Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1908, Image 7

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    PRIO.ONLC'TYtNJf R Ppi8I,.f R I DAY, APR! U22, IBM,,.
I lummoni.
to the Circuit Court of U Stat of
I ( Oregon, fur Clackamas Count,
II. B. Moods, Plaintiff.
Mmmft F. Meeds, Defendant.
To Ktnma F. Meeds, defendant above
if In tho nam of the Btate of Oregon;
yuu aru horeby required to aprar and
fcinwor tho complaint filed against you
It tho above ntltlod iult on or before
the 12th day of Juno, 1908, said date
twlng after the: expiration of all weeks
from the flrat publication of thla aum
taona, and If you fall to appoar and
answer aald complaint, for want there
of, toe plaintiff will apply to the court
for toe rollof demanded in tho com
KalnL to-wlt: for a decree dlssolv
g the bonda of matrimony now ex
latlng between plaintiff and defend
I Thla summons la published by orden
of Hon. Thoinas A. Mcnriao, judge or
the Circuit Court for Clackaioaa
County, Htate of Oregon, which order
waa made and entered on the lit day
Of May, 1908, And the time prescrib
ed for publication thoreof la six weeks.
First publication appearing May let,
1908, and continuing each week there
after to and Including June 12th, 1908.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
In tbe, Circuit Court of the State of
- Oregon, for Clackamaa County,
BlUaboth Wood, Plaintiff,
Laurance H. Wood, Defendant
To Laurance II. Wood, defendant:
,! In the name of the State of Otgon,
you are horeby required to appear and
answer the complaint Clod against yon
In the above entitled ault on or be
fore the Bth day of June, 1908, that
being tbe last day prescribed In the
Order of publication of this summons,
and If you fall to so appear and an
awor said complaint tbe plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief there
in prayed, to-wlt: A decree dissolv
ing the marriage contract existing bo
tween you and the plaintiff.
This summons Is published In tbe
Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper,
for alx consecutive weeks by order of
Hon. Thos. A. McDrlde, Judge of the
aald court, made on the 24th day ef
April, 1908, the Brat publication being
on the Xtth day of April, 1908.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tae Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
' mas.
LUlle 8underland, rialntlff,
Lewis L. Sunderlaad, Defendant
To Lewis L. Sunderland, Defendant
i In the name of tbe 8Ute of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint In the above
entitled cause on or before the Z9in
4 ay of May, 1908. and If yon fall to bo
annoar and answer, the plaintiff will
aoolv to tbe Court for the relief pray
4 for in the complaint, namely, for a
decree dissolving the bonds or main
ttiony heretofore and now existing be
tween tbe d alnt ff and aorenaani.
Thla summons Is published In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newapapor for six aucceislve wooka,
tho first publication thereor w oe
made on the 17th day of April, 1908,
by ordor of the Hon. Grant 11. Dlmlck
Judge of the County Court, male an
enterod this 15th day of April, 1908.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
William W. Hulf. Plaintiff,
Alice Hulf, Defendant
To Alice Hulf, defendant above
In tbe name of the State of Ore
gon, you are "hereby required to ap
pear and anawer the complaint filed
against you In the aove entitled ault
on or before tbe 22d day of May, 1908,
aald date being after the expiration
of alx weeka from the flrat publica
tion of this summons, and If you fall
to appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief de
manded In the complaint, to-wlt: For
a decree dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between plain
tiff and defendant.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of
the County Court for Clackamas
County, Oregon, which order was
made and entered on the 7th day of
April, 1908, and the time prescribed
for publishing thereof la six weeks,
commencing Friday, April 10th, 190S
and continuing each week thereafter
to and Including Friday, May 22, 1908.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
i Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby glvi-n that the un
dersigned haB boen appointed by the
ordor of tho County Court of Clacka
mils County, Oregon, executor of tho
estato of Loulso Wolf, deceased, and
that ail persons having claims against
mid eHtate aro required to present
thorn duly verified ns provided by
law nt tho ofllco of U'Ron & Schuebel,
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from tho date of this notice.
Dated first publication May 8th,
Attorneys for Executor.
Notice to Creditors.
Notlco Is hereby given that the un
dorslgned has beon appointed by the
Hon. County Court of Clackamas Coun.
ty, Oregon, administratrix of the es
tate of Gottlieb EhhIs, deceased. All
porsons having claims against the
said estate are horeby notified to pre
sont tho samo to me for payment at
the ofTIco of Gordon E. Hayes, Stev
ens Building, Main street, Oregon
City, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Administratrix of the estate of Gott
, Hub Esseg, Doceased.
CORDON . E. HAYES, Attorney for
Dated April 29th, 1908.
Admlrvlitrator's Notice.
Notice li beroby given, that the
underilgned baa been, by order of the
Honorable County Court of Clackamas
Co., Oroiron, appointed administrator
of the estate of B. D, Coalman, do
ceasod. All persons having claims
against aald eatate are roqulred to
prosent them, duly vertOod, to mo at
my residence at Bandy, Oregon, with
in 1x month! from the date of thla
Datod May 1, 1908. - -ELIJAH
II. ES. Croee, Administrator.
Attorney for the JXstate.
Administrator! Notices
Notice is horeby given that the tin
derslgnod has been appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, as administrator of
the ostate of George Saum, Sr., de
ceased, and that all peraoni having
claims against said estato muat pre
sent them, properly verified, to tbe
admlnlatrator at the office of C. D. k
D. C. Latourotte, In Oregon City, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of thla notice.
Dated April 30, 1908.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned executors of tbe will of El
mer K. Charmao, deceased, will, on
and aftor Monday, the 15th day of
Juno, 1908, proceed to sell at private
sale fr cash the following described
real estate of the esUtte of Elmer E.
Charman, doceased, and of the aald
decedent :
Undivided one-half of Block 2C,
Clackamas Heights.
Undivided one-half of Block 67,
ClHckaniM Heights.
Undivided one-half of Lot S, Block
"C" Supplemental Map of Clackamas
Holgbts, all In Clackamas county, uro
ffon. T. L. CHARMAN,
Kxecutor of tho Will of Elmer E.
Charman, deceased.
Dated May 15, 1908.
In tho Clroult Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Edward Webster Cole, plaintiff,
Llnle Colo. Defendant.
To Lizzie Cole, Defendant:
In tbe name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and anawer the complaint Died against
you In the above entitled ault within
six consecutive weeks from tbe 1st
day of May, 1908, the date of the
first publication of this, tbe aald sum
mons; and If you fall to appear, ana
swer or plead thereto for want there
of, tbe plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In the
complaint herein, to-wlt: For a de
cree of court dissolving the bonds of
matrimony and marriage contract now
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and that the plaintiff be freed
therefrom, and for auch other and fur
ther rellof as to the Court may seem
just and equitable, including bis costs
and disbursements herein.
Thla summons Is published by order
of tho Hon. Thomaa A. McBrtde, Judge
of the above entitled court, which or
der waa made and entered on tbe 24th
day of April, 1908, and the same di
recting that the publication thereof
be for alx consecutive woeks next suc
ceeding the tald date thereof.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Clroult Court of the State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Clacka
George W. Wilaon, Plaintiff,
. VB.
Luclnda Wilson, Defendant
To Lucinda Wilson, the above named
In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and anawer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before six weeks from the date of
tbe publication of this summons,
which first publication Is on the 1st
day of May, A. D. 1908.
And if you fall to appear on or be
fore said time, for want thoreof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded In said complaint,
to-wlt: for a decree dissolving tbe
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff upon tbe
grounds of wilful desertion for a peri
od of more than one year.
Thla summons is published by or
der of the Honorable Thomaa A. Mc-
Brldo. Judge of the above entitled
court, made and entered on the 25th
day of April, A. D. 1908.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Administrators Notice.
Notlco Is hereby given that the un-
dorslgned has been duly appointed by
tho County Court of tho County of
Clackamas, State of Oregou, adminis
trator of tho Estate of Mrs. Mary Cal
lahan McLIn, Deceased. All persons
having claims against the said estate
aro hereby notified to presont the
same properly verified to the under
signed, at his ofllce on Main Street
In Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated May 7th. 1908.
Administrator of tho Estate of Mrs.
Mary Callahan McLIn, Deceased.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
mas. William Becker, Plnlntlff,
Annlo Decker, Defendant.
To Annie Decker, the defendant above
. In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In tho above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 20th day of June, 1908, said
date being after the expiration of six
weeks from tbe first publication of
this summons, and if you fall to ap
pear and answer said complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the tourt fur the relief demanded
in the complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant
This aummona la published 10 tBe
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly pa
per published at Oregon City, Oregon,
by ordor of Thomas A. McUride, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, which
ordor was made and entered on tbe
1st. day of May, 1908, and the time
prescribed for publication thereof ts
six woeks. First publication appearing
May the 8th, 1908. -
Attorney for Plaintiff
Executrix Notice. !
. Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execu
trix of the estate of Frank E. Willi,
doceased, by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun
ty, and has duly qualified. All per
sons having claims agaJast aald estate
are hereby notified to present -the
same to me at the residence of WU
Ham Wills, Winabcrg, Oregon, with
proper vouchers and duly verified,
within six month! from date hereof.
Dated and first publication May 15,
Graham L Cleeton, Executrix
. , Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
derslgned has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Rolnholt Mlebs,
deceased; all persons having claims
suatast aald estate are hereby aoti
fled to presont tbe same with proper
vouchers, duly verified according to
law, at tbe office of Geo. C. Brownell,
at Oregon City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, within alx months of the date
of tho publication of thla notice.
Dated, May 15, 1908.
Admlnlatrator of the estate of Rlen
holt Mlebs.
Goo. C. Brownell, Attorney for ad'
FOR SALE Buff Orpingtons, choice
slock, C. W. Swallow, Oregon City,
R. F. D. No. 3, Box 118.
ESTRAY NOTICE Taken up at my
place at George, Oregon, one span
of horses, weighing about 1200 lbs.,
color black and bay, both have
brands and collar marks. Owner get
same by paying for keep. Henry
Schmidt, George, Ore.
LOST One old bay mare, white face,
slightly lame front foot, last seen
following buggy past Clear Creek
Creamery East. Notify Robert R.
Shelly, Oregon City, R, F. D. No.
2, Box 4.
FOR SALE CHEAP 4 yoke of work
oxen, all young and in good shape.
Inquire at Llna'a Mill, or of B. F.
Linn 712 Po'k St Oregon City. .
Miss Blair, of Hubbard, was visit
ing Mrs. Holman, ber sister.
Mr. Larklns and family were at J.
W. StnudlnKcr's Sunday.
J. F. Dibble and F. R. Cooper called
on Mr. Dennison Sunday. ;
The rain Sunday Interfered with
the Meadowbrook delegation attend
ing tbe anti-saloon rally at Mullno
Sunday night
Mrs. Julia Staudlnger'a niece call
ed to see ber last week.
Some of tbe less enterprising peo
ple of tfils neighborhood are Inclined
to think that tbla new railroad is In
"the air." At least we haven't seen
any Indications of it on terraflrma.
Mr. Thomaa, of Noon mill, was seen
passing through this burg this week.
Neighbor State Now Supplying the
Local Markets.
The local markets are receiving all
kinds of vegetables from California
and In fine lots. California onions
are qulted at $2.25 per hundred; Los
Angeles cabbage, 2 cents; golden
wax beans, 10c; strawberries, $1.35
a crate; hot house lettuce, $1.00 per
box of four dozen.
Waila Walla asparagus Is quoted at
7 cents, but la quite scarce on ac
count of the wet weather. The potato
market Is holding up good for this
time of year, but the buying is not
In heavy quantities. Strawberries
will be slow coming In on account of
tho weather, but there will be a good
crop this year. The local demand U
being supplied with California ber5
rles at 15 cents per box, but these
are not nearly bo good as tho home
grown ones.
Butter took a tumble this week
from 40 and 50c to 35 and 40 cents
for tho ranch and from 50 and CO
cents to 45 and 55 cents for the cream
ery. Eggs remain the same price,
174 cents per dozen.
Vegetables, Fruits, Etc.
ONIONS Oregon onions, $3.00 per
snck; potatoes C070 per 100; Los
Angeles cabbage 2c lb; rutabagas, lc
lb; fresh onions, 40c per doz. bunches;
horseradish, 7V&C lb; yellow wax
beans, 10c lb.; gooseberries, 50c per
gallon; California cauliflower, $1,.25
doz.; California onions, $2.25 sack;
Walla walla Asparagus, 7c lb; Cali
fornia strawberries, $1.35 crate.
CELERY $1.00 doz.; hot house let
tuce $1.00 4 doz bunches.
RUTABAGAS 75c sack.
KRAUT 20c to 25c gallon.
POPCORN Shelled, 44c to 5c.
Butter and Eggs.
BUTTER Ranch, 3540c; cream
ery. 4555c roll.
EGGS 17c per doz.
HONEY 12c to 14c frame.
HONEY Strained, 7c to 9c lb.
Fresh Fruits.
APPLES $1.50$2.25.
Dried Fruits.
DRIED APPLES Quartered, sun
dried, 7c8c; evaporated, 8c9c;
evaporated and bleached, 9c10c;
prunes, 40c; silver prunes, 6c to
Cc; pears, 11 to 12c.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
WHEAT 90c.
OATS No. 1, white $2526; $1.30
per hundred.
FLOUR Pat. hard wheat $4.60;
valley flour, $4.40; graham, $3.75
$4.25; whole wheat, $3,7604.25. j
M1LL8TUFFS Bran, $27.00; mid
dlings, $32; shorts $28.50; dairy chop,
$27.00$33; hay, $18.
HAY Valley timothy, No. 1, $16
$18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
I17&I18; clover, $11.50; cheat, $14;
grain $13$1(. -
Live Stock.
STEERS $4.60 $5.00.
HEIFEHB $4.OO0$4.5O.
LAMBS $5.00 $5.50.
MUTTON $3.00.
HOGS $5.60 $6.00.
DUCKS Live, 17018C. j
OLD HKN8 12c per lb; young
roosters 11c; old roosters, 9c; mlxod
chickens 11c; spring chickens (frys)
llcQ12c lb.; turkeys, fancy, 16c17c.
Dressed Meats.
FRESH MEATS Hogs, 78c per
lb.; veal 7ft8c; Mutton, 8c; lamb,
(spring), llc12c.
D. M. Marshall to A. C. Yocum a
certain tract of land In Sec. 15, T3S,
R4E; $3000.
Hogue & Reed to H. E. Noble cer
tain lots In Mlnthorn; $1. ?
Trustees of M. E. Church 8otith
Portland, to J. K. Ely, et ux 2 acrei
In D. L. C. No. 75-13; $400.
J. K. Ely. ot ux to R. II. Currln
1 acre in John B. Chiles D. L. C;
Mrs. C. K. Bevens to W. C. McDon
aldlots 4 and 5 in blk. 19, Bolton;
Knud H. Sletager et ux to J. J.
Sandsness 220 acres In Sec. 31, t3s,
rle; $1.
E. V. Chltwood to H. M. Cbltwood
25 acres In Sec. 5, T2S, R3E; $2000.
E. Danlelson et ux to Cornwell lum
ber Co. 100 acres In Sec. 28, T5S, R
3E; $3600. '
J. G. Mitchell et nx to H. A Mc
Clure et ux,' certain tracts of land in
Sees. 24 and 27, Tp's 5 and 6, S, R
3 and 4 E; $8000.
W. H. Garven et nx to W. M. Beggs,
120 acres in Sec. 27. T7S, R4E; $10.
Sunset Land Co to Philip Scbnoor
lots 7 and 8 in block 7, Sunset City;
Mrs. Louise Spring to Paul Relmers
Lot 6 in block 17 In Robertson; $1.
H. A Thlessen to Paul Relmers
lot 6 and S of lot 4 In block 20, Rob
ertson; $550.
L. M. Hedge to J. C. Harrison 27.25
acres in Alice Rlchey D. L. C; $2000.
M. J. Boen et ux to J.W. Eby 120
acres In Sec. 25, T4S, R IE; $3550.
. A Gettmann to H. W. Vlets, Lot 10
and 11 in block C in MUwaukie Park;
$1. " .
M. M. Smith to P. W. Thoren, EE
1-4 of SE 1-4 of Sec. 25, T1S, R3E;
T. P. Lee to Hooken Larson W4
of Tract No. 64 of Pruneland; $450.
F. Fenske to G. Henke 24.43 acrea
In Sec 23. T4S. R1E; $2190.
A. E. Deaklns to M. Deaklns 7
acres in Isom Cranfleld D. L. C, T2S,
R2E; $525.
A. E. Deaklns to C. B. Deaklns, 2.85
acres In Isom Cranfleld D. L. C; $285.
A. O. Wetzler to The Public a road
In Geo Crow D. f! ii '
A. G. Wetzler to A. J. Relnhart
18.85 acres In Geo. Crow D. L. C.
C. J. Rice to A. Hugel 81 acres In
Sees. 20 and 17, T6S, R2E; $1000.
J. P. Renner to Fred Rohde certain
lots in Oregon City; $2000.
L. Horstetler Jr., to C. Hornsack
40.30 acres in Sec. 27 T4S, R1E; $3000.
G. W. Klllln to W. M. Barnes 190
acres In John Klllln D. L. C. T5S, R1W
T. M. Sturges to E. Thlal 40 acres
in Sec. 4 T 5 S. R 1 E; $800.
D. M. Cuddy et ux to T. H. L
Blane. 8.9G acres in Barlow: $1.
C. D. Christensen to A. C. Chrlsten-
sen a part of the D. D. Tompkins D.
JU C. T2S. HIE; $1.
Nancy Hall to A. 8. Hall 24 acres
In Sees. 9 and 16, T2S, R3E; $G00.
A. L. Hall to W. A. Hall 24 acres
in Sees. 9 and 16. T2S, R3E; $500.
Mrs. P. E. Bonney to A. Danlelson,
417 of an acre; $500.
F. Williamson to G. J. Engebrecht
lots 4 and 11 in block "B" of Park
add to the city; $300.
P. J. Lutz to Augusta Lutz Lots
12, 13, and 14 in B. 8 Falls View Add
to Oregon City; $1.
U. S. to W. G. Wright 160 acres in
Sec. 20, T5S, R4E.
E. Courand to John Tracksel 170
acres in F. Helms D. L. C; $80,200.
Fred Miller to H. L. Scheer a cer
tain tract of land in Milton Brown
D. L. C; $1.
Casper Kerr to Wm. Shindler Lot
18 In Block B in Milwaukie; $1.
W. R, Ellis to Julian Peterson
Lots 1 and 2 in Causey's Subdivision
Tract No. 1. con 10.61 acres; $2.
L. A. Balr to C. Wills one acre in
Sec. 33, T3S, R1E; $72.
Chas. A. Bartlemay to C. A. Norhis
G acres in T. H. Forrester D. L. C;
E. Lacey to Nina C. Keller 40 acres
in Sees 15 and 16. T4S, R4E; $1.00.
Geo. Walch to Wm. Schwabauer
41.78 acres in Sec. 27; $2500.
C. D. Latourette et al to Frank Sigs
by 53. W. H. Fordlce D. L. C. In
T3S R3E; $1235.
E. F. Riley to Frank Slgsby 53
acres in W. H. Fordlce D. L. C; $1200.
W. A. Proctor to School Dist. No.
1072 acres in Sec. 26 and 27, T1S.
R4E; $1.
E. O. Ball to School Dlst No. 107
a certain tract of land in Sec. 34, T1S,
R4E; $2000.
E. M. Hoyell to G. B. Dlmlck a part
of Ezra Fisher D. L. C; $250.
F. H. Moulton to John F. Waldow
15 acres in Claim No. 48, T2S, R2E;
John Donahue to S. King, Lot 10
of Block 7 of MUwaukie Park; $1.
Land Titles Examined.
Abstract ef Title Made.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Real Kntate, . .
Loan, Ineuranoe
Phone: Main 521 Office in fenneld Bid, Main and Bhtt &
J.L HEDCE8 . .. & , rl, , , F. T. CRIFFITM
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court Hons ,
CD. & D.C Latourette
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate
our Specialties. Office In First Na
tional Bank Building, Oregon City,
Clackamas County
606-608 Chcmber of Commerce,
Full equipment : of maps, plats, ab
stract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County Land.
Money loaned, titles perfected.
E. F. 4 F. B. RILEY, . .
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.
Royal Restaurant
and Lunch
Loaches from 5c up. Oar 25c meals
you cannot beat Oar coffee yoa wDl
never fortet Open all night
; Come In, Let's Get Acquainted.
A. E. Joyner, Proprietor
410 Main 8t
Oregon City, Ore.
New Arlsto Gold Finish. The most
lasting finish ever used in photogra
phy on all Photos at
West 8lde Main Street, Near Tenth.
An arUBt or 3U yearr "Penence m
nicagu uu " .
f none us zsoz ir you warn us w
i take a picture of your home, or farm,
or yourself and family.
Log Cabin Saloon
All the Standard brand! of
Whisky, such as
We Serve Free Lunch.
J.. E. Jack, Democratic candidate
for County Assessor, was born at Mar-
quam in Clackamas county; he serv
ed as chief Deputy Sheriff during J.
J. Cooke's term as Sheriff; afterwards
he formed a partnership with Geo. F.
Horton and together they conducted
the grocery store of Horton & Jack on
Seventh Street, in Oregon City. Two
years ago he bought out the interest
of Mr. Horton and Is now conducting
.'the business alone.
He is a thorough business man in
every respect, and if elected assessor
will appoint the very best men he
can find in Clackamas county for his
deputies, and will endeavor to give a
Just and equal assessment to all with
out favoritism. You will make no mis
take by voting for him.
Main Street,
Will practice la sll courts, make collects,
ions snd settlements.
Office i ElTTWUSf Bnildlaf, Ongtm
City, Oregon.
Money loaned, abstract furnlab.
uim xamioa, huw hium,
law bualneu transacted.
Orar Bank of Oragoa City,
1 10 7th Street
Commercial Trade Solicited.
Excellent Table Board, or. Board
and Room by the Day or Monti.
W. S. EDDY, V, S HD.V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ot Toroato, Canada,
and the McKUJip School of
Surgery of Chicago, bat located
at Oregon City and established aa
office at The Fashion Stable,
ScTenth Street near Mala.
Both Telephones.
Farmer' Iji Mail lil
Wind Mills, Pumas and Hydras
He Rams a Specialty.
Phone) 2(81
Oregon City, - Oregon.
Probate and Realty Law Practice
Specialties. ( .
Office Upstairs, tint building em
th of Courthouse.
Meals at all hoars.
Rooms 25c up.
Family Trade Solicited. J
"The kind your Grand
father used" and he waa of
rare Judgment. Profit by hla
experience and use Old I. W.
Harper Whiskey.
For aato fcy