ORIftON CITY INTUFHIIIi FRIDAY, JA.NUARY 24, 1008. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1 906 Notice of Sheriff s Sale TAX EXECUTION STATU OK OREGON, Cmiiily of CliicluiiniiM, hh. T It. II. Dentin, Hherlff of Claokamus Cimlily, Oregon, Greeting: In Km name df tlin State of Oregon you nut hereby eoiuuiiuidiid to adver tlnit iiml hi'II In I ho manner provided by law tint nevcra! articles of porMoiinl property ami parcel (if real properly upon which Ihki'm have, been levied for lli yi'iir 1!KM! nm which are marked Mid extended i unpad! utnl dellnijiicrt upon ltn tax rolln for Hiild your l'JOO, ami thiil you iiiy over nil money ho collected to tlm County Treasurer of Cliicliiuimn Couiily, Oregon, hh pro vided hy law. WltnoHM my hand uml tho seal of the Counly Court of tlm statu of Ore koii for tlm County of Clackamas, thin 2Wh day of December, A. I). 1ju7. (HEAL.) W. GRI41CNM AN, Clerk. STATIC OK OREGON, Counly of Clackamas, -hh, I hereby certify Mint tho foregoing In n I nil' itmt correct copy of tho orlgl mil warrant fur tint collection of the Delinquent tuxeM for tho year 1900, mill the whole thereof of Hitch original now lii my hamls and tint tho aiimo wiih received hy mo ou the 20tli day of li eeiuber, l'J07. It, II. HI4ATII4, Sheriff and Tax Collector for Cluck mail Comity. Oregon. Now, therefore, In obedience to tho ( mi m ii n i) k of the mild above mention ed warrant, I will on the ?4TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1908, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., Hi my officii In the ClackainitN County Court IIoiimi. in Oregon City, Clackamas County, ()i uml, ncII tho itevcral trartH or parceU of real property embraced In the delinquent IImI of Cluckaiua County, Oregon, for tho year I yoo. and n diHciipilon of which property, tlm tiiiioiint of Iuvm and the inline of the ow ner w hen known r peri on to w hom taxed, Id un follow, to W't: Atkinson. A int. Due I Eastern Inventmciit Co., Atkln Hon, lots 3 and 4, 9 70 acres. .10.08 Barlow. Anna Holt, Harlow, lot 4, 1.1k !. .G3 A ii ii 4 Molt. Harlow, lot 9. Iilk 1. .63 (i. V. Offleld. Harlow, lot 9, blk 2 G3 M T. Morrln. Harlow, Fr'I blk 5 1.05 Sarah S, Nord Uroui, Jiarlow.lot g blk 6 42 Julia Catke, Catke'd Add. to Harlow, lot 2 to 8, blk A..,. 2.94 John Gatkn, Catkn'a Add. to Harlow, lot 1 to C, blk C... 2.53 Bolton. I : i ii it i ti Dowty, Holton, lot 3, blk. 17 1.29 Holton I .ami Co., Holton, lot 1, blk 94 Doting Junction Tracts. F. M. Allison, Boring Juration's tractn, Imiirovement on tracts II and 12 32.45 Cambridge. I'cter Fisher, Cambridge, lot 3, blk 81 1.38 Canby. Hannah Blacker, Canby, lots 2 and 3. block 2 7.74 Emma .1. Dowty, Canby, lot 4, block 2 3.9C Mr. U J. Barton, Canby, lota 7 and H, block 4 3.00 Chan. Schmidt, helm, Canby, lots 5 and t'i. block 5 C.48 A. E. Walte, Canby, lot C, block 11 84 A. E. Walte, Canby, all of block 12 3.82 Canemah. Mrs. A. 14. Lntouretto, Cnneniah, lots 1 and 2. blk 17 7.28 Mm. A 14 .I.atouretto, Canemah, lotH 7 and 8, blk. 17 2.G0 Itlchard McMnhon, Canemah, lots 3 and 4. blk 22 3.12 A. 14. Wulte, Caneinnh, lot 4, blk 25 1.38 Jchho Glhbs, Canemah, lots 3, 4, and 5. blk 32 78 Cbrltitlan Frocbsel, Canemah, lot 3. blk C 2.08 I. O. HiudIm), Canemah, lot 4, blk. C l.GG Kll.iibelh ltlneliart, Canemah, frl. blk., not numbered, be tween 45 and 40, lots 1, 7 and 8 78 Elizabeth Rlnehnrt, Canemah, frl. blk., not numbered, bo- tw i CI and G2, lots 1, 2, G, 7 and 8 '. . 130 Elizabeth Klnehart, Canemah, frl. blk., not numbered, be tween 35 and 3G, lot 1 2G Thomas Glbbs, as des. In Record of DeedM, Hook G3, pngo 415. .62 14. G. Caufield, First Add. to Ca- nomah, lot 5. blk. O 1.30 Clackamas Fruit Lands. Mm. Nellie 14. C.odfrey, Clacka mas fruit lands, blliB. M, N, 0 N. 2 acres of 1', 8 acres 5 .42 Mrs. Nrlllo 14. Godfrey, Clacka mas fruit lunds, blka. Q, H and 8. 5.07 acres..'. 5.42 Clackamas Heights. A. 0, Tramplensuro, Clackamas Heights, sub. dlv. of blks. 19, 28, 29, .10, 31 and 39, lot 2, block 3014 51 0. Schlndlor Clackamas Heights, - Bub. dlv. of blks. 19, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 39, lot 12, blk. 2911 .61 14. F. Kennedy, Clackamas Heights, buI). dlv. of blks. 19, ' 28, 29, 30, 31 and 39, lots 1 and 2, blk. 191 1.02 14. K. Kennedy, Clnckamns llolghtH, sub. dlv. of blks. 19, 28, 29, 30, 31 nnd 39, lota 11 and 12,. blk. 191 10.07 Clackamas Park. L. 14. Williams, Clackamas Tark, 14 1-2 of blk. G and M 1-2 blk. 7 7.20 Eagle Creek. Laura D. Stelnman, Baglo Creok, A mt. Dun I lot, 8, blk, 27 Estacada. O. W. P. TowiimIU) Co., Katacadn, lots HI, 14, 15 and HI, blk. 5.. 12, 05 HiihIo CroiiHo, Kstttcada, lot 6, blk. 8 1.73 O. W. V. TowiihIIo Co., lOstanada, lot 10, blk. 13 ,40 Mrs. I. M. Corthlll, ICstacada, lot in, blk. 14 4! Ii. I) Johnson, KHtarada, lot 8, blk. 15 40 I j, A. MvlnKstoti, First Add. to Kstarada, lot 4, blk. 22 40 0. W. P. Townaltn Co., First Add. to KMtacada, lot 7, blk. 27 40 It. h. CourtwrlKht, Flrat Add. to KMtncada, lot 2, blk. 28 40 0. W. P. Towuiiflo Co., Flrnt Add. to KHtaradu, lotH 1 and 2, blk. ' 30 -.92 0. W. P. Townslto Co., First Add. to Krttacnda, lot . blk. 31 40 If. W. ixiwnlni?, First Add. to ICiitacadn, lots 3 and 4, blk. 34 .92 O. W. P. Townslto Co., First Add. lot G, blk. 35 40 Mallory & Paulson, .obrlnt's Add. to Kstacuda, lots 11 and 12. blk. 11 92 Friends' Oregon Colony, K. J. Adklns, Friends' Oregon Colony, 1 acre In NW corner, blk. 115 2.15 ('has. Kcolt, Kir., Friends Oregon Colony, all of ex. 1 aero In N. W. corner, blk. 115. 3 45 acres. 2.04 14. J. Adklns, Friends of Oregon Colony, blk. 110, 10 acres.... 4.48 A. J. Kellum, Friends Oregon Colony, blk. 117, 15 80 acres... 7.70 John II. (ilbsoti, Gibson's sub. dl- vlHlon J. A. liogan Tract, tructs 3 and 4 4.60 Gladstone. M. F. MeCown. (iladstone, blks. 1 to 21, and frl. blks. A and II, lot 12. blk. 9 1.02 II. C. Stevens, Gladstone, blks. 1 to 21 and frl. blks. A and 1), lota 1 to 5, blk. 19 3.82 Willamette Valley Chautauqua Assn., Gladstonn, blks. 1 to 21 and fr l. blks. A and II, lot 15, blk. 20 77 Mary Wills, Gladstone, blks. 1 to 21, and frl. blks. A and II, loU G to 10, blk. 21 3.83 Mrs. Mary Heiitley, Gladstone, blks. 22 to 103 and frl, blks. C to II. lot 1 and 2, blk. 30. ..11.47 C. II. and I. Johnson, Gladstone, blks. 22 to 103 and frl. blks. C to It. lots 15 and 10, blk. 45. . .17. CO W. II. Kelly, Gladstone, blks. 22 to 103. and frl. blks. C to II, lots 11 and 12, blk. 51 1.53 W. J. Itnurh, Gladstone, blks. 22 to 103 and frl. blks. C to II, lots 5 and G. blk. 75 1.53 West Gladstone. W. J. Hlooiner, West Gladstone, lot 17. blk. It 77 1). 14. Henderson, West Gladstone, lot 13, blk. 12 77 Lots Adjoining Gladstone Park. Harry W. Hull, part of as des. In Record of Deeds, Hook Gl, page 201. lot 110 4.08 Jessie A. Glbbs, part of as des. In Heron! of Deeds, Hook C3, page 415, lot 110 61 Jennings Ledge. A. C. and F. K. Hmlgklna, Jen nings liodgo, lot 9 1.90 11. and C. Klser. JennlngB Lodgo, lots 20 and 21 3.04 IV and C. Klser, Jennings Iidge, lots 27 and 28 3.04 II. and C. Klser, Jennings Lodge, lot 37 9 CO A. C. and F. 14. Hodgklns, Jen nings Lodge, lot 42 1.90 n. and C. Klser, Jennings In1go, lot 43 190 A. C. and F. 14. Hmlgklna, Jen nliiRs lidge. noardman'a Add, to, lot 20 4.08 Linn City. Walter Pomeroy, Linn City, lota 7, 8 and 9, blk. 1 70 M. H. Wakeman, Linn City, lots 6 and 6, blk. 8 47 Logus Tracts. Joseph Hawkins, Logus Tracts, Tract 4, 14.91 acres 23.00 Marchbanks. Johanna Huckey, Marchbanks, lot 35, blk. 7 10 D. J. Huckley. Jr., Marchbanks, lot 30, blk. 7 09 Wm. rtuckloy, Marchbanks, lot 37, blk. 7 09 C. A. Cove, Marchbanks, lot 1, blk. 9 09 Harriet Lee, Marchbanks, lot 2, blk. 9 09 Harriett Lee, Marchbanks, lots 3 to G, blk. 9 36 C. A. Gove, Marchbanks, lot 8, blk. 9 10 G. Svarvend and J. L. Frazter, Marchbanks, lots 12 to 15 blk. 9 37 C. A. Gove, Marchbanks, lot 16, blk. 9 09 Marshflcld. W. II. H. Gentry, part of as des. In Record of Deeds, Ilook 78, pngo 89, lot 1, blk 2 3.20 Penry lllack, part of as des. In Iteeord of Doeds, Hook 78, page 89, lot 3, blk. 13 1.60 Mary 14. Talbert, Talbert'a Add. to Marshftold, lot 2, blk. 20... .80 J. W. Roots, Hoots' Add. to Mai-Bhfleld, lots 1 to 7, blk. 4.. 2.80 J. W. Hoots, Roots' Add. to Marshfleld, lots 9 and 10, blk. 4 80 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Marshfleld, lots 11 and 12, blk. 4 ' .80 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Marshfleld, lota 3 and 4. blk. 14 1.30 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Marshfleld, lot 1 an dall of ex cept 4 foot off S Bide of lot 2, blk. 19 70 titirj "jtuv J. W. Hoots, Hoots' Add. to Miirshflold, lots 3 to 0, blk. 21. 1,60 J. W, Hoots, Roots'.. Add. to Manilifleld, all of blk, 27.,..., 2.40 J. W. Hoots, Hoots' Add. M MurahJleld, lots 4 to 7, blk. 28. 2.40 . Mllwaukle, The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., W 57 ft. of lots 4 and 5, blk. 30 17. C8 (,'. A. Cogswell, Mllwaukle, Cogs well's First Add. to, blk, I). , ,12,48 Mllwaukle Heights. Francis Dwyer, Mllwaukle Hts., .t i-Xof lot G, blk. 33 11 Mllwaukle Park. Hibernln Savings Hank, Mil wan kl Park, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk. 4 1.38 J, O. Iie, Mllwaukle Park, lots 9, 10 and 11, blk. 4 1.28 lllbenilii Savings Hank, Mllwuu k!e Park, lots 14, 15 and 16, blk. 4 1.38 llllieinltt Snvlns P.riuk, Mllwau kle park, lot 8, blk. G 40 ICIIabeth linstlan, Mllwaukle Park, lots 3 and 4, blk. 9....... 1.3h W. Cornfoot, Mllwaukle Park, lot 10, im. 9 46 lllberiita Having Hank, Mllwau kin Park, lot 10, blk. 12 40 lllbenilii Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lot 3, blk. 13 46 Illbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lot 1, blk. 14 46 Hibernln Savings Hank, Mllwau- i Me Park, lots 17 and 18. blk. 1 92 Hlhemla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lots 15 and 10, blk. 22 92 lllbenilii Savings Hank, Mllwau kle park, lot 1, blk. 23 46 Mlbernla-Savings Hank, Mllwau kle park, lots 13 to 18, blk. 24 2.76 lllbenilii Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lot 3, blk. 24 40 Illbernla Havings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lota 13 to 10, blk. 20. 1.84 Illbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle, Park, lot 4, blk. 27 32 Illbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lot 6, blk. 27 38 Hlbcrnlii Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lots 0, 7, 10, 11. blk. 27 1.49 Illbernla Ravings Hank, Mll waukle Park, lot 5, blk. C 1.80 Illbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, loU 9, 10, 11, blk. C, 6.40 Cbas. It. Hlnes, Mllwaukle Park, lots 4 to 8, blk. D 8.10 Scllwood's Add. to Mllwaukle. Fred I hman, Scllwood's Add. to Mllwaukle, all of blk. 8 11.96 Thos. J. Clark, Sell wood's Add. to Mllwaukle, lots 1 and 2, blk. 9 5.20 Mlnthorn. H. J. Hendricks, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lota 25, 20, 27, blk. 12 . 42 J. II. Westcott. Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 14 to 25, blk. 13. 1.C5 Mrs. Mary Leaman, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 29, 30, blk. 10 28 Honors Howe, Trustee, Mln thorn Add. to Portland, lots 13 to 21, blk. 41 1.G5 Oregon Ijiih! Co.. Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, all of except 100 feet off north end of lots 19 and 20, blk. 08 09 Oregon Ijmd Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, all of except 100 feet off north end of lots 21 and 22, blk. C8 09 Oregon iJind Co.. Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, all of except 100 feet off north end of lots 23 and 24. blk. G8 10 Ira Krb, Mlnthorn Add. to Tort land, lot 47, blk. G9 J4 M. W. Sprngue, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 5 and 6, blk. 71 .27 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 5 and 0, blk. 72 .28 Jennie C. Heed, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots-7 and 8, blk. 72 .28 14. and G. Reed, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 9 and 10, blk. 72 27 Oregon l-and Co!, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 40 and 41, blk. 73 28 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lota 3 and 4, blk. 7? 2S Oregon Iind Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 10 and 17, blk. 77 28 Oak Grove. Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 16 to 19. blk. 78 55 J. S. White, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot 38, blk. 84 14 Oregon I-and Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot 16, blk. 87 14 Oregon ljnd Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 25 and 20, blk. 87 27 Oregon Ijmd Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lota 7 to 14, blk. 89 1.10 Chns. II. Cravfn, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 16 to 19, blk. 91 55 Chas. R. Craven, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 34 to 40, blk. 91 97 II. W. Hntch, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 38 and 39, blk. 92 28 Sellwood IJind and Imp't. Co.. Oak Grovo, block 36, 7 acres. 13. 30 Wm. WIckllne, Oak Grove, blk. 49, 5 acres 9.50 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grovo, blk. 51, 9.05 acres., 18..05 Sellwood Iind and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 52, 10.20 acres 19.38 Wm. Wlcklnnd, Oak Grove, blk. 54, 5 acres 9.60 Sellwood liandi and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. GG, 5 acres. . .20.90 Sellwood Innd and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 67, 10.95 acres.26.98 Sellwood IiMid nnd Imp't, Co., ' Oak 0 rove, blk. 81, 11.66 acrcs.22.04 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 82, 14.25 acres.26.98 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Onk Grove, all of except N, 120 feet lot 4, blk. 7 1.14 Sellwood Iinnd' and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, 50x307 feet of lot 3, blk. 8 1.33 D. A. M. Mclntyre, Oak Grove, all of except W'ly 210 feet lot 1, blk. 19 1.52 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grovo, all of except as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 83, page 417, lot 2, blk. Amt. Due 19, and the E'ly 111x106 of lot 3, blk. 19 2.28 Sellwood Iand arid Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, K'ly 113 feet x 106 feet, lot 4, blk. 19 1,14 Sellwood Innd and Imp't. Co., Onk Grove, all of except W. 217 feet lot. 2, and all ofexcept W. 215 feet lot 3, blk. 30..,, 3. 04 Sellwood lind and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, all of except 220 feet of lot 4, blk. 30 1.14 Sellwood Iind and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, all West of R. It., lot 2, blk. 70 1.14 Peter Htollcr, Oak Grovo, lots 6 and 7, blk. 87 9.88 C, F. Smith Trustee, Oak Grove, lot 2, blk. 88 70 Claudlo lAwrence, Oak Grove, lots 17 to 20, blk. 91 4.94 Sellwood Land & Imp't. Co,, Oak Grove, 30x205.30 feet, that por tion of Hazel Ht. N. of Tract 93, vacated 1.52 Oregon. City. Kastern lev. Co., Oregon City, lot 7, blk. 13 6.90 Hank of Oregon City, Oregon City, all of blk. 14 23. GO Kastern Inv. Co., Oregon City, lots l and 2, blk. 19 14.75 Hank of Oregon City, Oregon City, all of blk. 43 6.90 Hank of Oregon City, Oregon City, all of blk. 44 29.50 Jane Haxter, Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 45 4.23 Harriet Moser, Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 45 2.95 Harriet Mosler, Oregon City, lot ' C, blk. 45 1.47 Jane Haxter, Oregon City, lot 7, blk. 45 2.95 I. G. Kambo, Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 46 11.80 Katheiine Healy, Oregon City, w'ly 12 lot 4, blk. 47 4.43 Jennie Meldrurn, Oregon City, lot 2, blk. C8 8.85 Ivy Straight, Oregon City, lota 2 to 8, blk. 72 10.33 Helen j, stratum, Oregon City, e'ly 1-4 of lot 1 and e'ly 5 6 of lots 3, 4, 5. e'ly 3 4 of lot 6, and the e'ly 18 of lot 7, blk. 84.. 6.49 Helen I, Stratton, Oregon City, all of blk. 85 4.72 Helen L. Stratton, Oregon City, lot 1 and the e'ly end of lota 2 and 3, blk. 80 1.18 Eastern Inv. Co., Oregon City, all of blk. 87 11.80 Helen L. stratton, Oregon City, all of blk. 89 n.80 Helen L. Stratton, Oregon City, all of blk. 90 4.72 Helen Ij. Stratton, Oregon City, all of blk. 91 4.72 Mahala Katon (heirs), Oregon City, lot C, blk. 97 7.37 Otto Deute, Oregon City, 50x66 feet lot 4. blk. 112 6.16 Cbas. Scott, Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 120 2.95 E. K. Campbell, Oregon City, lota 3 and 4, blk. 123 11.80 L. I). Leonard, Oregon City, lot 7, blk. 123 7.37 E. K. Campbell, Oregon City, lots 3 and 4, blk. 149 4.43 V. F. Whillock, Oregon City, lot 5, blk. 173 3.54 Ab-x Simmons, Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 173 12.39 W. F. U-hlgh, Oregon City, lots 3. 4, 5. blk. 177 1.77 G. W. Woellener, Oregon City An nex, lots 15 and 16, blk. 2 19 Theresa Finds, Oregon City An nex, lot 18, blk. 2 10 lieopold Troendle, Oregon City Annex, lots 1 and 2, blk. 4 20 Peter Hagerik, Oregon City An nex, lots 1 and 2. blk. 6 19 M. J. Downes, Oregon City An nex, lots 1 and 2, blk. 13 12 August Hoemer, Oregon City An nex, lot 4, blk. 13 07 Frank Warren, Oregon City An nex, lot 2, blk. 18 05 T. A. McHrlde, County Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 to 5, 6, blk. 34 32.45 T. A. McHrlde, County Add. to Oregon City, lot 8 33.93 G. W. Grace (heirs), County Add. to Oregon City, e'ly 60 feet lot 3, blk. 42 2.30 G. W. Grace (heirs), County Add. to Oregon City, e'ly 50 feet Ji-fc-4, blk. 32 4.72 Geo. Boyian, County Add. to Ore gon City, lot 2, blk. 47 2.95 Gtto. Boylnn, County Add. to Ore gon City, lot 7, blk. 47 6.63 Sarah J. Randolph, County Add. to Oregon City, blk. E 1.48 Mitchell. Louis & Staver Co., Darnell's Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2, blk. 1 2.95 John R. Edwards, Darnell's Add. to Oregon City, lot 4, blk. 1.. 2.95 Anna Boyian, Darling's Add. to Oregon City, 1-2 of lots 4 and 1-4 blk. 4 6.79 Geo." A. Harding (trustee), Edg wood Add. to Oregon City, lot 10, blk. 2 38 Geo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg wood Add, to Oregon City, lot 12. blk. 2 25 Geo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg- wood Add. to Oregon City, lot 13, blk. 2... 38 14. A. Newton, Edgwood Add. to Oregon City, lot 11, blk. 3 26 Mrs. M. E. Johnson, Edgwood Add. to Oregon City, lot 18, blk 6 .76 Alex Bolle, Edgwood Add. to Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 7 5.86 W. W. May, Ely Add. to Oregon City, lot 1. blk. 1 28 E. O. Soeley, Falrvlew Add. t Oregon City, 1-2 of lots 4 and 5 and 6, blk. 2 10.32 E. O. Soeley, Falrvlew Add. to Oregon City, lots 15, 16 and 1-2 of 17, blk. 2 2.58 Chas. A. Ross, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10, blk. 1 2.95 David Fnncher, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10.. 2.95 Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 4, blk. 4. . . . 1.48 Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 7 to 10, blk. 4 , 8.85 Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, blk 6 1.47 R. G. Pierce, Falls View Add. to Oregou City, lots 12 and 13, blk 8 2.36 Sophrona M. Riggs, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 20 A 10.32 Amt. Due Clara P. Williams, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, blk. .20 A 9.74 Clara P. Williams, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 20 A 2.36 Clara P. Williams, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 10 blk. 20A 2.95 Helen M. Stratton, administra trix, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 13, blk. 20B 73 Henry Schinek, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 25., JB9 O. F. Howell, Green point, lot 2, blk. 4 3.83 Bank of Oregon City, Metes and Bounds to Oregon City as des In Record of Deeds Hook 74, Page 15G, 1 acre 5.90 Samuel Marrs, Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, as des In Rec ord of Deeds Book 32, Page 453, 180 acres 26.55 George Iawrence, Jr., Metes and Bounds to Oregon City as des In Record of Deeds, Book Gl, Page 132, 32x50 feet, und. Vj each H. M. and W. M. Cake, Metes and Bounds to Oregon City as des. in Record of Deeds, Book 61, page 132, 32x50 feet, und'.t' each , 63.10 Margaret J. Wisher, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, und. Vi lot 7, blk. 3 14 Margaret J. Wisher, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, und. 4 lot 8, blk. 3 15 W. and PrieBt j. Scleman, Moun tain View Add. to Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 4 45 J. A. and L. E. Thayer, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, lot 9, blk. 4 44 Grace 14. Ixider, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, frl. blk. G 1.48 Grace E. Loder, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, s'ly 100 ' feet of blk. 7 1.18 Ella L. Caufleld, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, lot 16, blk. 3 2.21 Anna S. Warren, Park Add. to Oregon City, lota 9 and 10. blk. 10 3.54 Katie Hart, Park Add. to Oregon City, lots C and 7, blk. 16 8.41 Matilda G. Miller, Parker Hill Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2, blk. 1 1.41 Geo. Shipley, Pleasant Place Add. to Oregon City, lots 8 aBd 9, blk. 3.54 John Bastarch, Shaw's First Add. to Oregon City, lot 9, blk. 7 38 Herman Schaeffer, Shaw's First Add. to Oregon City, lots 11 and 12, blk. 7 76 W. S. Wright, Shaw's First Add. to Oregon City, lota 14 and 15, blk. 7 77 Caroline Fischer, Shaw's First Add. to Oregon City, lot 16, blk. 7 .38 L. II. Wasserman, South Oregon City, lots 4 and 5, blk. 2..:... 1.84 D. C. Telford, South Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 2 92 Edwin Collins, South. Oregon City, lot 11, blk. 8 69 E. K. Campbell, West Side Add. to Oregon City, lota 10 to 14, blk. 3 7.03 Oswego. Chas. R. Johnson, Oswego, lot 12. blk. 28 96 Mary E. Weber, Oswego, lot 1,' blk. 31 1.C8 C. Rondeau, Oswego, lot 14, blk. 32 96 Adam List, Oswego, lots 1 and 2, blk. 33 1.92 G. E. Russell and C. L. Smith, Oswego, lots 7 and 8, blk. 33.. 1.92 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lot 2. blk. 34 96 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lot 7, blk. 34 96 Geo. McBain, Oswego, lot 9, blk. 34 96 F. F. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lot 10, blk. 34 96 Geo. McBain, Oswego, lots 12 to 14. blk. 34 2.88 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lot 15, blk. 34 96 C. M. Diller, Oswego, lot 1, blk. 44 96 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lots 1 and 2, blk. 46 1.92 Pacific States Savings Building Loan Co., EV4 of lots 18, 19 and 20, blk. 138 1.36 E. W. Cornell, South Oswego, lota 1 and 2, blk 29 48 Geo. L. Parrlsh, South Oawego, lots 3 and 4, blk. 29 48 E. II. Hablghorst (trustee), South Oswego, lots 5 to 7, blk. 36.. 1.08 L. A. Caphall, South Oswego, lots Sand 9, blk. 36 72 J. D. Lee (trustee), South Oswe go, lots 10 to 12, blk. 36 1.08 J. F. Dickson, South Oswego, lot 13, blk. 36 36 E. H. Hablghorst (trustee), S. Oswego, lot 14, blk. 36 36 Nancy Wilton, South Oswego. lot 15, blk. 36 36 Nancy Wilton, South Oswego, lot 5, blk. 42 -36 J. D. Lee. (heirs), South Oswego, lots 6 to 9, blk. 42 96 E. W. Cornell, South Oswego, lots 1 to 5, blk. 45 1.80 14. W. Cornell, South Oswego. lots ly4t'o 18, blk. 45 1.80 E. w. ornell, South Oswego, all of blk. 59 6.48 E. II. Hablghorst (trustee), Os wego Heights, E of blk. 4, 12.85 aeres 1.20 Parkplace. Geo. McKInnas, Parkplace, lots 7 and 8, blk. 3 6.87 Louis Dickleman, Parkplace, lots 9, 10 and s'ly of 11, blk. 4. .12. 11 Florence B. Shepard, Apperson Sub. Dlv.' of lots 5, 6, 7, Park- nlnce lot 1 hilt K 1 OH V. M. Moore, Apperson Sub. Dlv. of lots 5, 6, 7, Parkplace, lot 9, blk. 7 1.02 M. M. and IT. O. Lee, Apperson Sub. Div. of lots 5, 6, 7, Park- place, lots 15 and 16. blk. 9 2.04 Mrs. W. Galloway, Sub. Dlv. of Sub. Div. of lots 6, 6, 7, Park- place, blk. C 6.12 Louisa Praeger, First Add. to Parkplace, lots 2 to 5, blk. 1.. 4.08 Mary E. Huerth, Straight's Add. to Parkplace, lots 2. and 3, blk. 1 10.33 Mrs. W. aGlloway, Sub. Dlv. of Amt Due blk. D, by J. A, Chase, Park" place, lots 5 to 8, blk. D 3.06 Emma Galloway, Sub. Dlv. ot blk. D, by J. A. Chase, Park place, blk. F 30.60 People's Transportation Co.'s Lota." uaniei Harvey, people' Trans portation Co.'s lots, lot 1 Pleasant Little Homes. Thomas Huston, Pleasant Little Homes No. , lot 9 T. H. Slnith, Pleasant Little .66 .18 Homes No. 1, lot GO 18 Samuel Swanson, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lot 18, blk. 2.... M. A. Honeyman, Pleasant Little Homes No, 3, Iota 31 and 32, blk. 2 M. A. Honeyman, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots and 2, blk. 3 Lucy K. Richards, Pleasant Lit tle Homes No. 3, lots 3 and 4, blk 3 John Watrln, Pleasant Little .27 .64 64 .64 Homes No. 3, lota 22 to 28, blk. 4 1.89 John Watrln, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 8 to 14, blk. 3 1.89 John Watrln, rieasant Little Homes, lots 22 to 28, blk. 4..., 1.89 A. H. Burford, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 17 to 21, blk. 5 1.35 A. R. Burford, Pleasant' Little Homes No. 3, lots 13 to 17, blk. 6 1,35 Arthur R. Cummins, Pruneland, lot 08 10.00 Robertson, G. W .Allen, Robertson, lot 11, blk. 2 6.67 Francis W. Dwyer, Robertson, lot 12, blk. 3 80 Mrs. Lizzie Lord, Robertson, lot 9, blk. 20 Mrs. Lizzie Lord, Robertson, let 11, blk. 20 .81 .80 Rockland. . Matthew Brown, Rockland, lot 1, blk. 5 18 Rosewood. . . O. I & S. Co., Rosewood, lot 76.. 3.10 8affran'a Peninsula. O. I. & S. Co. Saffran's Penin sula, tract A 4.50. O. I. & S. Co., Saffran'B Penin sula, tract F 5.50 8un6et City. Peter J. Winkle, Sunset City, all of except 8x80 feet of lota 8 and 9, blk. 21 7.76 Waverly Height. Henry F. Cannon, Waverly Hgts., blk. 4 23. 0 Wichita. Frank J. Finger, Wichita, blk. 7. 2.76 Frank J. Finger, Wichita, blk 10 2.76 Willamette Falls. J. S. Beavans, Willamette Falls, lot 11, blk. 12 6.72 Willafette Tract. Willamette Falls Co., Willamette tracts A and B, blk. 23 2.10 E. F. Grider, Willamette Tracts. as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 92, page 431, 1 acre, blk. 32 .42 Charles Moehnke, Wlllamett Tracts, S. 125 feet x 193 feet, blk. 32... Willamette Falls Co., Willamette .21 Tracts, lot A, blk. 37 J.05 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts, lot A, blk. 40 1.05 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts, lot 6, blk. 62 84 Windsor. Ella Schwing, Windsor, lots 6 and 6, blk. 1 1.68 H. C. Allan, Windsor, lota 5 and 6, blk. 2 1.68 John H. White, Windsor, lots 9 to 10 1.88 William Roche, all of blk. A 7.52 ' S. C. and E. Parker, Windsor, lot 1, blk 7 94 S. C. Parker, Windsor, lots 2 and 3, blk. 7 1.88 Mead Hamilton, Windsor, lot 4, blk. 11 94 L. L. Porter, Windsor, lots 3 to 5, blk. 15 2.82 G. A. Hoffman. Windsor, lots 9 and 10, blk. 15 1.88 C. E. Warren, Windsor, lots 11 and 12, blk. 17. 1.88 Annie Brlsterfeldt, Windsor, lot 3, blk. 21 94 Township 3 South, Range 1 West Elmer Calkins, twp. 3 S, range 1 W 43 acres, as des. In Rec ord of Deeds, Books 91 and 92, ' pages 525 and 85. sec. 4, twp. 3, range 1 W, 43 acres 4.14 L. M. Herron, as des. in Record of Deeds, Book S, page 2S1, sec. 4, twp. 3, range 1 W, 82.34 , acres 13.68 William Scott, WV4 of W4 of SE sec. 8, twp. 3, range 1 W, 40 acres 8.64 T. M. Baker, E of SW4, sec. 9, twp. 3, range 1 W, 80 acres. 14. 85 John Zumwalt D. L. C. No. 41. G. W. Yergan, lot 4, sec. 27, twp. ' 3, range 1 W, 19.68 acres 3.51 M. C. and L. A. Young, 194 Zumwalt D. L. C. No. 49, 194 40-100 acres as des. in Rec ord of Deeds, Book 62, page 171, sees. 20, 21, 28, 29, twp. 3, range 1W ...17.64 R. B. Graham, 113 60-100 acres as dee. in Record of Deeds, Book 92, page 274, sees. 20, 21, 28, 29, twp. 3, range 1 W 36.54 k Township 4 South, Range 1 West. Chas. Schneider, 10 acres in SW of SE4 and SE cor of NE& of SE'i, sec. 1, twp. 4, range 1 W 1.90 William Elliott D. L. C. No. 45. Isabel Pope.AVVi of William El liott D. L. C, sees. 11, 12, 13, 14, twp. 5, range 1 W 116. $1 John Newman D. L. C. No. 73. Clyde Alnsworth, 2 50-100 acres as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 91, page 350, 5 acres, sees. 24 and 25, twp. 5, range 1 W 1.45 S. K. Noel, as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 88, page 233, sees. 24 and 25, twp. 5, range 1 W 90 Geo. Wills D. L. C. Nos. 42, S8. C. R. Wills, 25 40-100 acres as des. in Record of Deeds, Books I, 58, pages 237, 24, sees. 3, , 25, 26, twp. 1, ranges 1 and 2 E, except as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 94, page 294, sees. 3, 25, 26, twp. 1, ranges 1 and 2 E 32.01 E. L. Thompson, 6 92-100 acres as des. in Record of Deeds, sees. 3, 25, 26, twp. 1, ran'gea