OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER , 1908. ii fiASTOH w ' I iia. I 1.4, I Al.t'oi 01, i vm i.u AWflflll!iklTriirlUf:.,J. slmll;iilii2iirfboijji,i!(1.,.)ia IKHu-bionuuiumulUomtof IYomoii-KDiai'siloiifWul IWSSIIIKi Ital fnnlilntnrlihir Oj)liim.M(ir)lilivi; nurMiwil.. JbHflMIkSIMlimWl jUkJmm . mW- AnmVri Rrntrdv forrwmflN llun. Sour SlnnuK'h.DUrtturi WormjjCwivuliWiiJjfvrriu lursJoiulLossOFSlKP. fstS'iitW Siflulortof NEW YORK. ASTORIA .For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho j Signaturo of ka La MViWi Biact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years O AuiMiry for thi ri'li'lirnlocl Mt. Hood r na-r-- I i"r. rinnrrr iransivr i u. iioin LULAL DKlLI O fc,. ... ' I in. rwuiH'T null iuhumi'i iiii. ri iiii''quuli'(l In caana of weak liank litirk eelm. Inflammation of tho bind iIit. rhuiiinntlc iulns. AiUlm-titlc ami ii it prompt ly. Kohl by Jones lima; Co. Ofl ymir hat for TliniikuKlvliiu now. Mlxs (lol'liHiilth. Hi-v. W. H. Moore win In tho city Wi'iliii'niliiy fnint Oiirkatnns. I'nttrn lint at a niarknl aavlng In prlrn. Ma Olla (iiitilmiilth. A mnrrlnKi' llrwis was Krantnil Hat. tirilay to K.llth Maltaon anil Amlrrw (iAttka. I) Koiita, df HprltiKwatiT, via ono of tln (Iri'Kon City Inialnras vlalton on Momlny. tltoii'Ri' W. Bwyavrt, a wi'll known rltlrt'ti of HiiinuHrim, wn In tho city on litmltictiH yt-Htcrilay. J. Mnri'lilinnk. ono of tint prnttilnunt fartiK'm of SprliiKWntur, wua an Or K"ii City vUllor Krliluy. ("oriwt stylo, ipmllty nul upirli vnlui'a arc tho frniurra of our lints. Ml tiolilHtiilth. W 1 1 1 In in Hti'lnliiK'T, olio of the prom inent (armor f Molnlln, wn In Ore K"ii City on Monday. Mm I). Kltnr. wlio linn boon npiTiil Iiik Hi" miinuior with frli-nila at Wood tiiirn, hs rt'lurnod to Iter homo In thi city. 0. H. KoKi'm. who linn boon IIvIiir at Amity for thi Uat-yinr, Iiii ro turn. mI to W'lltnmolto with 111 fiitnlly to ronldo A. K. KIiik, wlioan rcaliti'tiro I at Mount I'li-nmuit , arrlvml Hntlinlny nlKlit from llwani, Wnyli., In rat hi vnii' for Tuft In till county. Mix Itoma Stnffonl anil MIkn Whltn liou hnvn r't uriicil to Motiiiiouth, aflnr a brief vlxlt with Ml SUITord'a pnri'iit. Mr. mitt Mr. W. II. StnfToril. Mr. and Mra. Iicnjantln llayliur! ar Improving rnphlly from tliflr ali-K" if lyplmlj ffvir, ami Mr. Hay hurHl wn aliUi to coinn down town Tiii'nliiy to cant lit votii. Mr. and Mm. William Nefwr linvo ri'turui'd homo from Cuiiihh, WiimIi . when tlu'y hnvn inl thn lnt lx iiiontlia. Mr. NofuKnr wax thn tnr plli'licr for tho Cnmna bull ti'iim ilur In K Inxt ariiHiin. Mr. C. C. William and dniiKhtor. Ml Kiln William, of Mount Pleas ant, left Krlilny for North Vnklnia, Wnnh., whiiro tlmy will pt'lid tho win ter with Mr. Wlllhim' mm. Mr. Wlllliim Iiii rented her limine for tho winter. MIh Alvena Horn, who Itaa been vIhIHiik In the KiiMt and In Cnllfnrnlti for the limt two inoutln, tin returned home and reHimied her poHltlon In the olllre of KrnnUlln T. (Irlltlth. MIk I lorn xpent cotiHldernblo time In I'hll iidelphlii. C'bnrle 15. Dye nnd son, of Clnokn ma. were In OreKiin City Sntiirdiiy. Mr. Oye, who linn lived at Cliirknma for iiiimy yen, will leiive thnt plnro for Hellwood, where lie will make hi home for the preHent, but tin not yet derided upon n perninnent locution. Kriuik Hrhootihoru, who hn been HerloiiHly III for the pimt iieven week wlt'i typhoid fever, I nblo to be on thn street iiKiiln, nnd will leuvo this week for hi fnther's farm, where he will rccupernto for u few weeks be fore resumliiK lila poslllon with the Hurrl (tmeery. DON'T HITCH YOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN (let ariiialnte with K. W. Mellleu t Co., Complete llollso furiilHhera. 1'm their free stable room. OAMTOIlIAi BamtiM lUM 1 Hist iinil BujM Blf uttn f Iioti't Jeer nt the attempt of other. You Illicit (lUi'uver that two t-nu Jeer at the anmi iciimo. When you n-nlly take pride In any tliliitf It I slKiilllt-nut that you are do liiK It really well or are Juat an nm nteiir. It I iiiiiictliue hiinl to (Ut!nKulh Ih'Iwih'H Inzliie nnd fntlKiie. niid tho furiner diMnu't are why nny illntliii'tlim "himhl h uiiiile anyway. Our Success I dun to tho uniform hlKh frrado dentistry that Is itlwnys done at this o III co. Plate Work Wo bio (lolnc, moro pinto work than nny tnreo dental of lice In OreKiin City. Wo do It for Ichr money and gunrantoa a fit. BHIDCE WORK At crown and bridge work and fine gold fillings we iet the pace. . Hefore you have your dental work done come and tnlk It over with us. Free examination. No una. No cocaine. Extracting Free and Painleii when teeth are ordered. OREGON DENTAL . PARLORS Over Harding's drug store. A written guarantee with all work. Juit Mo rlii I, OtnTvn tho front hluh m" ul Thi punh." we miy In Imf W'Ua hoMn tho lnnT nfTloo A n! rtiha tli( wlmlo Rlii'lMttts. lto wlih dim f-r n nfrisnn And you will notlro lltn ThM hn la inmlo Tf common clftjr, Th BAtno n oilier num. When Iraulns order Ho irrnn m innn np-trt Ami mud o of tluat hniirtrtl From loiiie tar fun-lk'n mitrt, Iltit Ituif nroutnl his t'flU'o Ami Kft nn Inner Wvt - And you will m ffllow Who'i much llko in or you. (! httttmml U no luritcr Tlmn common poopltf wrtir, Illi hrnln tfl not imitld ttlffvrvnt Nor of n tnturo rr, Ami ho la Jimt na towlah. t'nrrionlriif itinl cniaa When tlttlo (liliiKa annoy him Aa ono who la not bona. Tho Jnh It la thnt mnkca him Appour of illfTcn-nt brinM, A aort nf auiHrhumnn. Ono fnahlontM to inccocd. Juat ht a hlK'iiT nioiiul Alt itch to htm n enn And tlu n you will ohi.-rvo him A vrry common mnn. $100. GIVEN FOR $1,300. MRS. EFFIE B. ROBINSON SAYS MONEY MUST HAVE DEEN TAKEN FROM BODY. SHE OFFERS REWARD Currency Wie Pinned to Pocket In Cloth of F. A. Wllllamaon, Who Died In the Woods Near Otwego. In the firm belief that f KIOO in currenry wa nlolen from hnr fat her' body, Mr. Kflli) II. KoIiIiihoii ha of fered a reward of $100 for It reroveiy. Mra. Itohltiion live at I-tit. Or., and It wn throiiKh her persistent elTniia thnt thn Identity of the man whotc iHidy waa found over a mouth hk near RprlliKhrook achoolhoiiHii, ihree mile from Oswi-ko, wu ctubllnheij. Ho waa V. A. Wllllamsoii. Mr, Robinson cum to On-con City Saturday, accompanied by her atlir ney, J. If. HltehliiK and prcHi-ntcd per e-enuestliiK her appointment a executor of her father' eatale. lie foro her at the counter In the office of County Clerk (Ireenman wa Attorney dense, who ha a client that believes the dead man was his brother. Mr. Ilese, however, withdrew hl papii, nlthouKh they wnni aliened by County ; JiiiIko IHmlck nnd announced that be I would permit Mr. Hoblnson to Die, j renervliiK thn privilege of coiiK sdnrt ! her appointment. j There I apparently no doubt Ihut Mr. Itobluaon I Williamson' dutiKrt-! ter, and the wile heir to hi property, j a she la tils only iivihk cliliu. AC-1 cordltiK to tier story Wllllamnon had resldeil at Texurkana. Tex., for the : last three year and came to 'iiiljii(i to visit her.' They came to Oroicm City toKether AiiKiist 7. lie complain-1 I of feelluK III and wanted to K out n the wimiiIs. Williamson a once a wealthy man, and had an Interest In a bank hi Ap pleton, Wis. In thi Institution he had 110.000 on deposit, hut lost It In the rraah of 1H93, when too bank full ed. He brood.! over the loss of Ilia ortiino until hi mind wa affected. and having lost hi faith In bnnk and banker tie persisted In rarryliiR '.; : money on hi person. Hefore ho left ', Portland for thi city, he went to tho ! Irst National Dank and had 11JO0 hiinued Into 20 150 currency noli . ! Mr. Hoblnson remonstrated with nor j father nlsiut carryltiR audi a lni'K' urn. but Williamson waa obdurate ami : niillv he oersiiaded hi ill to all.iw I n-r to place the moimy In a rubber iivelone. which he pinned on h Inside of hta waistcoat pocket. Be- iles thi money, willliimson nan ;i;r.ii In no Id In a buckskin sack. Telling his daughter ho would Join er In Cortland Inter, Williamson went ros the bridge, toward Oswego, and hlle In I ho wood tirtumectlliK he wan trlekcn with an attuck of heart dis ease, to which he wa subject, and illed. Ill ImhIv wax not found until about six week later, and the cur- m-v was missing, a was the pin hat fastened the money In hi pocket. The gold was Intact. .Mr. Itoblnson and her attorney scout the theory that wood rat and inlrrel are responsible for the ills ipcuriuice of tho money, and believe iineoni) removed the currency from e body before It discovery waa re lriml. Tho number of some of tho bills are known and the bank have CHIN AW ARE SALE You will find any number of beautiful pieces of Chlnaware, single pieces and sets at our Odds and Ends China ware Sale, next week, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nov. 12th, 13th and J4th. ' We have very few sales but when we do we know that people expect something more than at or dinary sales. When we have a sale we believe in making it a Real Sale, as our prices below will show. Some of these goods will be shown in our windows all next week, but will be on sale for these 3 days only. i Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nov. J2th, J3th and J4th CUP8 AND 8AUCER8. A fine collection of cup and dan cer In Japanese, Austrian and American ware, Very dainty and pretty. Itegular f0c cup now... 25c ltegulur,7!c cup now ...40c Itegular 11.00 cup now,, 50c HAVILAND DINNER SET 109 piece act of Havlland, a beau tiful pattern with dainty pink and Kreen flower decorations Regular $53.30 now g3f fJ.-J JARDINIER8 This I the time of year for hoiire plant. They will look and grow ten time better In one of our Hand Decorated Jardlnlcrs Regular $1.50 now $1.00 Regular $.1.00 now $1.85 Reular $10.00 now $6.50 FANCY PLATES Any number of plate, all size and color. In Japanese, Austrian and Hand Painted Ware: Regular COc plate now.. 25c Regular 75c plate now.. 40c Regular $175 plate now. $1.00 Regular 85c lUnd I'altited 45c UTOPIAN VA8E8 More beautiful vases you could never find Regular $2.50 vases now $1.25 Regular $5.00 vanes now $2.50 Regular $12.00 vages.. $6.00 CHOCOLATE SET We have one especially beautiful Chocolate Set; a nice light china with very pretty decorations Regular $1,00 now $2.35 8UCAR8 AND CREAMERS In all sizes and shapes, some very beautiful patterns: Regular 75c now 40c Regular $1.00 now 50c Regular $4.50 Japanese $3.00 NORSE WARE This Is a new ware and we are showing It for the first time. The shapes are very attractive Nut Bowl Reg $J00 now $1.25 Nappy regular $1.75 now $1.15 Candlestick reg. $2.25 sow $1.10 ODD SHAPED DI8HES We have any number of odd shap ed dishes In all sizes and colors. Trays, Pitchers, Pickle Dishes Regular 50c 75c, $1.00 Now 25c, 40c, 50c Piles! Piles) Piles! William' Indian rilo Ointment will cure Illlnd. Weeding and Itching Piles. It absorb the tumors, allays Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives In- tatit relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment I prepared for Pile and chlng of tho private parts. Sold ly rtiggiHls, mall 50c and $1.00, Williams Mfg. Co.. Props., Clavaland, O. For salo by Jones Drug Co. ONE WEAK 8POT. Most Oregon City People Have Weak Part and Too Often It s The Back. Kveryono hn a wenk spot. Too often It's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. Hull aching keep up, day and night. Tell you tho kidney need help For backache I really kidney-ache. A kidney cure Is what you need. Donn's Kidney Pill cure sick kid neys, Cure bnckncho nnd urlnnry Ills. B. Warner, living In Elvvlllo. near Oregon city. Ore., say: - hnd kid ney trouble and diabetes. I Buffered from backache day and night, and had to get up nearly every hour of the night to pas kidney secretions. I finally procured a box of Ilonn's Kid ney 1'llla at Huntley llios." drug store nnd In about a week after commenc ing to take thetn I could sleep through tho entire night without the usual disturbance All pnln and other an noying symptoms soon censed and I stopped tnklng tho remedy. I hnd a slight recurrence of tho trouble a few weeks Inter, hut on using Donn's Kid ney pills again ohtnlned lmmedlnto relief." For salo by nil denier. Price 50 rents. Foster-Mllhurn Co., llnfTiilo, New York, sole agents for the United State. Romcoibor tho nnmo Donn'g and tftke no other. Particular Men ARE PLEASED WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK BECAUSE IT IS DONE RIGHT, BECAUSE WE GET IT OUT THE DAY WE PROMI8E IT AND BE CAUSE WE GUARANTEE IT. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. CASCADE LAUNDRY Phone Main $3. Third and Main Streets. THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT IS THE TRUTH PLAINLY TOLD, THEREFORE, WITH OUT VERBIAGE, WE SUBMIT THESE PRICES FOR GOODS THAT ARE WELL KNOWN TO EVERY HOUSEWIFE IN THIS COUNTY, THE QUAL ITY OF WHICH IS UNQUES TIONED, AND THE VALUE WELL ESTABLISHED.! 5 GALS. BULK OIL, 85c. 3 CANS TOMATOES, CORN OR PEAS, 25c. MT. HOOD WASHING POW DER, 3 lb. PKG., 18c. 50 lbs. TABLE SALT, 50c. 100 lbs. STOCK SALT, 80c. A No. 1 COFFEE, 15c lb. CARACOLA COFFEE, 20c; BEST, 25o lb. 2 CANS LYE, 15c. 3 BOXES RAISINS, 25c. SEELEY'S THE PEOPLE'S GROCER Ninth and Main Street Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner been notified. Mrs. Robinson refuses to give up the search fW the missing I1.1IM) so long as there Is hope of re covering It. Some little store will begin to adver tise "more than It can afford" this Fall and will outgrow Its present quarters In a few months. BEST CATARRH DOCTOR This Is the little Hyo mel Inhaler, a doctor that has cured many thousands of sufferers from catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, hny fever, colds, coughs, grip and croup. It's easy to cure your self with Hyomel. Pour a few drops In the little Inhaler, and breathe It In. TJie healing, sooth ing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevice of the mu cous membrane of the nose and throat; will stop the Irritation almost Immediately; will allay the Inflammation; drive out the foul odor; kill the germs and cure the disease. "My wife has been us- K.giii.iil months for catarrh. She AC! UAL Stf has received more relief and benetit thnn from any other treat ment." E. S. Parrett, Joffersonville, Ohio. Huntley, the druggist, sells Hyo mel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) and guar antees It. A complete outfit. Includ ing Inhaler, only costs $1.00. DON'T HITCH YOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN Get acquainted with E W. Melllen & Co., Complote House furnlshors. Use their free stable room. REAL ESTATE Willamette Falls Co. to Charles Christensen Tract 51 Will, and Tua latin Tracts; $175. F. A. and C. Ely to A. and R. A. Mnutz A tract of land In t3s, r2e; $1900. S. J. Garrison to H. Nass NH of Lot 2, block 14, Talbert's Add to Marshfleld; $1. A. F. and M. Jack to R. A. Gray 5 acres In Robert Allen D. U C, t6s, rlo; $1000. N. R. and B. M. Nohrlas to J. K. Morrison 10 acres In Wm. Bland and wife D. L. C. t2s, rle; $10. H. Mann by Sheriff to A. U Brit ting 2.50 acres t3e, r2e; Valuable. A. L, and Wm. L. Brlttlng to Wm. L. Stevenson 40 acres t.1s. r2e; $2500. F. and U Klehe to A. Stevens NW qr. of NW qr. Sec. 5, t4s, r3e, cont. 40 acres except 10 acres off E. end; $900. D. M. and H. U Spati to D. C. Rones 10 acres In t3s. rle; $1000. M. and S. L. Mack to M. G. Brewer 2 acres In t4s, rle; $437.60. M. and S. L. Mack to R. Donegon 2V4 acres t4s. rle; $437.50. D. J. Padden to J. O. Nealen Lota 1. 2, 3, block 1. Milwaukee Park; $100. p. L. Cheek to A. C. Erklo Lots 24 to 36 Inc., blk. 40; lots 1 to 15 Inc.; 25 to 40, lnc; block 95; lots 2 to 9 Inc., block 98, Mlnthorn Add; $700. B. and K. E. Glldner to Geo. T.Ur wan lots 6, 7. 8, 25, 26, 27, block 14, Hyde Park; $1. A. P. and I. M. Macy to J. W. Loder Sly part lot 1 and 2, blk 122 being 50 feet along 15th St: $1. O. H. Staben et al to T. Staben NW qr. of NE qr.. Sec. 35. t3s, r2e, cont 40 acres. Lota 5 and 6, blk. 45; $1. T. Staben et al to A. Staben SW qr. of Ne qr., sec 35, t3s, r2e, cont. 40 acres; $1. T. Staben et al to G. Staben 40 acres In Sec. 35. t3s, r2e; $1. J. and W. A. Currie to I. B. Irwin Lots 33 and 34, Blk. 7, Marsbbanks; $5. A. W. and C. D. Rowley to W. R. Oliver 10 acres, t2s, r4e; $1050. W. R. and E. Oliver to J. Slledel 10 acres In Sec. 32, t2s, r4e; $1000. T. Staben et al to H. Staben 37 acres, section 35, t3a, r2e; $1. Will. Falls Co., to J. W. Carothers Tracts 14 and 15, Will. & Tualatin Tracts: $050. IL A. and H. L. Goergons to E. Coergons WV4 of SW 1-4 sec. 2, t4s rle, cont. 80 acres; $1. B. and C. Cronln to Ls Kocher Lots 1, 2. 3. 10, 11 and 12, block 16, Canby; $1500. Fry and Muscott to J. A. Ball NW qr. of SE qr. sec 18, t4s, r2e, cont 40 acres; $100. P. L. C. A. Nash to G. E. Loder Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, blk. 115, Oregon City; also und. Vi interest In 30 ft strip In Geo. Abernethy D. L. C; $1. R. E. Powers to the Public A Btrlp of land 15 feet wide on E. side of V, acre tract running from the 0. W. P. Co.'s Ry., west to Johnston Creek: $1. H. Hulman, Jr., and G. Hulman to J. P. Hoffman 220 acres In the Geo. and Eunice Brock D. L. C, also 21 1-3 acres In said D. L. C; $2250. S. J. and R. White to E. and M. H. Sears all of tract 4 and 1.20 acres of tract 6, Fmltdale, cont. 6.50 acres; $2750. S. L. Selling to J. M. Parrlsh A piece of land In Wm. Holmes D. L. C. Sec. 5. t.1s. r2e; $150. B. F. and M. Allen to SI. Cogswell Lot 3, blk. 58 Milwaukee Heights; $1. W. H. and C. B. Edwards to Shirley Buck a piece of land In Milwaukee Heights; $1400. B. and E. F. Surfus to Wm. Surfus Mt 8, Block 148, Oregon City; $G5. . H. A. and O. Jensen and 0. L. Rost- void to P. J. Anderson 1-4 of an acre In Sec. 32, t5s, rle; $1. F. M. and Geo. H. Kllton 10.28 acres In Sec. 32, tls. r2e; $10. A. and J. A. Harris to G. W. Ferry the N. 4 acres In Tract B, Willam ette Falls; $1. A. J. and C. I. Rlngo to E. E. Grace the W'H of KM of NE 1-4 of sec 19, t4s, r3e, cont 40 acres; $2400. S. aud H. Covell and David N, Smith to J. W. Loder the S 2-5 of block 11, Covell; $550. H. L. and I. M. Chafln to Wm. W. Smith the N. 7.72 acres lot 80, Jen nings Lodge, except 25 feet off W. side also lots 27 Boardman's Add, cont 3.87 acres; $2050. A. F. Stokes to F. A. Shannon Lot 6, blk 2, Canemah; $900. D. M. and J. W. Gray to J. W. Loder a tract of land In Oregon City; $1.00. Estacada State Bank to S. W. Stryker Lots S and' 6, blk. 15, Esta cada; $950. J. W. and O. E. Loder to J. W. Gray S 2-5 of blk. 11, Covell; $1. Eleanor Van Allen to A. Myers 30 acres In Ezra Fisher D. L. C, t2s. r2e; $1. J. and K. Putz to E. LIndstrom 13 acres in EE 1-4 of SW., sec 26, t4s. r3e; $1. Oregon Swedish Colonization Co., to J. Seagren SE 1-4 of NE 1-4 sec 9, t5s, r3e. cont. 40 acres; $500. Oregon Swedish Solonlzatlon Co., to C. O. Holden NE 1-4 of NE 1-4 of Sec. 5, t5s, r3e, cont. 40 acres; $1000. N. P. and I. C. Hult to H. C. Olson 1 acre In sees 33 and 34, t5s, r3e; $150. E. Eggert to A. Brand the SE 1-4 of SE 1-4. WV4 of SE 1-4 and NE 1-4 of SW 1-4, aec 26, t5s, r5e; $10. S. D. and J. Smalley to M. A. King Lots 4 and 5, Oregon Homes; $900. J. S. Andrews to E. P. Elliott 6 acres In sees. 9 and 16, t3s, r2e; $10. W. J. Miller to J. J. Miller 45,876 square feet In Lot Whitcomb D. L. C: $1275. G. H. and C. A. Hamilton to G. Vau Puttkamer 11 acres In Caleb Richey D. L. C, In sees. 29 and 30, tls. r3e; $2500. E. N. Platts to A. Soesbe Lots 9, 10, 11. 12. 13, 14 and 15, blk. 26, in Oswego: $1. A. and J. A. Soesbe to E. Piatt Lots 9, 10. 11. 12, 13. 14 and 15, blk. 26. Oswego; $1. A. Vester to L. V. and A. A. Cong don Lot 1 In Morrow Glen Tract, con taining 10 acres; $1200. C. and F. Van Curen to H. Van Curen 12 acres In sec 33, t2s, r4e; $10. R. L. and C. Robertson to E. Shultz 40 acres In sec. 32, t2s, r4e, and t5s, r3e; $3500. T. O. Svendsen to H. Anderson E4 of SE 1-4 sec. 6, t2s, r4e, cont 80 acres; $4500. Sisters of Charity of Providence St Vincent's hospital to D. Moehnke 20 acres In sec 36, t3s, r2e; $1. Wm. Llllie to Crown Columbia Pulp and Paper Co. 123 acres in Sees. 13 and 14, t2s, r2e; $125. C. and C. Magglnl to W. T. Skees SW 1-4 of NE 1-4 sec 10, t4s, rle, cont 40 acres; $3500. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRU8T COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Office over Bank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK. Mgr. TOWERS FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING V look beller-wears longer- ono gives more xr , bodily comfort TvT because cur on targe panernj. yer costs no more than the "just as good kinds 5UIT53Q9 5LICKER53Q9 SOLD EVERYWHERE 9n of lh tljh tjiX guoronlwd uft WOUrproot fllHW C1U104 MH FIVE-MINUTE TALK Bow t Kerp Awaj CHICKEN LICE - MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS bj ft Application of Eg AVENARIUS I CARBOLINEUM I (German Wood Prwrvr.) Non poison oui. Sanitary Odor. Put up in lithographed cans only Don't let your dsaler five you a worthies Imitation. FOB BALK BY ALL DEALERS. Carbollnettm Wood PrWTTlnjj Co. jroruuu, ur. Milwaukee, WU. New York. N. T. San Francisco. CaL, Fisher, Tho'sen Co, Wholesale Aftents. Dept. 13, Portland Oregon Write for Testimonials. OUR BOSS KSlEi ONLY ONE GENUINE THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE CARBOLINEUM, THT IS THE AVENARIUS CARBOLINEUM. THERE IS A CHEAP IMITATION ON THE MARKET THAT IS BE ING OFFERED AT FROM $1.00 TO $1.25 PER GALLON. THE GENUINE AVENARIUS CAR BOLINEUM IN QUART CANS 50 yCENTS, AND ONE GALLONS AT PJS1.50 WILL DO ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO OTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO GRAPH CANS AND SOLD IN OREGON CITY. Careful of Your Property One of ihe secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furnitue Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office II2I, Residence 1833 C. LATOURETTE President 525 Main Street j P. J. MEYER, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, 150,000.00. Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.