OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1908. Summoni, lit the Circuit, (,'niirt of the Htato of Oregon, for (MuokniiiHM County, lmlsy K. Hull. I'laliiUff, vs. Jluilon (J. Hull, Defendant, To Minion (J, Hull, (It'fi mliiut: In tint name of the Male of Ore Kim, you are lnrty nxiulruit to ap pear iiiitl answer jjie complaint filed HKUltlHt yilll III lilt) llllOVO entitled Mitt t , on or before the SIhI duy of January, 1IMIH, tlmt bring llui hiHt duy pro scribed In tho (irifur of publication of thin summons, and If you full to mi appear unit answer mill! complaint h pliilntlff will apply td the Court for tins relief therein prayed, to-wlt : n (llvorcii from the iniirrtiigo existing between y(n nn. plaintiff. This miinuioiiN Is puhllHlieil In tho Ort'Koii CHy KnterprlHe, for mU con secutive weeus, by order of Hon, Tho. A. Mcllrlile, Jutl? of tho mild Circuit Court, mudit on tho IKth day of December, lo7, tho flrnt publlca Hon being on the 20 lh ilny of Decem ber. 1IMI7. H. It. UAHIUNOTON, 03-71 Attorney for I'lnlntlff. Notice of Filing Final Account. Notlco U hereby glveu tti jat tho un dersigned ha filed IiIn fliuil account a uduiliilNtrator of tho eKtuto of Bar uh V. Koruiiin, deceased, In tho Coun ty Court of tho Htato of Oregon, for the County of ClackniuaN, uud that the. xiilil Court liaa nxed Monday, tho 2ith day of January, 11)08, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., In tho county court room In tho courthouse, In the City of Oregon city, County of Clackamas, an th tlmo and place for hearing objec tions thereto and settling tho name. FRANK M. FOR MAN, Administrator of the Folate of Harah W. Forman, Deceased. 63 51 Notice of Filing Final Account. Notice la hereby given that tho un dersigned haa Died hla final account aa adiulnlatrator do boiniM lion of tho eatato of Oconto Formftn, deceased, In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clackamaa, and that 1ho Maid Court haa fixed Monday, tho 20th day of January, 1908, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., In the county courtroom In tho courthouse, In tho City of Oregon City, County of Clackamaa, Stato of Oregon, a the time and place for hearing objection thereto and aettllng the name. FRANK M. FORMAN, Administrator de bonu non of tho Kstate of (leorga Forman, De ceased. 63 Dt Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka maa. In tho mutter of the guardianship of Hilda M. Foraberg, Harriet F. Fora berg and Anna Loralne Foraberg, Minor. Now on thin day come Martha Foraberg, guardian of tho above mi nora, by her attorney, H. K. Cron, and fll" her petition In court, asking for a llcenao to aell the hereinafter dtcrlbed property, and reapectfully rcpreaenta to the Court: lat. That he la the legally appoint ed, qualified and acting guardian of the aald minora. 2d. That the Inventory In the above cut ate and guardlaiiHhlp wu filed on the 2Cth day of October. 1907. from which It I made to appear to the Court that aald minora are the own era of the following doHrrlbed proper ty, to-wlt: Isits Three (3), Four (4), Five (S) and Six (6) In niock Twenty two (22). and lot Five (5) In Block Twenty-eight (28) In the town of Ilol ton. In Clackamaa County, Oregon, aa ahown by aald map now on file and office In and for aald County and State, j And that aald property ha been an- pralaed at tho mini of One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty (tl.2G0.00) Dollar. 3d. That aald minora at the preaent time, realdo with their mother, thin petltoner, upon the property above dear rl bed but have no Income from tho aamo for their aupport and nmln tennnce, and that aald minora have no other Income from any aource whatever. And It appearing -to the aatlafac tlon of the Court from auch petition and from tho facta and circumstance therein act forth, that It la necesaary and would be beneficial to aald wards that all of ald real catnte bo Bold, and that the proceeds be put out on Inlereat or Invested for the boneflt of nald ward. And the Court being of the opinion that a larger Income will accrue to their aald cRtato by reaaon of the Kale and Investment of the proceed thereof. It la therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that the next of kin of aald ward and all pormms Interested In their eatato appear In this court on Monday, the 13th day of January, A. H. 1908, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., to then and there ahow cauae, If any they have, why said llccnae of sale ahould not bo granted, ns Bfore aald. It la further ordered thfit a copy of thin order be publlahed In the Oregon City Enterprise for threo successive weeks before the hearing of said pe tition. Dated 16th day of December. 1907. GRANT TV DIMICK. ' County Judge. Attest: F. W. GRERNMAN. Clerk. It. TC. Cross, Attorney for Guard ian. -63t3 Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka maa. In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur L. Albrlsht, Deceased. Notice Is hereby ftlven that the un derailed, administrator of the es tate of Arthur L, Albright, deceased, has fllod In the above entitled court hla final account as such administra tor, and that the said court has fixed Monday, tho 27th day of January, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, at the courtroom of said, court, In Oregon City, la said Clackamas County, as the time and place for hearing objections to ,Baid final account. FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH, Administrator of the Estate of Ar thur L. Albright, Deceased. First publication December 27, 1907.' . - i ; 64t5 Notice of Final Settlement. - i Notlco in hereby given that tho rti'ralgtutd, executor of tho estate of Mary a, UtMar, deceased, ban filed Ms final report In muIiI estate In tho County Court of tho Mate of Oregon, for tho County of Clackamaa. The court thereupon fixed Monday, the 3d day of February, A. I). 1908, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M an tho day and tlmo for tho hearing of objec tion Hiild report and for tho act tloinent of mild eetato. H. 10. CROHH, ICxecutor. Oregon City, December 22(1, 1907. 54 tS Executor's Notice. Notlco In hereby Riven that tho undersigned has been duly appointed hy tho County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, executor of tho laat will and testament of David W. James, lato of Heaver Creek Product, County of Clackamas, Btato of Oregon. All persons having claim agaliwt the said estate are hereby notified to fllo tho Name, duly vorlllod according to law, within kIx months from dato of thl notice, with my attorney, C. II. i Dye, (lol Main Ht,, Oregon City, Ore gon, that aame may be duly audited and paid, according to law. Dated thin 27th day of December, A. I). 1907, THOMAS DANIEL, ICxecutor aa AforcHald. 04t5 8ummons, In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Clackamaa Conuty. Kiichel lioatrlght, plalnUff, vh. Wal ter R. lloatrlgbt, defendant. To Walter K. Hoatrlght. defendant: In tho name of tho Htato of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and anawer the complaint filed against you la tho above entitled milt, on or before tho 17th day of February, 1908, that being tho laat day pre Mcrlbed In the order of publication of thl summons, and If you fall to ao appear and answer aald complaint, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief therein prayed to-wlt: a divorce from the marriage exlatlng between you and plaintiff. Thin aummona la ptibllHhed In the Oregon City Enterprise, for alx con aecullvo weeks, by order of Hon. Thoa. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the aald Circuit Court, the flrat publication be ing on tho 3d day of January, 1908. JOHN F. LOGAN. l-7t Attorney for plaintiff. , SummoQ. In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Joseph M. Fay, Plaintiff, va. Elizabeth J. Fay, Defendant: To Elizabeth J. Fay, tho above named defendant: In the ryinio of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause and Court on or before tho expiration of six weeks from tho dato of the first publication of this aum mona, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you forever dissolv ing the marriage contract now exist ing between you and tho plaintiff, and for such othwr and further relief a to tho Court may aeem Just and equit able. This aummona I ordered published In tho Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion In Clackamaa County, Stato of Oregon, printed and published at Oregon City, In aifld County and State, said publication being made for six consecuttvo week In accordance ' " Vf V1U"" L Hon. Thos. A. Mc said Court, tho date of the flrat publication to be on the 3d day of January, 190S, and tho date of tho laat publication to bo on tho 13th day of February, 1908. JOHN F. LOGAN. l-7t Attoraey for Plaintiff. 8ummona, In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of OrcRon. for Clackamaa County. I'na Prlvett, Plaintiff, vs. Claude I'rlvett, Defendant. To Claude Prlvett, tho above named defendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause and Court on or before tho expiration of six weeks from tho dato of the first publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you forever dissolv ing tho marriage contract now exist ing between you and the plaintiff, and allowing the plaintiff to recover the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may serai JuBt and equitable. This summons Is ordered published In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion In Clackamas County, State of Oregon, printed and published at Oregon City, In said County and Slate, said publication being mado for six consecutive weeks In accordance with an order of Hon. Thos. A. Mc llrlde, the Judge of the said Court, fhe dato of the flrat publication to be on the 3d day of January, 1908, and the date of tho last publication to be on the 13th day of February, 1908, JOHN F. IX)GAN. l-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for the County of Claca mas. , AHa Rosslter, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph S. , Rosslter, Defendant. To Joseph S. Rosslter, the defend- ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified to appear and answer tho complaint ' filed atralnat vmi In tha nhnvA pntltlprl Umn.t ftm, cttU8e on or bpfore tho 17tn day of February, 1908, that being the dato fixed by the Court for such ap pearance or answer In and by the or der of tho Court for tho publication of this aummona. and if you fail to ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will ap-, Executor of Estate of Timothy ply to the Court for the relief prayed Bowen, Deceased. -for in this complaint ,to-wlt: for a'2-'jt decree dissolving tho marrlaice con- tin-'tract now existing between the plain- tltf ami defendant above named and for mien other relief aa to tho Court may a -em meet and jtiat TIiIm aummoiiH la to bo publlahed In tho Oregon City Enterprise, for not less than once a week for six cjyisecu tlvo weeks prior to said 17th ilay of February, 1908, by order of the Hon orablo Thomas A, Mclirlde, Judgo of said Court. JOHN F. LOOAN, l-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement, Notlco la hereby given that the un dersigned executora of tho estate of llcnjamin Janger, deceased, have un der dato of December 81st, 1907, filed their llnal report In aald estate, In the County Court of tho Mate of Oregon, or thw County of Cineramas Ami tho Court baa act Monday, February 3rd, A. D. 1908, at tho hour of ten o'clock a. m.. an a day and t'mo for the examination of aald report and for tho hearing of objection to the name, If any there are, and for the acttlement of aaid estate. L. JAGGKR, FRANK JAGGER, Kxocutora. II. IS. (Irons, Arney for the Kb- tale. H5 Citation. In the County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Ches ter A. Will and Clifford Wllla, Minora. To tho next of kin or other Inter ested: By order of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamaa County, you are hereby notified and cited to appear In the County Courtroom, In the County Courthouse, In Oregon City, on Feb. 3rd, 1908, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., and ahow cause, If any there be, why an order of sale of the real prop erty of said minor, should not be made In accordance with the petition of the guardian of aald minora. Ia wltnes whereof I have "hereun to set my hand and official aeal this 2nd day of January, 1908. GRANT B. DIMICK. County Judge. CHAS. N. WAIT, Canby, Or. It5 W. II. McBAIR. Administratrix Notice. Notice I hereby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed by the Honorable County Court of Clacka maa County, State of Oregon, admin istratrix of the estate of Merrill Hall, deceased. All persona having claims against aald estate shall present the same, duly verified, to the aald ad ministratrix at her residence at Cot troll, said County (Orient P. O., Route No. 1), within six months from the date" of this notice. Dated December 28th. 1907. HARRIET BALL, Administratrix of the Eatate of Mer rill Ball. Deceased. T. G. Joasrud, Attorney for Adminis tratrix. It5 Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the un- dorslgned. administrator of tho es- tate of John Belcher, deceased, has filed In tho Counly Court of Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, his final account as such administrator of said estate and that Monday, the 10th day of February, 1908. at ten o'clock a. m., haa been fixed by said Court as the tlmo for hearing of objections of said report, and the settlement there of. C. W. KERN, Administrator of the Estate of John Belcher, Deceased. 2t5 Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State 'of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In tho Matter of the Estate of H. B. Llchtenthaler, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the es tate of II. B. . Llchtenthaler, de oeosod, has filed in the County Court for Clackamas County, Oregon, his final account as such administrator of said estate, and that Monday, the 17th day of February, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and the courtroom of said court have beeu fixed by said court as the time and place for hearing of objections to said account and the settlement there of. K. G. LICHTENTHALER, Administrator of the Estate of H. B. Llchtenthaler, Deceased. 2-5t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, executor of the last will and testament of Wllhelm Ott, deceas ed. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to file the same duly verified according to law within six months from the date of this notice at the office of U'Ren & Schuebel, Oregon City, Ore gon. Dated this 10th day of January, 1908. ALBERT NOTZ. ExeCutor of the estate of Wllhelm Ott, deceased. U'Ren & Schuebel, attorneys for ex ecutor. ' 2-5t Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, Executor of the last will and testament of Timothy Bowen, deceased, late of Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the said Estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duty certified as required by law,, at the office of U'Ren & Schubel, my at torneys, at Oregon City, In said county within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 9th dny of January, 1908. Flrat publication January 10th. 1908. B. F. LINN, In the Matter of the Incorporation of the Town of Willamette. Notlco I hereby given that at the regalar February, 1908, term of the i;outity Court of tho State of Oregon or th County of Clackama tho aul scrlbera to tho following petition will present to tho said Court a petition for tho Incorporation of the town of Willamette, which petition la aa fol lows; To tho Honorable County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Clackamaa: We, the undersigned, qualified elect ors of Clackama County, Btato of Oregon, and residents within the lim its of the town of Willamette proposed to bo Incorporated, do respectfully rep resent: That there are more than one hun dred and fifty (150) Inhabitants with in tho boundaries hereinafter de scribed and that the number of Inhab itant within aald boundaries la not less than 250. That the boundarlea of. said pro posed town of Willamette are aa fol lows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Tract No. Sixty-one (61) of Wil lamette Tracts; thence South sixty seven (C7") degree thirty-nine (39') minutes west along the southerly boundary of Tracta Sixty-one (61), Sixty-two (C2), Sixty-three (63) and Sixty four (64) of said Willamette Tracta and the projection thereof to tho Intersection of the east line of Twelfth street in tho town of Willam ette Falls; thence south twenty-two (22) degrees twenty-one (21') min utes east along the eaat line of said Twelfth street produced to the north bank of tho Tualatin River; thence up the north bank of the Tualatin River to a point on said north bank where a projection of the west lino of Tracta E and F of First Addition to Willam ette Fall Acreage Tracta intersect tho north bank of said Tualatin River; thence north to the northwest corner of Tract E of aald First Addition to Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts; thence east along the north boundary of Tract E of aaid First Addition to Willamette Falls Acreage Tracta and along the north boundary of Tracts E, H. N and P of Willamette Falls Acre age Tracta and along the north bound ary of Tracts Forty (40), Forty-one (41), Forty-two (42), Forty-three (43) and Forty-four (44) of Willamette Tracts to the northeast corner of said Tract No. Forty-four (44) of said Wil lamette Tracts; thence north sixty seven (67") degrees thirty-nine (39') minutes east along the north line of tho county road to a point where the north line of the said county road In tersecta a northerly projection of the least line of Tract Sixty (60) of said Willamette Tracts; thence south twenty-two (22") degrees twenty-one (21') minutes east along the east line of Tracts Sixty (CO) and Sixty-one (CI) of said Willamette Tracts to the southeast corner of said Tract No. Sixty-one (61), tho place of begin ning. All in Clackamaa County, State of Oregon. Reference being had here in to tho plats of said Willamette Falls. Willamette Tracts, Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts and First Addi tion to Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, all of which are duly recorded In tho office of the Recorder of Con veyances of said Clackamas County, Stato of Oregon. We respectfully petition that the lands described and the inhabitants thereof be Incorporated aa a munici pal corporation under the name of Willamette, in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Title 27 of Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes & Statutes of Ore gon, and that you cause notice to be given of an election to be held In said proposed corporation for the purpose of determining whether tho same shall be incorporated. T. J. CARY. ' J. F. LYMP. JOHN C. EDMOND. FERD GROSS. H. E. WARNER. SAM BATDORF. J. F. SANDERS. E. ADAMSON. H. BERD1NE. J. CHRISTIANSON. FRANK G. OLIVER. G. G. GRAVES. J. D. REAM. E. MASS. E. P. BERDINE L. CAPEN J. A. REAM. CHAS. ANDRUS. E. BERRY. L. E. HOOVER. A. MITTELSTEDT. L. J. BARNES. MALCOLM McLEOD. C. CHRISTIANSON. SAMUEL .FOWLER. A. B. BUCKLES. F. ROSS. H. FISHER. J. E. BRITTON. A. CRANQUIST. J. LOUDEN. J. R. HUNT. WM. BUCKLES. G. L. SNIDOW. . CHAS. BAKER. PROFESSIONAL HARVEY Ev CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Heal Btate, Lons, Ineuronce GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in THOS. F. RYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loan a. Office Upatalrs, first building tou tn of Courthouse. W. S. U'REN U'REN & ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW- Will practice ia all courts, make collections and settlement of estates Fnrniai. abstracts ol title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE fcuilding, Oregon City, Oregon. J. L HEDCES HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Wcinhard Bmlding, opposite Court House W. J. RINER. WM. WRIGHT. SAM WUNDER. A. WUNDER. F. O. DECKER. O. R. BARNES. HERBERT SHIPLEY. 2t5 COMMISSIONERS "COURT (Continued from page 2.) Cherryville O. C. Yokum, C. W. Kern, W. E. Welsh. Canemah George Yexley, Max Telford, Samuel Faust, A. H. FInnegan, W. L. Midlam, h. J. Hylton, M. Lake. Oak Groye C. B. Bonnell, John Risley, J. R. Oatfield, H. S. Starkweather, George E. Morse. Pleasant Hill William Brobst, James McConnell, Wm. Todd, F. F. Tooze,' Fred Seely, T. M. H. Baker, William Scott. Soda Springs B. F. Boyles, Scott Carter, Jesse N Offield, J. W. Nightingale, L. B. Trul linger. Sprlngwater William Tucker, Eugene Lewellen, John Reld, Pressly Howell. Tualatin S. F. Sharp, O. F. Polibka, Thomas Turner, J. Iderhoff. Union Joseph Graham, J. S. Vaughn, W. J. Miley, Isaac Miller. West Oregon City E. Mass, J. R. Shaw, Geo. F. Hor ton, D. C. Howell, George Armstrong, George DeBock, A. J. Hobble, Arthur Pressy. Viola W. H. Mattoon, George Armstrong, Jacob Gerber, John Hamilton, Lorenzo Tenny. Bull Run J. Cline, Charles Leaf, W. M. Har din. A CHEAP LESSON. New York Abandon Its Experiment In Munioipa! Lighting. About two years ago the city of New York Installed at a cost of $122, 84S a combined garbage incinerator and electric light plant, the current developed being used to light the Wil liamsburg bridge. The Intention was to effect a saving over the cost of lighting the bridge by contract, and after the plant had been in operation six months Commissioner Woodbury estimated that the saving amounted to about 40 per cent It was therefore somewhat of a sur prise to those who were not aware of the real facta to learn that the lighting plant had been shut down. The engl neers In charge frankly admit that the plant has been run at a loss, and, al though they are chary about giving figures, the best information obtaina ble Is to the effect that the loss amount ed to about $25,000 a year as compared with the cost by contract In other words, it cost the city with free fuel about twice as much to light the bridge aa a private company charges, although the company has to buy its fuel. It is fortunate for New York that it made its electric lighting experiment on a small scale, for If it had under taken to do all Its public lighting and had sustained a proportionate loss the effect on the tax rate (and indirectly on rents) would have been such as to make he M. O. advocates move to some locality where their theory had not be come a condition. As It Is the lesson will be cheap at the price if It has beeu really learned. The logging camps in the Lower Columbia River district are making preparations to resume operations and within the coming few weeks all the lnrger camps will be running In full force. '-. t ; - c - DIRECTORY Main Street, OREGON CITY Caufield Bldg,, Main and Ei' h Sts C. SCHUEBKI. SCHUEBEL -DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT F. T. CRIFFITH LIVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City J.U.CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregoa. Will practice in all courts of the state Office In Caufield Building. O. D. EBY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Honey loaned, abstracts furnished, laa4 tiles examined, estmtes settled, general law bailnesa transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. ' LOG CABIN SALOON BENNETT & F0UMAL Proprietor. OREGON CITY. - - - OREGON HEADQUARTERS , POR Choice Cigars and Tobaccos, Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer, High Grade Bottled Whis keys and Wines. Knapp& Nobel MAIN STREET Hcckel & England The Hub Saloon has changed hands, Carlson & Block sel ling out to Heckel & England. 523 MAIN STREET Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606-608 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of maps, plats, ab stract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. W. S. EDDY, V, S., M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario! Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, baa located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Mail 1311 STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING. !; TINNING and S ; ; ; GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau llo Rams' a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon,