Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 26, 1908, Image 5

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Milwaukee and Vicinity
It. r. Jnluwon Ih on Hit) Hick IIhL
Tho niiiii'iitorM will do at work 'on
roof of ih,) iiililltlim to Mm school
lllHIMO till WOtlll.
Tlio MothorH' Chili Ih iiiuklnif pirn
iiuiiih of red mill Ktdi'l gray to wunr nt
tho ('liaiiliiii(iut July 14,
Mown, lioillng unil Strcll) arn i-n-IiitkIiik
tlm private hilio on , Mn;lr
14. T. ICIiiht Ih In KnHtnrn Orison
looking ri.r Noinii ol( niliiKH,
Mi'MMiM, ToutM ami HhcIiuimit liavu
n awarded t ho euiitiuet for lliw con-
Mtriicllon or N. I', Oliion'H new homo,
Tim liiiinl will ulvii a concert In tho
Iminl hull Jiiiio 27,
'rim hIiIiikIo mill Ih shut down on ntv
fount of IiIkIi wiiIit.
MIH KHihor Johnson, of town, mill
Murel KcImo of thlH illy, worn iinltuU
In iuiiirlii?i nt thrt homn of tho groom
by JiiHtlco nt tho I'uucm Kolwi Just
KniiiriJiiy ovcnlim at 0 o'clock. Mr,
KcImu Ih tho iisHlxtitnt Huperiiitftidi'tit
In th rroimilory. Tho now couplo aro
milking lliolr home at 6K0 (ilcnwood
Avi-iimi, rortlnnil.
A hiiiiiIhi imrly wiih given fur thu
lioni'lll of Charles Mnplo nt IiIh homo
Friday night, IuhI, TIioho proMont
were: MIhmkh (Iraca Knickerbocker,
A t mil u Miller. Vmlu HrlHtow, ISIIen
ItoliettH, hzi. Knickerbocker, Kh-K'-nlo
JohtiHtm. Myrtle jjnkor nnd Mux
I U'ymuii; Mi-nnrn. Alfred Jnhn, Cluy
ton Ciilemiiii. Will Large, KriieMt Oli
ver, flay Mctntyre. Fnink Spring. I'M
Kr Alhmi, l'uul Wyiniin. Ilurold Jahn.
Vulard HrlHtow and" Hiitph Mclntyrn.
Mrs. (jeo. Mupln left Friday for an
lnileilnllii vliilt with Jut Hon In Bout
tie. Mm. I'. H. Whinner and children
ure vIhIIIiik Mm. WlNnlnger'a slater,
Mr. ciuiH. Hell, at Hood Itlvur.
H-luilvH ef Mr. V. K Nil.-., of Mil
waukee I l..l)itM. Kiilhi-rml nl 'The l-'lia."
hla i..ahlii.. on Wa-ilitf iiliiy nf Inat week.
In .-Iclmife Mm flfly-alxtli birthday. Tlm
ulTnlr na an i-liilmiiilv mie. nnd although
u r.iiiiph li' ampi n- in Mr. NiiK. lie .hii
nt .-.-! Inlo ih.. fil.n.liy npii f (I,,,,,,
liliarlit, mill flijnynl Ih,' lirrimlun huge-
l A seven o'clock dinner wim nerved,
nl which thirty-two nn.-i.la partook of
he K II V tlitriw Willi whirl! On- table
win liol.ii.
Mia W, K. Nllea, after mi eight wecka'
vlait wllli rilutlvi-a III Die Kiial. i.Iiiiii'mI
l hi-r limiin much lininovril in health,
nnd aiillallml to get nck In her lnmi.
1 :
"Wlillii It la pliiiimiiit to vlall friends in
I Milwaukee, urn making great prepara
tions fur III" idciiln In lal.o place lit Ilin
('IiiiiiIiokiiiu KixiiiKia on j my riiiiiiiMinwi.
Mia. M. 1., ll'il)"i la, of Mliithmii, cn
li'i lulni'il I hi' Huii'liiy school li'in li"ia mid
liin Knat," alu- anlil, In your cm inaoiiil
I'lil, "Hi" pli'iiMiirn la I'liliniiciiil by ri'toro
III 'Old Uli'Kull,' Wlll'll to 1 1 IV llllllll, In
Kiinil i'MuiikIi for liny una to llvn In,"
I'liiitiiln Jiiiih'N I', Hliuw, of Mllwanki'ii
lli'lKlila, lift 'liiia'lnv fur Ni'Wiinil In ut
linil tlic (iriiiel Army liiiiiiiiii'iii'iit.
Tim MollUTa' nnd Ti nrlierM' ('lull, of
it d'W fil'ii'l" on IunI Ui.'lniailiiy Willi
J. W. (Ji'iialn'it I'li'Kiiol new ri'aldi-ni'n
la lii'iuliiK riliili'Moil. Til" lillll'llliK In a
hnniliiHini' oik', of Dm aliliiKlrd buiiKiilow
ai I" of ui' lilK'i l mi', nml wlu'n coiiilet
I'd, Will i-iinl lllliiV" iri.OlM).
Mr, lliillnalti'y. n luofiilnent niTclinnt
of I'oilliiml, will i-ri'i't u Ciiliruliiltt lliin
Kiilow nil il lii'iiiitlful liomi' alii' of two
ui'i i-a nf m inimi on Mllwituki'v 1 1 ! ti t ,
ni'iir "TIii'IhIiiiii," Ciii'tiiln Hlniw'a n-al-ililiri",
Mr, lliiriii'iii. who Willi hi fiunlly, rn
ci'iitly arrlvd fl'iin Coo a liny, lina luken
nit iifa nlil' ore In thu Knvla' liuioin near
AlllwiiukHii Jli'lKhta aliillon.
Will Ivlwurila. nf Mllwiiuki'O Ililidila,
who lina lii'i'ii for aiilim limn uliai'iil on it
hualiii'aa Irlo lliroiiulloiit tlm Hlnti', r"-
liinii'l Inuim Hutiinliiy ef lual wuik. Jin
riinrta iioaii'illy wherever lw wi'iil, ea
liei'lnlly In Ihn meat wliMiat arowlilK helt
of I'luali'in OivKoii.
The atniwlK-rry 'tup In nnd nrntind M 1 1 -wiiuk"f,
la i'ii'iliiiiallv kooiI tlila niu
aoll, nnd hrlliKa Knuil prleea. the mnwi;rn,
hiiWi'Vi-r, ii r,' pxii-rli'iii'ltiK illlDriilly In
KKltlliK aullli:len( plikina lo hurveat tlm
Two fancy driving rnareH 6 you.
old, ntandard bred, for milu roaHonablo.
69-71 Third St. Pottland, Oregon.
Bet. Oak and Pine
C. K. Krny, Mllwaukeo.
Mllwuklo Boyi In Trouble.
Earl Atwood haH been bound over
to tho Circuit Court on a churno of
burKlory, IhivIiik admlited broukliikT
Into tho more of 0cnr WlHHliiKer of
Mllwanklu and Hleiillnu morcliainllHC.
t'lidi-r n wenatliiir proconn by n
Houthcm I'aclllo detectlvci, Atwood al
ho coIlfeHiied to HleiilhiK toolH from
tho compiiny and hreiikltiK Into tho
Hoctloii Iioiiho, and alHo takliif,' rldoH
on tho company' hand cur, In tho
Juvenile Court CharleH HwIiihoii, Car
roll Howard, Vallard HrlHtow and
(ii-orKe Atwood were examined, on u
ctmrne of helm; lnrrrlK I hl but tho
Innt two were dlnchorKod for lack of
Hiifllclent evidence, while HwIiihoii and
llowuri! were coinniltted to tho ro
form hcIiooI, but were paroled durlni?
Kood behavior by Jtid?o Dlinlck. Karl
Atwood wiih releuHcd on $ 1 DO bull.
We offer for a limited time only yotit choice of oaf en
tire line of $10. to $J2.50 Suits at
special price of
Sond, Gravel, Lime, Cement, Drain Tiling,
Vilrlflcd Sewer Pipe, Terra Cotfa, Chimney
Pipe, Land Pl ster, Clc.
Call on J. E. Wettler, or A. H. Dowllng at Real
Estate Office, Milwaukee. Phone Selwood J0J4.
These Suits are made in the very best possible manner. You need have no
hesitancy of being perfectly pleased, fof back of out transaction stands our
broadest of all out guarantees "The store that rights the wrong' which
means your money back if you want it.
It the name of a druglcji Science f BELIEVING the HUMAN BODY of All SUFFER
RHICUMATISM. NtHirl;la. CoiiHtlputlon, Stomach, Kidney,
Hladder. Heart Ttoiiblen, Keiualo ComplulntB, Kplnul Cur
vature, Spinal CrainpH, I'ulu In Heart, Nock and Hack
aro quickly relieved und cured throtiKh this wonderful Sci
ence. Wo court the atrlcteit Investigation.. If you are Hick In
voHll,,nto and don't nhow yiuirnelf to bo an old foKK Develop
your braliiH. Lourn of the modern methods that Hclonce and
nuttir ban Invented for youra bh well aa for others' good and
W ar atrlctly Non-Drug Speclallitt. WE ARE NOW
and will continue to hIiow the HufforliiK people, both acute
ami chronic, that wo ure worthy of their attention, for we ad
vertlno that which wo do. and do that which we advortlHo.
Wo will furnlnh to any ono Interested hi Rood health the
names of ' patients that we now have In the city, nnd all tho
outHldo roforencoH they want.
j Phon. Main 2J12. , 40s 7tr) street, i
The i hlMii'O will ri-lKii next Halurduy , . '''h", f,',','r!'1 "f . 'n,, William Wlle
Ht New Km for till, will he Children . J""'1 t'a'k p bob liiat Butunlay afternoon
Iny of Winner (Iriiiine, l'nlniiia of Hum- " ; -
hm'dry. The proKrumnie will he Klven 1 J'1''"? f " 1,1 ; r OtiuiRo. PuiroiiH ..f llim
e.illiHy by the .hll.lr.-n, whn will he '"in.lry . of which drnviia.-d hud lnK been
ir.-au.,! 10 ream and ruke hy tho " niemher. 'I he floral orr..-lt,K 1 from the
memhera of Winner O11...K... rai.Ke i.n.l from In. Ivlduiil frlenila of
Chicago Clothing Co., Sol Garde, Prop.
Estacada and Eastern Clackamas
K. M. Mlll.-r him nurchaa.-d lota 7 and
H of Meek lii, of Kata.-uilu, from J. C.
Aclana. The ronai.lerntlon wan )3V0.
The Kalai'Hilu auawliii rlia are JuhI
e.iiuliiK Into market. There ure none bet
ter In the county.
J. ('. Aila ma. of rurtland, win In town
'1'hii achool board hua called a Bleclal
elerllon for July for the purpoae of de
termlnlnK the will of the people on the
proamnion of uil.lliiK the Dili. 10th, lllh
unit 1 -1 Ii Riadea to the achool.
Mr. Alf Drill la tllllnK up a gasoline
launch above the dum.
lira. Kd. Cornt'll and daughter Fran
cis, of Alexandra Court, l'ortland, are
vlaltltiK Mm. Adlx.
The St. Davld'i Kplarnpal Sunday
achor of l'ortland. held their annual pic
nic Thura.lny In the Katacada 1'ark.
A luik'" parly of youiiK people aurprls
ed Mlaa Kittle It'UKan at her home last
Wedneaday evenliuc. It was Miss Rea
gan's birthday. Flinch und other games
were enjoyed.
Next Htiturdiiy evening tho lire company
will give a .lance for the benefit of the
4th of July fund. At 10 o'clock the God
deaa content will be cloned und the Incky
contestant named.
Ml hsc a Joale and Anna Caduhan have
left for their home In Orchard, Washing
ton. Ur. Adlx has lumber on the ground for
hla new building.
Alias 7a Irwin, ft Bister of Mrs. Sur
face, and Miss Cora Yocum are back from
Mrs. Adelaide Miller him Just returned
from a business trip to White Salmon.
the family were beautiful.
All Kinds of legal papers dnwi op. Bcvm
ble rates.
Un the night of June 30 the saloons In
Eatucttdii will be closed tight according
to the will of the pcope as shown by the
lust election. Mayor Heylman, Sieaklng
of this said: "The will of the people must
rule after July 1st, and any one caught
selling lliiu.tr will suffer the full penalty
of the law. The saloons will be given
the amount of money due them from the
excess licenses."
The services at the M. E. church for
next Sunday are: Sunduy School at 10
A. M.: preaching at 11 A. M. The sub
ject will he patriotic. Junior Epworth
Icugue, 2 '. M.; Epworth League, 7:11.
The pastor will preach at Currlnsvllle In
the evening and at Mt. Zlon In the af
ternoon. The Rebekahs met Wednesday night,
June 24 and Initiated Miss Alice Wilcox
and Messrs John Ely and Charles Kitch
en. L. E. JJelflls, Will Cory and H. N.
North were on the entertainment com
mittee and did things up In a royal man
ner. We go to press too early to be able to
print the programme for Estacada's cele
biatlon on the 4th. Our next Issue
comes out In time, however, to give a
full detailed account. This much we
know, everyone Is going to have a good
time In Estacuda on thut day.
Those who were complaining a few
days ago about the hot weather, surely
are well aatlsiled with the lust few days,
of cold rains.
If the cold rains of the last few days
continue much longer, there will be con
siderable diunuge done to cherries and
small fruits.
Dr. Walters, who has been ' tip from
Pcrtland the Inst few days, superintend
ing the Installing of a rum on his farm,
has returned to Portland. It will be well
for others to tnke notice of the Improve
ments on the Walters ranch us they pro
gress. C. H. Lane, the Watkins medicine man,
canvassed this neighborhood last week.
Watkins' remedies seem to be quite pop
ular through this part of the woods.
There is twice the pleasure
in the Journey if you take a
Kodak with yoxs.
Brownie Camaras, $ I to $9
Kodaks, . $5 to $100
Let us Show You
the Kodak Way.
utmetsiet & And esen
A goodly number attended church here
Sunday. Rev. Exon refreshed the mem
bers minds In regards to church laws and
discipline. The M. E. church requires the
pastors of each church to perform this
service at leaast once a year. In this
way members and any others who wish,
may know how the church is governed.
A. J. Kitzmlller, the new road super
visor, who has not had an opportunity to
do much on the roads since his appoint
ment on account of rain. The new
grades on the Jones Creek Hill and the
Wolf hill are a big improvement over the
old grades.
Mrs. Mort. New Is much better.
Oeorge Kitzmlller has rented the Exon
farm. Henceforth It Is to be "Farmer
George." From all appearances George
Intends jumping into double harness.
Well. well, the ways of the world are
A. J. Kitzmlller has been awarded the
contract for clearing ami fencing the
Dover school property.
lantt, IM ami Ym Hi IUm tefl
Perhaps some of the people will be con
tented for a little while as it has quit
ruining and the sun is shining once more.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howlett called on Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Gibson on Wednesday lost.
Mrs. Roll Douglass, of Boyd, Is visit
ing with her husband's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Douglass.
Mr. and Mrs. George Howlett. who re
side In Wasco County, are visiting with
the former's uncle. W. J. Howlett
Eagle Creek Grange No. 297. held Its
regular meeting Saturday, and although
there was not a very large attendance,
those present enjoyed themselves. Two
applications for membership were taken
Joseph Brnckett. of Sherman County,
was a grange visitor Saturday.
E. L. Palfrey and J. W. Douglass made
a business trip to Portland last Friday.
They ach purchased a line new hack
for himself.
Fred Hbffmelster made a brief business
trip to Portland the latter part of last
Seeley's Best Flour.
People In Logan Section Want New School
School Superintendent Gary has return
ed from a few days' sojourn at Newport,
where he has been resting aftr the fa
tigue of the recent campaign.
Mr. Gary will go Into the Logan coun
try and make fin inspection of the condi
tions that have sprung Into prominence
through the petition for a new school dis
trict. There are people living in the
district of Lower Logan, Evergreen, Red
land., and Linn's Mill who state that
their children have to walk too far to
their respective school houses, 4ut there
are many more who remonstrated against
the proposed division, and the remon
strators are double the number of the
Miss Carrie Diehl. who taught last year
at Phelps, has been elected to teach the
MundorfT school at Canby.
Harmony will erect a new $5000 achool
building, as their present two room struc
ture is too old and antiquated for use.
Mount Pleasant will add another teach
er to its corps this year.
Stone school will have an addition to
its building.
Mrs. Mamie Crlteser has been elected
to teach the Twilight school.
For Fourth July "Fixings" there Is no
better or cheaper place than Thomson's
Bargain Store.
Sixteen Precinct are Dry.
The county court has decreed Pro
hibition in the precincts of Beaver
Creek, Bull Run, Boring, Canby, Ca
nemah, Damascus, Eagle Creek, Es
tacada, Highland, Molalla, Marquam,
Maple Lane, Milk Creek, Oregon City
No. 3, Sprlngwater and Viola, under
the vote taken at the general election
June 1, last, when all of these pre
cincts voted dry. After July 1 at 12
o'clock, there will be no liquor sold -in
any of these places. The vote
shuts out six saloons from the pre
cincts of Estacada and Boring.
Seeley's Best Flour.
Temperature 68 degrees last week.
Quit rainy on Monday. Indications for
clearing up.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. James Marrs, a
fine, healthy boy, June 10.
Mrs. Amanda Stormer Anderson, from
Marlon County, is here on a visit with
relatives and friends. Mrs. Andjerson
was born nnd raised here. She has two
children with her. n boy of ten years und
a sweet little girl of 7 months old.
Our grange is getting along nicely;
three Initiated last meeting.
Mrs. J. W. Lewellen arrived home iasr
Saturday. She has been on a visit East
of the Mountains, selng her son Geoige
nnd her daughter Ora Zell, the lulicr,
came home with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Zell have a fine farm
near Frlnesvllle.
Willie ciosner and Ray Wilcox are laid
up with the la grippe.
Earl Shlbley and Willis Cox have W.
R. Gorbett's new house about completed,
not loo soon, as Mr. Gorbett has the bird
to go Into the cage.
Miss Millie Cox was married to a Mr.
Wilson Sunday. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Rlnehnrt. of Viola. It
transpired nt Mr. Hughes' in Redland.
Mrs. jc.cksnn Is quite sick. Dr. Addlx.
of Kstacuihl was called to attend her.
Stomach trouble Is the complaint. '
Wtieat is getting quite scarce as in
the last few 'days two or three men
wera hunting wheat for chicken feed.
I DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder' Pills
aro prompt and thorough and will in
a very short time strengthen the
weakened kidneys. Sold by Howell
& Jones.
Ely's Cream Balm
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It clean, soothes, heals and protects the '
diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh
and drives away a Cold In the Head quickly.
Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell. .
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs )'
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, 60 cents at Dmggista or by
mail. Liqnid Cream Balm for tw ia
aiomixera, 76 cents.
B.Y BROTHERS, 8 Warren St.. New York.