Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 19, 1908, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise I
Published Evry Friday
E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
Cot as second-class matter.
Subscription Rata
On Tear $1-50
tOx Months... 75
Trial Subscription, Two Months. .25
Subscribers will find the data of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol-
knrlng their name. If last paymeat is
mot credited, kindly notify us, aad
tb matter will reoelve our attention.
Much comment, mainly unfavorable,
is heard over the action of the Crown-
Columbia Pulp & Paper Company In
Becking to obstruct the work of con
struction by the Hawley Pulp & Paper
Company In this city. The tenporary
injunction will hardly be made perma
nent, and were there no legal prob
lems Involved its dissolution would be
speedy, for there is nothing In years
that promises so much for the benefit
of Oregon City as the coming of the
Hawley mill. The concern will not
only provide employment for several
hundred men, and will bring at least
60 families into Oregon City, but it
will pay a city tax that will be no tri
fle, and should be carefully considered
in view of the distressing financial con
dition of the city.
Mr. Hawley is essentially a man of
foresight and business sagacity and it
is not to be assumed that he has gone
blindly to work without knowing his
legal rights and preparing to Bee that
they are protected to the letter. He
is spending hundreds of thousands of I
dollars in Oregon City and will spend I
millions among the laboring people In
years to come, and this money will I
find Its way into the channels of bus
Education Is the key note of public
progress. The Ignorant people of some
of the Oriental and Latin countries
liave been standing still for hundreds
and thousands of years. Neglect of
iuuy nun uunea meir minus. Here
and there a country has awakened.
llko Japan, and whenever the awaken
ing has occurred, it has been prefaced
by the education of its people.
Clackamas County can well take
some lessons along this line. Not that . For Sale, good disc plow or will ex
the people are Ignorant, for they are change for sound work horse. S. T
not. 'l ney are prooably above the av-
erage ciass or Americans, nut in
many places, notably Oregon City,
uicy nave neon willing to stop at a
common school education for their
children. It was a trite saying of Dr.
W. IS. Curl! at the graduation exercis
es in this city Tuesday night that
some of us pay less attention to the
boy next door than we do to the neigh
bor's cow.
It is with Joy and delight, then, that
we rejoice at the action of the people
of this city In Instructing their board
of directors to install a complete high
school course in the public schools.
Oregon City has long been behind her
little neighbors In this respect, and her
educational unprogresslvencs has been
a source of constant annoyance to men
and women who have been striving
earnestly to establish a high school
here. The members of the Barclay
Alumni Association, Mr. C. Schuebel,
Miss Laura IJoatie, Mr. Clarence Eat
on and other lendors are to be con
gratulated upon their success in at
last bringing about a condition that
will pormit the children of this city
to obtain a high school educaton at
Swinging Into line, we have Will
amutto and the new district of Glad
stone Including the ninth and tenth
grades in their course of study. Wo
look with some amazement upon the
people of Parkplnce, who levied a tax
of 20 mills and subscribed money to
support a high school. This Is the
proper spirit and is worthy of commendation.
Th movement for the organization
of a Commercial Club seems to be lag
ging. The start was bravo, but how
about the finish. Some contention ex
ists relative to the advisability of op
erating a buffet In connection with the
club, and there Is determined opposl-
Drying prvpnrut ions simply doveU
op dry caturrh j thuy dry up tho secretions,
which adhere to tho membriiue and decom
pose, miming n fur more serious trouble
Uihu tho ordiunry form of cnlurrh. Avoid
all drying inhidiiiits, fumvi, smokes and
snuffs iiml uxo tliut which vloansps, soothes
ud heals. Ely's Crouui Itnliu will muster
catarrh or cold in the head enmly aud
pleasantly. All druggists sell the f0 cent
aize. Kl'y Brothers, 515 Warren Street,
New York.
Tho Halm is used without pnin, docs not
irritate or cauia sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev.
ing immediately the painful iullmumntion.
Kly's Crouui Italm contains no cocaine,
mercury nor other harmful drus.
June 29 to Aug. 7
A through review will be
given of all subjects re
tired for 1st, 2d & 3rd
grade certificates,
I tlon to this feature. Without attempt
ing to say what should be done and
what should not be done, The Enter
nrlao .an Baa nn i-nn a nn Vi a rrm.
pere-us existence without serving in.
toxlcating liquors to its members. This
Is not the purpose of a Commercial
Club, and there Is no reason why Ore
gon City should follow the lead of
Portland In this matter. It would be
far better to follow the example of
Albany and other valley towns that
have succeeded admirably in their
'boosting" work without the acccom-
paniment of booze.
Oregon City is to celebrate .the
Fourth. County Judge Dimick and
some of the business men have started
the ball to rolling and a celebration
is practically assured. Last year's
Fourth was a hummer and as the town
cannot afford to go backward it is pre
sumed that this year the celebration
will eclipse its predecessors.
There is no sparkle like the sparkle
of our Soda Water. It sparkles as It
bubbles out of the fountain, it spark
les in the glass, it sparkles all the
way down your throat, and seems to
put new life into you. Jones' Drug
Mrs. B. T. McBaln entertained the
Aloha Club at her home Thursday af
ternoon. The prizes at bridge were
won by Miss Marian Lewthwaite and
Miss Cis Barclay Pratt. Dainty re
freshments were served by the host
Bucklan's Arnica Salve Wins.
Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Coch
ran, Ga., writes: "I had a bad sore
come on the instep of my foot and
could find nothing that would heal
it until I applied Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. Less than half of a 25c box
won the day for me by affecting a per-
feet cure." Sold under guarantee at
Howell & Jones drug store.
Letter List.
List of letters unclaimed at the
postofflce at Oregon City, Or., tot
week ending June 12.
Women's List Buehr. Loola J.:
Frayer, Mrs. John; Hansen, Miss E.;
Smith. Mrs. Jemima
Men's List Eastbrook, Clyde;
Hawkins, Thos. B.; O'Neill, Samuel;
Parth, Davy; Terry, Frank: Works,
sam; young, J. w.
Britten. Meldrum Place
There Is as much difference in the
soda water drawn by different clerks
as In the bread made by different wo
men. The clerk at Jones' Fountain
is an expert
Coffee House
and Lunch Counter
Open Day and Night
Seventh St., near S. P.Depot
Some people have an Idea
that in order to have a bank
account they muBt have a
large sum to deposit, that
the bank does not care to
be bothered by small ac
counts. This, however, is not true
of the Bank of Oregon City,
whlsh welcomes new ac
counts, whether of $1.00, or
$1000, and the same courtesy
and service Is accorded the
small depositor as those In
more fortunate circumstan
ces. It Is our object and wish
to serve the public in finan
cial matters in a manner
that shall be satisfactory to
all old or young, rich or
We want .your banking
business and will he pleased
to open an accountemfwyp
to have you open an account
with 118,
The Bank
Oregon City
504 Main St. Opposite P. 0. ;
High Clasa Amusement for Men,
... Women and Children.
Open Every Evening.
Matinees, Wednesday, Saturday
and Sunday Afternoons,
Two new reels and a new Il
lustrated song for Thursday
night and following.
10c and 5c.
Charles Roblson, a student at the
University of Oregon, is home for the
Summer vacation.
Every trimmed hat reduced. Miss
C. Goldsmith.
Mrs. Chris Hartman has gone to
Alaska to visit friends and will be I
absent all summer.
Baby caps at a big reduction at Misa
C. Goldsmith's Oregon City.
Miss Claire Padrick, who has a
position at Dallas, spent Sunday with
her parents in this city.
General Clearance Sale of all Pat
tern Hats. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Norwood Charman Is home from Eu
gene, where he has been attending the
University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Portland,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Warner.
Mrs. M. T. Devereaux and children
of Eugene, are the guests of Mrs. C.
A. Nash.
Prof. Thos. D. Miner, who taught
at Sunuyside last year, and who will
be principal at Estacada next year.
was in town Thursday.
Lee J. Caufleld is down from North
Bend, Wash., for a visit at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David
Seeley's Best Flour.
Jack Latourette, who has been tak
ing a course in law at Columbia Uni
versity, New York City, has returned
for the Summer.
Mrs. T. F. Bo wen and son Robert
have left for a visit to old friends at
Boise, Idaho. They expect to remain
there two to four weeks.
DeWItt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are prompt and thorough and will in
a very short time strengthen -the
weakened kidneys. Sold by Howell
& Jones,
Miss Iva Harrington and Miss Pearl
Harrington leave next week for Nome,
Alaska, wnere tney will spend the
Summer with their sister and broth
er, Mrs. John S. Copley and George
W. Harrington.
Just a little Cascasweet is all that
is necessary to give your baby when it
is cross and peevish. Cascasweet
contains no opiates nor harmful drugs
and is highly recommended by moth
ers everywhere. Sold by Howell &
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Lang and child
ren left Saturday for San Francisco
to attend the marriage of Mrs. Lang's
sister, Miss Amy McKee.
Mrs. E. E. Wilson, Miss Harding,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson and
Miss Aqullla Shonkwiler were up
fiom Portland Sunday visiting with
Examinations are being held in Mc-
Loughlin Institute, this week. On
Monday the sisters In charge and the
pupils will have a picnic at Canemah
The Interest of Walter Hornback
In the Wigwam Coffee House on Sev
enth street near the Southern Paclflo
Depot, has been purchased by Ray
Bttntke IHUM IM Hirt kinft Km
0 III! MM IW nan NTTf
Louis E. Bean, a well known attor
ney of "Eugene, an unpledged member
of the legislature, and a candidate lot
speaker of the house, was in the city
Roy Sleight, Ralph Mllln and David
McMilllan are among the graduates
from the 1908 class of the Oregon Ag
ricultural College. Mrs. Belle Sleight
went to Corvallis to attend the Com
mencement exercises.
The Best Pills Ever Sold.
"After doctoring 15 years for chron
ic indigestion, and spending over two
hundred dollars, nothing has done me
as much good as Dr. King's New Life
Pills. I consider them the best pills
ever sold," writes B. F. Ayscue, of
Inglesidc, N. C. Sold under guarantee
at Howell & Jones drug store. 25c
Ttie Star
is erecting a plant at
for the manufacture of their
world famous
for water, oil, gas, etc., etc
A moderate amount of
money will start yon in
a. proStable business.
have been proved by
Competitive Tests to be
The lWst In I he World.
, For full particulars regard
ing well drilling mat times,
tools, supplies, etc., write to
CO. 1
Do Yoq Want to Save Some Money on
That Painting Job? Then Do It Nowl
We try to have a complete Paint Store, and sometimes in our efforts todn
that we get overstocked. That's the case now. "We must reduce the stock jmd
here's your chance to save money; if you intend to paint anything this summer,
buy the paint now.
$1.00 Red Roof Paint 75c $1.50 Paint for $1.30 Varnish Stains at Cut Prices.
The man who has roofs, barns and This is our Bay State brand a Nukote Is the name of the varnish
out-buildlngs to paint would better good Paint equal to any on the stain made oy P-att & Lambert,
grab this bargain, for he's not like- market, except Sherwin-Williams, the great varni3li makers. It is
ly to get its equal again this jear. and sold by most dealers at $1.J0 the equal in svery respect of Jap.
You simply can't afford not to a gallon, and by U3 regularly at a-Lac, Chi-Nauiel, or any other sim-
paint when you can buy at 75c
Meal's Carriage Paints
at Cut Prices.
A quick drying, durable carriage
paint, with a glossy finish that
makes varnishing unnecessary.
$1.00 size cut to 75c
40c size cut to 30c
75c size cut to 55o
Imperial White Paint Special
at $1.40 Gallon
An extra fine white Mixed Paint
that will improve the looks of your
buildings 100 per cenu Onlj' a lim
ited quantity of this.
We sell the best White Lead and guaranteed pure Linseed Oil at Portland Prices. We have a $400.00
stock of brushes to select from at prices from 5c up. Glass, Putty, Machine Oils, in fact everything you
ought to find in a first-class Paint Store.
Miss Mary Sandstrom has returned
from Cheney, Wash., where she has
been attending the State Normal. Miss
Sandstrom won high honors in decla
mation at the state contest in Ellens
burg. She has two more years at
The marriage of Miss Vesta Vel
enia Broughton, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Broughton, formerly of
this city, to Mr. Walter Albert Dur
ham, will be solemnized at the home
of the bride's parents in Portland,
Wednesday evening, June 24. ,
DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is
especially good for piles. Be Bure to
get DeWItt's. Sold by Howell &
Cupid was a busy boy Saturday and
licenses to marry were granted to El
sie R. Fischer and W. S. Gorbett, Stel
la Lavlna Larklns and Elmer Alvis.
Graves, Clara E. Silvester and Ver
non L. W. Major.
Our drinks are built by an artist, a i
specialist in his line, our soda wis
unique you'll ' say so. We make '
everything you like. Jones Drug Store, j
Oregon City, Oregon.
Licenses, to marry have been issued
to Nelta N. Gerber and Thomas E. j
Anderson, Zoa Fish and Albert W. El
liott, Ruby Thompson end William
Koellermeler, Delia Fanton and T.
rne annual meeting or me uregoni
City Rose and Carnation Society wi,l
be held Saturday afternoon at 2
O'clock In the county court room. Of
ficers will be chosen for the ensuing
Mrs. Stephen Coffin and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Captain Powell, and Miss
Theresa Newell, of Portland, v. ere I
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Johu C Bradley Tuesday. Mrs. Cof
fin is 89 years of age, but is as spry
and vigorous as a woman of half her
PJoneer Chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, will probably discontinue its
meetings during July and August and
will close the June meetings with a
card party.
Dr. C. H. Meissner left Sunday, ac
companied by his mother and sister,
for a six weeks' visit in Chicago. While
there the doctor will take up some
post graduate work.
Miss Lola Dorset, who has been vis
iting Miss Nellie Swafford, returned
to her home in Baker City yesterday.
George Hyatt, formerly an Oregon
City man, and now employed In a de
partment store at Goldendale, Wash.,
was in town Monday. Mr. Hyatt niar.j
ried a daughter of Mrs. Lawrence)
Mautz and a sister of Mrs. John K. j
Thinks It Saved His Life. 1
Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine, '
says in a recent letter: "I have U3ed I
Dr. King's New Discovery many years
for coughs and colds, and I thinks it1
saved my life. I have found It a reli- j
able remedy for throat and lung com-'
plaints, and would no more be without
a bottle than I would be without food." ,
For nearly forty years New Discoverr '.
has stood at tne head of throat and!
lung remedies. As a preventive of !
paeumonia, and healer of weak lungs
it has no equal. Sold under guaran-l
tee at Howell & Jones drug store. 50c '
and $1.00 Trial bottle free. j
Phone CS Both Phones
Seventh & Monroe Sts. Oregon City.
We deliver in Gladston, ParkDlace!
and the West Side on Tuesdav
Thursdays and aSturdays. also In all
v-"7 waneman ever
Satiafaction on all Order.
$1.50. For this sale buy all you
want at $1.30 a fjal,
Cementico Wall Finish
50c Package for 28c
Cementico is a wall finish like Ala-
bastine, Dekorato, etc. It covers
about twice as much as the same
amount of Kalsomine. Can be used
with hot or cold water and applied
by anybody. Only a limited quan
tity left.
Bay State Family Paint
at Cut Prices.
Put up in small packages for
household use, Pints, 23c; J2 pints
B?os Co
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka-
H. H. Deetz, Plaintiff,
George Summers, Defendant.
To George Summers, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified to appear and
answer the complaint In the above en
titled suit on or before Friday, the 31st
day of July, A. D. 1908, that being the
lest day prescribed in the order of
publication of said summons, and if
you fall to appear and answer said
complaint for want thereof, the plain'
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint,
to-wit: 'mat the plaintiff is the own
er in fee simple of the following des-
- ... i .i t ft
1 1 la Fmveiy- me Desr HOUT
on the market. Its here to
stay and is backed by
hundreds of high class re
commendations in Oregon
City. We are more than
pleased at the way it has
been received by users of
it, and if you have not
tried it, call and get a
of charge. Don't buy un
til satisfied by a test with
others. Every sack is pos
itively guaranteed or mon
ey refunded. It is positive
ly the finest flour on the
market to day and is not
controlled by any mill re
stricting selling price.
$1.35 per sack and you
will be satisfied too.
th and Main 3U, Oregon City
Ranoh or 8ma1 sto
Krf t ri T-i-
' Confectionery
lvoice7ln7j D0Telty store" In-
! nJ?. w'ln ?re5on City Address
I""""' 201. Oregon Cltv.
liar paint. WMIo this special sale
is on buy it at
75c Nukote, quarts . .
40c Nukote, pints ...
25c Nukote, 2 pints.
Use It on Floors, Wainscoting, Fur
niture, Metal Work, Pictures' Lin
oleums, etc. We have it in ten
colors; ask for sample card.
Wall Colors in Bulk.
Perhap3 the regular 5 pound pack
age of Alabastine or wall color is
too large for you. We carry all
the expensive colors In bulk so that
you can buy Just what you need
no waste. We also have White
in bulk at 4c pound
crlbed lands and premises, tc-wlt:
UC61UU1U6 a i. lue soum west cor
ner of Section Twenty-nine (29) in
Tp. 4 S. of R. 1 E. of Willamette' Mer
idian, thence North 1G5 1-3 rods,
thence East 120 rods, thence South
165 1-3 rods, thence West 120 rods to
the place of beginning, containing One
Kundrdd and twenty-four (124) acres,
more or less excepting therefrom
Thirty (30) acres cut off of said tract
by a line parallel to the South bound
ary thereof, said thirty acres being
off the Southerly portion of said la
Also the following: Beginning at
the South West corner of Section 29,
in Township Four, of Range One East
of the Willamette Meridian, running
thence East 45 17-31 rods; thence
North 38 3-4 rods ; thence East U
14-41 rods; thence North 1 1-4 rods;
thence West 120 rods; thence South
4U rods to the place of beginning,
And that said defendant has no
right, title or interest therein or In
rny part thereof, and for such other
and further relief as to said Court MI
seem meet and equitable.
This order is published by order d
the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde,
Judge of the above entitled Court.
The first publication thereof being
Friday, June 19th. A. D. 1908. and the
test publication thereof Friday, July
31st, A. D. 1908.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
A Grand Family Medicine.
It gives me pleasure to sneak l
good word for Electric Bitters,
writes Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 4H
Houston St.. New York. "It's a grand
family medicine for dyspepsia and lif
er complications ; while for lame back
and weak kidneys it cannot be toe
highly recommended." Electric Bit
ters regulate the digestive functions,
purify the blood, and Impart renewed
vigor and vitality to the weak and de
bilitated of both sexes. Sold under
guarantee at Howell & Jones drug
store. 50c.
Chautauaua Tickets at Club Rates.
Patrons of the Chautauaua wishing
to buy season tickets can save fifty
cents by entering in a club of ten
Any one i3 authorized to form a club
When ten names re obtained, the
money, Twenty Dollars, with the li!t
of names can be taken to the Oregon
City Bank and the tickets will
given. Tickets will not be sold on
this nlnn oftar li nf TlllV. ClUbS
are forming at Huntley Bros., Hoe"
Jones' and Harding's Drug wore.
Bmti th lb Kin1 Yh H 2g W
Blnitii. Or '
A business directory of each ciu,
town, or village in Oregon and Was
mgton, giving a descriptive sketch
each place, together with the location
and shipping facilities and a classj
fled directory of each business a
profession. H. R. Polk & Co., InC
Seattle. A Reliable PATARRH
j .
; Ely's Cream Ba!ra
it quickly absorbed.
6im Relief at Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
hia and Drotecta
i vouuTii ana finvra
way a Cold in tha L AVV
r1"" quickly. 1 1 N V LTEVtH
twth Benzol HAY tLlV
I Taata and Sm-Il. Pn ;,. sn rta.. at IW
. k. V. 7: . .." 75
Uy Brothers, 56 Warren Street, Ke I"