OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1908. 0 LOCAL BRIEFS H. J. Hinllli, grocer (if Arleta, ha made hii assignment. Bargain In Women's HklrtM at. John Adams' Removal Hale, on ih(t hill, Tim Hlsler grocery, at Stewart! hit been dosed and an aHNlKnment made. I he Mil wuiihlo firemen are prepar ing to give u grand hull January 18, at the city hull. A. W. Cheney Ihin purchased a home Ill rilltlllllll ail,) Will IIKIVK t, the ItOSU City In the spring. Tim election of flre chief will ho held the Drst Monday In March, and a few candidate urn being groomed for the occnHlon. Forest drove school have heen or dered closed on account of diphtheria In a family that wa Mending two children to the school. j The Willamette linn tiiiKjuu ha a meeting scheduled for Oil afternoon, at which time arrtiKmetitH for the next annual mkhhIoii will be determined. A man mimed Huntley, employed by W. H. Holding, near Mllwaukle, a wood sawyer, fell backward on the saw Wednesday and was KerloiiNly cut on the arm and Hhouldcr. Councilman K hofleld completed II yearn' nervlce In Vancouver Council Monday nlKht. January 0. At the cf flee pays no salary the record can bo considered u very good one. The Molalla Lumber Co. paid ffil.OOO for 1850 arrea of timber laud on the Cpper Molulla recently. It la a Duo tract, and the price of $44 an acre la not cofiNldcrcd unreasonable. The marriage of Mis Llx.le Verge llua. daiiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. John VcKellu, to llenjaniln Heard, aim of Mr. and Mm. Wm. Heard, of Maple ljuir, In achedulcd for Sunday In Knapp Hall. There turn been a total of 29.1KS hunter license Issued the pant yeur In Oil Mate, The largest number Is itued for any county waa laaued tn Multonomali, 477C; and the amallcHt In Harney, 30, The Hoard of Director of the city nchool ha decided to add to the regu lar course of study In the First, Sec ond and Third (trade the Kloan Head em, and authorized the purchaite of these lxxiks. Bvery day I bargain day at John Adam', on the hill. durlnK the great Removal Kale. (Jreen Trading Stamp with every purchase. Vedneday nlKht of lat week the city of Forest Grove waa visited by cracksmen and the safe at the post- office, Southern pacific depot and the Crescent Mill were cracked, but no lance amount taken. There are five new cae of ainall In at Clackamaa HelKhta. Three case at J. J. DeFord'a age 1, U and 20 yearn. AImi Mr. Rudolph and a mm full icrown. It la not anticipated that any of these raaea will prove e rloua. The Clt lr.cn Hank of Vancouver ha received a telegram from th( Comp troller of the Currency announcing. that the application for a National charter had been granted. The hank will now become The Citizen's Na tional Hank of Vancouver. The newly Installed officer of Wll lami'tte Kail camp are a follow; C. K. Tate, council commander; Cha. Croner. advlMor lieutenant; B.H. Csm- er. banker; It. T. Harbur. clerk; C. 11 watchman; William Honner. secret ry: M. H, rhllllpa, manager. While standing watching; her him band splitting wood Saturday. Mm. V, G. Randall, of New Era, wa hit on the head by a flying piece of ateel from the wedge being tiHed by Mr. Randall. The wound wa a severe one, but no aerloua effect are antici pated. Jut at preaent I a good time for all Intereated to look over the local ehd yard and consider If It meet their Idea regarding beauty, shade, protection, educational value, etc. If it doc not the time 1 ripe to ask for Improvements that will make It stand for what I bent. Cataract Hone Company, No. 2, ha elected the following officer: 8am Blow, president; Luther Moore, vice preMldent; William H. Howell, aeere tary; Charlea Hannaford, treaaurer; B. A. I'Ighton, foreman; Charle Cro-nt-r. first assistant foreman; Noble Charle, second assistant foreman. Recorder Idinlck I an accomod.it Ing official aa evidenced by hi treat ment of Everest Carden, who plead guilty to a charge of drunk and dlsor derly. He fined that Individual $20 and costs, but when, after atrenuo'is effort, he could locate but ten plunka the Recorder made the fine fit the find and passed it up. W. II. Stafford, of Mount Pleasant; Judge ThomiiH K. Ryan, of Oregon City; C. W. Swallow, of Maple J,ane; John Uwellen. of Oregon City; I). C. lAtotirelle, of Oregon City, have been appointed delegate to the sec- ond aeaalon of the trans Missouri Dry Farming Congress, which will be held at Salt Ijike, Utah, January 3, by Mayor Carll. The new officer of the Rochdale Co-operative Company are aa follow: I'rcHldcnt, George V. Rurslfull; sec retary, 8. O. Dlllninn; directors, Frank Mudgett, J. M. Gregory and J. Mc Kllllcan. The retention of W. W. My- i n i fW IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH ORADE WORK laTII At 10W at MSTUI HODSEt era aa manager la contemplated. Htockhohlera can now hold two share of stock liiNtead of one, at par value of U) the. share. Jordan & Garbado, Portland men, have purchaMed the Iluckman tract, near Canby, owned by InuIuIi Ruck man, of Portland, and comprlHlng 375 acre, and will cut It Into amall Iracta for settlement. Thla land Ilea almost In the city limit of Canby and haa Willamette river frontage for more than n mile, with numeroua boat land ings, If you are In need of nIiocn or rub ber, you can save money by attcndlnu me great Removal Halo at John Adama' store on the hill. Green trad ing atampa with every purchaae. W. M. Ruckle, of Willamette, a highly respected citizen of that place, died Wedneaday after an lllneaa of 19 month of heart failure and dropsy. Mr. Hueklc waa born September Vl 1847, and leave a widow and five children. The funeral waa held Thura day from the family realdence at Wil lamette, Hev, John M. Unden officiat ing, Interment wa at Mountain View Cemetery. A very pleawant aurprlae party waa given at the home of Mra. C, K. Myera Kuturday evening at Mount Pleaiiant In honor of her daughter, MIm Mabel and Ml Annie. Among thoHO who were preMcnt were Mr. and Mr. Mau rice Myera. Mr. C. U. Andrew, Mr. and Mr. Ralph Miller, Ml Emma Ro man. Ml I.uclle Kellogg, MIhs HmMik. MIh Wlluia Mycr and Mra. V.. B. Myera; Mer. Itoy Stafford, Harry Andrewa, Frank Clark. The eighth and ninth grade of the Willamette Mchool held a meeting Fri day afternoon and elected the follow Ing officer: Ninth grade Fred linker, prealdeiit; Nellie Johimon, vice prealdent; Bllr.abeth Roddy, aecro tary; Grace Waldron, treaaurer. The Eighth grade I'wla Conklln. preMl dent; Heaale John hoii, vice prealdent; Nellie Rlchardaon, aecrctary; Emory Ream, treaHiirer. The atudenta dla ciiMNed the qucNtlotiuOf adopting clan color. Willamette Reliccca Iodgo Friday Inatalled the following offlcera: Clarn Jack, noble grand; Rachacl Scripture, vice grand; Ionora Cook, financial aecretary; May Waldron, recording; aecretary; Ur..le Flnnegan, right up porter noble grand; Mary Mile, left upportcr noble grand; Chrlatlne Uar bur, right aupporter vice grand; JcnhIo Paddock, left aupporter vice grand; Viola M. Godfrey, chaplain; Iva liar rlngton, warden; Anna 'Wllehart, con' ducUir; Myrtle Toosie, Inaldo guard Ian. Have you een thoae beautiful piece of cut glaa and china given away for green trading ntamp at John Adama' atore, on the hill? Stamp are given with every purchase during the Re moval Sale, Manager Cheney, of the Home Tele phone Company, atatea that arrange ment have been made to connect farmer 'phone on the west aide of the river with the Oregon City Central office, and that pole are being act The aubHcrlber at Stafford, Sherwood Shaw'a Ferry, Osewgo, Tlgardvllle and Ileaverton will lie given free awltchlng service to Oregon City and the mer chnnt of thla city will alao be given the same privilege over the Home line to the country. Mr. Cheney atatea that when the detail are worked out that the company will have about 900 telephones In Clackamaa county. Abernethy Grange, at Parkplace held an Installation at the Grange ball Saturday evening. The Installation wan public. William Heard, paat ma ter of the Maple Iane Grange, nalMt ed by 8. T. Roman, secretary of the Maple Lane Grunge, lntalled the offl cera. aa follow: Maxtor, Captain J T. Apperaoti; overseer. Mm. J. Kent secretary, Mr. Mamie McAnulty; steward, Hennle Rivera; asalstant steward, Otto Kent; chaplain, Mr Julia Ttn!c; treasurer. I). K. Hill secretary, Mra. Jennie Itutta; gate keeper, Henry Nachand; Pomona, Mia Ethel Hutts; Ceres. Mlsa Pearl Jones lady assistant steward, Retta Rlvem The next meeting of the Grange takes place Saturday, January 25. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Within and for Clackamas County. Ida M. Howell. Plaintiff, vs. William It. Howell, Defendant. To William It Howell, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the 28th day of Febru ary, 1908, that being the time net by this Court for you to appear and an swer herein, and more thBn six weeks from the time of the first publication of this notice, and If you fall to ti appear or answer, the plaintiff will apply to t he Court for the relief 'prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and you. This summons Ih published by order of 0. H. Dlinlck, Judge of the County Court, In the absence of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered therein on the day of January, 1908, the first publication of this summons be ing on the 17th tiny of January, 1908, and the Inst on the 28th day of Feb ruary, 1908. W. J. MAKELIM, 3-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. COMMISSIONERS COURT (Continued from page 2.) In the matter of tax levy fr the year 1907: Ordered that a levy of 17 .mills ho and the same la hereby levied upon each and every dollar of assessable property In Clackamas county for the year 1907, as follows: State and Agricultural College, Three Mills. School and Library, Five Mills. County, Five Mill. Roads, Four Mills. In the matter of a telephone fran chise on petition of George Tackeraon et al.: Ordered that ald petition be grant ed along the went edgo of the Richey and Hradley road beginning at town of Ilorlng and running north to Multno mah county line, In Die matter of the petition of George Haffvrd for a license to sell liquor In Oawego: Ordered that said license bo and la hereby granted for a period of one year, In the matter of claim of L, Glger ir damage for Injury on a road: Ordered that bill for medical ser vice he paid, mime to bu complete sat- xf notion of all claims for damages. In the matter of petition of J. C. Hradley for appointment aa Constable Juatlce Court: Ordered that said petition be grant d to till unexpired term. In the matter of road supervisors for year 1908: District 1 W. II. Counsel. 2 Max Webster. 3 J. B. Blefer. 4 0. II. Linn. 5 C. M. Lake. " C Charlea Krebs. 7- F. E. McGugln. 8- D. Douglas. " 9 Henry Johnson. 10 D. M. Marshall. 11 Ed Harrington. 12 Fred Oerber. 13 Aujf. Hubert. " 14 Abandoned. 15 Wm. Fine. 16 Aug. Steahely. " 17 George Koehler. 18 E. W. Hornshuh. 19 J. J. Mallett. 20 Nat 8crlbner. 21 Frank Wlnslow. 22 Albert Engle. " 23 R. W. Zimmerman. 24 L. Spagle. " 2& James Smith. 2C II. N. Everhart. 27 John Labour. 28 L. D. Shank. 29 Lewis Kell. 30 James Cook. 31 Wm. SchaU. 32 W. C. Heater. " 33 Henry Cromer. " 34 John Turner. 35 A. D. Edwards. " 36 Paul Schneider. 37 C. W. Kmae. 38 C. W. Rlsley. 39 Frank Jaggar. 40 A. Vester. 41 C. A. Keith. 42 C. C. Yeater. " 43 Sam Warnock. In the matter of special road levies for year 1908: Following are levies for the said year, to-wlt: District No. 1, .005; No. 2, .005; District No. 3, .005; District No. 4, .005; District No. 5. .005; Dis trict No. 6,' .005; District No. 7. .005; District No. 8, .005; DlBtrlct No. 9, .005; District No. 10, .005; District No. 13. .008; District No. 15, .005; District No. 19, .005; District No. 20, .006; District No. 21, .005; District No. 22, .005; District No. 25, .003; District No. 2G, .005; District No. 28, .005; District No. 33, .005; District No. 35, .005; Dis trict No. 37, .010; District No. 40, .005. In Uia matter of the consolidation of Road Districts Numbered 14 and 39: Ordered that said districts be and they are hereby consolidated under the number of Road District 39. In the matter of establishment of Road District No. 41: Commencing at the southwest cor ner of Section 11, T. 3 S.. R. 4 E., of the W. M.; thence north one mile; thence east one mile; thence north one mile; thence west one mile; thence north one mile to the northwest corner of Section 35, 2 S., R. 4 E.; thence east three miles to the north east corner of Section 31, T. 2 S. R. 5 E.; thence aouth to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of Section 32, T. 2 S., R. 6 E.; thence east two miles to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 33 of said township and range; thence south one-half mile to the NW. cor ner of Section 3, T. 3 S., R. 5 E. thence east threo miles to the NE. cor ner of Section 1, of said township and range; thence south two miles; thence west eight miles to the place of be ginning. In the matter of establishment of Road District No.' 42: Begin at the N. E. corner of Section 13, T. 5 S., R. 1 E.; thence west about 6 miles to Rock Creek; thence up Rock Creek to Its Intersection with west line of Section 16, T. 5 S., R. 1 E.; thence south to the S. V. cor ner of the N. W. quarter of Section 33, T. 5 S., R 1 E.; theuce east 4 miles to S. E. corner of the N. E. quarter of Section 36, T. 5 S., R. 1 E.; thence north three and one-half miles to the place of beginning. In the matter of change of boundar ies of Road District 34: Begin at center of Section 32, T. 2 S., R. IE.; thence south one and one half miles to the south line of Section 5, T, 3 8., It. 1 E.; thence west one half mile to the southwest corner Sec tion 6; thence south two miles more or lean to the nortfi bank of the Wil lamette River; thence following mean ders of said river down stream to mouth of Tualatin River; thenco up west bank of said river to center of Section 34, T. 2 S., It. 1 E.; thenoe west two miles to place of beginning. In the matter of division of Road District 38: Begin at a point where the southern boundary of the city of Mllwaukle In tersects the east bank of the Willam ette River and running thence up said river on the east bank to the northern boundary of the B. Jennings D. L. C, and running thenco easterly along said northern boundary to the south- j west boundary of the McNary D. L. C; thene northwest on said southwestern boundary to the north corner of the land owned by John Baumgartner; thence northeasterly on the southeast boundary of said land to the center of the county road leading from Mll waukle to Oregon City via M. Oat field's farm; thence northwesterly along the center of said road to the southeast boundary of the Jason Kel logg D. L. C; tbence northeasterly along said boundary to the southeast corner of the Orln Kellogg D. L. C; thence north on east boundary of Orin Kellogg D. L. C. tA the northeast cor ner of said claim; tbence west on the north boundary of said Orln Kellogg claim to the southeast corner of Jo seph Kellogg D. L. C; thence north on eastern boundary of said claim to its Intersection with the south fork of Kellogg Creek; thence down said creek to the eastern side of the Mll waukle and Oregon City road afore mentioned; thence northerly on said east bonndary of said road to the southern boundary of the Mllwaukle and Flster road; thence along said southern boundary of said road to the southern boundary of the city of Mll waukle; thence along said city bound ary to place of beginning. It Is or dered that all that portion of said road district excluded by foregoing de scription Is hereby attached to Road District No. 1. In the matter of the extension of Road District No. 31: Beginning at the N. E. corner of the N. V, quarter of the N. W. quar ter of Section 11. T. 3 S, R. 1 W.; thence In a southerly direction to the N. E. corner of the R. V. Short D. L. C; thence south to the Willamette PRIver; tbence east to present bound ary of Road District No. 31; thence north to the north line of Section 11, T. 3 8., R. 1 W.; thence west to the place of beginning. In the matter of the change In Road District No. 15: Commencing on the east line of Road District 15 where It intersects the northwest corner of Algred How land's land; thence In a southeasterly direction to the southwest corner of Christ Nagall's land; thence in a northeasterly direction. to the south east corner of said Nagall's land; thence southeasterly to the most southerly corner of the S. N. Vance D. L. C; thence In a northeasterly direction to the southeast corner of A. Sc. J. Berger's land; thence In a northwesterly direction to the north east corner of said Berger's land; thence In an easterly direction along the south line of J. BUleter'a land to the southeast corner thereof. Thence in a northwesterly direction to the northwest corner of John Gaffney's land; thence In a northeasterly direc tion to the most northerly corner of John Gaffney's land; thence In north westerly direction along the east line of L. H. Andrews' land to the northeast corner thereof; thence west to a point directly aouth of the southeast corner of the Catholic Cemetery; thenco north to the northeast corner of land owned by M. R. Brooks; thence In a westerly direction along the south line of the city limits to the southeast cor ner of land now owned by Dan and M. Q. O'Nell and the present boundary of Road District 15. In the matter of establishment of Road District No. 43: Begin at a point on the Clackamas River near the northwest corner of Section 25, T. 2 S., R. 3 E.; thence east one and one-half miles; thence south one-quarter mile; thence north ! one-quarter mile; thence east one-half mile to Deep Creek; Hhence up Deep Creek to the north line of Section 2, T. 3 S., R. 4 E.; thence east on sec tion line to the northeast corner of said Section 2; thence south one mile; thence west one mile; thence south one-half mile; thence west one mile to the northwest corner of Section 10, T. 3 S., R. 4 E.; thence west about one quarter mile to the east line of Henry Werhelm D. L. C; thence north to the northeast corner of said Werhelm D. L. C.J thence west about one-half mile to the east line of Charlea A. Wado D. L. C; thence north to the northeast corner of said D. L. C. ; thence west to the east line of J. B. Chiles' D. L. C; thence north to the northeast corner of said Chiles' D. L. C; thence east to the south east corner of Alspaugu's land; thence north to the northeast corner of said land; thence west to east line of Egbert Olcott D. L. C; thence north A NEW BAKER IN TOWN Has Purchased the Seventh Street Bakery, Oregon City, Oregon He haa thoroughly remodeled and carefully cleaned the sUre and workroom and will give the people of Oregon City and vicinity the nicest bread and cakes that can be made. Butter Nat Bread a Specialty to northeast corner of said D. L. C; j thence following the north line of said D. I C. to Eagle Creek; thence down Eagle Creek to Clackamaa River; thence down Clackamaa River to the place of beginning. In the matter of the extension of Road District No. 1: Begjn at northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 6, T. 2 8., R. 2 E. ; thence aouth to the south line of Ellsha Kellogg D. L. C; thence east to the southeast corner of said claim; thence north to the northeast corner of Section 6 and to the south line of the O. & C. R. R.; thence east erly along the south side of right-of-way of said railroad to west line of A. P. Smith D. L. C; thence north to the northwest corner of said D. L. C; thence east to northeast corner of said claim; thence north on tbe . section line between Sec tion 6, T. 5 S., R. 2 E.; thence to the southwest corner of I. L. Clark's land; thence along tbe south line of said Clark's land and C. J. Fankhauser to the southeast corner of said Fank hauser land; tbence south to tbe south west corner of A. M. Hanson'a land to the northerly line of the Matlock D. L. C; thence In a northeasterly direc tion to the northeast corner of said D. L. C; thence in a southeasterly di rection to the southwest corner of Al fred Clark's land; thence east to the southwest corner of Fred Gage'a land ; thence northeasterly following the west line of sali Gage'a land to the township line between Townships 1 8., R. 2 E., and T. 2 S-, R. 2 E.; thence west to the place of beginning. In tbe matter of extending the boundaries of Road District 16: - Ordered that the district be ex tended so as to Include the south one half of 8ectIon 35, T. 3 S , R. 1 E., except land now owned by Wm. Vor pahl. In the matter of extending bound aries of Road District 17: Ordered that boundaries of District 17 be extended so as to include fol lowing lands: Begin at southwest corner of Section 36, T. 3 S., R. 1 E., running thence north 114 rods; thence east 80 rods; thence aouth 34 rods; thence east 80 rods; thence south 80 rods to the south line of Section 36, T. 3 S-. R. 1 E.; thence west one-half mile to place of beginning. In the matter of the division of Road District No. 16 and creating a new road district to be known as No. 44: Begin at narthwestc orner of Sec tion 18, T. 4 S.R. 1 E.; thence east two miles to northeast corner of Sec tion 17, said township and range; thence south two and one-half miles to southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 29, said township and range; thence west one mile; thence south one and one-half miles; thence west one mile; thence north 4 miles to place of beginning. In tbe matter of extension of Road District No. 28: Ordered that noundarles of Road District No. 28 be extended so as to Include the following lands: Begin nt the northeast corner of Section t, T. 6 S., R. 2 E.; thence due north about 60 rods to the Molalla River; thence down said Molalla River to a point where said river crosses the sec- any People M Arc securing chances on the fine large $165 Diamond which we will give away to our customers on MARCH J, J908. One chance on this rare stone will be given for each dollar's worth of work done by us and one OUR FEATURES Ten year guarantee Plate - - - $5.00 Crown's ... 5.00 Gold fillings - - 1.00 Silver fillings - - .50 Painless extraction - .50 OREGON DENTAL PARLORS Over Harding's Drug Store. Main St. Oregon City tlon line between Sections 26 and 35, T. 5 8., R. 2 E.: thence due west to where aald line crosses Teaslo Creek; thence down Teasle Creek to Its Intersection with Rock Creek;, tbence up Rock Creek to where said creek crosses the township line be tween Township 5 8., R. 2 E., and T. 6 S., R. 2 E.; thence east about four and three-quarterg of a mile to place of beginning. In the matter of appointment of a board of county road viewers for 1908: Ordered that S. A. D. Hungate, N. Blair and Bud Thompson be and are appointed members of said board of county road viewers for year 1908. In the matter of Road District No. 4: It Is ordered that the following de scribed lands and premises be and la declared to constitute Road District No. 4, to-wlt: Beginning at a point where the sec tion line between Sections 20 and 21, T. 3 8., R. 4 H., intersects tbe north line of the town of Estacada; thence north to the northwest corner of Sec- wu "MWU range; tt..n 41 I J L t.f a inence east to the center of the norta line of Section 21, said township and range; thence north on center line of Sections 16 and 9 to the center of Sec tion 9; thence east one-half mile to the section line; thence north to the northwest corner of Section 10; thence west about one-quarter mile to the east line of Henry Werhaim D. L. C: thence north to the northeast corner of said Warheim D. L. C; thence west nHsiit na V.ll mMa 4m ,hA t. II . , wwwuv v"- uni, Uillv w UiO eCUS I HUB Oi. Charles Wade D. L. C; thence north to the northeast corner of said Wade D. L. C.; thence west to the east line of Chile's D. L. C; thence north to the northeast corner of said claim; thence east to the southeast corner of A. E. Alspaugh land; thence north to the northeast corner of said land; thence west to east line of Egbert Olcott D. L. C; thence north to the northeast corner of said claim ; thence following the north line of said D. L. C. to Eagle Creek; thence down Eagle Creek to the Clackamas River; thence up the Clackamaa River to the boundary of Estacada; thence following the west erly and northerly line of Estacada to the place of beginning. - In the matter of the petition of R. Rypzynsk! for a county road: Ordered that viewers meet at place of beginning of said road on the 15th day of January, 1908. In the matter of the petition of I D. Shank for a county road: Ordered that said matter be laid over untlj February term. In the matter of the petition of Chas. Hunter for a county road: Ordered that viewers meet at place of beginning of said road on the 15th day of January, 1908. In the matter of the petition for re moval of fences and obstructions in Blankenship road: Ordered that supervisor of Road District 34 cause all obstructions to be removed from said road. In the matter of petition of M. E. Kan die for rebate of taxes: Ordered that a warrant for $53.64 be drawn in favor of said petition in navment. nt Rfllri rphata ( r . chance with each ex traction at 50c. We are doing work on which other dentists have failed, and doing it with entire satisfac tion to our customers. TEETH