Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 17, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 aa
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
County of Clackamas. s,
To II. II. Hondo, Sheriff of Clackamas
County, Oregon, Greeting:
In tho iiaimo of tho HIhIu of Oregon
you Hiu homliy comiiiumltid t ndvor-
iH ami miii in dm manner provided
liy law tin several articles of personal
property nmi parcel of real property
uxiit which taxes havo been levied for
dn yi'nr lUOfl and which tiro marked
mid extended us unpaid ami dollnipiort
uioii Dim tax rolls for said year 19U0,
and (hut ) hi pay over all money no
collected to tint County Treusurur of
Cliiekuiua County, Oregon, as pro
vliU'il ly law,
WIIiiumm my hand and tho cal of
tin) County Court of Ilia Htato of Oro
Kon for tin) County of Clackamas,
thl 20th day of December, A. I). 1307.
Coiiuty of Clackamas. s.
I hereby certify thut tho foregoing
U a triio and correct copy of tho orlgl
mil warrant for tin collection of tho
Delinquent taxes for tha yuar 1900,
and tho whole, tin-roof of such original
now In my hands and that tho umo
wan p'oHviul hy trio on tho 20th day
of December, 11107.
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Clacka
mas ('utility, OreKon.
Now, therefore, In obodlenco to tho
r no tn u ti il of thn nnIiI altovo inentlou
i'd warrant, I will on tho
at dnt hour of 0 o'clock a. in., kt my
office In dm Clackamas County Court
llotino In Oregon City, Clackamaa
Ciiimty, Oregon, sell thi several tract
or parrel of real property embraced
In tho delinquent 11 Ht of Clackamas
County, Ori'Koti, for tho year 1900, anil
a ileNirlptloti of which property, tho
amount of taxes and the natno or tho
owner when known or pen on to whom
taxed, I an follows, tow't:
A nit. Du
Kiiatern Investment Co., Atkln-
non, lot 3 and 4, 9 70 acre.. 10. 08
Anna lloit, llartow, lot 4, l.lk 1. .C3
Anna Molt. Harlow, lot 9, ItlK U .63
Ci. W. (Wield. Harlow, lot 9. blk
2 C3
M. T. MnrrlH, Harlow, Fr'l blk 6 1.06
Harah H. Nordslrutu, Harlow.lot 8
hlk ti
John Catikt. (iat.ko'a Add. to
Harlow. oU 2 to 8, blk A.... 2.94
John Cattko. Oalrko'a Add. to
llnrlow. lotn 1 to C, blk C... 2.63
Kmina Dowty. Holton, lot 3, blk.
17 1.29
IW.Iton Ijind Co.. Holton. lot 1.
blk 33 94
Boring Junction Tract.
F. M. AlllHon, Boring Juiiiitlon'
triictM. Imnrovemcnt on tracts
11 and 12 ; 32.45
, Cambridge.
Peter Fisher. Combrldgo. lot 3
blk 31 1.38
Ilauiiuh Mucker. Canby. lota 2
and 3, block 2 7.74
Km ma J. Dowtv. Canby. lot ,
block 2 3.9G
Mm J Marlon. Canby. Iota 7
and 8, block 4 3.00
Clin Schmidt, holm. Canby. lota
6 Hud 0, block 6 6.48
A. K. Wulte, Canby, lot 6, block
11 54
A. 13. Walto, Canby, all of block
12 3.82
Mm. A. K. Lutourette, Canemah,
loin 1 and 2. blk 17 7.28
Mrs. A. E LotouroUe, Canemah,
lota 7 nnd 8, blk. 17 2.60
ltlchiird McMahon, Canemah, lots
3 and 4. blk 22 3.12
A. E. Wulte, Canemah, lot 4, blk
25 l.M
Johho C.lbb". Canemah, lotg 3, 4,
and r. blk 32 o
ChrlHtlitn Froebsol, Canemah, lot
3. blk C
I. O. Hambo, Canemah, lot 4, blk.
q 1.50
Elizabeth' lllnohart, Conomah,
frl title, not numbered, be
tween 45 and 40, lota 1, 7 and
Elizabeth ninehart, Canomah,
frl. blk., not numbered, be
tween 01 and 02, lota 1, 2, C,
7 and 8.., 130
Elizabeth Rlnchart, Canemah,
frl. bile, not numoorea, oe
tween 35 nnd 30, lot 1
Thomas Glbbs, na ties. In Record
of Deeds, Hook 03, pngo 415.
E. (1. Cutifleld, First Add. to Ca
nomah, lot 5, blk. O
Clackamaa Fruit Lande.
Mrs. Nellie 10. Godfrey, Clacka-
, fruit lnnds. lllllS. M. N. O
N. 2 acres of P, 8 acres. 8.42
Mrs. Nclllo E. Godfrey, Clacka-
n.na fruit lnmlH. 1)11(8. Q. It and
h r 07 acres 8.42
Clackamaa Heights.
A. O, Trampleasuro, Clackamaa
HelKlitH, sub. dlv. of blks. 19,
8 an an 81 and 3!L lot 2.
I.lnrlr SOTO 61
O. Schlndler Clncknmas llclghta,
Kh dlv. of blks. 19. 28. 29,
30, 31 and 39, lot 12, blk. 2911 .51
13. F. Kennotly, cincKamas
HolghtH, nub. dlv. of blks. 19,
9.R 2!). 30. 31 and 39. lots 1
ami 2. blk. 191 1.02
E. F. Konnody, Clackamas
Heights, Bub. dlv. of blks. 19,
28 29. 30. 31 and 39. lots 11
and 12, blk. 191 10.07
Clackamaa Park.
L. E. Williams, Clackamas Park,
E 1-2 of blk. 0 and E 1-2 blk.
7 7.
Eagle Creek.
Laura D. Stelnman, Eagle Croek,
A int. Duo
lot, R, blk. 0 27
O. W. V. Towtmlto Co., ICtacada,
lots 13, 14, IS and 10, blk. B. .12.65
blk. 8 1.73
O. W. V, TowiihIIii Co,, lOstacada,
lot 10, blk. 13 40
Mrs. 1. M. Corthlll, EHtacada, lot
10, blk. 14
I. I. Johnnon, Etttacada, lot 8,
blk. 15
Ii. A. IJvlngHton, First Add. to
EHtacada. lot 4, blk. 22 40
O. W, P. TowiiHlti) Co., First Add.
to Kntacada, lot 7. blk. 27....
It. li. CotirtwrlKbt, First Add. to
Kstacada. lot 2, blk. 28
O. W. V. Townslto Co., llrst Add.
to Kntacada, lots 1 and 2, blk.
O. W. !'. Townslto Co., First Add.
to EHtacada, lot C, blk. 31....
II. W. Downing. First Add. to
EMtacada. lota 3 and 4, blk. 34
O. W. I. Townslto Co., First Add.
lot 0, blk. 35 u
Mallory & Paulson, ZobrlHta
Add. to Eatacada, Iota 11 and
12, blk. 11 92
Friends' Oregon Colony.
E. J. Adklns, Friends' Oregon
Colony. 1 aero In NW corner,
blk. 116
Chas. Heott, Exr, Friends Oregon
Colony, all of ex. 1 acrd In N.
W. cornor, blk. 116, 3.45 acres.
E. J. Adklns, Friends of Oregon
Colony, blk. 110, 10 acres....
A. J. Kellum. Friends Oregon
Colony, blk. 117, 15.80 acres... 7.70
John II. (ilt)Hon, Gibson's sub. di
vision J. A. lAigun Tract, tracts
3 and4 4.50
M. F. McCowd, Gladstone, blks.
1 to 21. and frl. blks. A ant!
H. lot 12. blk. 9 102
H. C. Stevens, C.ladsUmo, blks.
1 to 21 and frl. blks. A and H,
lota 1 to 6, blk. 19 3.82
Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Assn., Gladstone, blks. 1 to 21
am frl. blks. A and B, lot 15,
blk. 20
Mary Wills, Gladstone, blks. 1
to 21. and frl. blks A and H.
lota 8 to 10, blk. 21;
Mrs. Mary Ileatley, Gladstone,
blks. 22 to 103 and frl. blks.
C to 11, lots 1 and 2, blk. 30... 11. 47
C. It. and I. Johnson, Gladstone. ,
blks. 22 to 103 and frl. blks. C
to II, lots 15 and 1C, blk. 45... 17. CO
W. II. Kelly, Gladstone, blks. 22
to 103. and frl. blks. C to II.
lots 11 and 12, blk. 61 '1-63
W. J. llauch, Gladstone, blks. 22
to 103 and frl. blks. C to H,
Iota 6 and C. blk. 75 163
West Cladstene.
W. J. Hloomor, West Gladstone,
lot 17. blk. 11
n k. Henderson. Went Gladstone,
lot 13, blk. 12 77
Lots Adjoining Gladstone park.
Harry W. Hull, part of as des. In
Ilorord of Deeds. Hook 61,
page 201, lot 110 4.08
Jettslo A. Glbbs, part of aa dCB. in
Hocor.l of needs. Hook C3. Dago
415. lot 110 61
Jennings Ledge.
A C. and F. K. ModBklns. Jen
nlnirs tidiro. lot 9 1 -90
n mi C. Klser. Jennings Lodge,
lots 20 and 21 3.04
h and C. Klser. Jennings uuge,
lots 27 and 28 3.04
n.t C. Klser. Jennings Lodge,
lot 37 9' 60
a r. and P. E. Hoditklna. -Jen
nings Lodge, lot 42. 1-90
n mid C. Klser. Jennings Lodge,
'lt 43 1.90
A. C. and F. E. Hodgklns, Jen
nines IiOtlito. Hoardman'a Add.
to, lot 20 -08
Linn City.
Walter Tomeroy, Linn City, lots
7, 8 and 9. blk. 1
m n WnUeman. Unn City, lots
5 and 6, blk. 8
Loaus Tracts.
Timonh Hawkins. Logus Tracts,
Tract 4, 14.91 acres
Johanna Huckey, Marchbanks,
lot 35. blk. 7
D. J. Huckley. Jr., Marchbanks,
lot 36, blk. 7
Win. Buckley, Marchbanks, lot
37. blk. 7
C. A. Govo, Marchbanks, lot 1,
blk. 9
Harriet Lie. Marchbanks. lot 2,
- - - ' '
b k. 9 u
Harriett Ijoo, Marchbanks, lots
3 to 6, blk. 9
C. A. Govo, Marchbanks, lot 8,
blk. 9
O. Svarvond and J. L. Frazlor,
MarchbankH, lots 12 to 15 dir.
C. A. Gove, Marchbanks, lot 16,
blk. 9 v ua
W. II. II. Gentry, part of as dos.
In Ilecord of Deeds, Book 78,
pago 89. lot 1, blk 2 3.20
reary Black, part of as dos. In
Record of Deeds, Book 78, page
89, lot 3, blk. 13 1.60
Mary E. Talbort, Talbert's Add.
tr Marshfleld. lot 2. blk. 20... .80
J. V. Hoots, Roots' Add. to
Marshfleld, lots 1 to 7, blk. 4.. 2.80
J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to
MarBhflold, lota 9 and 10, blk.
4 80
J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to
Marshfleld, lots 11 and 12, blk.
4 80
J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to
Marshfleld, lots 3 and 4. blk.
v 14 1.20
J. W. Roots, Roots Add. to
Marshflold, lot 1 an dall of ex
cept 4 foot off S side, of lot 2,
blk. 19.,.-. .70
iti(( "juiy
J. W. Hoots, Hoots' Add. to
Marslillold, lots 3 to 6, blk. 21. 1.60
J. W. Hoots, Hoots' Add. to
Mnrslinold, all of blk. 27 2,40
J. W. Hoots, Hoots' Add. to
Multifield, lots 4 to 7, blk. 28. 2.40
Tho Title Guarantee, & Trust
Co., W 57 ft. of Iota 4 and 5,
blk. 30 17.68
C. A. Cogswell, Mllwaukle, Cogs
well's First Add. to, blk, D...12.48
Mllwaukle Heights.
Francln Jwyor, Mllwaukle Hts.,
1-3 of lot 6, blk. 33
Mllwaukle Park.
Illbornla Havings Hunk, Mllwau
kin Park, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk.
4 , 1.38
J. (). I.O0, Mllwatiklu Park, lots
9, 10 and 11, blk. 4 1.38
klti Park, lots 14, 15 and 16,
blk. 4 1.38
ilbernla Having Hii'-k, Mllwuu-
kle Park? lot 8, blk. fi 40
Cll.ttbeth Hustlan, Mllwaukle
Park, lots 3 and 4, blk. 9 1.38
W. Ctirnfoot, Mllwaukle Park,
lot 10, blk. 9 7 40
Ilbernla Huvlngs Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lot 10, blk. 12
Ilbernla Having" Hank, Mllwau
kle Purk, lot 3, blk. 13 46
Ilbernla Havings Hunk, Mllwau
kle Purk, lot 1, blk. 14
Ilbernla Having Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lots 17 and 18. blk.
Ilbernla Havings Hank, Mllwau
kle Purk, lots 15 apd 16, blk.
Ilbernla Ravings Hunk, Mllwau
kle Purk. lot 1, blk. 23
Ilbernla Huvlngs Hank, Mllwau
kle Purk, lota 13 to 18, blk. 24 2.76
Ilbernla Havings Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lot 3, blk. 24
Illbornla Havings Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lots 13 to 1C, blk. 20.
Illbornla Havings Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lot 4, blk. 27
Hbomla Huvlngs Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lot 5, blk. 27
Illbornlii Having Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lota 6, 7, 10, 11. blk.
Ilbernla Savings Dank, Mll
waukle Park, lot 5. blk. C... 1.80
Ilbernla Havings Hank, Mllwau
kle Park, lots 9. 10, II. blk. C, 5.40
Chas. H. Mines, Mllwaukle Park,
lots 4 to 8, blk. D 8.10
Sellwood'e Add. to Mllwaukle
Fred Iohnian, Hcllwood'a Add. to
Mllwaukle, all of blk. 8 11.36
Thos. J. Clark, Sellwood's Add.
U Mllwaukle, lots 1 and 2,
blk. 9 6.20
J. Hendricks, Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 25, 26, 27,
blk. 12
J. II. WeHtcott, Mlnthorn Add. to
Portland, lota 14 to 25, blk. 13. 1.05
Mrs. Mary Iranian, Mlnthorn
Add. to Portland, lots 29, 30,
blk. 10 28
Ibmora Howe, Trustee, Mln
thorn Add. to Portland, lots 13
to 24, blk. 41 1.65
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, all of except 100
foot off north end of lots 19
and 20, blk. C8
Oregon I-nnd Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, all of except 100
feet off north end of lots 21
and 22. blk. 68
Oregon Ijtnd Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, all of except 100
feet off north end of lota 23
and 24. blk. C8 10
Ira Erb, Mlnthorn Add. to Port
land, lot 47, blk. 69
M. W. Sprngtie, Mlnthorn Add. to
Portland, lota 5 and 6, blk. 71
Oregon Iand Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 6 and 6, blk.
Jennie C. Reed, Mlnthorn Add. to
Portland, lots 7 and 8. blk. 72
E. and G. ltecd, Mluthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 9 and 10, blk.
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add.
- . .
to Portland, lotg 40 and 41,
blk. 73
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 3 and 4, blk.
Oregon iJtnd Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lotg 10 and 17,
blk. 77
Oak Grove.
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 16 to 19. blk.
J. S. White, Mlnthorn Add. to
Portland, lot 38, blk. 84 14
Oregon Itnd Co., Minthorn Add.
to Portland, lot 16. blk. 87....
Oregon IJind Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 25 and 20, blk.
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 7 to 14, blk.
Chas. B. Craven, Mlnthorn Add.
to Tortland, lots 16 to 19, blk.
Chos. B. Craven, Mlnthorn Add.
to Portland, lots 34 to 40, blk.
II. W. Hatch, Minthorn Add. to
Portland, lots 38 and 39, blk.
SellwootT Land and Imp't. Co..
Oak Grovo, block 36, 7 acres. 13. 30
Win. Wlckllne, Oak Grove, blk
49, 5 acres 9.50
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, blk. 61, 9.05 acres.. 18. 05
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, blk. 62, 10.20
acres .19.38
Wm. Wicklund, Oak Grove, blk.
54, 5 acres 9.60
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, blk. 60, 5 acres. . .20.90
SollwooJ Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grovo, blk. 67, 10.95 acres.26.98
Sellwood Land and1 Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, blk. 81, 11.55 acres.22.04
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, blk. 82, 14.25 acres.26.98
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, all of except N. 120
feet lot 4, blk. 7 1.14
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, 50x307 feet of lot
3, blk. 8 1.33
D. A. M. Mclntyre, Oak Grove,
all of except W'ly 210 feet lot
1, blk. 19 1.52
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, all of except as
des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 83, page 417, lot 2, blk.
Amt. Due
19, and tho E'ly 111x166 of lot
3, blk, 19 2.28
Sellwood Iand and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, E'ly 113 foot x 166
feet, lot 4, blk. 19 1.14
Sellwood Innd and Imp't. Co.,
Ouk Grovo, alt of except W.
217 feet lot 2, and all of exeflpt
W. 215 feet lot 3, blk. 80.... 3.04
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co,,
Oak Grove, all of except 220
feet of lot 4, blk.30 1.14
Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.,
Oak Grove, all West of R. R.,
lot 2. blk. 76 1.14
Peter Btollcr, Oak Grove, lots 6
and 7, blk. 87 9-88
(!. F. Smith, Trustee, Oak Grove,
lot 2, blk, 88 " .76
Clainlle Ijiwrence, Oak Grove,
lots 17 to 20, blk. 91 4
SeiiwiMxi Land ft impi. co., uan
Grove, 30x265.30 feet, that por
tion of Hazel at. N. of Tract 93,
vacated 1
O.egon City.
Eastern Inv. Co., Oregon City,
lot 7, blk. 13 B.'JO
Hank of Oregon City, Oregon
City, all of blk. 14 23. CO
Eastern Inv. Co., Oregon City,
lots l and 2, blk. 19 14.75
Hank of Oregon City, Oregon
City, all of blk. 43 6.90
Hunk of Oregon City, Oregon
City, all of blk. 44 29.50
Jane Baxter, Oregon City, lot 2,
blk. 45 4.Z3
Harriet Moser, Oregon City, lot
3, blk. 45 Z.95
larrlet Mosler, Oregon City, lot
6, blk. 45 1.47
June Baxter. Oregon City, lot 7,
blk. 45 Z.&
G. Hambo, Oregon City, lot
3, blk. 40. ; 11.80
Katherlne Healy, Oregon City,
w'ly 12 lot 4, blk. 47 4.43
ennle Meldrum. Oregon City, lot
2, blk. 68 8.85
Ivy Straight. Oregon City, lots 2
to 8, blk. 72 10.33
Helen L Stratton, Oregon City,
e'ly 14 of lot 1 and o ly 5-6 of
lots 3. 4, 5, e'ly 3 4 of lot 6, and
the e'ly 1-8 of lot 7. blk. 84.. 6.49
Helen L. Stratton. Oregon City,
all of blk. 85 4.72
Helen L. Stratton, Oregon City,
lot 1 and the e'ly end of lots 2
and 3, blk. 8C 1.18
Eaatern Inv. Co., Oregon City, all
of blk. 87 11.80
Helen L. Stratton. Oregon City,
all of blk. 89 11.80
Helen L. Stratton, Oregon City,
all of blk. 90 4.72
Helen I j. stratton, Oregon City,
all of blk. 91 4.72
Mahala Eaton (holrs), Oregon
City, lot 6, blk. 97 7.37
Otto Deute, Oregon City, 60xC6
feet lot 4, blk. 112 5.1C
Chas. Scott, Oregon City, lot 3,
blk. 120 2.9
E. K. Campbell. Oregon City, lots
3 and 4, blk. 123 11.80
L. D. Ixmard, Oregon City, lot
7, blk. 123 7.37
E. K. Campbell, Oregon City, lots
3 and 4, blk. 149 4.43
W. F. Whlllock, Oregon City, lot
5, blk. 173 3.54
Alex Simmons, Oregon City, lot
0, blk. 173 12.33
W. F. Lehigh, Oregon City, lots
3. 4, 6. blk. 177 1.77
G. W. Woellener, Oregon. City An
nex. lots 15 and 10, blk. 2 19
Theresa Finds, Oregon City An.
nex. lot 18, blk. 2 10
Leopold Troendle, Orogon City
Annex, lots 1 and 2, blk. 4....
Peter Hagerlk, Oregon City An
nex, lots 1 and 2. blk. 6 19
M. J. Downes, Oregon City An
nex, lots 1 and 2, blk. 13 12
August Boomer, Oregon City An
nex, lot 4, blk. 13 07
Frank Warren, Oregon City An
nex, lot 2. blk. 18 05
T. A. McBrlde, County Add. to
Oregon City, lots 1 to 5, 6, blk.
34 3Z.45
T. A. McBrlde, County Add. to
Oregon City, lot 8 33.93
G. W. Grace (heirs), County Add.
to Oregon City, e'ly 60 feet lot
3, blk. 42 2.36
G. W. Grace (heirs), County
Add. to Oregon City, e'ly 50
feet lot 4, blk. 32 4.72
Geo. Boylan, County Add. to Ore
gon City, lot 2, blk. 47 2.95
Geo. Boylan, County Add. to Ore
gon City, lot 7, blk. 47 6.63
Sarah J. Randolph, County Add.
to Oregon City, blk. E 1.48
Mitchell. Louis & Staver Co.,
Darnell's Add. to Oregon City,
lots 1 and 2, blk. 1 2.95
John R. Edwards, Darnell's Add.
to Oregon .City, lot 4, blk. 1.. 2.95
Anna Boylan, Darling's Add. to-
Oregon City, 1-2 of lots 4 and
1-4 blk. 4 6.79
Geo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg-
wood Add. to Oregon City, lot
io, bik. 2 -as
Geo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg
wood Add. to Oregon City, lot
12, blk. 2 25
Geo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg
wood Add. to Oregon City, lot
13. blk. 2 38
E. A. Newton, Edgwood Add. Ao
Oregon City, lot 11. blk. 3 26
Mrs. M. E. Johnson, Edgwood
Add. to Oregon City, lot 18,
blk 6 ..76
Alex Bolle, Edgwood Add. to
Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 7 6-86
W. W. May, Ely Add. to Oregon.
City, lot 1, blk. 1 28
E. O. Seeley, Falrview Add. te
Oregon City, 1-2 of lots 4 and
5 and 6, blk. 2 10.32
E. O. Seeley, Falrview Add. to
Oregon City, lots 15, 16 and 1-2
of 17, blk. 2 2.58
Chas. A. Ross, Falls View Add.
to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10,
blk. 1 2.95
David Fanchor, Falls View Add.
to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10.. 2.95
Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add
to Oregon City, lot 4, blk. 4. .. . 1.48
Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to
Oregon City, lots 7 to 10. blk.
4 8.85
Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to
Oregon City, lot 6, blk 5 1.47
R. G. Pierce, Falls View Add. to.
Oregon City, lots 12 and 13, blk;
8 2.36
Sophrona M. Riggs, Fall3 View
Add. to Oregon City, lot 5, bl'K.
20A 10 .,32
Amt. Due I
Clara P. Williams. Fal s View
Add. to Oreeon City, lot 6. blk. 1
20A 9.74 I
Clara P. Williams. Falls View I
Add, to Oregon City, lot 8, blk.
20A ." '2.36 I
Clara P. Williams, Falls View ,
Add, to Oregon City, lot 10 blk.
20A 2.95
Helen M. Stratton, administra
trix, Falls View Add. to Oregon
Cltv. lot 13. blk. 20H 73
Henry Bchlrick, Falls View Add, I
in (irfucn Cltv. lot 3. b k. 25.. .89 I
n V. Howell. Green P.o nt. lot 2. I
blk. 4 3.83 I
nnit f.f nrecon Cltv. Metes and I
Hounds to Oreeon C tr as des 1
In Record of DeedB Book 74, I
Pace 156. 1 acre 6.90 1
Samuel Marrs.Metes and Bounds
to Oregon City, as des in Rec
ord of Deeds Book 22, Page
453, 180 acres 26.65
Georgo Lawrence, Jr., Metes
and Bounds to Oregon City as
ties In Record of Deeds, Book
61, Page 132, 32x50 feet, und.
'A each
II. M. and W. M. Cake, Metes and
Bounds V) Oregon City as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 61,
pago 132, 32V4x50 feet, und. V4
each 63.10
Margaret J. Wisher, Mountain
View Add. to Oregon City,
und. lot 7, blk. 3 14
Margaret J, Wisher, Mountain
View Add. to Oregon City,
und. '4 lot 8, blk. 3 .15
W. and Priest J. Scleman, Moun
tain View Add. to Oregon City,
lot 8. blk. 4 45
J. A. and L. E. Thayer, Mountain
View Add. to Oregon City, lot
9. blk. 4 44
Grace E. Loder, Mountain View
AUU. VJ V.l-BU 4.
1 J.I A rUtwr -1 .1L-
Grace E. Loder, Mountain View
S'JmvT ' 1 is
a .1 r ft.- .! inn
Ella I Caufleld, Mountain View
Add. to Oregon City, lot 16,
blk. 3 2.21
Anna S. Warren, Park Add. to
Oregon City, lots 9 and 10. blk.
10 3.54
Katie Hart, Park Add. to Oregon
City, lots 6 and 7. blk. 16 8.41
Matilda O. Miller, Parker Hill
Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 and
2. blk. 1 1.41
Geo. Shipley, Pleasant Place Add.
to Oregon City, lots 8 aad 9,
blk. 3.64
John Bastarch, Shaw'a First Add.
to Oregon .City, lot 9. blk. 7 38
Herman Schaeffer, Shaw's First
Add. to Oregon City, lota 11
and 12, hlk. 7 76
W. S. Wright, Shaw's First Add.
to Oregon City. lot3 14 and 15.
blk. 7 77
Caroline Fischer, Shaw's First
Add. to Oregon City, lot 16,
blk. 1., 38
L II. Wasserman, ScutlPoregon
City, lots 4 and 5, blk. 2 1.84
D. C. Telford, South Oregon City,
lot 6, blk. 2 92
Edwin Collins, South Oregon
City, lot 11, blk. 8 69
E. K. Campbell, West Side Add.
to Oregon City, lots 10 to 14,
blk. 3 7.05
Chas. R. Johnson, Oswego, lot 12.
blk. 28 96
Mary E. Weber, Oswego, lot 1,
blk. 31 1.68
C. Rondeau, Oswego, lot 14, blk.
32 96
Adam List, Oswego, lots 1 and 2,
Mir 51 1 95
G. E. Russell and C. L. Smith,
Oswego, lots 7 and 8, blk. 33.. 1.92
F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego,
lot 2. blk. 34 96
F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego,
lot 7. blk. 34 96
Geo. McBaln, Oswego, lot 9, blk
34 96
F. F. and C. E. Smith, Oswego,
lot 10, blk. 34 96
Geo. McBaln, Oswego, lots 12 to
14. blk. 34 2.88
F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego,
lot 15, blk. 34 96
M. Diller, Oswego, lot 1, blk.
44 96
F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego,
Tnf 1 nn) 7 i t ifi 1
Pacific States Savings Building
Loan Co.. Ett of lots 18, 19
and 20, blk. 138 1.36
E. W. Cornell, South Oswego,
lots 1 and 2, blk 29... 48
Geo. L. Tarrish, South Oswego,
lots 3 and 4. blk. 29 48
E. H. Hablghorst (trustee), South
Osweco. Iota 5 to 7. blk. 20.. 1.08
L. A. CaphaltSouth Oswego,
lots Sand 9. blk. 36 .7
J. D. Lee (trustee), South Oswe
go, lota 10 to 12, blk. 36 1.08
J. F. Dickson, South Oswego. lot
13, blk. 36 36
E. II. Hablghorst (trustee), S.
Oswego, lot 14, blk. 36 36
Nancy Wilton, South Oswego,
lot 15, blk. 36 36
Nancy Wilton, South Oswego,
tot 5, blk. 42 36
J. D. Lee (heirs), South Oswego,
lots 6 to 9, blk. 42 96
E. W. Cornell, South Oswego,
lots 1 to 6, blk. 45 1.80
E, W. Cornell, South Oswego,
lots 1 4to 18, blk. 45 1.80
E. W. Cornell, South Oswego,
all of blk. 59 6.48
E. H. Hablghorst (trustee), Os
wego Heights, E6 of blk. 4,
12.85 aeres 1.20
Geo. McKinnaB, Parkplace, lots
7 and 8, blk. 3 5.87
Louis Dickleman, Parkplace, lots
9, 10 and s'ly V of 11, blk. 4.. 12. 11
Florence B. Shepard, Apperson
Sub. Div. of lots 5, 6. 7, Park- '
place, lot 1, blk. 5 1.02
V. M. Moore, Apperson Sub. Div.
of lots 5, 6, 7, Farkplace, lot
9, blk. 7.... 1.02
M. M. and H. G. Lee, Appe-son
Sub. Dlv. of lots 5. 6, 7, Park
place, lots 15 and 16. blk. 9.... 2.04
Mrs. W. Galloway, Sub. Dlv. of
Sub. Div. of lots 5, 6, 7, Park
place, blk. C 6.12
Louisa Praeger, First Add. to
Parkplace, lots 2 to 5, blk. 1.. 4.08
Mary E. Huerth, Straight's Add.
to Parkplace, lots 2 and S, blk.
1 10.33
Mrs. W. aGlloway, Sub. Div. of
Amt. Due
blk. V, cy J. A. Chase, rarit-
place, lots 6 to 8, blk. U 8.06
Emma Galloway, Bub. Dlv. of
blk. D, by J. A. Chase, Park-
place, blk. v.... 7. 30.60
People's Transportation Co.'a Lota.
Daniel Harvey, people's Trans-
portatlon Co.'s lots, lot 1.
Pleasant Little Homes.
Thomas Huston, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 1, lot 9..
T. II, Smith, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 1, lot 60 18
Sam ue Hwanson. Fleasani Lliu
Homes No. 3. lot 18, blk. 1 21
M. A. Honeyman, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3. lots 31 and 32.
b k. 2 &
M. A. Honeyman, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3, lots 1 and 2,
blk. 3
Lucy K. Richards, Pleasant Lit
tle Homes No. 3, lots 3 and 4,
blk 3
John Watrin, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3, lota 22 to 28,
blk. 4 1.89
John Watrin, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3, lots 8 to 14, blk.
3 1.89
John Watrin, Pleasant Little
Homes, lots 22 to 28, blk. 4 . . . . 1.89
A. R. Burford, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3, lots 17 to 21, blk.
5 , 1.35
A. R. Burford, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3, lots 13 to 17,
blk. 6 1.35
Arthur R. Cummins, Pruneland,
lot 68 10.00
G. W .Allen, Robertson, lot 11,
blk. 2 6 6
Francis W. Dwyer, Robertson,
lot 12, blk. 3 80
Mrs. Lizzie Lord, Robertson, lot
9, blk. 20 81
L(zzle j. Robert,, ,Qt
I wli. nn
ll ' 'Ji'a' h
I i w rv
Matthew Brown, Rockland, lot
1, blk. 5 18
Rosewood. ..
O. I & S. Co., Rosewood, lot 76.. 3.10
Saffran'a Peninsula.
O. I. & 8. Co. Saffran's Penin
sula, tract A 4.50
O. I. & S. Co., Saffran's Penin
sula, tract F 5.o0
Sunset City.
Peter J. Winkle, Sunset City, all
of except 8x80 feet of lots 8
and 9, blk. 21 7.76
Waverly Heights.
Henry F. Cannon, Waverly Hgts.,
blk. 4 28.19
Frank J. Finger, Wichita, blk. 7. 2.7
Frank J. Finger, Wichita, blk 10 2.76
Willamette Fall.
J. S. Beavans, Willamette Falls,
lot 11, blk. 12 6.72
Willafette Tracts.
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
tracts A and B, blk. 23 2.10
E. F. Grider, Willamette Tract,
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 92, page 431, 1 acre, blk.
32 42
Charles Moehnke, Willamette
Tracts, S. 125 feet x 193 feet,
blk. 32 21
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
Tracts, lot A, blk. 37 1.05
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
Tracts, lot A, blk. 40 1.05
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
Tracts, lot 6, blk. 62 84
Ella Schwing, Windsor, lots 5
and 6, blk. 1 1.68
H. C. Allan, Windsor, lots 5 and
6, blk. 2 1.68
John H. White, Windsor, lots 9
to 10 1.88
William Roche, all of blk. A.... 7.52
S. C. and E. Parker. Windsor,
lot 1. blk 7 94
S. C. Parker, Windsor, lots 2 and
3, blk. 7 1.88
Mead Hamilton, Windsor, lot 4,
blk. 11 94
L. L. Porter, Windsor, lots 3 to
5, blk. 15 2.82
G. A. Hoffman. Windsor, lots 9
and 10, blk. 15 1.88
C. E. Warren, Windsor, lots 11
and 12, blk. 17 1.88
Annie Brlsterfeldt, Windsor, lot
3, blk. 21 94
Township 3 South, Range 1 West
Elmer Calkins, twp. 3 S, range 1
W 43 acres, as des. in Rec
ord of Deeds, Books 91 and 92,
pages 625 and 85. sec. 4, twp.
3, range 1 W, 43 acres 4.14
L. M. Herron, as des. in Record of
Deeds, Book S, page 281, sec.
4, twp. 3, range 1 W, 82.34
acres 13.68
William Scott, W of Vf of
SE14 sec. 8, twp. 3, range 1
W, 40 acres 8.64
T. M. Baker, E of SW. sec.
9, twp. 3, range 1 W, 80 acres. 14. 85
John Zumwalt D. L. C. No. 49.
G. W. Yergan, lot 4, sec. 27, twp.
3, range 1 W, 19.68 acres 3.51
M. C. and L. A. Young, 194
Zumwalt D. L. C. No. 49, 194
46-100 acres as des. in Rec
ord of Deeds, Book 62, page
171, sees. 20, 21, 28, 29, twp. 3,
range 1W 17.64
R. B. Graham, 113 60-100 acres as
des. in Record of Deeds, Book
92, page 274, sees. 20, 21, 28,
29. twp. 3, range 1 W 36.54
Township 4 South, Range 1 West.
Chas. Schneider, 10 acres in SW
4 of SEU and SE cor of NEVi,
of SE!4, sec. 1, twp. 4, range 1
W 1.9Q
William Elliott D. L. C. No. 45.
Isabel Pope, W& of William El
liott D. L. C, sees. 11, 12, i3,
14, twp. 5, range 1 W 116.91
John Newman D. L. C. No. 73.
Clyde Alnsworth, 2 50-100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 91, page 350, 5 acres,
sees. 24 and 25, twp. 5, range
1 W 1.45
S. K. Noel, as des. In Record of
Deeds, Book 88, page 233,
sees. 24 and 25, twp. 5, range
1 W 90
Geo. Wills D. L. C. Nos. 42, 68.
C. R. Wills, 25 40-100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Books
I, 58, pages 237, 24, sees. 3,
25, 26, twp. 1, ranges 1 and 2
E, except as des. In Record
of Deeds, Book 94, page 294,
, sees. 3, 25, 26, twp. 1, ranges
I 1 and 2 E 32.01
E. L. Thompson, 6 92-100 acres
I as des. in Record of Deeds,
sees. 3, 25, 26, twp. 1, ranges