Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 27, 1908, Image 2

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CARUS. grossing nicely, under the leadership
Berry Buckner, who used to live of Mrs. Nora Looney.
In this section, but now of Soda V. S. lrwtn came up from Corval-
Springs, passed through here Monday lis last week. He was out looking af-
on his way home from Oregon City. ter his farm and visiting relatives
Charley Spangler Is recovering very and friends,
rapidly, he being able to be about now.
Our Sunday school, under the guid
ance of Mrs. Gardner, Is progressing
nicely, there being several different
classes organized.
Mr. and Mrs. Gwill Thomas were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis, Sun
day. The Misses Cora Jaggar and Sarah
Jones were visiting at the former's
parents Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Howard called on Mrs. Lewis
W. X. Davis Is Improving after a
sick spell.
Very pleasant spring weather and in Logan
The Clear Creek Creamery Com
pany paid for butter fat durlug last
year, $51,000, which was an average
of S3 1-3 cents per pound. That s
quite an amount to be distributed
among the farmers, and the highest
average price ever paid. During the
winter the price has been from 37c
to 40 cents.
The Clear Creek Lumber company
has a large amount of logs In the creek
ready for sawing and has bought all
the standing Umber near the mill and
Considerable spraytng.nas been uone
what Is the matter with Oregon now?
Great boom In railroad ties all
along the river, during the freshet
Frank Watts has planted out a
small orchard on the northwest cor
ner of his place.
Mr. Hatton and Mr. Sprague, of
Stone, have returned home after a
week's visit with relatives of the
Mrs. Michael died at the resldenco
of Julius Dusch. March 19, and the re
mains were burled In the Catholic
cemetery at Oregon City March 21.
She was Mrs. Busch's mother and had
resided here for some months.
Word has been received that Mrs.
Barbara Zimmerman died In Missouri
March 13. She was Mrs. U. Babler's
daughter, and went from here to Mis-
On Sunday night Mr. Powell was
taken very 111 with nn acute attack
!of pneumonia. Ills wife was alone
! with him, and rang for central for
1 more than two hours, In tho Intervals
I of trying to do something to relieve
him until the doctor could get thoro,
and never got nn answer till 5 o'clock
Monday morning. Tho neighbors all
felt Indignant and inquired "what do
wo pay for a telephone for, If not to
use In case of emergency." Still
there might be some very good rea
son why we often have to ring bo
many, many times before we cau get
ceutral, even In tho daytime.
John Seedling Is so he walks about
but looks very white and feeble. Tho
children are permitted to attend
Bchool again this week.
A young gentleman was around last
week canvassing for the Enterprise
In the Interest of Miss Dena Pressor,
and seemed to hnve very good success,
tottlni: nearly all tho householders
who were not already taking tho pa
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Barns, who sold
out In Stafford last year, and have
bought a home In Willamette, were
seen riding through Stafford Sunday
afternoon with the carriage filled with
Bhru'obery and plants for tho new
Mr. Brink's brother Is visiting him.
Mrs. Brink Is under tho doctor's care,
although not confined to her room.
Mr. Tledeman has company from
111 mil uinnii mi. m. ii.'iov ........
got free from the buggy and camo
home, leaving Mr. Bradtl behind.
James Smith, Democratic candidate
for Commissioner from Alacksburg,
passed through hero Thursday even
ing returning from Oregon City.
tieorgo Sehrlner of Twilight Hall,
who chopped a oouplo of fingers off ,
while splitting wood some tlmo ago,
was shaking hands with old friends
here one day last week.
The Pacific. Telephone Co., Is rosur
veylng Its old lines with tho Inten
tion of rebuilding this Summer.
Miss Ethel Sprague, sister of Mrs. sourl with her husband several years
Bertha Cordell, returns home today ago.
(Monday) after ten days' visit at Mo- Mrs. U. Babler has been confined to
lalla. ner Ded for some time.
The Sunday school convention held Dr. Sommer has been attending Al
here last Sunday In the new church ien Hutchlns, who is some better,
was quite a success. i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Carr have a
Mrs. Mackrell, mother of the har-; young son at their place.
ness maker, has been 111 for several' a coyote hunt was organized from
weeks, owing to old age. i Logan and Stone, as the "varmints"
Grandma Dart,' another aged lady, 'have been killing sheep,
past 80, has & severe spell of grip. Rev. Mr. Davis and A. H. Partch,
Why, Yes; come right along with, the local minister, held services ev
that Oregon Clty-Molalla railroad. ery evening, for a week, at Raven
Nothing could be more in order and ' wood chapel, recently,
over due than a railroad Into ourj Adolph Benson Is working In tho
country. Every foot of the road will logging camp again.
pay right from the start. Is there! .
any one directly on the proposed line! . CAN BY '
a nroiert? if thPr I. Mni.ii. .nnM We are again enduring some of Mr.
like to know wny they thus darken
their vision and our advancement to
the sea.
Eagle Creek Crange held Its regu
lar session Saturday. There was a
good attendance, and the programme
was quite Interesting.
J. P. Woodle and son Claud, made
a business trip" to Oregon City the
latter part of last week.
Mrs. Dick Gibson sold five pigs to
James De Shazer, of Firwood, on Mon
day last, for $3 a piece.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglas and
Harry Keeble made a pleasant trip
down on Eagle Creek on Sunday and
took some pictures of the beautiful
Born, to the wife of A. J. Douglas,
a 7-pound girl, on the 22d. A. J.
wears a broad smile.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brower moved
to their new home in Orient on Mon
H. F. Gibson and Sam Wilson of
Barton, were up visiting James Gib
son, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim De
Shazer, of Firwood, Sunday.
Hughia Cassedy is very 111. Dr.
Havlland, of Portland, called to see
him Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibson went to
Barton on business Monday.
H. F. Gibson is out as a candidate
for U1 legislature; he does not be
ifeve In pledging himself to vote for
a Democrat or Socialist for United
States Senator. Mr. Gibson will re
ceive the entire support of the Re
publican party in this part of the coun
ty. A few of the Democrats and So
cialists have raised a howl because
he did not sign a pledge to support
their party. Mr. Gibson has a policy
and a back bone.
Work is a blessing. Every task,
lovingly and faithfully performed Is a
stepping-stone to something better.
Mrs. T. S. Hendricks, who has been
visiting Mrs. Charles Grahm, has re
turned to her home in Vancouver.
Mrs. G. T. Hunt and Mrs. Opal Cre
crapp were guests at Mrs. H. H. And
ers, Sunday.
Walter Snuffln while dragging blast
ed roots last week, met. with a very
severe accident. He was using a
peevy for a swamp hook, and the
hook slipped and caught In the palm
of his hand which caused quite a se
vere wound. He was taken to Esta
cada, and Dr. Adlx dressed the wound.
H. H. Anders has finished sowing
his grain. He took advantage of the
beautiful weather. As the old saying
goes, "He made hay while the sun
Mrs. E. T. Davis visited her mother,
Mrs. W. H. Holder, Sunday.
Many of the farmers around here
are busy sowing their grain.
The Garfield Sunday School Is pro-
March's bleak winds. The outlook
points toward considerable of such for
this month.
A number of Canby people attend
ed the funeral of Mr. Engle of New
Era, which was held at Zlon ceme
tery at 2 o'clock.
It Is rumored there Is another case
of mumps in town.
Fall sown grain near here looks ex
ceedingly well. In short, all crops,
which have made any appearance yet
promise to be good.
What is the matter with the base
ball sports? Spring is here and it
will soon be time to get out the bat
and ball. McCredie and his beavers
seem to be doing some real business
down in the land of orange blossoms.
Several of the Rebubllcan candi
dates for county offices spoke to a
large audience on Tuesday evening.
Of course they all have excellent
ideas, but there isquite a difference
between theory and practice.
Our public school is doing excel
lent work' this year under the skillful
management of Its corps of teachers.
I understand the total enrollment has
now reached about one hundred-forty.
Several members of the local en
campment of I. O. O. F., visited the
Woodburn lodge and report a good
Canby's solons will have the saloon
license applications to turn down
again, there being three applications
to take action upon at the April meet
ing of the council.
A mass meeting was held last Sat
urday evening to discuss the phone
Miss Huldah Kanne visited with
Miss Clara Ulrlch last Sunday.
Archie Stuckrota has been laid up
with a sore finger.
Albert Buzwell, of Lents, has been
helping Archie Strickrott do some
Rev. A. Welnert preached an inter
esting sermon last Sunday afternoon.
Ernest Ulrlch is working in Lents.
Miss Laura Ulrich ' has returned
from a visit up the country.
George Klrbyson and son Harry
have gone to the logging camp for tho
The farmers are sowing clover seed
during the fair weatner.
rhrls Srhuobel was out from tow
fishing a few days. He caught a good
Will Clark gave a dance and oystei
supper at his house Saturday night
it M.-aa a snrrpss. Numbers were $1
Including supper, and 27 numbers
were sold. We hope you will give
nnnthpr ilnnre soon. Will.
Henry Hettmau mado a business
trip to Portland one day last ween,
irvn.i vnohnito hna been beliilnc hi
son-in-law Charley Shockley put in his
spring crops at Highland during tho
past week.
Godfred Moehnke and sons are
Mnorintr n inrire niece of land on the
Hill place which they purchased two
years ago.
John Heft went to Beaver Creek last
week and built a tower and tank for
a windmill on the premises of Mr.
Thomas. '
After some days of delightful
weather, showing what Stafford and
vicinity can do in that line In the
month of March, on Tuesday morning
clouds blew up from the south and
about 8 a. m rain, gentle Oregon
rain, began to fall.
Miss Laura Ellegsen has been home
with, we are told, a beautiful specimen
of mumpa, which Is quite fashionable
in some quarters. They are worn
quite large with but few frills, some
time on one side only, but more times
on both sides.
Rev. Leisman's little Mary was tak
en very ill last Friday, with diphthe
ria, and we hear the house has been
quarantined, and dismissed the school
of which the father is teacher, but
she. is reported better Tuesday morn
We have a buyer for timber lands and for two ten
We have for sale some fine river front properties.
Have made some nice additions to our list in last few
Mr. Carr, of Colton, Is putting, the
finishing touches to Mr. Cox's house
at Elwood.
Mr. Leeson was busy hauling hay
last week.
U. S. Dix did some' horse-shoeing
for Charles Hunter last week.
Poe Carlson was busy planting po
tatoes last Friday.
Mr. and Mr3. ScMowe wore visiting
at J. Putz's last Sunday.
Our new merchant took posscssian
of his property as store keeper trfTd
post master last Saturday. '
J. Putz was blasting stumps for J.
Carlson last Friday.
R. Snodgrass and his partner, Mr.
WJch, who were busy lloating shingle
bolts with a dozen men last week,
have them as far as they want them
for the present time. They are now
below the mouth of Canyon Creek In
Hult Bros.' mill dam.
Georso Jonsaraska' was visiting 'at
J. Putz's last Sunday.
A. B. Countryman made a business
trip to Estacada last week.
Will Dix, was home visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dix last Sunday.
Erlck Trigg . took a trip to Port
land last week.
Mrs. Ellen Stromgreon and child
ren were visiting at Mrs. Shanley'u
last Sunday.
W. v.. Tionnev had bad luck with one
of his horses, which ran into a cross
out saw and was pretty badly crip
pled up, but is now able to work
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bonney, oi
Wilsonville, are at Colton, visiting the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dix.
The road supervisor of District No.
20, came to the southern end of his
district to look after the roads that
haven't been opened right.
Mrs. H. P. Wink and Charles Houg
ham are on the sick list this week.
Pete Engel died at his horn;, two
miles east of here Friday morning
and was buried Sunday at Zlon cem
etery. Mr. Engel was a native of Ger
many, but had lived on the farm on
which he died for" upwards of 30 years.
Mr. Engel was highly respected as
was demonstrated by the large at
tendance at the funeral. He leaves
a widow and seven children.. Mrs.
Minnie Baumgartner of Portland; Mrs.
Lena Young, of Tteaver Creek; Mrs.
Lizzie Myers of Alt. Pleasant. Mrs.
Laura Kelland of Canby; Marae, Hen
ry, and Frank Engel, of the home.
Oscar Burgoyne left Tuesday to
take a run on the Woodburn, branch
as fireman.
Curtis Dustin will leave soon for
San Francisco.
G. H. Brown and J. L. Hoffman were
in Portland Tuesday.
Geo. W. Dixon, Republican candi
date for representative, passed through
here Monday returning from a trip
of political fence building.
Mrs. J. Slaughter left Sunday for
Molalla to be present at the celebra
tion of her mother's (Grandma Mays)
80th birthday anniversary, which oc
curred on the 24th Inst.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blanchard, Sr.,
came up Saturday to attend the funer
al of Mr. Engel.
The New Era Mutual Telephone
company held a call meeting here Sat
urday afternoon and signed up a con
tract with the Northwestern Long
Distance Telephone, for a period of
five years, receiving a rate of 15c to
Portland and 5c to Oregon City.
While In Canby. Saturday, Mr. Brad
tl's horse became frightened and
broke loose from the hitching rack
and ran between two other teams
and their hitching posts, cutting
them loose and a general race was
Fred Jesse, of Portland, was visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Airs. W. W.
Jesse, last Thursday.
A telegram received by W. S. Tull
announces the marriage of Alias Vlvu
Tull to W. K. Nason. They will re
side In Oakland.
Wano Bauer, son of W. I. Bauer, Is
threatened with pneumonia. Ho Is at
Mrs. L R. Armstrong' at Macksburg.
Paullo Roddy has pneumonia. Dr.
H. A. Dodman of Cauby, Is attending
W. W. Irwin, who has boon travel
ing for some time for tho recovery of
Ms health, returned homo Sunday,
where he will only remain about ten
D. O. Freeman lost one of his pret
ty gray horses last week. Tho death
was caused by an Injury received by
hauling ties.
Charles Harding had a serious In
Jury done to his new wagon at Canby
I.oona Parmenter has tho mumps.
Tho ladles aid society meets at Mrs.
I. I Irwin's Wednesday.
Tho Home Allsslon Study club met
at Miss Nellie Nlckolson's Saturday
evening. The next meeting will be
held at Miss Wlnnlfrod Truman's. At
tho last meeting they elected now of
ficers. Members of tho 20th Century grange
wish tho mistakes to be rectified that
was published In last week's Issue of
tho paper, that Air. Geo. Dixon of Can
by was not Invited by the Twentieth
Century grange to deliver an address
on Statement No. 1, neither Is ho
coming under the head of the grange.
Mr. Dixon delivers an address In Col
umbia Hall, Saturday evening, March
2S, and Is open to tho public.
C. G. Tull and Henry Gllbortson
were visiting friends In Portland this
A Kemiirider
Lent is here, and wo are prepared
to furnish you with tho finest fresh
and salt water fish in the market.
Fruit in season. All Orders Deliv
ered. G. GATES
Is, and often at groat inconvenience to
himself. Is Is asking a groat deal of
; any ono to travel ton or fifteen miles
I at night, with out any Interest In the
affair, except the commendable do-
Biro to hoo tho Bchool or church pro-
lit from his service.
Mrs. JohbIo Courtwrlght Is reported
to be engaged as cook at Cunning
i ham's saw mill.
Sunday School workers of Spring-
water District, Slackamaa county,
met March 19 In Sprlngwater church
and had a fine institute. About 150
people were In attendance. Tho fol
lowing program was rendered: Ad
dress of welcome, Itcv. RobL J. Dl
ven: response, Charles Mason; Pri
mary work, Rev. C. A. Phlpps. The
lunch was an ample one and well en-
Joyed. Afternoon Devotional and
lrnod music wlth'slnisInK by Air. and
Mrs. Mason, Mr. and Airs. Flommlng
and two little girls, Mablo and Sadie
Imrram. of Kacle Creek: Burt Hend
erson and Mr. Surf us, of Elwood; and
the Sprlngwater choir, which was
well rendered and listened to. I no
teacher and Sunday School," Rev. C.
A. PhlDDs: "Round Table Organized
Sunday School Work." Rev. C. A.
Phipps; "Relation or the bunuay
School to the Church," Rev. M. H.
Paroniiagaln; "Evangelism In the Sun
day School." "Tho International
Round Table," with 25 questions, was
ably discussed. The program was ed
ucating and interesting, especially
Rev. Phlpp'a talk. The election of dis
trict officers resulted: President, W.J.
Iewellen: vice-president. Rev. M. U.
Parounagaln; secretary and treasur
er, Emma Slilbley; delegato to state
convention. Airs. Alary Sblbloy. The
convention Is to be held at oresi
Grove In April.
A fine healthy daughter was born
to Mr. and Airs. Jachlnson March 15.
Last Saturday evening an enjoyable
social party was held at the home of
R. A. Wilcox.
Mrs. and AIlss Iva Cornell, of
Gresham, were visiting In aprlngdater
the fore part of the week.
We are havine One weather again
and the farmers are doing swift busi
ness on the farm.
Our school is progressing nicely
with Air. Dibble as teacher.
Mr. Denson has cot all his tiling
laid and Is very glad of tho fine work
it is doing.
The mumps are still going. Some
have stopped at Aleadowbrook.
Air. Denson has been shearing tils
goats the last week.
C. L. Staudlnger, of the sawmill,
was In town last week.
Meadowbrook Is reviving nn. Tho
old band players have renewed the
Instruments and gone to practicing.
Nn hutter th s wtek. It Is netting
warm weather and the farmer keeps
It In the cool.
Miss Myrtle and Hazel callod on
Airs. J. Roads Sunday.
We hope our new teacher has good
success and does not have to stop
school on acount of mumps.
Much of the spring work Is being
rapidly finished up while the good
weather lasts.
Mrs. James Fullam, who has been
III for several weeks with pneumonia
Is slowly Improving.
Ed Lewis la visiting his father and
Miss Mabel Purcell of Parkplace
was recently visiting friends and rel
atives of Redland, before leaving for
a term at Monmouth.
Our road supervisor is getting out
his, .paraphernalia preparatory for the
annual repairing and road construc
tion. A basket social was held at Ever
green school house March 21. It was
a most successful affair. The sum of
$42.50 was raised to defray the ex
pense of an organ. The record In
high prices, $5.75, was cheerfully
paid by Mr. Storm. An excellent pro
gramme was rendered. The usual
amatoures which contribute to the fun
and Interest of the entertainments,
were continually in evidence. Mr.
Samson deserves great praise for vol
unteering his valuable servlcos grat-
Nice weather prevails, every thing
showing tho Spring Is hero.
Air. Hurgroou, who has boon work
ing at Noon's saw mill for a few
mouths, was back among his friends
last Sunday.
Rev. Quliin's young mm Ih Buffering
friini nn nltltrk of nnllOtldlcltlH. Air.
qulnn will take him to the honplta!
as noon as hn Is able to ride.
William Miller, who has boon nick
for a year, Is reported considerably
worse the last few days.
MrB. J. 11. Qulnn Just received a
largo Incubator from her old homo In
Idaho, which she will oporuto thU
Spring and Summer.
Grandma Dart Is quite lrk with
la grip. This malady Booms to bo
loath to leave us, hut wo would all
be glad to bid It farewell.
Rev. Qulnn dismissed his Sunday
school and preaching last Hnbbath bo
that the Teazel Crook Sunday school
might attend the Sunday school con
vention Ht AlcduIIa, but sickness pro
vented mauy from going.
C. E. DaYt and wife wore callers at
tho homo of Rev. J. II. Qulnn last
Sunday; also Air. and Airs. Cuius
Herman and Air. and Mrs. Cary Her
man called In tho evening. A pleas
ant visit was enjoyed by all.
The three preachers are still hold
ing revival meeting hero.
The little daughter of Mr. and Airs.
Charles Hoffman has leen Hick for
a few days.
Oscar Jack and wife visited rela
tives here on Tuesday.
Air. and Mrs. Werner Hpont Sun
day at Mr. Stollors.
Airs. Reames spent Saturday and
Sunday at Needy visiting relatives
ami friends.
Zoa Fish and Albert Elliott went to
Oregon City Sunday.
AIlss Alice Rlttor was escorted
homo from church Monday night by a
fine looking young fellow, but of
eotirso we will not in) so far as to
ask who the good looking young fel
low was.
R. W. Zimmerman visited his moth-
or In this place Sunday.
Jack Kerr and family spent Sun
day evening at D. P. Vrxler's.
Miss Lucia Caffall and a friend
wore canvassing In Jennings Ixidge
last week for the Oregon City Enter
prise. Miss Ella Rose has been very Blck
with the grip.
Clarence Beckner pnrchascd a beau
tiful young calf the other day. He
will keep It till It grows Into a big
fat milch cow at least we hope bo.
It arrived hre crated np like a sew
ing machine.
Wo are all busy putting In garden,
this beautiful weather.
The L. I. C's next social will he
held Friday, Alarch 27. They will
have a very conventional and Inter
esting programmn. They expect to
hold It In the store bufldlng neur the
car track.
Those who attended the show given
by the Parkplaco high Bchool are as
follows: Lewis Morris and Arlry
Shaver, two Aaron boys and their sis
ter Florence Aaron and Llla I.-wls.
They all spent a delightful evening.
Tho now school directors are John
Jennings, Kd. Itootlio, I,. Wlloox; Mr,
Hlonnii, clerk,
Mrs, Salisbury, of, Balom, wni vIm
Itlng Mrs. W. K. Iloclinor thin week.
Mrs. Terry linn liuil a Hot-back, hut
U now Improving very rapidly.
Following Ih tliu proKrnimmi for
next Hiiturday'H mooting of Warnor
UraiiKo 1'ntroiiH of Husbandry, which
iiioota ut New Ida. Tho programme
U devoted to Tonilioranco:
"Temperance Hung." by the (Iraiigo;
rending, "Tompoinni'o," Mrs, Dodd;
nolo. MIhh Nottlo Hurgoyno: ordinal
poem, Mr. Gardner; iluot, MIhh Rob
inson mid Mli ICva Hmllli; roudlng,
Mm. Diiniliiss; hiiIo, MIhh Kva Hiultli;
recitation. 'Temiiorunoo," MIhh Vor
mi HohliiHon; cliiirim, Now Era Children.
Tho ruin lins rtmin to a Hlop and It
looks as If wo nr going to liavo bohio
tine weather for a change.
Sumiiol Muller, who Ih pruning
fruit trees In lletheiiY, Or., spent Sun
day with his family, hut loft Monday.
Frank Och Is laid up with the rhou-
Wo are glad to n"u our old frlond,
it. JohiiHon, up ami around again.
(iuy Woodle ami Kild 1 larders spout
Sunday In ltlfim-ll.
Chris Johnson Ih plowing noma now
ground for Mr. I'l'termm.
Nick School Is building a now
Iioiiho, Mr. Joynvs ! doing tho car
penter work for hlm. i
Robert Mlllvr, a prominent rancher,
win In Oregon City ono day luitt
Kd llard'-rs and Fred Un will msm
have Henry Johnson' now barn om
pleled. They have showed that Home
body olso wnh not tliu only ono that
niuli! build a barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt vln
Hod Mr. Flock and family lost Sunday.
School started MoililiiT with
Kdna (!urd as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, I Moser.
Sidney Smith, of Mullno, spent lev-
oral dnya with Mr. and Mr. Will
Wallace last week.
.Mr. MoNor purduoied A horse of Mr.
GroHsiulller: also trndnd ono to Hlx
1 1 ros. for lumber.
M.r. Moser was a caller at tho Wal
lace home Sunday evening.
Several more new famlllon have
moved In our burg
Quito a number of young pmplo
took In the daiiro at "Hill" ClurkH.
Saturday evening.
Moo weather at present and potato
plunllng will hihjii ho the order of
tho day,
Hon "fruit" Ih hIIII coming down.
ho low It iloes not pay to sell mi cheap.
People will have to "plcklo" them I
Mr. Stark was In town one day last
week on biiHlnoHH,
Wo mo Informed by John V. RIh
ley, president of tho Ouk Grove Im
provement Association, that Oak
Grove iIooh not favor the Single-Tax
Atn'-mlnicnt, as has lnvn reported.
The question was iIIhcuohoiI at a
meeting of tho association, but no
vote wns taken. Wo are glad, Indeed,
to II nil that an Association with Im
provement as its slogan, lui not tak
en a step agaliiHt tho Interests of tho
Clackamas County farmers.
W. H. NELSON, Blacksmith
Wagon and Carriage Maker Horse Shoeing A Specialty
J 07 Foorth Street, phone 6oi Oregon City, Oregon
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