0 OREGON OITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1908. WARNER ORANGE MEETS. Interesting Lecture Work Will be Given it November Meeting. Tho regular monthly meeting of Warner Grange, Patron of I lusbanil ry, wbk hold IrbI Saturday at Now Kra. To candidate worn lnltlatod at the. mitrnliiR session ,and tho usual bounteous dinner was served hy tho Indies of tho grange. Mrs. George La iLelle, tho prurigo lecturer, had pre pared an unusually attractive pro gramme. Including a reading by David Mr Arthur, an Instrumental solo hy Miss Vornlo Robinson, a recitation by Mrs. Ourtla Ihidil, a reading hy Mr. l)odd and an original poem hy William (inrdner. on I lie county fair. R. S. Coo. of Canhy, and others, talked of their Impression of tho different coun ty fairs they had visited. Mr8. I-azelle explained tho now lec ture work of the grange. Each month's topics will be assigned, and tho four subjects that will be discussed at the meeting on Saturday, November 2S. are as follows: "The Patent Medicine Kvll and the Crusade Against It," 'Tlant Food Character and Source," "Meat and Vegetables," and "High School Development In Oregon.'' The original poem by Mr. Gardner follows: The County Fair 1903. It was October, 190S, I'm certain sure that was the date That I to Canby took my way To see the fair the second day. And when I got to Canby fair I saw things new and grand and rare. Of fruits and grain of every kind, And cows, and horse and goats and swine. And many other things as well. More numerous far than I can tell. I never saw such crowds before At any fair I've been; All dressed In holiday attire. They looked so nice and clean The matrons wore a genial smile Tnd maidens young and fair. Came many miles from all around To see the County Fair. And garden truck and grain and fruit Were there exposed to view. There were apples green and apples red And apples yellow too, And pumpkins large of many kinds, And Jellies nice and sweet. And cakes and pies and also bread To make our meals complete. And squashes too of various kinds. Some green and others blue. And beets and carrots, large and small. And rutabagas too; Potatoes too of many kinds. And celery, white and green. And posies sweet, and In full bloom Upon the shelves were seen. The piano and the organ too With music did us cheer. And on the tables to be seen Were bops for making beer. The ladies too, they've done their best To make the fair a grand success By making laces pure and white And comforts for the bed at night And many other things they've made That on the tables there were spread But do not think that this is all. For look what's banging on the wall. They've tolled both night, and day I guess And made the fair a grand success. Now, for this time my rhyme Is done. Like Robert Burns, I rhyme for fun. But one thing more I here would say, lint t think you all do know It, The fulr has been a grand success At leant so thinks the poet. WIUJAM GARDNER. KANSAS CITY ADDITION. ,,4 1. nun .ii-. v.....-- -- chased some property about 1H miles from town on we Moinun num. Mr. and Mm. .1. M. Harrington cele brated their first annlverany wedding on Frldav evening last at the resi dence of V. Greaves. A large num ber of their friends and relatives were present. G. H. January Is expected homo from t'orvallls on Saturday to remain till after election. Recorder Williams will give a danc ing party at his homo on Saturday ev ening next. Keep your dog at home and don't lot him annoy the neighbors. If you cannot look out for him the pound laws will be enforced. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson are back on their place and will remain there for the Winter. Fraternal Order of Eagles. Aerlo 99:! will hold an Important meeting at Knapp's hall Friday evening. Oct. 30. Every member Is requested to be pres ent. DIPHTHERIA IN SCHOOLS. Barclay and Eastham Buildings Will Be Fumigated. Diphtheria Is reported among pupils of the city schools, and Inst Tuesday the entire fourth grade of the East ham building was dismissed and the nvtm fiimieated. After the close of school tomorrow night the Eastham and Barclay buildings will be rumi gated. A girl pupil of the fourth gra.le was taken sick last Monday, and she had a brother In the same grade who attended school up to last Tuesday. h.Kii will ho In session on Monday only of next week, as Tuesday is elec tion day and the annual county teacn ors' institute will be held Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. On the week following the new addition to the Eastham building will be occupied, and the gymnasium building at the Barclay school will be vacated. Socialist Meeting Sunday, The Socialists will moot Sunday, November 1. at 2 p. m In Knapp's Hall for their regular meeting. C. V. Harieo, who represents Oregon on the National Committee of the Social ist party, will bo tho speaker of the day. Tho usual routine business will be transacted and such special busi ness as may come before tho assem blage. The Socialists of Clackamas County will elect an entire now set of county officials In IVeeinbor who will take their seats January t. There will also bo an election of state olll core at the same time and the ques tion of nominating candidates for the various positions state and. county w ill come before them at this meeting All persons are Invited to those meetings. j Modern Woodmen Celebrate. Monition f tbo Modem Woodmen I of America and their families mid ' friends spent a most enjoyable even ting at Knapp'a Hall. One of tho tea j turo of tho affair was an address by ! Iliuoe C. Curry, Musical and literary numbers wore rendered, mid wore Ivory pleasing to tho audience, l'latt'a I orchestra of lVrtlaud, furnished music I for tho dancing, which followed the programme. The company was treated to a toothsome bammot. Woman's Club at Mrs. Zumwalt's. The Woman's Club mot nt the home of Mrs. Bruce Zuinwalt Wednesday af ternoon. Tho subject for discussion was Tuberculosis." Mrs. E. W. Scott read an article on this subject, which was Instructive, and a general discussion followed. A short pro gramme was rendered by the follow ing: Miss Clara IVuto. Instrumental solo: vocal solo. Miss On Ronner; Instrumental solos. Miss 'Florence Grace and Miss Louise Walker. Delegates to the State Federation, which convenes at liGrande, Oregon. In November, were chosen, and are. Mrs. George A. Harding. Mrs. Roslna Fonts. Mrs. William Amlroson. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. George C. llrownell, and the subject will bo English History. Catcatweet, the well known romed) for babies and children, will quiet tho little one In a short time. The In gredients are printed on tho bottle. Contains no opiates. Sold by Howell & Jones. Any competent private teacher, who can advertise, can secure pupils at this season. IVWitfs Utile Early Riser, the famous little liver pills. Sold by Howell & Jones. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Oregon City jxistiiftlc for week end ing October 30: Woman's Ust Baker. Mrs. D. J.; Gill, Mrs. Carrie; Kothrock. Mrs. Maude 131; Roadarniel, Mrs. M. Mens List Hill, 0. E.; House. George. Oregon City Night School ' Opens Novcmper 16 Complete Grammar and Business Courses. Our plan of Individual Instruction enables each student to advance In dependently of all others. Call, tele phone or write and wo will tell you about our school. A. K. mm I'rln. Easthnm School. W. C. McKEE. Supt. City School. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, ENTERTAIN COUNTY TEACHERS. fljj (J YOU HaV8 BOUgfat City Pedagogues Will Join With Su perintendent Gary on Wednesday. The teachers of the Oregon City schools and County Superintendent Garv will give a reception to the in structors and visiting teachers who will be in Oregon City attending the Institute, which convenes at the Bar clav. school house next Wednesday. The reception will be given on Wed nesday evening, and a literary and musical programme is being arranged by the committee who has it In charge. The teachers gave a similar one last year and proved to be a most successful affair. . NIGHT SCHOOL TO OPEN. Boats th Signaturs City Instructor Plan to Teach Busi ness Course. W C. McKee. city superintendent of schools and A. K. Hill, principal of the Eastham building, are arranging to open a night school in this city on Monday. November 16. They will not only cover the grammar courses thor oughly, but will also give instruction in shorthand, typewriting and book keeping. This latter course will prob ably prove exceptionally attractive, as scores of Oregon City young men and women go to Portland every Win ter for busines instruction. Hylton-Wilehart. The marriage of Miss Emma T. ! Wilehart to Mr. James W. Hylton was j solemnized Wednesday evening In Portland. Both bride and groom are -ell v-nnn-n residents of the Mount Pleasant section, where they will make their home. Shipley-Peters. The marriage of Frank Shipley to Miss Emma Peters was solemnized last Tuesday evening at the manse of the Presbyterian church, of this city. Rev. J. R, Landsborough officiating. The ceremony was a very quiet one. Mr. and Mrs. Shipley will make their home at Willamette. Property Owners What have you been doing with your farm or city property that you did not list It with W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO., Real Estate Dealers They would have jiad it sold long ago. Don't put It off, for they have one of the firm In the East distributing circulars of Oregon and Clackamas County especially. They also have a fine list of Bargains Just received with several snaps among them. Don't forget the number. 606 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. Do not let anyone tell you that something else Is Just as good as DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pills because there isn't anything Just as 'good. Sold by Howell & Jones. Social at Parkplace. The ladles of the Congregational church of Parkplace are arranging for a Hallowe'en social at the grange hall Saturday evening. A programme will be given, and this will be followed by a "Mulligan" supper. The hall Is to be appropriately decorated for the occasion, and a good time promised. You take Kodol just for a little while when you have slight attacks of Indigestion and you take it Just a little longer in order to get relief from severe attacks of Indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia Try Kodol today. Sold by Howell & Jones. WHY NOT TRY Popham's ASTHMA REMEDY Gives Prompt and positive relief In every case. Sold by druggists. Trial package by mall 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Cleveland, 0 j For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. Now is the time to visit California When summer has passed In these northern states the sun is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This Is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more severe ell mate. California has been called the "Mecca of the winter tourist." Its hotels and stopping places are as var ied as those of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable acommodatlons, congenial companions, and varied pleasing recreations. SOUTHERN PACIFICCO. Will be glad to supply Borne very attractive literature, de scribing In detail the many du lights of winter In California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are on sale to Califor nia. The rato from Oregon City to Los Angeles and return is 8.". 00 Limit six months, allowing stopovers in either direction. Similar excursion rates are In effect to all California points. For full Information, sleeping-car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write E. T. FIELDS, Agent, Oregon City, or Wm. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland Oregon. ENORMOUS SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE We have secured, from one of the foremost clothing producers in the country, exactly 930 Men's Suits. Cravenettes and Overcoats, at a figure that enables us to cut 40 to 50 per cent under current prices. An opportnuity no careful man can afford to miss. We confidently assert THAT SUCH EXTENSIVE REDUCTIONS HAVE NEVER BEFORE BEEN MADE hy any other firm in Portland, on goods of similar character. 200 Men's Suits, Over- 300 Men's Suits, Over- 430 Men's Suits, Over coats, Cravenettes coats, Cravenettes coat , Cravenettes Worth $10.00 to Worth $12.50 to Made to retail at $16.50 $12.00 at $15.00 at and 18.00 at These garments were bought by us at a reduction of from 40 to 60 per cent below their true value. That's why we can offer them to you below their regular selling price. ft O 6 jSP&KI A SOL GARDE, PROPRIETOR The Store that Rights the Wrong Which Means Yoer Money Back if You Want It 69-71 3fd St., Bet. Oak and Pine, Portland, Adj. U. S. National Bank CLOSING OUT THE OREGON OITY SHOE STORE, which for oightoon yoars has been the leading shoo storo of Oregon City, is closing out tho entire line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's high grade Shoes at Actual Cost. We thank you very kindly for your patronage in the past and urge you, as business mon, to take advantage of tho greatest bona fide sale over known by tho people of Oregon City and Clackamas County. Remember that all our Shoes are new and staple merchandise, made by men who are strictly reliable and have made their names famous by their splendid shoes. Space forbids us to quote our prices, but will be pleased at any time to show our goods and prices. Remember our shoes are going fast. Call while they last. Oregon City Shoe Store NEW YORK NEWSPAPER PRINTS PRESCRIPTION OIRECTION8 TO PREPARE 8IMPLE YET REMARKABLE HOME MIXTURE. A well-known authority on When mutism given the following valuable though simple and harmless, prescrip tion, which any one can easily pre pare at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kurgon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarnaparllla, three ounce. Mix hy hklng well In a bottle, and tnl a teaHHMiiiful after each meal and at bedtime. He matin that the Ingredient ran be obtained from any good prescrip tion pharmacy at email ront, and, be ing of vegetable extraction, are harm leu to take. Thla plcnaant mixture, If taken reg ularly for a few day, l said to over come almoBt any ce of rheumatlittn. The pain and awelllng. If any. dimin ishes with each done, until permanent reunite are obtained, anil without In juring the atomnch. While there are many no-called Hheumatlnm remedies, patent medicines, etc., aome of whleh do give relief, few really give perma nent result, and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferer here at thla lime. Inquiry at the drug atorea of IhU neighborhood elicit the Information that thcuo drug are nannies and can bu twilight separately or the drug gist here will mix the prescription for our reader If aked to. Don't hitch your hone in the rntn! See K. W. Melllen A Co.' ad . tugJ 8. H. G. SURLES TEACHER OF VIOLIN AND CORNET Mulo furnlehed for all oecaelona. Phone Main 1581. Frank Bosch I received a full car load of Peerless Fencing direct from the Wire Works, and can make yoti very interesting prices. WHY is "Peerless Fencing" Without a Rival ? A NATURAL QUERY FROM ANY PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMER FOR WOVEN WIRE FENCING, USUALLY A SHREWD, DISCERNING INDI VIDUAL WHO HAS MADE TRIAL OF MANY AND WHO, LIKE THE MAN FROM MISSOURI 8AYS, "SHOW, ME." FIRST. PEERLESS POSSESE3 ALL OF THE ADVANTAGES COM MON TO WIRE FENCING IN GEN ERAL WHEN COMPARING IT WITH BOARD, RAIL, BARBED or SMOOTH STRAIGHT WIRE. IT ALSO HAS IN COMMON WITH OTHER MANUFACTURED FENCES THE ADVANTAGE OVER THE HAND MADE, BUILT-ON-THEPOST OR "KNOCKED DOWN" VARIETY IN THAT IT IS FACTORY MADE, COMPLETE IN THE ROLL, READY TO STRETCH AND STAPLE FULL WIDTH UPON THE POSTS A8 SOON AS THEY ARE IN POSITION TO RECEIVE IT, 8ECURING THU8 A MINIMUM EXPENDITURE OF TIME AND LABOR IN GETTING IT INTO SERVICE. LOOK AT A PIECE OF WOVEN WIRE FENCE AND FIGURE ON THE TEDIOUS OPERATION OF STRETCHING EACH SEPARATE LINE WIRE BY HAND, AND THEN PATIENTLY AFFIXING EACH CROS9 WIRE AND 8ETTING EACH LOCK AT EVERY INTERSEC TION. ALL WELL ENOUGH FOR THE PLODDING, STUBBORN PER SON WHO MAY, EVEN YET, BE BREAKING HIS BACK AND DRIV ING HIS BOY8 FROM THE FARM THROUGH 8PLITTING HIS VALU ABLE TIMBER INTO RAILS; BUT THE LIVE AMERICAN FARMER, THE FELLOW WHO FARMS FOR PROFIT AND KNOWS WHERE THE PROFIT COME8 IN, IS PAST THAT STAGEHAND IS A CUSTOMER FOR FACTORY MADE FENCE. IN ADDITION TO THE GENERAL ADVANTAGES POS8E8SED BY WOVEN WIRE FENCING AS A CLASS, "PEERLE88 HAS MANY DISTINCTIVE FEATURES PECU LIARLY ITS OWN WHICH MAKE IT, IN THE ESTIMATION OF WELL INFORMED, CANDID AND UNPRE JUDICED JUDGES, A 'FENCE WITH OUT A RIVAL.' " TO THESE PARTICULAR POINT8 WE INVITE ATTENTION, CONFI DENT THAT A KNOWLEDGE OF THEM AND A COMPARISON WITH WHAT MAY BE OFFERED BY OTH ERS IN THE LINE OF WOVEN WIRE FENCE WILL MAKE YOU OUR CU8TOMER, AND SECURE TO US, THROUGH FAIR TREATMENT AND THE RIGHT GOOD8, YOUR FUTURE TRADE. Hard Steel Wire AS YOU FIND IT IN THE PEER LESS IS WITHOUT QUESTION THE BEST MATERIAL TO PUT IN TO FENCING; BE8T BECAUSE IT IS MUCH 8TRONGER, BEST BE CAUSE IT WILL RETAIN AND HOLD ELASTIC PROPERTIES IN WOVEN WIRE, IF PROPERLY FORMED, THAT ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE LONG LIFE AND GOOD SERVICE OF THE ARTICLE. SOFT WIRE IS CHEAPER AND MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE TO WORK, BUT IT. BAGS IN THE SUMMER SUN, DRAWS DOWN FROM GAUGE UN DER A HEAVY STRAIN, AND EVERY TIME A STEER BACKS IN TO IT OR A HOG RUBS ON IT HE LEAVES HI8 PHOTOGRAPH. ANI MALS, INCLUDING THE HUMAN, QUICKLY LEARN TO RESPECT AN ELASTIC, HARD WIRE FENCE LIKE THE PEERLE83. IT HA8 A 8NAPPY, LIFE LIKE WAY OF GET TING BACK INTO P08ITION WHEN IMP08ED UPON THAT INSPIRES REGARD. ALL HARD STEEL GAL VANIZED WIRE IS U8ED IN MAK ING PEERLE88, AND IT 18 CARE FULLY INSPECTED BEFORE BE ING WOVEN INTO THE FABRIC. IN THE USE OF HARD STEEL WIRE WE ARE BOUND TO FIND AT TIME8 A PIECE THAT IS BRIT TLE, BUT ALL THAT HUMAN EF FORT CAN ACCOMPLISH IN THE 8ELECTION OF CORRECT MATE RIAL IS PUT FORTH IN CH003 ING THE RIGHT QUALITY AND TEMPER OF WIRE FOR PEERLESS. PRANK BUSCH Oregoril City