Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 13, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Milwaukee - Northwestern Clackamas
i iiiimii win) imvfl news fur tho
Mllwiiulino department iif tlia
MntorpilHit hIiimiIiI either mull
II In Hi" Milwaukee. Killinr of 4,
IIiii ICnt im t Iho nt Oregon City t
cr ImiVM It ut tli real kkIiiIii
liinl liinni hiu'ii utliiio (if A. II. '
uowllng In Milwaukee.
Chili linvd tin f tli I m work domi mid will
pu V fur II nut (if III" Club fnniln.
Tim third Hatiirdny or till month
will Imi tlio regular nkkiIIiik night f
Hi ii (luuigii, A iiiiinliiir (if persona nry
xHTti'(l to Ihi Initiated ut, UiIh meet
Iiik mill nil member lire rno,ueHled In
Ihi ureietit. Tin) program In llm imiii
ii x out 1 1 ii oil liy tlm Hmin lecturer .1.
! .1, JiiIimmiiii. CliTiilnm mill pamphlets
A "poi'llll NI'lllHll election Will III' III
Titnailay evening nt H o'clock In III"
MIIWHUlimi Mil hlllllin fr Dm .r.
Ilimi' or Him-IIiik n director In hn
unexpired i.tiii or IIk. luiit Itlilmr.l
Hi'oll, Th. .in wen. two cit 1 1 tl 1 1 1 it t m for
inn iiiai'ii. Mm. Unhurt iiml v lilrli
1'iin'lr Mr liiilti'iui'lr wmi by it liiie
majority, tin iimk nerved the district
im illr.M iur for fifteen or kIxIh'ii year.
'I " I l ri'ioKiilllon of liU
K"o: Work In din illntiln (IiiiIhk piU'
vIiiiih years
Til" Clly Council m.. i , -, o'clock
Tin'nliiy ni.iln, 'ill,, iiii'kIIiik was
railed tn order l,y W K. U'limmi, (lie
recorder, wim prelied owuK o the
'art llml Mayor HMttiller hail K to
California '', ,h fr repalrliiK
riiiKuMiilliN, ki'iivi'IIhk HiriMiiM iin.l work
nil lit litem were ulliiueil. Tim eler
Hun JmlKm w..re niMiltili., us fo!.
low: .Indue - Ii.iIiIiIiih. William tiiiiM
Icy, mill Mr. Harlow, Kr. Tim rlerM
Mr llailow, Jr. ami aii Hlilud
li'f Unlet were almi nlven IIimI a
iliintriiil In. ,. I f,,r ciiiiallin to tin
lialiili.il for the ui'W lull anil for tlm
llnlnliliiK nf llin tlutliiK work. Two
more Iiukm IlKhln for tlm main part
nr tin- liu'l woiu nlxii ordered,
JwIko J, It. Ki'ldti iiiiiiIii a Irln to
Minili'iiniiiio Hatiinlny tnorliliiK nil llm
llnrlinr llell.,, to v I m 1 1 hi mm, o. (',
Ki lo. who N tho chief iliKlmr or
tlm llarhur l,.e. Mr. KHimui ulwi
vwlle, nt Aberdeen mill loiiilmn. re
1 1 1 r ii I ii Mniiilny
Mayor Wlllliun Hhliulli.r li.ft Kattir
ilay for Han Kraiirlsrii on n vUlt.
Tlu tlutliiK of Hi" four room of tlm
lllll Hl'llliol jllllllllllK llllN lll'l'll coin.
plet.-. Tin' Mother' mill Teaeher'
havn been received from Ml Marvin
of llin HlHln Library CoiiiiiiInhIoii mill
every tneitilicr In riiiii'"1 to net una
of Iiiimii mill tiiku part In tlm n IIiik
Th Milwaukee Hchool ha received
lint woimi liny mul alily flow Ikm.U m nut
of tlm l,llirry fund, Those hook urn
fuiiiliihi'il tlii hi'IiihiI mul uru for tlm
inn. of tin1 hc In ml rlillilri'ii,
Hurry HoIoiuhii wiih tiiki'ii licfon'
Jmltt'i lUinlrk mul nimiiillliMl to llm
lllllllll' l H' In in ut Hiiliuil 111"
pint of lllHt wi'k.
Mr, I'iihI mul Minn font, of I'rlnii
villi, Or., Hr miikliiK mi nxtiimlnil
vUlt with their MlHliir, Mm. Ili'rt
Minn Malili. Morn" n IiiIiIiik rouriiu
of volci! ciilluni from Mm NcIhoii
liwri'iii'ii, of OriiKnn Clly.
Mra. Al'i'ii llrown will Mitnrtuln tlm1
I ...ll..U I...I....I.I..I ..I.. I. H , I I .... 1
All l.r Invll.Ml, a thin In hi, ll. for ' tt'f",1!1 J " ' l,,a Hrl
Ihi- .I... II.,,. of nlllr,.m, ,t"'""1 ,k "' ,h" "' Z , h
, , , Mm. iliirmun ll'ililmmi uml her
Mr. Ili.riiiioiiil left Huniliiy ror ! m0l !wr. Mm. Ulttlm.ii, wont vlHllorn
two mimtliV trip In Houlhi.rii 0r K"ii. u Him Klnlny liomn liiHt Friday.
(inn of tlm mult I'lijoyalil.' uffalm Mr. Warr'-n anil family ami Mr. and
w hich Iiim hi'i'ii lodil lii'ic for muni. Mm. (June and family, iicoinpunl. d hy
durliiK tlm month ondliiK Novi-mlmr C.
Ye cornmpniKli'iit will try and havn
H IIh of llin liBiiim of Hiiimi who at
tend durliiK tho comlriK riionih,
Mr. and Mrn, Clyde Hpooner wero
vlaltora ut the Hpooner home on Hum
(;. K. JennlnK and Hlnlor, MInh I'Iok
mIi., vIhIIimI MIhi JennltiKH on Hutur
duy ami Hundiiy. .-
MIhi Ine, CrnvHtte li-avca IhU wn-k
time, win mi Informal rei'i'pllnn which
wiih li'inl'Ti it ("v. anil .Mm. Hlinnii
Inner i al Hie lieiiuHful home of Mr. and Mm.
(1. Il, lleardmini on Friday cveiiliiK.
On the evenliiK or Novemlier ':u, a AlnuiHl every homu In llm entire.
tiiiiaiiivi'iiilit Imll will he Klveli hy tin. ; ni lcliliorluaiij wmi reprcHented, wlio
VVoodiiien, itMHUIinl hy the Wumell of 1 ramn to i-xtMirt tin Ir roiiKriitiilullolia
WiKnliTaft. the Odd Ki'llnwH and He-1 aid Ih-mI wHIm to Rev. Hhupp and
lieccitH. Tlm oliject or thin dani'ii la 1 IiIn new wife, (iamea were Induced
In ralne Hiilllrleiit money to liny a car- ' In hy Imlli old and youtiK. The ladle
pet fur the Woodman Hull. The uoii-I wi re kIvm a oid to Hie whli li could
triii-t ror piilniliiK, kalwimlnliiK mid I malic out Hie in it metiu, mid n heau
varnlHliliiK linn hi'i'ii let to A. J. Walk-1 tirul Iminiuel of earuiiHoim w.u kIvi-ii
er, Mr. WnlKer Opeila In linve Hie ,r. HIiiiimi fur Hie lient. Mra. Flora
work dune l.y Monday cvcuIiik In Hum
ror the in' Unit which will he held
that cveiilUK
Tlm Houtliern I'iicIIIc rl)it of w.iy
man wa i In .MIIwiuiKim. HiIh week np
pralxlUK the propfity for llm lleaver
tntl W'IIIhIiiiik cut off. Ceiieially
peiililug Hi piKipIn were not aatUlled
wiih tnc jirlci. offrind
It. llii'luiiT and Ml (in Main I Mornii
were Klveli wurlhy UK'lltlnU for their
IiIIIh of fare. The Keiilliimen wein
kHi ii a piece nf iiiiihIIii to work M hilt-
ion hole and Mr. 1'ont'a wiih coiiaiiJ
ered the hot! and a ho of 'liocol,iie
wiii kIv.'Ii Mm for IiIh erfoitH. ,Mu
Allen Hrnwu yuvv Heveial of her rfe
lectlnioi and i nch oliij wan no well ru
1 ij.- r
Nt Monday evetilnn (hi. I. O. (. K. i reived and ureat'y aiiiiliiiiih d n!ii re-
IoiIki. will hold a Hhort meetliiK after , Hpi tide I wile one In Hie mum iIm
which the Itnheccaa will-hold a meet- J lict, whli li her voice U ho well jd,ipt
hiK. Mm, Mary bmlUi. HHile 'ri'Ml-p. to, .r. ICImer lloardmaii i;uvc
dent w he vri'HiMlt at thlit meetliiK Home cli' li'i' Helecdomi of iiiu.di: on
and a'l ni"ln Ihtm are reiui.Htei tu llm Krapliophone, which wiih (.i.j'iyed
come. i' hy all. A lxi.it Mlxly auehiH h,u (,owii
to aiipper and too hihui i'ii I.o'iih
allppi-d away, and an the xuiMt do-
, art cut on large
ro give the imunpr
,lhe utmost comfon
A liuinlier of Keherraa look Hid npe- !
ral car for Khtiiciidii'TueHdiiv ninruliiK.
where the iIIMilct i-onventlou wiih
C. Kerr In puttliiK up a bulldiiiK
Junt hack of the car ahnpH. It will lie,
ofiiplcil ly A. (I rilldhlll. who Ih koIiik
to Install an overall factory. Mr. (illd
hlll Inti'iidH to put In five hcwIiik iiiir
chilli. at flrxt and rxpectH to tie nhln
to cnmpeli. wlHi rortland prlcea on
tll.'Hl. KlMlllH.
The Flr I leparlment Iiiih United tlm
city c.mucll to allow them to place the
Iiohk rurt nearer the leildelica district.
Tli" Woodmen havn offered them (ho
land tn put the tin 1 11 1 iiat on und Mr.
WUhIiiK'T ttavn tlieih (ho rlithl to uau
liln Htorn IhiIIiIIuk an one of llm walla.
The preaent Inrutlnu of Hie curt Ik to
far away fnun tlm rcHldeiicn part or
town, and thla would h a Knot) loca
tion fur It.
Mini ICIln Wheeler, of Ori'K'ill City,
wan In town Tiienilny.
purled (or t!i Ir Ii'iiih h they all AUh. il
It. v. Hhupp und wlfu many ,eui of
happy wedded life.
Mi--iI;iiii. k JarnliH, (iiiult, und ClaiK,
and MIhh Kdeua Clarke, of (iladHtonii
oilier frlenda from I'nrHaiid, a pent
Hiitnnlny and Bunday at the Welch
culiln, where they enjoyed uu out Iiik
or HhIiIiik.
The many frlenilH of Mr. and Mrs.
KninimiH are plenned lo learn that
thtdr dauKhler, Mra. OracB Taylor,
who Iiiih heen aerloimly HI at The
Iinll.'H with typhoid fever, hnx taken
a cliuiiKe for the heller und her re
covery Ik now hopeful.
Kev. Hhupp waa callluK on friends
here on Tiieaduy, and arrani-meiitH
are lieliiK made to hiilld a chapel at
one. to hold I'nloti Sunday ahoo) In.
It Uuh mil been fully decided hh yet
whether It will ho plac-ii on i,.
Kvanellcal camp KroundH or on a
lot to he purclinHcd for the hulldliiK.
Mra. (ienrne K. Moran and .MIsk
Carrie ficrlpturc were vlaltlnif at the
home of Kllaa Scripture In Oreijon
Clly on Friday.
The member of the grand Jury of
On-Knit City were, down to .Milwaukee
on Tiie'iuy to luHprct tho club Iiouhc
al tbut place, and stopped here and
took luncheon at the home of Mr.
ieri;c Miirxc, who la one of the mem
bera of tho Jury.
The Oak drove Impioverncnt Amo-
elation held lt reuular meetliiK In
(ireen'a Hull. Thursday evening,. No
vember 5. The meetlnu waa called to
apviit Wednesday of laat week ut llm order by Prealdent John ltlnley. Mr.
Kenner then entertained the largo au
dience that waa rireaent with a cornet
nolo. Owing to the reitlgnutlon or the
Hecretary or the ausoclatlon, H. I-c
I'uget waa appointed aa teminnary
Hecretary. The mlnutea or the lut
1 j.t Howling wll your proM-rty.
THE RAIN i-l aniualuli'd with K.
W. Mellil) & Co., t.'omplelo House
furnlHliem. I'ho their free Htat.le room.
Sond, Grovel, Lime, Cement, Droin Tllinq,
VlfriMed Sewer Pipe, Terra Cofto, Chimney
Pipe, Land PI sler, tic.
Call on J. E. Wetrler, or A. H. Dowlfng at Real
Estate Office, Milwaukee. Phone Selwood 1014.
Iioine of Mra. i;eo. Hhaver.
Mm. J.ihtiHou, of I'nrtlaiid, Ih vlait-
Iiik at the homo of (i. I). Iloardinau.
Mm. William lt"e and MUa Kllu
Hone vlillcd ut Hnleiu during llm
week. '
Mr. and Mm. Jucob spent Sunday ,,. dK w(.r(J read and approved. All
oi iiihi wu.'K in .Moiitaviiia. 1 1,111,, W(.re then ordered puld. W. H
ira. Aruiiir wouer ami iiiiie son, : Monro apoke on the erection or a
of Forlluiid, peiil Tuesday calling on I church, which the (adieu of Ouk Grove
frh ihIh In thU tielghlMirlnHid. Mra. .aVn been contemplating lor a long
Wolf' r wan formerly Miss Maud Mor-: tlnio. All the peoplo who are Inter
rli ol IhU place. i listed In a church were asked to do-
ThomuH HpiMiner, one of our oldest , nl(l( w hat they could towards It. Tnc
ami highly respected residents, fell speaker of the evening waa Captain
and fractured his rib and It has chuh- c,aw (,f Milwaukee. He spoke of the
ed li l in much puln, and has coiirmcd ' ninny Improvenients which have been
hi in to IiIh home for the last few days. ! made, In the last couple of years
Mm. J. E. Hoeslie and anna depart-j
ed t.iduy (nr Sal. in and nu Tiieaduy
tin v will tie joined by Mr. Hcm-hIii'
and t'l.y will go down to the coast,!
spending the winter at Newport. I
Our teacher. Mian Jennlng. attend-,
ed the ItlHtltllte In. Oregon City lllHt!
"5 cts." " 1 0 cts." " 1 5 cts."
A vocal solo waa rendered by Mis.
Marie llaccus, after which Gwuge C.
IlKiwnell or Oregon City, gave a hull
hour talk on the Improvement of
Oak Grove. Ku gave a little lertur
to the young people ou the way lliej
should start out In life and the uvcfs-
w.ek and n ports n line pnigram each 8(y f good, education, iic t-ild
da'. 'how churches and schools woulj b.t-
There were H pupllH neither absent ' ut the community anl would le.m to
nor tnrly of the I'll w ho attend school; J encourage people to settle here. He
jmlvtMed (ha people to do all they could
to bring about the. construction of
muda and that a road on Center
street to the river would bo a good
thing. Mr. llrownell tUn axiko of the
enr aervlce and Bald lie thought that
In a very short time the fare would
he lesa. He read a few acts which
governed the ratea which railroads
and at reel car lines may charge. Every
one speaks very highly of Mr. Brow
nell and hoie that he will again speak
to tho neonle or Oak drove. A vocal
'duet waa then rendered by the Misses
Hose and Ullle Pfenlnger acompan
led by Miss Lilly Klchter on the pl
an .
Judge rilnilck w-aa culled upon to
make a spetch and delivered a short
but Interesting one on the good roads
question, a I for which Mlsa Ullle Rich
ter entertained, with a piano solo. On
motion the meeting adjourned. The
lildh.M then served doughnuts and
Loti, Acreage and Farma
a Specialty.
P. 0- Box 213
Milwaukee, Ore.
Vegetable!, Frulte, Etc.
Ht'MMKH HQUAHH20&2r,c do,.
OHICOON CA IIIIAfiK 4090c do.,
OHB'JON ONIONS $1.25 per cwt,
HKKTH 4'ic dozen bunches,
CAKH0T8 40c doz.
CKLKHV 40c. do..
CAI.'I.IKOWKK 4c doz.
JKIl'HH8--&! don.
J'OTATOKS liOc per aack.
ONIONH-Kreah, 40c doz.
l'C.MI'KIN8r,0 to JlOc doz.
IICHIIARD HQL'AHII 50 to 90c doz
Butter and Eggs.
UL'TTKll Hanch, COfcCOc; cream
ery, 70c per roll,
KG(IK-:'4 to 35c per doz.
IIONKV 12i:ic rrame.
I IONIC Y Strained, 7c to 6c Ih.
Freeh Frulta.
AI'I'I.KH 40(7 r,0c Ikx.
(HIAI'KH ConcordH, loose, 3c lb
Baskets, 17'4 Ui V).
Dried Frulte.
OHIKI) AffLES Quartered, aim
dried, 5 centa; evaporated 0 and 7c
prunes, 3'ttr4e, silver prunes Cc to
OMiC; pears 10c.
Grain and Hay.
OKAY OATS $20.00; $27.00.
OATS No. 1 Whlto $27.00'& $28.00,
$1.10 per 100 pounds.
MAY Valley tlmotny $15 per ton
Clover. $Xfj$10; Cheat, $11; Grain,
$11.50fl $12.00.
Clackamaa County Live Stock.
HKIFKH3 $300.
STKKH8 $3.26 $3.50.
LAMMS $3.00fi $3.75.
M CTTON $n.00l& $3.50.
HAMS BACON 1 5c to 17c
UHVAWj I'OKK $7.50.
OLD HENS 11c per pound, young
rooHters I 'ly fiHc; old roosters. Sic,
mixed chickens, lie.
Flour and Feed.
KI.OL'R Pat. hard wheat,
Valley flour, $4.50; graham,
who'e wheat, $4. CO.
M1LLSTUKFS Bran, $29.00
dllngs. $34.00; shorts, $32.00;
chop, $31.
; mid
Variety Pickle.
One gallon cabbage, half pint green
peppers, hair gallon green tomatoes,
one quart onions, all chopped. Three
tablespoons ground mustard, 2 table-
SHjona glngerl 1 ounce tumeric
ounce celery seed, Z pounds sugar,
bair gallon vinegar, a litle salt, hair
pint dlma beans cooked well. Mix and
cook thirty minutes.
A Reliable Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
It anient abiorbed.
Cil Rtari it Once.
It cleansni, soot kea,
heals and protects
the disiied mem
brane resulting from Catarrh and drives
away a Cold in the Head quickly. Bestorea
tue Beniesof last and amelL xull size
60 eta. at Druggist or by mail. Liquid
Ureain lialm or use In atomizers 75 cts.
Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street, New York.
I ;
Tl . L1
x ucy mean inai you can ouy anyining on
the counter , over which they hang, for the
price indicated.
Knlvn, Clothes Lines, Berry Dishes, Salt Shaken,
Pepper Shakers, Toilet Soap, Rat Traps, Mouse
Traps, Dolls, Baby Rattles, Knives, Forks, Derners,
Sauce Pens, Surety Pins, Ete.
" TER-Water Classes, Egg Beaters.
Lemon Squeexera, Padlocks, Curry Combs, Talcum
Powder Boxes, Toilet Soap (.' pieri-ni. Crepe Paper
(nil colors), Dolls, Paring Knives, Wash Basins,
Dairy Pans, Stew Pans, Enamel Pie PUtes, Easy Cut
Pie Plates, Hair Combs, Curling Irons, Etc.
If yoo don't find what, you're looking for on
the 5 or JO Cent Counter, look for it on the
J 5 Cent Counter.
The Fraternal Tribunes gave an en
tertulnnient. social and dance Tuesduy
evening, November 10. The. pro-
L'nimme u-ioi lis follows: Address. E
O. Allen; Instrumental solo, Miss Mar
garet Warren; recitation, Miss r-dna
Srhimhert ! mini: Prances Horneck
recitation, llessle Vigils; Instrumental
solo, llessle Kelly; sung. Ethel and
Anna Kelly; recitation, J i mime SptU'
ell: stnnir Freda Siddell: remarks. Mr,
Holes. After the programme light re
freshments were served. The bal
ance or the evening ' was suent In
Miss Dulrle MeClure or Sellwood
spent Tuesday and Wednesday ot this
week with her friends of Oak Grove
Tho girls of Oak Grove held a meet
Inn In the telephone olllce Monday ev
enltig nnd decided to organize a bas
ket bull team. Their first practice
will be Friday evening of this week.
I'ou't forget the masquerade ball
given nt Green' hall Saturday even
ing. November 14. The prlies are
well worth working for. Every body
Miss Gertrude Skoog has returned
from her visit with friends and rela
tives at Cascade Locks.
1 (f fc Hammers, Hatchets, Preserving Kettles, Pudding Pans, Lunch Boxes, Buggy Whips, Ther
' Vlo mometeri, Large Day Books, Base Balls, Shears, Butcher Knives, Bake Pans, Rinsing Pans,
Crumb Pans and Brushes, Cranito Dippers, Fry Pans, Pocket Books, Hand Mirrors, Berry Bowls, Cracker
Bowls, Celery Dihos, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Pickle Dishes, Pitchers, Cream Pitchers, Cake Plates, Etc.
If you want things for half what you usually
pay, look for them on our 5, 10 and 15 cent
V KV M PT I TFN fc CO Everything for the Homo
Don't Hitch Your Horse in the Rain !
E. W. MELLIEN & CO., Foralsh Free Stable Room. Bring Your Feed
Mr. and Mrs. Huner, the peoplo who
bought Victor Hubbard's place, have
moved out onto their place.
About C3 young people surprised
Mr. Hlue on Saturday evening. They
played gnmes and enjoyed themselves
generally. A good lunch was served
and appreciated by all.
Mrs. George Johnson was visiting
at her mother's, Mrs. Katr'B at Har
mony, a couple of days Inst week.
Mrs. LllllB Hunter was visiting at
Mr. Thompson's lust Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Townseml spent Sun
day evening at Dick Hunter's.
Mrs. Ilertha Oeardorft and daugh
ters, Miss Eunice and Elva. called on
Mr. Soderberg's Sunday evening. Mrs.
Yiiuns is much better, we are glad to
Adolpli Stoll has potato diggers. ,
' Mr. l'lrtle Is Intending to take a
trip to the mountains soon. .
Will Knrr and wire were ,nt J. H.
Ueed'a Sunday.
' Bertha Heed Is spending a ew ('a's
with her brothers and sisters near
Arleta. Ross and Frank Hunter are
digging potatoes for Koy Johnson.
at moderate prices will be more than
pleased with our 'fi brand.
All the natural goodness and flavor
of the various vegetables and milts,
canned under this label, is retained
In full. They are simply delicious. A
trial will convince you of their supe
New season goods arriving dally
New- Walnuts, Almonds, Peacans, Fil
berts. Raisins. Currants, etc. Home
made Mince-Meat.
Oregon City Night School
Opens Novemper 16
Complete Grammar and Business
Our plan of Individual instruction
enables each student to advance In
dependently of all others. Call, tele
phone or write and we will tell you
about our school.
Prin. Eastham Schoo'
W. C. McKEE,
Supt. City" Schools.
$100 Reward
The above reward will be paid
for information leading to the
recovery of $1300 in currency
tbut was on the body of the
lute F. A. W illiamson, wbi died
In the woods, near Sprlngbrook
Communicate with
Every housewife Is "lu business'V
Is a buyer of homo-supplies add
should watch for buying opportuni
ties as closely as though slje were
buying to sell again.
Effie B. Robinson
R.F.N. No: 1.
Lents, Ore.
"(Tnti one he nvt ftvf tutntta, to annthrr
two and to another on; to tvirry man ac
cord tug to hit several ability,"
t i
Into every great city flows a turbulent river. It is
the rush of the Country's young maniioood, - lie flower
of the Nation into the vortex of strife and contention.
The prHe awl hope of many a home is borne along
by the pitiless current. One by one they emerge:
a famous stitesrnan, a master of a fleet nf merchant
men; the head of a great industrial enterprise; a thrifty
tradesman; a successful banker. The talents that
were theirs they multiplied a thousand fold. Theirs
are the names that men glorify.
lieside him who rose many perished. The inexor
able law demands progress; the only alternative is re
trogression; there is no middle grouud life knows no
passive state. The ending of growth is the beginning
of decay.
A masi-ive structure of steel and stone stretches its
topmost story into the dizzy heights. In the great
city are scores of them. Above the entrance, inelliv,
ibly, always a a message is written. Thousands pass
unheeding by. An ill-clad youth passed and read; to
him the message was plain O I'.PO KTUNITY,
Tie entered. Here wat the beginning of a great
career. At the noontide of an eventful life he stood
at ths entrance again. Over the doorway was "another
inscription HIS NAME. He had multiplied the' tal
ents that had been given into his keeping he had en
tered imohis reward.
Almost every magnificent structure that ornaments
the great city marks the triumphant chapter of a sue
cesslul business career. They are monuments to con
stant endeavor, steadiness of purpose, integrity and
industry. None rises to the memory of the One-Talent-Man.
Throughout every great city, in every busy mart,
at the portal of every great business house, is written
"Opportunity." The place is seeking the young man
as diligently as the young man is seeking the posi
tion. It is open to him who, with preparation, has
armed himself for commercial strife. To the self
opinionated young man, whose stock in trade is pride
and conceit, it is closed.
The great city calls to the villages and country
places. It invites the rich red blood that brings health
and vigor to congested population. The farmer boy
hears the'call from afar. Let no hand restrain him.
No hand can turn the river from its course. When
the call comes let him have on the armor of prepara
tion. Thus fortified he will not live his life in search
To be continued.
NOTE. The country population contrib-
utes its full share of statesmen, soldiers, pro
fessional and business men who rise to em
inence. It is a long step fiom the farm to the
office desk and many a lad falls in attempting
it. Let himjmake the passage gradually and
more safely. Below is offeredjihe opportunity
of coming in personal contact with business
methods of becoming, byj the investment of
a few dollars a part of a business concern.
This opportunity doesn't present itself every
day. It may never have come to you before.
Perhaps your boy's future is giving you con
cern. A little practical schooling takes the
place of a wagon load of books. Give the pro
position below a moment's sober thought.
E. W. Mellien & Co., is a corporation, organized for the purpose of
dealing in all merchandise needed in the complete equipment of a
home. The stockholders elect three directors and they conduct the
business through a manager selected by them. Par value of the stock
Is $10 per share and there are 600 shares unsold, which are now
placed on the open market.
The public was not asked to take this stock at the beginning of
the enterprise. It Is offered now after the business Is established and
after the stock Is on an actual earning basis of 10 per cent. January
1st, next, a statement will be prepared from the books of the corpora
tion for the benefit of all stockholders, and this will show the stock to
have an earning capacity at that time GREATER THAN 10 PER
CENT. We venture this prediction and you will see the fact bear out
the prediction. One year from January 1st, next, every share of the
capital stock of E. W. MELLIEN A CO., now worth $10.00, will be
worth $20.00, and will have an earning capacity of 20 per cent.
If you have not already guessed it we will later show you the ob
ject in distributing this stock Instead of placing it in the hands of a ,
few Individuals. We are sellng agents for ths stock and Invite your
inquiry regarding it either in person or by letter. Call on or address
Over The Bank of Oregon City