Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1908, Image 6

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LI11UL1,.1 - ' l - --
Oregon Gty Enterprise
E. E.
Published Evry Friday
BROOIE, Editor and Publisher.
Hrtorod at Oregon City, Or., Post
office as second-class matter.
Subscription Rates:
On Year $1.50
Six Months 75
Trial Subscription, Two Months. .25
Subscribers will And the date of ex
juration stamped on their papers fol
towing their name. If last payment is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
Ute matter will receive our attention,
The Republican Ticket.
U. S. Senator
II. M. CAKE, of Multonomah. ..
WILLIS C. H.VWLEY. of Marlon.
Supreme Judge.
ROBERT; S. BEAN, of Lane.
Dairy and Food Commissioner
J. W. BAILEY, of Multnomah.
Railroad Commissioner First DIst
Prosecuting Attorney Fifth District
E. B. TONGUE, of Washington.
Joint Representative Clackamas and
C. N. McARTHUR. of Multnomaii.
Sheriff .
School Superintendent
Is Clackamas County going to do
her share toward rolling up a huge
majority for the Republican State
ticket next Monday. This is the ques
tion that is most pertinent and to
which every voter will have to give
an answer for himself. Let no Republi
can be fooled with the thought that
a Republican legislature will elect
George Chamberlain to the United
States Senate from Oregon City
Statement No. 1 to the contrary not
withstanding. This is no time to flirt with war
ring elements in the party. The Re
publican voters have a duty to their
nominees, who are entitled to the loy
al support of every man who is affil
iated with the Grand Old Party that
presents an unbroken record from
Lincoln to Roosevelt for great and
patriotic deeds. The Republican par
ty is the affirmative party, always
first in advancement along the lines
of a better civilization, and the Dem
ocratic party has always been a neg
ative party, placing stumbling blocks
in the way of progress, from the days
of slavery down to the present day.
This is the history of It
So we say it is the real duty of ev
ery Republican to stand by his party
colors, and this is true along the line.
Vote the ticket straight. Place your
little personal likes and dislikes in
your pocket, just forget them, lor
there may come a day when some of
you will aspire to office, and you have
no right then to expect tne solid sup
port of your party unless you give as
you would receive. But, aside from
this feature of the campaign, there is
a principle' Involved, and this is the
principle of Iijpublicanisai. Be a Re
publican ail t5e way down the ticket,
or don't' be anything. You car.not
vote lor a lot of Democrats or yet for
one Democrat and claim allegiance to
the Republican party with good grace.
Pro.sptcts are excellent for a splen
did victory next Monday, for the elec
tion of the whole ticket, and if all
the Republicans of Clackamas Coun
ty do what they ought to do, there
will be no question. Campaign farces
have been tossed about in the hope
of benefit to Democratic and so-called
Republican candidates. Every one of
them have been nailed. The story
that Harry Moody, the Republican
nominee for Assessor, is to appuint
John C. Bradley for thief deputy is
simply circulated to injure Mr. Moody j
and has no foundation in iaci, iuuuku
there is no good reason why Mr.
Bradley would not make a competent J
Deputy Assessor, and no right-rninueti :
man expects Mr. Moody to turn down j
his friends. The tale of the Prohibi-;
tion speech that Superintendent of
Schools Gary never made at Estaca
da is being industriously passed :
around, and is manufactured out of j
whole cloth. Mr. Gary is making his
own campaign and has no interest in !
the fight for or against Prohibition
leyoud that of any other good c.U- j
It is all up to the Republicans of
Clackamas County. No Democrat
can be elected to office here without
the aid of Republican votes. It Is to
your interest, as a Republican, to of
fer no aid to the members of the mi-!
norily p.irty, who are asking you to
vote against your own good nominees.
It begins to look as if the vote for
the University appropriation will be
almost unanimous, as it should be.
Everyone interested in the welfare
and development of the State will
vote for the bill. A vote against it
is a vote against Oregon. The irami-:
gration boosters in the State, of Wash (
Ington are already using Oregon's at
titude on the University of Oregon
impropriation bill as an argument for
the purpose of diverting homeseekers
to their State.
Since the form of the ballot title is,
shall the appropriation be sustained,
all friends of education should vote
"yes." If you want the appropriation
to become effective, mark your bal
lot between 314 and "Yes,"
Commodious and comfortable arm
ories, well equipped for the purposes
r.re absolutely necessary for the prop
er training of the men in tho art of
self defense In time of war. At tho
present time the State Is paying out
In rent, for armories between $7000
and S000 a year and In most of the
towns, the armories are mere rook
eries, unadnpted for the purposes ami
without proper facilities for the stor
ing of the property the Government
Las entrusted to tho Company com
manders, and for which they are re
quired to give bond in tho sum of
$2000 for the safe keeping thereof,
and for which they must pay if there
be nnv loss, damage or stealage. As
a business proposition, is it not bet
tor for the State to have its own arm
ories. than to continue as a renter, to
sav nothing about the many other ad
vantages incident to State ownership?
The state will in ten or twelve years
have saved in rentals alone sufficient
to pav for these armories. Again, the
property will greatly increase in value
as the vears go by. so that this appro
priation will be more In the nature
of a good Investment on tho part of
the state, than that or a gift to the
National Guard. Again, every dollar
of the State's money, under this law,
will go into the actual building and
construction of the armories, as most
of tho towns where armories wnl be
built have .signified, through their
public bodies, a willingness to give
the ground upon which they are to
be constructed, to the State, and at
no cost to the State.
While a large amount of unfinished
business will be left by Congress for
completion next winter, there is no
doubt that the close of this session
will present a record of achievement
far in excess of the popular impres
sion, and distinctly creditable to the
Republican majorities in the two
Oswego, one of the oldest and best
known of Portland's suburban towns,
is determined to organize, incorporate
and give other live Oregon communi
ties proof that an old town beats them
all growing when she gets started
good and proper.
Do you believe in education? Do
you want a State University? If so,
vote "yes" No. 314 on the official bal
lot on election day. The passage of
this bill will increase your taxes a
little more than 2 cents if you pay
taxes on $1,000 Worth of property. All
progressive citizens should support
the bill.
Vote for the increased appropria
tion for the University of Oregon.
Don't brand Oregon as a "mossback"
state. Vote "yes" on election day.
The bill has been endorsed by all the
Oregon Commercial Clubs. Teachers'
Associations, The State Federation of
Labor and the Tax Payers' League.
Mrs. Surah Mcl'own was in the city
from Solhvood Tuesday.
For up-to-date mlllnery call on Miss
C. Goldsmith.
Percy Omlleld leaves tonight for
Seattle to see the battleship Hoot
A marriage license was Issued to
Sussle A. Sawyer and P. J. O'Mearo
The largest assortment of hats ever
brought to Oregon City at Miss C.
Miss Marian Humble of Berkeley,
has been visiting her cousin, Miss
Horn, Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Hornback. of Parkplace, a
The latest novelties In lints, flow
ers and trimmings at Miss C. Gold
smith's. T. B. llanklns and family moved
back tf Oregon I'ily from Southern
Oregon last Saturday.
For Sale, good disc plow or will ex
change for sound work horse. S. T.
Urltten, Meldruin Place.
DoWltt's Little Early Risers aro
safe, small, sure, and gentle little pills.
Sold by Howell & Jones.
Confectionery Store for sale or
trade. This is a flue chance. Address
Owuer, V. O. Hex 201, Oregon City.
Mrs. Charles Albright and daugh
ters Ktholwyn. Hess and Aline, It-ft
Tuesday for Hood River to join Mr.
FOR SALIC No. 7 U. S. Cream Separ
ator, or will exchange for sound
work horse. S. T. Britten. Meldruin
Mrs. Walter Little left Wednesday
for Tacoma, where she will bo tho
guest of her sister. Mrs. Charles
Crossman, for ten days.
Will Hanklns has purchased a saw
mill in Washington County and ex
pects to leave for there in the near
future to take charge of the busi
Wlllard Cheney's motorcycle, which
was the cause of u runaway last. Sat
urday evening, started another Tues
day night on the road out of the city
leading to the Abernethy section. Tin?
road is rather narrow at this point,
and has no railing, but Is bunked up
Mgh on both sides and Is a very dan
gerous place In ease of an accident.
The highway runs close to the South
ern 1'ncllle tracks. Tysday night 1,.
W. Bobbins, canilldaui for Represen
tative, and .1. K. .lack, cainlUlntr for
assessor, started out id' the city lu a
buggy bound for Clackamas Station
to attend a Penmen'tlc rally. When
a short distance out tiiey n.vi young
Cheney, on his high-sounding spit-spit
machine. The boy slowed down, and
Mr. Bobbins, who was driving had
no fears fur his mare until she was
abreast the motor cycle, when the
animal reared up and plunged over
the grade, overturning the buggy and
throwing out the candidates. Mr,
.lack's face was slightly snatched and
Mr. Bobbins was uninjured. The hit
ter succeeded in stopping his mart'
and the buggy was righted and they
proceeded on to Clackamas In tlnio to
be present at the meet lug.
Baking Powder
The beautiful spring veather that
is being enjoyed everywhere in Ore
gon is sufficient to make every man,
woman and child in every village,
town and city, and upon every farm,
feel as though theirs was the best
place in the wide, wide world to live.
From Astoria to Huntington, and
from Portland to Ashland, the base
ball craze has full hold of the state,
and every vacant lot is being utilized
in preparing for later contests.
Insist upon DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It Is especially good for piles.
Sold by Howell & Jones.
Some people have an Idea
that in order to have a bank
account, they must have a
large sum to deposit; that
the bank does not care to
be bothered by small accounts.
This, however, is not true
of the Bank of Oregon City,
which welcomes new ac
counts, whether of $1, or
$1000, and the same courtesy
and service is accorded the
small depositor as those in
more fortunate circumstan
ces. It is our object and wish
to serve the public In finan
cial matters in a manner
that shall be satisfactory to
all old or young, rich or
We want your banking bu
siness and will be pleased to
have you open an account
with us.
The Bank
Oregon City
,1 have continual calls for small lin
proved tracts near Oregon City, rang
ing from $1500 up. I have two cus
tomers uow looking for such homes
Improved farms at the right price
find quick sale. II. E. Cross, Oregon
Attorney O. D. Eby, secretary of
the Democratic county central com-
mlttee, has gone to Reno and Carson
City, Nevada, and will return about
June C.
Licenses to marry were Issued yes
terdav to Eleanor M. Jessen and
Charles M. Hallirrstadt, of Canyon
Creek, anil to Katie Stone and E.
Cascasweet Is for babies and child
ren, and is especially good for the ills
so common in hot weather. Look for
the ingredients on the bottle. Con
tains no harmful drugs. Sold by How
ell & Jones.
T. B. Fairclough Is in Oregon City
on a short visit. A letter just receiv
ed from his Ogle mine states that
there is eighteen Inches of snow at
that place.
Linn E. Jones, successor to Howell
& Jones, druggists, has Installed a
$1800 soda fountain in his store. The
fountain Is of white and Onyx marble
and is one of the best in the State.
Mr. John Riha of Vlning, la., says:
"I have been soiling DeWitt's Kidney
and Bladder Pills for about a year
and they give better satisfaction than
any pill I ever sold." Sold by How
ell & Jones.
Mrs. Otto F. Olson, acompanied by
Rev. R. C. Blackwell, went to Van
couver, Wash., Wednesday, to attend
the funeral of her brother, Mr. Peter
son, who was acldently killed near
that town.
The Oswego Juniors won from Oak
Grove Sunday by a score of '1 to 1
In an interesting game. The same
teams will play next Sunday at Oak
Grove. The battery for Oswego is
Whitten and Shaw.
When your food seems to nauseate
take Kodol. Take Kodol now until
vnn know vnii are rlirht flea in There
! isn't any doubt about what it will do
; and you will find the truth of this
statement verified after you have us
i ed Kodol for a few weeks. It is sold
j by Howell & JoneB.
' Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F.,
held its semi-annual election of ol
ficers Thursday night with the fol
lowing result: Henry Waldron, Noble
Grand; Harry M. Shaw, Vice Grand,
i L. A. Feaster, secretary; John F.
: Clark, Treasurer.
j Mr. and Mrs. Lewellyn Adams, Miss
! Mary Ellen Long and District Attor
ney Gilbert I Hedges have returned
from Puget Sound, where they saw the
battleship fleet. Mr. Hedges and Miss
Long also visited Dr. and Mrs. Frede
rick R. Hedges at Everett.
I Kodol completely digests all classes
of food. It will get right at the trouble
and do the very work itself for the
stomach. It is pleasant to take. Sold
by Howell & Jones.
Attorney C. Schuebel and daughter
Eualia left Wednesday for Puget
Sound to see the battleship fleet. Mr.
Schuebel will return Monday in time
to vote for Cake and the whole Re
publican ticket and his daughter will
be absent about three weeks.
Mrs. II. M. Shaw left Sunday morn
lug for Eugene to visit for a w'eek
or so with friends.
C. D. Utuurette and wife left Fri
day for Seattle to wee the fleet.
Guy Clark, a mining engineer from
Texas, is visiting his parents lu this
mi .
Mr. and lrs. K. W. Scott have re
turned from Salem, where they have
been for tho last four days attend
lug the Rebekah convention.
Miss Eva Moulton and Ambrose
Biownell will return home today from
Puget Sound, where they have been
seeing Admiral S perry's battleship
Mr. ami Mrs. Charles K. porter and
daughter Bemlce, of Baker City, urn
lsitlng Mr. Porter's put cuts, Mr. und
Mrs. R. W. Porter at Caneinuli.
Isador Price Is down from The
Dalles to remalu several weeks.
The 20 months' old sou of Mr. and
Mrs. (. C. Worthlngton, of Oswego.
died there Sunday morning, and the
funeral was held Monday from the
family residence.
Mt. Pleasant School Closet.
The Mount Pleasant School Hosed
an eight months' term yesterday uf
terday afternoon, with a picnic in
Holmes Park that was attended by
abiuit 100 pupils and their parents and
friends. There was an Interesting
program of recitations, songs und
drills by the pupils of the grades be
low the seventh, and their work re
flects much credit on their teacher,
Mrs. Helen Grisez. Superintendent of
Schools Gary was there und mudo a
talk to the pupils and the afternoon
was spent socially, u toothsome lunch
being served. It Is the expectation of
tho people of Mount Pleasunt to have
two -teachers next year, as there are
now So pupils enrolled und the num
ber Is constantly increasing.
Tho only Baking Powder made
with Koyal Grape Cream of Tartar WJ
mauu irora grancs pMjV
Insures healthful andli
delicious food for every
nonie every dav
aaicjrtiards vour food aca ntt rM.l
alum and phosphate of lime PjJJJjJm
But Sam Bray It Held For Stealing a
a raso of It. What better proof of
j merit ran be hud than xurh endorse-
After Imbibing a (inutility if liquid
spirits last Friday night. John Wullek
strolled down near the old foundry
only to come Into contact with Sum
Ilray, whose desire for unlaw ful gain ,lVr n, uidn.-ys ami Irregularity of
Theodore Iletirth, living at Park
place, about two miles f mm Oregon
City, Ore., nays: "I found Dunn's Kid
ney pills do Just whul Is claimed for
themm. For a long Hum 1 suffered a
good ileal with lameness and aching
hud been lllrreused with Home of the
same Juice. limy managed to roll
Wullek about In the dust, tear Ids
vest and appropriate his watch. Wul
lek Immediately reported the matter
to Policeman t'oohe, but was ho full
that he ciiulil nit give any lutein.
gent description of the offender.
The officer arrested the Informant
on the charge of druukc uih-hs and in
a short time had Hray In the busllle
for the same offence. Wallek'H hat
and hoi if the missing buttoiiH were
found near the scene of the encoun
ter. The nlllcers huil given up nil
hope .of finding the offender when
the Injured man, having sobered up.
found that his cellmute curried the
missing watch. Ilray has been bound
over to the Circuit Court.
the action of the kldiieyii. The trouble
was Hot Severn enough to Iny mo up,
but was very annoying and made It
it I tiled 1 1 for me to ntoop or lift Mtiy
thing without my buck paining me. I
was Induced to try I loan's Kidney Pills
from the reroinmendutloii of a friend,
and went to Huntley iinm.' drug store
for them. Their use absolutely re
moved the trouble with the kidneys,
strengthened my buck and In every
way proved your remedy to be worthy
of all confidence."
For sale by till deuliTM. price SO
cents. Foster Mllbtirn Co., llufTalo,
New York, solu agents for the United
Kemenilmr the name -Doan's and
take no other.
504 Main St. Opposite P. 0.
High Class Amusement for Men,
Women and Children.
Programme for Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday and Sunday
"Mr. Shortsighted Goes Shrimp
ing." Illustrated Song "Yesterday."
By Miss Catherine Reld.
Comic Pictures.
"Gabriel Grub How the Surly
Sexton Learnt Good .will
toward Men.
10c and 5c.
j Photographic i
Studio I
Letter Lllst.
I, bit of unclaimed letters at the
uiui ..in.... tit ,i ...ii foe r..M t-..,.i.
Plenty More Like This In Oregon iwdlnif Miiv I'D:
City. j Women's LlHtllrnwn, MIhh Mar-
Scores of Oregon City pmple enn gurel; Hoover. Mrs. Huby; HIiihoii,
tell you about Moan's Kidney I'lllH. ..Mrs. (1. or J.; Whorton, Mm. (J. II.
Many a hnppy citizen muki-H a puhllo I Men'M Mat - Ferguson W II (I)
Htutement of his experience. Hero Is j Unske, Hill; Wood I,. A
S T O Xl X -A. .
Sunday Ball Game.
The Oregon City Independents will
play baseball on the Canemah Park
grounds next Sunday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock againnt the Arleta team.
This Is a return game as the Inde
pendents went to Arleta last Sunday
and won in a 10-lnnlng game with a
score of 8 to 7. The teams are very
evenly matched and an interesting
contest is anticipated. The line-up of
the local team follows: Shaw, catch
er; Endres, pitcher; Jefferson, short
stop; N. Long, first base; R. Fors
berg, seeond base; O. Fredericks,
third base; Hanklns, right field;
Douthit, center field; Ott, left field.
Carl P. Nehren Is manager of the
Miss Edith Cheney has opened
her Photographic Studio, and Is
doing very artistic photo work.
All .Styles and Prices. Good
pictures rain or sunshine.
m w
Ely's Cream Balm
ll quickly borbed.
Glvei Relief it Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protects
the diseased morn,
brane resulting from
Catarrh and drives
away a Cold in the
Head quickly. Jle-JA rrtft-n
stores the Houses of I1H I I ! V Lit
Taste and im;ll. I nil bizp 50 cts., at Drug
gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 ccnta.
Ely Brothers, 58 Warren Htroet, New York.
Let it slip from yo r memory but call on us at 5th and
water Sts., and we'll convince you of the merits of the
best practical farmers gate ever put on the market.
i - "
'." ...... ... it- A-
We have the gate and need the money. You have the
money and need the gate. Call and get happy. I
i onrs lor diz :
We sold the rights for the Slate of California in just one wk at Fresno.
Oregon City vs. Albina
p m