Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1908, Image 2

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' Three teams and a force of men un
der the direction of Mr. B. P. Carter
began the excavation for the new
school house last Monday evening.
The directors of the Gladstone
school will meet at the home of H. E.
Cross Wednesday evening. The mat
ter of choosing a principal for the
new school will be taken up at that
time.- '
Mrs. Cbas. Caukins and Mrs. Na
than Pratt left for Colorado Tuesday
morning to attend the funeral of their
, brother, who died last Saturday night
Mrs. M. Wbltcomb, of Minneapolis,
Minn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
F. Parker.
Mr. A. F. Parker, chairman of the
athletic committee of the Chautauqua,
fs 1 having the Chautauqua baseball
jronnds put Into shape.
Mr. McAIpin and family have mov
ed into one of Mr. LaSalle's new
Mrs. W. A. Cross and Mrs. Hoar
spent Friday in Portland.
Mrs. M. M. Bowers, whose home is
In Alaska, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Rauch.
Mr. Sadwell, formerly of Sandy, was
visiting at the Tabordon and Seivers
homes last week.
Messrs. Schooley ft Bill sold lota
6, 7, and 8 of Block 6 In Gladstone to
Mrs. Minnie Dickey, of Molalla. Mrs.
Dickey expects to make her home in
Gladstone in the near future.
. Mr. FranKim ciark sold his 14.61
acre tract in west Gladstone to Judge
Ryan. Mr. Clark expects to go to
Mr. Evon, who is in the employ of
the Hawley Paper Company, bought
the old Harry Wilson property.
(Messrs Wilkinson & Hughes pur
chased lots 12 and 15 of Block 9,
from Mr. Horn and Mrs. H. B. Rlnear
8on. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warren mov
ed to Gladstone from Eugene last Saturday.
county. The Democrats are offering
to trade almost all their entire ticket
off to elect their Sheriff and County
Commissioner.. You my friends stand
by Mattoon. He is our nominee and
will be elected. . No Democrat will
come within 400. votes of being elect
ed. The Republicans must keep con
trol of the County Court and If Mr,
Smith should be elected, (which he
will not), he would only be a tide
pocket to the Court and we want a
man like Mr. Mattoon, who is compe
tent to transact the business of the
county. Every Republican should vote
the ticket straight We have all good
men on the ticket and will elect every
one of them. This talk of non-parti-
sanshlp is all rot Did you ever notice
Democrats do not vote for Kepuou
cans. If you think they do Just count
the Democratic votes of your precinct
and then look at the tally sheet after
election and see how badly fooled you
o . an any nart of tie county that estab
lish a high school. This la quite dif
ferent from the common understand
ing that the heading seems to war
rant, " Q." Frledrlck and son will move on
the farm this fall. Considerable slash
ing has beeu dono on the place, which
makes a great improvement in the
, R. Kerr w'111 move on the place he
purchased in Rodland, at the close of
this season.
The baseball fever has broken out
here and captured our stalwart youth,
A space has been cleared on the
Strowbrldge place and a game was
played last Sumiay with the Spring
water team. The score was, Logan
19, Sprlngwater 11. The ground was
muddy from the dripping rain which
lnterferred with the game. A game
will be played at Eagle Creek next
The Logan ball team will give a
dance May 29 for the benefit of Its
club and expect to have a successful
affair. Orchestra music, good sup
per. Tickets ii.
Mrs. Jessie Courtwright is at Hood
River picking strawberries.
Miss Nannie Andrews, our school
teacher, recently enjoyed a short visit
with her parents at Dayton.
Frank Mattoon, while working with
the crew crushing rock, had his finger
badly mashed by a stone thrown by
one of the workmen.
Mr. Sprague is having considerable
trouble In getting his mill in good run
ning order.
All road work has ceased for the
time being on account of rain
WHsonville had a double-header
Sunday on their diamond. The game
in the forenoon was between WHson
ville Cubs and Stafford's nine. The
score was 5 to 8 In favor of Stafford.
In the afternoon Wilsonvllle's first
team and Oak Grove played a hard
game with an even score up to the
first half of the ninth Inning, when
Oak Grove quit. The score was 9 to 9.
Next Sunday Canby and the first
team here play on the WHsonville
William Molton.
Miss Rachel Melton and Mlsa Nora
and Miss Ruth Herman visited with
Mlsg Dosslo Qulun Inst Sunday after
Road work In this section has boon
suspondod on account of bad woather.
Kev. Qulnn will preach at the Rub
sellvllle school house the fifth Sunday
In May, at 11 o'clock a. m. All arc
We Carry Heavy Stocks of
The Farmers' Telephone Company
completed setting their poles a week
ago last Thursday. We understand
that the main ote will be located in
the drug store in Lents, operated by
A. Glesler & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. George Held attended
Rev. H. O. Henderson's farewell ser
mon last Sunday morning at the Grace
Evangelical church, at Lents.
Mr. Forbes and family have moved
and rented Mr. Lugg's place.
A young couple were wandering
around last Sunday afternoon. In the
course of their walk they also stop
ped and took In the situation of a cer
tain house. What's going to happen,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Becker visited
with Mr. C. F. Zinser and family, Sun
day afternoon. Glad to have Mrs.
Becker out with us once more.
Plenty of rain here.
Miss Elliott Is better.
Miss K'nra Prlnwell will he hnmfl
cnaries Hicin&oUiem, of Estacada, goon to spend the Summer.
was recently a Redland visitor.
Considerable interest is taken in
the proposed county high school law,
by the voting public.
No new cases of diphtheria have de
veloped as yet. Miss Jessie Murry
has almost recovered. The Murry
home was fumigated Sunday. Our
school will not open for at least a
week more. School was called Thurs
day and 'Friday and those wishing to
take the 8th grade examination at
Our farmers have been putting In
their, grain in the mud the past few
days. A large amount of oats will
be sown this week to cut for hay.
The dance at Aurora Saturday eve
ning: was attended by several of our
young folks.
Jack Kerr has his crops all in and
is happy as he is the only man here
that is through putting In grain.
Henry Kraus is putting up a new
fence on his farm alongside the new
proposed road that is to be establish
ed in District No. 23.
That the hop crop of Clackamas
county and the state will be the small
est in years is an established fact
There will not be over half a crop in
the whole state. Your correspond
ent is a hop grower and has been tray
eling the past few days visiting the
top raising communities, and finds
that over one-half the yards of this
and Marion counties are almost a
failure. In this vicinity, where nearly
all of the hops of Clackamas county
are raised, not over 40 per cent, of the
hop yards will make anything at all.
Hundreds of acres of hops have been
plowed out and put into other crops
and hoppicking will be a very small
affair this Fall. Whenever anyone
says Oregon will raise a big crop of
hops this year, he is simply stating
that which is not true.
There will be the largest hay crop
here that has been raised for years.
Amos Kauffman has rented Dr.
Giesy's farm here for a number of
Hon. William H. Mattoon, our next
County Commissioner, was interview
ing the voters of this part of the
county the past week. That he will
get the Republican vote here goes
without saying.
Just a few words to our Repub
lican friends in Southern Clackamas
Miss Myrtle Smith called at Mc-
Gonegal'8 Sunday.
The Socialist candidates spoke to
a small audience here, Monday even
ing. Miss Zoa Fish returned from Port
land, bringing a friend, Mrs. Charles
Miss Freeda Gahlor Is home from
Portland again.
Lee Fish and Gene Garrett made a
business trip to Molalla Tuesday.
Fresh candy at Molson's.
Needy's first team and Marquam
will play on our diamond May 24, if
the rain lets them.
Dan Erb, a respected citizen of this
place, died Sunday, of pneumonia.
Call at Thompson's and see the
latest In hats.
Several Mulinoltes attended the en
tertainment at Liberal Saturday even
ing. Miss Nada Lee, of Portland, has
been spending a week at home with
her parents.
Miss Minnie Trullinger returned
home Saturday after closing an eight
months' school.
Rev. Webber, of Canby, gave a lec
ture on temperance at the Church
Sunday evening. The house was
crowded and every one enjoyed them
Mrs. Churchill and daughter, Miss
Vesta, went to Linn County, Tuesday
to visit friends and relatives.
The Republican candidates talked
Mr. Allen returned home Saturday,
after being In Portland two weeks at
the bedside of his sister.
The dance given by the young folks
of Harding Grange, for the benefit of
the barn fund on May 15, was a social
aid financial success.
The Democratic cadidates, J. W.
Smith, L. W. Robbins, R. B. Beatle
and T. J. Myers, spoke at the Grange
hall May 1C. O. D. Eby, J.. J. Cooke,
and J. E. Hedges were also present
and made addresses. ( Senator Hedges
made the closing speech In which he
explained and discussed the initiative
and referendum measures.
C. Schuebel, Prof. Read, and Mr.
Eaton were at Gill's hall Monday and
spoke in favor of the county high
school proposition. As explained by
thurn, the measure should be headed
in the plural, "Schools," as it simply
provides a high school fund to be used
The rain Is making lots of hay and
also making grain grow.
Mrs. John R. Lewis is on the sick
Sturges brothers have their mill
about ready to commence work.
Some of the boys were Been passing
through this burg the other day with
some coons: one they caught alive.
R. B. Beatie was out to his farm the
other day.
Grandpa Emmlt was calling on
friends in Cams the other day.
Ralph Howard and wife are visiting
at the home of Edwin Howard.
Mrs. Robert Caseday Is visiting
friends in Oregon City this week.
Mrs. A. H. Baker and sister, MIbs
Click, called on C. F. Baker and warn
Uy last Tuesday.
CLARKE9. f I 1
Bat Sullivan was In town last Sat
urday to boo after his daughter Mag
Rio. She has scarlet fever. Thoy sent
her to Portlnnd, where she Is taken
care of.
W. II. Bottomlller has torn his
house down and was burning the trash
last Saturday.
W. H. Bottomlller wont to town
last Monday on business.
Fred Force went to Portland for a
few days.
Mrs. Davis finished her term of
school last Friday. Mrs. Davis is In
tending to move to town again.
Henry Kloinsmlth Is In Salom
shearing sheep at present ,
J. Jones went to Portland on busi
ness, last Monday.
C. Haag has sent for a tombstone
for his son's grave.
Mr. Marquardt was huullng his own
cream to town again last Saturday.
Miss Minnie Grace came homo last
week from her .term of school (In
W. Q. Kloinsmlth went to town last
Monday on business. .'
Fence wire ,
Land Plaster
Oils, Paints
Arsenate of Lead
Blue Vitrial
Shingles. Doors. Windows. Mouldings and we
are in a position to quote very close on either
of oboTe mentioned articles. Always ready to
serve you
Frank Bused
'J U . i l ,
Furniture and Hardware
Miss Hannah Bailey Bpent Monday
with friends In Portland.
Mrs. O. Van Hoy, who has been ab
sent for several weeks, visiting with
friends and relatives at Goldendalo,
Wash., returned home Monday.
Capt and Mrs. George Bailey, of
Portland, were the guests of Mr. and
Mn. H. Bailey, Sunday.
William Harris, of Beaver Creek,
was calling on friends here Monday,
previous to his departure for Wales,
on Tuesday.
Miss Delia Burkhardt entertained
a number of her friends Tuesday ev
ening In honor of her birthday.
Mrs. W. C. Williams was a Portland
visitor last week.
The dance given by the Maple Lane
ball team at the Beaver Creek hall,
Friday night, was a success, both so
cially and financially.
Mrs. S. O. Bailey returned home
Sunday after a week's visit in Portland.
There Is talk of a revival being held
in the school house In the near fu
Claude Van Hoy spent a portion of
last week visiting at Sllverton and
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mautz visited with
The- continued down pour of rain
makes us think we will have to hiro
some smart carpenter to build an ark
big enough at least for tho Mulinoltes.
The road commissioners from Ore
gon City were out Wodnesday view
ing one of tho roads that is a branch
of thi Molalla road.
Henry Turner was working for Mr.
Orem last week.
The Misses Manning took a pleas-1
ure trip to Clarkes the first of the
J. L. Evans visited his mother, Mrs.
Thomas Orem, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mallatt ware
out driving Sunday.
The lecture at the church Sunday
evening was fine.
C. P. Mallatt combined business
with pleasure bn a trip to Mullno last
Mrs. Ed. Ball, who has been very
III, is reported somewhat bettor at
this writing.
The Twilight school closed a suc
cessful term last Friday and In the
evening Miss Eva Smith, the teach
er, gave a party for her pupils and a
few friends at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. George V. Wilson. The affair
was a very pleasing one and the ev
ening was spvnt with games and
music. ice cream and cake were
served. The pupils wero given a de
lightful surprise when the presence
of Miss Retta Joseph, of Salem, was
announced. She was a former teach
er of tlfo Twilight school.
Warner Grange holds a regular
relatives In Portland, Sunday. They I meeting next Saturday and an attrac-
were accompanied home by their tlve musical and literary programme
niece. MIbs Thelma Bryant, who will
visit with them for a few days.
is belne arranged.
Fred J. Melndl, of Moro, passed
The Maple Lane baseball nine de- through this week en route to Salem,
feated the West Side team at Wll- as a delegate from me atoro lougo oi
lamette, Sunday, the score being 6 to
They will play the same team at
the same place again next Sunday.
Odd Fellows to the State Convention
Mr. Melndl Is deputy prosecuting at
torney of Sherman county.
William Wllehart. who U past 80
TEAZEL CREEK. I years of age, is in poor health, and
Her many friends are sorry to learn i his condition Is regarded as extreme-
that Mrs. Joe Simmons Is again ly grave.
worse. Mrs. Simmons has been suf
fering for two weeks past with heart
Who would not live In Oregon,
There will be preaching service at
the Mountain View church next Sun-
where the rain falls without ceasing day morning at 11 o'clock, by Elder
for thirty-eight hours? No lack of S. B. Motratt, of tne Frimuive. or uiu
moisture for a while at least. i ecuooi iiapusi inurcu. im-y- win
Pnrv Herman had the misfortune also hold a meeting on Saturday af-
to get his finger badly mashed while ternoon at 2 o'clock. Everybody In
loading lumber last week. ; vlted to attend.
J L Tubbs and family spent iasi a me luunu ouuuuj m muuiu
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. there will be services at the church
Clackamas County Native Son Prom
ises Careful Administration.
Tom J. Myers, who recently pur
chased the undertaking establishment
of Shank & Blssel, is a candidate for
the office of County Coroner on the
Democratic ticket. He is a young man
who Is well capable of filling the po
sition and Is thoroughly conversant
with his line of worK, having been In
the employ of J. P. Flnley & Sons, of
Portland, for nearly three years, und
has given the business thorough study.
Mr. Myers Is an enterprls'n young
man who has spent most of Ills life
in Clackamas County and v!ll unques
tionably poll a very h nvy vote for the
office of Coroner. H'J nommes ;i care
ful and economical administration, an 1
will always endeavor lo V9 money
for the tax payers.
We have a buyer for timber lands and for two ten
acre tracts.
We have for sale some fine river front properties.
Have made some nice additions to our list in last few
We Sell Yo
not (or today only, but for tomor
row, nsxt wK and nxt yoar. A
trado cannot k built up by dis
playing or docaivlng cuatomort.
But wo ox poet to capturo your
By More Than
Liberal Treatment
Tho way wa fill your ordora will
how how ANXIOUS WE ARC for
your trade, and wa'll bo Jut ai
anxious to koop It as wo aro to
got It.
Wo havo Juit rocelvod now
ahlpmont of Sosloy's Boat Flour,
'which wo aro anxious for you to
try) SOrb sasks for $1.35
th and Main Sts, Oregon City
Mrs. Osmond is still out with hoi
mother, who Is no butter.
by Elder Moffatt, no preventing prov
idence, N. II. Darnall was doing business In
this burg one day last week.
Mrs. Ellen Howltt, of East Hoyt and
28tb streets, Portland, was visiting
friends here last Sunday.
John M. Glllett has been engaged
to take charge of the Masonic ceme
tery at Mountain View.
Mountain View Hose company No.
4, gave a banquet at the cioso of their
regular meeting Monday evening,
Frank Albright, of Molalla, a saw
mill man, was at home with hln fam
ily Saturday evening and Sunday.
Grandma Molloy celebrated her
79th birthday lust Sunday, May 17th.
Mrs. Dave May came up from Port
land and helped to prepare the dinner.
Grandma was the recipient of a nw
ready-mu.de dress, from Mrs. J. M.
May, of Aberdeen, Washington, which
is a perfect fit. Those present at tho
dinner were Rev. Molloy and wlfo,
Mr. Wm. W. May and family, and
Mrs. Jennie May and son, Milton, of
Portland. Ye scrlbo received a largo
piece of the birthday cake which was
delicious. Many happy returns of tho
day, grandma.
F. M. Hurling and wlfo drove out
to Mt. Tabor green house this week to
get an assortment of flowers for an
up-to-date green house.
Mr. Hall Is on the sick list this
week. Dr. Strickland Is In attend
ance. This leaves Lyman Mack ex
tra busy In the butcher shop without
Mr. Hall's assistance, so he has en
gaged a helper from Parkplace.
Mrs. Norah Carlco Is In from the
Mrs. George Deardorff was takon
ver sick lust week und Friday evening
was tukcu to tho Good Samaritan bis
pltnl to undergo "u operation for ap
pendicitis, which was performed that
evening and was successful. Sho Is
getting along as well us can bo ex
pected. George Deardorff and Mrs.
Ida Hubbard wore lu to moo ber on
Mrs. Donley cullud on Mrs. S. K.
Rued Tuesday afturuoou.
A new family are moving onto tho
Drukobrush place. Mr. Kodluu's place
also has a tenant
The fill near Dick Iluutor'i placo
does not suein to give entire satis
Rain, rain, rain. Surely we do not
have to wonder whou we aro going to
liuvo rain.
Mr. T. Sager Is at home again.
Mr, Hull, of Orugon City, purchased
a couplu of head of botf cuttlu of II.
L. Wallaco has finished hauling
bis potatoes to Canby.
E. Wallls, of Colton, ' purchased
wheat of W. Wallace last week.
Mr. Taylor and family have moved
away from Dlx's mill.
J. J. Mullatt was looking over tho
road between Dlx's mill and Mullno
Monday with a vluw of bettering It.
II. Dullard purchusDd a phonograph
a short time ago.
4 . .
' f
. V ... f
U W. Robbins, Democratic candi
date for Representative for Claclu
inns County, Is a native son of Ore
gon and Clackamas County, harl itf
boen born at Molalla In 1870 and Is
the son of Levi Robbins, one of tho
old settlers of Molalla.
When a moro boy he took a posi
tion as clerk In the Guneral Merchan
dise store then conducted by Robbins
& Son at Molalla and filled tho posi
tion so well that when In 1800 the
partnership of Robbins & Co. was dis
solved, though only twenty years of
age, ho was placed In clmrgo of tho
storo, which ho reorganized under the
firm numo of Robbins Brothers Com
pany and of which ho Is still tho mana
ger and principal owner.
In politics, Mr, Robbins hns always
boen a consistent Democrat; ho has
taken nn Interest In tho affairs of tho
county and especially in tho affnlrs of
his community; It was largely through
his efforts that the Mutual Telephone
Lino was established from Oregon Ci
ty to Molalla and ho has been a per
sistent worker for Its improvement.
Mr. Robbins was married In 1900
and has two children ;ho has a boun
tiful homo and is respected and hon
ored by nil who know him. Ho signed
Statement Number one without quali
fication, and as a thorough buslnosB
man will ably ropresont Clackamns
Floyd and Adaleno, came too. County In the legislature.
Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones
are not forming rapidly enough.
Lack of nourishment is the cause.
I Scoffs Emulsion nourishes baby's
ntire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly what baby needs.
AIX DRUGGISTS i 60e. AND 11.00