Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 11, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday j
E. E. BRODIE, Editor end Publisher.
Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post
olllce a second-class mutter.
Subscription Rates:
One Yenr $1.50
Six Months 75
Trial Subscription, Two Months .23
ough than that of the Government It
Is also expected that the National
Farmers Vnlon will be able to con
triil the minimum price at which the
crop Is to be sold.
ni.in.- ni-J
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fob
lowing their name. If last payment Is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Advertising Rates on application.
Undoubtedly the most Interesting
and Important topic of the day is the
conquest of the air. Nineteen nun
dred and eight, or for that matter
many decades before it, has produced
no more momentous development than
that which the efforts of a few per
sons Hi the perilous experiments In
aviation have brought face to face
with the civilized world. That we
are on the threshhold of the secret of
the air, which for centuries the poo-
The United States postal regulations
compel publishers to discontinue a
neu-snnner after the subscription ex
pires. For this reason The Enterprise j l'e of the world have considered quite
will not be sent after expiration. Sub-, bevond human achievement, there
srrlbera will receive ample notice be-1 1)ow. g,,,,ms t0 be no tlmlbl. The ,.yes
r,tra inn nanAr u n tnrin iau
The messenger of death Is always
an unwelcome visitor, but when sent
at the behest of and through the In
strumentality of a braln-enfevercd
mob It Is a monster which the limited
meaning of mere words is unable ade
quately to describe and one that
makes all people whom evolution has
brought above the level of cannibal
ism shudder and turn away. There Is
of all the world are centered upon
the dally movements of three or four
men who are biasing the trail to an
undiscovered realm of opportunity.
Successfully solved, the problem of
navigation of the air as a practical
means of Intercommunication would
revoiatlonlne all existing financial,
commercial, racial and national con
ditions: and Its effect on social and
even ethical questions would be In
calculable. Therefore any progress
toward this end Is worthy of note.
The experiments of the past few
a lesson to be learned in the after
math of the race-rioting spectacle months In both private and public in
which Springfield, Illinois, recently vestlgstlons have proven beyond rea
furnished the nation. Human beings i sonable doubt that a machine heavier
both white and black, were killed and than air not only can be made to ac-
malraed In order that someone be vis
ited with vengeance. A bloodthirsty
mob In order to uphold Its conception
of the majesty of the law desecrates
the very law It dirt not want broken.
At no point In the construction or
working out of the philosophy of hu
man life baa It been demonstrated
where one wrong might be launched
at another wrong In the Interests of
right And now after the affair has
practically subsided it is discovered
that the mob got hold of the wrong
In addition to this some one has also
discovered that another someone, fore
seeing Just such a calamity as that
which found Its setting In Springfield,
had drafted and passed a law which
makes the State of Illinois pay $5000
to the heirs of each negro killed by
mob violence. This will give the peo
ple of that state something to think
about in their sober moments.
Following upon this carnival of
crime the announcement Is made of
the organization In Washington, Pitts
burg, Atlanta, New York and Chicago
of a national law and order league that
will Include negroes only In its mem
bership and will have for Its purpose
the ridding of all communities of
worthless and criminally Inclined
blacks. A convention has been pro
posed within the next six months so
that the movement may be spread to
Include the entire United Spites.
The cotton growers of the South
are making a determined effort to
free themselves from the oppression
that has attended the marketing of
their crops by a gigantic plan to sell
direct to the spinners and In such
quantities and such price as they
think the market warrants. The
National Farmers' Union Is the or
ganization back of this scheme, and
the National Cotton Committee Is the
agency through which It will be ac
complished. The farmers in their
warehouses have room to store some
2,000,000 bales of cotton, and the
Committee will have correspondents
throughout the world to keep close
watch of the market and Its need, re
porting to a man in charge at the
headquarters, which will probably be
at Fort Worth, Texas.
This man is really the main spring
of the scheme, for he will have ac
curate and absolute knowledge of the
markets and their requirements, and
under his direction will the sales be
made. It is planned to do away with
the middleman, and whrn the spin
ners are In need of cotton, the sales
will be made direct to them. The
man In charge at headquarters will I
first decide whether the price offered
Is satisfactory before he orders the
complish aerial navigation but Is the
only practical means to this end. Pur
ing the past thirty days both hemi
spheres have been ringing with the
performances wherein mechanical
flight for the first time In the world s
history has received high official rec
ognition. The governments of France
and the United States have both of
ficially recognized mechanical flight.
The average man who reads may
be aware that Inventors recently have
been busy experimenting with differ
ent kinds of aerial craft He hears
about airships, aeronauts and other
"aerial nonsense" and lets it go at
that To him It Is all a Joke, a fad
without any practical value. He does
not know, however, that Instead of
being a mere aspiration, mechanical
flight Is now a wonderfully serious
reality. He is not yet awake to the
appreciation of the fact that a new
realm has been opened up for human
activities and that a new field for
transportation has been discovered
equally as Important as the land and
the sea, and that aviators have within
the past few days demonstrated flights
which place the automobile In the
realm of "has-beens."
All air vehicles are divided Into two
classes, viz.: balloons, or "lighter
than air" machines, which derive their
buoyancy from gas of low specific
gravity, and "heavier than air"
machines, which depend upon dynamic
or mechanical functions for their op-j
eration. Of the latter there are three
general types, the aeroplane, the hel
icopter and the orthopter. The hell
copter differs from the aeroplane In
that It has horizontal propellers de
signed to give It a vertical lift The
orthopter is modeled after a bird hav
ing beating wings operated by a mo
tor. But of these the only one thus
far which has demonstrated Itself to
be practical is the aeroplane.
Described In a simple way the aero
plane Is a large box kite, or two hor
izontal planes, one above the other,
with other planes set fore and aft as
rudders to direct Its course and with
motor-driven propellors to give
velocity. Of the various types of the
aeroplane those evolved by the Wright
Brothers, of Dayton, Ohio., and Henry
Farman and Leon Delagrange,
France, are the best The Wright
Brothers have demonstrated the su
periority of their type and within the
past few days both In this country and
in France have publicly made flights
in which their machines were under
perfect control, making circles and
turns in all directions with ease and
maintaining an average speed of 36
miles an hour. The War Department
is now conducting tests of the Wright
model at Fort Meyer. Virginia, while
In France a new office has been cre
ated in a Minister of Aerial Com
Hunicatlon and the Wright model Is
state, would be pushed with all speed.
For years the people of Oregon have
wanted a railroad Into this part of
their state. It contains riches un
dreamed, almost, and has resources
the development of which will ralso
Oregon far In the scale of material
importance, hNr lack of transport
The lawn social given by the ladles
of Ihe St. Paula Guild l Hose Fnnn
Friday, was a very successful BlTiilr,
both socially and llimmially. A short
tion facilities the exploiting of llwso musical and literary programme was
k.. i rvuiiereu. Among ine minimus were;
' " " . " Kooltatlon. "Uhrlstma tlreens." Miss
ureguiimns imi aware oi me im- U-loronoo McKarland. who gave us nn
nietise richness of the Interior of their encore "Her Letter." Mr. Theodore
state. Now their wishes are to bo Osmund sang "Juno Miullgnl," and
granted, and with all the .peed po. "'" "r
... second number. Several piano selec-
n., ..,m ,..,n, i..,,,. i n. .ii. villi ihn
There are four way of reaching largo elm trees of this historical home,
the country to be opened up, one from table were spread, where delicious
refreshment were served by tne
in. ,,.., .,r M,.i llxll.t Mlirt .tf Itl.t
of these Is to be followed, Mr. Har of , rtrm.n the auc
rlman has not yet announced. Each Honing of unckSKi' containing use
will traverse equally rich country.
Naturally It is of much Interest to the
people of these various sections which
route Is chosen, and they are putting
forth great efforts to call attention to
the richness of their respective sections.
In the middle eighties, Jules Verne
showed In his "Tour of the World In
SO Days," how it was possible to en
circle the globe In a length of time
hitherto unthought of. Now, after
ful articles, which were unknown to
the purchasers.
A Jolly party of young folk met at
the home of Mis Kalhryn Slunolt. of
llreenpolnt, on Thursday evening, and
from there they went to the banks of
the Willamette river, where a huge
bonfire w built, and the evening
spent in singing and games. One of
the features wa roasting corn and
potatoes, and a luncheon was also en
joyed. At a late hour the merrymak
er departed for their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adam enter
the lapse of a little more than two do- tallied a few of their friend inform
ally at their home on Seventh and Jef
ferson streets Thursday evening.
Ilrldge was the amusement of the ev
ening, the prlne being awarded to
Mr. Llnwood Jones and II. T. Mcllain.
Refreshment wero served, i
Willamette Council. Knights and
Ladle of Security, held a very Inter
eating meeting in Woodmen of the
World hall Monday evening. A dell
clou supper was served In honor of
Mrs. Jennie E. Boyles. who will leave
cades, It Is possible to cut down thl
Ime by more than half, using the
same means of travel. If the new fast
ships of the Cunard line will land
their passengers at Plymouth on
Thursday sailing from New York on
Saturday It will be possible by means
of the Trans-Siberian Railway leav
ing from Moscow, after a Journey of
week and a half, to arrive at Vlad
ivostok, whence a steamer to Japan for the East In the near future,
nd a rati ride across that empire to
Yokohama would put one on the Ca- A pretty wedding took place at the
nadlan Pacific Mall steamer for an "ome or J- A- w"n cr,,,t
.... farm near Damascus, Thursday. Sep-
eleven-day trip across the Pacific to ,,,, s t j. O.cock when 1(,lr ,
Vancouver. Then the Great North- daughter VIctorlne, became the bride1
ern and an eighteen-hour tralu ride f Arthur U Heacock. of Gresham. j
to New York could bring the passen- Lillian Walter sang the heauttl-
... , . , . ful 8ol When Song is Sweet." after I
ger back to his starting pol"t In a lit- h,rh tha brl(la, party t.ntervil ,he
tie less than forty day, a trip of 19,- parlor to the (trains of Uihengrln's
900 miles. The expense of this little wedding march. Little Mildred Maple j
Jaunt around the world Is estimated at ""I J'?'' l"V.lr M T
.., I .ui ln ' tne bride, led the procession,
JSOO. which would Include everything crryng ,ny bs8k,.tj, f pll)( ,W0(,t I
necessary. peas, followed by the bridesmaid, Miss !
Mary Wilson, and the bride on the
The recent enactment of a law, new arm of her father. The groom wa at- j
In Its scope In England, will have a ' M""- Harold Wlson. the !
.. .w i . brides brother. Bev. Moore, of
far-reaching effect on the manufactur c.acl..1mnS- per,,,,,,,, ,he c.remny j
ing inuusines oi mis vuuim?. inu under a Dower of evergreens, then the
new law Is called the "patents act" and guests, relatives and friend of the
under Its provisions the American h,PPr couple extended congratula-
. . . . ,., tlons. The bride was becomingly at-
manufacturer will have to pay a big Mnfd ,n whe and M(.rlp(, t ,Brge
price to protect himself from piracy bouquet of bride roses and the brides-
In the British Isle. Acordlng to this maid wore a gown of turquoise blue
law a foreigner who holds a patent In - - . t,r
England must manufacture the article tlr f the Rroomi caught ,ne brl(,-,
thus protected In England and at the bouquet. Refreshment were served,
same time be subject to the rents, after which Mr. and Mrs. Heacock
. . , . too kthelr departure, amid a shower
rates and Income tax as well. If )f rce fo. t J;
these provisions are not lived up to f0wed by the best wiahes of a host
a complaint may be registered wun ot menus.
the English Board of Trade, which has
sale and his knowledge of the cotton
In storage will determine the pro-! also being tested there with a view to
rata basis nn which tho onttnn fmm , nermanent adoDtion for use ln the
the several states will be sold.
The cotton producers have long
been planning this move, and they
are extremely well organized. The
plan calls for the farmers to pledge
their crop to the Cotton Committee
without reserve. In connection with
the working out of the scheme will
be developed a system of crop bulle-
E. H. Harrlman, man of power,
spent his vacation this summer ln
the wilds of central Oregon. To this
fact is due, perhaps, the promises he
made on coming out from his summer
home that work on a railroai to the
tins that it is said will be more thor- rich regions in the center of that
A Checking Account
With a bank is a modern business convenience and
those who have never tried it have missed many
advantages. "We open checking accounts for firms
and individuals and supply them with check books
so that they can draw against their deposits in fav
or of other persons without coming to the bank.
They thus have all the convenience of having the
money at hand without the risk of robbery that
there would be if the money was kept in the house.
The marriage of John G. Bargfeld,
a well known farmer of Logan, to Mrs.
Icy Chapman, was solemnized Wed
nesday morning by Justice of the
Peace Samson, at the home of the
The marriage of Dr. Hugh Stevens
Mount to Mrs. Matilda Gaming Miller
the power to revoke the patent and
throw the article open to unrestricted
competition. A number of American
firms now enjoying a large trade In
England have signified their Inten
tion of building a plant on the other
side and complying with all the pro
visions of the law In order to protect was solemnized Wednesday evening at
their Interests In John Bull's land. l"e-nome. r lne orwei orower.
jyjovyu 11. UBituiiA, ILir-fJi i-siuum null
eptiHrnl mnnnenr nf thA PupttnnH
There Is rejoicing In the hearts of pnnrtng Company, on the East
masculine America thlB fall because side. Rev. Philip Kemp Hammond.
of the fact that small hats are to be of Eugene, was the officiating clergy-
worn uiis seasou. i uc ,iesl.,u,- fo(. YnrR cy where
tations from fans are an aiminuuve will spend the Winter.
in comparison with the "Merry
Widow" monstrosities that have been
given to this movement by King Ed
ward, who in issuing Invitations to
certain of his friends to attend a box
party at the theater, specified that
the hats worn must be small.
Mrs. William Gardner, of Meldrum,
I -I..U....J v.. n.i .i.,t..l. l......
- n . , . . tcicmaii:u utri nisi 1111 lima tiK.vrt-
In Europe Impetus has been M-ldnim We.ine.dav after.
noon by Inviting the members of the
Ladies' Aid Society of the Congrega
tional church, of which society she
has been a faithful worker for the past
six years, and a few Intimate friends.
The ladles attending from thl city
left on the 2:08 car and spent a most
In order that man may find out enjoyable afternoon at the hospitable
about the world in which he lives -enV,rtain"ment of hPr
great sums of money are spent each quests by her daughter. Mrs. Ernest
year and an endless amount of work Walker, who recently arrived from
Is done. The American Museum of Baker City. The house was prettily
. , , , i . v-.i. ri.. decorated with Oregon grape, aspa
Natural History In New York City rhlnese asters. The
for the past eight years has been col- afternoon wa9 spent In a social man-
lectlng through the agency of Frank ner, and before the departure of the
Michler Chapman. Ita ornithologist, guests Mrs. Allan Brown ami son,
I i linn rnu.'M 1m nvA anviil-d I ftifl.
specimens of the 1000 varieties of the 'received hearty encores.
important birds of the North Amerl- a birthday dinner was served be-1
can continent, each surrounded by Its neath the fir trees nn the lawn, and j
natural conditions. Dr.' Chapman has the tables were appropriately decor-
ij .k. ennnn mii in thl. a'ed with bright colored astors and I
traveled about 00,000 miles In this aHparaBUB fPrng ,, tne K1108t8 were ,
work, and has succeeded In getting .)rpSente( wtn hnutonnleres. As an
not only the birds themselves, but the appreciation of the work of Mrs. Gurd
nest and the branch or shrub In which ner in the society, a beautiful picture
was preseiHHfi io ner u-nmt: iium-i
Nv : ' J Vi. V
L in il 1 1 i.lii. I I, ii .,1 i I ii.Lti 1-i1..,.i ttXmmmtmmmmml
Cuitonier: "How do you know llit colon In Shirmin-Willlamt
Paint. Prtpand, an durable "
Dtalrr: "Tht colon in 8.W.P. art durahlt and tailing btcuM
ol tht high oualitlrt ol raw maictial uwd, tht cart taken in manu
lacturt and tht skill tmnloynl in tniiint and grinding. Tht b-W.
Co. hai in own dry color plant and product! dry colon iccond to
nont for brilliancy and rrnili : oerratriiti own fintrtd oil mill am!
mamifai-turri all pur liiurrj oil lor S V, Producttj hai III own
Irad and line mints, and employ a largt itaH ol chrnuiti to maintain
tht ttandard ol all raw mattnali and hniihrd product!.
"With material ol luch quality, combined with the thorough
uimilating they receive In miunf ami grinding, ii I mured tht moat
permanent and durablt colon It la poiiihlt to manufacture. S.W.P.
wtara at long at any paint ran wear and rctaiua iti brightneea and
(reshneta for tht greatest powiblt time."
There's no better time than the fall. Tht weather
conditions are usually favorable to good results.
No gnats and flies to stick to the fresh paint. No
dust to discolor. Everything In the paint line. The
one real paint store in Clackamas Co.
It was built, so that the whole group
may be reproduced faithfully. In
many Instances he was accompanied
by an artist, who drew In the back
ground so that It might also be
shown ln the mounting.
handsome gifts that were presented
by other guests. After wishing their
hostess 51 more years, the guests de
parted on the car for their homes.
Legend has It that In the beginning
there were three brothers, one of
whom settled In China and from whom
sprung the Chinese race; another
went to Japan and the third to Korea,
It is worthy of note that the Ger
man norintd nrp thp flrRf in rnme to
. i u , each founding In his respective conn-
the front with a practical scheme for " " ' rap(f that n ' lnhabtH ,,
the exploitation of drama and opera while the people of these three conn-
n a National Theatre scheme at pop- tries resemble each other in certain
lar prices. Plans for a great People s characteristics and traits, mere is a
v three-cnrnernil hatred amonK them.
Opera House, which Is to cost IL- nowever. that is most bitter. Just
000,000, and which will be erected In now Korea, whose ono desire Is to
Berlin have been made public. Half free herself from Japan anu also to
f this sum will be contributed ,lV keep out of Utlina 8 ClUic... n mat m,e
the German Reichstag and the other
half by the City of Berlin. The best
may have an inuepenueni govern
ment, has united with China against
the common enemy. Japan, In the boy-
.. - I- V In
seat In the house will cost 87' cents f""- aKami Japanese . .( no. .
i;hh limn japati hi in ui um
while the lowest, price will be but
12 cents. The best dramatic and
operatic productions of the German
tage will be given here. What It
loses In the price of the Individual
ticket will be made up In the increase
ln the seating capacity. The City of
Berlin will receive half of the earn
ings of the enterprise.
Give Prompt and positive relief In Nieto Barlow Lawrence
every case. Sold by druggist. .
Trial package by mall UJIN I KALI u
w..n.m. Mf ellS ei.v.1. o Voc" k' c!ncut- Work
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. Phone Mala 179 -1206 Washington at
the haired against the race of Nippon
is bittter and lasting.
lor Infant and Children.
Tlie Kind You Hav8 Always Bought
Ban the
Slgnaturo of
county mm
and 3, 190
$1000 In Premiums and Purses $1000
Swift Houses on New Track. Good
Ptemhimsi for Agricultural Exhibits.
Many Special Premiums and Prices
Offered by Business Men.
Write for Pfemitim List and Roles Governing the Big
Fair and Meet