Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 06, 1908, Image 2

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    1 I .1
lvrnest Lrneser had a narrow cs
cape of being a cripple for life on
Wednosday, February 1?. He was off
bearing In Wirt's sawmill, when the
cut-off saw took a sudden notion of its
own, making a Jump of several inches
and cutting Ernest's thumb so badly
that Dr. Strickland took five stitches
In dressing the wound.
Loo Deach left Saturday evening for
Drain, Oregon.
Elmer Veteto attended the speak
ing contest In Barlow Friday night.
The basket social at Brown's school
house Friday night was well patron
tzod and a snug sura was realized.
Henry Houghlam. of Portland
spent Saturday night at the home of
bis mother, on the farm.
Mrs. B. Friedrlch. of Liberal, visited
old friends here the first of the week
O. H. Brown returned Thursday on
the Overland train from San Francisco.
But, thinking the train was going to
carry him beyond the station, Mr
Brown did a stunt that will not be for
gotten by himself and others by Jump
ing off while the train was moving at
a lively pace, alighting on bis knees
and puncturing his Sunday trousers
and almost rolling under the moving
Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman were
Portland visitors Sunday.
Frank McArthur gave a dance In
his new chicken house Saturday night
A large crowd was In attendance. Sup
per was served at 12, and after supper
aancing was resumed until nearly day.
light, when all left for their respective
homes after an enjoyable night's trip
ping or the fantastic step. Kaborick
and son. of Willamette, furnished the
bylvla Furguson was married In
Vancouver, Wash., last week to Mr.
Kehdahl, of Portland.
Agnes Relf was entertaining the
mumps in Oregon City last week.
Joseph Sevclk visited friends in
Newburg several days last week.
Carl Burgoyne attended the dance
Saturday night in Sllverton.
MlS3 Pearl Furguson, of Portland, is
ytelting her father and brother, of this
place. .
are, sorry about his leaving I am sure
are not few. Our best wishes will
follow them wherever they go.
Oscar Hult, the eldest son of Mr.
Hult, will be expected homo from Ne
braska with his bride.
Everything is looking prosperous.
Will Karr and wife, entertained
about 50 young men last Friday night.
Well! Well! that is whut you can ex
pect when you seek not to lead a bach
elor's life.
Rev. J. R. Knodell, assistant super
intendent of the Anti-Saloon League,
gave a lecture at the church last Sun
day morning.'' His theme was: "The
Hand writing on the Wall." pertaining
to the saloon question.
Miss Nellie Otty, who has been sick,
is able to be out agnlu.
A. W. Kankhauscr, who has been in
California since Christmas, arrived at
home last week.
The Misses Bertha Roseman and
Hulda Kanne were visiting over at
East Mt. Scott last Sunday.
We saw the smiling face of Wester
Sellwood In church last Sunday morn
ing. What was the cause, Wester!
Miss Mary Strange contemplates go
ing on a visit for about three months.
Mr. Snoilgrass la nt work on hll
shingle mill.
If Mulluo just had a railroad and two
or three more stores, It would bo quite
a metropolis.
Mrs. U'tts ami sister, Mrs. Parker,
are visiting their sister, Mrs. Thomas.
Mrs. Letts came back to this country
after !I0 years' absence. She sees a
groat many changes In so long a time.
Mrs. Rod Thomas made her first
trip from home last Sunday since last
November, having had a severe spell
of sickness, which has kept her in
doors all winter.
Rev. Qulnn preached at Missouri
Ridge last Sunday.
Mr. and Miv Calus Herman, Mr.
and Mrs. Cary Herman and Miss Nora
and Huth Herman visited at the par
sonage lust Sunday evening.
E. K. Judd made a flying trip to Ore
gon City Inst Saturday.
David Fox, who has been quite sick
for some time, Is able to be up again.
I Sunday school nt Teazel Creek every
Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preaching every
second and fourth Sunday. All are Invited.
Mrs. Jessie Courtwrlght has moved
to Redland and Is now living with her
William Caswell, who has been stay
ing with Mr. Hooper for the lant three
mouths. Intends to return to his homo
at Nanton. Alberta. During his so
journ here Mr. Caswell made many
, friends, who sincerely regret to see
nun go.
Some of the people are out of hay
trip to Portland on business Monday.
Miss Mary Cnssody 'called on Mrs.
Viola Douglass Monday.
The Sunday school meets now at 3
P. M. Instead of 11 A. M. Preaching
services after Sunday school. Will
bo no services on Sunday ovonlng here
after. All aro cordially Invited to at
tend. Mrs. Cora Robertson hoH been sick
with la grlppo, but Is now able to bo
about again.
Miss Marie Wlrf, of Portland, came'
up Saturday to attend the leap year an(l have considerable difficulty
aance given at me home or ner par-; 0Uylng it.
a large crowa was in mieuu- Mrs. James Fullam, who is sick with
March camo In looking cross and
glowery, but with no excessive demon
stration In any way. Nearly all of the
sick aro reported upon the mend, and
but few new cases. Mrs. Powell was
quite sick Saturday. She has been
very faithful and n great help to na
t louts and doctors these past weeks
In answering the many telephone calls
and all hope her Illness Is not serious,
Mrs. Gago has gone to St. Helens,
whero a son, J. Q. Gage, now lives.
There Is some Inquiry for liny. Wo
understand a commission merchant In
Portland, who has loron Kruno's hops
to sell, rcsrts that four cents Is the
best ho can get offered. Now Is the
time to buy Into the hop business or
to plant out now hops.
All farmers aro hoping the fool sin
gle-tax bill will never puns. If It does,
we may all sell out and buy into some
thing not taxable, a big department
store, for Instance, on rented ground.
work now, Nearly the wholo mill has
closed down, , !
N. H. Hamuli, of Liberal, was doing
business In town Wednesday.
- - - i
, paying profit basis, 40 to ill) cents a
or hundred. The Clear Creek Creoin-1 n
Barton Is still on top.
Earnest Cruse, of Duluth, Minn.,was
the guest of his aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Burghardt, last week.
George Forman, of Eastern Oregon,
called at Barton on business last week.
Master Walter Burghardt, who is at
tending school at Parkplace, came
home last Saturday.
A few of the Barton expert skaters
tried the floor at Estacada Sunday.
Dan Erdman and family moved up,
to Mowrey's logging camp.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gladden were '
the guests of D. L. Davis and wife Sat- their "best"
urday and Sunday. I last Sunday
Born January 23, to Harvey Gibson :
ance and all enjoyed themselves until
the wee hours of morning had passed
Orchard spraying seems to be the
rule of the day In "this neck of the
Rev. Mr. Weber, of Canby, was in
the city Monday.
Julia Sevlck came up from Portland
the first of the week and Is visiting
her father and brothers of this place.
Wallace Woodcox is hauling wood to
the Doernbecher Company Mill this
Quite a number are on the sick list
this week; among them are Newt
Criteser, Lottie Reuf. Louis Bauman,
Chas. Bauman, Sr., Max Bauman and
Elmer Veteto.
Mrs. J. Burgoyne was summoned
to Portland to the bedside of her
father, Mr. Wittenberg, who is dang
erously 111. Mr. Wittenberg formerly
ved in New Era. where he still owns
large tracts of land on either side of
the river. 1
George Veteto. of Barlow, spent Sun
day with his grandfather of this place.
Mrs. G. W. Grace and daughter, of
Oregon City, were the guests of Mrs.
F. P. Wink several days this week.
Chas. Bradtl went to Portland Mon
day to sell his fine team of horses.
Agnes and Lottie Relf entertainea
friends of Oregon tuy
pneumonia, is slowly recovering
Thero will be preaching at tho M.
E. church next Sunday. Rev. Rlnehart
has been away, holding revival meet
ings, for some time and tho church
work has been somewhat neglected.
Mr. Roblusou expects his wife soon.
and wife, a son.
Miss Martha Burghardt made a fly
ing trip to Portland last Saturday. i
Albert Bartlemay, of Eastern Ore-
A fire started in Wllbern's store at
this place on the night of the 23th
at about 10:15 p. m., and the store
JftU?vedT,h0!r vMonda,jr' taking and post office were a'total loss within
with him the Dowty horse, known as . ... fh mBi, matter and
7 , v . . Post Office records were destroyed.
A train w reck occurred at Deep I M wil5ern ony managed to save two
Creek Junction Monday Two cars i , h. h' k- The fire was pre
loaded with ties left the track.
Dr. Haviland, of Portland, called on
Will Child's little baby last week. She
is on the road to recovery now.
Barton needs a road supervisor.
Who will be the lucky man?
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox left last week
for Seattle to the bedside of his sick
father who has the la grippe.
W. E. Bonney and daughter went to
Oregon City last Tuesday and came
back Wednesday.
A. B. Countryman was at Molalla to
have his horses shoed last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Strongreen and
Mrs. J. A. Strongreen attended the
missionary meeting which was held
at Mrs. Peterson's at Carlsburg. A
good time was reported.
Mr. Sturdivant and nephew were at
Oregon City on a business trip last
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom last Sunday.
Christ Kinzy spent Saturday after
noon with J. Pntz.
Elmer Erickson is on the sick list.
A. B. Countryman was hauling straw
for Mr. Peterson last Saturday.
Mrs. Lucy Livingston, who had been
out visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Barney went home to Oregon City last
Carl Strongreen went to Oregon
City last week. Mr. Trigg went with
him to get a supply of farm tools.
Mr. Leeson Is busy clearing, and so
Is Mr. Lindstrom.
A surprise was given on Mr. and
Mrs. P. E. Bonney last Saturday night
Quite a crowd gathered and all had a
good time. Refreshments were served
about one o'clock, and after that the
dancing went on.
Wfe expect our merchant to leave
most any time, and the people who
vented from spreading by the pulling
down of several buildings. me in
surance on the stock was only $1,000,
and the building was Insured for $500.
Mr. Wilbern Intends to rebuild.
The Eagle Creek Lumber Company's
mill at Alspaugh will continue to cut
ties for the O. R. Sc N- Co their con
tract having been extended to April
5th. Burnslde & Matthews nave eras
ed their mill, their contract with the
O R. & N. having expired the 29th.
Dr. J. E. C. King, of Portland, has
ordered 137 fruit trees and 225 Filbert
trees for his summer borne at this
Miss Ella Cole, of Portland, is visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. A. D- Bur
nett. .
Before very long the ranchers may
look for a special milk train on the
Portland & Estacada run.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman left Thurs
day for Gresham.
There will be a necktie social at tho
Lower Logan school house on March
6, In the evening. The proceeds will
be used to buy a bookcase for the li
brary. Llzle Wilson Is In Mexico now and
has changed her name as well as her
place of abode. Her name Is now Mrs.
Now is a good time for pioneers to
nnhllsh their family ' genealogy, as
there is no telling where the official
lightning may strike when the offices
come around looking for men.
Kohl Bros, have planted a field or
potatoes and we hear of some others
Considerable grain has been sown
between showers, but considerable
more Is waiting to get In between the
next showers. If there Is any between.
W. M. and H. H. Klrchem are get
ting material on hand to build a barn.
They seem to be going to commence at
the top, as they have the shingles rlrst
Miss Kate Snodgras3, of Linn's mill,
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
parents In Mnllno.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dix,
February 28, a boy.
Miss Emily Spnlak spent Saturday
and Sunday with her mother at New
Elmer Erickson has returned home
from Colton and Is very sick at pres
ent. Fred Erickson has bought a spray
pump. There won't be any orchards to
dig up in Mulino.
Miss Nada Lee called on Miss Mary
Trulllnger Sunday afternoon.
Edgar May Is spending a few days
with the Mallatt boys.
J. L. Udell has sold his place to Os
car Daniels.
Everyone seems to be having colds
We have a buyer for timber lands and for two ten
acre tracts.
We have for sale some fine river front properties.
Have made some nice additions to our list in last few
Mr. Berglund Is butchering hogs
and J. Pittz is helping him.
Fred Sherruble is out to visit Ills'
parents and he Is going back to Port
land again this week.
Br. Rowland, the elder of the M. E;
church, preached last Sunday and thuy
had their quarterly meeting, and Rev.
Rlnehart is going to close tho meet
ing he has had for the past two weeks,
Albert Durst is through slashing for
Pete Kern. .
There was a party and dance In Col
ton last Saturday night.
W. H. Wettlaufer butchered four
hogs last week and sold them in town.
Albert Durst bought 10 acres at $50
per acre in Clarkes.
Solomon Click left home a few days
ago and they don't know where he is.
Christ Haag was taking a young
horse Into the stable and the horse
kicked him. Mr. Haag's foot was
hurt, and he Is laid up for a while.
Mr. Sullivan has rented the Schlewe
farm, which McFee has bought, and
McFee has two more places to rent.
Fred Schermble wanted to scare the
dog, and the dog Jumped up and bit
him on the Hp.
C. Stromgreen was In town last
week on business.
Mr. Force is going to Portland thlw
week for a few days.
Mr. Kern has been out getting alt
kinds of fruit grafts.
Wo have been having some rain this
The farmers still keep busy tilling
tho soli.
The faint sound of wedding bells
from Colton wus heard In this town
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper called ou Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Holuian Sunday.
Misses Hazel and Nettle Larklns
called on Misses Pauline and Katie
Hoffstetter Sunday.
Franklin Cooper called on Dewey
Fitzgerald Sunday.
Miss Myrtlo Larklns was visiting
relatives In Marquam last week.
Mr. Denlson hus been ditching for
tiling and expects to have It laid in
the near future.
Ralph Holman has built a fence
across tho north end of his pluce.
Dr. Morey, of IJboral, possod through
tho burg Inst week.
Meadowbrook Is wanting a school
marm, but has not found one yet.
"any pretty ones."
Miss Larklns attended tho basket so
cial at Marquam Saturday.
Our people aro complaining of bad
colds, und wo have not heard of a
euro for anyone having u severe cold
or a bad attack of la grippe.
The progressive, farmers have been
plowing and planting between dry and
wet showers. One of our potato grow
er has planted his early spiuls.
Tim price of potatoes Is down below
cry patrons who havo spuds to sell ex
pect to bring the price of butler down
by fuelling potatoes to their milch
cows. This plan might work pretty
well with those who produce cream
and have plenty of spuds,
Wo hove mndo cheap pork In Oregon
by cooking potatoes nnd mixing them
with shorts. Poultry, hiicIi us "old
lllddy hens," fairly spread themselves
on tho above food.
It will not bo necessary for the peo
ple of Clackamas County to go to the
prluiurles this year, for there will bo
plenty of candidates wanting an of
fice, and It will bo eaHy to select one
to vote for, from proHcnt Ind lent Ions.
It scorns as though wo might change
some of the plunks In souio of the dif
ferent minds of parties. Ia the man
seek the office. The almvo acords wl'h
tho present stuto of office seekers lu
One of our cream haulers lost ono
of his horses, and L, I), Mumpower de
livered the cream.
Mr. Leach, who bought tho Dalkey
place, has moved on his farm.
and Mrs. O.
Mother and
working for
Last Tuesday evening a farewIt
party was given by Mrs. W. F. Dougr
lass In honor of her brother, George
Sweeney, and his bride. The following
were present: Mr. and Mrs. W.
Douglass. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doug
lass. Mrs. R. B. Gibson, Mis Effle
Grace, Miss Cleo Douglass, Mis Bina
Douglass, Henan Gibson, Elmer Doug
lass, Harry Keble, Ed Douglass and
Mr. Brown. All enjoyed themselves.
Mr. Sweeney, who is a fine- violinist.
rendered some music on the violin.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeney went
to Portland last Wednesday on their
return home, which Is in Stevenson,
Mrs. W. F. Douglass was visiting At
Mrs. Gibson's Wednesday last, and ,ln
the arternoon they visited the school.
James Gibson and John Murphy
made a business trip to Estacada last
E. L. Palfrey went to Portland do
business last week.
Miss Grace and Mrs. Gibson called
on Mrs. Woodle and Mrs. Howlett Sat
urday. . ' '
The people on the hill are very sorry
that Mr. Wllbern's store burned down
and hope he will soon rebuild and get
a new stock of goods on hand. '
Mr. and Mrs. Howlett were visiting
at Mr. Murphy's Sunday last. .'
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle and soi,
Ray, 1 went to Dover Sunday. ; , .. "f
On Saturday another jolly crowd as
sembled at Mr. Gibson's and were
pleasantly entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson and Mrs.
Gibson's mother were visiting with
James Gibson Sunday. ; ,i,
On Monday evening Ray, Claud, Mal
colm and Mary, Miss Grace and Mr.
and Mrs. R.. B. Gibson called on Mr.
Gibson. The evening was enjoyably
spent in listening to the phonograph
and eating popcorn. , r v
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass made a
Quito a few attended the debate Sat
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bullard and child
ren visited at H. Wallaco's Sunday.
Miss Sadie Freeman is doing the
cooklnl for Dlx Bros.
Born, Friday, to Mr.
Dix. a lO'i-pound boy.
child doing well.
Miss Lena Miller Is
Mrs. Bert Cummins at present.
We hear there Is to be a farewell
dance at Mrs. Smith's, as sho is to
leave soon for Washington, to go Into
the "sawmill bnslness.
Mr. and Mrs. Rounds havo taken
their little daughter to tho doctor.
Edwin Fonst was buying wheat of
W. Wallace last week.
Farmers have been taking advantage
of the pnst fine weather by plowing
and sowing grain.
A nephew of Mr. and Mrs. William'
Beck, of Washington. Is visiting at
their home.
Oscar Daniels, who Is working for
Dlx Bros., is talking of moving away.
CIrtriie Freeman Is back again work
ing for Dlx Bros.
Mrs. Beck, who has been sick for
some time, Is now undor the doctor's
care In Portland.
FT. Wallace lost a sheep last wceK.
W. Wallace (u his grain all In and
Is now contemplating going out to
nvK iret votrr tin tans and cow bolls
ready, as rnmor says tho wedding bells
wilT soon ring.
Tom Sager shot another chicken
thief not long ago. a wild cat. Anyone
wishing sport with hounfls would do
welf to come In onr little burg, as wild
cats are plentiful.
The weather Is quite blustery
rain and snow, with hoiuo sunshine.
Mr. Vert Surfus wffs a visitor to
Dodgo to have some fine violin music
played by a professional violinist and
some vocal music.
Tho Dodge boys havo scheduled a
ball gamn with the Klwood boys. They
expct to play on Sundays.
James Park, of Dodge, has taken
the Dodgo school to tench and will
commence about March 1C.
Mr. Nash, of Dodge, Is still getting
worse. Ho is unable to talk and can
only make sounds, and can nut cat
any more.
There Is talk of a new dam being
put In at Caradoro below the big dam
of the power plant of the O. W. 1'. Co.,
by the same company. It will be of
concrete construction.
Portland, to live with Mrs. P. F. Morey.
Wo aro glad to see her bank ly Oswego,
The Oswogh Baseball Nino will havo
election of officers next Wednesday,
tho 4th Inst. All tho boys aro In good
trim and will put up a ii'X'd game this
Mr. Todd says ho will clean up all
the Park grounds In Oswego. Good
for Mr. Todd,
Mr, Monk has Improved his plucn by
moving his burn and uddlng to his
chicken yard. Mrs, Monk has tho
llnost chickens In tin) town,
MIms Delia ProHHor was surprised by
few of her young friends Monday
Ight, In honor of hvr 15th birthday.
thoMii present were Dr. and Mrs. A. J.
ItosNlter. MIhsos Mamlo Haines, Mabel
Klston, Mabel Jefferson, LpIIa Honing
or, Ijuiih llaiiiieii, Mrs. Ileulnger, Ml.
George Fourtnor, Kdw. I Ink wo, ('has.
Austin. Many gimd wishes wio made.
Mrs. John L Davis, of South Os
wego, has fully recovered.
Our (dd friend, Henry (ians, of South
Oswego, has very poor health (his
W. 10. Wanker has purchased a flno
team from Mr. HiiMby, our horse mer
chant. Mr. M. K. Dunn Is at hotho from
Wlldwood lumber woods, near Cottngo
(Irovo, where he has large holdings of
timber ami a sawmill. He brought a
talking machine home with him. Wo
don't see why ho brought It homo, as
It Is only good In a IokuIuk camp,
where there are no ladles.
The United Artisans were tumble to
rent tho I. O. O. F. hall for their so
cial meeting, as the mayor and pawn
master objected.
We are glad to state that tho numer
ous attacks of mumps which out post
muHtcr lias been subjected to have at
lust as mysteriously din appeared us
they came. Wo trust he will luitl be
on hand at his usuul post, anil let tho
mumps alone.
Toe sun Is shining again after the
eoM March blizzard.
It looks as though the woodchuoK
stood In the shadow of a tree.
Mrs. Forbes has gone to Iowa. Uiar-
lie Is keeping "bachelor hall."
Mr. Glllett Is re-papering and pann
ing his house and making other Im
The man who lived In Mr. Heckart's
boitse has moved to Woodburn.
Mrs. Shaw, of Mullmn was calling
on friends in this berg luwt week.
Ernest Meyers and wire.or Napavin.
Washington, visited his sister, Mrs.
Francis, over Sunday. 'Mr. Meyers
wont Mnndnv mornln and his wtfo
and Rm wll visit here a week or two.
Birthday parties are the order of
the day in this berg; lately. The neigh
bors had a birthday surprise oni Mrs.
Wickham last FrbJay evening In honor
of Mrs. Wickham. and Mr. Mason.
Wm. Wickham Is on the sfck list
and his mother Is seriously Bt again.
A birthday prtr was Bve" at MM
Ott's Saturday afternoon, February
29th, In honor of her 8th birthday, 30
years. Mrs. Ott was the recipient of
a set of dishes , 1 dozon each of
plates, cups and saucers. Refresh
ments were served at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Hanoron, of Midway, has moved-
to this berg and the children have
started to school.
Mr. Osmond, who works In Wash
ington, spent Sunday at home.
Mr. Waldron la driving the stage
again after his month's vacation in
California. ' : )
Miss Lottlo Sinclair has a position
In a candy store on Main street.
pert Pennell and Jack Norton, of
San Francisco, were the ' guests of
Miss Maud Griffin last Monday even
ing. - '" '' " '
Mrs. Harry Kinder and Tjaby were to
Portland again Tuesday.
JAr. Crawford Is out again after his
serious illness.
Mrs. Moran, of Moburley, Is In town
visiting for a few days.
Grandma Rholl is suffering with a
seVere cold tfils week. . . .,.....
The woolen mill people are out of
All tho sick are on the road to r
covery. under tho rnre of Dr. ItosHlter,
of Oswego, and Ir. Monnt, of Oregon
Ed Wanker's daughter hod an op
eration performed for throat trouble
Inst Sunday. She Is on tho road to
recovery. Mr. Wanker has rented tho
Barton farm on the Tualatin River.
and will move soon.
W. W; Todd wlff move In the houso
on Furnurn strret vacated by W. K.
Wanker. Mr. Todd fins charg" of tho
O. I. & 8. CO.'s plie shop. The pipe
shop has closed down for an Indefinite
Mrs. Waldorf ha returned from a
v? -1 o ner rw"i?r, H iirrrmMrn.iKo,
lii. !'( ."ild ih'J weather was cold
er hero than there.
Our friend Wut Waldorf was down
from Oregon City Sunday to see
G. W: Prosser will sell the- Bowles
property lbs 10th to the hlgtn'st bid
der. Good chance tar a nowlywed.
Miss Susie Knpy was up visiting her
sisters. Mrs. A. King Wilson and Ve
rona Kdpy; A. Kin Wilson Is on tho
road to recovery, after an operation
performed at the Good Samaritan hospital.
We hear that tho Roblmm; Grubbing
CO., otr Elk Rock, has gone broke; no
boss, no money.
Mrs, P. F;, Morey has moved from
her Portland residence to her slimmer
Homo; half a mile south of Oswego.
Fred Morey bt clearing 25 acres o
the hill, near Mr. Whltten s place, an
will plluit tW4 varieties of apples. He
!i also fencing In about 4oo aers of I
land between Oswego and Oregon I
City, and Is spraying th P. F. Morey I
orchard and putting It In fj,rst-cltts
Mr. Hugh Fox is all smiles; no more
carfare for awhile, lie Is thinking of
locating a very rich t'.;dgo of ore soon.
Wo-will watch him very cIomm and get
a claim near his.
Miss Ma Nelson has moved from
The shingle mill has changed hands.
Mr, Leuch, of Portland, Intends to
run It with more help, and, of courso,
he will get out more shingles.
(ioorgo Rice has left Viola to go
down on the Columbia to work. I In
hail to rhnuge on account of his health.
John Mntton has returned from l-"b-
anon, where be has bee nto sie his
sisters. Mrs. Will Drown and Mrs. Oil
Mrs. Kay Miller, of Portland, has
been spending the past week with her
people, L Zenney und family.
Roy MM lT came out on Sunday
from Portland to make bis popln a
short cull aud his wife returned with
Albert Htone and lady wore callers
at Vlnlii Siinduy.
Ed Tlcken hud a sudden attack of
appondlcltls lust week, but wo aro
glad to report him better.
John Hamilton, Jr., Is clearing up
land and at the same time getting
plenty of kikmI wood.
Master Elmer Oleson celebrated his
7th birthday with a row of his little
friends, February 28.
The stork left a nice little baby girl
t the. homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ober-stallom,
Mr. and Mrs. p. K. Ilopney wero
pteussiiUy surprised lust Saturday
evening by a Jolly crowd of their young
friends. The evening was spent In
playing games and dancing. A boun
tions lunch was brought by tho visit
ors. Ind sovkers are bocomliig numer
ous In this part of tho anility.
We aro ftlll having a great many
complaints of the rough treatment re
ceived from tho old tyrant, grip.
Elmer Krlrkson, engineer at Wil
liams & Lamb's shinglo mill, was tak
en home to Mulino Uu.t Saturday quite
slrk with grip and symptoms of pneu
monia. We hope for his speedy recov-ory.
Wllllum ..Thedo nnd Churlle van
I Horn left Monday for a trip through
! Harney county.
j There will bo n dance nnd oyster
Hupiior ai int? v oiioii nun .Murcn I, n.
large crowd and good time Is expected.
A. B. Countryman Is hauling lumber
for lti?x Gordon's new barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and daugh
ter wero tho guests at the Stuart home
Inst SundHy.
A petition Is In circulation for the
division of the school district here.
Water St.
at m
W. H. NELSON, Blacksmith
Wagon and Carriage Maker Horse Shoeing A Specialty
X07 Fourth Street, rnoNE 36oi Oregon City, Oregon
Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like
to call it, is one of the most weakening
diseases known.
Scoffs Emulsion, which is Cod
Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di
gested form, is the greatest strength-builder
known to medical science.
It it so easily digested that it sinks into
the system, making new blood and new fat,
and strengthening nerves and muscles
Use Scott's Emulsion after
Influenza. '
invaluable for Coughi sad Colds.
ALL DRU00I8T8I 600. AND $1.00. ' -