Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 21, 1908, Image 7

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In llm Circuit Court of the Kind) of
Oregon Within and fur Ctuckiiiniu
Mu M. Howell, I'liilnllff, vh, WIIIIiiiii
It. Ilowoll, Defendant.
To WIIIIiiiii It Howell, Defendant.
In llin lUinn of the Hlntn of Oregon,
you urn hereby required to appear nnd
HiiMwer the complaint tiled iiKiiliwt yim
In tliu iiliovn entitled Court and cuunc,
on or heforo the liKlh dny of Febru
ary, I WW, that being Urn tlmn net hy
tii Im Court for you to appear nnd uti
wtr herein, unit more than Mix woolta
from Hi" time or Ihe llrHt publication
of thlit nollen, iiml If you full to ho
iippenr or iiiihwit, tlin pliiliillfT will
tipply to the Court fur the relief prayed
fur In the complaint, towit: I'nr a
di-ri'i'ii of divorce forever iIIkhoIvIiik
the IioiuIh of miilrliuoiiy now 4-x tut I hk
between the plaintiff ami you, Thl a
HiiiiimniiH lii puhlliilii'il hy order of (i.
11. Dlmlrk, Judg" of the County Court,
III the Itliiience of (lie Hon. TIiouiiih A.
Mcllrlde, .1 1 1 1 1 k ' of the above entitled
court, Hindu and entered therein on
the ll'.lli day of .lauuiiry, I 'JOS, the
IIi-hI pulillcallon of HiIh hiiiiiimihiii be
ing on the 1 T 1 1 1 day of Janiiiiry, 1908,
and the IiihI on the UHtli dny of Feb
ruary, I'JiiK.
a 7t Attorney for rialutlff.
In the Circuit Court of I Im Hlnti) or
Oregon, fur ChickamiiH County.
Alfred T. Iiorney, rialntllT, vh, Jennie
llelln lloi'Hey, lefniidant.
To Jennie Hello Mm Hey, tin alnive
tiameil ilefeuiliiiit ;
In the inline of the Statu of Oregon,
you ant hereby required to appear and
uiiHwer the complaint filed nmilimt you
In Ihe uhove entitled ault on or before
the 27th day of March, I'.KiM, mild date
being after the exilrailon of mIx weeka
from the llrnt (iiihllcatloii of thla mim
mor.H, and If you fall to appear ami
uiihwer hiiIi) couiplulut, for waul there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded In the com
plaint, to wit: For a decree iIIhhoIvIiik
tbe ImiidM of luatrlmoiiy now existing
between plaintiff and defendant.
Thla KummoiiK Ix published by order
of Hon. The i, A. Mcllrlde, Juiiito of
the Circuit Court for Clackamaa Coun
ty . Oregon, w hich order wan made and
entered on the ib day of February,
Cms, anil the time prettrrlhcd for pub
lication tleneof Is hIx wi'ekM, the date
of firm publication, belnu Friday, Feb
ruary llth, I'jns, and the date of the
laHt publication, Friday, March 27th.
j yes. cKoitcK c. i:i:ovm'I,i.,
Attorney for l'lalntltT.
JameH FoMter Instate. Notice Is
hereby jvi-n tbat the unibTHlgnud baa
been appointed adiiilniMliutrix ot the
untate of James Fouler, deceiiKcd, by
tbe County Court of the Mate of Ore
Kon, for Clackamas Count), ami ban
qualified. All persons having claliiH
UKaliiMt aabl estate are hereby notl
find to present the Hiunt' to me nt the
office of the County Clerk at Orcein
City, Oregon, with proper vouchers
ami duly verified, within alx month
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published January
1, I'JOH.
K. F. & F. II. Ulley, Attorneys. 4-51
In the Circuit Court of the Slate o.'
Oregon, for ClaekanuH County.
Mary J. Vandetiburif, I'liilntlff, v.
JeHHe K. Vandenlier, Defeudnnt.
To Ji'Mae K. Vanilenbui'K. the above
named defendant.
You are hereby notified to appeal'
and anH&'cr the complaint lili d again!
you In tkf" above entltlfd court and
cauae on or before the, 2711) day of
March, l'JOS. that helliK" hIx weoka
from and after the date of the lint
publication or thin nummonn, and the
time fixed by the court, on or before
which you shall ho appear and answer
or othcrwiHc ph'iid to mild complaint,
and If you fall to no answer or other
wine appear In aald milt, the plain! Iff
will take default UKalnat you and ap
ply to the court ror the relief prayed
for In her Hiild complaint, to wit: For
an absolute divorce on the grounda of
desertion, and for the enre and cuhIih
dy of I'aul II. Vandenburi? and Fred O.
VandenbnrK, the two minor children of
said marriage, nnd for mich other and
further relief na ahe may be entitled
to In the premises.
Thla numinous Is publlHhed for six
huccchhIvs weeks In the Oregon City
Knterprlne, by order of the Honorable
ThomnH A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the
Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackaman, made
and entered on tho 4th day of Febru
ary, 1908.
Dated and flrnt published February
7, 1908.
Attorneys for I'lalntllT.
Guardian Sal.
Notice la hereby given that tbn un
designed, guardian of Hilda N. Fors
berg, Harriet F. FwHberK and Anna U)
ralno Foraberg, minors, under and by
vlrtun of a llcenae and order of aale
duly Issuing out of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for the County
of Clnckamaa, mado and entered of
record on the 4th day of February, A.
D. 1908, In the matter of aald guard
ianship, will on and after Monday, the
9th dny of March, A. D. 1908, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m., at my rel
dence In Oregon City or at the office
of H. K. CroHH, my attorney, offer at
private Hale to tho highest bidder, for
canh In hand or approved security all
of the right, title and IntereBt of said
minora in and to tho following do
acrlbed real property, to-wit: Lots 3,
4, 5 and C, In block 22, and lot 5, In
block 28, In the town of Bolton, Clack
ainaa County, Oregon.
Guardian of Hilda N. Forsborg, Harriet
E. Foraberg and Anna Loralno Fora
berg, M Inors.
II. 13. Cross, Attorney for Guardian.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice la hereby given that pursu
ant to an order made on the County
Court of Multnomah County, Oregon,
I February 0, 1 908, t he undesigned uu
I admlulHlrator ef the chIiiIii of Jolin
Itowloa, ileceiiHi'd, will on Monday, tliu
Klxteotith day of March, 1II0S, at the
hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of
hiiIiI day, and at the reHldenco on the
property In Huwtli Omwcko, ClackinniiH
Co., Oregon, will aell to the hlgheHt
hJildiT for ciuih In band, I lie following
ilyHrlhed real property, altuated In
Clackamaa Co., Oregon, and more par
ticularly ileHcrllieil um follows; IoIh
and i; In blk. 10, In Hotith Oawrgo, an
laid out by M. I'atton, aald aale to he
Hiihjeci to coiillniiallou by the court,
Dated HiIh JOth day of February,
AM in In lnt ra tor.
H. II. Ilalnea, Ally.
The above property )um a good V
alory dwelling Iiuuho ou aald property
and linn a line view of the river and
iiiiow-cupM'( uioiiiitaliiH and Knt
1'ortlanil, Mllwauklo and other views
of Inlereat to make It a pleasant place
to live; mile to depot, H. I'. II. It.
Notice to Stockholder.
The n ii 1 1 1 it I meeting of atockholderH
of the Clear Creek Creamery Co. will
be held on the third Monday of March,
1!I8, at 10 o clock n. in., at the cream
ery plant.
The purpoHe of this meeting la the
election or a beard of live dlrectoiH, a
Hccrelnry and irensnier, together with
oilier regular ami Important IhimIiu'bk.
All stockholders are requested to bo
In the Circuit Court of the Mate of
Oregon for ('liickiiinns County.
Mary I,. Urown, I'liilntlfT, vh. Willis I..
Ill-own, Defendant,
To WIlllH I., lliown. defenilaiit.
In the name of the stale of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
miHwer tbe ciiiniilalnt filed BKaliiHl
i you In th" above entitled ault on or be
fore the 3rd day of April, WH, tliat
being tho IiihI day prescribed In the
order of publication of thla huuiiiioiis,
and If you fall to ho appear and an
swer Hald complaint the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief therein
prayed, towit: A decree dissolving
the maniane contract existing between
you ami the plaintiff.
Thin summons In publlHhed In the
Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper,
for hIx coiiHecullve weeka by order of
Hon. Thou. A. Mcllrlde. .Indue of the
aald court, made on tbe Kith day of
February. l'.'"S, the first publication
being oil the 2lt day ef February,
Attorney for I'lalntllT.
Notice of Flnl Settlement.
V,,fl,.,, fx lioreliv e I veil that tbe II II-
deiHlgneil. ndmltilHtnitor with will an
nexed of the estate or J. S. Vaug'ian,
deceased, bus filed In the County Court
or (iackamiH County, Slate or Ore
gon, his Until account ns such admin
istrator of paid cutnto and that Mon
day, the 2:!il day or March, 19HN, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., Iiiih been
fixed by nald court as tin' time for
hearing or objection to said report
and the Htttlemelit thereof.
Administrator With Will-Annexed of
F.Ktuto of J. S. VaiiKhan, Deceased.
Thus. F. Ilyan, Attorney for Admin
istrator. Dated February IS, HiuS.
(lluibanlii for sale. Apply to Thus.
F. Kyan, Oregon City.
WA.TKI)--I.ocal representative Tor
the sale of our teas. cof,'eeH, Hplces,
etc. (iood Inducements. Apply
Great American Importing Tea Co.,
inii Washington St.. l'urtltind.
Notice of Final Settlement.
N'ollce I hereby given that the nil
deislned, ns iiilininiHtratrlx of the
estate ef John A. Swansea, deceased,
has tiled her final report as such ad
ministratrix with the County Court
of (iacl:;uiii8 County. Oregon, and the
Court has set Monday, the Ifdh day of
March, 1!'0S. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., as the time ror bearing said final
report. All persona having objec
tions to mu III report are hereby re
quired to present the same In said
court on or before nnld time, or be
forever barred,
Administratrix of the lCstate of John
A. Swanson, Deceased.
Cordon 10. Hayes, Attorney for Ad
ministratrix. Dated February nth, 1908.
FOR HUNT Heat location in city for
cigar stand. In front or saloon, bar
ber shop nnd bowling alley. In
(ulre of August Rakel.
LOST One black mnro, white spot
In forehead, foretop cut off; weight
about 1100 pounds. Tnke up nnd no
tify W. A. Cross, Oregon City, and
obtain reward.
$10 RI2WAKU For two horses, one
dark brown, weight 1000 pounds;
other light gray, weight 9,r.O pounds.
Take up and notify. J. M. Teabo,
Chemavn, Oregon.
County Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pny county
warrants endorsed prior to May 1,
1907; also road wnrrants endorsed
nrlor to February 1. 1907. Interest
censes on date of this notice.
J. C. PADDOCK, County Treasurer.
Rural Telephone Lir.et.
The Kstacada Telephone & Tole
graph Company held Its annual busi
ness meeting Tuesday and elected the'
following board of directors: L. J.
Palmateer, V. F. Cary, R. L. Wona
cott, Thomns Yocum and II. I). Trapp.
Thomas' Yokum was elected president
of tho compnny, W. F. Cary, vice
president, nnd A. E. Spnrks, secretary
and treasurer.
Stockholders in tho company are.
In addition to the above, G. T. Hunt,
,T. W. Reed, V. A. Cunningham, H.
V. Adlx, Cary Bros.. Hstacada State
Hank, H. N. North, W, H. Holder, Wal
ter Snuffin. Tho company decided to i
continue the present service In tho
local ofllce which is giving much bet
ter satisfaction than did the old aer
vlce. Mr. Exon, of Dover, was at the
company's meeting and asked for help
In building a line from Dover and an
other from George to connect with ono
of the rural lines east of Estacada.
Win. F, Iloberg to W. K. Burke, lot
No. '4 In Ikiberg. $1.
W. K. Ilurke to Margaret K. Kade,
lot No, 4 In Boberg. $900.
Oswego Commercial & Having
Hank to Herman llethke, lots 7 and 8
In blk 80, In the Oregon Iron & Steel
Compuny'H First Add. to Oswego,
N It. Howard to Geo. Meeka, lots
Nos. 5 and (! In blk. 3, In Weed's Add.
to Canby, $110,
.John W, 1ider to Ixulse I'lirslfull,
a certain tract In Ileuna Vlata Acre
age Tracts, In, Oregon City. $00,
II. K. Ingram to Oregon Swedish
Colonization Co., 252.57 acres in sec.
;io, T. 0 8.. H. I! E. of W. M. $:iooo.
Grace Brown to Idla Brown, a
certain piece of land In T. 2 H., II. 2 K
In the D. L. C. of llezeklah Johnson
and wf. $1.
E. I'. Carter to Florenco Teter, 90
acres In T. 0 H., It. 2 K., of W. M.
J. w. Reed to W. F. Gary, lot 7, blk.
15, or the City of Estacada. $120.
L, D. Johnson to R. W. Cary, all of
lot 8 In blk. 15 In Estacada. $100.
L II. Andrews to P. I Nash, all of
lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, of blk. 114, Oregon
City. $1.
T. L. Charman to T. C. Howell, lots
1, 2, 3, 4, Fi, 11, 15 and JC, blk. 1, Glad
stone. $1100.
J. G. McElroy to Roman Catholic
Archbishop or Diocese of Oregon, a
pec of land In sec. 13, T. 2 S.,, R.
4 K., of W. M. $100.
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dio
cese of Oregon to J. B. Tawney, a cer
tain tract of land In sec. 13, T. 2 8.,
R. 1 H.. or W. M. $100.
O. W. Cone et al. to Josephine Eber
hard, ii'i.70 acres in the Joseph C.
Geer D. L. C, T. 3 S., K. 2 IC, hi Yam
hill and Clackamas Counties. $1.
M. II. U'Rcn to E. G. Cauflcld, lots E,
F 1 and J lu BiU'iia Vista, and lots 4,
5 and in blk 7. in Park Add. to Ore
gon City, and lots 1. 2, 3, 4 and 5. In
blk. 10, In Park Add. to Oregon City.
M. K. Kandle to School Dlst. No. Ill,
I!2 rods In hcc 10. T. 4 S., R. 2 E., of
W. M. $1.
Culled States to Jnel Pu.anowskl,
IM acres In see. 10, T. 1 S., R. 4 li
ef W. M.
E. C. Dolph to E. Courand, 170 acres
In the D. L. C. of Frederick Helms,
T. 3 S., R. 4 H. $5000.
E. K. Charman (by ex'rsi to Wm.
Mann undivided ,- of lot 1, blk. K,
and lot 12 of blk. G, Clackamas
lielghis. $1.
w M Kmltli to Charles Mann, lot
2 In bltr. K. In Clackamas Heights. $70.
Win. Mann to W. M. Minim, an. i
iu blk. G, Clackamas Heights. $70.
Illbernla Savings Bank to Maurice
Brlggs, all of lot 15, In blk. C, Mil
waukle Park. $150.
Fred Close to Dr. II. V. Adlx. lot 24,
i. a.- 7 liiv of Fslaeada. $725.
lillil rnla Savings Bank to Alex
Christie, lot 7, blk. 27, Mllwauklo Park.
'isaae Fair to A. Lnwson, the south
10 feet of lot 0, blk. r8, In Oregon
City. $loo. ,
Laura Ib rrick to Frank Sachse. nil
or Tract C In Clackamas Riverside,
containing 10 uTacres. $1025.
'J. S. McCord to J. V. Campbell. 50
acres in sic. 0; also a part of S. S.
White D. L. C, containing 1C2.21
acres. $12,000.
U T. Sinclair to W. D. Hamm, .50
acre In On gen City. $1175.
W A. Johnson to J. B. Hicks, all of
lots 7 and 8, blk. 3, In .Mllwauklo Park.
j n. Hicks to l.evla A. Blackerby,
all of lot's 7 and 8. blk. 3. In Mllwauklo
Park. , .
Kmll Slaub to W. E. Young, a tract
of land In sec. 24. T. 3 S., It. 2 E.
.1. M. Brnuer to Birdie M. Dyer, NL
j U r SE'i of sec. 22. T. 2 S.. R. 2 L.
I1-t Wilson to Myrtle Too.e, W'-i of
NWV4 sec. 29. T. 3 S., R. 2 E.. ex
cept W',L- of Wi ef NWVi of NW V4
$3500. W. E. Young to Myrtle Tooze, a
certain tract of land in hoc. 24. T. 3
S., U. 2 E. $3500.
' Vlggo E. Chrlsteiisen to Mary Eliza
1....1, i,,w a 1ii it iiml 12. in blk. 21;
also 'lota 5 'and U. blk. 30, lit town of
Robertson. $700.
Hilda Peterson to Clans Bloom, 40
acres In sec. 35. T. 4 S.. K. 3 E. $700.
Margaret Senn to. A. E. Baker, a
certain tract of land in sec, 28, T.
1 S., It. 5 E. $1.
A. A Baker to A. H. Beeson, a tract
of land In sec. 28, T. 1 S.. It. 5 E. $10
Otto F. Olson to S. Franzer, all of
lota 1 and 2, blk. 20. In Bolton. $100.
G. Madison to C. Alnsworth, 2 V4
acres in Clackamas County. $150.
Arthur Deute to Amanda Deute, part
of lots 5 and 11, blk. 15. In Falls View
Add, to Oregon City. $5.
Clackamas County to Harry Jones,
all of lot 3, in blk. 11U Oregon City.
Harry Jones to Wm. Anderson, a
strip of land 20 feet wide off west
end of lot 3, blk. Ill, Oregon City.
n.ni ijiwrence et al. to Board or
Commissioners of Oregon City, a cer
tain piece of land Bltuniea in ureiju"
City, Ore. $1500.
W. A. Shaver to C. V. llcndershot,
2 acres In sees 20 and 21, T. 5 S.,' R.
2 E. $100.
t s nvnn to Ronrd of Water Com
missioners of Oregon City, a tract of
land described as beginning at SW
corner of blk. 29, Oregon City. $40.
Goo. McKlnnls to u. M. case, iois
7 and 8, blk. 3, Parkplace. $100.
O. F. Cross ti F. D. Sturges; lot 1 and
kkv. nf sec. 16. T. 3 S.. R.
3 E., containing 98.98 acres. $1000.
United States to uenjamin Aiuey,
100.20 acres, sec. 20, T. 2 S.. R. 1 E.
r X Oakes to August Holderi, 50
acres In T. 4 S., R. 2 E. $1.
A .Taeobs to O. Klsennan, 4U acres
In sec. 30, T. 5 S., R. 1 E. $700.
John Gatzke to L. U Smttn, iota z.
3, 4, 5, C, 7 and 8. blk. A, also alt or
blk. C. of Barlow. $300.
Land Titles Examined.
Abstracts of Title Made.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Marveloue Strength of the Father of
Alexandre Duma,
My father was twenty-four at the
tluie of enlisting and as linndsonie a
young fellow an could be found any
where. Ills free colonial life bail developed
his strength nnd prowess to an ex
traordinary degree. He wan a verita
ble American horse lad, a cowboy. Ill
Kklll with gun and pistol was the envy
of St. Georges nnd Juiiot, and bis
imiHciilar Htrenglh became a proverb in
the army. More Hum once he a in used
himself lu the riding school by passing
under a beam, grasping It with bis
arum and lifting bis bom; between his
legs, I have seen ti tin do It, end I
recollect my childish amusement when
I saw him carry two men standing
upon his bent kneo ami hop across the
room with Uii'hc two men ou him. I
kuw him oiico In a rage take a branch
of considerable toughness In both his
hands and break It between tbcin by
turning one hand to the right and the
other to the left.
A few years later tho gallant hussar
was a brigadier general and perform
ing feats of valor which earned him
tbe title of "the Horatlus Codes of
tbe Tyrol." Best of all we like the
son's description of Horatlus' storm
ing of Mont Cen Is:
The cHiiils-nt reached the plateau.
Although It was a dark night, tbe
long line of soldiers, clothed In blue
uniforms, could have been perceived
outlined against the anew from tbe
fort. But my father had foreseen this
contingency; each mail had a cotton
cap and a shirt rolled up In his knap
sack. Tills was the ordinary dress
my father adopted at lilglil! wbeu he
bunted chamois.
They reached the foot of the palisades
without lulling roused u single chal
lenge. The men began climbing tbe
palisades as soon as they reached
them; but. thanks to my father's her
culean strength, he thought of a U'tter
and (juieler way namely, to take each
man by the seat of his trousers and
the collar of his coat and throw blm
over the palisades. The snow would
break the fall and also deaden the
noise. Surprised out of their sleep
nnd sewing the French soldiers lu their
midst without knowing how they bad
come there, the Iiedmontese hardly
offered any resistance. From "My
Memoirs," by Alexandre Dumas, Trans
lated by E. M. Waller.
The Barbarous Methods of the Six
teenth Century.
Atnbrolse Pare, a barber surgeon of
the sixteenth century, tells In his notes
boiv In 1537 he weut to the long wars
to get practice In surgery. He Invent
ed some new processes, particularly In
tbe treatment of amputated limbs.
Up to Fare's time the most barba
rous means had lieen used to stop the
bleeding. In bis own words: "So soon
as the limit was removed the surgeons
would use many cauteries to stop the
flow of Mood, a thing very horrible
and ctuel lu the mere telling. -iid
truly of six thus cruelly treated scarce
two ever escaped, and eveu these were
long 111, and the wounds thus burned
were slow to heal, because the burning
caused such vehement pains that they
fell Into fever, ronvulslons and other
mortal accidents. Iu mor-t of them,
moreover, when the scar fell off there
came fresh bleeding, which must again
be stanched with the cauteries. So
thnt for many healing was impossible,
nnd they had nn ulcer to the end of
their lives, which prevented them from
having an nrtilicial limb."
The Idea of abolishing such cruelty
by using the ligature occurred to Pare
Id one of his war journeys, and his
success went beyond his own expecta
tions. Mils other discovery was made
within n few hours of his Joining the
army. It was believed by t'te surgeous
of the day that there was poison lu a
gunshot wound, and one of the accept
ed nuthotities Insisted that they must
be cauterized "with oil of elders scald
ing hot, mixed with a little treacle."
The pain was Intolerable. It happeued
that at his first treatment of gunshot
wounds Fare's oil ran short, and he
used Instead "a digestive made of the
yolks of eggs, oil of roses and turpen
tine." To bis surprise he found next
uiornlug that the patients he had thus
treated were lu better condition than
the others. "Theu I resolved never
more to burn thus cruelly poor men
with gunshot wounds."
Newton's Fearful Crime.
At tbe end of a meal at Haydou's-
houM Keats proposed a toast in these
terms: "Dishonor to the memory of
Tbe guests stared at him In question
ing surprise, and Wordsworth asked
for an' explanation.
"It la," answered Keats, "because he
destroyed the poetry of the rainbow by
reducing It to a prism." And tbe art
ists all drank, with one conseut, con
fusion to the savant.
A Great Changs.
Old Nurse (to youug lady who Is bo
lng to New Zealand) So you're going
away to one of the countries. Miss
Mary, where they have day when wt
have night and night" when we hav
day! .
Miss Mary Ves. nurse.
Old Nurse Eh, It will take ye some
time to get accustomed to the change!
-London JPunch's Ahuanac.
Quite Familiar.
"JImmle.f,Vld the merchant solemn
ly at the eleventh hour, "we have for
gotten to get a fresh supply of stamps."
And the ofllce boy lu his excitement
responded with "Goodness, sir, so we
hare! If we ain't a couple of blunder
headed ldIots!"-London Tlt-BUs.
Heal Kntate,
Loans, Insurance
Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufield BIdg., Mm and EigM i Sts
Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse,
Will practice it all courts, make collections and settlements of estates Format,
abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE
Euilding, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Phone Main 62.
CD. & D.C. Latourette
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate
our Specialties. Office in First Na
tional Bank Building, Oregon City,
Royal Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
Lunches from Cc up. Our 25c meals
you cannot beat. Our coffee you will
never forget. Open all night.
Come in, Let's Get Acquainted.
A. EJoyner, Proprietor
410 Main St. Oregon City, Ore.
The Moreland
1 10 7th Street
Commercial Trade Solicited'.
Excellent Table Board, or Board
and Room by the Day or Month.
E. RICHARDS, Proprietor
Fresh Oysters, Clams, Etc., Always
Fresh and Reasonable.
Fish Market on Seventh, Near Depot.
Am making a specialty of the finest
Photos at hard times prices. I guar
antee you the best skill and satisfac
tion. Come in and look at my work
and let's get acquainted.
PHONE 2863
West Side Main Street, Near Tenth.
General BUcksmithing
Carriage & Wagoa
work of all kinds. We
also pot on Rubber
328 Main St. Cor. 4th
i o-
Eagles Get New Hall.
Oregon City Aerie, Fraternal Order
of Eagles, has secured "the old Masonic
ball, on the corner of Main and Sixth
streets, for a rental of $35 per month,
and will remove into the new quar
, ters soon. The Eagles have been
1 meeting in Knapp's hall since their or
ganization. They propose to purchase
a piano and make the Interior of their
new home attractive. The Knights of
Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of
America have already opened nego
tiations with the Eagles to meet in
their hall.
Main Street,
Probate Practice a Specialty
Oregon City,
Will practice in all courts of the sUU
Office In Caufield Building. '
; Money loaned, abstracts furnished, lani
tiles examined,- estates settled, eeneraJ
law business transacted.
t Over Bank of Oregon City.
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos,
Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whis
keys and Wines.
finapp& Nobel
Clackamas County
606-608 Chamber of Commerce,
Full equipment of maps, plats, ab
stract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County Lands,
Money loaned, titles perfected.
E. F. & F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of TorontoCnada,
aqd the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
t Oregon City and established an
ffice at The Fashion Subles,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones
Paraers' ija Msii ijix
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau
lic Rams a Specialty.
Phone 2682.
Oregon City, - Oreasn.
A representative in this county, by a
large real estate corporation. Special
inducements to those who wish to be
come financially Interested.
The Real Estate Security Co.
Fort Dearborn Building, Chicago, III.