,?"00N C,TY NTKiirRKv fRIDAY, JULY 17, 1908. Lead! fog Gtty Eft 8b ' sk " L ii ft "q'- ?l lA . J Gorbett & Elliott inr! HI REAL ESTATE i"' W5JV iW OREGON CITY vJWSi The Oregon City Enterprise CIRCULATION 1060 1 FEED S p d H h1" .,(1asoW. d Hid" t50U&" r. LI Corner 4th A Main bw. ril, Uv-n I iVOrV NtaDle Oreaon City, Oreflon Ufi nul l adcu niV AND NIGH I ul aon vri-i Cartful Drivers ifculT , vVv 1 Telephone 42; Farmers' Phono 71; Itonidence I'bono 2412 m'JM3fkkL . m iP. firs 13 A. ROBERTSON The Seventh Street Grocer A full line of Fresh Groceries AT RIGHT PRICES. ;s si 8 f U U L. tyjy T p-, c V3T' rC Our ? A GOOD HORSES! . s A COMFORTABLE VEHICLES W' A(VX rAREFUL DRIVERS! lflli: l'estate W. V- BROS. HMKw ' Wlil3L&L VT7L . . Th Busy Bualnea Man knowa that When in the city come to irH i Md mpt" Xg J 7 C 10 g thework-a-day Motto of the Enter. . llfffiOTilW 1 I virand Theatre SSr !jompIete pt or modem m j i J, I' " O. Hff rf - W """nf ,n8"e8 the best that f if f I ! ?" CIass amusement Ifl- ' .-.: - ntefa Ink Produces. 'M Wwla$ """cut iuc - Let us figure with you. ifi (. '."...-to,w.A merlin i. v niirnriciy tiii i . 1 rffj 1501,1 Phones- Oregon City. ftl I I iSliS PRICE BROS. H H. . ; ji i i 1 . llli i SS'' ' " - - Oregon City, Ore - ; , ill i I : lIlHl ll--- 6th 8and Main St. lii!''"r FIREMEN'S BARBECUE. Day la Marretl by an Accident to Peter Younger. The volunteer firemen hold their an nual banquet Sunday at Gus Schnoor's Orove on the Tuiilntln, and the day was on the wholo enjoyable, though Mllghtly marred by an accident that be fell Peter Younger. In the morning Informal apoecheH were made by Mr. Schnoor, Charles W. Pope. Wllllnm R. Ix)gu8, A. Knapp. Sam Slow and oth ers, and racea and uporta were Indulg ed In until a late hour In the after noon. The big barbecue was the finest ever, and the firemen appreciated the feed thoroughly. The day cloned with a dance In Canemnh Pnrk pavilion. Peter Younger, a well known mem ber of the department, Joined In tho Hporta and was making a jump, (twing ing from rings. He landed on one Bide of his foot, and hla leg doubled up and the bono snapped, resulting in a compound fracture below tho knee. He whs brought to Oreunn ritv liv Chris Hartmann and the fracture re duced. The accident Is a serious one, and Younger will he confined to his home for some time. The list of prizes follows: 125 yard dash Schoenborn, ftrstf C. Orem, second; William Peters, third. 100 yard dash C. Orem, first; Schoenborn, second; Beaulieu, third. 60 yard dash Hendrlckson, first; Jefferson, Becon'd; C. Billiard, third. Wheelbarrow race Hendrlckson, first; P. Bullard, second: A. fox. third. Standing jump F. Schoenborn, first; Frost, second; Hart, third. Running broad Jump Schoenborn, first; Durie. second; Frost, third. Swimming race Peters, first; Burns, second; Seller, third. Diving contest Burns, first; Peters, second; Slnnott .third. Three-legged race Beauliau and Peters, first: Durie and Tremhnth second; Burns and Cannon, third. 60 yard dash Durie. first: Trem. I bath, second; French, third. I 60' yard dash Hendrlckson, first; I Jefferson, second; Cox, third. Tug of war Fountains and Cata racts won from the firemen of other companies. Winning team Lelghton, Stow, Cox, Osborne. Gross, Fredericks, Losing team Schoth. Woodward Chapman, Long, Treichler, Smith. Makes Galvanized Iron Boat. David Norris. janitor of the First National Rank, has onnstrncfpil n e-aa. ollne canoe that he expects to launch In a few days. The material of the craft Is galvanized iron, and hv means of air chambers Norris has made the boat non-sinkable. stall an engine. He will later in- The Remedy that Does. "Dr. KillP'B Maw T)Unnvrv 4a tha rem edy tha does the healing others promise uui mil 10 perrorm. says Mrs. K. K. Plersnn. nf Alilmm Panfop Pa ! tm curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standinir. thnt.nlhpr tr.ujtmi.nta . Ileved only temporarily. New Discovery Is doing so much good that I feel oon tldent its continued use for a reasonable length of time will rpRtnrp m tr, mrfont health." This renowned cough and cold remedv nnd thrnnt nn.l Inner hnl.t I.'mM nt Howell ft J.mes drug store. 50c and tl.00. Trial bottle free.