t OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1908. Summon. In tlin Circuit Court of the Btato of Orejtoii, for Clackamas County. li. jo. MmniH, rmintirr, vs. ICtnina F, Mends, Defendant. To ICmmii F. Moods, defendant almve named Iu tho'name of tlio Btato of Oregon, m are hereby required to appear and VOII answer tlin romtilnlnt flliiil nuiilimt vim In thn nhovii nntlllii,! .nil ,. , l,fr tho 12th day of Juno, 1008, aald duto being after tho expiration of alx woo Km from tho Drat publication of thla sum iiioiim, and If you fall to appear and answer aald complaint, for want thuro of, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rnllitf demanded In tho com plaint, towlt: For a docro dissolving- tho lionda of matrimony now ex-latin- between plaintiff and defend ant. Thin minimoim la nulillMliml liv nnlim of lion. Thomaa A. Mcllrldo, Judge of tho Circuit Court for Clackamaa County, Htato or Oregon, which order waa mado and entered on tho lat day .f Mv 1908 and thn li..... nr,.rii. d for publication thereof la alx week. 1 Flrat piibllcalloii appearing May lat,1 190H, and contlnulfiK each weelt thnro after to and Including Juno 12th, 1908. I.IVY BTII'P, Attorney for IMaliitlff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stale of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Elizabeth Wood, Plaintiff, vs. Lauranco II. Wood, Dofendant. To Lauranco II. Wood, dofondant: In tbe nanio of the Btato of Oregon, A7.hM in the- mw fn Z matrimony and marriage contract now iSr. fh. nh ,i.J , ? i.?ni ana tw existing between plaintiff and defend foro tho 6th day of June, 1908, that,. " ,hB. ,h ,,.,- k.lnv Mm nil M nr.HnrlK.M In ttia I order of publication of thla summons, and If you fall to ao appear and an awor aald complaint the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief there in prayed, to-wlt: A docrvo dissolv ing the marriage contract existing be tween you and tho plaintiff. Thla summons Is published In the Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper, for alx consecutive weeks by order of Hon. Thoa. A. McUrlda, Judge of the said court, made on the 24th day ef April, 1908, the flrat publication being on the 24th day of April, 1908. CLYDE UIC1IARDBON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notlco Is hereby given that the un dersigned has bo.n appointed by tho order of tho County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon, executor of thv eslato of loulse Wolf, deceased, and that all persona having claims against said ontato are required to present them duly verified as provided by law ut tho office of U'Hen & Schuebel, Oregon City, Oregon, within alx mouths from the lule of this notlco. Dated nrttt publication May 8th, 1908. JOHN WOLF. Executor. U.UKN & 8CI1UEIIEL, Attorneys for Executor. Administrators Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned iin been duly appointed by the County Court of tho County of Clackamas, Htate of Oregon, adminis trator of the Estate of Mrs. Mary Cal lahan McUn, Ih-reased. All persona having claims ngnliiHt the Hald estate ure hereby nntHliM to present the same properly verified to the under signed, at bis olllre on Main Street In Oregou City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May 7th. I'JOS. TI10S. F. UYAN. Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Mary Ciillnhun Mcl.ln, perearfod. ESTHAY NOTICE Taken up at my place nt Ceorge, Oregon, oue span of horsea, weighing uliout 100 lbs., color black nnd bay, both have brumls and collar murks. Owner get same by paying for keep. Henry Schmidt, George, Ore. LOST One old bay mare, whlto face, Hllghtly lame front foot, lust seen following buggy past Clear Creek Creamery East. Notify Robert R. Shelly, Oregon City, It. F. I). No. 2, Ilox 4. WIDOW'S PENSION SohTlerTv-widows, who do not re-marry are now entitled to $12.00 per month pen sion. I have blank applications for those who wish to apply. 2w O. A. CHENEY. HORSES FOR SALE uIho 18 head full blooded registered Jersey cat tle. J. A. Zimmerman, Mllwauklo, Ore., It. F. 1). No. 1. FOR 8 ALE In order to close up Ha nffalra tho MECHANIC LAND COM PANY, of Oregon City, will Bell CO acres of tho choicest land on the West Side at much less than actual value. U5 acres in cultivation, bnl anco In timber. For price, torms and particulars, lnqulro of Thos. F. Ryan, Secretary of Company. Of fice Masonic Temple, Oregon City. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for tho County of Clucku mas. Samuel M. Gllklson, Plaintiff, , vs. Laura A. Gllklson, Defendant. To Iiura A. Gllklnon, Defendant. In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and nnswer tho complaint In tho above entitled cause on or beforo tho 10th day of July, 1908, nnd If you fall to bo appear nnd answer, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court' for the relief pray ed for in the complaint, namely, for a decree dissolving tho bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing bo tweon tho plaintiff and defendant This HUinmons Is published in tho Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, for six successive woeks, the first publication thereof to bo made on tho 2!lth dny of May, 1908, by order of the Hon. Grant B. Dimlck, Judgo of the County Court, made and entered this 27th day of May, 1908. ROBERT GRI2Y. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of 6al of Real Estate. Notice Ih hereby Klvon that the tin ilorHlRiiuil executors of the will of HI mer to. Clinrrnan, deceased, will, on ami aftT Monday, tho irth day of Juno, 1908, proceed to sell At private hiiIii for caiih tho following described I n!l ,,Htuto of u,a .',Htul of. ,5'"10r I C'lmriimn, deceived, and of tho said decedent: Undivided Ollll llUlf of illock Illock 20, 57, Clncliamaa 1 1 I Kli h. Undivided one-half of Clackamas Height. Undivided one-half of It 5, Illock "C" Supplemental Map of Clackamaa Heights, till In ClackamaM County, Ore Ron. T. j. CIIAHMAN, 0110. 11. WI8HAKT, CHARLES If. CAUKIKLD, Executors of tho Will of Elmer E. Charman, docoaaod. ; ,",lM.ay 15' mH- I " " Summon I, , lh0 Clrc,,lt tourt, of the State of ' Oregon, for Clackamas County. 'ward Webster Colo, IMalntlff, va. UmIo Colo, nofondant. To LImIo Cole, Dofondant: In the name of tho SUto of Oregon: You are heroby required to appoar and answer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit within alx consecutive weeks from tbe lat day of May, 1908, the date of the flrat publication of thla, the aald sum mons; and If you fall to appear, ana awor or plead thereto for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In the oomolalnt horoln. to-wlt: For a do- coun d.M. the" Ud. of "-: : therefrom, and for such other and fur ther relief as to tho Court may aeem just and equitable, Including his costs and disbursements horeln. Thla summons la published by order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrldo, Judge of tho abovo entitled court, which or dor was mado and entered on the 24th day or April, 1908, and tbe same di recting that tho publication thoreof bo for alx consecutive weeka next suc ceeding tho aald date thereof. J. II. HITCIIINQS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka maa. George W. Wllaon, Plaintiff, va. Luclnda Wllaon, Defendant. To Luclnda Wilson, the above named defendant: In the namo of tbe State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appoar and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit on or before alx woeks from the date of tho publication of thla summons, which first publication la on the 1st day of May, A. U. 1908. And If you fall to appear on or be fore said time, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho rollef demanded In said complaint, to wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tweon you and the plaintiff upon the grounds of wilful desertion for a peri od of more than one year. Thla summons la published by or der of tho Honorable Thomaa A. Mo Drlde, Judgo of the above entitled court, mado and entered on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1908. WILSON & NEAL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. ' In the Circuit Court for tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka maM. William Becker, Plaintiff, vs. Annie Becker, Defendant. To Annie Becker, tho defendant above nuuied: In the nnmo of tho State of Oregon vim nn lnre)iv rennlreil to nnnear and answer the oomplulnt filed agulnst you In the above entitled suit, on or he- fore the 20th day of June, 1908, said dute being after tho expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demanded In the complaint, towlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing betweon plaintiff and defendant This sitmnions is published In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly pa per published at Oregon City, Oregon, by order of Thomas A. McBrlde, Judgo of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, which order was mado and entered on tho 1st. day of May, 1908, nnd the time proscribed for publication thereof Is six weeks. First publication appearing May tho 8th, 1908. J. U. CAMPBELL, Attorney for Plaintiff Executrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu trix of tho estate of Frank E. Wills, deceased, by the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun ty, and has duly qualified. All per sona having claims against said estate aro hereby notified .i urn I same to mo at the residence of Wll I mm Wills, WlllBburg, Oregon, with proper vouchors and duly verified, within six months from dato hereof. Dated and first publication May 15, 1908. SUSAN TIMM. Graham & Cleeton, Executrix. Attorneys. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of tho estate of Rolnholt Miebs, deceased; all persons having claims agabist said estate aro hereby noti fied to present tho same with proper vouchers, duly verified according to law. nt the ofllco of Goo. C. Brownell, at Oregon Qty, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months of tho date of the publication of this notice. Dated, May 15, 1908. HERMAN MOEIINKE, Administrator of tho estate of Rien " holt Miebs. Goo. C. Brownell, Attorney for administrator. FOR 8ALI5 The cheapest alx-room Iiouho on tho West Bide. Must be Hold nt onco. Hedges & Orlllltl). Fine Muslins. Very fine muslins should be soaked In topld water In which borax has been dissolved; ono tcaspoonful of borax to a gallon of wuter being sufllclent. After half an hour they can bo nib bed gently In aonp auds mado of fine, white curd soap. IKjIIIng water la then poured over them and allowed to cool. They should be well rinsed and squeezed rather than wrung out. FOR SALIC Two lots, No. 3 and 4, Illock 165, corner 9th and Jackson. Apply to Frank Rlgler, 1092 Thur man St., Portland, Or. STRAYED May 25, from tho premis es of K. W. Porter, In Canemah, ono white mare, about eleven years old, with halter on and a scar on her Administratrix' Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned bus been duly appointed by the Honorable County Court of Clack amas County, State of Oregon, as ad ministratrix of tho estate of John Exlon, deceased. All persons having clulms agulnst tho said estate shall present the same duly vorllled to the administratrix at KoIho, Clackamas County, Jlarton post offlco, Iloute No. 2, within six months from tho date of this notice. Duted May 2"9th. 1908. ORA FOWLER, Administratrix of tho Estate of John Erlon, deceased. 1st Insertion Juno 5, 1908. lost Insertion July 3, 1908. FOUND 1907 class pin of Barclay .High School. Owner will phono Main 1821, or write 801 Molalla Ave., Oregon City. 8ummoni, In tho Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for tho County of Clacka mas. Charles L. Sutherland, Plaintiff, va. Rosale Sutherland, Defendant To Resale Sutherland, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint In the above entitled cause on or before the 17th day of July, 1908, aud If you fall to so appear and answer, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief pray ed for In the complaint, namely, for a decree dissolving tho bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, for six successive weeks, the first publication there of to be made on tho 5th day of June, 1908, by order of tho Hon. Grant B. Dlralck, Judgo of tho County Court, made and entered thla 2d day of June, 1908. CLYDE RICHARDSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Restoration to Entry of Lands in National Forest Notice Is hereby given that tho lands described below, embracing 285.01 acres, within tho Cascade National Forest, Oregon, will bo subject to settlement aud entry under the pro visions of the homestead laws of the I'nltcd Stutos aud the act of June 11, 190G (34 Stat. 233), at the United States land office nt Portland, Oregon, on July 28, 1908. Any settler who was actually and In good faith claiming any of said lunds for agricultural pur poses prior to January 1. 190G, and has not abandoned same, has a prefer ence right to make a homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said lunds were listed upon the applica tions of tbe pursouH mentioned be low, who huve a preference right sub ject to the prior right of any such set tler, provided such settler or applicant Is qualified to make homestead entry and the preference right Is exercised prior to July 28, 1908, on which date the lands will be Bubject to settle' "ent and entry by any qualified per- rod. Tho lands nre as follows: The NMs of SE'i. the NW4 of SEVt of SEVi, the N'-a of SWVi of SEV4. the NEVi of SWU. Sec. 12, T. 3 S., R. 7 E., W. Mer., listed upon application of Charles J. Huso, 189 17th St. South Portland, Oregon. Lot 3 (NEVi of NWU'J, the N',i of SEi of NWVi. Sec. 5, T. 3 S., R. G E., upon application of C. G. Rad abaugh, Cherryvlllo, Oregon. The SW'i of SW'i of SWVi. Sec. 2G, the SE14 of SEVi of SEVi. Sec. 27, the NE'i of NE',4 of NEVi, Sec. 34. the NW'i of NW'4 of NWVi. Sec. 35. T. 5 S., R. G E.. upon application of J. J. Davis, Estacadu, Oregon. The WVi of EM, of U)t 2 (WVi of EVi of NWVi of NEVi.) tho WVi of Lot 2 (WVi of NWVi of NEVi!) the NV4 of SWVi of NEVi, tho NV4 of SEVi of SWVi, of NEVi, Sec. 5, T. 3 S.. R. 6 E.. upon ap plication of II. E. Palmer, care Sol dier's Home, Roseburg, Oregon. FRED DENNETT, Commissioner of the General Land Offlco. Approved May 11. 1908. FRANK PIERCE, First Assistant Secretary of the In terior. Lists 825, 1117, 124G and 1247. Summons. ... .1... rln.ilf r,M,t-t iha Cato et Oregon, for Clnckamas County. Orry L. Hantelmaun, Plaintiff, vs. John F. Hantlemann, Defendant. To John F. Hantelmann, the above named defendnnt: In tho name of the State of Oregon, you nre hereby required to appear and nnswer tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit on or be fore the 17th day of July, 1908, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this summons, nnd if you fall to ap pear nnd nnswer snid complaint, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply' to tho court for the relief demnnded In tho complaint, to-wit: For a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing; between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of Clnckamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, which order was made nnd entered on the 3rd dny of June, l!)0S, and the time prescribed for publication thereof, Is six weeks, tho dato of tho first publication being Fri day, Juno r,t.h, 1H08, and the date of J the lusl publication, Friday, July 17, 1!)08. GEO C. HROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the .County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, Administrator of tho estate J of O. L. Coldren, doseased, and that jail persons having claims against said ;muiu uin reiiinui wj pruiwui luuiu duly verified as provided by law at tho home of the undersigned at Hub bard, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 2, Box 88, within six month frorn the date of this notlco. N. BLAIR, Administrator of the estate of O. L. Coldren, deceased. Dated June Cth, 1908. "Just a little Catcasweet Is all that Is necessary to give your baby when It Is cross and tteevlsh. Catcasweet contains no opiates nor harmful drugs ami is highly recommended ty mow ers everywhere. Sold by Howell & Jones. Seeley'a Best Flour. Letter List List of unclaimed letters at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, for the week ending Juno 5. Women's List Barrett, Julia; Mrs Fannie Black, Mrs. Mary Kello, Mrs. Mary Moore, Mrs. Rutlldge. Men's List Hendrlckson, Emjl; Kinney, E. A., (2); Rosebaum, 8. D. OVERTAXED, Hundreds of Oregon City Readers Know What It Meant. The kidneys are overtaxed; Have too much to do. They tell about it In many aches and pains Backache, sldeache, headache, Early symptoms of kidney Ills. Urinary troubles, diabetes, Brlght's disease follow. G. H Sprlngmeyer, expressman, of 1016 First St, Portland, Ore., says: "Exposure to rough weather and the jarring of my wagon brought on kid ney troubles. My back ached almost constantly and the action of the kid neys seemed weak and the passages of the secretions too frequent. Doan's Kidney Pills came to my notice and I got a box and began using them at once. The vain in my back was soon relieved and the kidney secretions be came normal. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills brought about this re sult." (From statement mado Feb. 28, 1903.) Cured to Stay Cured. On January 12, 190G, Mr. Sprlng meyer confirmed the above statement and added: "Since the time referred to In my former testimony, I have not have recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to many people and am always glad to do so." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at Huntley Bros.' drug store and ask what cus tomer's report For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Did you rend Mr. Kllpra' "good dvlrr" to a frtrnd In buying piano publlahrd In our prerloua laaaef If not, hunt up "last week's paper and mad it. because it give an unbiased and unprejud iced opinion from one of the best Informed piano men in the United Slates to one of his friends. Mr. Ellers, the president of tho Ellers Piano Hous with forty stores under his personal control and with many years' experience In factory work Is beyond question better Informed on musical Instruments of all kinds than any other man In the West, consequently his advice was given intelllKently. To ahow Mr. Ellers' thorough ness In seeking reliable and au thentic Information, only last year he traveled to Europe thousands of miles to Investigate one manufacturer's product. Muny dealers would have merely taken the Instruments and sold them regardless of what the future might bring to the buyers not ao Mr, Kllrra he muat know, and so It has been with every piano every musical instrument placed In his stores for sale to the public, and In - profiting by his experience you buy safely and are guaranteed absolute sat isfaction, hence the Ellers "money bnck If not satisfied" guarantee the strongest possible Insurance to their customers. Mr. Ellers said to his friend "Buy Kimball piano" and he gave his reasons why. No doubt the reader is consider ing the mirchnaa Ota -piano, or r fr tM kl strumentVV I mtiu. ,i so, call at one of the Ellers stores and ex amino the beau, tlful new style Klmballs MAIL. CI If not oonvenlent to do so then I write nnrl nlr fnr Klmhnll I'mtn- i loirne nV which will be Bent by I return man ana win give you re liable Information as to prices, terms, etc. We ran aell a "Kimball" by mall with an absolute certainty of pleasing the most exacting and critical musician one who would be satlaHed with none but the beat. Send for Klmbnll Catalogue "V postal will bring it. pi&norcll&bilitr The Honae of Hlgheat Quality O Portland, Uresou. B 9 s.m 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Ktte, Loa n, Innurance GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufietd Bidg., Main and Bg 11 Sis i - . . . .. . . J. L HEDCES F. X, CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Wcinhard Building, opposite Court Hous CD. & D.C. Latouretie ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probata our Specialties. Office In Firtt Na tional Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606-60J Chamber of Cemmtrca, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of maps, plats, ab stract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Land, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. & F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Royal Restaurant and Lunch Counter Lunches from 6c up. Our 25c meals you cannot beat Our coffee you will never forget Opea all night Come In, Let'a Get Acquainted. A. E. Joyner, Proprietor 410 Main 8t Oregon City, Ore. New Arlsto Gold Finish. Tbe most lasting finish ever used in photogra phy on all Photos at BRADLEYS NEW ART GALLERY FAIRCLOUCH BUILDING West Side Main Street, Near Tenth. An artist of 30 years' experience In Chicago Is now associated with us. Phone us 28G2 if you want us to , take a picture of your home, or farm, or yourself and family. Log Cabin Saloon BENNETT & MOORE Proprietor. All the Standard brands 6f Whisky, such as OLD CROW BOURBON HERMITAGE PENWICH CLTJB CANADIAN CLUB ' CREAM RYE OLD LOG CABIN We Serve Free Lunch. it e FISHING TACKLE The place to buy Large Assortment Prices Reasonable C. G: Miller OREGON CITY The Home of Sportsmen i i: I ; Summer Rates to Yaquina and New- cort. The Southern Pacific Co., have now i on sale dally, round trip tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good to return within 6 months from date of sale i which closes October loth, at rate of 1 $0.00. The round trip ticket good go i ins on Saturdays and returning the ' following Monday, $3.00. For full par ticulars call on or address, i E. T. FIELDS, Agt. j Oregon City. Main Street, oheoon crrr IPREN 3c SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice ia all courts, make eoDeeV Ions and settlements. Office ia ENTEIPBISE Building,' Ongte City, Oregon. j O. D. EBY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Honey loaned, abstract furnish. tllea examined, estates aett law buatneaa transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. W. S. EDDY, V, S M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toroato, Canada, and the McEillip School of Surgery of Chicago, baa locate at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion Stable, Serenth Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 133 Mail 1311 STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practio Specialties. Office Upstairs, first building eea th of Courthouse. 3 IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR J THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK IATES AS LOW AS EASTEII R00SES "The kind your Grand father used" and he was of rare Judgment Profit by hia experience and use Old I. W. Harper Whiskey. For aa! by E. MATrWE. YOU SPEND Too much time obtaining Information from uncertain soureee. unless ro are using Polk's Gazetteer of Oregon and Washington, complete Information of erery towa In the two States aad a classified Business Directory. - ft I