Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 03, 1908, Image 6

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; i . ... ; . -j ,.
Exnerlence Is a teacher good,
She makes her lessons understood;
But then we learn a thing or bo
Perhaps we'd rather never know.
The Czarina of Russia will not per
mit her maids to smoke cigarettes.
Her head's level.
"Are your eras fresh?" "Fresh!
Let me tell you, madam, that my hens
never lay anything but rresn eggs.
i in wonder at the man's stupidity.
"Why," he replied, "I'm the boy."
And he proved to be.
constituents. And roremost among
these, allow me to say was our Joint
representative, Hon. James U, Camp-
bell, of Oregon City. Representing as
he did class who were largely in
habitants of cities and towns, I did
not look for this. Rut from the very
start ho took a manly stand In behalf
. i j,-s . J
V i '
creditable and he will no doubt be
returned for a second term with a
greatly increased vote, for the Re
publicans of Clackamas are not alow
to exhibit their appreciation for faith
ful legislative service.
Alexander Forbes Barclay
Alexander Forbes Barclay died
aftnilov aftarannn of ih a Kawa if
Some fellows can't even have a pain u:nnm si Pr in thi oitv of
.. .. .. - .1 I M -" j
Irt tee Dig toe wuuoui uiiuKius me dispose, after a week's 11
have Job beaten to a irazne. nesg He wag j,0rn la Fort Vancouv-
Time was when rarmers grungingiy er Wash-i September 21, 1849, ana
tolerated poultry as a concession to camo t0 0regon Clty when a baby. He
their wives. But It is different now. hoA raaABA .n hia life. The
The industrious hen Is one of the bul-1 ..... woa .niH vednesdav after-
warks of the farm. noo and serTiceg were held at the ' the laboring classes. So far as I
Be sure to clean up and put away chftDi ot Portland Crematorium can 806 he supported every measure
your sieign m gooa oruer iui oumiuci. at genwood where the remains were j ucurm mo uu
I saw where bees Injured the cushion inclnerated 'at 2 30 o'clock. he stoutly opposed everything that
and back of one by making a nest in Mr Barcjay wa3 tne 80n of the late looked llke rttft or & useless wasto
it Mice also might Injure it Look D Forbes Barclay and Maria Barclay. .f .tn P"bIlc '"ntl3- Tbe people of St
out for all or tnem. Hi8 father waa a pioneer physician """"a ""uiu no wen io rememuer mm
The sun came up and the sun went of 0regon Clty and foT many years a should they ever have a chance to
down. . nmmlnent flmir in the early history vo,e for Wm again. Ho Indeed
And the breast or the meaaow was of the territory. He was a contem- U1 iricn" 01 ine peopie. &ucn men
sere and brown. porary and a close friend of Dr. John are 8carce and 8houl(1 be appreciated
Then lo! in the night the rain-drops McLougt,iin, the founder of this city, w,ncn we, haye ihem- Addressing tho
fleet i,o. tw t nrnn rwpnaprt House shortly before the legislature
Came poking and prying on fair feet ,g survlved by two sisters, Mrs. W. E. aujournei Mr. Campbell said: The
And then, far-blown from a southern Pratt and Mlsg KaUe Barclay, of this waX this legislature has appropriated
, clime. tv nj nn. hmthnr Pnntain Charles money out of the treasury for various
A warm Dreeze moinerea uie wiiucicu Rarlnv u.hn ia now )n thn orient. ymia vi uio
Behold! when the sun came up nexi J H Sejers,
day. I T H Sol.lam Prlilnv nleht at
A pale-green speaf had pierced the tB0" home of his son-in-law, August
clay! Scheer at New Era, aged about 75
Any thine you can do this spring n hn heen ill with heart
to make tne larm nome jook nice .- trnnhl for some time, but h s condl
Mlcht set out a few choice trees tInn waa considered lmnroved and Fri-
Some frames for the roses to climb day ne waiied to the mall box, one
R. L. Holman Has Conducted Office of
Coroner Very Economically.
Roswoll L. Holman, who Is a candl
date for the Republican nomination
for Coroner, has an enviable record In
his Incumbency of that offlco, and will
be re-nominated by tho members of
his party. Being in the undertaking
business, he can conduct tho office
with lens expense than a doctor could
There Is no salary attached to tho
ofllco. and tho fact that Mr. Holman
has conducted the oVico as long as
he has to the satisfaction of tho peo
ple of Cackamas County Is sufTlclent
proof that he Is tho right man in tho
right place. There are many cases
that come to the attention of the
county coroner where the body has
to be buried at the expense of the tax
payers and an undertaker can natur
ally handle this part of tho work at
a small expense. In the Multnomah
and Marlon, the largest counties of
the State, the coroner Is an under
taker. In the latter comity tho pres
ent official has held the ofllco for 16
years, continuously, and In Multno
mah county tho coroner has been In
ofllco four termB. Tho voters of
Clackamas will do well to retain Mr.
Holman in ofllco for another term.
state reminds me of a gang of robbers
gathered toegther to divide the loot' "
Well Known and Popular Reoresen
tative Will Be Sent to Legislature.
Linn E. Jones, the well known mom'
ber of the drug firm of Howell &
on would be tjretty. Maybe the house the t,niu. Pridv Jones, and a member of the legist
is beginning to show signs of lick ot nlght famlly went to a pie wcM ture, of ,1907- ,s a candidate for ro
Tmint it will be time and money .j v k ratrnD tha ih .-ph. nomination and re-election. He Is
well spent if you can do such things. tleman wag apparenUy very well, but deservedly popular, and has gained
Saturday morning he did not come io s.
. . . ' . j . j I When no ran at tho hpnH nt hla niri-
uinuiui v wienu I aown la DreaKiasi ana was lounui.. . :. . -
wm.,w. -0 Va ,, crv,oH cket at tne primary nominating elec-
a fine record, introducing a bill to
repeal the Are slashing permit law,
Trt an von say and all you do: I years.
rinn't tol-a voiir trials nulte SO hard.
But go outside and rake tne yara m ru 'rZT wnir .ifo whica wa enacted, wlta some amend
What is home without a potpie? Mrs. Louise Zimmerman Wolf, wire , . ttU,l,uu
Be neat, hut not too au-powerea ut junu nun, uicu mmouo;
After all. mother is the universal tlon, aged 35 years. The funeral was
bread mixer he'd Sunday morning from tne uerman
No woman need be a fright because Church at Beaver Creek.
kTib does her own work.
Them la no nhilosoDhy like that of Lenore Baxter.
not wantinf what we can't get. Lenore, the eldest daughter of Mr.
The best cake I ever ate wa3 one and Mrs. Harry Baxter of Canemah,
that mother made out cf her head. died Thursday of pneumonia, aged
. a hmven riothes-nln is the hand- seven years. The funeral was held
lest of tools in a kitchen, making a Saturday afternoon from the family
handle for the dish-cloth when clean- residence, Key. a. Clarence uamey,
lng spouts, etc, pastor of the1: First Congregational
Have a Rvstem In vour work. Keen church, officiating. Interment in
a hieh stool in the kitchen: use a Mountain View cemetery.
wnnden-handled SDOon for stirring;
.so that vnives aro keDt sharn: eet Card of Thanks.
all the materials toeether before i Our sincere thanks to all our friends
atjirtin? haklnit tor cooking: use a for their sympathy In time of our
Btiff brush for cleaning greasy pans, trouble, in the death of our dear moth-
When vou haven't any yeast to start er. itiia mhjh.i-s amii.
with nor neighbors from whom to bor
row some, you can start yeast thus:
Boil an ounce of the best hops in
two quarts of water for half an hour,
strain and cool; then add two tea
spoonfuls of salt and a teacupful of
Papermakers Hold Try-Out and Sign
Up Complete Team.
The first practice game of the Pa-
.... .'''iu,j;.r
- .-.. . .. . - . ' . ti
. Z t,.. voi . n f flnnr nermaVera tnnk nlare Sunday on Wll- n"- Jones also lniroqucea a
rr: r-iwX i.-t7: f.n. Z in : m bill applying the Initiative and refer-
gether and Purin & "d 1W"8' and he
getner ana pui m . a ..tnra wnn . ,nn,nH pushed this bill through both houses.
two aays, sumng uccmivu.... i. m.-- i Hla whna ... . s olnm ,o
wun a score oi to o. ine game "
was devoid of interest and was in
tended only for practice. C. A. Part-
low, owner of the franchise was up to
I beg to announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination for repre
sentative in the Seventeenth District,
subject to the decision of the Repub
lican voters of Clackamas and Mult
nomah Counties at the primary elec
tion on April 17th.
If I am nominated and elected, I
will, during my term of ofllco. support
a sane, business-like administration
of public affairs. I will opposo graft,
humbug and demagoglsm, and will
work Industriously for the people of
my district. I will do my duty as I
see It and will not take dlctntlon from
any man or Bet of men.
I will vote for the Republican vot
era' choice for United Statos Sena
tor. C. N. McARTHUR.
Portland, Oregon, March 15, 1908.
Iio stands for xtrlct economy In apprxiprlntioiiH; bunking luws affording
protection to the depositor; all proper measures to upbuild and better
our rouilH and public hcIiooI hvhI.-ih; reform tux IcKlHlatiou to compel cor
porations and land speculators to pay their JiihI proportion of tho taxes;
tho preservation of tho nnlurui resources of tlio statu to tho people to
whom they belong.
Mr. Dlmlek bus been endorsed by. a great many Republicans of Clack
amas County for the o 111 re of Representative, and It elected he will glvo
linimrtlnl nn ft fair treatment lo all.
Eastern Clackamas Man Is a Leader
In County Development
W. H. Holder came from Kansas to
Oregon In 1891, and has lived on his
farm near Estacada Blnco 1900. Mr.
Holder has been ono .of the leaders
in the development of the fruit in
dustry In Eastern Clackamas County.
He has been an Odd Fellow for 25
" f 'Ji. ' i
Harry 8. Moody, who Is a candidate for tho Ropub
Ican nomination for County Assessor, lias been a
esldent of Oregon City for over 21 years. Ho is ono
jf tho younger members of tho party and has never
ocn Identified with any particular faction and will
ki a favorite in tho running. In his private buslnoKi
he has bvon very suceesH(ul and In universally con
Idered a straightforward, level headed, honorable
citizen. Mr. Moody advocates that "all property,
vlmther belonging to corporation or Individual, shall
bo assessed strictly acordlng to law without tanr
r favor," and this la an honest fearless policy that
-will win him tho votes of all men who desire to suo
be ofllco of Assessor properly administered.
' (Editor Canby Tribune.)
or sooner, If it shows signs of being
light, boil a pound and a half of pota
toes, mash and add while warm, not
hot when nuite lieht bottle for
use. It will keep lively and sweet watch his men and is encouraged
Icr a good while if kept in a cool
Success does not depend upon
luck. .
When Is a chair like a lady's dress?
When it is sat-in.
The youth of a nation are the
trustees of posterity.
Which is the hardest of all soaps?
Castile (cast steel).
When does a chair dislike you?
When It can't bear you.
Measure your troubles with an inch
rule; your blessings with, a ten-foot
The man who thinks he has money to
Will find later on he has money to
Mother used to say, "Do your work
bo well that you won't have to do it
over again."
The young man who does his work
indifferently because he thinks he is
above his job, proves thereby his un
fltaess for the job that is above him.
"Well, he's not handsome," said the
tourist, taking his first look at a
Florida alligator, "but he has a deal
of openness when he smiles."
Shut the doors after you, close the
gates, bang' up your hat and coat and
wipe off your shoes; then this will be
a nice world for boys, and everyone
to live in. ;,
"How far Is it from here to the next
town?" asked the man in the motor
car. , "It's four rocky hills, two deep
gullies, and nineteen policemen with
stop watches," replied the up-to-date
rustic .' "r-
Tom Hughes said:. "The only thing
to do with, wild oats is to put them
carefully into the hottest part of the
fire and get them burnt to dust, every
seed of them. If you sow them, no I
matter in what ground, up they will
come with long flourishing roots like
couch grass, and luxuriant stalks and
leaves.'J ' ' ' "'
A city firm hiing out a sign, "Boy
Wanted." In less than five minutes
a red headed little chap stepped into
the office with the sign under his
arm. "Say, mister," he said, "did you
hang this out?" "I did," said the pro
prietor. "Why did you tear it down?"
Back of his freckles the boy gazed
over the outlook. The following
men have been signed by the Oregon
City team: Pitchers, Long, Rum-
mell, Habernlcht; catcher, Shaw and
Kelt; first base, Locke, scecond base.
Griffith; third base, Kniger; short
stop, Sater; left fielu, Northwlck;
center field, Adams; right field, Cha-
pin. Manager Telford will act as
utility man when necessary and Cho
pin will captain the team on the field.
There will be an ante-season game
next Sunday and the season will open
April 11, with games with Vancouver
and St John.
Mill in Satisfactory Condition.
The annual stockholders meeting of
the Oregon City Mill & Lumber Co.,
Jwas held Friday night, and reports;
or omcers were receivea, snowing tne
mill to be In a prosperous condition,
About $7,000 worth of new machinery
has been added to the plant during
the past year, and the institution is
on a very sound business basis, and
has prospered nnder the management
of William LaSalle.. The following
directors were re-elected: N. R. Lang,
Franklin T. Grfifflth, C. G. Huntley,
W. A. Huntley, J. E. Hedges, Lewellyn
Adams, John W. Moffatt. The officers
are: N. R. Lang, president; Franklin
T. Griffith, t vice-president; W. A.
Huntley, secretary . ; ; -
t . ( '
i OA0 VORIAk -fewi
tk ' Thi Kind Km hnjinjt tegl
He Waa One of the Members In the
House Who 8tood For the Right
During the last session of the State
Legislature, J. H. Fletcher was a cor
respondent, for several of the news
papers of the State. He was present
at Salem during the entire session and
kept a close watch on proceedings. In
the issue of the St Johns Review of
March 8, Mr. Fletcher reviewed the
work of the legislature, and said that
the body as a whole was not particu
larly commendable as a rule. The ex
ception he made, Is shown In the fol
lowing article:
"There were several members in
both the house and senate who hon
estly tried to do their duty to their
.$FMCTT?n I ih
Every one of you. They all
must go because we got them
just for Easter time. It's a fine
lot of hens that layed the doz
ens of
Ft est Easte
Now offered the good people of
our community, after going to
church you'll deserve all you
can eat of them. Give the order
now. Better buy plenty now
as- they are only 15c a dozen.
Easter Egg Dyes are here in
plenty and all varieties too.
5c a package. .
tth and Main 8U Orspn City
years and is a prominent member of
the Patrons of Husbandry In Clack
amas County. He has always been a
Republican, voting his first ticket for
Rutherford B. Hayes In 1870, and this
Is the first time he has ever asked
the people for a public office, and does
so now only at the urgent request of
his friends.
If the people of Clackamas County
should see fit to elect him to the of
fice of County Assessor, they can rest
assured that he will exemplify the
principle, "A public office Is a public
. Mr. Gibson Withdraws.
Barton, Or., March 30, 1908.
To the Republican Voters of Clack
amas County, State of Oregon:
I wish to state that I have with
drawn as a candidate for the nomina
tion of Representative to the Legls
I kindly thank the Republican vot
ers who signed my petition. Remain
ing as ever, yours for the Republi
can party.
.. . H. F. GIBSON.
To the Republicans of , Clackamas
The undersigned announces himself
as a candidate . for County Commis
sioner of Clackamas County snbject
to the will of the Republican voters at
the Primary Election on April 17th;
as a business man and -one much in
terested in the development of Clack
amas County, If I receive said nom
ination and am elected to said office,
I pledge myself to use my abilities
and best efforts In the promotion of
the Interests of said county and to
wards a progressive administration
of county affairs, along economical and
business lines.
of Canby Precinct.
Robert 8. Cos, of Canby, Stands for
Development of Clackamas.
The development of Clackamas
County has long been desired by Its
thousands of people, and It is here
that Robert S. Coe, ot Canby, stands
In his candidacy for the Republican
nomination for County Commission
er. Mr. Coe is a well known member
of the Grange and has been for 30
years. He came to Canby 15 years
ago and has always been identified
with Its growth and progress, being
president of the Canby Development
,. I
Champion of Statement
He has fought a fair fight; he has stool by his colors.
(1). Will vote for people's cN -o for U. 8. Senator. (2). Will Intro
duce a law preventing the loss of the peoples' money deposited In State
and National Banks. (3). Mr. Dixon Is the leader of tho flutit In Oregon
against the, Blngle-Taxera, who are trying to exempt from taxation all man
ufacturing plants, thus putting the taxes wholly on the land, and If nominat
ed will devote his time until June writing and speaking against tho meas
ure. (4). If elected, will introduce a law allowing each road district to
elect Its own supervisor, believing that untter this system the best results
can be obtained from public money used to maintain public roads and
bridges. (5). Will favor better schools, better government and a square
deal for all.
During the coming campaign THE MILWAUKIE BAND HALL and
BAND can be engaged for political rallies. Send In dates wanted aa to
time, etc, Address alt communications to J. E. WETZLER,
"Manager Mllwaukle Band.
Phone Sellwood 1014. Mllwaukle, Or.
Time Is rapidly filling, send in dateawanted at earliest convenience.
than Enos Cahlll, of New Era Pre
cinct, Mr. Cahlll Is a veteran of. the
Civil War, whore he fought to fcav
tho Unlm, and he takes a deep inter
est in all public affairs. He was four
years treasurer of Clackamas Coun
ty and in that capacity be discharg
ed the duties of the office so well
that the people of Clackamas have no
doubt of his ability ami familiarity
with county affairs. . Mr. Cahlll Is
commander of Meade Pout, No. 2,
Grand Army of the Republic, end that
organization has prospered wonder
fully under his llrontlon. He Jjr ta
plain, blunt, honest farmer, long a
resident of Clackumun, deeply inter
ested in its welfare and a man of
strict integrity. In his many, years
of residence near New Era. Mr. Ca
hlll has belpod tmild cveiy county
road leading through that section,
and there is very little abont county
highways that he does not know. He
is economical In his tastes and hab
its and his nomination and election
would mean a safe administration of'
the county's affairB.
League and a leader In public affairs.
When the Clackamas County Fair
Assoclotlon was formed, Mr. Coe went
out Into the highways and byways
and solicited stock for that commend
able enterprise. He was very success
ful, and was rewarded with a place
on the directorate and at the last
meeting was made vice-president of
the association. He has obtained a
lease on 40 acres of land near Canby
and Is striving to make a pormanent
site for the Fair. In all matters of
development he is a striking figure.
He has made a success of his own
farm, having been offered $300 per
acre for the place, but has cast his
lot In Clackamas and is going to re
main a citizen of this fine county.
Enos Cahlll, Farmer and Veteran, Is a
Candidate for Commissioner. -
Honesty is a primary requisite In
the office of County Commissioner,
and there Is no man in Clackamas
County better fitted for that position