OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1908. a j X 11 GRIST OF RCHANDISE TO E TAIC r hi -41 TO THE MILL OF GUT PRIG suable goods at vety Radical Reductions in order to meet obligations now due. Owing to exceptionally quiet trade conditions, we are heavily overstocked and we will make it doubly interesting for the economical buyer. H We mtist close oat qu ick o t 1 a quaniiiy 01 very oe- A RECORD - BREAKING SMASHING OF PRICES throughout oar entire stock. Costs Ignored, Qaality Humbled, by vast redactions designed to hasten exodus of our immense stock. This is a bona fide sale, backed by our guarantee of ten years' of legitimate merchandising in Oregon City. Yours for bargains, PRICE BROS A mum "C"..: Tuesday, December 29th, '0. NOTE A FEW 0F THe MARVELOUS VALUES Men's and Young Men's High Grade Suits and Overcoats of the Michaels, Stern custom make will be divided in four lots and offered at the extremely low prices as follows: $12.50 to $15.00 Values at $8.35 $18.00 to $20.00 Values at $13.25 $22.50 to $25.00 Values at $16.25 $27.50 to $35.00 Values at $19.25 Shoes! Shoes! W. L, Douglas $3.50 Shoes in all leathers at $3.05 Men's $5 and $6 High Top Shoes at - - $4. 1 6 $3.00 Shoes, both work and dress at - - - $2.75 $2.50 Shoes, both work and dress at - - - $1.95 Men's Loggers and heavy Shoes of every description at 25 per cent, reduction. Men's and Boys' Hats Roelof's guaranteed $4 Hats at - - - $2.35 Hawes' $3 Hats at - 1.90 $2.50 Waldorf Hats 1.65 $2.00 values - - - 1.35 i $K50 values - - - 1.05 You bring the head and ve will fit the head at 50 per cent, reduction. Shirts and Underwear $1.50 to $1.75 Cluett Dress Shirts $1.10 $ 1 Monarch and Conqueror Shirts 8 0 CtS 75c Dress and Work Shirts at - 45 CtS 35 cts $1.40 35 cts 75 cts $1.05 Twenty per cent, reduction on all Quilts and Blankets. 50c Dress and Work Shirts at A special lot of Oregon City Mfg, Co. blue flannel Shirts, $2.75 i values at Regular 50c cotton ribbed Under wear at -$ 1 .00 Wool Garments at -$ 1 .50 Wool Garments at Trunks and Valises 35 per cent reductions on all Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags. DON'T FAIL to take advantage of those tremendous bargains Values that ate positively the lowest Mow mm I v I l J J J J I v in 1 L... 1 . V ,S I I 6TH a m&m STS. GlEftl DTYn LlEn All Merchandise bought during this sale strictly cash. Our broad guaran tee of satisfaction or your money refunded goes with every purchase. i while stock is com plete and you get a wide range of selec tions. Plenty of help to wait on you. 3