Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 26, 1908, Image 6

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(Continued from page 2.)
H. Hoftmelster 3.00
Henry Gibson 8.00
Henry Githens 3.00
Aug. Gerbardus 6.00
Homer Gibson 3.00
J. P. Woodle 3.00
D. S. Fleming 3.00
H. S. Gibson 7.00
E. L. Meyers 7.00
Lee Bartlemay 3.00
H. J. KItzmlller "... 12.00
Peter Rath 6.00
Peter Paulson 6.00
Frank Ahnert 6.00
H. Johnson 6 00
Christ Kllnker 6.00
Nick Rath 6.00
P. C. Miller 8.00
J. F. Adams 6.00
J. V. Harless 3.00
V. J. E. VIck 3.00
J. W. Thomas 3.00
J. H. Vernon 3.00
F. E. Albright 3.00
Geo. H. Gregory 3.00
W. A. Garner ... 7.50
H. A. Battin 6.00
A. Kanne 6.00
C. G. Millard 8.75
M. E. Gaffney fi.00
S. N. Besselleu 6.00
C. F. ZInser 6.00
W. P. KIrchem 7.80
O. D. Robblns 6.00
J. S. Gill 6.00
Rm 1 Vnhl ft Ml
Harding Grange 2.50
Fred Gerber C.OO
F. E. Anderson 6.00
J. W. Watt 6.00
E. Mclntyre 9.00
Ed. Keichtweise 9.00
B. Sullivan H20
Jesse Mayfield !"00
D. A. Miller 1.50
G. R. Miller .00
F. Shute 5.0'jj
J. T. Grace 9.00
N. Blair 11.70
A. Hardesty 7.50
D. C. Yoder 7.50
J. N. Stanton 9.00
G. W. Owlngs 7.";i
J. G. Noe 7.50 j0s
f . Jtt. samson 7.50
I. D. Larkins 6.00 !
Barton Jack C.OO
L. N. Jones 11,00
C. W. Blrchtet 6.00
Geo. V. Bentley 2.00
J. A. Ridings 6.00
A. W. Albright 6.00
J. W. Hobart 6.00
H. J. Rastall 3.00
H. S. Ramsby 3.00
Albert Engle 6.20
J. R. Cole 3.00
Raymond Dickey 3.00
C. T. Howard 6.00
D. L. Trulllnger 6.00
R. H. Snodgrass 6.00
A. C. Suodgrass 6.00
A. C. Lee ,' 6.00
J. A. Davis 2.50
C. N. Larkins 8.50
Fred Erlckson 6.00
John Denlson 6.00
M. M. McGeehan 9.40
D. J. Thorn 9.00
A. Mauti 9.00
James Shelley 9.00
School District No. 27 2.00
John Gaffney, Jr. 9.00
C. W. Swallow 9.00 1
H. Henricl 9.00
Wm. Shlndler 7.S0
T. R. A. Sellwood 6.00
C. A. Lakln 6.00
J. A. Keck 6.00
O. Wlsslnger 6.00
A. H. Dowling 6.00
II. G. Starkweather 10.40
I E. Bentley ... .; 9.00
G. It. Young 1.50
Ell Williams 3.00
A. H. Scliram S.00
J. E. Rhodes 3.00
Hud Thompson 43.70 i
N. ninlr 43.70
D. E. Woodward
E. I Johnson . .
J. C. Bradley ..
J. W. Colo
F. A. White ...
M. D. Ijitourette
J. W. Loder ...
C. V. Pone ...
B. C. Curry ...
L. A. Nobel ... .
Henry Mlley . . .
Sol Walker ... .
Jos. Wilkinson ..
David Caufleld ..
V. R. Hyde ... .
J. K. Morris
J. L. Waldron . . .
J. N. Harrington 3.00
iChas. HIvely ... ,
D. McArthur .. ..
J. Burgoyne ... .
Enos Cahlll
J. Kaiser
H. H. Eastman ...
F. Engel
J. D. Ritter
T. J. Ogle
R. I. Garrett
C. R. Noblitt
School District No.
P. A. Mohr
H. A. Wolfer
. . . 6.00
. . . 7.20
. . . C.OO
. . . . 6.00
. . . . C.OO
. . . 6.00
, . . . C.OO
, . . . 9.00
... n.00
... 9.00
. . . 3.00
... 9.00
... 12.20
A. W. Thompson 9.00
J. W. Thomas 3.00
Bickner ..' 3.00
R. B. Wllmot 3.00
Henry Cans 3.00
C. C. Borland 4.00
L. M. Davidson 3.00
F. E. Davidson C.OO
Oswego Grange 3.00
L. M. Davidson 3.00
C. N. Haines 3.00
P. H. Zimmerman 3.00
P. H. Zimmerman 3.00
C. N. Haines 3.00
Osa Coon 3.00 1
R. McLoughlln 9.00
J. F. RIsley 9.00
H. TIessen 9.00
T. R. Worthlngton 9.00
S. L. Casto 4.00
J. G. Miller 9.00
The wisdom of that principle of never
Judging the value of anything by Its ini
tial outlay, but by results attained in
the long run. What may appear expen
sive at first, will in the end prove other
wise. It always pays to buy the very
best Flavoring Extracts at a fair price.
That's what you get here.
Burnet's Lemon Extract 25c
Burnet's Vanilla Extract 30c
Hams' Grocery
8th and Main Streets
Pictured as you know It. A pic
ture, not a raw photograph. A
careful study of each subject at
Miss Edith Cheney,
920 Main Street
Oregon City,
VJ '
G. W. Wlckhani 3.00
I. C. Bridges 3.00
P. S. FInucane 6.20
G. W. Wlckhani 6.00
S. N. Francis 6.00
P. J. Luta 9.00
F. M. Darling 3.00
E. J. Lanklns 3.00
C. A. Frost 3.00
A. S. Hunt G.00
Elmer Dixon 6.00
E. H. Cooper C.OO
S. M. Kelso 10.50
M. C. Young 7.50
E. O. Llchtenthaler 7.60
Wm. Todd 7.50
H. D. Aden 7.50
F. H. Brobst 7.50
E. L. Baker 7.50
Scott Carter C.OO
A. Groshong 10.80
A. Hardy 6.00
Dan Groshong 4.00
F. W. McLaren ... 2.50
O. S. Boyles C.OO
J. W. Nightengnle 6.00
Frank Gray , 6.00
W. J. Leweilen 10.00
J.Stormer C.OO
J. A. Shibley 6.00
W. E. Shannon C.OO
W. Wallens C.OO
W. H. Kandle COO
J. W. Marrs 6.00
J. L. Kruse 11.00
George Aden 6.00
A. Gebhart C.OO
Roy Thompson 6.00
0. P. Sharp ... C.OO
H. Pamperlne C.OO
M. C. Baker 6.00
W. L. White 6.00
Sidney Graham 10.00
1. A. Mlley C.OO
W. C. Kinyon 6.00
O. B. Taylor 1.50
R. H. Crlsell C.OO
C. D. F. Wilson C.OO
E. W. Smldt C.OO
W. M. Stone 6.00
J. A. Randolph 6.00
G. C. Armstrong 6.00
Louis Funk 11.40
Lorenzo Tenny COO
J.T .Fullam COO
C. A. Miller 3.00
Ira Jones 3.00
C. E. Forehner 3.00
J. W. Moffat 3.00
p. W. Howell 3.00
H. Shipley 3.00
W. R. Ream 6.00
J. W. Draper 3.00
Chas. Shields 3.00
J. F. Clark 3.00
Ernest Mass 3. 00
E. A. Leighton 3.00
G. F. Horton 3.00
G. W. Scramlln 9.00
J. K. Cribble 9.00
Franz Kraxberger 9.00
A. D. Cribble 9.00
A. A. Baldwin 9.00
D. C. Harms 9.00
J. B. Mitts 9.00
G. H. Webster 3.00
1 F. M. Foster 3,00
! I. W. Johnson 3.00
J. Roadarmel 4. 00
W. T. Johnston 3. 00
W. B. Moore 3.00
Carey Johnston C.OO
J. W. Bennett 3.00
Chas. F. Street 3.00
J. N. Young, Sr , 3.00
A. Mather . . 3.00
W. W. Foster '. . . 3.00
Percheron Stallion Ggusta
will make the season as
Tuesdays-Logan, Henry Babied s
Wednesdays-Estacada, Morrows Barn
Thursdays. Viola, W.Ward's
Fridays-Sprmgwater, C L.Bard's.
Terms $10. Single leap: $15. for sea
son; $20. to kstire with foal. Owned by
H. M. Mullen. Managed by C. L. Bard,
Frank Talbert 3.00
W. W. Davis 3,00
P. E. Linn 3.00
H. Epperson 3.00
A. N. Johnson 3.00
;.i.f'.Loveiace 3.00
G. R. Crawford 3,00
jJ. C Tracy u.oo
I C. Krigbaum 3.00
D. F. Warner 3.00
W. H. Holder 3.00
.1. K. Ely 3.00
H. . H. Anders 3. 00 1
I). N. Bridenstlne 10.50
Fruit Inspector.
A. J. Lewis , 18.00
Insane '
Dr. J. W. Norria lo.OO
Dr. L. L. Hewett 5.00
W. U. Tel Co 1.00
Dr. H. S. Mount 5.00
Dr. M. C. Strickland 5.00
Road Surveys.
J. C. Duus 2.50
H. M. Duus 2.50
E. A. Duus 2.50
E. A. MIddleton 12.00
W. A. White 60.70
C. Ilium COO
J. . Luiul 6.00
Inils Muxtum COO
Oscar llult 6.00
Henry Johnson 2.00
Carl Rath 2.00 i
lVtor Ruth 2.00
U. V. Zimmerman 2.00
J. F. Oglosby 2.00
J. H. KritUHO .. 2.00
Courier 82.00
Enterprise .... 401.97
Circuit Court.
C. E. Runyon 70.00
11. U Patterson 30.00
T. M. Miller 36.00
In the mutter of the C. C. Yeater
road; ordered that tho board of road
viewers meet at place of beglnulng of
said road on tho day of Juno,
In tho matter of the George Ogles
by road; report of viewers read first
time and laid over until Thursday
next, for second reading.
In the mutter of the Christian John
son road; report of viewers road first
time and laid over for second reading,
in ttie mutter or the liult road; re
port of viewers read first time and
laid over until tomorrow.
In tho matter of tho Giltlln W. Jones
road; ordered that this petition be
and is hereby dismissed.
In tho matter of tho J. E. Mitts road
ordered thnt tho claims for damages
bo denied and the road opened on tho
In tho mutter of tho claim of R. II.
Heiitle, for robuto of taxes for double
assessments; ordered that a warrant
for $39.52 bo drawn In favor of said
II. II. ttoatlo.
In the mutter of tho Hlbbard road;
ordered tliut viewers meet at placo of
beginning of said road on tho ,.
day of June, 1908.
In the mutter of tho subscription on
the Thayer road; ordered that J1GX50
bo expended on said road by Clacka
mas County.
In the matter of tho O. S. Boyles
road; urdured that viewers meet at
pluce of beginning of said road on tho
day of June, 190S.
In the mutter of tho Henderson
road; ordered laid over until the July
term of this court.
In the matter of petition for estab
lishment of the Pipe Lino rond as a
county road; ordered that tho samo be
and Is hereby declared to bo a public
rond by usage, and thnt Clackamas
County accepts the samo without ex
pense to tho county.
In tho matter of tho Oglesby road;
Read second time and ordered submit
ted to tho District Attorney.
In the matter of the Christian John
son road; read second time and order
ed submitted to the District Attorney.
In the matter of the Unit road; read
second time and ordered submitted to !
the District Attorney.
In the matter of petition of Hawiey
Pulp & Paper Company for permission
to run switches; ordered that same
bo granted.
In the matter of petition for Im
provement of west end of Forsythe 1
road and subscription of $150; ordered I
that when Bald subscription has been
worked out under tho supervisor, then
county will duplicate said sum.
In the matter of appointment of
supervisor of road district No. 41; It
appearing that C. A. Keith has moved
out of Clackamas County, A. J. KItz
mlller Is hereby appointed supervisor
of Raid district.
In the matter of advertising Clacka
mas County as authorized by legisla
ture: ordered that tho sum of 12H0
be appropriated and turned over to of- iQ
fleers of tho Clackamas County Fair A
2 r- ' V
vrinvyu wuu
Tho Kind You Hare Always Bought and which linn been
In uho for over 30 years, biui homo tho signature of
and has beou niado under 111 per
sonal supervision since lt Infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you In thin.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and' Jutit-af-rood"nro but
Kxperlment that trifle with ud endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorta is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is IMciwunt. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Nurrotta
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays FeverhthneHM. It cures Dlarrhu'U und Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coimtlpatlon
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and ltowels, giving healthy mid natural sleep.
The Children's 1'auuceu The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
W. H. NELSON, Blacksmith
Wagon and Carriage Maker Horse Shoeing A Specialty
Opposite Frank Busch i honk m Oregon City, Oregon
D. C. LA TO U RETT E PrcHldont.
V. J. MEYEIl. Cwihlac
CAPITAL, 150.000.00.
Transacts a General Banking Builneti.
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
I Pioneer Transfer Express&Stora geCo.
Furniture, Pianos and Machinery
moved by experienced men :: :
Sand and gravel in any quantity de
livered on short notice. Try us once
and you will be sure to come again.
Phone Main 22
Office In Postofflce Bldg.
Association to be used by them In ad
vertising the reiourcoB of Clackamas
In the matter of tho petition of Chan.
Moehnko for rebate of tuxes; ordered
that warrant be drawn In favor of said
petitioner for $1.5G.
In the matter of the petition of
Thomas Howell and others concerning
buildings erected in streets in Oalc
Grove; ordered that said petition be
turned over to the District Attorney
for investigation.
In the matter of Bpeclal road funds
n road districts numbered C, 10, l'J,
20, 22, and 33; ordered that all spe
cial funds for year 1907, be transferred
to the general fund.
In tho matter of petition of resl
ents of Jennlng's Ixjdge respecting
wood being piled in streets; ordered
that the supervisor causo said wood
to be removed without delay.
In the matter of the potltfon of D.
H. M osier for rebate of taxes; order-
id that the clerk draw warrant on
Treasurer for $(.I3 in payment of said
In the matter of town plat of Hyde
Park; ordered that said plat be ap
proved and ordered filed.
In the matter of turning over from
the general fund to the road fund Ten
Thousand Dollars; ordered that the
Treasurer of Clackamas County turn
over from the General Fund to the
Road Fund the sum of Ten Thousand
Dollars and that a call be made for
that sum of outstanding road war
In the matter of local option In
Clackamas County; It Is ordered that
Careful of Your Property
One of ihe secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furnitue Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co!
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street
The wonderful speed attained by UNDERWOOD
operators is not alone due to the freedom of action
and ease of manipulation of the machine,
The Visibility, Tabulation, and Durability help
mightily to accelerate the speed of the UNDER
WOOD operator.
Underwood Typewriter Company, Inc.
68 Sixth Street Portland, Oregon.
from and after twelve o'clock M., July
1st, 1908, there shall be no malt, spir
ituous and vinous liquors sold or given
away In, the precincts of Beaver
Creek, Hull Run, Boring, Ccnby, Ca
nemah, Damascus, Eagle Creek, Esta-
cada, Highland, Molalla, Marquam,
Maple Lane, Milk Creek, Oregon City
No. 3, Sprlngwater, and Viola, and
that after said date the law prohibit
ing the sale or giving away of such
liquors shall be In full force and effect.