OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908. Administrator! Notice. Notice lx hernlty k' von Hint t lie mi 1itrHlKiii Iiiih been appointed, liy tint County Court of Clnckiiiniw County Ori'lioli, A'lfiilillHt riif.t'lx of Iho estate of John N. Wood, ilcri'iiHitil, iiml nil pM'HollH llllVllIK clullllH IIKIllMHt Hlllll Chliitu it rn Imi'i'liy nollltcd to printout, the Mil mo In mi' vert lllcil nt I lie olllcii of O. 1. Khy, in y attorney, Oregon (Illy, Oregon, within Mix inoiitliii from (III! n licptuf. Imtml .In no 12 KMiH. Juno II. Wood, Adtnlnlntrnlrlx, Toil H ALIO -No. 7 V. H. Cream Hcpar. iiior, or will echaiign for sound work homo, K. T. Diltleu, Middrum PlllCrt. 8ummons, In llm" (Ilrciilt Court of tint Hlitlo of Oregon for tint County of Clucluc llllt.H. HiiMin- l M. (illlilHon, riitlntlff, vh. Iiiiira. A. (illklnon, iMfnndaiit. To Uiuia A. (illlilHon, Iicfcndatit. , In tin' mini it of tint Statu of Ori'Koii, you lire liiu'idiy r'i I rMl to appear und aiiHwnr Iho complaliil In tint ulmvo ctitltled cHimo mi or lieforo tho 101 li dny of July, limn, nnd If you full to Kolyou nro hereby reipilml to appear nndjTho iirnt puhllcatlon thereof beiiiB Uppi-ar and anawer, tho plaintiff will annwer tho complaint Hied ukuIiihI you ' Friday, Juno 1'Jth, A. li. 1H08, and tho apply to lh Court for llm roller pray- In tho abovo entltloil milt on or bo-i,nt publication thereof Friday, July cd for In the complaint, namely, ror roro tho 17tli day of July, l'JOH, anldj.'iiHt, a. 1). 1H08. deereo dlHwdvliiK tho boiiilM of uiutrl-iiiaU) helm; after tho explrallon or alx UIMICK & DIMICK, inony horctororo and now exl;ttliiK ho- weeliH from tho llrat publication of Attornoyg for rialntlff. tween tho plaintiff and defendant. 'thin hiiiiiiiioiih, and If you fall to ap-! : TIUM NtimjiioiiM la publlHliml In tho pear and anxwor nuld complaint, for I No,c of ' of School Dlitrlct Bondi. t . -.11.. , i ii... - .. . . ,.. . Nolli-e Ih hereby ulven thiit ft ei-rlill- OreKuii (Ity KnterprlHe, u weekly want then-of tho plaintiff will apply 1 ,.,,. f ii ,.,.(.,() i,-ld in Heboid lm lieWHmilier. for Nix MlleeeKMlvo weckH. I to' llm rmirt fur Hut relief deiniinded , trli t No. II I. I'larkiniuin Coiintv. ( tint Unit biilillcalloii thereof to bo inado on tho 2'Jth day of May, liiOS, by order of the Hon. (irunt 11. Dlinli'k. JiiiIko of I lii County Court, mad" and entered HiU 27th day of May, l'JOH. UOIIKUT (iltKV, i Attorney for plaintiff. foil HAI.i: - UkIH drlvlmc team, bun y and harnoHH, together or ttepnr aidy; out (It $IS5. H. I). Harney, Houtii .'I, Orenon C -1 1 y . Administratrix' Notice. Notice Ih hereby given thiU the tin durnlKiied (mi been duly appointed by th" lloniirable County Court of Clack i in. 'i d Counly.Ktnlo of. Orenon, ai ad ritlnliitratrlx of tho eHtate or John Kxloti, (loccaned. All perHotia havlnu clalma tiKHlNHt tho aald eatato Hhnll pre, nt tho Hiium duly vcritled to the! ........I.......... i.-. i ... i admlnlHtrati lx at KuIho, ('larkainiiH County, Hart on pOMt otllco, Kotitn No. 2, within hIx inontliH from tho thlx notice dato of Dated May 2'.ith. I'H'R. (JltA K(iWIJ!H. I AdmlnlHtiatrlx of the Katato of John Klloii, dereiiHed. lit liiiiertliui Juno 5, l'JOS, limt liiMcrtlon July :i, l'JOS. Summoni. In tho Circuit Court of the Statu of (lii'Koli for tlio County of Clacka mm. CharleH L. Sutherland, Plaintiff, VH. Ronnie Hulherland, Defendant. To HohiiIo Stitberland, ix-fendatit. In tho nniiie of tint Ktato of Oregon, yiU are hereby required lo appear and atiHwer tho complaint In the almvo etitltlod cniiK't on or bofori) tho 17th day of July, l'JOS, and ir 'otl Tall to ho ' appear and anawer, tho plaintiff will apply to Iho Court ror the relief pray ed for In tho complaint, namely, for a decree (JIkhiiIvIiik tho boinlH of matri mony heretofore! and now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant. Thin Htinimoua la ii!!ln!iod In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly : newiipaper, lor hIx hiiccchIvo wcfka, the llrst .publication there of to he made on tint 5th day or June, 1908, bv order of the Hon. tlrant 11. Dlmlck. Judge of tint County Court, made and entered thin 2d day of June, pios. CLYDE KK'IIAUDKON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Bridge Builders. Nol Ice Is hereby given thai the County Clerk of CUikamioi County will receive bids for llm cutiat ruction 1 1 bo dato or llrst publication being or a npiin of bridge at Eagle Creek Friday, Juilo 12th, PjR, nnd tho date I-'iills. In mild County, uuill norm, the (of tho last publication Friday, July fith day of July, l'.ins, according totSllh, 190S. plans and Hpeclllcal Ions now on llle j GEO. C. IIUOWNELI,. In the County Clerk's olllco. Attorney for Plaintiff. The Court reserves tho right to re-' , ,. , I,.,-1 anv mill nil lilliila IlliU.ru nr.. nwlHHl SAIJ'. fhOUKalld ipllreil to depiiHlt live per rem of tho bid by order of tho Comity Court. COUNTY COCKT. -of Cliiolinmnn County. Su inmoni. In Hi'' l 1 1 u 1 1 l nul l id (he Slut. Koii, fur 'Ini'kain.iH fniinu. Aiiliubi'lli' Mini m llu-, I 'In 111 1 1 IT. of On- Walli r H, Min i Mittli-. I ii fiitnliint. To Wulti-r K. iMael uillli', dcfi iidaiil. In Hi.- muni- of the Hliilit nf Oti Kim you are hi'ieby ii iiili i d to iiim ur end nnnuvt I lie riiuipliiliil lib d iihiiIukI you In I t nlni'i- irillili'd Hull on ot- bi-fore tlu 701 ilnv of AiikiihI. r.ius, .Hint IkIiik I h- hint iinv pi'im i Hu d In Hie oi dei' of piihllrn Hnu of t IiIm Hiiiniunn, nnd f yon fall In Hit iippi-ai' mid niiHWiT Hiild I'oiiiplnlnt the pliilmin will apply to the court fur the relief Ihinln prayfil for, to-wlt: A de cree iUhkoIvIiik Llu- inanlam1 enntnn't i-x-IfI'hh bi t h i i n you iiml llm plalnlllT. This NiiniinntiM In publlHhed lu Hie Orc Kdti City Kiili-rprlHe, neWNpiiprr, for hIx I'liiiHeiui h i' weekN Ity imlrr of Him. lirnnt II. I 'linlik. JihIki' of the ('ouniy CoiiiJ of tin' Stale of OlrKoil, for Cliuk iiiiiiin County, miide nil the 'Jib I day of .hine. t'.luS, tin- III Hi publlentlou bi'lliK on the :i;ih ilny of June, llins. S. It. IIAItltlNCTON, Attorney for I'lnlntlff. Notlcs to Creditor. In the County Court of the Hlate of Orit- Knn. for the County of CliieknniiiN. in the .Matter of the CHtnte of 1'iTllii'llll A. Cnrii'tl. I leei'iiHi'd. Nol lee Ih hereby Kiven that th nn iliMHlMiied 1 iii h. by older nf Hie County Court, of Cliiekninas County. Oregon, been appointed iidnilulHtrator of Hie eHlute of Ivi'ini'llu A. (iarrelt, deei'iiseil. Any nnd all persons holding clainiH ngnliiHl said eHtate urn hereby reiiueNled to p'eHent llm Name to tho undei hIkih.cI iidtulnlHti nlor, duly verllled nceordlnif lo law nt his olllee, Andresen Hullillna, Oregon City, Oickoh. wllliln alx nioiitliH finiu nnd nfler the dale of this nothe. I Hite of llrst pulillenliuii nf this notice, Friday, Jimu 2tfth, lttflS. . V. A. DIMICK, AdiiilnlHlriilnr of tho Kalattt.of I'erinella A. lilllTI'tl. J. IT. I'AMI'HHM,, Attorney for Admin Ih I i n 1 1 ii' Summons, In tho Circuit Court or the Stato of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Loora L. Doamude, Plaintiff, vs. Johso Moss Deamudo, Defendant. To Jesse Ross Doamude, tho above named defendant: In Iho iwiiiio of tho Slaki of Oregon, you urn h'Tchy required to npp'-n r In tli nlxivii entitled court, mid answer th roiiiplnlnt. (lied against you on or hoforo tho :i 1 m t day of July, A, I). 1!0K, rind If you full lo ho appear mid ihi Mwi r Huld complaint, Iho plaintiff will tiiko it decree f i k ( 1 1 1 1 '. t you for llm !') I Iff prayed for In Iht com pin Int., to wll: A decree dissolving; lh" IxilidH of mniiliiiony oxbtlnK between pluln tiff and defendant, and Hint jilulntllT bo awarded the cure, eiwlody u ml con trol of tlio minor child,, tlcorgo mud'!,, mid for Hindi oilier nod fur ther relief iim to lliln (Joint may aeom meet it 1 1 1 1 eiullnlile, I'Mrsl piilillcutloii of thla Nummouii June liitii, A. I)., l'JOH, mid Inst puli llentloii of mild HiiminonH, July lilst, A. I)., IMOH, DI.MICK & niMICK, AtlorneyH for I'lnlntlff. Summoni. In (lie Circuit Court, of tho Btnto of OrcKon, for CluckainaH County, Orry L. Ilaiitelinunii, rialntlff, VH, John I'. Ilantleiniinn, Iiefendant. To John K. Ilantelinann, tho ubove , named dnfendant: In the name of tho Ktato of OreKon, I In ll,,, ..i.mi.liilnt 1,,-wlf vr u iln. creo iIIhhoIvIiik tho bom bonds of matrl. I imdiy UIIV oxlhlltig between plaintiff and defendant. 'I'ld HummoriH Ih publl die. by order ,riH,;i,., im i. In,,i in u,.- kuui of of Hun. TIioh. A. Mcllrldo, JiiiIko of 'rwniiy-iln- Imndi'd linlluiit ur.,wn (or, tlm Circuit Court of Claekainai Conn- !h" l"i"e .'"'"''"'n ' , ... , , ,. ,, . , hiMin- for tend dlMlibt. ty, Sta'o of Oregon, which order waH M, i,,,,,, ,,, , , itmm-ii in dmoml- ; mitilit nnd entered on the ,'Jrd day ofiii.iiioii of i:iwi -u ti, piiyniiht ubHoiuti iy Juno, limn, and tlio tlmo proHcrlbed for!'!' ';"'' v,"r" f"."(" 'iV"'tT.'!''!hl'W.,l , , ' , Ihi- pliiiMini. of nil Id hi hool dlxiik-t nfler publication thereof, Ih MlX weekH, tho ,, 1111M (,, ,,n,,.: I'mirlpnl mid In-1 date of Iho llrat publication be!n Krl-! I' n et imvjihii- lu l iilo d hiuIi-m fiold day, Jiiim Mh, l!i08, and tho dato of '. ' "im'v -'"y 'l r' '";; .. , , ... .i ,. i i ,i ; '-r of ( 'lie kain.'iH (ouniy. ou-koii, or at; tho Ikhi piibllcatlun, 1-rlday, July 17, ',.!, ,,!,.,. n)y ,- d. KiKiuio d in Hi i l'JOS. (iKO C. llKOW NICLL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor!. Nollco Ih hereby glvon that tho tin- diTHllined ftftH been appointed by tll County Court or Clackaman County,''','" "i"'"' ,"' "J1'1'1, at tin- Ciuniy H,..l.,iutruo., ..t ti, i.iJ1'" Hmiih.- of ( l.i.kamaii ' omity, 'Jn- WK'n-'H. . nn..".. w. muv of O. U Coldren, dCHeilHeil, and thftt) all pernoiiH bavliii? claltiiH ai;alnt aald , , ii. , ,i eKtate are required to pieHciit thoni duly verified an provided by law at the hoinu of the undcrslinied nt Hub- bard, OrcKon. H. N- Ii" s w ithin nix month from tho iJntu of this iiotlco. N. HUAIIt. Adniluliitrator of tho oatalo of O. I (loldren, deccatted. Dated Juuo nth, 19'IS Summon. In tint Circuit Court of tho Stato of OroRon, for ClnckamaH County. JanniH A. Iloilie, Plaintiff, VH. Annie Home, Defendant. To Annlo llurno, tin; abovo naineil do fondant: In tho name of tho Ktato of Ore- Kon, ymi are hereby ioiiilrod to ap pear and anawer tho complaint filed (iKolmit you In tho abovo entltloil milt on or boforo tho 25th day of July, llids, Kald dato bi'lnic after the expira tion of hIx weokH from tho llrst pub lication of this minunons, (md if you fall to appear and niiHwer Hnld com plaint, lor want thereof the plaintiff pvlll apply to tho court for tho roller I demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: ' r'r a decree IhkoIvIiii? the bonds or ! matrimony now exbillne between plaintiff ami defeiiilat. This HUiumonH l.s published by or der of Hon. Thus, A. Mcllrldo, Jmlj;e of tint Circuit Court for Cl.vknnins i County, Orenon, which order wns mado and entered on tho loth day o( June, l'.ins, and tho tlmo prencribed ror publication thereof Is hIx weeks beaded Kale plants In any Quantity. O. Naef, Mllwauklo, Ore., It. F. I) No. I. Phono, Farmers 187. Notice of Bale. In tho County Court or the Stnto of Oregon, for the County or Clacka- mas, lu tho matter of tho estate of Wil liam Roche, deceased. d I'nder the authority of an order of aulo granted by tho County Court of the County of ClackamiiH, State of Oregon, dated Juno II, l'JOS, I will sell at public auction, at the front door of the court hMiae In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, on Saturday, the ISth day of July, 1908, at 10 o'clock A. M., to tho highest bid d i; for cash In hand, tho following described renl estato belonging to the estate of William Roche, deceased, to-wlt: Lots, i, 2, 3, and 4 in Block A, Windsor, according to tho maps nnd plats thereof on llle in tho olllco of tho Recorder of Conveyances ror Clackamaa County, Oregon. Said sale being made aubjeet to confirmation of snlil Court. CHARLES SHIELDS, Administrator of tho estate of Wll lam Roche, deceased. Summons. Iu tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. H. H. Dcotz, Plaintiff, vs. George Summers, Defendant. To Georgo Summers, abovo named defendant: ' ' In tho name of .the State of Oregon, yon nro hereby no titled to appear nnd nnswer tlio complaint in the above en tit loa suit on or bofore Friday, the 31st ('ay of July, A. D. 1908, that being tho lrst day proscribed In the ordor, of publication of said summons, and if you fall to appear and answer said complaint for wunt theroof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for lu plaintiff's complaint, to wlt: That tho plaintiff U tho own- j Printers Eat 6trawberrles. cr In feo Kltnplo of tho following dos- ,,; w. Th..,,,.,, of Meimm . fiiynrwi tti ., , , , . , ... i l.nt' i ilni wliti it cnilo of his Tii Id" (.Tilled llllldH lllld premium, to-wlt: ,Ko,k l;lv.r Strawberries the curly part Beginning lit U.e South WCHt COP of tin- wi.k. The frull, throughout the IHT or Hectlotl Twoilty-llltlO (29) In lhol.. cnil... was uniformly large. Kn.'li T. A u .,1 ii 1 if t i;iiiw.it Miir. '""y w"" I" It" prim' tn color n Hark I p. H. of It. 1 K. of Willamette Mor- ,.,IIIM ,,., ,ll)lt ,.,., r(lll, t(( Uw r(.n. Illllin, thenco North 105 J -8 rods, Iter of th,. li,.,nt. A great tunny of our tinned J'Jiint 120 rods, thence South I ''""-leu "re bo-king In flavor IIiIh year on Kir, 1-3 rods, thenc., Woat 120 rod. to WZI'i u, i, A tint place Of b(!KltirilliK. COIltllllllllK OtlO Mirmwl fiom i lr lliivor, to tuivd l.-en liiiiKiied and twenty-four (124) acrcit, fnvi.n .i wiin u,.. i,t iimt tie- wkhOmt tnorn or U oxceptlng the, Cfrom tZnX ! ,X lnc""vtZny Ihlrty (.JO) hcich cut off of nuld tract i.i. iod m.mI wim hmii aionh.-d to a Koo)iy liy (1 lino parallel to till! Hoilth bound- , I iikHi of nu-m. Thin i.roduct from (.'liick lo v lliiionf u-ilil tlilrlv .icii-K helni.' ""IIIM 'oiinl.v Im IiiI oiih polnl In lh hi yt nil cor K.ld tliirty .iui.h I'M ,),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , fll(,t 'thlll W(. ,. off tlm Southerly ixirtlon of Hiild land. ,, f,,,,, H K1),1 ,,, ,.Ht , A mo t lio following: j;ei;inuiiiK ai tlm Houth WeHt corner of Hectlon 2J, In Townhlp Four, of ItaiiKO One Kant of tho Wlllametto Meridian, running thenco KaHt 45 17-31 rodx; thenco Ninth 'M 3-4 roda ; thenco Kant 71 IC!1 roda: thenco North 1 1-4 rodn; l-ll.eiico WKt 120 rodH; thenco Houth 1 41) roda to the place of ln-glniiliiK And that aald defendant Iiiih no rlnht, HUo or IntercKt therein or In pay part thereof, nnd for auch othor mid furiher relief an lo aald Court wuy nei'in meet and 'piltable, Thla order Ik publlHhed by order of the Hoiioraulo 'J'homaH A. McHrlde, linlge of the nhovo entitled Quirt "'. w.im til.d In my olllec on the JOth ..r t...... I'.im 1. il... I.I.I....U iiii.l .i-l.-ik of mild' bond' eb tllon. whi.ieln It U 1 1 no i thm m I'lrrtlon teld III mild lli.li 1.1 on the :illi dny of Juno. ' ii ....... ....1...1 ii. ..i ii... 1......1- ,.r u.ii.i : i lly and Stiil" of N. w Voik at the op. "'"' ' in- iMin naH.-r i no em u ir li.f ii -ft I ii in p"i' aiiniifii payable muul-im- i iiuully. ' I w ill n ri Ive Hi ali d Iddn for tho iiljove Ihhui- of boiidn up to noon of l-'rlduy, the ivili day of July, I'.I'lS. win ii ibey win (ll d,,,,,,,, (;ny (IIIKOtl. All MiIm plioulil utali- wlten- the prln '''h"1' '""I '"'V," "' '' 1"11'! u""' 1'"'" be niiva !. I be ca d Iiotii h w nol bi; : ;,,,';,;' .,r. Th rlK, lo re. - j. - n anv und nil bldn Ih n-m-i-vi-d. I '.t.-I ai in uoti riiy, (tn-Kon thin Ml ilav of July. lliiS. J C. I'AHDfM "K. County Treajiuier. WOOD WA.NTICD ProposalH will bo received at tho olllco or tho under tdijncd up to July 11, 1908, at 5 P. M., ror MnilBhlnn to School DiHtrlct No. C2, Clackamaa County, Oregon, pit) corda of flrat crowth and flrnb claHH (lr wixid, 50 cordH to bo deliv ered at tho Barclay School llulldlng and 50 cords to bo delivered tit Die ICaKtham School IlulldlnR. Delivery must bo made by Snptempor 1, 1'jus. HldH ahotild bo enclosed in a neab'd envelope and marked "Pro poaal for Wood" and addressed to tlm underKlKned at Oregon City, Oregon. E. K. Ilrodle, Dlatrlct Clerk. I1IUS FOR PAINTING BARCLAY High School Unlldlng Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned wIM receive sealed proposals, up to Monday, July Kl. 19oS. at 5 P. M, for painting the exterior or the Bar clay School l!u!ldli)g, In Oregon City. Pure lead and pure oil must be used and bidders mu.st specidy the brand of material to bo furnish ed. Proposals should bo marked "Hid for painting Barclay School Bulldng." By ordor of tho Board of Directors of School District No. 02, Clackamas) County, Oregon. E. E. Ilrodle, District Clerk. Seele;''s Best Flour. Your Credit is Good with , ; GARDNER : . ; ' , The I Wachmafcer & Jeweler ak 2J8 Main S. Any kind of GOOD Watch such as Eljln, Rockford, Hampden, Walt ham, Howard, Springfield, sold on easy payments. A SMOOTH . ARTICLE is turned out by the basketful In this laundry shirts, cellars, cuffs and all else requiring starching and stiff fin ishing. Our latest improved appli ances, coupled with skill born of loug experience, enable us to turn out flrst class work quickly and cheaply. CASCADE LAUNDRY Oregon City, ... ... -Oregon 4 30 Days Sale AT W. L. BLOCK'S Furniture Store Mattings, Lace Curtains, Re rigators, and Freezers. kiowu m iin- hiiiO: ImVVIll'H Wltcli llnr.f HhIvh Im tn,fp. hilly Komi for pile, lo-'jiumrii n'lfil and nodi l)V Howell Jon-H. K'-rirn'ly'K l.iixiillve Courti Hyrun artu iii.oii lh" liowelH iiml tle i" lv driven (he old out of the KyHtciii. Hold by Howell & JolM'M. Special School Meeting. Notice Ih hereby Riven to the legal voterH of Hchool DiBtrlot No. C2, Clack amas County, Ktato of Oregon, that a Hpeclal nicotinic of aald dlatrlct will be held at tho county court room in tho Court Houhc, at Oreon City, Oro on, on WednoHday, tho 8th day of July, 1908, at 7::!0 o'clock P. M., for tin: purpose of authori.liif; an InHiie or boiidH to defray the expenno of con HtructliiK an addition to the Kaatham Heboid liuildlfifc In Oregon City, Ore gon, Dated thin 2Gt.h day of Juno, 1908. W. E. CARLL, Chairman Hoard of directors. Attest: K. K. liRODIIO, iJlHtrlct Clerk. RAY CLINE WIGWAM Coffee House and Lunch Counter Open Day and Night MEALS 25 CENTS AND IP Seventh St., near S. P.Depot THE FACE AND YOU KNOW Pictured as you know It. A pic ture, not a raw photograph. A f areful study of each subject at tho CHENEY, PHOTO STUDIO Miss Ed..h Cheney, Artist. 920 Main Street Oregon City. GET A HOME OF YOUR OWN Rich soil, suitable for all kinds of fruits and vegetables; good chicken ranches; close to Port land and Oregon City markets. Can be bought on easy terms; price 60.00 and up. Apply The Oregon Iron & Steel Co., 339 Sherlock BIdg., Portland, Oregon. EARR BROS. CITY MARKET Phone ' OS Both Thones 7th & Monroe Sts., Oregon City. We deliver In Gladstone, Parkplace, and the West Side, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, also In all parts of the City and Canemah every day. Satisfaction on all Orders. is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A moderate amount of money will stnrt yon in a profitable business. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to be The Best In 'I he World. For full particulars regard ing well drilling mai nines, tools, supplies, etc., write to tHE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. PORTLAND, OREGON, or ' AKRON. OHIO. wm nn ninr PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Heal Kntate, Loann, Innurancr GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Caufield Btdg., Main and Eig't Sts Phone Pacific States 52. Phone Home B151. ' . J. L HEDCES F. T. GRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House CD. & D.C. Latocrette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office In First Na tional Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, ' 606-608 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of '"ps, plats, ab stract books . rolls. Agents for Clackamaa bounty Lands, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. & F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Royal Restaurant and Lunch Counter Lunches from 5c up. Our 25c meals you cannot beat Our coffee you will never forget. Open all night Come In, Let's Get Acquainted. A. E. Joyner, Proprietor 410 Main St. Oregon City, Ore. New Aristo Gold Finish. The most lasting finish ever used In photogra phy on all Photos at BRADLEYS NEW ART GALLERY FAIRCLOUGH BUILDING West Side Main Street, Near Tenth. An artist of 30 years' experience in 1 Chicago Is now associated with us. ' Phone us 28C2 if you want us to ? take a picture of your home, or farm, or yourself and family. REAL ESTATE Arthur Flees to II. E. Nohle SE'4 of 6W-i of Section 38, T4S. R3E; J25. Alice A. Uibbs to Charles E. Hursch certain lots In Oswego: $450. 'ieorcre Holland et ux to E. M. Bab cock L'ut'i 7-8 acres, except 4ft acres, ail In sections 17 and Hi. T4S. IU'E; J4500. The Gladstone ileal Estate Associa tion to A. E. Thompson et ux 1 acre In (Jlmlstime; 300. Carl Hooth to Ethel Chownlne 35 acres In section 22, TS. RE: $2UuO. James Ailkins to Samuel Wllkerson 1.30 acres In Sec. 12. TiS. R1E: SH5. Kstaeada State Hank to J. R. Town send Lot No. ti In blk. 8 In Estaoada; i:a. Ceo. R. Ooin to P. A. Taylor a certain tract or piece of land iu Oregon Cltv: ,Si. Hro. R. Coin to I A. Tavlor 11 acres hi Toner V. L. C, Tl'S. Rl'E; $1. John W, Reed et ux to A. N. Johnson Lot 22 in block 6 Estacada: $!0. Estacada Slate Rank to C. Whit field 5 acres in Franklin Pierce D. L. C; J300. John F. Johnson to Albert Illtchman to acres in Section 14.' TaS. R1E: 0. Helen L. Miller to Martha Forsberi; Lot 6 in Itlock 5 in Oregon City; J20T5. Edwin Hedges et nl to School Dist. No. 115. lot 5 of block 36 Gladstone; $100. I. D. Turner et ux, R. C. French et ux. to Sarah A. Lane a certain piece of land in section No. 25. T1S. R3E; ?1. Andrew Griessnbev to Geo. W. Kellnnd SH acres in section 25, T3S, R1E; $5200. James Ailkins to Koy A. Cavlness and John Rupp 5.(!1 acres in Sees. 11 and 12. T4S. R1E; $2S0.50. Geo. alch et ux to Leonard t . alcn 3S.S2 acres In See. 27. T4S. R1E: $1200. Martha Bowman. Ella Thomas to C. P. Keesllng lS.9t acres in Sec. 22, T4S, R1E $4S0O. Jennie 1"Ren to A. Knnpp Lot 1 in Block 9 Oregon Cltv. Or.; $3000. II. and L. Gordon to Oscar Hult 13 acres In Sec. 2i. T4S. R3E: S350. Knud Olsen to Annie Olson a part of the Geo. Wills D. L. C. in Sec. -d, TIS, R1E; $1. T. L. Turner to Chas. E. Turner 40 acres, in See. 7, T3S. RlE; $4000. S. A. O. Tutor to The State of Oregon 320 acres in Sec. Hi. T5S. RUE; $1. John A. Ficke to G. G. Kruse a cer tain tract of land in Sec. 5. T2S. RlE; $3500. F. M. Shaver to I.ovina Simons. a certain piece of land in Claim 45; $1. Francis M. Shaver to t. u. snaver a piece of land in Claim 45; $1. J. C. Shields to J. G. Lurck certain lots in Block 25 of Milwaukee Park; Executor's Final Notice. Notice la hereby Kiven that the under- slimed Executor of the estate of David Y. James, deceased, has tiled his final report In the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and the aforesaid Court has appointed August 3rd, A. D. 1905, nt 10 o'clock A. M.. of said day for the hearing of said final report, and for the settlement of said estate. Any person or persons having objections to sail final report are hereby notified to tile same in said Court ,on or before said date. Dated June 29th. 1908. THOMAS DANIEL. Executor of Aforesaid Estate. POLK'S GAZETTEER. 1 A business directory of each city, town, or village in Oregon and Wash ington, giving a descriptive sketch of each place, together with the location and shipping facilities and a classi fied directory of each business and profession. H. R. Polk & Co., Inc., Seattle. Main Htreet, OKEOON Cl-lT U'REN 8c SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice it all courts, make collect ions and settlements. Office in EVTE8PB1SE Building, Oregoa City, Oregon. O. D. EBY ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Money loaned, abstracts furnished. tiles examined, estates settled, few law business transacted. Over Dank of Oregon City. W. S. EDDY, V, S.f M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregoo City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 132 Mail 13U STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic 'Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practic Specialties. Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse. J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, .... . Oregon. Will practice in all courts of the state Office in Caufield Building. The name tells the story ev erybody knows it; every body uses it - I. W. HARP ER whisyey. For sale by E. MATH fES. $200. John C. John to E. H. Kuehal a part of the Geo. Crow D. L. C; $1. E. A. Wilkinson to Christ Reusser SO acres In T. 3 S, R2E; $10. J. Melody to II. F. Melody 30.62 acres In Waldron D. L. C. Sec. 30. T3S, RlE; $1. G. B. Dlmick to James Nichols lots No. 5 and t in block 5, "Sunset City"; $075. II. Woodruff to C. C. Kandle 80 acres in Sec. 12. T5S, R3E; $K O. Confer to W. B. Hiddleson .60 of an acre in See. 33 and 34. T2S, H2E; $10. Susan Tlmm to A. E. Bradford 2 acres in Geo. Wills Claim. Sec. 26. 'ITS. R1W; $1000. J. Frank Wutson et ux to Ernesjt House a certain niece of land in Oreeon City; $1. v. F. Linn to G. W. Bever 400 acres in section 23, T2S, RGE; $1. G. W. Bever to Citizen's Rnnk 4(lft acres in See. 23, T23, RtiE; $3500. C. C. Warwick to E. Hughes a certain tract of James Moor's D. L. C; $10. CLACKAMAS AB8TRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Tltlst Examined. AhtracU tf Title Made. OSm ver Bank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK, Mgr. rAvaa':.'jsgjjjHi.wt'jv;a?' v-s: if-'. ) v 1