OREGON CITV ENfERPRlfcg, RlbAV, JUNE B, 1908. J J'rcPMMCTWMBMMBBB - 'H'lii 1 'J .'l"i IHil.l- ,L Milwaukee and Vicinity MILWAUKEE. Tint work on tint now addition to tli Hcliixil Iioiihii wn hIiii'IimI IiihI Friday, J. M. Hnydrr Iiiim lii'Cii uwardud tlif ciiiitriict. Hay Muplo, who wan flnnil (1,00 mill chhIm In Out riKMirilnr'u court laHt Wcidi clulniH that It Ik a ciiho o Miiillclniiii pciHi'culloii it iid that ho w Uiittal to a IiIkIht court Ixtforu In will pny tho nnit, 'I'liu MotlmrH' uml Ttmclmru' Club mi't luHt Friday urtKi'iiooii at tho Hrliool hound unit lliiliitii'il to a vary liitiTKHtliiK proKrain. Tim pnmliluiit, Mth, liiihnrtH, and vW.n pnnldi'iit, Mm Kohl, imtli IioIiik aliiioiit, Mth. MiikkIo JohiiHiin whh iilmrtnil ircHldiint protoiu Hin aniiiiul Miw'tliiK, at which thn (doftlon of oIMcitn for ctiHiiliiK your will (alio placo, will lm hold ut tho lioiiin of MIhh ICritulln Nlh'H, Mllwnu km HolKhtH, Juno 12, at 2:110 I', M. All iiK'inhorH aro oanicHlly roiiuoHtod to all end. Tim Kraduiitlutc xri:lHin of tho 8th Kiuilo will ho hold at Hid Hand Mall at 8 o'clock Hiilurday ovoiiIiik. Tho Uil lowing aru llm namoH of tho radu Iom: Adam'Kock, Koy Hchroodor, Hi'Klniild Wllto, Krod Htrolh, Clayton Colonial). Wallor KooiiIk, Kdward Wlii.imrlml, Clifford Klalx, Forol Jack nod, KiikoiiIo JohiiHiin, lCllon JackHou, Kllon ItohirU, Myrtlu Million, Ji-nnlo Million, IloHHlo Holt, Kdlth HohortH, lliuol Wynmn, Ada I-aliln. Tho HorvlcoH at tho lCvaliK'llcul church for noxt Hunday aro an fol lows 1'ri'ucliliiK, 10 A. M.; Bunilay Bchixd, 11 A. M.; YoutiR I'ooplo'g Al llunco. 7 1'. M.; l'roacliliiK. 8 1 M. l'rayor iiiootlnn Ih Imhl ovury Thiir ituy ovoiiIiik at 8:00. tnv. Noah! tiliupp, ptiHtur. ICvoryono In cordially woli'oinod. Mllwaukoo Ih not In a Htuto of kUk nation ovoii If moiiiu pooplo do try to iniiko tiM think alio Ih alow. Slio Ih KrowliiK. Tlmro aro at loiiHt flvo now hoiiHox to ko up th 1m Miuimor. I'. T. DiivIh will build a flvo room cottagi! on bin lotM next to Nonh Hubtor; 1. 1'. MalthowH, will build on tho two IiiIh adjoining Ilonry titucky, which lio hoiiKht of Mth. I ihthI ; iHiiac Mill Ian will put up two Iioiihoh WPHl of (ioortjn Mlllor, and T. C. UvliiKHton will hitlld a ImiiHo on thn two loin ho boiiKht of Mr. Hollwood. Tho now building of Cnapor Korr'a wboiu tho old blackHinlth nhop for merly Htoort, will bo roudy for occu pancy In a f"-w dityn. It Iiiih alroady boon troalod to two coiitH of paint. H. JohiiHon will movo bin roHiuurant In thorn I ho hint of tho week. J. 10, VViilzlor In ndltlon to troatlnK IiIh IhihIiiohh bulldliiK to a froHli coat of paint, Iiiih bad a noat and attractive hIkii palntod acroHH tho front and iiIoiik tho roof. I'lm ItallaiiH who havo rontud Home of I. I JoliiiHon'a place are oroctlnK a hiiiiiII dwollliiK Iiouho botwoon the Ml ii thorn HprliiK and tho railroad, Air. and Mr. DiIhcoII, who moved away Homo time aKo, write that their addroHH for the prom-nt Ih Korhy, Or. MIhh jjuira lllack haa IxniKht two Iota Houlh of Bamuol HoeMly'H place and In iiroctifitf a noat dwcllinff Iiouho ou the miino. I lie HhliiKm mill roci-lvod a now raft of Iokh lant VVodnoaday and In riiiinliiK once more. A. II. DowllriK, tho roal ontato man. baa JiiHt cIohoiI the Hale of lotH C. 0 and 8, block 11, of Kobortnon, from A. Klocliollo to C. K. Cordon. Connld- oration tlGOO. J. II. llonokn, of Hpokane, ban boon vlHltliiK frlomlH and rolatlvoa In and Hour Milwaukee durliiK the tiuHt fuw daya. The one all ahttorbliiK topic during tho paHt wook Iiiih boon tho ballot. Now that uN'ctlon Ih over wo can again K't down to uubIiich. rtipllH of Milwaukee uchool who havo not boon nbnont nor, tardy for the ontlro uchool year; Hrat Crado Maudo Toatoa. DuiikoI Million, Coral IlaiiHon. Socond Crado Opal Clark, Herman KlMcher, Ilortba Karlon, Ailolla Kol frldgo, lioulab Hprlng. Third (Irado Lily Lakln, Dortha SliiKor, Minnie Hprlnif, iJorotby WIh hIukit, John Karlon, Jacob Htrulb, (icorKi MalhowH. Fourth (Irade Myrtlo SulfrldRO, Willie Mlllor, ICathor Spring, Fred Slngor. Htolla Turk, Cloo Clark, Loon- ard .Million, Hon Hrady. Fifth Grade Mary Bottovla, Edith Marvoy, a.o IlrlggH, HomhIo Kock, Karl MathowH, Margurlotto HohortH, 'THE STORE THAT RIGHTS THE WRONG" SOIL THE NEW PROPRIETOR CHICAGO CLOTHING CO. 69-71 THIRD ST. BET. OAK & PINE Portland, Oregon Men's Suits Elegant hand-tailored, new Spring colors and patterns, fancy and plain Worsteds, Serges and Velours; gar meats that will show eqaal to suits sold In Portland at $15 to $16.50, for only THE PLANET SALOON A GENTLEMEN'S RESORT You not only find Rontlomon In front of the bar, but you find tho m behind the bar, too. L.RUCONICH, Prop. Ill long cxpwrlonce In bulnoni enables hi in to purchae only the bent brand. Wines Liquors And Cigars A glaae of bU well-kept beer or liquor will convince you. 619 MAIN STREET Telephone 8 OREGON CITY, ORE. i Musi r nn V UlI Men's Suits A collection of high-grade Suits for men and young men, finished with fancy cuffs and the late noyelty effects now so popular in men's suits. Other stores will charge yog $20 and $25. Pgr price CAR-PARE ALLOWED ON ALL PURCHASES OF $10.00 AND OVER The GREATEST SLUMP ever known in the Shoe Business 1 aim M Emello SinRor, Matilda Singer. Sixth Grade Halph Cooper, Howard Coopor, Willie Koenlg, Rachel Blrke niflor, Hazel Mullen, Hazel Drlscoll. Seventh Grade Hattle Keck, Emma Roberts, Olfia Drefs. Eighth Uradc Clayton Coleman, Roy Schroeder. Kred Strelb, Reginald W'ltte, EuRenlo Johnson, Ellen Jack- noil. Ninth Grade Alfred Jahn. Seeley's Best Flour. DODGE. Mr. Henderson is preparing to be Rln work on tho road across Clear Creek, which will be a great benefit to the country. There was a double header ball game played at Sprlngwater Sunday. The first, Sprlngwater vs. Logan; the score standing 9 to 7 in favor of Lo gan. The second Elwood vs. Logan, tho. score standing 24 to 10 In favor of Elwood. There will be a game at tho Elwood grounds by Sprlngwater and Elwood. The cold rain is holding back the early fruits, as we generally have strawberries at this time of the year. A Grand Family Medicine. "It gives me pleasure to epeak a good word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 43C Houston St., New York. "It's a grand family medicine for dyspepsia and liv er complications; while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recommended." Electric Bit ters regulate the digestive functions, purify the blood, and impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and de bilitated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at Howell & Jones drug store. 50c. OASTOIIIA. BTitt I'd Haw Unn Bang Sigutste of WO Or 6 PAIRS FOR $2.50 Bring in your wives, sis ters and sweethearts and shoe them all for one- half the price of one pair rgim (Daly ANDRESEN BLDG. yi pOiuirM J i OREGON CITY SUCCESSOR TO HOWELL & JONES THE NEW DRUG FIRM We ate BOOSTERS tor "MARKET DAY," SATURDAY JUNE 6. We know it will ieneflt the town and we feel fast as confident that It will help our country patrons. SPECIAL PRICES on dregs and med icines won't appeal to you onless yotf need them. But we are going to make special prices on every thug m oar store on MARKET DAY. Here's a few prices to give yoo an Idea of oor attitude toward MARKET DAY- FIZZ! FIZZ! FIZZ! 25 Per. Cent Off JJt Out Line Pef times . between the roast beef of different on all Hair, Tooth, Shaving, Nail restaurants. Jones Fountain is not ReguIar 50c - - special 40c and Clothes Brashes. Ia fact, celIed in hc ur s"e . 75c . . 6Qc has no equal. When you get hot, JC ouc every thing that brashes. tired or thirsty, remember we have "$1.00 - " 80c what yon need. 15 Per Cent. Discount Hcadqarte for 0 Per Cent Off Regular Price A complete line of choicest Stationery on all Paints, Oils, Glass, Var- on Tooth Powder, Shav.ng Blank Books nishes. Stains-in fad every- Cream, Toilet Soaps, roil- Smokm, Supp.S Post thing necessary for the el Waters, etc. painter. Leather Novelties r Don't Forget A discount on all oar stock on Market Day. When we advertise a thingIts so. Jones Drug Store OREGON CITY, ORE.