Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 25, 1908, Image 1

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    Orfo Mtitorlctl HuoUtfl
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f-H -i 11-111) i t- -m n t t
: J) j) j) Ss. R : &
i'Hin $-H- tHM
4' Tin Enterprise It the
only Clackamas County
Newspaper Hint print!
i your subscription ex-
plred? Look at the label.
ill of tin news of this f
should not mis any
.growing County,
our news numbers.
H M H H P !---
't-H-S-H-J- -
Portland Attorney Says Case Is Due
to Scramble For Gold Found
on Dody of Man Near
Probably tin' most aciiHiilliuiul uml
stin t ling Mil, Unit ever tlli'il In tint pro
bate court of ( Mac K it inn n Ciiiinly hits
been presented liy Frank (', Hesse, uii
uiiiiniiy uf I'm iliiinl, uml it member
of the II nil a if Hunim & llerUoK, Ill
which rhai Ki'H urn untile f lint bring
liitn iiii ii lull Ihti liU'iillly nf tln luuii,
wIiiimc Imily Him (iiuilil ill HprliiK I'Timk
schotilhoimc, in ur Onm-go mi tfcpii in
lii'i' I.I liml. I I' ll..' twin a i lli nl, II. Til
lllll ill II. lilt I'V llllllli'. Willi CnllfoHfOH
tu tli belief taut tln il.ii'l mini was
IiIh blether, lull t It ii m fur ho Iiiih
brought (in iinl no - iili iii i' to prove
thin supposition,
linn plume r llm i' ii ii' Hint makes
II uiiiimiiiIIv Interesting In Him fuel
Hint 111" 'I' nil iiiiiii hint $'n.O 111 K" 11 III
liln icii'l h. Coroner HnlniHIl ti nik
charge nf tin' remains uml turtle. I
hut tin' money tu tin- Measurer f
( lui kit in ii n County. In lens tliiin a
Ink Itrii'l' lllll HIllUlilWIl IIIIIII W.I
Inn In). Mm. Kill" It. UuliliiBiiiL nt
Flrluiul Kliitlmi, Miiltiiiiiiuili County,
u ii it t . tl nml ilriiiiuiili'il Hint tlin 10
iiiuIiim liii I'lliuiiii'il. Till" wns do:io
nml she declared tlmt the body was
Hint nf her father. F. A. W ll I liiunt.
who liml come friini Texarknun, Tex.
Iitnt Hummer, to ni'ii Iiit, nml thai lm
Insisted uihiii being out l Hh I'otitl'
try. where n rinilit live tlin 1 1 1 h.t
lovml, nu tlii'y mint) to OrfKmt i'lly
toegthcr on Aiixuni 7. nml n't'T iiuvliiK
dinner at ilin llrnnswu-k rt'ittaiujiii,
alio told Mm k'hhI by mill Williamson
doused Hit' suspension bridge and
Ninrti'il out on a prospecting ton. .
Hlx mucks lutcr his body was ton ml In
the brush near Onwego. Thuro wore
uo luilleatloiia of vloltnicu. It being
villein that heart falluro liml been
the cause of death. Mrs. Koblnatiu
learned of the dlacovury of tilt) body
(hrough l ho newspaper, Hho posl
lively lilciitllled Hie articles Hint werd
found In Mm clothing, and her picture
was found In Hie dead man's waicn.
Mrs, ItuhluHoti ,ihcn applied for let
ters of administration, which word
grunted, mid mi sooner was this tl.in.'
than Attorney llenae filed a contest,
nml a hearing hits been ordered for
Jauiinry in, In order tbut tho contest
mil tuny have an opportunity to pro
cure additional evidence In support
of his claims.
The ultliliivlt of Hesse contains no
less than 20 exhibits, being letters
(hut lie bus wrltltin In mi effort to le(
light nlilue on the real fuels of the
cime. bus conversed with Mrs.
I,illl. who lives next door to Mrs.
Itolihimni, mul this luly, .who bus
been on rather Intimate teiuis with
Mrs. ItnliliiHon, believes Hull tlin falll-
er slory Is a myth. Mesne ulso miw
II. 12. Potter, who resides not fur
from .Mrs. Holilnsuu's home, uml ''ut
ter luiiKhed ulxmt the matter, report
liiK Hint ('buries HIilKWiiy, who used
to live next door to Hit) adiiiliilstrntrlx,
hud made the stiitement l lint her clulm
wiih nothliiK but mi attempt to K''t
hold of the niiiney; that shu Is
woman who likes to be mixed up In nf
fulls of gcnci'iil notoriety; tliut Hume
time In the summer sbo cluluied that
some unknown party hud stolen sever
ul luillilred dollnrs from her residence,
Htul Hint olio mornliiK evetythltiK wus
bttniKlit buck uml v-iiH liiiumil to tho
buck door.
In bis effort to secure testimony to
discredit Mrs. Robinson, Hchso' en
Kiiited u private iletectlvu, who wunt
to the house of Mrs. Koblnson, with
tho pretension of buying her Iioiihu.
He told her tbut ho used to live In
Wisconsin, whereiiiHiu Mrs. Holilnson,
or either of her two hulf-Hlsters, lundo
tlin stiitement thill they uhciI to llvo
In Appleton, WlHcoiisIn, wbero their
futlier wus a director in ft bunk In
18!i:i, uml whore he lost $1(1,000 wbero
bn bud It on deposit. She ill mo told
him Hint they bud formerly lived In
Veroiiuu. una NuIUhvIIIo. Wis., wbero
she knew Fred Jtecles, ll wrestler.
Ilossu lost no tlmo In writing to
lleeles, sIkuIuk tllu nume of J
Murphy to tho lutter, which has been
iiumiswerud. llesnu ulso wrote to tbu
chief of pollco at Tiixiirkiiiiu. but bus
received no answer, and ho penned u
letter to tho chief at Appleton, Wis.,
and obtained tbu following reply:
Appleton, Wis., Oct. 7th, 11108.
Itesso & Beckett,
Portland, Oregon.
Yours of the 2d regarding one P. A.
Wllllumnon ul bund. Ui'K leavu to In
form you that I am unublo to II nil any
one who has ever lived here by tbut
nunio. I have, made every, possible
Inquiry and consulted all the city di
rectories from 1800 to the present
tl nid. I also flud that no such man
was ever Interested In any of Uio
bunks and that there liaa not been a
bunk failure la thin' town since 1800
and that was a state bank and paid
80c on settlement. . . . , , . . '
Yours truly, ,i
, ' E. W. HAKFEU. .
,, Chief of rolloo. ,
Appleton, Wis.
You certainly must bava tho wrong
location. , ., . . i ;,:
" V 111 '
y '-.M
n.,, r , "
FRANK NEWTON, who la spending
the holiday vacation In Oregon City,
has the only hardware business In
Lincoln County, His home and, store
are In Toledo.
Ilnintiiiii never lived here, have lis
ceriuliKit Ilia! Mrs. Kulilnsuli liml mi
uncle who lived III Hie town of Wimli
Iiiiiii, with whom she lived a putt of
Hie llni",' Ills name Is ('buries 1-mv-rey,
punti'llU'e address, tirmitiiii. Wis,
It. It No 1; Hils Is nhoiit 15 miles
frmii Nelllnvllle, east.
I never benrd Hint she went by the
inline of WllllliniHiiii, us she wus
know ii here before mid uficr her mar
riitK"', us "Crny June." I knew her
liiisl'iiml ntni all of his family. 1 nn-
li rsliiuil tlmt the ItnbliiMius are ntiw
llvlliK lit l.ents, nboiit three miles
(nun Portland. I buve been told Hint
itt (he llni" she wiih here her futlier
lived at Vlrixpin, Wis.
If you etui reach the Iowreys you
will be nlile to K"l Informal Ion you
pour days after writing this letter
Hie mnrnliiil of .Nellsvllle sent (ho fol
lowing iiiIhhIvii to I'ortliiild:
Since writing some days uko 1 have
learned inure about the Williamson
Holilnson fiiiully which in ay be of
service to you. At the tlmo of tho
birth of Mrs, P. mc Koblnson her moth
er bad one Jesse Wllllnms arrested
on Hie chnrge of being the father of
(Continued on pnge f )
Propose to Provide Thriving Com
munity With Lights, Water
Supply and Sewer
': -
: Mr. Morclinut, do you want
to make or lose money this
',' winter?
Thero la n good reason for
any "winter dullness" In any
store (his season,
No store ever suffered from
' biiHlnesH dullness that was not '
Iriiceublo either to acclilents or ki
' letting up of the store's selling
1 "push." i
i You yourself have the power
to decldo whether your stoio &
shall Ini; behind or go ahead. g
If you don't get out hard after
trade, people will go by your $
store; If you get after their
trade, people will buy at your
Hy or buy? Which?
Tim nnswer Is your answer -to
the question, will you sdver-
! 'v - 4 - - i-fy
The Jury In the suit of Bturgls Cms.
against William Welsmandel Monday
afternoon brought In a verdict of f f CO
for the plaintiff, after being out about
one hour. The rase was on trial all
day In the County Court before Judge
Ulnilrk and a Jury composed of Wll.
Hit itt Myers. U'vl Htehnmn, J. K. Jack,
Muck Howell, A. J. Knightly and
Walter Hombnek. Sturgls llros. ton-
trnoteil lo remove all the merchant-
able timber from Welsmnndel's place,
and they tmik timber to the value of
$104 fid, furnishing Welsmandel lum
ber valued nt $?(. Sturgls Hum. sued
for the difference. Kxpert testimony
was produced to prove that all of the
merchantable limber bad not been
removed, one cruiser testifying that
there wus still 3:18.000 feet of stand
ing timber, while another held there
was not more thun 15,000 feet. Hid,
C. Ilrownell appeared as attorney for
Welsmnndel ami W. H. U'lteu ap
peared for Sturgls llros.
Following along the beaten truck i
tiiude by ninny small towns In Cluck-1 . ... r
iiinns County, tlm people of (lludstium, I rAniii PIllNFrP IlF A ll
a growing suburb Just north of Ore- I a-l-illlllJ I IVlll LU UUrlU
gun City, lire piepuilng to Incorpor-1
me, and held u meeting in (his city
ln;it .Moil. lay night Hint was iiltemled
by 2(1 of the leading men of (Hud
stlne Mutters liieldeiit to Incorpora
tion were Informally hciihhciI, uml a
iiiiihs meeting lit (he (illlilKtolie people
will be held in-xi .Monday night In
(he bUHi-incut of the ('lirl.niiin Church,
tthcll (he whnlo ironiHltloll will bo
gone over In detail. Charles T. Toozo
and W. F. Belmoley have (alien tho
Initiative mul thi-ro seems (o bo no
orgiitilzcd opposition. ,
The purpose of the promised movir
ment In upparenlly (o obdiln lights
snd water and sewer systems for (ho
lomiiiiinlly which bus developed won
derfiilly during the lant two years,
and the population has practically
doubled during that time. The pro
moters contend that tho expense of
conducting a municipal government,
with the right kind of a charter, would
be smiill.
f. m. 8wift holds meeting8
this week at molalla
and ma:ksburg.
Portland Promoter 8ayf He Has Am
ple Financial Backing, But
Wants $100,000 Subscribed
By Local People.
Meetings have been heir this week
at Maclisbiirg and Molalla by F. M.
Swlf,t, of Portland, who Is promot-
to advance the necessary capita) (o
construct a railway from eojnij point
-ii-ar Oregon City to Scott's Mills,
iiiHsIng through Mcaver Creek, Mil
lino, Liberal, Molalla and ' Ma-fuum,
The company will be known, ss the
"lackamas Southern Railway, and. Is
incorporated for $1,000,000, divided. In
to 10,000 shares at $100 cafib. Own
rs of property along the proposed
route will be asked to subscribe for
stock to the amount of $100,000, and
i liberal response Is meeting Mr.
Swift's appeal lo the residents of
','lackarnas County, who for many
years have desired a railway system
through an exceedingly rfch territory.
Five thousand dollars was subscribed
at the Macksbtirg meeting Monday,
and the Molalla meeting was held
Tuesday afternoon, and considerable
nthtislasm was manifested. The at
tendance was good and about $10,000
vlll be subscribed an a result. Ma
terial and labor Is accepted In pay
ment of stock, as well as money.
Attorney O. D. F.by, of thlB city, at-en'li-d
the Molalla meeting and
a-nong the prominent residents pres
ent were J. R. Cole, George Adams.
O'lver Kobblns, H. A. Taylor, T. S.'
Stlpp, Silas Wright and P. L Schmael.
The proposed road, which will be
Rev. A. Hillebrand Warns Public That
Church Repudiates Connection
With Fiep.esentativei of
v Institution.
Annual Meeting of Insurance Grang
ers Postponed Until January 18.
The annual district meeting of tho
Oregon, Wushlnglon and Idaho divi
sion of the life Insurance Company of
the Patrons of Husbandry, was held
In the courthouse In this city last Sat
urday afternoon. About 45 members
of the Grange were present, and as 05
members are necessary to constitute
a quorum, the meeting waa adjourned
until January 18, at 1:30 o'clock V.
M. tiuorgo Lazella wa chairman of
the meeting, and R. 8. Coe, of Cauby,
was secretary. The 'committee on
credentials was C. C, norland, of Os
wego; John Hurgoyno, of New Era,
and Mrs. Thomas L. Turner, of Tua
lutln. The meeting was held for the
purpose of electing Tne director i
succeed Charles E. Spence, of Carua.
The fuciiral of the late J. 11. David
was held Sunday afternoon In the
Masonic Temple under the auspices
of Multnomah Lod;;e ,o. 1, Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons, of which
deceased was an honored member.
Krnest P. Rands, worshipful mas(er,
conducted tho ceremonies. The Inter
ment wus In tho Masonic plat at
Mountain View cemetery, and tho pall
hearers were George A. Harding,
William Heard, Francis Shannon,
Henry Mlley, Harold A. Rands and
Livy Stlpp. Deaiitiful flowers cov
ered the liler.
Mr. David died In Portland last
Thursday. He bad made his home
In the metropolis, where he bad ex
pensive business Interests, for many
! years, and his family lived on his
large farm near Nowberg. He was
well known In thli city, especially to
the early settlers. Mr. David was a
veteran of the (Civil War, serving
four years in the United States army.
During the waa he was confined for
a time In the famous prison at Ander
sonvllle. At the close of the strife
he came West, locating; In Oregon
City, and In company with the late
David P. Thompson, he took several
Important aurveylng contracts for the
I'nlon Pacific. He waa married In
1870 to a daughter' vf the late Dr.
Baffnrans, -who suiMve's him, akmg
with five grown children, two sons
and three daughters: Roy, Melville,
Hallle, Mabel and lone.
MT. David was a wealthy man and
was half owner In the Commercial
block on Main and Fifth streets.
Five Days For Breaking Windows..
Hesse wrote to the .chief of police
at Vlroquu, wis., and was advised
that Williamson loft there about JO
years ago and baa npt been heard
from hy the authorities since, How
ever, the city marshal' or 'Neillsvllle,
Wis., sent , the following, Interesting
letter to Hesse & Decked:, wt'
In reply i ito, :youre of 'November' i
I will say that L believe Mr, T. A. Wll-
v ,:.n;iri',
Walter D. Smith, a lineman for the
Pacific States Telephone company,
hud a narrow escape from being elec
trocuted Tuesday morning at tho west
ern approach of (he suspension bridge.
Smith climbed a polo on tho west
side of the brldgn to make some re
pairs on the telephone Hue and In
climbing cum i in contact with what
appeared to he a piece of dend cable
wire, wound around tho mile. Tho
cable was In contact with the electric
light wire, currying about 000 volts,
which passed through his body. Ills
left baud was badly burned and also
his face.
In climbing tho polo he had fasten
ed himself to It with his safety belt,
and on lolling go from (ho wire, fell
to the top guard rail of (ho bridge.
Had It not been for the safety belt ho
would Iibvo been precipitated to the
ground 100 feet below. Ho will recover.
Otto Font, charged with breaking
wlndow-sMii a Catholic InsiKuHon at
Oswego, was sentenced to serve five
days In the county Jail by Justice of
the Peace Kelso of Milwaukee. Fout
entered a plea of guilty.
Emma Hanson, of West Oregon City.
Emma Hanson, the 12-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Han
son, of West Oregon City, died Thurs
day morning at the family home of
pneumonia fever. The funeral took
place Sunday atfernoon and the In
terment was In Mountain View cemetery.
- ,
i v..v
Ing an electric railway system Into
the interior of Clackamas County.
While Swift does not plan to finance
the project himself, he is in touch
with men who are ready and willing
about 30 miles in length, will pass
through a region that is practically
undeveloped. Swift has filed on wa
ter in the Molalla River, where con
siderable power is stored.
Employes of Paper Mill Get Money
For Christmas Shopping.
Tho Willamette Pulp & Paper Mill
Company announced that all of Its em
ployes would bo paid Monday after
noon, December 21, Instead of tho 23d
of tho month as usual, nnd tho bank
was open Monday night so that the
checks could be enshed. ' This was
done In order that the moil might be
given' an opportunity to get their
Christmas shopping done. The mills
of tho company will be shut down .for
30 hour, from 6 P. M.i ThlirBday 'to
7 A. M. (Saturday,' of this' week.;, J ,
, Akar Gives Ball for Appearance.
- ii i i
. Ben Aker was Saturday held to ap
pear to ithe Circuit Court. Hla ball
whs flxod at $2500 and the required
sureties jwero forthcoming; and Akor
was ..released. He waived examina
tion , before Justice of the Peace Sum
sou. , Alter was arrested on a statu
tory chargo, and was taken Into 'cus
tody, at Coqullle City by Constable, F.
A',.Ml)eaj "';."
Complaint has been made by the
authorities of tho Catholic Church
that so-called Catholic sisters, calling
themselres Benedictine sisters al Cen
ter Station, are soliciting without be
ing properly authorized by Archbishop
Christie of this diocese, under whose
spiritual authority they are supposed
to be. These "sisters" are not mem
bent of the lienedlctine .order, as is
generally supposed, a.t the real Bene
dictine sisters are teachers, with
headquarters at Mount Angel. Rev.
A. Hillebrand, pastor of St. John's
Church of this city, made the follow
ing statement:
. "Sisters who Bolicit funds for any
purpose are always expected to have
the written and signed permission of
the Archbishop of the diocese and also
the parish priest In the place where
they are soliciting. This Is done as
a protection, so that the public may
not be deceived. I have nothing to
say about their institution at Center
Siatlou, but would like to warn the
professional and business men and
public generally that these women,
who are not sisters of the Catholic
Church, are begging and do not have
the sanction of the church.
"Bills Incurred by these people in
the name of the Benedictine sisters,
many of which, have been addressed
to the( Benedictine sisters ot Oregon
City, 'who are teachers of the Mc
Loughlin Institute, will not be hon
ored or paid by the Benedictine sis
ters of this city, or of Portland, M 11
waukle Street or ot Mount Angel,
which is the mother house of the real
Benedictine sisters.
"As a rule the Benedictine sisters
of Oregon do not go out begging as -they
are not sisters of charity, but
are sisters of a teaching community.
People .approached. . by sisters ot any
community should always - ask: for
their credentials without hesitation.'
The women who. In the garb of
Catholic sisters, have been collecting
money in Portland and Oregon City,
are said to be connected with an in
stitution for the cure of consumptives
at Center Station.
Father McDevitt, of the Arch
bishop's residence, when communi
cated with at Portland, said:
"The head of this institution was
once connected' with the Benedictine
order at Elizabeth, N. J., but left with
out the consent of her superior, and
Is acting without the authority ot the
Mrs. Susan Porter Crossed Plains
Oregon in 1850.
Mrs. Susan Porter,, mother of Mrs.
W. H. Hi Samson, celebrated her
94th birthday Tuesday. Grandma
Porter was born in Washington coun
ty. Kentucky, and came to Oregon by
ox team, arriving in this city In 1S50.
Her husband. Arthur Turner, with
whom she left her old home for Ore
gon, died on the Journey, at Green
River, Wyoming.
Reaching this city, the young widow
remained a few months, and then went
to Marion county, where she was mar
ried to Stephen Porter, in 1851. Mr.
and Mrs. Porter remained In Marion
county until the death of the former.
in 1900, at Mount Angel, after which
Mrs. Porter came to this city, where
she has resided since.
Five children were born to her: Mrs
Mary Miller, deceased, of Wedder
bum: and Mmes. Luclnda Hailds,
Woodbury, Wash.; Louisa Armstrong,
Macksburg; J. E. Palmer, Mount
Angel; J. E. Samson cf this city.
Mrs. Raney Harvlie, of Canby.
Mrs. Raney Harvlie died last Tues
day night at the home of her son-in-law,
A. Boe, at Canby, after a brief
illness. She came to Canby four
months ago from Tacoma, where she
had relatives. The funeral was held
at Canby Friday. Mrs. Harvlie was a
woman of advanced years.
College Studenta Are Home.
; -The following students have re
turned from the Unrversity of Oregon
to. Spend their holidays In this city:
Miss Nieta Harding, Miss ' Georgia
Cross, Earl Latourette, George Sullf
van, Lloyd Harding, Charles Slevers,
Charles Robison, Raymond Caufield,
Lee J. Caufield.
Miss Angle Williams, who is an in
structor in the University of Oregon,
arrived in Oregon City Saturday ; af
ternoon, and will spend the holidays
with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Williams.
Miss Enlalie Schuebel, a student ot
the Albany College, has returned to ' '
Oregon City to spend her two weeks'
vacation with her parents, ' Mr. and
Mrs. .CI Schuebel. ;
,' Case of Malignant Diphtheria.
The 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs: C. F. Tauscher, of New Era, died
Friday at the family home of diphthe
ria.' The case was a particularly ma- -llgnant
one. The child had been at-'
tending School, but was taken out as
soon as she became ill, but the case
had proceeded five days before the '
parents determined the fatal nature ot -the
disease. The funeral took place
Saturday at New Era, Tauacher is
foreman of the sawmill and furniture
factory Of. .the JJoernbecker Manufac
turing Company. ,.