Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 26, 1908, Image 7

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Administrators Notlct.
Notice Ik hereby clvon that tho tin -
dnrHlKiiml Iium boon appointed, by tliu
County Court of , Clackamas County
Oregon, Administratrix of tlio estate
of John N. Wood, (loeoamid, and all
nurHiiiit) liiivlnic claim UKiiliiHt mild
oatato are hereby notified to present
the Minim to mo vortlflod at tlio ciltlce
of O. I). Kliv. my attorney, Oregon
City, Oregon, within alx inoiitlm from
dill o hereof.
I luKd Juno 12 100H.
Juno II. Wood,
Notice to Creditors.
In tbo County Court of tbo State of
fjri'KOii, for tlio County of Clacka-
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Ethel
KnlRht, deceBMod.
Notlco Ih hereby given that tho
uiidemluued bun been by tho above un
titled court appointed administrator
of tho 'Htati of ICthoI KnlKht, Oecona- j T, n,H Bre R follow : Tho NV4
od. AH pormuw havlnij claim against ,lf H5( ,l0 NWi4 t HK'A of Ktt'A,
the anld eMtato aro hereby reijnlrod lo,tm N (t HWi4 f hkk, tho NK'i
present lb" anino, properly verlllod, to ' ,)f sW'A. Sec. 12, T. 3 8., It. 7 K., W.
tho undoralKiiod nt tho omen of lledK- Mr., Hled upon application of Charloa
hi & (jrMlth In Oregon City, Oregon, I j (l,,( 1K!) i7ln Ht Houth Portland,
within alx months from tbo date of or,.gm. IjoI 3 (NIC14 of NW'AJ, tho
the first publlcatlnn of thin notice. ' NI4 ()f SKyt ,)t nW',4. Hoc. 6, T. 3 8.,
GKOKGI5 I). ELY. t. (; j, m,n application of C. O. Had
AdmlnlHlrator of tlio Estate of ICthol a,nKtll cberryvlllo, Oregon. Tho
Knight, doccaiiod. HW'4 f HW4 of 8YV14, Hoc. 20, the
HEDGES & GIUKKITII. HIC.4 of HE 'A of HIC14. Sec. 27, the
Attorneys for AdmlnlHtralor. iNK'4 of NIC'4 of NIC4. 8c. 34, the
First Publication May 2!). 19UH. NW',4 of NW(4 of NWtf, Sec. 35, T.
, m'7,".rZ, ' 5 h.. It. 0 B., upon application of J.
FOIt HALK-No. 7 U. 8. Cream Semr- y ;v Qnni Te w
alor, or will exchango for sound ... .. .... . - ,,,, M1W1,
woIK hor,e. 8. T. ..ruten, M,ldru,n
J ,
In thn Circuit Court vt tho Stoto of
Oregon for tho CoWity of Clacka
nut. Samuel M. (IllkUou, I'lalutllT,
Ijiurn A. (illklNiin, Defc-nilant.
To Iiiira A. (Jllkltnin, Jiefendant.
In tho ii a mo of the Htnto of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and aiiHwer tbo complaint In tho aboo
entitled cmiMit on or before tho 10th
day of July, 130S, and If you fall to o
appear and anawer, tho plaintiff will
appfy to tbo Court for tho relief pray
ed for In tbo complaint, namely, for
a decree imhvIiik tho bond of matri
mony heretofore and now exUtlng be
tween tho plaintiff and defemlunl.
Thin Htimmou published In tho
Oregon City Unterprlne, a weekly
newapaper, for alx aucceKHlvo week,
thn tlml publication thereof to bo
mado on thn 2th day of May, 1'JOH,
by order of the Hon. Grunt II. Dlmlck,
Judge of the County Court, made and
entered thl 27th day of May. 19(8.
Attorney fur Plaintiff.
KOH 8AI.H-Light driving team, bug
gy and liariiHH, together or aepar
ately; outllt 9185. 8. I). Ilariiey,
Home 3, Oregon City.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notlco I hereby given that tho un
dersigned baa been duly appointed by
the Honorable County Court of Clock
ama CountV, Statu of Oregon, a ad
inlnlNtratrlx of tho iwtate of John
Kxlon, ileceaHed. All persons having
claim agalaMt tho said etnto shnll
present tho anmo duly verified to the
admlnlMtratrlx at Kulao. Clackama j
v.oiiiiij. im.ioii kim i.oi..-. nuuiu ..,!, ttiu. m,i,iPHon. Kr dav. Ju v 17.
2. within alx mmitliH from tho date of
thla notlco.
Dated May 29lh, 1908.
AdmlnlHtratrlx of the F.Htnte of John
Erlon, deceiiHeil,
lt liiHertlon June 5. 1908.
la.il Inxertlon July 3, 1908.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Ornoii for tho County of Clacka
ma. Charles L. Sutherland. Plaintiff,
Rosale Sutherland, Defendant.
To RohiiIo Sutherland, Defendant.
In the nanio of tho Stato of Oregon,
yuu are hereby required to appear
tiitl nntiu'op t)n I'filnhlillnt In thn ftlinvn
H.,,1 .... ,.r l...f,.r Ih., 17.1,
day of July, 1908, and If you fall to sol
appear ami answer, uie piaiui.n win i
ap)ly to the Court for the relief pray- j
ed fur In tho complaint, namely, for n I
decree dissolving tho bonds of mntrl- i
mony heretofore and now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant.''
Thl summoiiH Is published In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
ft jiusu mi i ir ii ti ul v oiirrf iua vts u'lii !.- a
(ho flrat publication there of to bo
... . .
mado on tliu bin iiny or June, Vim,
by order of the Hon. Orant II. Dlmlck,
Judge of tho County Court, made and
entered thl 2d dny of June, 1908.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Brldae Builders.
Notice Is l.ereby given that the
. ...... ...
County Clerk of Cluckaina County
will receive bids for the construction
of a span of bridge at Knglu Creek
Falls, In lil County, until noon, the
6th day of July, 1908, according to
plan anil Hpeclllciitlons now on ll!e
In tho County Clerk's olllce.
Tbo Court reserves tho light to re
ject any and all binds. Illders are re
quired to deposit live per cent of the
bid by order of the County Court.
of Clackamas County.
In the (iicull Court of the Statu (if Ore-
Kon, fur ( iiiekiimiiH ('mnily. i
Aiinaix-iii- Miu'Diiimk, riniiitirr, j
Walter H. Maii Millie. IiefMiiiatil.
'I'll Walter S. Mini liillle, ilefeiulant.
III tin- name of the Slate of (Hokiiii ynll
me hereby reiiilieil tn iiiii at- anil answer
the mi il:i In I tiled iiK'iliist you In t.ne
nlmve enlllleil null on nt' liefiite the .til
ilay (if AiiKimt. limn, that iieinii the last
(lav iiieyeilheil III the outer nf inihllea
tlnn of this Hiiininoiis, nml if yuu fall In
mi appear anil iiiihwci- hi i I I comiilalnl the
plaintiff will apply tn thn emu t for the
relief Iheieln pniyeil fur. to-wlt: A (ln
eree (IhiHiiUlnK the miitThiKO enntnii t ex
IhIIiik hetwecii yuu ami the plaintiff.
This HiiimmmH Is piihllNhed In the Oie
Kiill Clt.v KnleipiiHe, iiewspiiper, for six
ciiiiMeenilve weeks hy order of linn.
Irani II. Dlinlek, Judge of the County
C.urt of the Stale nf (ireKiin. for tiliek-
amas ( 'dimly, made nn the -.Id day of
.lime, 1 HON. the llrst iuhlieatlnn helng nil
the :iilli day of June, I'.UIN.
Allmney fur Plaintiff.
Restoration to Entry of Lands In
National Forest .
Notlco la hereby given that the lands
doHcrlbed below, embracing 285.01
acres, within tuo Cascade National
' Forest, Oregon, will bo subject to
Hottlonnmt and entry undr the pro-
vision of tlio homestead law of the
United Htuti'H and the net of June Jl,
11)00 CM Htut. 233), at tlio United
, BluUm I a ml offlco nt Portland, Oregon
(,n July 2H, 1U08. Any aottlor who was
1 actually and In Kod faith claiming
I any of aald land fur agricultural pur-
' ponna prior to Jnnuary 1, 11)00, and
Imn not abundotind hiiiiio, ban a prefer
unco rlKht to make a homeHtead on try
for tlio landa actually occupied. Bald
IhikIh wore listed upon tbo appllca
tloim of thn persons mentioned be
low, who havo a preference rlKht Hub
Jnct to tbo prior rlnht of any such act
llitr, provided audi nuttier or applicant
In (nullified to in like homestead entry
and tho preforencn rlKht Ih exorcised
prior to July 2K, 1 308, on which date
tho land will bo aubjoct to settle
ment and nutry by any qualified por-
Q - - " f
NWV4 of NIC4) tho N of 8W4 of
NIC, tho N14 of 8IC4 of 8WV4. of
NIC, Hec. B, T. 3 8.. It. 0 K., upon ap
plication of II. K. Palmer, care Sol
dier' Home, Rom-burg, Oregon.
CommlHHlouer of the Genera! Iand
Approved May 11, 1908.
l-'lrnt Asslatant Secretary of tho In
terior. Llxla 825. 1117, 1240 and 1247.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackama County.
Orry I llantelmanti, Plaintiff,
John F. Hantlemann, Defendant.
To John F. Hantclmann, tho above
named defendant:
In the name of tho Stoto of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appear and
aiiHwer the complaint filed agaliiHt you
In the above entitled Hull on or be
fore the 17th day of July, 1908, aald
dalo being after tho expiration of alx
week from tho II rut publication of
thl HuuimonH, and If you fall to ap
pear and answer aald complaint, for
want then-of (ho plaintiff will apply
to the court for tho relief demanded
In tho complaint, to-wlt: For a do
cren dlaaolvlng the bond of matri
mony now oxlHtlng between plaintiff
and defendant.
Thl Mimmonx Ih putillHhed by order
of lion. Tho. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of
tho Circuit Court of Clackama Coun
ty, Stato of Oregon, which order wa
made and entered on tho 3rd day of
June, 190S, and tho tlmo preacrlbod for
publication thereof, I c!x week, the
date of the flrat publication being Frl
,,ny J(in Bth li)08 ftn th0 dat0 of
1 90S.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notlcu 1 hereby given that tho un
dernlgned ha been appointed by tho I
County Court of Clackama County,
Oregon, AdmlnlHlrator of tho estate
of O. L. Coldren, doseased, and that
all person having claim against nld
estate are required to present them
duly verified as provided by law at
tho home of tho undesigned at H'tb
bard, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 2. Ilox 88,
within alx month from tho date of thl
Administrator of the estate of O. L.
Coldren, deceased.
lifted JllllO Cttl, 1908.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for Clackama County.
James A. Homo, plaintiff,
Annie Home, Defendant.
To Annie Horne, tf.o above named de-'
! feminist: I
In tho name of tho State of Oro-
!. 'f)l' nro required to ap-
I t.mir nml nnuwpr Inn fntrmlillnf lllod
pear and answer tho complaint Hied
against yon In tho abovo entitled Bult
on or before the 25th day of July,
1008, said date being after the expira
tion of six weeks from tho first pub
lication of this summons, and if you
fall to appear and answer aald com
plaint, for want thereof tho plaintiff
wl" apply to tho court for the relief
iliiM.til.ilii.t In thn m.tnt.lflltll t.-l'r
demanded In tho complaint, to-wlt
For a decree dissolving tho bond of
matrimony now existing between .
plaintiff and defendant.
This summon la published by or
der of Hon. Tho. A. McBrlde, Judgo
of tho Circuit Court for Clackama
County, Oregon, which order wn
mado nnd entered on the 10th day of
Juno, 1908, and the time prescribed
for publication thereof la six weeks,
tho date of first publication being
Friday, Juno 12th, 1988, and the dnte
of tho last publication Friday, July
24th, 1908.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
FOR SALE CHEAP Four yoke of
good work cattle, care B. F. Linn,
712 Polk St., Oregon City, or Linn's
Mill. ' t2
FOR SALIC Thousand headed knle
plants In any quantity. O. Naef,
Mllwaukle, Ore., R. F. D., No. 1.
Phono, Farmers 1S7.
. Notice of .Sale.
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
ma. In tbo matter of tho estate of Wll-
, R ,,0 (iec0u8e(l. fj
' ,
I'liuer win uiiiinii uy oi nil oruer oi
juiilo grunted by tho County Court of
I the County of Clackamas, State of
! Oregon, duted Juno 11, 1908, I will
mil at public auction, at tho front
door of tho court huise in Oregon
City, Clackamas County, Oregon, on .
Saturday, the ISth day of July, 1908,
at 10 o'clock A. M.( to tho hlghnat bid
dor, for caHh In hand, the following
doacrlbod real entato belonging to the
eHtuto of William Roc ho, deceased,
It, 1, 2, 3, and i In lilock A,
Windsor, according to the map and
plat thereof on Die on tho face of
llocord of Conveyance for Clacka
inn County, Oregon. 8ald Halo being
in ado aubjoct to confirmation of aald
Admlnlatrator of the tint a to of WII
lam Roche, decoiiMcd.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
ma. II. II. Deetz, Plaintiff,
(;iorj;o Summer, iJefcnilunt.
To Oeorge Summers, abovo named
In the name of tbo Stato of Oregon,
you ore hereby notified to appear and
answer tho complaint In the abovo i n
titled suit on or before Friday, tho 31st
('ay of July, A. I). 1908, that being tho
li.nl (lay prescribed In tho order of
publication of said summon, and if
you full to appear and answer aald
complaint for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to tho Court for tho re
lief pru)cd for in plaintiff' complaint,
to-wlt: That tho plaintiff I tho own
er In fee simple of tho following des
cribed lands and premises, to-wlt:
Iteglnnlng at tlie South West cor
ner of Section Twenty-nine (29) In
Tp. 4 8. of R. 1 E. of Willamette Mer
idian, thencu North 105 1-3 rod,
tl'enco East 120 rod, thence South
105 1-3 rods, thenco West 120 rod to
tho place of beginning, containing One
li'uuiiied and twenty-four (124) acre,
nioro or lea excepting theic-from
Thirty CM) acre cut off of said tract
by a lino parallel to the South bound
ary tbi.reof, said thirty acre being
off tho Southerly portion of aid land.
A I no the following: Beginning at
tho Houth Wet corner of Section 29,
in Township Four, of Range Ono East
of tho Willamette Meridian, running
thence Eat 45 17-21 rods; thence
North 38 3-4 rod ; thenco East 74
H 31 rod; thence North 1 1-4 rod;
thenco West 120 rods; thence South
40 rod to tho place of beginning.
And that aald defendant ha no
light, title or Interest therein or In
pay part thereof, and for uch other
and further relief a to said Court may
seem meet and equitable,
Thl order 1 published by order of
the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde.
Judge of the above entitled Court.
The first publication thereof being
Friday. Juno 19th, A. D. J908, and the
Itst publication thereof Friday. July
31st, A. D. 1908. '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
WOOD WANTED Proposal will be
received at the offlco of the under
signed up to July 11, 1908, at 6 P.
M., for furnishing to School Dlatrlct
No. 02, Clackama County, Oregon,
100 cords of first growth and first
clas fir wood, 50 cord to bo deliv
ered at the IJarclay School Uulldlng
and 50 cord to be delivered to the
EuHtham School Uulldlng. Delivery
must bo mado by Septemper 1,
11)08. Hid should be enclosed In a
sealed envelope and marked "Pro
posal for Wood" and addressed to
the undersigned at Oregon City,
Oregon. E. E. Ilrodle, District
High School Uulldlng Notice is
hereby given that the undersigned
will receive sealed proposals, up to
Monday, July 13, U08, at 5 P. M.,
for painting the exterior of the Bar
clay School Hulldlng, In Oregon
City. Puro lead and pure oil must
be used and bidders must speclfly
the brand of material to be furnish
ed. Proposal should be marked
"Hid for painting Barclay School
Biilldng." By order of the Board
of Directors of School District No.
02, Clackamas County, Oregon. E.
E. Ilrodle, District Clerk.
Seeley'f Best Flour.
Your, Credit is Good
Wachmaker & Jeweler
28 Main S.
Any kind of GOOD Watch luch at
Elgin, Rockford, Hampden, Walt
ham, Howard, Springfield, told on
emy payments.
1 turned out by the basketful In thla
laundry shirts, cellars, cuff and all
else requiring starching and stiff fin
ishing. Our latest improved appli
ances, coupled with skill born of long
experience, enable ua to turn out first
class work quickly and cheaply.
Oregon City, ... ... -Oregon
30 Days Sale
Furniture Store
Mattings, Lace Curtains, Ir
rigators, and Freezers.
J-J-2 miles of electric car line
and only ten miles from Port
land. Soil suitable for all kinds
of fruits and vegetables. Plant
ed in 5 acres and upwards.
Price $ 60.00 and up. Easy
terms. The Oregon Iron &
Steel Co.,
339 Sherlock Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Jacob ErntBon to F. A. Chapman
815 I I of SIC 1-4 of Sec. 28 and S'4 of
NH 1-4 of SK 1-4 of Sec. 28, T53, R1K;
J. 8. Dick to Lottie Samson 29
acre In section 33, T.'i.S, R1E; $150.
Coo. S. Colt to W. N. Hollan 84
acren In section .13, T2S. R4E; $5400.
J. II. Colt to W. N. Hollan 42 acre
In Section 3.'!, T2S, R4; $1000.
Grace E. Ider to Geo. II. Clark
41.41 acre In Claim No. 43. T2S,
K3K: $1.
Geo. II. Clark to J. M. Tomllnson
41.44 acre In Claim No. 43, T2S, R3E;
Howard Browne!! to F. Buzbe lot
10 In block No. 15 In Gladstone; $100.
F. E. Zonk to H. M. Thoma lot
7 and 8 In block 12 In Gladstone;
Sunset Land Co. to Albert Schmldll
lot 1 and 2, block 7, Sunet City;
Gottlieb Keller et al to R. W. Can
lard 1.40 acre In Mllwaukle; $1050.
E. R Steel to E. C. Shaw block No.
52 In Mlnthorn; $1.
W. M. Ralney et tlx to II. O. Free
manlot G In Block 30 in Central
Add to Oregon City; $000.
E. P. Ketchurn to P. J. Erlckson
lot No. 1 of block No. 7, Fall View
add to Oregon City; $1.
E. M. Root to C. Nelderhauser lot
No. 14 In Wichita; $000.
Lydla Scott to Ella Korb Fruit
Lot 148 and 149 In Friends Oregon
Colony; $1.
Anna Scott to Ella Korb Lots 145
and 140; 147 and 150 of The Friend
Oregon Colony; $1.
John Scott to Ella Korl) beginning
at NE corner of lot No. 102 Friends
Oregon Colony; $45.
M. Gaffney to John Gaffney, Sr. 70
acre in section 33, T1S, R2E; $1.
A. C. Chrlstenen to Grace E. Loder
1 acre in D. D. Thompson D. L. C;
V. F. Lewis to Etta M. Durham-
18 acres of section 30, T3S, R1W.;
A. Smith to W. L. Crlssey 40 acres
In Rection 25, T1S, R4E; $3000.
The Oregon Iron & Steel Co., to
Wm. Kuhn 7.22 acres In Tualatin
Meadows; $490.95.
Eliza Dickenson to Geo. C. Brownell
40 acre In Sec. 10, T2S. R4E; $1.
G. C. Brownell to L. G. Hoffman
40 acres In Sec. 10. T2S, R4E; $1000.
Henry Woodruff to C. C. Kandle
SO acres In section 12. T5-3E; $250.
R. B. Beatle to Jennie U'Ren Lot
1 in Block 9, Oregon City; $2509.
G. D. Iloardman to Addle, Soesbe j
Lots 10 and 11 in Jennings Lodge; $1.'
James O. Morris to Frank Kraxberg
er 80 acre in section 29 and 30, In
T4S, R2E; $3200.
J. S. Dlx to O. I Sannes 14 5-6
acres in section 33, T3S, R1E; $40. -
M. B. Mortenson to F. M. Swift
certain tract of land In section 32
TCS, R2E; $3150.
J. O. Linn to W. H. Nunn ICO
acres in section 24, T3S, R4E; $1.
R. G. Palmateer to W. H. Nunn
a certain piece of land In section 23
T3S. R4E; $1.
John Zobrlst to J. E. Greenwood
lr.f 5 and C In v.- ck 12 in Estacada;
Oregon & California R. R. Co. to P.
II. Rener the NV4 of NV 1-4 of sec.
17, T3S. R5E; $100.
41. KUnker to Henry Relmer a cor-
A business directory of each city,
town, or village In Oregon and Wash
ington, giving a descriptive sketch of
each place, together with the location
and shipping facilities and a classi
fied directory of each business and
profession. H. R. Polk & Co., Inc.,
Phone CS Both Phones
Vth & Monroe Sts., Oregon City.
We deliver in Gladstone, Parkplace,
and the West Side on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, also in all
parts of the City and Cancniah every
Satisfaction on all Orders.
Tie star
is erecting a plant at
for the manufacture of their
world fatuous
for water, oil, gas, etc.. etc.
A moderate amount of
money will start you in
a profitable bnslueas.
have been proved by
Competitive Test to be
The Best In '1 he World.
For full particulars ree;niftl
ing well drilling machines,
tools, supplies, etc., write to
Heal Entate,
Loan, Innurencr
Office In Caufield BIdg., Main and Elt Sts
Phone Pacific State 52. Phone Home B151.
Rooms 10-13 "Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
CD. Sc D.C. Latotfrette
Commercial, Real Estate and Probata
our Specialties. Office In First Na
tional Bank Building, Oregon City,
Clackamas County
606-60S Chamber ef Commerce,
Full equipment of
atract booki a.
'?, plat, ab
ux rolls.
Agent for Clackama Oounty Land,
Money loaned, title perfected.
E. F. A. F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys and Counsellor at Law.
Royal Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
Lunchei from 6c up. Our 25c meal
you cannot beat Our coffee you will
never forget Open all night
Com In, Let' Get Acquainted.
A. E. Joyner, Proprietor
410 Main 8t Oregon City, Ore.
New Arlsto Gold Finish. The most
lasting finish ever used In photogra
phy on all Photos at
West Side Main Street, Near Tenth.
An artist of 30 years' experience In
Chicago la now associated with us.
Phone us 28C2 if you want us to
take a picture of your home, or farm,
or yourself and family.
The place to buv
Large Assortment
Prices Reasonable
The Home of Sportsmen
tain tract of land In Sec. 17, T3S, R
5E; $1. .
J. S. Cochran to M. E. Laverty 79
acres in section 7, T5S, R1E; $1000.
H. P. Gibson, to H. A. Garrett
4 acres In T. H. Forrester D. L. C,
T2S. R3E; $240.
F. Bluhm to Evangellcan Lutheran
Church of St. Peter a certain tract of
land In section 30, T3S, R2E; $1.
Mark Levy to A. L. McMahon
101.72 acres in Geo. M. Walling 11. L.
C: $10.
C. A. Collinge to A. F. Corey 80
acres In section 27 In T2S, R3; $2000.
J. Cockelreas to Elizabeth Cockel-
reas 80 acres in section 7, T2S, K5E;
F. Ott to Ed Ott 2C acres in section
2, T2S, R2E; $1000.
A. J. Tenny to E. N. Brock-4 1.83
acres in Wm. Fordyce D. L. C, T2S.
R3E: $450.
OIo Larsen to P. E. Bonney 16
acres In section 7, T5S, R3E; $1300.
A. Wright to N. Strohacker 80
acres in Sec. 5. T3S, R3E; $000.
Jacob Strohacker to W. W. Gruel
et ux 55 acres in section 5 In T3S,
R3E; $4000.
L. Boodean to N. Boodean 5 acres
in Section 25, T1S, R3E; $1.
J. P. Smith to M. M. Smith 4 acres
In section 31, T1S, R4E; $300.
L. N. Coon to J. V. Lieser 12 acres
iu Pendleton D. L. C; $1.
J. O. Storey to J. Johncjn 19 acres
in Geo. Crow D. L. C, T2S, R1E;
V. Smith to S. A. Smith certain
lots in Clackamas Heights; $500. .
Main Street,
oheoon crnr
Will practice ia all court, make collect
ion and settlement.
Office i ECTEIPBISE Building, Ortfe
City, Oregon.
Money loaned, abstract furnJah4,
tiles examined, estate actus,
law business transacted.
Over Bank of Oresoo City,
W. S. EDDY, V, S., N. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ot Toroato, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregoo City and established an
office at The Fashion Slablea,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Fanners' 133 Mait 1311
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau
lic Rams a Specialty.
Phone 2682. -Oregon
City, Oregon.
Probate and Realty Law Practlc
Office Upstairs, flrat building tea
th of Courthouse.
Oregon City, ..... Oregon.
Will practice In all courts of the state
, Office in Caufield Building.
Linda E. Spoor et ux to S. A. Cor
dill 40 acres iu Section 7, T5S, R2E:
Adolph Muttelstedt to Albert Run
yan a certain piece of land in Wil
lamette Tracts; $1.
J. W. Loder to W. N. Clark a cer
tain tract of land in Clackama3 coun
ty; $1.
Albert Moore to J. P. Shaw cer
tain lots in Milwaukee Heights; $350.
James Emmott to Wm. Junor 60
acres in Claim No. 62, and Lots 6, 7
and 8 In section 20, T3S, R3E; $2000.
W. Stubbe to A. Stubbe lot 10 In
Block 2 in Estacada; $1.
R. Jacobson to K. McManus Lot
12 In Block 8, in Oswego; $15.
E'FRiley to J. M. Cady certain
lots in Minthorn; $220.
PnA mi-
fj The name tells the story ev-
gj erybody knows it; every-
a body uses It - I. W. HARP-
a ER whlsyey.
For sad by
Land Titles Examined.
Abstract ef Title Made.
OBoe Ter Bank of Oregon City.