OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1908, COUNTY COURT (Concluded from lust week.) District No. 22, W. C. Noon Jjiunbor Co , ..luck HIiiukIiI't Pendleton ,,, ,,. , Wm. Hi:iinmiii VM Aml'irHiiii CIlllH. (llolltl C I ii il 1 1 Hull , , , . , , ... t 1 Ionium Hliriult Frank (,'oopnr I'. I1'. Dibble Win. HIiuiilliiK'T CIiun. Hall Albert KiikId it. i). nun Clity i:ci I o Ix-Mlny Dickey Geo. linynr . . ... (Jodlob Kreyrer (!. WIIIIuimh Clurk McKlnney '. H. Noyer Karl Halt Geo. Hall I. Pendleton Clay KiikIo Jark HlaiiKlit'T .. lCil Antiunion Chiirt. Glenn Albert KiikIo Herman Ilhnidt NoIh JoluiMon '. . ... P. H. Noyer Julian lllirmlt Jan. Ijiy 1OhIIk Dickey (!(. Uoyor Albert KmkIo God lob Krcyrcr II. I). Hull Hilly Freyrer District No. 23. H. W. Zimmerman District No. 24. I). D. HoMtotlor A. H. Thompson Carlton & RoHenkraim G. Aitkin IKinnrd AHkln Paul Smith Jolin IXirncbuk Jack EkII L. P. Huk1" District No. 25. Carlton uml ItoHunkrann .., J. W. Smith C. 1). KchhIitIiik A. WlllbronJ Jon. Wlllbrond II. Drelor El. Koln-1 J. W. Smith Kd. Odeklrk C. II. Lorenz IuIh MurNchck . , ... ... C. WliU'Kar Geo. Knlp Abu ilnplur C. II. Smith John ItrtiHch Henry Dreler C. D. KoHHlorhiK A. Wlllbroad Ed Koebel . 0.00 . 25.00 . 31.00 . 30.00 . 30.00 , 25.00 . 28.00 , 34.00 , 23.00 , 12.00 1.50 , 15.00 20.00 2.00 19.00 19.00 25.00 30.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 34.00 23.00 18.00 30.00 34.00 6.00 520.20 43.2C 3.35 12.50 1.60 4.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 12.50 C.2.r. 1.02 8.25 0.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 J, Wlllbroad 4.50 lCiiKii Kwibel , , , 3.00 J. A, MltlN 2.35 J. II. MlflH 11,25 10.50 It. 1". Wulluco 4.00 J3.50 ' H. Tucker 7.50 14.50 Krcd Wnlliico 12.00 20.00 Jon Gllmon, 12,00 17.00 Ailoljih Kiaxboi'Br 4.50 17.00 Win, I lower o.OO 13,00 H'Tl Wulluco 7.J0 15.50 'toy CmlK 4.50 H.oo a. Glliw.ii 7.B0 5.00 Walter Ijimoiir 1,5 8.50 (IlirlMt Vomit 9,00 John Clmb 3,oo Hciiiry KlHtnr . . 3,00 Chun, Dull i.co County Poor. I1. J. IIuiihi'ii 6,00 Win. Diuifoith coo If. II. Hiik!i"H 8.00 C. 15. Iliirim 5.00 II, F. Forrester , . o.OO W. J. Iiwellen 8.00 M. KniKcr 7.00 John Avln 10,00 J. K. Juck 8.00 V. T. Gardner 10.00 Mm. M. Pickens 10.00 F. W. KpntKiio 10.00 M in. Ilradtl 10.00 J. A. Jones 10,00 (I'M). Ijl.elll) 10.00 (J. II. iJlmlck 7.00 T. II. A. Hdlwood 12.50 (J, 11. Dlmlck 7.00 W. II. Youiik 10.00 ItfV. A. llllli'brand B.OO U'wlM Freeman 15.00 Goo. Ilmldnway ... , 0.00 Hum Ilooher 8.00 Mury MoruJ 8.00 J. U Shorcy 21.00 Mm. Ouyuup 35.00 11. Maxtor 9.25 Woodburn Pharmacy 2.95 W. II. Miller 2.00 fit. Vincent's HoHpltal 45.00 Henry Ilrnnd 6.50 Indigent Soldier. Meade Pont No, 2 15.00 County Court. J. lii'wcllcn 12.20 T. II. Klllln 11,00 Whlro IlroH 3.00 KuhIiIoii Stables 8.50 Until Uitoiiri.'Uo 4.00 I'Mclflc Monthly 47.50 Circuit Court. Win. Hurdltt 19 80 I'. HaliMn C.20 Jan. Duty 9.20 W. C. Upon COO IS. I'. Elliott 2.20 11.25 ill, Nuchnnd ..... 30.40 4.50 1 Wm. Hold 14.40 5.23 j J. WflHmandol 0.20 1.50 A. II. McCord 0.20 2.25 (I. W. Wuldron 33.50 2.25 J. N. HnrrliiKton 30.20 2.25 J. WolHtnundol 2.00 1.50 Jo Graham 10.00 1.50 H. II. Cooper 0.20 A. I). Grlbblo ... . II. O. Ht.arkwcal.hor (loo. Unlink 7.50 j II. F. rowers 0.20 9.00 j II. J. Holvoy 11.00 10.50 F. M. Snnmon 17.00 4.50 'Anion Harrington 11.40 FOR BUILDING MATERIAL Sond, Grovel, Lime, Cement, Drain Tiling, Vitrified Sewer Pipe, Terra Cotta, Chimney Pipe, Lond PI ster, Elc. Call on J. E. Wettler, or A. H. Dowllng at Real Estate Office, Milwaukee. Phone Sel wood SOS 4. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation IT8 FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Boat of food and an abundance of It. Fresh wator from Bprlngs. All modern necessities, such as tele Krapli, telephono, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel hi abund ance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT Is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallls, thence Corvallls & Eastern R. R. Train service dally and tho trip a pleasure throughout. RATE FROM OREGON CITY Season six-months ticket $6.00 Saturday to Monday ticket $3.00 Our elaborate new Summer Book gives a concise description of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacity and rateB. Call on, telephone or writ E. T. FIELDS LOCAL AGENT, OREGON CITY Wm. McMUFJRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. llowoll ,. I'uiiIhou , Tunny .. F. Sharp . It. 1'lt.U ., J. Shannon ., A. liluhni .. A. J, Hobble 10. Gelbilch . I-'. M. White J. A, Tufts H. V. Kolly vi J. II. MyorB A. .1. I lodge J. C. Ilriulloy C. A. C'linoday J. M, Trucy I'. HiirrlH , (i. II. Young A. II, Hch ram C. N, (iroonmiin IC. W. Itanilolph 15. h. Khaw W. II. Cooko A, Bchoonborn , J. Wullok Wm. Thomas J. O. McICIroy Brunswick Itostaurant .. Justice Court. 13. L. Shaw , W. H. CoJko T. O. Jonsrud Bort Joiibi uiI U Sllpp J. C. Bradley Htlpp C. K. Burns ..Powell ..Winkle I), Bradley Stlpp J. C. Bradley J. C. Batos C. N. Daly O. Hchmltko A. Dennliiger Goo. (Jill I). Schoff II. Prior I). Cuuflold Hurry Kellogg ... ;.. ., II. V. Mitchell Win. Dutcher Stlpp J. C. Brudley Stlpp D. Bradley .. L. Stlpp ... I. 8. Moody J. C. Bradley 8herlff. It. B. Beatlo K. A. Miles Recorder. O. L. Hodges M. C. Mulvey ... C. K. Itamsby JohhIo Paddock Coroner. It. L. Holman . Schools. L. A. Reed ,'lola M. Godfrey Omllle Shaw K. Hill Anelta Uleauon Josophlno I-sler T. P. Kendall Attestor. ?cllth Jackson J. W. McAnulty J. C. Haines Elizabeth Warner W. U White C. K. Surrus 12. K. White L Pope I. W. Shnw II. L. Patterson Tax Rebate. B. Millard D. H. Mosler . 11,80 , 55.00 , CI.C0 , 10,00 , 17.40 , li.M , 13.80 , 13.20 , 0.20 , 10.40 , i2.;:o 30.20 2.20 coo C10 C10 7.C0 C10 7X0 coo 12.40 C20 COO COO 33.20 2.20 2.20 3.40 2.20 7,20 9.00 9.75 1.70 1.70 2.70 2.30 3.85 8.30 S.80 3.10 1.70 1.70 1.70 9.30 15.80 3.60 3.50 1.70 3.50 3.10 3.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00, 1.80 1.C0 3.70 2.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 11.03 2.40 33.00 62.00 44.45 10.00 32.50 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 21.U) Tenth and Main Streets Watch Our Tenth and Main Streets Current Expense. lome Telephone Co O. C. Ico Co C. K. Ramsby hintley Bros Pacific Tel. Co Water Commission Court House P. Nehren O. C. Mill & Lumber Co L. Golger Jail. R. B. Beatle Insane. Dr. W. E. Carll W. U. Tel. Co Election F. E. Davidson I. Tolpolar W. W. Jesse M. A. Mather G. F. Johnson J. D. Rlttor W. L. Mulvey ... S. M. Warnock .Henry Gans ... ... iL. Stlpp ... . F. Welder . W. A. Heylman .. ... ... Willamette Falls Co. ... ... Brunswick Restaurant ... . Road Surveys. W. A. White ... N. Blair ... Bud Thompson Geo. Ridings ... Tom Ridings . O. S. Boyles .Tas. Marts ... ... Frank Sherman ... Scott Carter C. N. Brown .. .. .. .. I 43.00 61.00 72.00 4.00 54.00 C3.00 C3.00 4.00 42.00 42.00 6.00 4.43 11.25 1.40 6.50 11.15 9.45 15.00 5.00 2.25 151.8G 60.08 5.00 .25 3.00 .85 7.C0 2.50 "10.50 8.10 C.25 15.00 6.20 9.00 1.00 . 5.50 2.50 , 3.50 70.00 42.00 42.00 2.00 2.00 , 2.00 . 8.00 8.00 6.00 Out bayer left for the Eastern markets on Monday to purchase goods for the Fall and Winterjtracte, and will Improve the many opportunities that are always present when right on the spot in the East to secure the many ftne bargains that the people here so well appreciate. And we will soon be able ? gve Qtf many satisfied customers the benefit of this choice buying. In thjejmeantinae we are making a sweeping reduction to clean up odds and ends. FROM NOW UNTIL AUGUST ist, WE MAKE A- 20 PER CENT. REDUCTION On all Ladies' "ready-to-wear" garments Shirt Waists, while and colored, Shirtwaist Suits, Wool Skirts, Wash Skirts, Wrappers, Etc. Our 12c and t4c Ginghams 10 Cents "Per Yard All our best prints, black, navy, aysani 6 Cts. Per Yard An early order of Broadhead Dress Goods has arrived and we are showing THE BEST VALUES EVER CA. nop VQrJ OFFERED in 40-inch OUl pcf ydM Ladies' Misses and Children's black Lace Hose, 20 & 25c i C rfc grades, SPECIAL PRICE W All our 12 cent and 15 cent Embroideries to go at 10 cts. yd SMALL ARTICLES AT SMALL PRICES Wire hair pins per package 1c Bone Collar Buttons per dozen 3c Cube pins black, white and colors 4c Safety Pins, nlckled, all sizes, doz 4c Superior white pearl buttons line 16 to 22 per dozen 4c Kid Curlers large size 5c Popular Talcum Powder 5c Decorated Crepe Paper roll 10c Celluloid Dressing Combs 18c Pearl Belt Buckles, worth 25c, special 15c Oat Meal, Turkish Bath or Buttermilk Soap six cakes for 25c Smyrna reversible Rugs 36x60 98c Don't forget that we carry a fine line of Men's and Boys' Ladies' and Misses and Children's Shoes at lowest prices. TT In e tore L,. B. Trullinger COO Bert Hlbbard 4.00 C. Frlcker 4.00 Printing. Courier 65.G5 Telegram 1.00 Canby Tribune 12.50 Glass & Prudhomme Co 14.09 Enterprise 117.90 In the matter of the own Plat of Elk Rock Villa; ordered that said plat be and Is approved and ordered filed. In the matter of J. F. Clark road; board of county road viewers ordered to meet at place of beginning of said road on the day of July, 1908. In the matter of the petition of R. Fanton and others for a county road; Board of county road viewers ordered to meet at the place of beginning of said road on the day of July,. 1908. In the matter of the petition of Glger Bros, and Lackey for rebate of tax on personal property; ordered that upon the payment of $28.00 the sheriff Issue a receipt in full for taxes and that costs and penalty be remitted. In the matter of Hult Road; ordered that said road be established as a county road, and ordered opened. In the matter of the Christian John son road; ordered that said road be established as a county road, and or dered opened. In the matter of the Henderson road: ordered laid over until the August term of this court. In the matter of the Ogelsby road; Ordered that this matter be laid over until Friday morning at 10 o'clock, July 3rd, for final decision. In the matter of L. D. Shank road; report of board of county viewers read first time and second time and refer red to District Attorney. In the matter of the O. S. Boyles road; report of board of county road viewers, read first and second times and referred to District Attorney. ,. In the matter of the A. B. Hlbbard road; ".report of board of county road viewers read first and second times and referred to District Attorney! In1 tjie matter of the A. A. Yeater rftad; "'report of board of county road viewers read first and second times and referred to District Attorney. In the matter of special road tax In road district 20; ordered that $260.70 be transferred from the general road fund to the special road fund of said district No. 20. In the matter of road tax collected in limits of the city of Estacada; or dered that clerk draw a warrant in favor of said city for the sum of $154.93, being fifty per cent of said tax collected within city limits of said city. In the matter of road tax collected within corporate limits of Oregon City; ordered that the clerk draw a warrant In favor of said city for $3, 167.30 being sixty per cent of money collected for road tax purposes. In the matter of the O. S. Boyles road; ordered that said road be es tablished as a county road and opened as such. In tho matter of the petition of F. E. Mueller for rebate of taxes; order ed that clerk draw a warrant of $3.41 in payment of said rebate. In the matter of the petition of W. L. Freeman and others for a county road; ordered that the board of county road viewers meet at the place of be ginning of said road on the ... .day of July, 1908. In the matter of petition of C. W. Evans for a rebate of taxes; ordered that warrant issue for $1.00 In pay ment of said rebate. r In the matter of the Oglesby road; ordered that said road be declared to be a public highway, and that Clacka mas County pay to John S. Jesse, the tmnnn on1 that the Pmmtv through its surveyors remove thei fence now In the road to the outer J edge thereof and place same in , as good condition as they are on this date. In the matter of the plat of Gleu raorrle; ordered that same be approv ed and ordered filed. In the matter of the petition of Jen nie U'Ren for cancellation of taxes for years 1905 and 1906; ordered that said taxes for said years be cancelled and clerk make proper notation of tax rolls for said years. In the matter of petition of H. Cecil Pool for ferry license over Willam ette river at point opposite Butteville; ordered that said petition be granted. In the matter of petition of Henry Wilburn for cancellation of tax on merchandise burned immediately af ter levy was made; ordered that $22 due from said Henry WUburn be and the same is hereby remitted and can celled. In the matter of petition for cancel lation of tax sale on property in Dear dorff D. L. C. sold to P. H. Marlay; ordered that said sale be set aside, and that clerk draw warrant In favor of Eastern Investment Company for $9.20 as rebate of taxes. Cacaweet, the well known remedy for babies and child'vn, will quiet i he Mtiie one 4n a short time. The Ingredients are printed on the bottle. Contains no opi ates. Sold by Howell & Jones. Eloise, the lS-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ely, suffered a pain ful . injury Sunday by falling on a pair of scissors, cutting a deep gash In her nose which required several stitches. TOHIA. TtM Kind YMHwAlwiffBUflt Bsantb It's a picnic when you get your mon eys worth, so come here, we have ev-' ery thine to meet the particular Ideas of our various patrons. Here are a few suggestions for hot weather. Fresh Berries every day oc per Box Lemons large and juicy 25c per box Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers etc. ; Hams' Grocety 8th and Main Streets