Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 06, 1908, Image 7

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In tint Circuit Court of the State of
urcKon, f(, Clackamas County.
Alfred T. Ityrnvy, I'lulntlff, vs. Jttnnlo
none uorsey, Diinmilant,
To Joniilo nolle Dormiy, tho abovo
nauum uorominnt:
In tlif nusio of tlio State of Oregon,
you ro hereby rogulrtxl to appear anil
answnr tlio complaint f)ld against you
In tho ubovo ontltlixl nult on or before
tlio 27th day of March, 1008, said duto
uoing Hrtur the oxplmtlon of nix wooloi
frojn tho first publication of thli sum
iuoim, unil If you mil to appear and
answer iiuld complaint, for wnnt tlioro
of tho plaintiff will apply u the court
for tho relief demanded In tho com
plaint, to-wit: For a tlocrno dissolving
tlio bonds of mntrlmony now existing
Iwtwoou plaintiff and defendant,
Thin summons Ih pulillHliod by order
of lion. Tho. A, Mcllrlilu, Judgo of
tho Circuit Court for Clackamas Coun
ty, Ori'Kon, which orcr was made and
ontored on tho th day of February,
1908, and tho I lino proscribed for pub
lication thereof In hIx wncks, tho date
of firm publication lining Friday, Fob
ruary Hlh, l08, and tho dato of the
lam publication, Friday, March 27th
Attorney for riulntlff,
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
oiary j. vaniienourg. naintlfr, v
JHHHo K. Vandenberg. Defendant
To JeHHo K. Vandunbiirg, tho abovo
named defundant.
Yon aro hereby notified to appeal'
and answer tho complaint 111ml against
you In the abovo entitled court and
cause on or before tho 27th day of
March, 1908, that being six weeks
from and after tho dato of tho firm
publication of this summons, and the
time llxod by tho court, on or beforo
which you ahall ao appear ami answer
or otherwise plead to aald complaint,
and If you fall to ho answer or other
wUo appear In aald Null, tho pliilnllfl
will tako default agalnat you and ap
ply to tho court for tho relief prayed
for In her aald complaint, towit: For
an ahaoluto dlrorco on the grounds of
dominion, and for tbo care and citato
dy of I'aul li. Vondenburg and Fred O.
Vanduuburg, tho two minor children of
aald marriage, and for auch other and
further relief aa alio may bo entitled
to In the premises.
Thin aummona la published for alx
aucceanlre week In tho Oregon City
Enterprise, by ordsr of the lionorablo
Thomaa A. Mcllrlde, Jndgo of tho
Circuit Court of tho Statu of Oregon,
for tho County of Cluckamaa, made
and entered on the 4th day of Febru
ary, 1908.
Dated and Aral publlahed February
7, 1908.
Attorneya for Plaintiff.
Guardian Sale.
Notice la hereby given that the un
deralgnod, guardian of Hilda N. Furs
berg, Harriot F. Fori burg and Anna ho-
ralne Foraberg, minors, under and by
virtue of a license and order of aalo
duly laauing out or the County Court
of the State of Oregon for the County
of Clackamaa, mado and entered of
record on the lu day of February, A.
D. 1908, In tho matter of aald guard
lanshlp, will on and after Monday, tho
9th day of March, A. D. 1908, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m at my real
denco rn Oregon City or at tho office
of H. E. CroKH, my attorney, offer at
private Hale to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand or approved security all
of tho right, title and Intereat of aald
minora In and to tho following de
scribed real property, to-wlt: Lota 3,
4, 6 and 6, In block 22, and lot 5, In
block 28, In the town of liolton, Clack
amaa County, Oregon.
Guardian of Hilda N. Fwrsberg, Harriet
E. Foraberg and Anna Loralne Fors
berg, Minora.
H. E. Croas, Attorney for Guardian.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice a hereby given that pursu
anjt to an order mado on tho County
Court of Multnomah County, Oregon,
February 0, 1908, tho undcrHlgncd na
admlnlHtrator of the eMulo of John
IJowIoh, doceiued, will on Monday, the
sixteenth day of March, 1908, at the
hour of two o'clock In tho afternoon of
said day, and at the, reMdcnce on tho
property In South Oswego. Clackamas
Co., Oregon, will Bell to the highest
bidder for cash in band, tho following
desrlbed real property, Hltuated In
Clackamas Co., Oregon, and more par
ticularly described as follows: Ixits 5
and C in blk. 10, in South Oswego, as
laid out by M. l'utton, said sale to be
subject to confirmation by the court.
Dated this 10th day of February,
1908. G. W. PROSSElt,
8. II. Haines, Atty. .
Tho above property has a good 1V4
story dwelling house on Bald property
and has a fino view of the river and
snow-capped mountains and East
Portland. Mllwanklo and other views
of interest to make it a ploasont place'
to live; Y, milo to depot, S. P. R. R.
8ummoni. . '
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Mary L. Brown, Plaintiff, vs. Willis L.
Brown, Defendant.
To Willis L. Brown, defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you ore hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in tho above entitled suit on or be
fore the 3rd day of April, 1908, that
being tho last day prescribed In tho
order of publication of this summons,
and If you fall to so appear and an
swer said complaint the plaintiff will
apply to tho court for the relief therein
prayed, to-wlt: A decree dissolving
the marriage contract existing between
you and tho plaintiff.
This summons' Is. published in the
Oregon City Entorprlse, newspaper,
for six consecutive weeks by order of
Hon. Thos. A. McBrido, Judge of the
aald court made on the 15th day Of
February, 1908, the, first publication
being on tho 21st days of February,
1908. . S. R- HARRINGTON,
1 Attorney for Plaintiff.
' 'Notice of Final Settlement "
Notice Is hc-oby given that the un-
(loislgmtd, ndmlnlHtrator with will an
nexed of tho oatato of J. B. VauKbau,
docoasod, has fllml In the County Court
of Clackamas County, Btato of Oro
K"n, lila final account an Mich admin
istrator or said estate and that Mon
day, tho 2:iI day of March, 1008, at tho
hour of 10 o'clock a. in., has boon
fixed by milil court an tho tlmo for
hearing of objections to aald report
and tho settlement thereof,
Administrator With Wlll-Annoxod of
ICMuto of J. 8. Vaimhan, Docoasod.
ThoH, F. Hyan, Attorney for Admin
iMtrator. Dated February 18, 1908.
(llurlmnk) for sale. Apply to Thos.
F. Ityan, OreKon City.
WANTKI) Ijcal representative Tor
tho sale of our teas, corfoea, spices,
etc. Good luducumontii. Apply
(ireat American Importing Tea Co.,
400 Washington st Portland.
Notice of Final Battlement
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned, aa administratrix of tho
oHtuto of John A. Swanson, deceased,
tins filed her final report as such ad
ministratrix with tho County Court
of Clackamaa County, Orffh, and tho
Court has set Monday, the lGth day of
March, 1908, at tho hour of 10 o'clock
a. in., as the time for hearing said final
report. All persons having objec
tions to said report are hereby re
quired to present tho same In said
court on or before aald time, or bo
forever barred.
Administratrix of the Estate of Joha
A. HwaiiHon, Deceased.
Gordon E. Hnyes, Attorney for Ad
ministratrix. Dated February 13tb, 1908.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice la hereby given that Ralph
Sawtell and James L. Tubbs have filed
their final account as executors of
tho last will and testament of Margar
et June Sawtell, deceased, with the
Couuty Court of tho State of Oregon
for Clackamas County, and that tho
Court has fixed Monday, the 30th day
of March, 19o8, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. nt., at the County Court
Houao In Cluckamoa County,. Oregon,
as the tlmo and place for the hearing
and determining any and all objec
tions thereto.
Dated February 25, 1908.
Executrix Notice.
Notlco Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execu
trix of t1!" last will and testament of
Joseph f-ollock, deceased. All per
sons having claims against said estate
aro hereby notified to present the same
with proper vouchers duly vorlfled ac
cording to law. at the ofilco of Geo.
C. Drownell. at Oregon City, Clacka
mas County. Oregon, within six
months of the date of tho publication
of this notice.
DotoU February 27th. A. D. 1908.
Geo. C. Urownell, Attorney for Ex
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackumas County.
1iretia Culver. Plulntlff, vs. Eugene M.
Culver, Defendant.
To Eugene M. Culver. Defendant.
In the name of tho Stato of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the abovo entitled suit on or be
fore the 17th day of April. 1908. that
being the lost da yprescrlbed In the
order of publication of this summons,
and If you full to so appear and an
swer said complaint the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief there
in prayed, to-wlt: A decree dhtsolvlng
the marriage contract existing between
you and the plaintiff.
This summons Is published In the
Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper,
for six consecutlvo weeks by order of
Hon. (irant H. Dlmlck, Judge of the
Couuty Court, mnde on the 2nd day
of March, 1908. the first publication
being on tho Gth doy of aMrch, 1908.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice la hereby given that th6 tin
derslgned has been appointed adminis
trator of tho estate of Henry Snyder,
deceased, by tho Hon. County Court
f Clackamas County, and State of
All persona having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me for payment,
with proper vouchers, at my home near
Auroro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 4, within
six months from the dote of this no
Admlnistrntor of tho Estate of Henry
Snydor, Deceased.
Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Ad
Dated this 4th doy of March, 1908.
Application for License.
Notlco Is hereby that the under
signed will apply to the County Court
of Clackamas County for a license to
selj spirituous, malt and vinous liquors
for a period of six months from the
1st day of April, 1908, at 10 o'clock a.
m., and that he will present the fol
lowing petition to said court on said
day for sold license.
Dated March 6. 1908.
To the Honorable County Court of
Clackamos County.
We, tho undersigned, residents and
legal voters. of "Boring precinct, in
Clnckamas County, State of Oregon,
hereby respectfully petition your hon
orable body to grant to T. M. Allison
a license for a period of Blx months
from the first day of April, 1908, to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In
loss quantities than one gallon In the
town of Boring. - Boring Precinct,
Clnckhmos County, State of Oregon:
M. Sonnichesen, R. W. Blrdsall, O.
Satchwell, John Musa.iJ. W. Glnther,
Galle Flshor, Wm. . Groshong, -. W. C.
Sonnlchsen, V." H. .Card.- E. F.' Dona
hue. A. B. Knighton, O. C' Roe, F,
M. Morgan,- Aug. Link. ,H. Ellsworth,
Joseph Horde,' J. A Hite, S. E. Cord,
B. Holter. J. Zimmerman, Dell Stew-
'art, J. E. Underwood, M. H. Wheelei;
J, A. Cornoll, J. M. Hlto, II. C. Hatch
iHon, H. 8. Mayblll, U. iJernogKor, Jofl
Donahue, L. HH,er, John M. Duvln, F,
Iloaebooin, D. Hodermann, Win, Heder
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Notice Ih hereby given that tho Coun
ty Court of Cluckomas County .Ore
gon, will receive sealed bids up and
until noon, March 20th, 1908, for the
construction of a Howe Truss bridge
across tbo Clackamas River at the old
bridge slto on tho Clackamaa River at
Estucuda, Clackamas County, Oregon,
and which bids will be for a bridge to
bo built according to tho pluns and
specifications now on file In the County
Clerk's offlco, Clackamas County, Ore
gon. A certified check for five per cent of
tho amount of each bid must accom
pany each sealed bid. Clackamaa Coun
ty reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
Dated this 4th day of March, 1908.
Ily Grant II. Dlmlck, County Judge;
John Iwclleu, Commissioner; T. H
Klllln, Commissioner.
(Seal) County Clerk.
Tho Socialists of Clackamas County
will hold a county convention In Ore
gon City Saturday, March 28, for the
purpose of nominating a county ticket
and declaring a platform. This will
be a mass convention and all mem
bers of tho party are entitled to seats
on tho floor. Tbo convention is call
od for 2 o'clock, but at 10 o'clock In
tho morning of the same day there
will be a party meeting for the pur
poso of choosing delegates to the
state convention and a county execu
tive committee.
Socialists held their regular month
ly meeting last Sunday In Knapp'a
Hall, and transacted the usual rout
ine business. Several speeches were
mado by Elijah Coalman, of Sandy, J.
Melndl, W. W. Myers and Claude S.
Howard, secretary of the county or
ganization. The Socialists expect to
poll about 400 votes at the coming
Juno election. They are not strong
enough numerically to take advantage
of, the direct primary nominating law
and will nominate their candidates by
Vegetable Market Is Quiet and Condi
tions Are Unchanged.
A further drop in the price of eggs,
and a slight Jumo In the cabbage mar
ket over the prices ruling last week,
are about the most Important changes
In this week's mnrkets. Last week
cabbago slid from 1 cents to 1 cent;
but this week this commodity has been
selling at 1'4 cents a pound. Lettuce
experienced a slight fall, and horse
radish a rise; otherwise the vegetable
market sleeps. The market is not
flooded as much with vegetables as it
was last week. Fruits, both fresh and"
dried, are commanding the same prices
as last week, and there seems to be
little or no danger of a sweeping
chango in the next few days. Butter
remains still unchanged; ranch but
ter selling at 50 and CO cents, and
creamery bringing CO and 70 cents the
roll. There ore uo great changes in
the prices of feed, grain and flour,
nor ore the livestock or poultry mar
kets changed. Hams have dropped
from 12 1-2 cents and 14 cents to 12
and 13 1-2 cents.
Vegetables, Fruits, Etc.
Onions Oregon onions, $2.50 eacki
potatoes, 50G0c per hundred; Ore
gon cabbage, l',4c pound; rutabagas,
lc lb.; fresh onions, 40c per dozen
bunches; horseradish, 8 cents lb; cauli
flower, $1 per dozen.
CELERY 50c dozen; hot house let
tuce, 75c box of 4 doz. heads.
KRAUT 20c to 25c gallon.
POPCORN Shelled, 4tf 5c.
Butter and Eggs.
BUTTER Ranch, 60(60c; cream
ery, C070c roll.
EGGS 17 iff 18c dozen.
HONEY 12014c frame. j
HONEY Strained, 79c lb.
Fresh Fruits.
APPLES $1$1.75.
Dried Frulta,
DRIED APPLES Quartered, sun
dried, 7c$8c; evaporoted, 8c9c;
prunes, 44c; silver prunes, 6
OHc; pears, ll12c.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
WHEAT 85c.
OATS No. 1 White, $28; gray;
FLOUR Hard wheat, $4.80; valley.
$4.50; graham flour, $3.75$4.25;
wholo wheat flour, $345 $4.25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, ' $25; mid
dling, $32; shorts. 28.60; dairy chop,
$21$22. t
HAY Valley timothy. No. ,1,? $15
per ton; clover, $12; cheat, $15;
grain, $14$1G.
Live Stock.
STEERS 4. 00 $4.50.
HEIFERS $3.50$4.00. ,
COWS $3.00$3.5.
MUTTON $4$4.50.
LAMBS $5.00. l
HOGS $5.00 $5.50. '
OLD HENS 10c per pound;-young
roosters, 11c; old roosters, 9c; mixed
chlckenB. llc; spring chlckona (frys),
11 12c per pound. 1 -
' ,. Dressed Meats.
FRESH MEATS Hogs, 67c lb.;
veal, &9c; mutton, 910c; lamb
(spring), 1012c. ,.
I' .
E, J. Cornwoll to' Molalla Lumber
Co., 120 acres In T 6 8, R 3 E. $1.
Ulrlck Kunzl to Molalla Lumber
Co., 240 acres in sec. 15, T 4 8, R 3 E.
H. F. Conner to Geo. C. Teal and
H. B. Teal, undivided Interest in
8W'4 sec. 80, T 1 8, R. 3 E. $10.
P. F. Fletcher to F. W. Wright, lot
2. block 1. EsUcada. $1.
O. E. Kitchen to I. O. Davidson, lots ,
1 to 29, inclusive, in block 29, Min
thorn Add. to Portland. $10.
I. G. Davidson to Axel Hedman, lots
1 to 29, inclusive, In block 29, Mlnthorn
Add to Portland. $10.
H. E. Miller et al. to A. E. Miller,
81.24 acres In sec. 7, T 3 8, R 5 E. $100.
David Wills et ux to Chas. J. Marett
et ux., 2 acres In sec. 19, T 1 8, R 2
E. $350.
M. E. Eddlngs to H. F. Soesbe, lot 2
In Jennings Lodge. $500.
E. F. Riley et ux. to II. E. Gordon,
14 acres In D. L. C. No. 44, T 4 S, R
4 E. $110.
F. Hayford et ax. to Alvlrj Richard
son, lots Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12, blocks
5. 6 and 7. Parkplace. 1300.
Chas. Lander to Anno E. Lander, 25
acres in sec 24. T 3 8. R 3 E. $1.
L. M. Downing to Mary Kenner, 1.67
acres in lot 3, in plat of RlBley. $2550.
J. R. Gllmore to Austin Nlckles, lots
5 and G, block 4, Pleasant Place Add.
to Oregon City. $150.
A. H. Whltlock to W. 8. U'Ren, trus
tee, block 170 In Oregon City. $1.
M. O. Moore to W. F. Schooley, lots
li 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 5, W. Glad
stone. $1.
Thos. F. Ryan to Elizabeth Albright,
lots 1 and 2, block 110, Oregon City.
W. A. Graner to A. R, Hogan, 6 acres
In J. D. Garrett D. L. C. No, 38, in sec.
31, T 1 8, R 2 E. $1.
A. R. Hogan to F. A. Knapp, 6 acres
In J. D. Garrett D. L. C, T 1 8, R 2
E. $1200.
J. B. Irwin to Peter Jensen, 4 acres
In sec. 25, T 1 8, R 1 E. $3000.
The Oregon Iron & 8teei Co. to
Mary Coon, lot 7, block. 8, Oswego.
T. J. Matlock to Oregon central k.
R., a certain piece of land In T 2 S,
R 2 E. $1.
Mrs. E. J. Lewis to B. G. Rosencrans,
lots 15 and 10 in block 42, Oswego.
300. . . ,.
August Wlllbroad to Lnnie win-
brood. 40 acres In T 4. 1 E. $L
Alois Melssner to T. A. Garbade ana
C P. Jordan, a certain tract of land in
Bee 28, T 3 8, R 5 E. $1.
Geo. Chownlng to A. C. ParK, a cer
tain tract of land in T 1 S, R 5 E.
Peter H. Peters et ux to w. a. jox
and E. C. Davis, 52 acres in sec. 24,
H. V. Woolery to E. D. Godfrey, lot
10. block 3, Maywood. $1500.
J. Puscb. et al. to Rudolf Rueprecht,
40 acres, see. 29. T 2 S .R 3 E. $1.
Rudolf Rueprecht to Lloyd Vincent,
40 acres In T 2 8, R 3 E. $7500.
E. G. and M. S. Caufleld to K. Mc
Larty, lota 2, 3 and 4, and lots 5 and
6, block 34. Bolton. $300.
Ella Stevens to Edmond Stevens et
al., all of tract 46 or Willamette Tracts.
Geo. S. Smith to Joseph Long, 40
acres in T 4 S. R 1 E. $1200.
N. J. Shely to W. E. Beckner, lot 29,
Jennings Lodge. $300.
C. M. and J. H. Sympse to Henry
Mills et al., 40 acres In T 4 S, R 2 E.
John Luscher to F. J. Wenlnger, 50
acres In sec 24. T 4 3, R 1 E. $4100.
J. A. Elwood to Eller's Piano House,
lots 1 and 2. block 13, in Annex Add.
to Oregon City. $300.
J. W. Meldrum to J. W. Loder, agent,
250 acres in Peter M. Rlnearson D.
L. C, T 2 S, R 1 ond 2 E. $1000.
Foss E. Maple to Augusta Gadke,
lots 3 and 4, block 69, Oregon City. $1.
G. A. Harding to A. L. Burris, lot
12. block 12, Willamette Falls. $2G0.
O. C. Yokura to E. Z. Murphy, lot
11, block C, Town of Pompeii. $50.
T. L. Charmon et al. to Jesse J.
Walker, undivided K of lot 1, block
E, Clackamas Heights. $33.42.
Mary M. Charman and L. A. Char
man to Jesse J. Walker, undivided Va
of lot 1, block E, Clackamas Heights.
J. Grossmuller to W. A. W'hlte, WVi
of SE4 of sec. 7. T 4 S, R 3 E.- $1. ,
J. L. Udell to O. L. Daniels, 14 acres
in sec. 16, T 4 S, R 2 E. $2400.
R, W. Hill to William Smith. 35
acres in sec. 13. T 3 S. R 1 E. $400.
Wm. Smith to Mary Haas, 35 acres
T 3 S. R 1 E. $2300.
S. Shanbeck to D. J. Yoder, 40 acres
in sec. 36. T 4 S, R 1 E. $900.
J. Johnston to J. J. Fosmark, 28
acreB In sees. 9 and 10, and 15 and 16,
T 5 S. R 1 E. $5000.
Wm. Klaetsch to Evln W. Pulty, 20
acres in sec. 22, T 3 S, R 4 E. $500.
Susan D. Meldrum to Sarah M. Mc
Cown, Wft of lot 1, block 39, Oregon
City. $1.
Sarah M. McCown to W. Miller, the
NM, of lot 1, block 39, Oregon City.
M. C. -Strickland et al. to Grace M.
Loder, lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12, block 4, and all of block 5,
Mountain View Add. to Oregon City.
J. W. Ixider to W. W. May, lots 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12, block 4,
and all of block 5, Mountain View Add.
to Oregon City. $325.
Arthur Holden to I. Holden, one-half,
of lots 7 and 8, block 30, Oregon City,
$1050. .
Security Savings & Trust Co. to J.
Bowen, all of lots 3, 4 and 5, in T 5
S, R 2 E. $200. ;
Mrs. Steel to Pay Debt.
On the application of United States
Attorney Bristol, Judge Wolverton
Tuesday directed the transfer of the
deposit of $1018, held by Mrs. Eva P.
Steel in the Title Guarantee & Trust
Company's bank when it failed, and I
its application on tne indebtedness 01
about $13,000 owing the bank by the Xj,ai ajf Unttr ;
Home & Security Investment Com-1 ealS al aU noarsT , ,
pany?of Which Mrs. Steele la one o'ltj--,-
the principal owners. Mrs. Steel Is the j K00ms wCWp. s ; .
wife of State Treasurer Steel, and has " f ,, ' f . , "
agreed to complete the payment of her r amilV 1 raoe oOlicitCO
pHmpany s indebtedness to the wrecked j
bank. . 1
Real Kntate,
Loans, Innurance
Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufleld Bldg., Main and Hghft Sts
Probata and Realty Law Practice Specialties.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse.
Will practice la all courts, make collection and settlements of eitatea Format.
abstract of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTEBPttSE
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Phone Main 62. Probate Practice a Specialty
CD. & D C tatocrette J. u. CAMPBELL
ATTY'S AT LAW. attornet-at-law.
Oregon City. OregM.
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate
our Specialties. Office In First Na-
tlonal Bank Building, Oreaon City, Will practice In ail court of tlx atst
0refln- Office In Caufirfd Building.
Royal Restaurant -D-EBY
nnri I un -h fmtntmw Moner loaned, abstracts furnished. Ua4!
anU LUnCll lOUMCr tiles examined, estates settled, general
law business transacted.
Lunches from 5c up. Our 25c meals Over Bsnk of Oregon City.
you cannot beat Our coffee you. will
Come In, Let's Get Acquainted.
A.LJoyner, Proprietor . fww .
. Proprietor.
410 Main St. Oregon City, Ore. OREGON CITY, . . 0RCQ6N
1 10 7th Street f0R
Commercial Trade Solicited.
Excellent Table Board, or Board
and Room by the Day or Month.
L RICHARDS, Proprietor
Fresh Oysters, Clams, Etc., Always
Fresh and Reasonable.
Fish Market on Seventh, Near Depot.
Am making a specialty of the finest
Photos at hard times prices. 'T guar
antee you the best skill and satisfac
tion. Come in and look at my work
and let's get acquainted. ' :
PHONE 2863
West Side Main Street, Near Tenth.
Horseshoeing ,
General Blacksmithing
Carriage & Wagon . . .
work of all kinds. We
also pot on Robber
Tires. - '- -;-
328 Main St -Cor. 4th
Main Street, .
Ice-CclJ Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Ziottled Whis
keys and Winey.
Clackamas County
606-608 Chamber of Commerce,
Full equipment of maps, plats, ab
stract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County Land,
Money loaned, titles perfected.
E. F. & F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys and Counsellor at Law.
W. S. EDDY, Y, S., M. D.V.
Graduate of tbeOntarioJ Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School f
Surgery of Chicago, bas located
at Oregon City and established aa
office at The Fashion Stable,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
r Farmers' 13a . ' Mail IJII
.Wind Mills. Pumps and Hydrau-,
He Rams a Specialty. !';' i
. - '
"'V Phone 2682." ' ' ;
Oregon City, Oregon, jj
; .. .'. . . ',;. J -
A representative In this county by ; a
large real estate corporation.'. Special
Inducements to those who wish to be
come financially Interested. .
The Real Estate Security Co.
Fort Dearborn Building, Chicago, IIU