Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 25, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    ACENTS o
Ml ('. (ioliUmllli huit the hen! itU
ptny of M tltliKty ever brought In the
Mr. Mini Mm, rinniKu II. WUImri
have gone i:nl for mi iliiiili'l vUll
wild tolnllvcn In MliiilKim.
Mr mill Mm t'lmrle .itim. nf
tii Oii'ho'i. urn vlntl Inic with tint liil
ter sltttur, Minn Ada lli'dwell,
Herman Wlulud mill u II Kiiinli.r,
wliu Iiiivk lux ii annum tlm SiiIimii via.
Hum, tinvii ri'iiiiinil in (iri-Kuii I'lly.
Mm. Charles Kiikii iiinl rlilliln-ii
have returned from Hiileni, where
they hint liiu'ii visiting lili relative.
Mi l, Jamba, ntler vlxll Iiik with rel
ative In thin city fur two weilm, huu
relumed In lu-r Inline nt HI. John,
Mrs, V. A Hlit'wmmi and mill, Almi,
returned hiiiim 1'liiit Hiluy. after n two
week' mny with relative in Wiinli
lugliui, .Mr mul Mm, J. W. Cnle, of (.'nun
mull. after upending the week In runii
mi tin' fair khmiiuU nt Hnlein. Imvi n
ItiriU'il llnllin.
Mr. mul .Mr Mi'inlti nml fniiilly umt
Mr, Miller Imvu returned from Hut
Mute Kulr. where, they have been fur
several day.
Mnitliiier J. CiK-kri'll left Krlilny for
Molulln, to liiko rhniK of tlm brunch
of Huntley llroa. Co, during I In. nit.
hi'Iii'u of the manager, J. II Wrimii.
Minn Juliet Crtmn ..( Krltlity for
I'tiKi'in', where Him In n nhoiiiori lit
tlm Cnlvi-mlly of Oregon, mul In a
member of tin' Zeta Intn t'til Homrlty.
(', A. Nii'li linn returned from hii r
veylng trip In Washington. 1 1 re
tnriit'il hy wagon, nml waa acroinmn
I'll liy hi family through Eastern
Minn Ijuim Avlnon l on lnr y
from Toronto. Canada, to Oregon City,
nml will mnkv hi'r Iiiuihi In On-Run
City with her parent. Mr. mul Mm,
K. T. Avlaoti.
Mai) Whnli'ii, of Itllt'T, Kaalern
Oregon, la In Oregon City, wlnim ho
la lookliiK f"r location, nml If Iik I
Uinta property to anil him tut will
inukn hi hoiutt In Clackamas Connty.
County Assessor James K. Nelson,
who hua been In the ICasl visiting rela
tives anil In attendance at the Niitlim
l Kncatnpmeul of thn tirand Army of
tint Jlepubllc, at Tiilvitu, Ohio, la
DeWltls Kliltioy mul iladdor I'llla
are for weak bark, backache, rltmi
Hint le pnlna, Itiflnmmntlon of tint blml
tier nml all other annoyances duo to
weak kdlneya. They art) sold by How
ell k Jotiea.
I'rof. Jnmea, of ITstacada, vlnlti'il
hla fumlly Hntnritiiy anil Htimlny, In
thla city. Mr. Jamc' fumlly will aoon
iniivrt to KBtnrmla where they will
maku their future honiti. They r
rently arrived from the Kant.
Ieter Marra, who hna been spend
ItiK lila Summer vacntlon In Kastern
Oregon, arlveil honm on Weilnenlny,
mul wna vlnltliiK hla n relit nt Mount
I'lenaant. lie left Momlny to reaimiu
hla Hluillea at Out Oregon Attrlcullur
al ColleKit at Cnrvnllln.
MInm Nleln I in n I In k anil I.loyil llnril
I ii K linvo Kim" to KiiKenn, where they
will nttenil the rulvemlty of Oreiinn.
Mr. lliinlliiK Krniluuteil from the hut
liiml Arn li'iny hint )'enr. MIhh llnril
ItiK la 'he aerrelnry of the AnKorlnteil
Student of the t'nlveralty.
(ieorne IterKcr ind w lfo returneil to
Henttln, WiihIi,. Sat iiriluy nfter a plenit
nut two weeks' visit with (ioorKti Her
Iter'n pnrenta, Mr nml Mra. (iodfrleil
Wallnco. MIbb Itlley. of I'ortliiml, wna
nlxo n KiieHt nt the Wnlliu'e home ilur
I Hi; the vlalt of Mr. nnd Mr. Merger.
MIhh Uoum PtnTnrd linn none to
Monmouth, where alio hna tnken up
her dutli'H iih critic In the training ih
purtinent of the OreRi'ti Slnte Noriniil
SchiHil. MIhh HtnlTord Ktli'itt'il from
thin limtltutlon Inst yeur with li 1ft It
honora, ntul Iiiih been hiiciiiIIiik her
Slimmer vncnllou with her pnieuiH,
Mr. nml Mra. V. 11. StiilTord.
(leori?e Hurley, of 1mhiiIh, Waah.,
nml bin mother, Mm. Mnry Hurley, of
ItlHley StHtlon, were, In Oreiton City
Snlurilny nnd apent tlm liny with Mm.
Hiirley'n Hlnter, Mm. Mnry McCnrver
nt the liome nf Mm. C. P. Hnhoook.
Mr. Hurley Iiiih Just returned from a
five weekH' Btny nt I'iiho Roblen, Citl.,
wlmro ho Iiiih been for thn benefit of
hla heultli. ' He returned to Ills homo
lit UkmiiIh Ruiiiliiy mornlnK.
JoHoph Kiiowlnml, who ban conduct
oil n tailoring ostulillnhment In Oro
Kim City for aovurnl years, will k to
Callfornln, where he will no Into the
uninii buHlneHS. K. J. McKlttrick, for
merly of OreKtm City, linn rented tho
bulldliiK to be vnrntod by Mr. Know
land, ntul will noon open up a nhno
Htoro. Mr. McKlttrick wna In the
Hhno biiHlncBH In thla city for nevernl
yoarg boforo Riilng to Portland.
Mr .and Mra. R. II. Tabor, who have
been ape-ndlng tho Summor In their
cottnuo at Cannon lleae.h, Orenon,
Tiavo returned to their home at Mount
1'lennunt, nnd leuvo thla wouk for
South Dnkota, whore they will remnln
for tho Wlntor with their aon. The
cottnuo of Mr. nml Mra. Tabor at Can
non Beach has been rented for the re
mainder of the aennon to Mr. and Mri.
Dovereaux, who are apondliiR their
honey moon at that reaort. Mr. Dovere
aux la a nephew of Mra. C. A. Naxh,
of thla city.
Mrn. G. W. Grace and dAURhtor,
MIhh ICIInn draco, MlflH Mnry Scott
and Tom FnlrcloiiRh returned from
the Ok'o Creek mlnea on Saturday,
and report a mont enjoyable time.
MlHa Qnrtmdo Kalrclough and MIhh
Myrtlo Buchanan, who have boon at
the Osle Creek mines durlnn the Sum
mer will remnln longer. While thoHo
two young Indies were on a trip a
fow duya 8ro they wltnenned a won
derful sight while near the Divide.
Upon looking down In the valley he
low they any a fearful storm with
heavy clouds, lightning and rain, and
where they were stationed above they
were enjoying the sunnhlne and pick
ing huckleberries.
Masonic Temple
Do Sure and Cet
Dr. J. I'owell, of Molullii, wna In
Hie city Weilneailny.
If you wmit n HlyllHb lint, cull on
MI.m C. (iolilnmllli.
Horn to Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Hekne,
Septi inlier H ami.
Minn (ilmlya Sliyiinkl, of Willamette,
Ih lit I it 1 1 1 li k MrlMinhlln liiHtllutu.
lloin. Momlny mornliiK, to Mr. nml
Mra. ( hiirlea (iotthiTK, an Kpouml
Minn INhIk lllurk mid Mlaa A turn
lluuer hnvu retiinii il from tlmlr Siilem
Mlaa Fulnlln Hchiiobel len Ttieadny
fur Alhuii)', where aliu will utli'iid Hut
Mra. Chilhtliui Silver la lying, very
III nt her home on the VYcat Shin with
typhoid fever.
D'Wltfa Cnrhollied Witch lltt.
Salve the hi'Hl thing to me for piles.
Sold hy Howell At Joliea.
Cluirli'H Moiiltou bliM gone to Mc
Mliiut Hie, wlierif he la Hpeinlliig u two
wt-i'ka" viiciiflon Willi relutlvea.
Secure your winter mipply of ronl
Ho ut I'loneer Trnusfer Co. Agency
HohIjii Conl Co.. I'oNtodlce lllitg.
Mr. I'wi'lleti Ailuiiia, who hua been
vltililng her alater. Mia. Arthur How
Intnl. of lirniita I'naa, returned home
Kvi-iett Downey, the young sou of
Mayor Downey, of Wlllnmi tle. la en
rolle.l n a atiuleiit In t'oliimliln I'nl
veritlty. Mr, llurnn Hedillck la vhlllng with
relutlvea ut (iruntH 1'iik. ami expert
to ri-in u I it there during the coming
I.lnyil Harding and Knymoml Can
field left Moiulny morning for ICugene,
lii-re (key will nttetid the ('diversity
of Oregon.
Mli Mnrgnret llniiinn left Sntur
day for Whltoaon, where hIiii will
visit with friend for a few days, mid
upon her return ahe will go to Mount
Angel for n brief vlalt.
Wllllnm Smith, the renl entato mini,
ha moved hla fumlly from Clucknma
lli'lght to the residence. Dr. I'ow
ell occupied before leaving for Molul-
In. Mr. Smith has purfhnsed tho prop
Mlaa Angellne William, who has
biH-n apendlng thn Summer vacntlon
with her mother. Mm. J. It. Williams,
left Tuesday for Kugene, where she
will reiimn her duties as Instructor
In Kngllah literature
Krneat Walker, who hna been visit
ing lth Mr. and Mm. Wllllnm Gard
ner at Mclilrmn, haa gone to pendli
toll, where It In probable he will lo
cate. Mm. Walker la visiting her
parents, and will Join her husband, as
soon as h decldea upon a location.
W. U Mulvey returned from Seattle,
Wash., Saturdny, where he haa been
on his two weeks' vacation, and has
rrntiincd his position In the county
clerk's office. Mr. Mulvey visited Tn
coma. Ilremerton, Everett, Wash., nnd
also Interesting points In British Col
umbia. Mr. and Mrs. John Ix-wthwalte nnd
daughter, Miss Alice, have returned
from their week's stay at U'bnnon.
During Mm. I.ewthuulte'a stay at
U'lianon ahe visited nt Iower and
t'pper Soda Spring, and hn.l a most
delightful time.
Norwnrd It. Chnrmnn, who has boon
working on the O. H. & N. Company'
extension from Klgln to Joseph in the
bridging department, during the sum
mer month, returned to Oregon City
lnt week, and left Wednesday for
Kugene, where he will resume his
Htudles at the I'nlvemlty of Oregon.
He Is taking a civil engineering
K. C. Thomna nnd Krnnk C, tawing
forinorly proprlotorn of the Oregon
City Enterprise, have returned from
Troy. Ohio, nnd are looking for a lo
cution In the Northwest. Mr. Thomas
bus disposed of his printing cHlab
IlKbtnent In Troy. As soon as Mr.
Thomas and Mr. Uiwlug find a mi 1 1 -able
locution, they will send for their
fa in 1 1 lea.
Just a lltllo Caicaiwaet Is nil that Is
necessary to give your baby when It
Is cross und peevish. Cascaaweet con
tains no opiates nor harmful drugs and
Is highly recommended by mothers
everywhere. Sold by Howell & Jones.
MIhh Mattlu Plnkham arrived from
Tnconiu, WbhIi., Thursday of Inst
week nnd brought with her the ton
days' old bnby of her sister, Mrs.
Myrtlo I'oe-Scbuclt, who died nt that
pluco last week, leaving the baby
when It was two hours old. Mrs. 11,
M. Shaw, of this city, sister of Mrs.
Hchuck, und Miss l'lnkhnin. will take
tho baby to raise. Charles I'lukham,
nephew of Mrs. Shaw, is also here on
a two weeks' visit, having come from
Tacoma with hla aunt
Mra. A. W. Walker, of Portlund, nn-
nininces to ine indies or urogon city
that on Thursday, of each week, she
will do skin and scalp work, sham
pooing and manicuring, at 714 Water
Street. Telephone 2902.
Wc couldn't moncyback
tea, if our tea weren't bet
ter than tea as you know it
Your trocar returni your money If yos doal
Uka Schlllloi'l Beil: wt pay him.
Ink Spots on Carpets,
If the carpet In the living room or
the library has Ink 8 pots on It try this
romody: First pour cold water on
the spot If It Is a fresh one, taking It
up again with a spoon which Is press
ed down Into the pile of the carpel.
Lay a cloth around the spot so It will
not spread. Then apply a weak solu
tion of oxalic acid, sponging It up
If the color Is altered, apply ammon
ia water.
Btsnta Mitt Haw lwiri tought
Ila Kind Yw ton lwiri
Cretn Trading Stamps
Cshicada and Eastern Clackamas
Mr. und Mrs. II. C. rioswell return
ed to their home ut Kstui-aila Tuesday
from Mount Angel.
There w ill not he any service at the
M. V.. Church on Sunday, on account
of the uliseiice of Itev. I'urouiiiiglnn.
Mrs. W. A. Ileylmuii went to I'ort
I it n il on the Tuesday morning train,
returning home In the evening.
C. F. Howe hna returned from the
Miller HroN.' mine, having spent a
week there. He was licfoiiipiiulcd
here liy v., C. Miller, who returned to
the mine Monday.
A full Hue of millinery Is on dis
play ut the Dnle store near tlm Hotel
I'Xiicuiln, w ith Miss Uiilb Dale u head
milliner. Mr. Dale bus also received
a full line of dry goods.
A pew store building la under con
struction In KhIiichiIu. The front of
the building will face llroudwuy,
while the I, will face Second street.
Thl Is one- of the desirable locations
for a store building, which will be of
concrete, the main part being CuxlOO
feel, nml the I, 2r,x:u feet. It Is re
ported Hint when completed It will
be itccupleil na a department store. J.
W. Jones has the contract of furnish
ing the crushed rock for the building
and hua a force of men hauling rock
for the foundation.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Doner are
spending a few day with friends In
The cement building occupied by
Schmidt, Carey k Company, has been
completed and the firm la now handl
ing a large amount of grain and farm
The Itebekahs celebrated tho 07th
annlveraay of Its organization at
the I, o. O. F. hall on Friday evening
In a very appropriate manner. Judge
Thomas F. Ityan, of Oregon City, had
been Invited by the committee to give
the opening address, but was unable
to be present on account of being In
Salem. Itev. I'aroiuiagluu opened the
affair with a prayer, also favored tils
audloiico with an address on tho good
of the order and his remsrks were
greatly appreciated. U K. Helflls ren
dered two cornel solos, and was greet
ed with applause, responding to the
hearty encores. Mrs. Adlx, who ac
companied Mr. Ilclnis on the piano, Is
a musician of high merit, and Is a
great addition socially to Kstacada, al
ways willing to Rive a helping hand.
After the programme was rendered a
delicious chicken supper was served
hy the laditts, anil was followed by a
social time. The members of the I.
O. O. F. and their families were ex
tended an Invitation, making about
75 guests present, who will always
remember the pleasant evening spent
on the 67th anniversary of the Re
bekahs, K. F. Surface sold his drug business
to A. N. Johnson, and the latter has
, dlaposed of he same to 'J. W. Reed,
who w III hereafter conduct the busl
jness with Miss Maude Sturgeon as
; manager. Mr. Surface has been post
I master also at Kstacada, and has sent
In his resignation, hut his successor
!has not yet been appointed. Mr. Sur
I fneo has given excellent satisfaction
) during his encumbency. nnd it Is with
I regret that lie Is obliged to give up
j tho office. Ho will leave the
: first of the month for Corvnlles, where
, be will take a course In pharmacy at
the Agricultural College. Mrs. Sur
i race und bnby left on Momlny for
their new home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sur-
face hnve made ninny friends during
their stay here, who are sorry to see
them depart, but who extend their
host wishes for the future.
Many Important laud denls hnve
been closed during tho past week. W.
It. Out Held bus sold Ills 150 acre
tract to Mr. Stokes, a contractor'. This
Is considered to be one of the most
desirable farms In Kastern Clnknmas
County, and Is close to lCstncadu. The
valuation was $S,(inO. This deal wus
muile through the Heylman Renl Es
tate Company. Another deal closed
this week by the 10-acro tract of
Albeit Navotue, Just outside of the
city limits. Tho property Is good
farming property ami brought $(10 per
acre, and tho deal made through the
Estncada Stute Ilnnk.
Oaylor Keith, ahoy about 12 years
of age, broke his arm on tho school
grounds while In tho act of Jumping
on Monday. Young Keith's home Is
nt Deep Crook Junction, and attends
the Kstacada school. Dr. Adlx bolng
out of town at the time of the acci
dent, the teachers did what they
could for tho Injured boy, who was
takon to Oreshum, where the Injured
member was net, and at last reports
he Is getting along nicely.
Miss Mary Dale and MIsr Mary
Womer returned from Oervnls last
week, whore they spent a week In
the hop fields. .Before returning to
their homes here they spent several
days at the state fair, and report
having had a most delightful time.
Cecil Schock, Otis Rex and Omer
Groff, after spending a week In the
hop fields near Salem, returned to
their homes Monday.
Some excitement was caused here
on Tuesday, when thetoam belonging
to F, Ahnert, of German farmer, be
camo frightened at a paoslng car,
and started to run. The owner, who
stood nearby, Jumped Into the back
of the wagon, and ronched the reins,
but the frightened animal had gone
some distance before Mr. Ahnert had
them undor control. No damage was
Robert Currln, one of the best
known farmers of Clackamas County,
met with a painful acldent on his
farm at Currlnsvllle on Wednesday
morning. Mr. Currln was engaged In
blasting Btumps, when some of the
large timber struck his log, breaking
it between the knee and ankle. Dr.
Adix, of Efltacnila, was summoned, and
the the sufferer plnced on the operat
ing table and the leg set. Mr. Currln
was some distance from the house,
audit was with some difficulty that
he was carried there. n suffered
extremely, und It Is hoped by his
many friends that lie will soon be on
the road to recovery,
Mlaa Maud Hturgion, after spending
the pilxt yeur at her home In Tilla
mook, returned to K'ltacnda Sunday,
und has ncepti-d a position In the drug
store, formerly owned by E. F. Sur
face, and Is making her home at the
resilience of Dr. and Mra. Adlx. Miss
Sturgeon held a position In the drug
store for two years, and has many
friends who are glad to welcome her
return. She took up a course of p'iar
macy at the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, graduating in 11102 with high
honors, and bus met with success in
her profession.
The KKtncuda school has opened
with a full attendance, and there i
every indication that the coining
school year will be one of the :oxt
successful at Estacadn. Prof. Iloaril
M. James Is superintendent. He .3 a
graduate from the Michigan Sut:
Normal. Ho has 10 years of cxr :!
-nee in school work, and for the ,a:;t
two years has been superluteiiijert
of the schools at Milan, wheru he
was re-elected this year, but reguel
to accept the Kstacada school. Miss
Mae Stevens and Miss Eva Pro. id',
who taught here last year, have ben
retained. Miss Stevens will ha4
charge of the primary grade, and
.MIhh Primer, tho Intermediate. V!is
Stella Womer. one of Clackanas
county's efficient teachers, was cbostn
by the school board, this year, ai.J
the success she ha met with her
profession within the past few jturs,
Is an assured fact of her work prov
ing satisfactory here. The Estncaita
school Is a high school, which will be
a great benefit, as It will have a
tendency to bring aewcomers fiom
other parts of the county, where
they can give their children Rood
school advantages. The-t Is a large
eighth grade this year, which -ueans
a larger high school next year. The
ninth, tenth and eleventh gmles arc
being taught this year. Th! is the
first year of tho -High Sch'.-ol here.
Money will bo spent for the equip
ment of a library. William S'.uhbo Is
Janitor, this being the first yoar that
a Janitor has been employed bv the
school board.
Fred Netzshman Is hauling lumber
for II. Voss.
Edward School was Intending to go
to the mountains.
H. Voss Is Intending to build a new
house this fall.
Ad. Welderhold and sons are busy
burning stumps.
Master Paul Wlederhold and sisters,
Mary and Phlnle, were out tor a
drive Sunday.
They are looking, for 'the hopplck
ers to return Monday.
Frank Arnet and family returned
from the hop field Thursday.
Christ. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wle
derhold and daughter, Phlnle, return
ed from the berry patch Monday ev
ening. They enjoyed It and were
satisfied with the amount of berries
Mm. taulse Jdnrders had a light
attack of sickness.
Mrs. Peter Rath returned from her
visit to Kelso, where she was visiting
her brother, David Jarl, who was 111
for several months, but Is Improving.
Tho roads at George are improving
Hans Gibson Is expected back from
the hop field most any time.
Bnt! llis Hind Voi HaiMiwsts Bought
Big tutor
This Is fine weather we are enjoy
ing at the present time.
Eagle Creek Grange held Its regu
lar meeting on Saturday, September
19. There was a very good attend
nnce and all present spent a very
pleasant time together. The young
people of tho Grange will give a dance
nt the Grange hall Saturday evening,
October 3, for the ptirpose of secur
ing funds to purchase a new organ
for the grange.
E. L. Palfrey made a brief business
visit to Portlaud lost week.
Wesloy Douglass purchased a disc
plow and Is highly pleased with It. H.
S. Gibson also purchased a disc plow
for himself. l
Mr. and Mrs. Wesloy Douglass, and
daughter nlna, and Mrs. Katie Doug
lass, made a business trip to Estacada
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John ,Reld and child
ren, of Sprlngwater, were visiting
with Mrs. Reld's father, James Gib
son, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B., Gibson mad a
trip to Hal Gibson's, of Barton, Mon
day.' Mrs. Marie Glbsln, and her mother,
Mrs. Meinke, of Burton, called on Mrs.
George Judd Sunday.'-
J. P. ,Woodle made a trip to Port
land, Sunday.
Mrs. Katie Douglass called on Mrs.
Murphy Sunday. . i
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell, and
daughters. Ivy. Agnes' and Alice, and
son, Herbert, of Dover, passed through
here on their way to Barton, Monday.
A 8ur-Enough Knocker.
J. C. Goodwin, of Reldsville, N. C,
says! "Bucklen's Arnica Salve is a
sure enough knocker for ulcers. A
bad one came on my leg last summer.
but that wonderful salve knocked It
out In a few rounds. Not even a scar
remained." Guaranteed for piles,
sores, burns, etc. 25c at Howell &
Jones' drug store.
WANTED School glri ' to .work for
board and room In small family. In
quire 1107 Washingtpn St I
Oregon City, Ore.
Be Sure and Cet Green Trading Stamps
A year ago this month a few ladles
met at the home of Mrs. L. Wilcox
and organized a Ladle Industrial
Club.' The objects of the club were
what could be done In regard to get
ting a school here, and to do any
thing which would be for the good
or the betterment of the tadge, and
to devote a part of the time to llter
arywork. The ladles Interviewed the county
superintendent, Mr. Gary, In regard
to the school and we called on the
gentleineul to help locate the dis
trict und- to get the petition before
the District lioundury Board which
nu t lust spring and granted us a new
district. After tlrt) bonds had been
voted on and the plans for the new
school were adopted the ladles began
to raise money foi an organ for the
new school, and now have about $ 4S
In the treasury.
A monthly social was held each
month during the winter and a fine
literary program was carried out at
each social. In February Mrs. H.
H. Emmons opened her home for a
wK.lal and the proceeds which were
nearly $15, was used to help a worthy
friend fix up a tent so It would be
comfortable for herself and little ones.
A monthly tea was held during the
summer nmr.ths, at the homes of the
members, which greatly helped out
our finances. .While each of the
ladies have worked very faithfully and
a number who are not members help
ed so much, we have done a great
deal of gixd and we hope to be able
to continue In any work which will
uplift and upbuild and be for the
betterment of the Lodge.
On Thursday afternoon of last week
I the Ladies Industrial Club was enter
tained in a most royal manner at
the home of Mrs. Kdd Poethe. About
four months ago the members were
given a dime out of the treasury to
Increase and thla meeting was to be
an "Experience Meeting" and the
members were to relate how they
had Increased their dimes. The ex
periences were varrled and novel, as
well as instructive and afforded a
great deal of amusement and no two
ladies had earned their money alike.
One lady gave the following:
"As I was looking out of my win
dow I beheld the beautiful face and
form of our Vice President and as
she approached me she she presented
me with a dime, and told me to go
forth and make It shine. And that
was exactly in my line, for all I had
to do was to grind the coffee fine.
Now to Bave time I will finish my
So here It Is ten times the dime,
And all of my neighbors helped to
make It shine.
So please excuse me and this poor
Respectfully submitted In behalf of
the dime."
Mra. Roethe served delicious re
freshments and two new me-nbers
were added to our roll. All departed
thanking Mra. Roethe for her kind
hospitality. The proceeds were $11.75
Clackamas Heights
All level and In cultivation, all
fenced, fHd 5-room house, wood
shed.chicken house, 3 dozen
chickens, fine well of water, 27
fruit trees, a variety, plenty of
berries. This is a fine home.
Near store and 12 grade school.
Price cheap.
Walter Hor nfcacfe
Over Bank of Oregon City.
J . i r n
Does W.A. I
Ho mes give 10 5
S per cent "off on
Because he
has too many I
shoes and notS
enough money.
Parkplace Cash Store
and the guests of honor were Mrs.
Frank Soesbe of Oregon City and
Mesdames J. Sor.-Bbe, Redmond, Ja
cobs and Shaver.
Mr. and Mrs. R. LaBarre Goodwin,
the famous ' artists, and their daug
ter.Clarihel, were guests of Major and
Mrs. Clackson and Mr. and Mrs.
Spooner on Saturday of last week.
Miss Goodwin arrived recently from
Chicago for a fortnight vl.dt with
her Oregon friends prior to their de
parture abroad. They leave shortly
for trip to Chicago and New York,
thence will go to Florida for the win
ter to remain till they sail.
Miss Jennings and Mr. L. H. Spoon
cr spent a few days at the state fair
at Salem and were accompanied home
by Mr. E. C. Jennings, who spent
relatives at the lodge. Among the
others who attended the fair on Port
land Day were the Misses Roethe,
Mr. C. P. Moise and Mr. and Mrs.
John Jennings and perhaps others
whose names we did not hear.
Mr. Wm. Rose and family have re
turned from McKay's hop yards. They
report they did well, but there was
agreat many cases of typhoid fever
in that locality.
Mr. L. H. Spooner will return to
his duties at the Southern Pacific of
fice at Marshflold on Wednesday af
ter a ten days' visit with his parents.
The many friends of Mra. M. E.
Morse will be pained to hear she met
with quite an acldent on Thursday
of last week. In some manner she
fell In her room and Dr. Sommers
was called and found she had fractur
ed her right hip, and as she is 80
years of age It will be apt to lay
her up tot some time. Miss Perle
a trained nurse from Portland, Is
caring for her.'and all Is being done
that possibly could be to make her
comfortable. Her son, Mr. A. P.
Morse, and her youngest daughter,
Mrs. Elsie Hutchinson, of Portland,
were out on Saturday to see her.
Recent dispatches from Central Peru
announce the successful ascension of
Mount Huascan by Miss Annie E.
I Peck, an achievement worthy of some
note. This formidable peak has de
fled the efforts of man to reach lu
summit since Nature placed It there
and that a woman should have been
; the successful climber to the highest
I point In the cloud tipped Andes re
flects no little credit to her sex and
world fame to Miss Peck herself.
Huascan. or by some authorities, Hua
scaran. Is the highest peak In the
D. C. LATOCRETTE President.
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Careful of Your Property
One of ihe secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furnitue Moving
Williams Bros.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence
Is the breath from a mouth
Nine out of ten cases of stomach
trouble and bad breath is
caused by imperfectly
masticated food.
To thoroughly masticate your
your food you must chew in thoro
ughly with teeth that are ferfectly
When teeth are missing we can
build you a bridge that will masti
cate your food thoroughly.
If you must have artificial
teeth, our work is .ely equalled
and never excelled.
Have your teeth extracted before
the cold rainey season sets in.
Remember we guarantee our
work and our eighteen years con
tinuous practice in Oregon City, is
a guarantee that you can always
find us.
Have you seen the new Gold Inlay Fillings
Gold Crowns-Porcelean Fillings (Inlays) Por
celean Crowns. Sets teeth on Gold plates.
Sets teeth on Aluminum plates. Sets teeth on
Rubber plates. Sets teeth on Celloid. :: ::
L. L. Pickens
Weinhard Building
Andes. Prior to Miss Peck's ascent
It had been generally agreed that Its
height was 22.812 feet, although some
authorities differ on thla point. Miss
Peck however startles the scientific
world by the bold statement that It
20.000 feet to Its summit and ranks
among the few highest p-'ak of the
globe. But whatever the act'ial height.
Mount Hiiaecm Is among trie higher
mountains of the world, and It is
grander and more beautiful In some
of Its aspects than most of the great
summits. Only nine miles south of
the equator It pushes skyward more
than two miles of pure white surface
that gleams like porcelain In the sun.
These stupendous heights fraught
with untold dangers have been sur
mounted by a woman after Enock,
Italrnondl and others among the
stronger sex turned back with from
5.000 to 8.000 feet of the white terror
still defying them. Miss Peck's name
will now move along to first place
among the world's mountain climb
ers. A sad cry comes from Paris to the
effect that there Is a serious short
age of falsfl hair. The Parisian wo
men, who by the constant application
of tonics and dressings to her hair
has ruined the growth. Is forced to
depend upon the hair of someone else
to make up her coiffure. For many
years the peasant girls of Brittany .
and Normandy have been in the habit
of selling their tresses, but it Is stat
ed that this supply Is running short
Paris imports about 300 tons of false
hair each year, which is made up Into
the coiffure of milady, and some of
the more fashionable dealers are hard
put to it to secure tresses of the de
sired quality.
Piles! Plleil Piles!
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment' wUl
cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles.
It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching
at once, acts as a poultice, gives In
stant relief. Williams' Indian Pile
Ointment Is prepared for Piles and
itching of the private parti. Sold by
druggists, mall 50c and $1.00, Williams
Mfg. Co., Props., Clavaland, O. For
sale by Jones Drug Co.
Kodol will, without doubt, make
your stomach strong and will almost
Instantly relieve you of all the symp
toms of Indigestion. Get a bottle of
it today. It Is aold here by Howell ft
P. J. METER, Cashier
Transfer Co.
525 Main Street
filled with clean sound teeth
- Dentist
Oregon City, Ore,