OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1908. I THE STORE THAT RIGHTS THE WRONG E CHICAGO CLOTHING CO. PORTLAND, OREGON The new home of Sol Garde TH SOL. GARDE, Proprietor Chicago Clothing Co. Suits, $J0, J 2.50, J 5, 20, 25 All tho liitoHt Spring efforts, both slnicto and dnublo broastod. Hatst all the new shades and styles lingular I2.C0 Vulu.i fr$ 1.85 H"K"lur $3.00 Valuo for $2.50 Sh I'utnnt leather, all tho now Spring lasts. Price, $1.85, 2.35, 2.85, 3.50, 4.00 I curry a plndld assortment of Men's IiIkIi cut, both black and tun; no othi'r toro can show you ai tnuny numbcra as we con. Price, $2.85 to $7.00 Furnishing Goods Anything you wlah In ShlrU, Underwear, Sox, Swcatom, Ties, Harbor "ind Bartender Coata and Veal. Wo can Hupply your ovory wanL Special whllo they last, 1000 Golf Shirts, now Pattorna, all thla Sprlng'a goods; regular valuo f 1.00 to $1.25 for only 45c J mm. V-.- ' lis tt I ffjw BLEW .TWKV ill 1000 Golf Shifts for only 1000 GOLF 8HIRT3, NEW PAT. TERNS, ALL THIS 8PRING'8 GOODS kp REGULAR VALUE $1.00 to $U5. TO MY MANY GOOD FRIENDS IN OREGON CITY AND CLACKAMAS COUNTY: !WISII to Inform you that after having served you for almost 25 years at tho store of I. Selling at Oregon City, I have bought the CHICAGO CLOTHING CO, C9 & 71 Third Street between Oak & Pine, Portland, The store Is now open and ready to serve Its many patrons. I carry a complete stock of MEN'8 and B0Y8 8UITS, OVERCOATS, HATS, SHOES and FURNISHING G00D8; and would consider It a personal favor to have you look me up when in the city. If in need of anything In my line, you can rest assured my prices cannot be duplicated anywhere; In addition I will pay you? car fate bottways with every purchase of $10 or over Should you not be abla to come yourself, send me your order by mall; shall give same careful attention as If selected by you; anything not satis factory can be returned and money will be cheerfully refunded. Trusting I may have the picture of seeing you In person, , I am yours truly, The Chicago Clothing Co Sol Garde, Proprietor THE NAME THAT ASSURES THE QUALITY C. N. McARTHUR FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE. ',"'.' : -J n - ; REPUBLICANS! I bog to announce myself as a candi date for tho nomina tion for representa tive In the Seven teenth District, sub Ji'ct to the decision of tho Republican voters of Clackaman and M u It nomuh Counties at tho pri mary election on April 17th. If I am nominated nnd elected, I will during my term of ofllce, support a sane biiHlnesH-lIke admin' lstratlon of public affairs. I will oppoRe graft, humbug and demngoglsm, and will work industri ously for tho poople of my district. I will do my duty as I see It and will not take dictation from any man or set of men. I will vote for tho Republican vot ers' cholco for Unit ed States Senator. C. N. McARTHUR. Tortland, Or., March March 15, 1908. HOLMAN FOR CORONER. Economy In Office Hat Always Been Hla Record. The honesty and Integrity of R. L. Holman has not been questioned by those who know him. He has always stood by his word. Ho baa not prom ised any one he would not be a can didate for coroner. It Is recognized by people who know the duties of the office of coroner. Mr. Holman has 8T. PAUL'S CHURCH NOTES. Holy Week Preceding Eatter Marked by Special Services. Services will be held on Good Fri day at 10 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Ser mon on the seven wordB from the cross at the evening service. The Daughters of the King will hold a market on Saturday afternoon at W. H. NELSON;, Blacksmith Wagon and Carriage Maker . Horse Shoeing A Specialty 107 Fourth Street, phone ji Oregon City, Oregon NEAR ROAKE'S FOUNDRY To the Republican Vote s for joint representative from Clackamas and Multno- The only Republican Statement No. 1 candidate mah Counties is Doctor Walter C. Belt of Selwood. 'Phone 22 Rea. 'Phone 2633 GEO. W. BRADLEY Successor to C N. Greenman. I Pioneer Transfer and Express : SAND AND GRAVEL ;n V Office: Postofflce Bldg., Main 8t, ' . i ... Oregon City, Or. J m ; thft WolnhnrH Kull.lltitv rn(n apAAt more economlca ly by an undertaker Tne cnurch wl be derated for the hun by a physician Mr Holman has Ea8ter 8ervIceg Saturday afteoon lmd experience and understands the . Anyone havlng BultabIe yflowers tor 1 rJ.ll nfCU; CTTeDt,y " , decorations Is Invited to send them to ho records will show .he has saved the church b one o'clock. hn,S yCfr'i L CJ"f T08 MC.UUty The Easter Festival will begin with hundreds of dollars during his term J a celebratlon 0f the Holy Communion 1' ..C,a? COr"e M.r Holman as 8 o'clock; a second celebration will 7i- in i f , niT .. f fol,ow at 10:45 wltD Ea8ter raus'c by ?.? I n. o'nc'al capacity and his the vested choir and a germon b udgm. nt and efflclency have never the rector on the word man dle bee . q ..stioned- A vote for Mr. Hoi- shal, he ve aln "n L M. l0"B,g ?.th'..h"dVL" 6 the children will present their j Frank Busch I Housefurnisher qualified to find tho causes of death and to glvo Interment at the least expense. PRAISE FOR MR. GARY. School Enthusiast Commends His Ef forts to Interest Pupils. OREGON CITY. April 6. The pa trons of the Clackamas County schools should tender a special vote of thanks to our courteous, ever popular and en- Lenten savings as an Easter offering ror missions. Baptismal service at 3 o'clock. Evening prayer and sermon at 5 o'clock. Sermon topic, "Jesus and the Resurrection." The annual Parish meeting will be held on Wednesday evening in Easter weok. The members of the Choir are: Miss Marian Lewthwalte, organist; Robert Bowen, Cruclfer; Mrs. Frank thusiastic superintendent of Schools, Forsberg choir Mother; Mrs. Au . y." . r ht,suntlring efforts in Warner Mr8. j .r. Humphrys, trying to Interest the school children of this county In soil culture. We have long since folt the need of a man who has the Interest of the school boy and girl at heart and we do not hesitate to say our present Su perintendent Is the right man in the right place. Hundreds of boys and girls will take up the culture of flowers and vege tables and we may expect excellent results from the child gardener, and while they are cultivating their gar dens they will naturally cultivate a desire for the beautiful and Intellectual. SCHOOL ENTHUSIAST. Mrs. V. Harris, Miss Alice Lewth walte, Miss Margaret Goodfellow, Miss Gertrude Falrclough, Miss Clara Doute. Miss Clara Fields, Miss E. L Moulton, Miss Nellie Long, Mrs. Nel son Wlsner. Mr. H. I Kelly, Mr. H. H. Hughes, . Herbert Harris, Charles Beatle, Robert Beatle, Irwin Evans, Douglas Wolfer, Tod Wolfer, Kent Moody, Gerald Warner, Fairfax Myers, Roland ForBberg. i Cruelties of the Congo. , ' Much has recently been said about the cruelties and atrocities Imposed upon the natives of the Congo In the furtherance of the "rubber traffic by Klnar Ijeonolrt nf Role-lnm Thn fnrtfl Rands' Party Leaves, eoncerntnr th rnoi onH inhuman Ra-jds Bros, surveying party left treatment of the Congo people will Monday -for a Government survey on the Colvllle Indian Reservation In Eastern Washington. The party con sisted of J. R, Stafford, Clinton Bock, Harry Shelley, Abe Thomas, William Rheawalt and Carl Green of Oregon City; Clayton Ryckman of Portland; Chas. Hlrstman of Oswego; Henry Peterson of Caldwell, Idaho; and James Wagoner, of Republic, Wash. H. A. Rands left with the party, and Ernest P. Rands, who will work and vote for Senator Fulton at the pri maries, will Join the party later. be told by an eye-witness, the Rev, Thomas Moody, next Sunday at the evening service at the First Baptist Church. All Interested In knowing the facts about these atrocities ought to hear Mr. Moody next Sunday night. The Barclay High Sohool team and the Willamette school team played an Interesting game of baseball Friday on Willamette Falls field. 'The score was 13 to 7, with Barclay on the long end. . V ' i . OUR prices on furniture and ; Carpets are always lower : than Portland closing out sale : prices, No rent to pay that's : why we cannot be undersold. A vote for Dixon Is a vote against the Single Tax. Eagle Attention. All members of Oregon City Aerie No. 993 are most cordially Invited to ip you were to save attend a smoker next Monday even- tha time you' spend -each Tear In ob- WK, April au. l r. U. Ci. nan, uresuu taininr thm InHlrnrl anni-noN tha In. City, Oregon, when Portland Aerie, formation contained In Polk's Oregon No. 4 of Portland, Or., will be enter-1 4 Washington Gazetteer, it would talned. H. F. PUSEY, .. I be well Worth .'17 00- Uava vna n Secretary. order in for the next edition? ft Strong Matting 15c per yard 6 Foot Extension Table $4.50 The Rhodes Double Cut Pruning Shears , FOR SALE BY FRANK BUSGH Furniture, Hardware, Doors, Windows, Wall Paper, Oils and Paint. , a- I