Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1908, Image 5

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    CITV INTEftMIM. FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1908.
Canby and Southern Clackamas
18. H. Carlton cumo In from Portland
Wodiioaduy for tho day.
Mr. ami Mm, If. W. flair attended
Urn MuMoovlto services at I. 0. 0. V.
KrHiul IocIko lit Halem.
Llttlo Uhincli Warnuck, aged ulght
years, dlod Tuesday morning of spinal
meningitis itftor a very short MnoH
MrH. Harney Cronln liait returned
from her vhilt to ICstucada. Since
lior return tho baby linn been quite
Mrs. Dalrymplo. of Washington, 1m
vIhIIIiik Mr. and Mm. Matt.
A mooting of tho strawberry grow
urn wax hold Thursday evening In
Klvoraltln hcIkhiI to elect officers and
triinmiol otlior business.
Canby limt tlio ball game Hundny
to Oswego by a acorn of tf to 7. Tho
grounds woro extremely wot and Can
by being a dry town and Oswego a
wot ono, thu boy say tho visitors
had an uiuluo advantogo.
Charles I.ur.ko ban sold IiIh 40 aero
farm to H. W. Upton, of Springfield
Consideration looi).
T. Donaldson has sold his farm to
a limn from Huttovlllo.
Win. Hchwador, a pioneer of Oregon,
and well-known horo, dlod Saturday
morning and tho funeral was hold
Sunday. Mr. Bchwador eamo to Ore
gon In 1K.15 with thu original colonists
thut settled around Aurora.
Work hint started on Mr. Buthur
land'a now residence. '
Politic! to the Front.
Politics aro ocupylng tho attontlon
of tho citizens at present. On Wed
noaday evening, rtov. John M. Linden
adilroMHod tho people at tho City Hall
on, tho Huhji'ct, "Why I Oppose tho
I,l(uor IIiihIiic.uk," or "I'ursonal Ex
perience with tho Earmark of
lloozo." Rev. Linden In a very force
ful speaker nnd his remarks woro
ctoHoly folluwod and appreciated by
all presont.
On Thursday Hon. T. J. Cleetnn, of
Portland, formerly dlatrlct attorney
of (.'luckainiiN county, delivered a
strong address to a large audlouro In
tho city hull on "Why tho Republican
I'urty Should Bond a Republican to
tho I'nlted Htnti'H Honnto."
Friday afternoon Oov, Chamberlain,
tho grand factotum of tho grout tin
waHhod, explained why ho wuntod to
go to tho United tSatoH Senate to tho
entire satisfaction of himself and a
few Democrats.
Next Monday tho chmed season for
politicians will end In Canby until
election day, with speeches by tho
county candldateN.
Clote of School.
Tho school year ended Friday night
with exercises In tho city hull. Tho
average enrollment for tho year haa
been 145 and an altoKether successful
your Ih reported. Huel Hilton and
Melon Grutiain llnlKh the Uth (jrado
thla year. Tho results In thu 8th
grade havo not an yet boon announc
ed. In tho 7th grade Nelllo Hampton, I
Mario nlggernoMN, Huttle Hutchinson
and HoIhiuI Porter HticcoHKfully passed
tho examliiHtlon.
K. W. Hutchinson u m with pneu
monla. Charles Ilnuch and wife, of St,
Johns, spent Sunday in Canby with
Alvln I'hulps, formerly of Canby,
arc visiting Mr, LaHh'a alator, Mm,
but lately of Portland, haa purchaaod
tho llalsoy photpa place, and will re
turn to thla vicinity again.
Olid IjihIi and aon from tho East
Mary Iloughan,
A truancy caao wo up before Jus
tlco Knight on Wednesday, but waa
dlHmlMMod, aa tho children In tho caao
bad boon going to a school In another
W. 11. Ilulr oxpocta to go to Beattlo
today on a business uud pleasure trip.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society gave a aalo
Saturday evening In Columbia Hall,
cakn, coffee, aandwlchea and !co cream
woro aorvod. Tho total amount tak
en In waa 1 1 00.
Tho Ilusy Hon Bowing Society moots
at Mlaaea Cora and Laura Bandana
thla weok.
MliTn Mary 8. Harlow passed through
hero on hor way to I'ortlund from
Oakland, Tuesday, accompanlod by
Mra. M. W. and Hosslo Shoppard and
Mm, Viva T. Nuaon. 81m haa Just un-
dorgotio a aorloua operation.
Mra. J. A. An drown and Mra. Lldlo
I Irwin returned from Eugono Satur
day ovonliiK where they were aont an
dolegaloM to tho Orgon Btuto Orange.
W. 11. Tull waa In Portland Wodnoa
day at tho bedside of bin aunt, Miss
J. A. Androwa la apendlng thla week
In I'ortlund.
MIhhoh Ida and Cora Ho wo, who aro
In Portland thla winter, spent Satur
day and Sunday with their parents.
Mis I jui r a itymoinon, who attenda
Portland High School, Npeut Batur
duy and Sunday with hor parenta, und
MIhm Laiura Iikem, who attenda liar
cluy High School alao apent Batur
duy and Hunday with her purenta.
O. A. White hold Kngllxh aervlcca
In tho Mrhool hoiiHo Sunday evening.
Mr. Tbomaa and Mr. Coleman, who
aro running for roprcHeiitutlvo on tho
Horlullxt ticket, apokn lu Columbia
Hull Tuoaday evening.
Rain, rain, la now tho feature of
tho day. More ruin, more roiU.
Martin Staiiber went to Canby Sun
day to aeo the baao ball game.
Mra. Minnie Hchoer anil daughter-
In-law, Mra. K. A. Bcheor, vlalted Mra.
John Keohler, Jr., of Cuiiby, Tueaday.
Hev. Kerr, of Portland dlatrlct, took
charge of tho quarterly conference
aervlco Sunday. Hev. Kerr gave a
ver y good lecture In tho afternoon
aervlco, to tho young people of Cen
tral Point, ultout attondliiK baaeball
game, and other vIcoh of aln on tho
Snlibath, Inateuil of attending aacred
aervlco. We hope that they will con-
alder the mutter.
Mr. and Mra. Crawford, of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. George Randall, Jr.,
vlalted Mra. Gilbert Kundall Sunday.
and attended tho meeting.
(Maud iloffninn, of Canby, vlalted
Mr. and Mrs. Nowt. Creltzer Sunday.
Thero will be an Ico cream aoclal
and plo aupper nt the Central Point
M. E. church Friday, May 22. Pro
recda for tho bene lit of tho church.
Kverylwuly Invited.
Mra. Hughea and children havo gone
to Portland, for a couplo of woeka'
vlalt with Mra. Hughea' mother, and
You not only And gentlemen In front of tho bar, but you, find
them behind tho bar, too.
HI long experience In buHlncsa enables him to purchase only
the beat brands. '
Wines Liquors, And Cigars
A glass of his well-kept beer or liquor will oonvtnca you,
Tolephono 80 OREGON CITY, ORE.
Portland, Oregon
Men's Suits
Elegant hand-tailored, new Spring
colors and patterns, fancy and plain
Worsteds, Serges and Velours; gar
ments that will show gqtfal to suits sold
in Portland at it 5 to $f 6.50, for only
Men's Suits
A collection of high-grade Suits for men
and young men, finished with fancy
cuffs and the late novelty effects now so
popular in men's suits. Other stores
will charge yog $20 and $25. Oor price
r)i II in
other relatives.
Mra. Nellie Goodwin loft Monday
for Tlgardvlllo to visit her sister,
MIhs Anna Pollard, former teacher of
Dlatrlct No. 03.
Any one wishing a good young team
Inquire of Robert Montgomery of Hog
Hollow, and A. C. Scheer, of Central
Point, as each ono has a fine pair of
young colta. A. C. Scheer'a is a pair
of line matched blacks, and Robert
Montgomery's are brown.
Mlas Alta Scheer Is on the sick list
this week.
Don't forget the Ice cream social
and pie supper Friday, May 22.
jette, Wednesday afternoon; Eastham,
I Thursday morning; Barclay, Thurs
day afternoon; St. Johns, Friday
morning; -Parkplace, Friday afternoon.
t r -.
Percheron Stallion Ggusta
will! make the season as
Tuesdays-Logan, Henry Babler's
Wcdncsdays-Estacada, Morrows Barn '
Thursdays-Viola, W.Ward's
Fridays-Sprmgwater, C L.Bard's.
Terms $10. Single leap; $(5. for sea
son; $20. to insure with foal. Owned by
H. M. Mullen. Managed by C. L. Bard,
O. Lash, of Bloomltigton, 111., ar
rived, Monday and Is visiting his sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Hoiighara. Mr. Lash
spent several weeks here during the
Lewla & Clark fair.
Wallace Woodcox was an Oregon
City visitor Sunday last.
Josle Sevclk is home for the Bum
mer. MIsHes Lllllo Lundeen and Alice
Kraus, of Aurora, were among the
bunch of unlucky 13 that took the
8th grade examination here last week
Miss Smith, or Sellwood, closed a
successful term of school Friday at
Twilight, with appropriate exercises
Mark Slyter, formerly of thla place,
passed through here Sunday morning
Frank McArthur has a new truck
to haul his wood saw on from job to
Mr. Schoibner has purchased the
Cox plnco east of here and wllLerect
a new dwelling house In the nnir fu
ture. v
Mrs. Wink was an Oregon City vis
itor, last Thursday.
Clarence Glasier nnd Carl Burgoyne
attended the dance at Beaver Creek
Friday night.
Mr. Ferguson towed an automobile
Into Oregon City on Wednesday of
last week.
John and Charle9 Bradtl found an
Elk tooth charm on the rond one day
last week and were rewarded $2.00
each for their find.
Association Plana to Spend $1000 On
Premiums T. F. Ryan, T. J.
Gary and George Lazelle Will
Have Direction of Plans.
That Hyomel Will Cure All Forma of
Catarrhal Diseases.
Testimonials could be printed by
the thousand, many of them from
Oregon City and nearby towns, saying
that Hyomel absolutely cures all ca
tarrhal troubles. The best proof of
Its unusual curative powere la the
guarantee that Huntley Bros. Co., give
with ever youtflt thoy aoll, "Money
back If Hyomel does not do all that
Is claimed for It."
Hyomel la not a secret remedy. Ita
formula ia freely given to physicians
who want to know what they are ua
Ing when they prescribe Hyomel. It is
guaranteed under the Pure Food and
Drug Law by Serial No. 1418.
There la no dangerous stomach
drugging when Hyomel Is used. Ita
healing medication Is breathed through
a neat pocket Inhaler, reaching every
part of the air passages, destroying
all catarrhal germs and curing the
The Board of Directors of the
Clackamas County Fair Association
made headway Monday, and while
they have not yet determined the I
exact date of the next County Fair,
they have made other necessary ar
rangements so that when the date Is
fixed, comparatively little will remain
to be done. Judge T. F. Ryan, George
Lazelle aud T. J. Gary were re-appointed
as the executive committee,
with considerable authority to carry
on the plans for the annual exhibit,
which will be held on the Wait tract
near Canby. R. S. Coe, G. U. Kessel
ring and John Zeek comprise the com
mittee on grounds and theirs Is no
light task, for there is a vast amount
of work to be done on the new site.
Mr. Coo was made a committee of
one to obtain a lease on the grounds,
and William Grisenthwalte, A. J.
Lewis, and T. J. Gary, were appointed
a committee to arrange the premium
list, and A. J. Lewis, Harry Balr, O.
E. Freytag, R. S. Coe and T. F. Ryan
will solicit premiums from the local
merchants and also procure adver
tisements for the premium list. The
Fair Association plans to expend
$1000 on premiums and will also ap
propriate $30 with which to obtain
premiums for juvenile exhibits.
The County Fair will be held before
the State Fair and the executive com-
mtttee has been authorized to make
a Clackamas County exhibit at Salem.
The amount of money to be expended
for this purpose was left to the judg
ment of the committee.
J. T. Apporson, Thomas F. Ryan,
George Lazelle and T. J. Gary were
named as committee on by-laws. The
heads of the several divisions will be
appointed by the president of the As
sociation later.
Arrangements have been made by
Meade Post, No. 2, Grand Army of
the Republic and Meade Relief Corps
for the observance of Decoration Day.
The joint conference committee has
named the leading figures in the pub
lic exercises that are to be held In
the city park, weather permitting. W.
P. Hawley Is to be president of the
day, and the oration will be delivered
by Hon. George C. Brownell. James
A. Tufts Is grand marshal and he will
have the selection of his aides. The
Oregon City Band will probably be
engaged to lead the procession from
Willamette Hall to the Park, and the
stores of the city will be asked to
close from 9 a. m., until 1 p. m., and
to decorate the exteriors.
Members of the Grand Army of the
Republic will visit schools of Oregon
City and vicinity as follows: Cane
mah, Wednesday morning; Willam-
Patriotic Sermon.
The First Baptist Church of Ore
gon City will hold two very important
end patriotic services , next "Sunday,
May 24, 1908. In the morning at 10:30
o'clock, the Meade Post, G. A; R., and
the Woman's Relief Corps will wor
ship with the church in a body. An
extraordinary effort Is being made to
have a fitting and appropriate ser
vice. A fine program is being arrang
ed. Pastor Linden's sermon subject
will be: "Endure Hardness as a Good
Soldier." Patriotic hymns and choir
selections will be sung and the church
will publish a souvenir calendar en
titled: "In Memoriam." The decora
tions will be in two scenes: "Stacked
Guns in Bivouac," and "Peace," both
scenes decorated In flags and flowers
and bunting-. No effort will be spar
ed by the church to make the service
one long to be remembered.
Kodol completely digests all classes
of food. It will get right at the trouble
and do the very work Itself for the
stomach. It Is pleasant to take. Sold
by Howell & Jones.
Too much time obtaining information
from uncertain sources, unless yos
are using Polk's Gazetteer of Oregon
and Washington, complete information
of every town in the two States and
a classified Business Directory.
Of High Classed Canned Fruits and Vegetables.
Preserves in GlassjMaple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour,
Soaps etc
Beginning May 1st, we Inaugurate an extraordinary ClearanceSale
of the following High-grade Canned Goods, etc. Positive reduction
oMrom TO to 25 per cent Off the regular retail prices. The stock
Is the largest and best selected of Groceries in Clackamas County.
Terms, Cash. , - s
Tomatoes, Extra Standard, 3 for 25 eta, 95 cents per dozen.
Tomatoes, Extra Fancy, 2 for 25cts, $1.35 per dozen.
Corn Extra Standard, 3 for 25 cents, 95 cents per dozen.
Beans Extra Fancy Refuge, 2 for 25cts, $1.40 per dozen.
Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Extra Standard 20cts each, or $2.00 per doa.
Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Strawberries, Blackberries, Cherries, Kx-
tra Fancy grade, 25 cts per can, or $2.75 per dozen.
All of Bishop's, Long's, Griffin's Extra Preserves In glass, regular 25c
to 35cts, now 20cts each.
Maple Syrup In gallon can, regular $1.40 low $1.15 per can. ,
Eastern Buckwheat, 101b. sacks, regular 50ct, now 40 cents per sack.
Soap, Swift's Pride, 8 bars for 25 cents. '
Soap, Sunny Monday, P. ft G Naptha, Johnson &c, regular 4 for 25cts,
now 5 cents each.
Extra Singapore Pine Apples large size, 2 for 25c, per doz.... 11.45