent potato grow ers of the county Is Chris Kraeft, who oume from Itusslu about eight years ago, anil purchased a Ill-acre farm near I'runeland. Mr, Kraeft recently purchased L'O more acres, which he will put In polatoes. He was accom panied to this country hy his brother, Jacob Krael'l, who also purchased a farm near Cnnby. consisting of 110 acres, sir. Kriiott has rented nils to Mr. Vandevee. tinted until the age of eighteen. Do-! shaded veranda extending along the siring lo become a toucher, Mr. Mitts three sides of the house adds to the prepared and took the teachers' ex- j apt aiance. as well as to the comforts, aininalion in May, 1S9S, receiving a Mr. Eckerson came to Canby about third grade certillcate as the reward j six for his labors. Ills career as a teach-j the years ago from bookkeeper and Kansas, cashier nctjj! ft. V a i i- County Road near Canby running down through a strikingly beautiful ave nue of 500 fir trees. Photo hy C. W. Piimm, Candy, On.gon. and Is for the th.' county. There are eight rooms. I many spirits in organizing and inn er began in the "Kurul Dell," better ' Carlton & Hosonkrans Company, and ' including bath, hot and cold water, : muting the Clackamas Coiiutv Fair of' i Association, and takes an active ,' it I i ; : , j in every movement for the h.-lt-r- . , - tiiein oi ins luwii anil nitiiio. known as the Samson School in dis trict No. ti of this county, and he has been leaching continuously since then. Mr. Mitts has the distinction of having never failed in a teachers' examination, and Is now the holder of a State Mfe Diploma. At the present lime he is principal of the Canby school, having boon elected for the I hi rd year, which is Itself suflleiont evidence of successful work. All hough ll very successful teacher. Mr. Mitts' work has not boon entirely confined lo teaching. During the fall of 1907, w hen the liquor quest ion was Ihe loading Issue In the municipal election In Cnnby, he came out ns a candidate for mayor on the "Hood iiovernmeut" ticket and in the De cember election, was elected to that office for a term of two years, which office he has held with credit to him self and party. Come to Canby. Canby offers the best home in the West, llomesookers and investors are Invited to come to Canby. is prominent In bringing the city Canby to the front. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles have taken possession of their new home, i which is situated on Fourth street between H and C streets. This Is one' of the most convenient little homes in 'Canhy. and was planned by Mrs. Eccles, and presents a very neat ap pearance. There ate six rooms in cluding a reception hall. The don Is one of the comforts of the home. The contractor of this building was Anil-row- Klevo. Mr. Eccles owns two lots which are in sightly location. Mr. Ec cles Is engaged in teaching the White school, near this place. Ho has been engaged In teaching for the last ton years, ami was during last summer, one of the Instructors at the Summer Normal hold In the Ilnrclny school house In Oregon City. He is also manager and hook-keeper of the Ad kins Sawmill Company, with head quarters at this place. JL im! Charles l.ucke. who has just re turned from an extensive Eastern trip, is the owner of one of the pret tiest homos in Canhy. The place i beautifu'ly situated and commands a magnificent view of old Mount Hood. Mr. Lucke catiK' from Iowa about 17 years land. t:mo. lis. ago and first settled i.i Poit where he remained for sonio and afterwards wont to Corval- A. M. Vinyard electric lights, and heated by means of a furnace. A gasoline engine is used for the pumping of water into hie house from ihe large tank. The grounds surrounding this pretty home uio well kept. Mr. Wang came to Canby from Washburn County. Wis consin, seven years ago. whore he Chief of Police J. S. Dix has a neat purchased land, and about a year ago cottage on his place in-ar the Scandl- built the home he is now occupying. From that place he came to Can- by. where he purchased a liWatre farm, but later sold 10 acres of the property to Mr. i'pton, of Mabel, Or., who is the book-keeper of the ;aiiid mg Lumber Company, flo oa.t re tained his U'O acres, which are un der cultivation, and he Is engaged In raising apples, prunes, wheat and rats, there also being a dairy in con nection. Ilefore coming to C-inby Mr. Lucke was engaged In farming, and has made a success of it in Clacka mas county.